xt75qf8jfr91 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75qf8jfr91/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1987 athletic publications  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Basketball Programs (Women) University of Kentucky vs. Tennessee Tech, December 7, 1987 text University of Kentucky vs. Tennessee Tech, December 7, 1987 1987 1987 2014 true xt75qf8jfr91 section xt75qf8jfr91 V V - V V ~ = ‘ · - G; yard V ·
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DEC. 7 V —

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At \/alvollna, wa hallava Valvollna Oll Company

  I- a1 EE {S ibt Cblrizl/ie>/my 05 €7{ez7iéuc.é2y
.A"l I I 'L'1 I l 'L'
°°""E"TS We’re Proud to be
Coach Sharon Fanning ..............,........... 2 '
Basketball Staff ................................ 3 S
Dr. David Roselle .................,............ 4       I
Athletics Director Cliff Hagan ..................... 4
Meet the Players ......,..................... 5-22 y (/6 %
(Croley 6, Pennie 7, Tarantini 8, Shrum 9, Whitaker 6 _/<[‘/
I 10, Harrell 11, Miller 12, Spencer 13, Davis! { I
Hoskins 14, Ousley/Stevens 15) '
Lady Kat Team Picture & Roster ................. 16 ,
Opponents Team Picture & Roster ............... 17
Opponents’ Feature ........................... 18 /
Lady Kat Feature ............................. 19  
Scorecard ................................. 22-23 »-— , ·‘
Memorial Coliseum ............................ 24 E-L,
Assistant AD’s and UK Head Coaches ............ 25   Q
UK Sports information Staff ..................... 26
Cheerleaders and Student Staff ...........l...... 27
Lady Kat Records ......,................... 29-30 i
Former Lady Kats ............,................ 31    
Wildcat Team Picture & Schedule ................ 33 P
- UK Campus .......................t....... 35-36
Your hometown grocery stores
CREDITS: in Central and Eastern Kentucky
Written, Produced and Edited by
RENA VICINI, UK Assistant Sports information Director t
Special Thanks to
DEAREN sponrs E TiIiEHETHBN® has seats for events at FREEDOM
g”3§gEg'§,§;EN ,,,85,,,,,n, l-lALL in Louisville, l=lul=l=· ARENA in Lexiiigloii,
SANDY HARDING and many other facilities around the countly
Advertising Sales
Photography by .
Design and priming by »  TICHETFIDN LOCATIONS.

 Cbfiiti/marry ag Utaatuaky  
0006% Q ACI/ZO/1   ;Cl/I/Wig QGQMIS      
ar"`    ~ —   1
Sharon Fanning brings to Ken- I  , 3 1     2 111; : :1 {   ~:·r   `
tucky not only an exceptional 7   ’ ’       . 1 t  ~¤   ·=#r
l record, but also a national repu-        i f  vv
tation as an outstanding coach,           1 _ _ _   _
recruiter and motivator. In ll I ’i‘».g   `ii·, _1 V»___   ·,‘°   ‘g,-· -_   Q
memorable seasons at the Uni-   *       ‘‘·`     V? _‘ _  
versity of Tennessee at Chatta- 3,  1 S ; ·-~·   »'·'_i   _i—» 9   A i_=_   ‘  f
heeae Fehh1ha’S S<1¤edS eem-   Y 1 \ 1   iisx   att»“   t`it L     tttu   5 y  
t>11ed e 189-129 h1eh1<1 1he111d1ha    . 1 ,\       19d‘r fi t_i» 1   1 if
five straight Southern Conference   1»_i 1 `     i»·_     .,_9     1 »·
championships from 1982-1986.     V¤_itti_   i 1 3]  "€"'”         ‘t»;t `
In 1984, the Lady Mocs went 26-   §.:j:Q,—,1:j]f_  ,1/ y,9-       1 1
5 and were runners-up in the   .;Lj"jj;j;ii.__,  1 3  Z3, ,,iyggL`g 31,,33  S" A
National Women’s Invitational   I   ,,‘~i   L   Z .   ‘ _
TOurnam€nt' Coach Fanning is flanked by University President Dr. David Roselle and Athletics Director
. Cliff Hagan. BeIow,Fanning addresses the news media after being named new coach by Hagan.
