xt75qf8jdv1g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75qf8jdv1g/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1931 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 03, no. 04, 1931 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 03, no. 04, 1931 1931 1931 2012 true xt75qf8jdv1g section xt75qf8jdv1g   , ``‘‘ *       lis$22222222;2;2;;2;2e2;2;2;2e2e2;2;2;2;;as2e222ezzzszees;2e2;2;se2es;aee;s==·¤·
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D1;     . Club, Campus, and Sports News   §
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    ° ume V‘ NOVEMBER 1931 Number 3   l i
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  ; SW-
  Ofdcial Organ of the Alumni Association of the University of Kentucky  
Q   Published Monthly, except July and August, on the Campus of the University. at Lexington  
§ ¢ # ‘   In me
gg e Volume IV. NOVEMBER 1931 . Number 3 xi%·?:%.by the ·
z   {A.  ganizing
~   . Entered as Second Class Matter at the Postofflce nt Lexington, Ky. May 22. 1929. undef the ACL of MM`¤h 3. IB79   prepaygc
  i  ;"LT;"` ’__"`~ i,2hi§·was gott
  , SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $1.50 A YEAR ii?-omce an
A : L....-»———   .-LL.-.... -. -7 IEA ,.
€ JAMES s. snaopsnxas, as ..... Edina: and Manager   STA']
  BETTY HULETT, 'KO ........ Assistant MBHEEBT  
`   _ PAULINE HARMON, ’35 . ..... SI.l1d€IlL Editor   . · _ . _ _
_   _ orrrcans or Tm; ALUMN1 Assocmrrou Exscurrvs COMMITTEE Q` `·  Deaf ‘
  ` I LEON K. FRANKEL' »0O _ I · President W. C. Wilson il.3, Q1'. E. C. Elliott 'O2, L`;ll'l0 Logan ,13 I gi, The
` é MASS SARAH BLANDING-AA · we-PAAAAAAA ‘i?§ii$§`.§¥.5‘..`”»?if"‘.$’.‘3.‘ ...— X’£’é‘I~1l‘5.*{?é`?”=?.;, “‘i&'.‘i}§'i.E 5 A AA
  JAS. S. SHROPSHIRE, ’29 . Secretary-Treasurer Johnston, G. Lee McLain, Dr. G. Davis Buckner '08 A __ gfaduat
2 __{___1_  =—;.meet or
2  W" ""'_"_ 3 at 2 p.
I Q ` A for the
  ` We ti
    J. Snead Yager, President, Blackstone buiia- John II- I$¤1I<>¤}<. _Pr¤si51¢>nt._412 Dixie Ter- ·  
j __ ing, Ashland_ m1nal building, Cmcmnati, Ohl0. devotim
.   I. B. Helburn, Vice-President. . Alma M
— . ATLANTA ALUMNI CLUB ICarltR1eg¤u:. Scérctary. 2111 E te A Very
_ , aw on a ey, rasurer, as rn ve. ¤
. C. L. Templin, President, 746 Greenwood Ave. Covington, Ky, JO_ I.
. ‘ George A. Wisenberger, Secretary-treasurer, CLEVELAND ALUMNI CLUB .
~ Y. M. C. A. — ·
‘V2.IT€'ll CIRIC, VIC?-PYBSIGCDL, C3.l'€ CIZIE & Ru Layman Mays, President, 3018 East 0vcl._
. Co., Bona Allen building. look Road, Cleveland Heights, Ohio. _.
2 R. E. Cl k, S t -t , 1388 E t " A ·
. , BELL COUNTY CLUB .01..., C...§Z....., $f§?..?"y   “ A Th f
. · e .
