xt75qf8jf66f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75qf8jf66f/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1946-12-10  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, December 10, 1946 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 10, 1946 1946 1946-12-10 2013 true xt75qf8jf66f section xt75qf8jf66f The Kentucky Kernel






UK Department
Host To Convention




of Ralph' Beard, sensational Wildcat (turd, is carried
n the front pare of this week's Collier'- - The Louisville lad has
scored 163 points to date, his
play and point potentiality
; make him an outstanding- - candidate for

Newspaperman Loclincr
Speaks On Germany
First Convo

11 A.M.

Louis P. Lochner,

Pulitzer prize -and author. will
address students and faculty of the



11 a.m. Tuesday, Janin Memorial hall in the
first of two
convoca-ion- s
scheduled for winter cruarter.
Vice President Leo M. Chamberlain
announced yesterday. Mr. Lochner's
subject will be "Germany Democracy or Soviet State?"
Pot 15 years chief of the Berlin
bureau cf the Associated Press and
the last American correspondent to
leave the Nazi capital in 1942. Loch-nhas just returned from Ger-mawhere he toured the country
extensivly and witnessed the trial
at Nurnberg.
The comments of the famous
journalist on the war crimes trial
are expected to prove highly interesting in light of his 22 years of
living snd reporting in Germany and
personal acquaintance
with the leading chiefs of ihe Third
Reich. The American prosecution at
ttie trial placed in" the record several reports taken from Lochner's
book "What About Germany?"
Mr. Lochner's personal knowledge
of the German state, which he now
terms as a "hobo jungle." and his
recognized ability to observe and
record important and enlightening
facts has established him as one of
Ihe outstanding autliorities on Germany today.
Fourth hour classes of all students
will be dismissed for the convocae.
tion and Dr. Chamberlain will







SGA Sponsors


All-Stude- nt

Welcoming Program
The fiirst



program, sponsored by the Student
Government Association assembly,
was a part of Freshman Orientation
Week for this quarter.
sesProgram for the
sion, held Friday morning in Memorial hall, included talks by Howard
Stephenson, president of SGA; Howard Bowles president of the Veterans' club; Barbara Allen, representing campus honoraries: Burt

Cheek, who spoke on miscellaneous
campus organizations; Dean South-woo- d
of the Independents' association: George Dudley, who spoke on
fraternities; Betty Harris of SuKy;
Jack Veech. president of the Student lAiion Board; and Warren
Fisher of the YMCA. Clieers were
led by the cheerleaders and Miss
Mildred Lewis led group singing.
George Goodykoontz, chairman of
the SGA committee for freshman
orientation presided.
Freshman Week opened Thursday
morning with the traditional assembly in Memorial hall with Dr. Lyle
Croft, personnel director presiding.
Dr. H. L. Donovan, University presi-

dent and Stephenson made welcoming addresses. Vice President Leo M.
Chamberlain, Dean of the University

Maui Ice Sea v. Dean of Men T. T.
Jones and Dean of Women Sarah
B. Holmes were introduced to the
new students.
physical examinations,
classification of new students, and
the various deans' meetings were
held Thursday and Friday. Thursday night a sing, sponsored by the
Student Union, was held in the
Great hall of the Union. SGA sponsored a movie for the new students
Friday night in Memorial hall. A
"sweater swing" was held Saturday
night in the Union under the sponsorship of the Student Union Board.
This was the second time that
SGA had assisted in preparing and
presenting the orientation program,
the practice having been started last
fall. This quarter, in addition to diprogram.
recting the
6GA furnished group tags for each
entering freshman and ribbons far
guides and aided the personnel office hi securing guides.
Members of the 8GA committee,
in addition to GKdykoonU, were
Sue Ann Bradloru. Joan Sct
gil Pro


Three UK Delegates
Attend Chicago
Student Conference
Three delegates from 'the University attended the Chicago Student
Confrenc held on th University of
Chicago campus December
Howard Stephenson president
28-3- 0.