And while her teams were
mapmg glory {Or the SCh.O(?l’ Fanning join us," UK Athletics   I
Coach Iialpning was f;§€1§1]I;gw Director Cliff Hagan Says- “Sh€   — ,  , ,V., 1  11—    
EZ£F1E§“SaiE2£Z   as heSke11h1ge ehehggeghre Wege         ,  1
Ceheh ei the Yeh 19 1991 hhd SOhO€ i‘§g11O‘EZ1i1‘iy  1,f1§Z§§§iE§°   1        `
  2md1WaS nominated for KO- coach, but she is also a fine per-   ____   .,,11,1 t    9 °`‘`` A  {   ,1%    I .__V 11 _,_1,_ 1 1 —,_;
ak s national Coach of the Year SOB who Wm be a gOOd {O16      pg z -3      
iSSS§°§SOi”1ii1?iria1ii1 i2§$aSi`1$1Vii§`S h1e€1e11eh eh yehhe ehh1eeeS· We         9 f1 i 99 1 S  1  if 
‘ U.S. Olympic Festival and last 99l19V9 ihayhcr p?rSOHahty and     i i   C
drive will give this program the 1 »‘   ..‘_ 1 ,_y°      
summer she was named to the b t .t d . ht ,, 3 »   _,   
staff of the USA Select team COS 1 mc S Hg DOWJ ,     `     C
a1mpai11g in Seoul, Korea il'] The 99~yeehe1d Fanamgr e   » ,, a  a  S # 1s1  a   1 1
August. native of Chatanooga, completed 1 .1  n,_ 3 1 11;
"We are thrilled to have Coach her undergraduate dcgmgat UTC   — 1 , i T
  in 1975 while competing in both   3 3 _ ‘
  l A   basketball and volleyball. She   ,,_~~     __;:y__ T ,3,,  
’ ` »   ‘’*1i   3 received her masters degree in   i,_  jr ,  
    1 _ 1   1976 from the University of Ten-  
    i`  ‘ 1     ¤eSSee1 Where She Served eS e t=ANNiNe·s REe¤i=i¤ AT um 1
` A     3 ; 1 3   graduate assistant coach to Pat YEAR W L PC?
-T  ‘‘—·» ?·   ,     .1ii1 T   Head Summitt for one year be- 1976-77 zo 13 606
_   _   `iili   _ ° -3   Sr   fore returning home to build a     1;  
  S     - ·  1 i it    3 , program at her alma mater. 197330 15 13 :333
if ```’ Q · _   $ 3       97* A noted speaker who is very 1980-81 19 9 ,679
    3 1 ,  1 ’ A  iif ?1 _ ,_ active in civic affairs, Fanning @2;;*;; 1;   $2
  ii `   33 1  'iii      1   also served as C0Ofdi112ltOf of 1983-84"# 26 5 jg;
  ~ . A _  ,.1111       Women’s Athletics at UTC since 1984-85; 16 13 1552
  1,1      i S1`»       1   1978- She 1S e ehhheht memheh ef EEE? `? $3 S23
 if  ’ ‘ i i ‘i   . ,        ‘1·   1119 Na11911a1 Waahania Basketball Totals E? E? E
This summer, Coach Fanning gave instruc- Caaahah ASSOCIQUOU Baafd Of '$<>111he1¤ Gedietehee Chemvlehe
_ tions at a basketball clinic in Jackson, Ky. D1Y€CIOfS. www R“""""Up$

 I   (Ilan/atatty at {Kentucky
A _ Andy Barnes Adena High School, tion in 1979 after serv-
A , . . · · where she earned All- in for four years as a
. j . Andy begins his first _ g
. . t   year at Kentucky any America honors and was student trainer. She was
        at sowing as an assistant to named the Outstanding graduate assistant at Pur-
t     t    Coach Susan Yow at Athlete in Ohio. She due University, where
” 3       · · went on to similar glory she earned her Masters
j . _  Drake University last _ _ _
   Q  Season. At UK, ho wth at the University of Ten- Degree in Physical Fit-
_    ».    i—  focus ottnaatny on to_ nessee, where she earned ness and Exercise Physi-
,4,.4, +3,u.a t ottnttna A nattvo ot Kodak All-America hon- ology in 1981.