Q ·lvII‘S. Gr€0l'g'B W. McKee, SECl'BI.&l’y, BOX 66, LEXINGTON ALUMNI CLUB _' Associat
; Pmevnlle, Ky. tion et,
, Marguerite McLaughlin, President, 226 East —_jntrOdu(
i BIRMINGHAM ALUMNI CLUB Maxwell St_ _. ,,011 1
`. ' ` zlk. » - ` ·
I J. M. Sprague, President, Box 66, Ensley, Ala. Helen Kmg' Sccmtm-y’ 359 Lmdcn Wi 1889. SI
Q S. C. Ebbert, Vice-President, 231 Brown-Marx LOUISVILLE CLUB State C
` buimiag, Birmingham. _ _ FI Phe}
, A. B. Haswell, Treasurer, Box 1174, Birming- Ben Garr King, ’28, President. . IHVIUBUI
T ham. Ala. Levi 0. Coleman, ’14, Vice-President. 1€g€ AI
‘ Oscar J. Stoesser, ’28, Secretary. ?#¤ Alun
‘ BOWLING GREEN CLUB D. ("Dud") 0. Williams, ’27, Treasurer. glgca (
» W. J. Craig, President, care Western Kentucky NEW YORK CLUB number
A A S“"*° T°“°h°"S C°"°g°‘ s 1 A s im ri-e ide i 17 Jah street ggmem
; Mary Lee Taylor, Secretary, care Western N mzlgik Cu m ’ S A ’ n ·` they We
A , State Teachers College. ew _ y' _ Ose ,b
E . W. G. Hillen, Secretary-treasurer, 850 Frelmg- MEET I
  s BUFFALO ALUMNI CLUB huysen Ave., Newark, N. J. lzgtlonl
t w o we
= John w. ouagei, riesiaeiit, 149 nigmana Ave. PHILADELPHIA CLUB these fc
_ Dell Ramsey, Vice-president, Hamburg, N. Y. L_ C_ Davidson, $23, Pmsidcnh EBIIBTHH
, » Claude W. Daniel, Secretary-treasu1·er, care Richard Bozeman, 529, Secretary—treasm·er. from th
American Brass Co. . *
I nson
; Q CHICAGO ALUMNI CLUB Jesse I. Miller, President Commercial Nation- · Hayes ,..
` H. M. Nicholls, President, 134 South Michigan al Bank b¤¤I¤¤¤s. Wa·Shl“gt°“· D· C- G, Ben
` , Avenue. Elmer D. Hayes, Secretary, Care Interstate Ramsey
*, S. M. Cassidy, Seere·tary-treasurer, 2135 Black- Commerce Comm1ss10n, Oxford Street, Chevy _ D, Lam
, Y stone Ave. Chase. Md. gan anc
.. ` The .
.—- -·- -  ‘ -
. i ` 
5; l  
  l . —.‘..—    
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  By H. E. CURTIS, ’88 possible help and support from its members, and
— jz . . . 'f this be given we sincerely believe that it may
  In the spring of 1889 a committe was appointed 1 ’ . . . .
Bl` 3   the College authorities for the purpose of or- yet assume pmportmns of which We W 11} be Juetly
-— ifranizing an alumni association 'I‘hat committee pr°uq’ and become a p°W°r for g°°d m pmmotmg
ng   ‘ . . the interest of our Alma Mater’. Let all lend a
iaprepared and sent out the following letter which .
Q   . help1n hand and let ever raduate become an
___;g,§was gotten out on the stationery of the Presidents ,6. g b Y .g .
- .VA—_   eomce and mad as follows: ac ive mem er of the Association. All who can
  possibly do so should attend the next meeting
.   "STATE COLLEGE OF KENTUCKY and make it 8- $¤€¢€SS·
  Lexington, Ky., ......, 188-, A. M. PETER, President"
  ,,,,,.. . ............. . ..... The report continues as follows;
    Dear Sir: Organization of the Association
nlgle 4 _· The undersigned have been appointed by the In accordance with an invitation made by the
Emi;     A. & M. College of Kentucky to invite the College through a committee composed of Messrs.
:r·0e graduates of the Institution to J. H. Kastle, B. P. Eubank, and
fmeet on Tuesday, June 4, 1889,   W. E. King, the alumni of the
W fat 2 p. m. in the College Chapel   __   _ State College of Kentucky met
for the purpose of organizing an ’ .   __ . _   in the halls of the Union Liter-
Alumni Association. t —   “ · '“ r   ary Society at 2 p. m. on the
·We trust that you will rind it . V » '  _;   fourth of June, 1889 for the pur-
convenient to be present on that W;    pose of permanently organizing
T _ occasion. In the bonds of a L .     an alumni association. 'I'he fol-
"` common interest, and a common t , V .   “l‘‘ ”   lowing were present: N. J. Wel-
. devotion to the interests of our .     .... =   -‘,_ ler, M. L. Pence, G. T. Gess, W.
Alma Mater, we are, -. `» ·   g t`,     Prewitt, J. H Kastle, H. E. Cur-
_ V tf H y »~/   *·.  ·   _&   tis, E, L, Rogers, J. R. Scott, T.
