xt75qf8jh850 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75qf8jh850/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-02-04 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 04, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 04, 1983 1983 1983-02-04 2020 true xt75qf8jh850 section xt75qf8jh850 . . 1 ' ' ' ., 1"‘:._..
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i' 3 l‘
K .._ ‘1 ‘ 1:
. >1
, " " I The most colossal mini-series ever pro- , V
u. duced for television, Herman Wouk's
.1 "The Winds of War," will reach the
i ' , small screen Sunday night. Featuring an
«‘ all-star cast that includes llebert Mitch- -————-——-—
~-~——~~~~ » i um and Ali MacGraw. the program cost
$40 million to produce. For a preview of
1 . the epic, lee IIISTNIONI'II, page 3.
1 .v" -"' .ér .— or“
Vol. LXXXV, No. l07 Friday, February 4, 1983 An independent student newspaper University of Kentucky. Lexington Kentucky
Phillippi says inaction continues
SSRFIobbies Un ' e 't S to for Robinson Forest stand
__ 1 _ 1 , _ .. __—_____ ken on the issue like the students It lists benefits derived from the mining and coal will benefit only a “It is nowhere near realizing its
‘ ‘ . -~ . By BlLL STEIPEN are,” she said yesterday. "And the use of the forest as an educational very few people. full potential."
"1" ' 1, 7' Editor-mChlef faculty is more charged. with 'main- laboratory andtasks the senators to “The University should use the Despite her criticisms of the Sen
9,", ‘ 1,1, :l taming. the. academic Integrity of pass ‘a resolution apposmg timber forest to advance the future of East ate. Phillippi said she is optimistic it
, __-__,,_.___._ this UniverSity than the students." farming there. slated for consider- em Kentucky by producing research w,“ take a stand agamsi me Umber
,. Q. , 1 ' 1 ' ‘ In an effort to encourage the Sign ation at their Feb. 14 meeting. for the timber production that will farming proposal
: , 3 ‘t- ’33:;- _ The UNVGTSI‘Y Senate Still hasnt ate to take a stand. she said Stu— At its December meeting the be the inevitable base of Eastern ”l think Donald lvey (Senate
, ~ . L r. 1&1 done enough to combat a proposal dents to Save Robinson Forest has Board of Trustees voted to in'vesti- Kentucky's economy after the coal chairman) is going to encourage the
. E :1. . 5“ by members 0f the Board Of Trust- mailed letters to each of the sen- I ill 'b” - - runsout "Phlllipplsaid Senate to pass the resolution
1 {23 ‘ .5 fig. ees to allow timber farming in Rob- ators. pressing for the passage of a giane 85:31:21:ng gel‘g‘gtmlngslgg- It is also an invaluable research (against timber farmingi,” she said.
.1 , ' V. a.» ‘5’ inson Forest, Ann Phillippi, presi- resolution opposing timber farming terrigbeol’eunder fire from SSRlil‘ ail; and training ground for future for» adding she has received "a large
‘ ' V ' "173' geflgi’lsasitggzggrdlgysave ROMEO" in m: 14,252-acre UniverSityowned other groups it had voted down a esters and other specialists. she number" of letters from turrilty
. 1' « we. 0 . . ores . ‘ - . 'd. be rt' h {forts
.2) ~. .. . - - . 1 . roposal to allow coal in n n th 53' mem rssuppo ing ere
" I think the liniverSity Senate has The Six-page letter. including a P‘under present Circumstailcesg" ere “Robinson Forest serves as a mir- lvev. reached last night said he is
f “'1 l .. postponed the issue," Phlll‘l’l" said. list Of all research Projects on the ' ror of comparison for anything we opposed to timber farming in the
. _ In an address to the Student Govem- forest completed last year and their “1 agree with Mr (Brereton) do to the environment," she said. forest But he said he will make no
;. . . ment AssoCiation Senate last month. funding — totaling $406400 AA argues Jones (a Trustee who supports timb- “Just as a doctor must know what effort tosway the Senate‘s vote
1 “ she critictzed the Universny Senate against “the myth raised by certain er farming in the forest) that the the metabolism of a healthy person “i don‘t encourage." he said "i
' 3 for“abandoning the issue. Board members. that research in forest must be used to benefit the is before he can figure out what's just present it "
ANN PHILLIPPI ”It bothers me because (the son the forest should be ‘self-support- people of Eastern 'Kentucky." Phil- wrong with you. the forest can serve Also. he declined to predict the
ators) have not been really outspO- ing,‘ " lippi said. “But usmg the forest for asamodel for reclamation efforts. SeelNACTION, pages
v o“ . 4,1,
Three truckers fired on; one hurt * . ‘_ 1 «s
. A I 5“,...3/1:1:4é’1a ‘1
One truck driver's face was cut by flying glass and two said , ' . .1“; 1' ' 1 :13 . '11] Q“
