xt75qf8jfj36 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75qf8jfj36/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1987-09-18 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, September 18, 1987, no. 511 text The Green Bean, September 18, 1987, no. 511 1987 1987-09-18 2014 true xt75qf8jfj36 section xt75qf8jfj36  
Number 511 September 18, 1987
C A L E N D A R ’
September 18 Samuel Johnson, 1709 - 1784, English
lexicographer, poet and essayist. -
September 19-26 Banned Books Week.
September 20-26 Newspaper Week.
September 20 Ferdinand (Jelly Roll) Morton, 1885 — 1941,
American jazz pianist, composer, singer and
orchestra leader. _ I
September 23 Victoria Claflin Woodhull, 1838 — 1927, Q
American feminist, reformer and first female ,
candidate for the presidency of the U.S. E
September 27 Thomas Nast, 1840 — 1902, American political i
cartoonist. ‘
September 29 Horatio Nelson, 1758 — 1805, English naval
hero of the Battle of Trafalgar.
October 1-2 Kentucky Library Association Conference,
Drawbridge Inn, Fort Mitchell.
October 1 Williann Hubbs Rehnquist, 1924 - , Chief }
Justice of the Supreme Court of the U.S.
October 2 Fire alarm test, King Libraries North and
Next Green Bean: Friday, October 2, 1987 I
Deadline for inclusion: Friday, September 25, 1987
Production Staff: Editor/typist —— Bonnie Cox; Typist/
proofreader —— Carol Ranta; Printer -— Cecil Madison.
Ina Newsletter of the Umversnty
of Kentugsky Lnbrarnes

 FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK when you call.
With this issue of the GB, I
take over the editorial STAFF PUBLICATION
keyboard from Kerry
Kresse's practiced fingers. I William James, Director of
am pleasurably anticipating my the Law Library, is the co-
time as editor, but remember, I author (with David Short) of
am only the top of a pyramid. Natural Resources and
You are the sources of GB Development: an Annotated
information and it can only be Bibliography (Buffalo, N.Y.:
as informative as you will help William S. Hein, 1987).
me make it.
I am particularly
interested this year in STAFF ACTIVITIES
receiving information about
professional honors , Judy Wiza, Business Library,
publications, offices held and the Library's representative to
related activities. the Faculty Senate, will serve
As an introductory on the Senate's Academic
example, I include the Programs committee during the
following quotation from Roger 1987-88 academic year.
Angell's article in the August
30, 1987 New Yorker on the Sandra McAninch,head of the
Baseball Hall of Fame in Government Documents
Cooperstown, N.Y. In Department, has been elected
discussing the number and Chair/elect of ALA's Government
varieties of requests for Documents Roundtable.
information that come into ‘ S
their library, Angell includes V
". . .a letter from Bill SENATE LIBRARY COMMITTEE V
Marshall, a scholar at the
University of Kentucky, who is The members of the Senate
preparing a work on the mid— Library Committee for the 1987-
America, lower—minors Kitty, 88 academic year have been
Bluegrass, Ohio State and announced by Dr. William E.
Appalachian leagues..." Lyons, chairman of the Senate
Council. Roger Anderson is
NEW STAFF .... WELCOME__A_BOARD chair of the committee; other
” members are Leo Demski, Jeffery
Kate Seago ........ Cataloging A. Born, Joyce E. Bowlyow,
William Chambliss, Linda
Worley, and Dennis M. TeKrony.
VAN. I£E2-i~L%§§—.
Just a reminder that if
you are interested in taking The Central Kentucky
the van to KLA September 30 = Computer Society will be
October 1 you should call Carol holding a computer yard sale on
, Ranta in the Director's Office Saturday, September 26 from
at 257-3801. Please specify 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. at 270
the day(s) and time(s) you Midland Avenue. The sale will
would like to leave and return include both hardware and
‘ 2