the Siudent Government



tion. Virgil Pryor, SGA representative, and Howard Bowles, president
of the Veterans' club were chosen
by the SGA assembly to represent
the University at the national conference.
The conference attended by 466
delegates from the entire nation was
organizd to set up a "National Continuations committee" which in turn
will call a convention to draft a
constitution for the National Student Organization.
Thirty regions have been sectioned
in the national organization. One
representative the regional chairman from each of these regions and
one each from the Nat l Intercollegiate Christian Council, the National
Newman club, and the United States
Student .Assembly will form- 'th
. ecutive
committee of the nvc. a
tentative constitution for the NSO
will be drafted for the constitutional
convention of representatives from
all colleges.
Bowles, temporary chairman of
this region, plans to call a regional
conference of all Kentucky and
Tennessee colleges during the spring
vacation. At this confrence the regional chairman will be elected and
affairs of the Chicago meeting will
, be discussed.
Plans for the National Student
originated with the
American delegation to the
Union of Students Conference which met in Prague, Czechoslovakia, last summer. The delegation organized the Chicago conference.


The American Association of
Schools and Departments of Journalism, and the American Association of Teachers of Journalism
opened 'their convention here last
night with 125 delegates from Jourschools
throughout the
The convention opened with a
dinner given by the Kentucky Press
iummniee meeungs
were held following the dinner.
A business meeting of AASDS
will be held this morning with Paul
J. Thompson presiding. A forum
on the accrediting system of the
AASDJ will open a series of discussions. Speakers for this forum
Include Dean Kenneth E. Olson.
Northwestern university; Norvall
Luxon, Ohio State, and Earl English. Missouri.
Following the forum Shiel Dun- sker, of the Cincinnati Pout, will
speak on "Circulation as a Career."
Ralph D. Casey will speak on
"Teachers, Editors, and the Communication Art," at a luncheon to
be given by the Courier-Journa- l.
A second forum scheduled for this
afternoon will deal .with business
training in schools of journalism.
Speakers will be H. Phelps Gates,
of the Christian Monitor;
T. Finn, of the Cincinnati Times-Sta- r;
Court Conlee, of the Milwaukee Journal; and Richard Turn-bul- l,
assistant secretary of the
American Association of Advertising
Gilbert W. Harrison, of McCann-Erickso- n,
Inc., will speak on "Advertising Research" later In the afternoon. Another business meeting
is scheduled before the convention
adjourns for dinner. "
Dr. Nlel Plummer, head of the
University Department of Journalism, will preside over the dinner
given by the Lexington Heraldic der. Gov, Simeon S. Willis will
be the guest speaker.
A round table discussion will be
held Saturday morning Speakers
will be Roland E. Wolseley, Floyd
Baskette, Roberta Clay, and Arne
Other speakers during the day
will be John W. Garberson, Saturday Evening Post; A. Gayle Wal- drop. University of Colorado; Curtis D. MacDougall. retiring president of the AATJ, and Max R.
Grossman; Boston university.
Dr. Plummer, and faculty members of the department of journalism are in charge of arrangements
for the Convention.
Plans have been made for a special showing of the files of the Kentucky Gazette (1789) in the Lexington Public Library.
Delegates remaining until Sun
day will be taken on tours of horse
farms, and all delegates may attend hurley tobacco auctions.
All meetings will be held in the
Phoenix hotel.

Flu Shots
Flu vaccine may be obtalued
by students by reporting to the
University Health center, according to Associate Professor
W. A. Heinz, of the hygiene department. There is a charge of
fifty cents per shot.