’1””"{"""A7g‘ 1"""’ if mm johnson City, Tonno and ors before graduating in A native of Smithville,
at ’       a 1980 graduate ot East 1983. t Ohio, Sue serves on the
J         _ Tcnncsscc Stato Andy In the meantime, she Board of Directors for
    taught and COaCh€d at tho was also establishing the National Athletics
  _.’~ or  _,,.   high sonoot tot/ot tot stx herself as a great inter- Trainers Association.
  · so ga  tz!   yoats oototo joining tho national competitor. She —.—-—'-—-—
{.1      Q statet at Dtako Ftotn was selected to the 1979
      i ‘     rose to 1984, he was World U¤iv¤rSiw Squad, mi R°°dy
  ·     assistant boys, baskstbah the 1980 Olympic team, Lee joined the Lady
tf; l’*· yy-j*~’fn_7’r ·l/~* tlnjjm ooaoh and head golf the 1983 Pan American Kat staff m December,
I    l-  UH /M _ U;} ooaoh at Dantoj Boono team and the 1984 1983. She was previous-
   .       one year at sun vancy kctbau for om year in D¢1¤¤¤m¤¤¥ amd Colum-
‘   ji   ‘ --    · High School in Montoo Italy and for two years bus East High School in
, ...    tyt  ,__ a .  ‘ Q Nic., batons manning In Japan t Columbus, Indiana. A
t      t -   tn nts nant/C Stats tn (jmdy, who was tn- native of Whitesburg,
— L i f  n ii   .   teach and assist in bovs’ ducted imo the Naticnal Ky" LCC is married to
I     t’et— 1   baskstban at Untcnt ‘ High Schggl Hal.] of Bob Reedy and has two
Eli ..,, ,..i%t;.’"&C;l. am, county High seneai in Fam last xw IS mf- Chlldm-  
  -ir·   , Erwin. He is married to md to Mark Hauser- ———·¤——  
  It ._..   t . Marsha Barnes. man Loo Youstcr
I    ctl “   9‘`‘  »  ttttt t ————F—— Lee has been assistant
__-        rs~     ._t ¢ _ I strength coach at Ken-
. g   ..  I t   Cmdy Noble Ha¤S·=rm=·¤ tucky nt three   A
t     Cindy’s experience as 1980 graduate of
l   a great player at all lev— Sus Stanley Yankton College, he re- ·
  els of competition made Sue joined the UK mained at his alma mater
  her an exciting addition training staff in 1982 for two years as football
  _ V s  to the Lady Kats staff. A after serving for one and strength coach. He
‘   A __ss   c·ir I two-time Olympian, Cin- year as Co—Ordinator of then served as a graduate
  ‘     . . dy joined the University Sports Medicine for the assistant strength coach
 aa, ,t_   of Kentucky for her first Department of Intramu- for two years at South
t sd"     coaching job in August, ral/Recreational Services Carolina and as an assis-
  e. ,,,.   1985. at East Carolina Univer- tant strength coach at
V.   A native of Clarks- sity. Sue graduated from Oklahoma for one year
    "   bur , Ohio, Cindy be an Ohio State Universit , before comin to Ken-
_ , t ,   S 8 Y 2
_. ” ’ an Umm   an outstanding playing where she earned a de- tucky. Lee is 29 years
i stmt m./·t.o-yam. mma mm career at Frankfort- gree in Physical Educa— old and single.
T 3

 - .._ ._;;._T.  
  ‘Mi~eeo Oi gtneei  
  H  Executive Committee of the NCAA Division PRESIDENT li
lA Athletics Directors Association.
DiI`€Ct0l' of AIIIICUCS A two-time All-American basketball center DAVID P' ROSELLE `
at UK (1952, 54), Hagan helped the Wildcats ~
_      . win 86 of 91 games during his career. Includ— _ .