their trucks were damaged by gunshots yesterday in the . l 1, i , 1 .. ’1’: 1 1 3“; 1:55:52;
fourth day of the independent truckers' strike. . I 3 5 l ' [3's :31, 1:. {£132.33d11 .1 13...?” V lead *1,
.3 Wade Wilbert suffered minor facial cuts when a shot hit 1- .. i, , . , ; 1.. 1113‘." $3343? "133} . :5”
E3 his windshield about l:15 a.m. on interstate 65 near Eliza- ' ,; ‘1’ " 13%” 5.23:1? i: 3W
g bethtown, state Trooper Rick Stout said. ”r,“ “ v . . 1 ' _» .‘ ~ ' " j 111; “a hoof}; ; 1}. 3
7 Michael T. Pardue, driving a truck for Holly Forms of ‘ j l . 3 11m ff- jug", Signage“ {e x .. {E’s
. Wilkesboro, NC, said his grill and radiator were damaged '- Q;._',~=-. "1., .. ff 1. A 139,5 ft“ $331,111 w”23;§‘§§’ ’3” ’3-1»
by a shot fired from a group of four or five vehicles that .11: l ' 3'6 . , 5 ' ' 1.111111111112111; “* ”Ail/ax» 1; will“?
" pursued him on U.S. 23 near Greenup in Northeastern Ken- ~ "’5: , . gs; ‘ , 1.1.11; «31%;: 1’ f" -.&3 1,111, 1-
i tuckv- Stout soid- . . 7’ ' 1 “ 5;. a, ,. 7‘ g»;‘,,.‘1 .
Virgil Charlton of Indianapolis said his truck was dam- .2” fi" .- I 5”” '” ' ‘1 A’ l ' . . 1,‘11§:§§"’"‘31v‘3;é,f 4;? lo ‘
f. aged by a shot fired at about 5:30 a.m. from an overpass ‘31: ”if”? 5'. ' 11 .1 ‘ ' ' - .. 3‘ .~ 1 1 _:,1' jgrvogotg‘éoqfijég.. 1111*55'.
gel near Slaughters, l0 miles north of Madisonville on the Pen- " 7 '1‘ - ' ' ’ " ~ » z ” ' 3 r 93 M AM “M" «K “‘mmfi i1
,3 nyrile Parkway, state Trooper Stan Jones said. , 9“ ,3 ' ' " " ' ‘ ’ ‘ '
e :f» 5 .
t; ChargeegainetEPA-ohietstands a:
it. . ' ’. . ,
ll 2 3 ‘ W“*{Z“&*u 53;” we, ‘ l "‘ ' . «w: "r. . 1..., ewes... syn...) « f. _ . . .
:51. WASHINGTON —— A federal judge yesterday reiected the '. it? go 33’ 1&1"; fig?“ .M' 1 111.511.». L:-’ 1.: 1%,11‘1“ g . 1 ‘1 . .5???” .1;
: Reagan administration's attempt to sidestep a contempt of 1 . V. g ..,,.;M.;Wi§;§;.ifik 111.315 "2$“%~ :31" M 3,. - 3. 131;” >-
t' Congress case against Anne M. Gorsuch, Environmental ‘ -‘ save: ,‘ f .» K‘s». «five s‘ «if-{.349(fig-1.33.3331 6’1; .‘ .Qi. 33'3“
~. - . . {saga . .. fi~r"$.§‘-- -. ,.-at . “ 5.1g»??? «’(‘t 1"“ng «gen. M3 . . .:. ¥- .,
Protection Agency chief, the highest administration official , a .- ”Wing 311%? ,‘..1"1”.".,:111115-33. t1. «3”,..on t4, - .31 {21:14
« ever to be so charged. "_"t 1., €115?“ flags: 3.11% “.36. " J j' is: 1%??? g!" ":s l ' $138.!" .g . i‘t‘ iié“'7.'13
US. District Judge John Lewis Smith Jr. said he would f .2 3.1 $153.11 élg‘éafi.‘ 1f::'w,§§i;fi _ . '1 " ' Q a?» 1‘
1. not intervene, for now, in the historic battle between the .g‘f. :1 ”‘w “t fsfifigkpfis §v1§$ ‘figéiiz: ‘ l 31"” l g fat: 3,431“
: executive branch and the House, where Gorsuch was cited _. 1‘31 .. 1"“, 1.3;, 141:5; 3???” «7.11;. . gap 211‘; «r. . 111...: 43 . K ,1 1 1 = 1g, 6'":
‘ ‘17... . 21$” twang.) W: £5531“: , ,1 4%” 1.11.- 311. g g s: 1‘ )7. l . » fl'§?r; ( ; gr
7. for contempt Dec. l.6' ' >3.e....$ ' ' 3hkw‘;¥°&?£*§tso fig’fiio'éogx3'55 ,. “7% 9:232;
.2- The administration had petitioned the court to throw out - “5""? _. 1. ’2? . ,1: ft” .1 ,. , ".. 1; "’43; £5“ .: 15,, ..“;1 « '. ; .‘, , ._ . . he) . 3%
f the case so the Justice Department would not be obliged to ' 1 ' 4 ‘ “a" " ' ‘ “f“ . .\ .: ’ ,g‘t . ‘4 ‘5;
: present the House charge to a grand iury for indictment. ‘ be i r . ' l . ‘ 1
‘ ButSmith dismissed that appeal. -'_ / .3 '
E The House voted 259 to 105 to cite the Gorsuch for con- 1%» g"! ' ‘ ' 8...“. .....
‘ tempt after she refused, on Reagan's order, to give sensi- :1- :' ‘ '91,
five law enforcement documents on hazardous waste dumps J’s-.15; ~. ' ' ’
to a House subcommittee. Just after the vote, the Justice ~' 1 \v
1 Department filed its first suit over against Congress, nam- '
l ing the House, Speaker Thomas P. O'Neill, committee chair~ 3’
. men and the Chamber's officers as defendants. i, . " " ‘ .
. . 1 1““ W“ “Y Q. _
.1 a»... ,3. 1 e... f“ ‘1 ;.,_" 1‘ 1-. ..: . . ‘ _
I ’ » «MY. ”"35 '7‘ . .K ,
l Drug I!” 7.0“”, government ”V8
JO VANNOOSI “a 3:: vi"
i e f h e
. WASHINGTON — The epidemic of drug abuse that plagued 5'9" 0 t e "mes
. the United States in the 19605 and 1970: is recedln some- -
what, the government said yesterday. Still, one out gt three Anlumdenmed bf‘CYhCm' "Nels :th:se Street during it: first $2022,@2222;ngzdnlgyretrasxzlit::ezjvnple of days the
Americans over age 12 has tried drugs and one high school rea snowstorm o l 9 season W K ll Lexington yeSler CY a ‘ p U p g
. senior in to uses marijuana daily. . ‘
Department of Health surveys showed that one of three Assooate deans may step down
Americans over age 12 has tried some kind of illicit sub-