American Journalists
Meet At Lexington





Winter Registration
Total 6,613 Students

Coupon Number Counts
In Neti; Ticket Boohs

There are seven student games
left on tap for this basketball numbers on them, such as 19, 21,
season, four for even number books 23, etc.
Mr. Coleman Smith, ticket manand three for the odd. But take a
second look at your book; you may ager, said because of the drop in
have an even book when you think enrollment, and the fact that stuyou have an odd book, or vice versa. dents have not been filling the gym
The new student books issued on the nights of their games, that
this quarter are arranged differ- those at home should listen to their
ently from those previously issued. radio and if by game time the gym
According to the new system which isn't filled, students with either
seems to be much better than the ticket book will be admitted. The
announcement will be made over
Twelve members of the Veterans' old. the large number on the indi- those stations carrying the game.
club were selected to draw up a plan vidual coupon is the one good for
Student games left and coupon
for reorganization of the club at a admission to the game. The small numbers good for admission:
serial number on the outside of
meeting held January 7.
Jan. 11 Dayton U
The delegates will hold five meet- the book does not count.
Jan. 25 Xavier
ings In the Student Union before
Even number books contain only Jan. 27 Michigan
th next meeting of the Veterans' even number coupons such as 16, Feb. 10 Georgia State
club, January 20. Three of the meet
18, 20, etc.. while the odd number Feb. 15 Tennessee
ings will be open hearings.
books contain only coupons with odd Feb. 22 Georgia Tech
The open hearings are scheduled
for 5 p.m. today, 2 p.m. January 12.
and 5 pjn. January 14. all in room
128 of the Union.
Plans for election of officers will
be decided at the January 20 meeting of tho club and election will be
held approximately
w- afterwards. Proposal for a veteran
Lambda Chi Alpha, March 4; and
basketball team was tentatively
Pershing Rifles, March 8.
adopted. Tom Diskin is hi charge
A host of. opep houses has been
of organization.
The team will play veteran teams
Witli numerous dances, parties, as many for the sororities as well
other tea dajices and infrom other colleges.
open houses and many other types
formal parties.
Of entertainment being planned by
Man Contest
the various campus organizations,
The Sigma Chis will sponsor their
the social calendar for the Uni- annual
Man and
versity's winter quarter was apWoman on the Campus contest on
proved by the social committee and Thursday night,
February 6. A
released this week by Mrs. Doro- representative
thy Evans, social chairman of the azine will servefromone nationaljudges
of the
for the event.
Kenton Coming
Sing Is planned
Although the dances wilt furnish
for Wednesday. February 19. by
a variety of orchestras, the Stan
Beta, women's music and speech
Kenton dance in the Union's Blue-gra- Phi
room on Saturday, January honorary.
25, will feature the biggest name
Two fields of endeavor will be
band to appear on the campus dur
The annual Kentuckian Beauty ing the quarter. The Kenton dance observed on the campus this month
ueen contest will be held Thurs- will be a public affair following the with Religious Emphasis Week from
and Farm and Home
basketball game in January
day, January 16, at 7 p.m. in the Wildcat-XaviWeek from January
Bluegrass room of the Student Un- Alumni gym at 8 p. m.
Other dances this quarter Include: and Home Week will bring the anion, with 31 campus coeds competvisitors to the caming for the honors. From this group Omicron Delta Kappa, senior men's nual influx of
of girls, representing various campus leadership honorary, February 8: pus for the three day convention
organizations, three judges, whose Alpha Gamma Delta. Alpha Delta held at that time.
The Women's House President's
names are being withheld, will pick Pi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, and Jewell
the University Beauty Queen, and and Patterson halls Valentine dan- Council will sponsol a Vocational
choose her four attendants, Charles ces on February 14; Reserve Of- Conference on March 4 and 5, and
Harris, business manager of the ficers club. February 15: Kappa Sig- Mortar Board junior women's hon
ma and Chi Omega. February 21; orary, will hold a Career ConferKentuckian, announced.
The campus beauty queen and her Tau Beta Pi. engineering honorary, ence on March 6 and 7. Both meetattendants are annually featured in February 22; Alpha Tau Omega, ings are aimed toward the placing
the senior yearbook, the Kentuck- February 28: Sigma Alpha Epsilon, of graduating students in various
ian. The names of the winners will March 2; Phi Sigma Kappa and vocations and occupations.
not be announced until they are fcnv
mally presented at the annual Kentuckian dance, which will be scheduled later In the quarter.
The contest will not be open to
Lamp and Cross, senior men's
the public.
The University Amateur
Radio leadership honorary, will hold a
Each of the 11 social sororities
dance Saturday night
have been allotted two contestants; club, organized late last quartar, cabaret-styl- e
Boyd, Patterson, and Jewell halls, has announced the election of the In the Student Union ballroom from
one each; Independents, four; Ham- following officers: Allie C. Peed, 9 to 12. Bob Bleidt and his Blue and
ilton House, one; and Shelby House, president; James H. Satterfield, White orchestra will furnish the
music. The dance will be informal so
vice president; Betty C. Peters, sec- - that persons attending the basketr.
Professor H. A. ball game that night will be able to
Nine-Wee- k
Romanowitz of the electrical en- attend without changing clothes.
gineering department is the faculty
Object of the club is to aid stuA series of nine dancing classes
taught by Howard Hall will be held dents in obtaining their amateur
every Wednesday night for nine con- licenses, according to Professor RoThe annual Parliamentary Prott
transmitter cedure Conference sponsored by
secutive weeks, beginning January manowitz. A
use on the
15 at 7 p m. in the Student Union is being built for
Mortar Board for presidents and
band and should be on the air vice presidents of all campus orballroom, social director Dot Evans
for code early this year.
ganizations will be held at 3 p. m.
A fee of $4.50 will be charged for
Next meeting ot the club is Sunday, January 12, in room 205 of
the entire series, Mrs. Evans said. scheduled for 4 p. m. Monday. Jan- the Student Union building. DisBeginning and advanced groups are uary 13. in room 232 of the Engin- cussion will be led by Mrs. W. T.
eering quadrangle.
included in the classes.