 software. Equipment will be Ameling, soprano, Nov.10; the
labeled as to working Empire Brass with Douglas
condition; limited warranties Major, organ, Feb.l0, and the
willapphn Chamber Music Society of
For further information call Lincoln Center, March 10.
Gary Stottlemyer in the Law All concerts are at 8:00
Library at 257-8349. p.m. in the Concert Hall of the
Singletary Center for the Arts.
The first annual Lexington
Book Fair will be held Upcoming in the University's
September 25 and 26 at Arts Center Sundays program are a
Place, 161 N. Mill Street. flute recital by Gordon Cole on
The fair will be open on September 20, and an all-Brahms
Friday, September 25, from 6:00 piano recital by Lucien Stark
— 9:00 p.m. only. Admission on September 27.
price for this previewing will Center Sundays programs
be $5.00. On Saturday, begin at 3:00 p.m. The Cole
September 26, the times are recital is free of charge; the
10:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.; Stark program, which benefits
admission price is $1.00 the Lexington Federated Music
Twenty—five dealers in used Club Scholarship Program is $4
arm} rare books will be for regular admission and $2
exhibiting at the fair, which for students amnd senior
is sponsored by the citizens.
International Book Project.
For more information call 254- THE BOOKSHELF
‘ Local Library Systems:
FACULTY AND STAFF DISCOUNT Festschrift in. honour· of
FOR 1987-88 UNIVERSITY Frederick G. Kilgour to
ARTIST SERIES his_70th birthday. [Essen
Symposium, 24 September -
Full-time faculty and staff 27 September, 1984] /
members at the University are edited by Ahmed H. Helal
eligible for discount prices and Joachim W. Weiss.
for season tickets to the 1987- E s s e n :
88 University Artist Series. Gesamthochschulbibliothek
Up to two season tickets can be Essen, 1984. Call number
purchased at a special price of Z678.9 .A1 L66 1984.
$49 each, a savings of 18% over
the regular season ticket price Subject__Searching in Library
and a 36% savings over single Catalo s : Be ore and ‘
ticket prices. after the Introduction of
The first concert, on ggipyireraiags 7 By Karen
Tuesday, September 29, will Markey. Du.lin, OH : OCLC
feature the Royal Philharmonic Online Computer Library
of London, directed by Andre Center, Inc., 1987.Ca?l
Previn. Other scheduled number Z695 .M344 1984.
concerts and dates are Murray
Perahia, piano, Oct. 24; Elly

 . M . 1
Manual of Law Librarian MASSACHUSETTS
SH12 : The Use and
Or anization of Le aI Associate Director for
Liéerature 7 edited by Collection Development and .
Elizabeth M. Moys. Boston: Technical Services.
G.K. Hall, 1987. Call Massachusetts Institute of
numberZ675.L2M271987. Technology. Salary:
C ornnxe n s11r a t e w;Lt h
Polixzy and 1Practi4:e in qualifications and experience.
Biblio ra Bic Control of Deadline: Review of candidates
Nonbook Media 7 edited by will commence October, 1987.
Sheila S. Intner and Q
Richard P. Smiraglia. NHVYORK
Chicago: ALA, 1987. Call ·
number Z 688 .N6 P65 1987. Reference Librarian for Career
Resources and Business, .
Librar Serials Standards: Graduate School of Business
Develo ment,Im lementation, Administration Library. New ‘
Impact 7 edited By Nancy York University. Salary:
Jean Melin [Proceedings of $24,000 minimum. Deadline:
the Third Annual Serials September 30, 1987.
Conference], Westport, CT: _
Meckler, 1987. Call number OREGON
Z692 .S5 S479 1983
Science Reference Librarian.
PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNITIES University of Oregon. Salary:
$19,000—22,000. Deadline:
ALABAMA October 1, 1987. ‘
Planning Officer. University Personnel Librarian .
of Alabama. Salary: $18,430 University of Oregon. Salary:
minimum. Deadline: September $19,000 l2 month appointment. -
30, 1987. Deadline: October 1, 1987.
Head Librarian, Museum Research Resource Development Librarian,
Library. Natural History Social Science. Texas A & M
Museum, Los Angeles County. University. Salary: minimum
Salary: $24,759—30,802. $21,000 for 10.5 months;
Deadline: October 15, 1987. minimum $22,000 with additional
Master's Degree. Deadline:
INDIANA September 30, 1987.
Reference Librarian. WASHINGTON
University of Evansville.
Salary: $19,000 minimum. Museum Technician/Specialist
Deadline: October 15, 1987. (History). National Museum of
American History, Division rf
` Musical Instruments. Salary:
GS—1016~7/9 ($18,000/$22,458).
Deadline: September 21, 1987.