Av°‘ ~ ery respec u y your?  ii  ,..»     ug  ‘·.»   W. Shackleford, C. S. Graves, _
. JO- H- KASTT-E-_Ch¤¤‘m¤¤» . t     _,.  g       Miss Belle c. Gunn, A. M. Peter,
Lexington, Ky. »       ‘ ...··’· { vv, E, King, J 0. Gordon, R. T.
BURTON P. EUBANK, i -   Payne, G. G. Bryan
Over- El Paso, Texas Q ____     I. `_ qi Dr. Kastle called the meeting
WILLIAM E. KING.    ii   ‘   ,.,..._..; »,,, to order and Stated its obioot-
Em ’ Elkton Ky."   '`‘‘  i , Nominations being in order for
’ i ' " _   permanent chairman, Dr. Kastle
The met AY}¤]·iel Repert eethe ,;   was unanimously elected chair-
Association, giving the orgamza- _; , . = A man and W_ E_ King unanimous-
tion, etc., COI1t2.iI`1S U18 fOHOWiHg .   ·   elected S€cI·€tg_I·y_ ‘
Erm introduction:   A A motion was then made and i
"On the afternoon of June 4, » · carried that a constitution and
k· 1889, sixteen graduates of the 'Q " by-laws drafted by Messrs.
_State College of Kentucky met   Kastle and Peter be read as a
at the College in response to an whole and then passed upon and
invitation extended by the Col- II_ E_ CURTIS adopted or rejected, section by x
lege Authorities. and organized As he appeared at the time the section. _ i
gi Alumni Associationdby adept- Aiuinni Association was oi·ganiZed_ hThe mgtion was put_tc;) tgge {
g a cons 1 u ion an eee ing ouse an carrie unanim u .  
officers as detailed in the following pages. The It Was then passed upon section by section and ~
number in attendance was small but from the adopted, with such modifications as were deemed g
earnestness of those present it was evident that desirable by the Association.
Street- glley were desirious of renewing and strengthening CQNSTITUTION {
ose ‘ onds of a common devotion o our A ma ; {
·€ling- Mater’ which it is the main purpose of this organ- Ai-ticie I Q
ization to cherish and from the expression of those Name I
Who were unable to be present it is believed that The naino of this association js the Association r
these few but acted out the wishes of the graduates of Aiumni of the State College of K9ntucky_ _
generally. Very encouraging letters were received Ai-ticie II ‘
mer from the following graduates, who on account of Object  
` n business €¤g¤g€m€I1tS 01` 1`€m0i?€ 1‘e$ide}'¤ee· Were The object of this Association is to promote the  
unable tembg KYBEGUV  HB-MM\l;;l$0gt 69·d'II;i   best interests of our Alma Mater, and the pro- Q
_ SOI`1 ' » · · 6611 ' . · - fig or · · fessional welfare of its members, and to strengthen 1
r*m°“' Hayes ’79, J. A, Shackleford, L. K. deRoode and G. the bonds of friendship and social fellowship ’
G. Berry, ’82, B. P, Eubankg H. C. Jones, R. T. among the alumni of the College. ·
erstate Ramsey, and O, V, Riley ’84, R. J. J. deRoode, W. Article III
Chevy D. Lambuth and W. G. Thornbury ’85, T. H. Mor- Meetings ‘
. gan and R. L. Prewitt ’86 and K. L. Hifner ’87. Sec. 1. Meetings shall be held at least once a .
·The Association now in its infancy needs all year for the reading of papers and the discussion 2
.; ¤? .

 '- " "*`“` "- : ,·  li  . rg; ‘  —
g l%  
·   5 . *_;ga ;_
‘ ;_ ,`¥ of subjects of general or professional interest and Sec. 2. A quorum of the committee shall con;.  
L { J   social intgrcgursg sist of not less than three members.  
Q “ Sec. 2. The annual meetings of the Association Article IX  
` l , shall be held in the city of Lexington on the day Elections  
— é   before the annual commencement of the College. Sec. 1. The members present at the first meet.  