stance. Although the proportion of high school seniors who I
.... ies etween e enter ra c on propose
than one in 10 in 1978, the proportion remains at one senior '
in lb. 5)
Cocaine use, which spread rapidly during the late "70;, ByA‘VDREWOPPMAN’N order not to . . form two schools. Singletary. in a recent interview. . a
has stabilized at 29 pefCOn' of m. population aged l8 ,0 25’ News Editor we recommended to iPreSident ()tis said he deliberately delayed restruc— .“ . 6
the re orts said Singletary) that the dean of the tunng the Graduate School program l5"
9 ' _,‘.-fi-._.. . Graduate School report jointly to until he and other administrators
each of the two Chancellors as it re» had time to study its needs and hear ‘ »
Alum" wmndgd in 5' 8.]wa The administration of the Grad- lates to the parts under their juris- suggestions from faculty members - a , 4.‘
uate School. left afloat between two diction “ "I put a proposal in front of them d 0 £ - .
sections of the University after a re- The idea. he said. Is to bring Bo and asked them to advise me on ,1; . c
3AM SALVADOR, II Solved" _ 5m“ Sgt. J, 1’, Stonlgy, organization of UK's top administrav somworth into the decision—making their Views before l go to the Board A” , - ' 1
' - - tion last summer. will not become a process. of Trustees about the structure of 1 .
- 25610" American military “‘d.." w'as wounded yeste'rday house divided. In order to facilitate the process. the Graduate School under the reor- '
1 W " "dmg ° h9l'C0P’9' ”'0' 0 "l" roadblock '" U" utan Wimberly Royster. Graduate he said. two new associate ganization.“ Singletarysaid r
i P'°Vl"“- H. was ”‘9 "'5' U.S. servicemen casualty l" "‘0 3' School dean. yesterday said a propo- deanships in the Graduate School “The proposal." he Said. "is ha»
: year-old war. sal to be presented to the Board of will be tstablished if the proposal is Sically to keep one single Graduate 1 ,
; In Washington, a state department spokesman said Stan- “mm—'5' if approved. Will allow him approved 5"th for "‘9 Whole 3““ wan; i ' \ J
. - . 1 after July 1 to report to both Main The new positions associate going to have one Gra uatc Sc no
i :0)! had beznshot m th'e :pp" l‘l: l.“ and res'tlng m satls Campis Chancellor Art Gallaher dean of the Medical Center graduate under the graduate dean But the l 1
E “er con "'°" '"°s° V° oron m' itory spite. and Peter Bosomworth. chancellor programs and associate dean of graduate dean lS gomg to be on the
, ' of theUK MedicalCc-nter graduate fellowships —- would effeo staffs of both chancellors "
' Currently Royster directs grad- tively place the Graduate School Donald Ivey. i'niverSity Senate
i uate programs related to colleges dean on the staffs of both the main chair. said the Senate Council rec
‘ and schools under the separate ju- campis and Medical (‘enter chan- ommended the restructuring to Sin
! risdictions of Gallaher and Bosom- cellors.’l‘he latter. he said. would re- gletary for presentation to the 1
, _——— worth, but reports only to Gallaher. sult from a combination of two part- Board. "We endorsed «the proposal)
) ' “Prior to the reorganization. there time associate deanships in the and I sent a letter ibacking it) to the
i W was no direct responsibility of the GraduateSchool president.“ he said "Nobody raised WIMIIII-Y IOYSTII
dean of the Graduate School to the The current associate deans. Brad any serious objections to it "
vice president of the Medical (‘en- Canon. 3 political science professor. Vincent Yeh. Student Government the Medical Center share the Similar
ter." Royster said. “Now iif the pro and Ronda Connaway. a professor of Assttciation Graduate School sen concemsof other students,
. posal is approved). there will be a social work. will not serve in the ator. said he was pleased the Grad- "It will be interesting to see how it
direct line of responsibility to the Graduate School after July 1 if the uateSchool was not dii'ided works." Royster said “It's a new
Wm?- My “NH “1 M”! C M... “ ,5- chancellor of the Medical Center proposal is approved. Royster said. “I thinks it's wonderful that the venture in the sense you have 3
Monty deer OM OH ”9 with a low at I. to and the main campus chancellor. because both believed they could not Graduate School is remaining as one large unit of the University - the
"- ‘v‘lt's a slight alteration of what's serve in the planned full-time posi- unit." he said “The students doing Graduate School — and it Will oper-
. already in effect." he said. "In tion. graduate work in the five colleges at ate under twochancellom " '
“w ate-e rd-‘.».-“' ' ‘ " ' .