 . · y  l    *>5; .__ ed in his career is a 1951 national champion- t ;
`_V_ __ _ J  ship under legendary coach Adolph Rupp.   i‘`i i   »
    - As a senior, Ha an hel ed lead UK to a   · Q
,  ..E.   p._...,_._ , _ S P _ {
  ·=*· —t . perfect 25-0 record and the Southeastern _ sg A _ s_
VL,-LQ       Conference title. That season, Hagan aver-     *
    aged 29 points per game and led the nation in t  .3 Ill" ‘ ‘
  l     rebounding (13.5 rpg).   __ ` >·.·s.x  
  · _ After graduating from UK in 1954 and j  __
  ’‘°i` serving two years at Andrews Air Force Base ` ~     
· as a commissioned officer, Hagan began a  
highly successfiil National Basketball Associ-
  ation career with the St. Louis Hawks. In 10 `  _  
E seasons, he posted 12,433 career points in _ t ’,__
  . 672 games (18.5 ppg) and played in five NBA *  i `
Algstat garflesa S L _ h_ h Dr. David P. Roselle was named the
_ OI1 I. O S I 3.TI] W C ‘ ‘ ‘ t
As oiii iiaai   iis ini tai as   aa;iZ“s?sa¥tittsta. sua. li. {asa? Hagan ptnth te,>;,dt¤;,¤f,*g; Utwmtt Ot  
dlrector,·the·Unlverslty· of Kentucky Athletics helped lead the Hawke to the World Champe ue)y at éillfc   UK f V' U.
ASSOCIBIIOI1 IS \1IlCI€TgOlHg al'! CTE of U[1pI`€C€· Onship   defeating the BOSIOH Cclticst He t I`. OSG C COIIICS O I`O1T1 lllblll-
dented growth. also Set 8 NBA Single game reeerd ter meet 13 Tech ln Blacksburg, Va., where he
Rcccmlycomplclcd projects include thc $6 field goals in a quarter (12). Haoan was voted Served as Provost font Yoar$· Tho PoSI'
million   Nutter Football Training Facili- Att_Pee from t957_62_ ° ttett ef pteveet at Vttgtnte Tech is the
ryt me Ilolary I Boogie I“d°°r T°';“‘S_Cl‘;1""’ré Between basketball seasons at St. Louis, number two administrative position at the
the Ilghtmg vt the S Wcly Bascba I_F1€ an Hagan earned his M.S. degree from Washing- university, which has more than 22,000 V
the resurfacing and seating expansion of the mn University in 1958 { dem
Shively Track. ln addition, the $5.5 million H t h d t- t l t h f th S ll sf ,
Harry c. Lancaster Aquatics Center is neat- ° " S° 3 3 S ‘“ at P ""?"°°a° °. ° A native of Pennsvlvonn Dt Roselle
. . . . ._ Dallas Chapparals during his professional has a Ph.D· in mathematics from Duke
lng completion, bringing the total expendl b k b td I is H h
tures in ca ital ex ansion ro'ects to nearl as cr al llyS'   lllCl’ llgllll was C Osell lls University. H6 ITHS b€€¤ 3 mathematics
15 .H. P P I) J y the Texas Professional Coach of the Year in mfcssor and rescar her { the Un. B _
S Thliiltftilglluly the UK Athletics Associa I968· llls lllclllll at Dallas was lO9l9O` lll lgity of Marylalfd aillnd Lotiilsi
. `. ` ` 1975, H d h K k `
··n¤V¤¤ e fwd ntnicttt Fiiifnfisatigllintég fairs tZ$K°nZ ana Sine Uiiiveisiiy. ne became a pio-
$9,3 ‘“‘II'°’l budget forllhc Ig?/TSS fiscal became the first UK player inducted into the YGSSOY of innthoinntics nt Virginia Tech in
i Y°·"· r" “ “‘l‘€ Wh"' ‘“"“¥ mh "“° d€P““‘ Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall or Fame. 1974 and held that faculty appointment
'rrcms arcbraclnolruogfs crlscsi .UKAA EO"` Hagan is married to the former Martha during his entire tenure there.