Group Plans
To Reorganize
Vet Club


3. Standings

Thirteen commerce students at
the University made a straistht-standing for the quarter just ended.
Dr. Edward Wiest, dean of the ColA

lege of Commerce, announced today.
They are: Singleton A. Cagle,
Owensboro junior: Kenneth Cameron. Cadiz junior; Marie Current.
Lexington sonior: Mathew Pei one,
Lexington freshman; Harold Rector,
Independence junior: James Banner. Moweaqua, 111., junior; Marlon
Snell. Paris senior; Marian Talbot.
Winner. S. D.. sophomore: Neilan
Thurman Lexington freshman: William Toombs. Louisville sophomore;
Vassia Lee Westfall Jr., Clarksburg. W. Va.. sophomore: Thomas
Whitesides. Lexington junior; and
William Young. Stanford freshman.
Dean D. V. Terrell announced "3"
standings earned by the following
engineering department St a ley F.
Adams, senior: C. Wcsldridge, senior;: G. E. Jones, junior; and J. W.
Scott, sophomore, carried top honors In the electrical engineering department Arthur A. Nierenberg.
senior, and Clarence L. Reynolds,
sophomore. Mechanical engineering
department: John G. Hamby. senior;
Harry Macke. senior; Fred M. Wells,
senior: and Samuel Bryant, sophomore. Butler H. Durham. Eugene B.
O'Neal. Roger N. Stark. Paul G.
Sears, and Glenn Weatherspoon.

Stan Kenton

Leads Dance List

Kyian Beauty
Queen Contest
Is Thursday

Best-Dress- ed

Queen Presented
At Formal Ball




The contact representative of the
Veterans Administration will be in
room 204. Administration Building,
each Monday at 1:30 p.m. to assist
veterans with matters pertaining to
claims, insurance loans and applies t ions. Dr. Lyle K. Henry, assistant
director of the University personnel
office, said yesterday.
On Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday afternoons a Training officer from the
will be
present to assist with, problems Involving training Including transfers,
changes of objective, and subsistence. Dr. Henry said.
Each veteran under Public Law
16 should report to a training officer
once a month to report his general
progress, he added.
He called the following points to
the attention of veterans who are
attending school under the O. L
Bill of Rights:
1. Do not drop below 12 hours (or
9 in graduate student, unless you
are willing to have your subsistence
2. If you drop courses, please return all books and supplies to the
Book Store immediately for credit
against your account.
3. If you married during the holidays, come to room 204. Administration Building, to apply for Increased subsistence.
4. If you accept a job which pays
you more than $110. you should report this to room 204.