 .3? '0a ....,...‘ ., . ..- _'. _......a .a.-. .»..-._.,. y.‘ ._ . ~._ .~"".’ ‘
t t
Keene“ l ‘
It" I006". W W John W Steven W. Lot-om “at I. led..- J... VII-Noon Don Cllfiovd
Editor in-Ch-d News Editor Avtl Editor Sport; Editor Spooal Ftoiottt Edltcii Photo Editor Graphics Editor
PBRSI IASION WW. W. W ............. ........... ....-..... .......
Mann-widow idilo'ialldi'm AuisiamAnu Editor AuntontSponstd-ior SpociulP'oiottsAuuiont Chief Photographer (npyDeyt-t' M
____.__,,_ ______—____—_____________________—___________—_—______ ’
W CW”... "2 1., ,0 seems i
When SSRF'S concerned "”‘W Y” "" M's"; TEE: 9.; EC...“ ‘
I wno LOVE. 5qu GATHERth a , r « I
Singletary gets Reaganitis » . i
. . i . , . . z : . ‘5 8 ‘

It seems to hit only those in power. That s sponded to the pres1dent s remark With in- . ‘/ . i
the only explanation for President Otis Sin- dignation. _ ‘5 (3 fl — y ' 6 . Q a i
gletary's succumbing two weeks ago to the “If this is quoted correctly . . . she said, i ., I .fl 0// .1 , i
mysterious ailment that sometimes incapaci- “I want to write Singletary a letter deploring lé‘fi _. ' t t' a _‘ , (a , 9 ‘.
tates a slightly more visible chief executive. his attitude toward people who actually care v , , , ’T‘ ‘C we , , 1