IL.'L“°§sii’atf%£’.Z‘E..’tt$§ ilEl’l’§St‘$; “§ZIna§`§i Mm ¤t9W¢¤Sb¤t¤~ They have test on- ne also     neaii ot virsiiiiii
funds. ‘ ` dren —- Mrs. Lisa Thaxton, Mrs. Laurie Hill, Tee]-tie graduate School and deed ef Te-
Hagan a native of Owensboro replaced Mlslflot-my Blildcllc and Klpl ll llccclll glllllul Search and graduate Studios-
thc latc Harry c. Lancaster as athletics direc- mc ° lansy mma nwcmty Dr; Ro$oi1o is known ns nn innovator.
tor on July 1, 1975. Since then, UK athletics At Virginia Tech he implemented a uni-
has enjoyed a tremendous amount of success. versity—wide core curriculum, helped se-
both on the playing field and in the class- cure increased su ott for s onsored re-
“’°m· search and was recoonized nationall for
Husain hos SCC'} UK_I’“~$I‘€rr’*‘II teams Win BOARD OF DIRECTORS his initiatives in conilputing and infolrma-
an NCAA championship, an NIT champion- UNIVEBSITY OF KENTUCKY mm S Stems
ship and make another appearance in the Fi- ATHLEIICS ASSOCIATION y` ' [ _ . . . `
nal ran. rut football wliticats   an- EX_,,,,,C,O ,,E,,,,,,,,,_A,_ _1¤I97$—h¢_W¤> récognmdby Viton-
pcurcd in thrcc bowl games. Last season, six MEMBERS LARGE ld Tcch for his teaching excellence.
C ilmplom IP CVcmS— Dr. Ari Gallaher Mr. S,T. Roach ‘ ‘
` Academically, Hagan helped establish the or lnclt Blanton organizations and served as executive
Center for Academic and Tutorial Services Dr. Raymond l-lornhack STUDEN MEMBERS secretary of the Mathematical Associa-
tCATS). The University of Kentucky was thc Dt Imttct M- Kudtt Miss Susan Brothers tion of America for nine years.
lirst university in the nation to open an aca- lI3I“‘”PI§};bgI o· Liiwinn Mr. Karl Crane He has notadc ttttmet-ette invited ed-
demic center for student-athletes. The efforts r· I mr · · · - l ·
. .. . . . d .·.· . h . l · -
nauc nan ott, as UR tea the southeastern incnitx Mriitinno .“""` T“ " te d ?‘“YI “ Wmly "“b
._ __ {_ _, . . _ Al.UMNlMEl\ilBERS , ._ lished as a mathematics scholar. He has
COIIILFCFILL last y<.t1I` lll lI`lC l1Llll1I)CT of stu- 4 _ T DF. Dall1lt.lRCC(ly . .
tlcntaltlllctcs named to the lcaguc`s various Ml` wlllmm B‘ Slurglll DF NJ- Plouwntl been cdlmr Ol two books and was On the
Aettdemte Heuer Rene MP I9It¤ C 0w¢n> Dr. Charles P. Roland editorial board of a third.
nttgttns tnyolycmcnt in collcgc athletics TRUSTEE NIEMIBERS Bf"'e*t;$’§g’ §f`f5f.Z“"’“ DF ROSCII? is matted *0 the r°r‘“°r
cntcntis hcyontl thc University of Kentucky. Mr AMB ehmte Dr·Pmjt'§;M_· ‘“g°' Louise Dowling ot Mnnhnssots N.Y..