Chooses Officers



Series Starts Soon


Procedure Conference
To Be Sunday



Administration Changes Announced By President


Three major changes in the administrative organization . of the
University were approved at the end
ot last quarter by the UK Board of
Trustees, meeting in the office of
President H. L. Donovan.
Dr. Leo M. Chamberlain, dean
of the University and registrar,
was appointed to the newly created

Pep Rally
The showing of "Kentucky
film short based on the
Wildcat team, will highlight a
-- sponsored
pep rally tonight at
the Ben Ali theatre.
Scheduled to start at 9 o'clock,
the program will include yells and
cheers in preparation for tomorrow's
game with Dayton university and
introduction of the 23 players seen
in the film. The University band
will play at the theatre. However,
there will be no snakedance before
the rally at the theatre.
The short, directed by Joe Walsh

News, was filmed
of RKO-Path- e
here in early November. Opening
with UK campus scenes, the film
the Wildcat hoopsters to
movie audiences by
shots and progresses to the
typically Hollywood "happy ending."
Shown in the picture are Beard,
Barker, Yessin, Brannum. Groza,
Demoisey, Jordan, Line. McMullen,
Fergenbaum, Campbell. Tuell, Barnstable. Tingle. Davis, Rollins, Parker, Holland. Cummins. Weber,
Crockett, and McNaughton.
Remember: Ben Ali Theatre, tonight, at 9 o'clock.
Bix-we- ll,

Did Day
The third sorority bid day
since September will be January
25 from 10 to 12 a. m. in the

Dean of Women's office.
All girls interested in bidding
should sign up by January 18
in the Dean of Women's office.

position of
to succeed him as dean of the University and registrar was Dr. Maurice F. Seay, director of the bureau
of school service. Both appointas of Dements are
cember 1.
Prof. Albert D. Kir wan, associate
'professor of history and former
head football coach at UK, was appointed dean of men and associate
professor of history, effective July
1. 1947, succeeding Dean T. T. Jones.
At the end of the present school
year. Dr. Jones will reach the age
at which he will be given a change
of work in accordance with regulations of the trustees.
Commenting on the appointment
of Dr. Chamberlain to the vice
presidency, Dr. Donovan said, "For
more than a year we have been considering filling this position because
the administrative work of the University has now just about doubled.
After considerable deliberation we
have come to the conclusion mat
the office of the vice president of
the University should be created,
and that instead of appointing a
registrar we should continue to have
one person serve as dean of the University and registrar, as Dean
has been doing for
the last four years.
"A great many of the larger universities have a vice president, and
in some cases two or three vice
presidents. This officer shares much
of the work that falls upon the
president as well as a considerable
amount of the responsibility of this
'Dr .Chttmheriaiu already ha"


ZiKlA :tb

Kim an
been performing a number of these
duties in his capacity as dean of
the University. However, he has
been very much overloaded with
work for the past year or more,
and some of the work which I would
like for him to undertake has not
been performed heretofore as a result of the heavy load he has been

President Donovan explained that

in his new capacity Dr. Chamberlain
will continue administrative supervision over the department of intercollegiate athletics and the departOther
ment of public relations.
auxiliary agencies, including the ofmen, office of
fice of the dean of
the dean of women, department of
extension, health service, libraries,
personnel office, radio station WB-Kregistrar's office, YMCA. and
YWCA, will continue to report directly to the dean of the Univer- -



Seay Nationally Known
"Dr. Seay has gamed a national
reputation for his work here at the
University," President Donovan declared. "As director of the bureau
of school service he has had charge
of the Sloan experiment which has
attracted nationwide attention in
the field of education. Dr. Seay
has made a number of school surveys in other states. His experience as a school administrator has
been demonstrated in other positions
and he is extremely well qualified
for his new position."
the appointment of
Prof. Kirwan. Dr. Donovan said:
"Dean Jones has rendered outstanding service to the University
as its dean of men. For some time
we have been studying the personnel of the University with the view
of selecting from our staff a man
to succeed Dean Jones in this
hT'e pniu'l'lrteri that

Prof. Kirwan is well qualified foi
this position. Prof. Kirwan has
had a rich experience in dealing
with young men. He is able to
gain their respect and affection
and it is our judgment that he possesses those attributes and qualities that we want in a man who is
to serve in this Important poitioii."
Dr. Chamberlain joined the University faculty in January 1939.T as
assistant professor of education. In
September of that year he became
director of the bureau of school
service and associate professor of
education. From 1937 to 1942 he
served as registrar and professor of
education, and in September. 1942.
was appointed dean of the University.
A native of Chalmers. Ind., Dr.
Chamberlain received the bachelor
of arts, master of arts, and doctor
of philosophy degrees from Indiana
university. He taught for several
years in Indiana nubile chnnis and


Guignol Tryouts
Try outs for the winter quarter Guignol production. "1 Remember Mama." a recent Broadway comedy success by John
Van Druten. will be held at the
theatre on Euclid avenue Sunday, at 3 p. m. The cast will be
composed of 14 women, 8 men.
and two children, a boy of 9 and
a girl of 8.