- kx ; Sec. 3. A Spfwial mootlpg may b3 Gallod by tho ing shall elect the oflilcers for the coming year by  
E ¢ President at any time upon the written request of bg_]]g{;_ ‘   Th
  it _ ten members of the Association at levee, ¤r umm seo. 2. Thereafter, orncers shall be elected at  
  Q the request of three members of the BX-€Cl1@iV€ the regular annual meetings by a majority of the   send
    Commltiiéé. AW I Iv members present and the proxies of members sem,.€iE*one i
i , 1*3 ¢ in to be voted. AF; the 1
§ lg omoers Sec. 3. The officers of the Association, includ; —  Bring
g 2 Sec, 1. The omcers of this Association shall be ing the executive committee, shall be elected from  
5 ‘ a President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, the Association at large, subject, however, to thy iff at th
{ l and executive committee composed of five mem- restriction as to residence contained in Article IV.   M2
E . bers. These omcers shall be elected by the Asso- of the constitution. ,   form
  L ciation in the manner provided by in Article X. Article X ~ , _
§ _ The Treasurer, Secretary and three members of Members »' mbu
J   the executive committee shall reside in the city seo. 1. This Association shan consist or regular mem
  ; of Lexington, or 1n Fayette county. and honorary members. versi
  Sec. 2. The President, Vice President, Treasurer, Soo- 2· All gmduatés of thé Staté College 0I _ crow
  Secretary, and members of the executive commit- Kentucky may become 1`€€¤l&1` m€Y¤b€1‘S by D9~}’~ that
2 g tee shall hold onice for one year. ¤1€I1l¢ of dues to the Treasurer. ‘
,   Sec. 3. No officer except Treasurer and Secre— Sec' 3‘ .HFm°rary members may be elected   gmul
·   tary Shall be eligible for re-election to an omce me Assoolallon from among D€I‘S0¤S emment in tuck:
f   after holding it for two years in succession; but Sclencel literature or arti who have been Ol all Th
»   after an interval of one or more years will be ell- HOW cmmected wml] the State Cquege Of Kentucky X
Q { ‘ gible to the Same Omc9_ They shall be entitled to all privileges of regular E cel
  Q Article V members, except those of voting and holding onine for ¤
- » and shall be exempted from payment of dues. at 1;]
` i President Article XI ld I
=   Sec. 1. It shall be the duty of the President to Dues ° d'
‘ c call and preside at all meetings of the executive . . . , · an
_ committee and Of the Association, and HH by aD_ b Sec. 1. The annual dues of this Association shalt cheez
l l pointment any vacancies that may occur in the 6 one d°lle¥» payable On Or before the day Of llll of H
‘ . executive committee until the next annual elec- e¤g¤¤12m¤·=¤¤g m Each YBQTL
, — tion and to perform such other duties as may 1.€c‘ ‘ Any member no? m a"`eB·I`S may become part
_ _ devolve upon mm by Virtue of his Omcfh a 1fe member and be relieved from further pay· that
e i Sec. 2. In the absence or disability of the Presi- mem Of annual dues by the payment at any ell? ed 3,
i dem, the vice President Shall perform me dunes mms, Of twenty d°ll‘"S· . . - sim
_ of the Pmsidenu Sec. 3. Members one year in arrears in paymen .
Q ; Article VI of annual dues, may, after due notification, be adva
Trcasmer dropped ,fr0m the rollland shall then forfeit their ` infer
; 5 It shan be the duty Of the Treasurer to collect rights and privileges in the Association until all ·‘ (mac]
i ¤ monies and pay all bills of the association, but arr€&rS4b€ p8'1d‘ , , ‘ D_
Q no indebtedness shall be incurred unless previously Sec'. ‘ Only thclse members not ln arrears Shel 1
Z authorized by the executive committee. No bills be Emltled to Vote Or h°1d °m°°· Wes
j shall be paid unless previously authorized by the Aftiolo XU help:
· secretary. The treasurer shall present to the exec- Amendments of gy
‘ utive committee a written report of the financial SEc_ 1_ This constitution may be amended al _
f conditions of the association at the annual meet- any time by a tW0_thh.dS vote of all the members _ Fll
; _ ing in_June. His accounts shall be audited by the present an any meeting or the Association. But ‘ Wllll
; é exeentlye eemmlttee- any amendment to the constitution or by-laws Next
3 Article VII shall first be submitted in writing to the executive our
i » Secretary committee, and must be approved by it before pre- love
L , It shall bg the duty Of the Secretary to issue sentation to the Association. The action of the
* , notices of all meetings of the executive committee executive committee Shall be i¤ each me ml .