It's surprising that Singletary has allowed about this UniverSity. .. .. If he tlunks we t ‘/ (I ((7 e.“ g . “ht-1.". g “1?: 4 10 3
himself to become vulnerable to Reaganitis; love ‘big gatherings and big Speeches; he 8 ix 1- . 6 W,“ ‘23" .M ,3 , 3 .
at 61. he appears in extremely good health, wrong.We love nothing about this issue. / [“1 ~ ~./ {Ml/13”,” WI: \\ i
' ' i ' _ . ' u _ , _ . / H ,' 4 '.l, _ :
in spite of 'the ptressuaos he endgresuiln limit Phillippi s anger isn t Just her own; it also {(0 1’ (Q , H0 ‘ , x I," .. %l\' g i
31:3 a univers1 y un er Siege 9 as belongs to the hundreds of students and fac- " x ' 0' ;/7 "(5' t; 5/3. W //// a i 3

Teysyi‘ar (513 h ' S' l ta h d ulty members who gathered on the lawn in ....u “J’s/1 éL/filé// ‘

1 0 “H ys ago.t firever‘boufgt‘h r ¥ ta t front of the Administration Building last Oc- I, //3/ 1: ‘ /( .. 7 ‘
go agsek Te was‘ atting tato “m k: Rib?) tober. They spoke with a united v0ice about fa :.j,’i,-_,,'__’v ‘ i

arF 0 ttthls 865. 'a 2“? n aea an d lift a volatile issue —— the destruction of a natu- / , h 1
son ores 53 niyersi y 5 pa ac ‘ ral laboratory that allows students on-hands l4 ’ " '
the conversation referred to the successfully training in their chosen fields ( q/ , ,. z ,::-.;;::.:::’,w I
militant Students to Save Robinson Forest. My . .7.‘[fag/35:;3;_’3;',’_.‘«'/
and their impending protest against the at- These people weren‘t paid for their vigi- ‘ . i;?;_.;,-;;.Ii;:i;iit / §
tempt. . lance; contrary to Singletary‘s belief. they . l X l'prggg’i'ii’ ,

”In the meantime (between the latest got no satisfaction from “big gatherings and i , ‘15.}; ‘r 2;

Board proposal and final action on it). he great speeches.“ What they did, in 1932 and . \y.’ / l;§;,f;.:i§;;l§§.‘,,:_ }
said, “what you can antic1pate is that a lot now. they did honorably and at great sacri- ‘ ° ' . 1:} 5 § 3 .
of people who love big gatherings and great fice. will; ‘lgggiggygigiggk ii) 3 3
speeches willhaveagoodtime.“ ' . . They deserve credit for caring. the survi- @ A3253 “4“ - .
Singletary‘s familiarity With Ann Phillippi val of the University notwithstanding. Sin- \ I” hie-1;. i» can».
and the work done by SSRF should have gletary. however. deserves to be ridiculed. ,/ \. _/ A . W . .
. . , 3 . F //.: / 41 ’//f7/ / - . . ' ‘ .r , .— . _=-” 7“,}: 1/ . ‘ . /
sounded a alaxaa a? alert him he was .baaa as much as Ronald Reagan .aaaarvas. to. be 2.1%“ //4/ » :fr‘ . a . -- 7. a -;-- //I . ///// «0/
crassly cynical. Phillippi. SSRFs preSident. ridiculed when he speaks Without thinking. zfi/rv -._, E‘E‘fy , , i , /// M/Y/y/ /////////// %//
and by .assma‘io“. 0“ °f the P999“? for After anxsudl behaVlo" isn't expected from /§;%:‘-,,,, ,~,,.,;;;,,,,5;%;72‘1..;"c},*’¢//’/’/.// . 21. //a/.. ///////// 1/ //x/ 4/4
whom Singletary wished the good time. re- UK‘s president,
N II' t k ' 'f' ' ll h ' d
ame ca ing a as on new Slgnl icance, espema y w en mispro nounce ,

Have you ever wondered whether through life spelling your name 17 to correct him every time. just to She hesitantly explained that she name. Another Off the list. ASk not Scote or 50001 for awhile. bUl this 1
or not your name is what it should times a day. or never meeting a guy seeif he would ever catch on. wished at least one of her four chil- for whom.andsoforth.- . ' too shallpass. " 1
be',’ who could pronounce your name 'l\vo years with the old boy — a dren carried her name. Scott. Shot in the dictionary. \ou But writers have dreams. too. A "