Kenton Dance
January 25
Begin Wednesday


Lamp And Cross
Holds Informal Dance

the present term at 6.613. This figure is 11 less than the fall term
record enrollment of 6,624.
Miss Maple Moores. assistant
explained that although
i registrar,
the formal registration period ended
Wednesday, any other Applications
for admittance this week would be
jconsvV-- d
in the light of the stu
dent ; tst record.
Expects Enrollment to Level Off
Dr. Leo M. Chamberlain, vice- I president of the
University, stated
yesterlav that .ie registration figures of the fall and winter quarters
could be expected to remain approximately the same during the 1947
spring term. The trend will al3o
continue ner.t fill after the usual
decrease for the :t.v
Dr. Chamberlain predicted.

Ticket Sales


28-3- 1.

Amateur Radio Club

The close of registration for the
winter quarter at 4 p.m., Wednesday,
listed the University enrollment for

In Commerce,

Quarters Social Calender
Announced By Director

Enrollment 11 Less
Than Fall Quarter

was associated with Indiana university of the state school program
from 1929 to 1937. He is a veteran of
World War I. a member of several
professional, honorary and civic organizations, and author of a textbook and numerous articles on educational subjects.
Dr. Seay was born in Perryville.
He received the bachelor of arts and
master of arts degrees from Transylvania college, the doctor of philosophy degree from Union college?
Barbourville. He served as superintendent of schools at Crab Orchard, principal of Danville high
school, dean of the college and head
of the department of education at
Union college, associate in the education division of the Tennessee
Valley Authority, and chief of the
training division of TV A.
Prof. Seay joined the UK staff
in 1937 as director of the bureau
of school service and head of the
department of school administration. He is past president of the
Kentucky Education association and
is a member of numerous educational organizations.
Kirwan I K Grad
Dr. Kirwan. a native of Louisville, received the bachelor of arts
degree from UK. the master of
arts degree from the University of
Louisville, and the last two years
has been working on his Ph.D. degree at Duke university, majoring
K:story. He taught and coached
football at Male and DuPont Manual high schools. Louisville, and
came to UK in 1938 as head football coach and a member of the
history department.
Dr. Jones, whom Kirwan will
succeed as dean of men. has been
a member of the University staff
since 1902. servuig as instructor,
assistant professor, and professor
and head of the department of
acting dean of
men: acting dean of the Graduate
School; and dean of men.

Tickets for r,w Stan Kenton dance
January 23 will r on sale Wednesday. January 15. in the Student
Union at two dollars per person,
according to Dot Evans, social director.


will continue


Thursday and Friday of next week
and Monday through Friday of the
following meek. "We can sell onlr
1600 tickets." Mrs. Evans said. "If
all of these go In advance there will
be no sales at the dorr."
The dance committee. In charge
of all arrangements, decided that
the dance is to be Informal with
hours from eight to 12 p.m.

PITKIN CLUB . . . meets at noon
at the Maxwell Street
Presbyterian church.


will meet at 4 p.m. Monday. January 13, in room 232 of the Engineering quadrangle.
meeting at 5 p.m., Tuesday. January 14. room 206 SUB.
STUDENTS . . . will meet 7 p. m.
Wednesday. January 15. In the Student Union. Open to all Independent
elect officers 7:30 p m January 10.
room 201 of the Physics building.
Dr. C. E. Snow will speak on "The
Peop' of Indian Knoll.
LUB of the Church of Good
Shepherd . . . will meet at
p. m. tonight at the church.
STRAY GREEKS . . . will jneet
at 7:15 p.m.
in room
206 of u.e Union. Meeting is open
to all unaffiliated fraternity men
and women on Vnm eampus.
. . . meets Tjesd iv at 6:30 p. m. in
the card room 'A XV. Union. Players are requested to bring their
boards and sets.
. . . will meet
at 4 p. m. Monday.
January 11 in SUB room 128 to
see the movie "And Now the Peace."
STUDENT UNION PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE . . . meeting Monday. January 13, 4 p.m..
ODK . . . meeting hi the Unioa
at 5 p.m. Tuesdflv.
meeimert at 6:30 p. th. Monday at
Christ church.
meet .at 5 p. hi. Mon&ay in room
205 of the Union,
DISCIPLE STUDENT FELLOWSHIP . . . invites students to sup-