Hc scrvcs on the Executive Committee of the Mr; Fmt Remsev DE JE Ventneeett Bhd they l'121V€ H SOD, Arthur. 16. Bhd H
Southeastern Confcrcncc and is also on the ' l d(]l_lUh{€]" C nthin, l5_
O y

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ll   .     A,,;;   . ~·   ·
  T  QM; VV:kV_ Q \___`i\       »»·_   kg _   .  l
One of the most talented players in Lady ·   `   _ , 7 r.   7
' · Kat history, Bebe is expected to be one of the V I__        S       t
top players in the Southeastern Conference     »   n _  [   V   V
this season and should be a strong contender     —.v·.       . —  
for All-America honors. She led the Lady   »V`.’· V        V~»~  
Katt in scoring last season with an average of   §;_ gx};      Q ttlr  
17,7 points a game. which ranked her fourth I       P  
in tbat eatesery alltens SEC players Slle was     * iyiri  
also ivllltb irl the SEC ln free throw percent- `.   ·`i.      . A if   7   ilh iii
nge (7S-6). sixth in steals per game (2-6) anti   F ‘‘l    *,ii     ,y‘`°   . . 7     A
ninth in rebounding (7.1). _     ·· l
Bebe   Mtn on the all-time tally Kats   ;‘°   -sr-     lsic‘‘ A  iii ``  ” l   '
scoring list with 937 career points, and if she g            
keeps up her current pace, she should easily V g '_ ** i`i_     j _r`_   ___‘_V          
finish as one of UK’s top five all—time » V Q .      V,y‘‘   ‘V·           
A nrttaenin Parade All-America as a sen- . V .   V       I       ‘‘”ii; ii `
ior at Henry Clay High School in Lexington. P     l   »’.» . jg V V  ¥E.}Z§*, `=·'’` °     ‘‘‘’ “°   `
Bebe sullered a stress fracture as a freshman   J ; »__r         `¥< »._°`  .·  `      
and played in only half of thc games in her   y _.;   ,‘V_ rf-   'f‘·   .t».` ? j         ‘‘t_ if   » i _ _ _
lirst year. But as a sophomore, she started in   I _ __·_   * IV’,._. l. A   li     9-   r,_; .   .'rV — -·ri_  Qt   ._.  
22 of 27 games and was the fourth—leadirtg     _ r      i``_‘ _   V  [_ `   ·‘   ·    
Last year sbe began ber illnier season by V ai   T  .   it  ‘ ‘`=`»r   i»s‘ °?"»   ] .. —.r» [  
being named the li rst unanimous MVP in the . is       =._  if   _ri.   in!  
l0-year history of the Lady Kats Invitational    1   ;r‘  ;..;‘§§;;jjr_...rj1§; V_.r        
lelll‘llellllellt· Slle exeelleel lll every Pham   ‘   ~   ..._..r..           l‘l’`l {   .
throughout the season, starting in all 28 con- _ Q
tggtg and Scoring in   figures in all brit   T()p   Show:   WlHfT€y Show program and IS an   role Q
tbreg DglgltitllW?·s;lll21e1ll<>l:1l?9ll;]tgllltalle i%‘¥°lll° *;°°d° Blbs lltlgllltis and Pa?l";°S* model for young student—athletes,  
tit _-o - `rom tte `ie an inis e wit a lS clllllg S9 lllllSl€— W€lC lllg SOBPS an P ay- - · · 2
- enroor-high 32 points against Alahaina, and ins tennis Favorite Nell-basketball spart= whlle else plqymg a very tmp"`  
then neared so points on i4-ror-17 from the tennis Mast Adnlired Atlllete= appreciates mm leddemhlp mh? fw her l€dm·  
hola in the next game against Florida. gbletes. but pnfly atllniresgble Lprtl  avprite mates, We are fortunate to g
Bebe has twice re resented the Universit ymll¤Sl¤lii¤ €m0ll2i 0 lS€llm avttrite · L
and the USA in intei)nationztl competition. Iii Cltyl DLlbT0Vlill<· Y¤g0SltlVlil C0mm€lil Oil have the. 0pp0rtunlty   i
1085. she played for the us. in the Jones Wprnen’s Basketball: "Tbey sliplrltl let us tv work with Bebe C'0l€J’· ;
Cup competition in Taiwan and in 1986 she play lll0l€ illld F€P1llZ€ thm girls Call iill§€l'rY0ll -Coach Ftllllliflg f
was a member of the USA Select team that illld SlllU¢F·Sl€P Wilhfllli Walking?  
competed in the Canadian lnvitational. Vi
Personality Profile @ @ 5
 ihiijnb 3`N)-(ii . _ Bebe is a tremendous athlete l
’ d_|()l . C0lllIllllHl(.t.lIlOllS _ _ _  
High School: Lexington Henry Clay and trenwndous U/ldwldufll• Her V
High School Couch: Jackie Austin €x[}€7`l€nC€, l]ulCki”l€S$, jumping
I I I ability and overall perception of r
r~ "2\\`()I`HC HlllSlCZ l’()S.C Hill S0lli F2IV()l'lt€ ·
p{‘l`l·()l`HlCI'Z AnitaCBtii