Doyou like your name" without being coached" doctor. mind you — and he never My folks were divorced years ago. can sound thatsucker l’lghl OUL plumber may 859"“? ‘0 the 0102 0f ’ l

Native Americans allowed their made it. and my mother has retaken her ‘Unfortunately. the hassle of chan- his heart. but a writer wants to be : l
young to discover names suitable for ‘ Still. a name is a terrible thing to maiden name of Scott. Since she has ging IDs and records would be Vl- read and remembered. ; .
them When they chose a name. it waste. . only one sister. her family is in its ClOUS enough Without being in col- If I ever make the big time. and i
was part of them a James I am proud of my lineage. My last generation. lege at the same time.‘ And when 1 some future college students read .

Nowadays. a name is more like a ,. STOLL ()hio grandparents are farmers from Then, equally hesitantly ibut less laid the idea of taking Scott as a PP" about me m their “Hippie Liberals g
rubberstamp wav back. and my dad‘s a swell ambiguouslyi. she mentioned that name on my editor she was .. . , y. t

. _ . .. . .. . of the 19805 class. it would weigh 1

After all. how can parents be sure guy. Since my older brother. 81“. was weirded out for three days, heavily on my eternal soul for them
they have named a child accurately l have massive guilt trips when I named after his father. it really .Sorry. Mom. ll S an idea whose to discuss mé as Jim Stole 5‘00] or
when it‘s only Just out of the chute" he had teachers who went two catch myself dreaming lazily about wasn‘t fair to ask him. My younger time hasn tcome. . similar vulgarity. " - « a
Anybody can make a mistake. years or more and hit on every introducing myself without foot- brother‘s first name IS Scott. which Professors Will continue to give l don‘t think' Sam (.10 me ns had
right” It‘s like my parents have slurred vowel sound between "stall" notes Of course. there's a little more or less dispensed with him as their best shot at Stoll. and Ill con» anv dislike of his name lltjbst
often told me "Twenty-five bucks. and "stole" without being able to moretoit than that well. tinue to coach telephone operators. I knew all humans were fallible so he I
you can change it “ say it right three times ina row Nothing in life is that simple. Peo- Down to my sister Barbara and Will still get messages from these tookahand in things '; i

When you're a columnist. honey» They see that "o“ and they can't ple just don‘t change their names myself.lnoted aloud. operators addressed "Dear Mr . . ~ 3 ,
er.you can also takea pen name help themselves Stuhl. Stool. Stole; because of problems with pronuncia- Mom assured me it was just a Stahl. as well as sheepish grins lm with you. Sam. How'c‘an you g i

l have lived an interesting lite you nameit.l've been called it. tion. thought and went on asking about from Ph.D.s who should begetting it . mispronounce'Mark Twain? 1
with the name Stoll. more of which I had corrected a particular the Several years ago during a long- my love life ishe was paying for the together by now. . Alld hang In there. Mom g ‘
I'm sure awaits me You see. it s ater professor five orsix times inow distance phone call. I noticed my calli. Thatlcandealwnh. . ‘ . . . g .
pronounced “stall" like in horses l only bother to correct people about mother hedging about a topic. l told About a year after that. Barbara My fun. frivolotB theater friends ‘James A. Stoll is u Journalism J“ 3 ‘

Do you K'iOW what it's like to go 30 percent of the time». then started her to lay it out. got married and took her husband's will see this column and call me rum and Kernel columnist t
Reagan 's skillful use of h ll h to '0 sh has in speech ‘

PreSident Reagan strolled in with war machinewas beingdismantled. The compromise is especially m- as didn‘t have Lenny Skutnik to over something. presumably. that of his closest cronies. He was flank-
an entou'age of security men. smil The government's budget deficits. portant to those of us in college he zoom in on as a Visual example. ille the president had said. ed on his left by Ted Stephens and
ing like a mule eating briars He estimated to be approx1mately $200 cause we. as the tail end of the baby was the hero who dived in the Poto- President Reagan extolled the Vir- John Tower. and on his right by a ‘
was given a hero‘s welcome and a billion this year alone. will prove to boom. would have borne the brunt of mac River to save someone‘s life tues of high-technology and its star~struck Howard Baker. who was
standing ovation that rivaled the be be a far»reaching legacy that we. the costs of the growing Social Smu- after the Flight 191 plant-crash.) promise for America's industrial fu- grinning as if he had just been hand-
ginning of last year s State of the our children and our grandchildren ritydeficns. Perhaps some of the 15.000 people ture. He failed to mention, however. edthe Republican nomination.