per and lecture at Central Christian church. Short and Walnut
streets, at 6 p. m. Sunday. Dr. C.
E. Snow of the University will
meet at 7 30 p. in. Monday In room
205 of the Union. Howard Stephenson srill read
on "John
Locke anrt an American Theology "
Sc YWCA . . . will have a
scavenger hunt Tuesday night. Meet,
in the Union card room at 7:15

p. m.
"Oet Acquainted Party" will be held
in the Bluegrass room of the Union
tonight at 7:30. Open to ail Baptist


� -




Casfy Coman
Tom Di'ncan




JfJt Sotuuii
Baxtf Mfi.ton
O. C.










N. V.



Managing Editor
News Editor
(infant Men's Editor
Assistant Managing Editor
Sports Editor
Aiiiitant Sports Editor
Society Editor
Rewrite Editor
Feature Editor

The traditional pre-wthe average American

devil-may-ca- re


Adivrtising Manager

r,or.E Barktr


Alt ttgnet mrstams sm4 aolnmns art to Da mmtUtnt tut
opintvnt of tht writers themselves, aa4 a not necmnrUt)
reHsct th opinio a Th Kernel.


Campus Needs Movie Theater
A motion picture theater to show outstanding
features of interest to college students is a definite need of the University. Such an auditorium
- our of considerable size could picsent foreign
j. inures, especially those of England, France,
.aid Russia ncwsreels, and perhaps some important films obsolete in the regular movie
' ii ( nits.
These features would be of interest probably
'iilv to the intellectuals (college students), and
t!i v would not be
in the downtown movie houses. But they are among the best
ntci i.iip.mcnt materials in the
vol Id today.
l ull length newsreels,
pictures of history,
would be especially beneficial to hurried college
tudi nis who do not have time to listen to the
kkUo or to read the daily paper as carefully
they would like.
The foreign films offer opportunity for better understanding of continental life and for ap-edition of the
industry of
iiiok which produces many ji.ctures far better than some of those so highly advertised by
our own Hollywood.
I'd haps such a theater as this could be included in plans for the new Fine Arts building
vhiih will be constructed soon.

Dr. Donovan couldn't be reached, it was always
to the dean's office that a Kernel reporter or
any other interested person went. The answer
was there, with an explanation and always "if
there's anything I can do, let me know."
We haven't had occasion yet to go to the office
of the new vice president, buf we are expecting
the same reception there. For some time Dr.
Chamberlain has performed duties of a vice president without the added title. He well deserved
his promotion.
Instead of calling for Dean Chamlcrlain now,
we shall call for Dean Seay. Most students have
had little contact with Dr. Maurice Seay, but his
work with the Sloan experiment has attracted
nation-widattention among educators. In his
new post as Dean of the University and Registrar, he will become better known to students.
Dean Kirwan, former Wildcat football coach,
has worked with young men for many years as
football coach at Louisville Male and Manual
high schools and at the University and as a professor of history. His former training should
make him well prepared for the new work as
dean of men.
These changes in the University set-uones which long have been needed. We welcome
them and hope that the "new University" will be
a better one.

Changes Welcomed

At last we've discovered why the spotlight
shines nightly from the Administration building. Some day President Patterson will arise
from his chair, and no one wants to miss the

money-maker- s






The I'niversity could have made no better
than the advancement of Dr. Leo
10 the post of vice president. Dean
( Iharnbei lain and we'll likely tall him 'hat for
a long time vet has
students for
vvtial years in his post as Dean of the University and registrar. If anything went wrong when


Cham-beil.ii- n