['nion address: willhaVe todealwith in the future. If the proposed changes are en- who waited outside in freezmg that his administration has substan- . . ,g , . )

After sinking the gavel tor the _ acted by Congress. we‘ll still pay in weather in Flint. Mich. for 200 jobs tially cut vital funds for research s$:lg‘a§::g:l?tii gfiz‘eri‘lsfldlfi:
third time House Speaker Tip more than we will get out of the syS» should have been shipped in as this and development in the high-tech the sales pitch ‘0! a usedggr‘dealer‘
H‘Nealcalledlhchoiisetoorder Johnson (em. but at least the system will year‘sheroes. fields. in a; word it was flawless with the

Reagan. looking dapper in a dark have a chance at solvency when we "We will not gamble with our na~ The preSident spoke of the l'nited exce tion .of index card read uotes
sun and white shirt. wore light 8PM" get there. tional survival." said the president States‘ poor showing in education. f p . ' q f

, . ‘ . . , , rom Franklin D. Roosevelt. the .
makeup and hair ionic. a throwback The (BS cameras panned in on of his proposed 14 percent increase He mentioned that Japan. with half 9 hwas com letelv memorired ;
from his Hollywood days After ex —————————-——-——— several political luminaries during indefensespcnding. our population. was turning out ‘pwe'hmen Reaggn's tadministration f
changing pleasantnes with his com the course of the president's speech. It's eerie to hear our national twice the number of engineers. He ends in 1984 either b his own hand
rades. the {moment began the ngl in the four years Of the current James Watt. who from a profile re- leader talk of defense in that con said nothing of his administration‘s ' 'y 7.

. . .» . . . . or that of the voters . he will be re
of his speech with a clasSic under administration. Reagan Will have sembles ET. was shown when the text. We gamble on horses at Keene- budget cuts in the educational field. membered in the textbooks as “The
statement “The state of our union added three-quarters as much to the preSIdent spoke of efficient manage» land, not with the SOViets at Geneva. or their impact on the future of edu- Great Communicator .. ‘ ‘
is strongbui our economy is weak national debt as the preViom mo ment. In me jungle. the strongest and fit. cation in America. '

Our economy is weak l'nemploy years combined. To sum ll UP I“ the When Reagan mentioned equality test survive. Here in the allegedly “We who are in government.” His skillful use of hollow rhetoric
ment. raging 8‘ 103 Perft‘nL la d? preSident‘s own words. "The econr for women. the cameras zoomed in rational world. survival is based on Reagan said. “must take the lead in and his mastery of speech delivery
the highest level since the liepres omy's ina hell of amess." on Sandra Day O'Connor. the first trust and mutual agreement. restoring the economy." For this he is a technique that will land perhaps
510" The inflationadJusted “FOSS PFPSIdem Reagan spoke 0‘ the ”L Supreme Court Justice to wear a At times. lonesome George Bush. got a standing ovation. With re- should) be emulated by presidential _

National Pmdllt“~ a "19851"? 0f Yht’ 09'" 5008' Security compromise dress in public. the forgotten vice president. seemed sounding cheers from the Demo- contenders in the future. 9
800$ and 597W?“ that the nation "ll imposes an undue burden 0" The president praised the Ameri- puzzled and bemused at what his crats. principally because his rivals l
PFOdUCGS. l9” b} 13 WNW" last n
M ‘1
Reagan review but human These letters and edito» wouldn‘t be easy. yet we elected him the line. he‘s a realist -— realistic in his view done that i don't agree With: he‘s
rials scare me. because they rep— anywayAnd now peoplearecrying. Come on people ~77 give him a of the Soviet Union and its tendency not flawless by any means, Howev~

I cannot deny the fact that l was resent the political ignorance of a It seems the problem here is that chance! It‘s clear that he‘s done to not always follow the guidelines er. if people will look at the things i
warned about the many different seemingly large percentage of our for too many years we've had politi- more for this country than any other of the treaties they Sign. He doesn‘t mentioned earlier. I hope you‘ll see
views l would run into when 1 came voting public cal candidates who were all talk and president has in a long time. and want an arms race. but it‘s quite ob~ that President Reagan is on the
to college. but i must say that l I realize that some of those people no do. And when we finally get one things are definitely improving. vious to anyone of any intelligence right track. After all. “the time is

’ thought most of these Views would may be forgiven —they're nothing that's doing what he prommed. pee Ronald Reagan is someone who that the Soviet arms buildup is now.“
show at least some intelligence and more than biased. hard-lined Demo- ple don't know how to handle it. and truly believes in America « this is growing at an alarming rate. and
forethought. After reading the let crats who don't know any better. but they knock him for it. clear from his viewsondefense. something must bedone. Marc(‘ox
ters and editorial sections of the for theothersthere's noexcuse The facts are there: The stock Reagan is not a warmonger ~ There are things that Reagan has Business freshman
Kernel for a whole semester now. It was a well-known fact when market has reached its highest
l'm strongly convinced that I was Reagan was elected that he had no index in history. inflation has fallen “WM COUNTY by ’0'” Breathed
mistaken overnight cure — he said himself below 4 percent and all the leading / I e,

The particular Views I'm talking that it would take awhile After all. economic indicators show that the NOGGIWWWW. wevfi‘fwwrhke

about here are ones dealing with he is trying to undo an economic economy is on the tumaround. What mammal (fit/Afr 900%me “FLOGHNG” W"
President Reagan # ones that have mess that's been 30 years in the elsedoyou want? 'MR.WW'M / KRAV ANDCHGLK HA5TWO \
- the tendency to call him everything making He told LB himself that it I know what you‘re thinking —- WWWWW’ fix”; WW I" “G's.” d4],
l‘ve overlooked your main point - mm " (r‘ {J .' ygtr
. . a ., . WSAW .33.. 7 r. .9 .
‘ _ Opln'on POI'cy _ unemployment. Bl" "5 8 “My (marsh ' \ " ’ t - '
well-known fact that in an economic / “I. ‘p '— '
'. and." on W to use." it.» W and opinion. n on. non-oi. m “On"- recovery. unemployment is the last ,\ i. ' . / 7
and “Motive-M nun-awaimmmnm, ' ' -- ' " ’7 -
raw mm In “7'“ thingtoturn aroundAndn'ghtnow. \ _ j E Q é W l I \ . ‘ ., . ,7
Alt m am 0- m new in mm and a...“ you. mm" new I“ factors paint toward this recov- '___ . : a . ~ ‘ ‘ _, .. A .-
__ www.mmmumW-m cry lhelrdoneofWashington's ‘ :_ I, fl . - i ——_.
, thWJfiMc‘unu-‘mhmmmuflnuWam. I . . “55“ m. ‘. h l 0.5550769 I, WFW ’v,
" WMhMmNODMam.W¢-flhmfium “d1"! ”GIOIIIISB sate I! WI! 90 .- 5.5055 "' ' _ x a g m -.-.'~ » | WAL‘) W? I m 1:9"
“mmmnmmmm.m.munmw sure. the xonomy was in the mend—1., . \ ulna!“ fir;- ' ._.‘ p... is; .
MM‘ that he was Willing to lay his job on "" ' ' ‘ ' ' ’ '- '
g ii

 ‘ i v. ' i . _ .. .,. ...... -...ir,r ..2~ -' . v.0"0‘fjh ‘
‘ mm (b,
.5; .
2 I 'W- d ' - - -
In S 0 ar presen 3 CO“ ICt In Etal
g 5 Every February, the cream of the of retelling its phenomenal tale on be called the most colossal, allen~ man Wouk’s sweeping World War II She eventually thinks she is going to
i i television crop appears as each of NBC and Is the network’s ace in the compassing and longest film to epic, “The WindsofWar.“ have to sacrifice her marriage as
. . > ,i the three networks hopes and prays black hole of Nielsen’s it has been come to any screen. With the exception 0f Alex Haley‘s m , well toachieve her goal
3 viewers will help it win the ratings receivmg 'It all unfolds on the tube Sunday "Roots," never to my knowledge ‘ . 0 Byron Henry tJan-Michael \'in-
i sweep. Alas, ABC 'probably holds the n18hl and. for those who haven't has there been a more researched ; » cent» ~ the carefree, rebel son of
“Shogun" is currently in the midst trump card this year for what can heard. the event in question is Her~ project than what wouk has suc- the Henry family He is always in
1 ceeded in doing here. Sixteen years ' MS the midst of some adventure or an-
§ in the making, it was an effort that .p‘ _' “N other that carries him into the mid-
; would eventually expand into two ’ _ 1' d