; _ and of the Association: To keep minutes of all but nnel eetlon Shell not be token on any pm E
_ meetings, to record the names, addresses and oc- posed emenelmenl before me explrollop of olll V
__ cupations of its members and to perform such m¤¤lb from me date at Wnlon Such proposal ll · mis`
2 other duties as may bg assigned to him by the submitted. A four-fifths vote of the whole com- Our
’ executive cgmmittgg_ mittee shall be necessary to pass an amendment man,
V Article VIH l3allots on any proposed amendment may be sem mst
· . _ 1n to the Secretary, and the vote shall be counted ·
· Execlmve C°mmltl’ee with those of the members present is th
‘ Sec. 1. The executive committee shall have gen- - ` of 0
eral charge of the affairs, funds and property of Article XIII
· the Association. It shall have full power, and it Suspension ol` Expulslon mucl
[ shall be the duty of the executive committee to See- l- Any member of tho Aosoolalllop may bl We R
_ r l carry out the purposes of the Association accord- Suspended or expelled for miS<=¤¤d¤¤t in ms Tele grew
ing to the constitution and by-laws. (Continued on Page 8) A
1 l l
A is
il ‘

 gi. ;
.all COD-`-_`{·§Z _ _
St meet` U   * d` ' f this ma azine it is
yam, by   HOMELOMING In each succee mg xssue 0 gal f
  This past week—end, November seven, one thou- °“' h°p° fhat S°m°°”° °" s°m° I;°;?r fri;
acted at I   sand nine hundred and thirty—0ne was a glorious s*¤¤¤¤¢s mu be brought t° the me a' mn ° W
Y 0f the   · the universit has actually meant to them and to
mrs sem A  xcne in s0me ways for the alumm who returned to _ Y ith W h ve written
  the university for the largest home-coming gatn- the me °f °m` 'i°mm;:v;°1hi ' I e _a muon
i¤Clud-Y ‘· Q Bring that the alumni association has ever held a'b°ut several thmgs &_ S a .
sed from   at the School or Ours, as an others, wishes to accomplish-. W6
'. to the fi, I h ' to r at detail about athletics, and
rticle Iv.   Many estimates have been made as to how many 11;;,; ggxiegnpagiscto expansion that this or that
— lllrl former Students and graduates returned to pay department has made and is still making, but DOW
_- tribute to our football team and refresh their we want to bring before om, former students and
’regular memories Oo the pleasant days SPM M me unt friends in ws enemy, the Umvmsnw.
n versity. While those who worked to get a large Since its founding, the university has been sew-
>11ege ci crowd back have 110 id€3· as to the Exact number ing the State of Kentucky in many capacities, but
by Pal" 4 that returned, we do know that it was the largest as education is becoming more Widespread so are
¤ctgd br group ever to gather for a homecoming at Ken- the services that the university offers to the stu-
i1l€Ill2   tucky· dents, graduates and citizens 0f KBIll3l1CkY· A1'0\1I1d
E· OY all The day’s festivities were delightful, with the the university a cultural atmosphere is arising
  exception of the game, and even it had high lights and as that spreads over me smc we me brought
ng omce Y0? S0m€· Alumni registered at both hOt€1$ and face to face with the realization that the umversnty
dues. at the alumni office all morning. At noon the is a, great iniiuenee and we, as Kentuckiaus, should
old Strollers gathered again to discuss old times lend our every effort to the leading educational
and old friends; at two 0’cl0ck the crowd started and experimental institution of the State.
lon SIE} cheering the Wildcats, a well conditioned group Many Kentuckians me gmdimtes of some other
‘y ° E of men fighting for the glory of U· K-, but this state or .im0mmamma1Scn001,¤ue as a sme con-
r bgcgmg. DEN? of the d9·YYS DTOgY?~m ended disastrcusly for sgiuusness is in the minds of 3.11 0l1I' 0itiZBl”U’Y W6
ner par the team and old grads, for Wallace Wade produc- am anxious to See them united behind the efforts
any On? ed a strong defensive team that was alert tc the of the University of Kentucky. `
paymen. J situation, waited, made a. splendid break and took Alumni are in the position to bring about the
[tion, bg advantge of it. A good team was defeated by an feeling of good will rm- the university that is so .
?€it théil ' inferior one because it lacked the fmesse of a well- essential to the progress of any great business 0i' .
unm all ' ` coached outflt. institution. Will you help bring to the minds of —
‘ Dr. and Mrs. McVe ’s tea following the game all Kentuckians a. conscious nmderstzmdmg of our `
ars Shak y · · ‘ d ` d ants to do
was attended by several hundred alumni and this school, what it has done, is- omg, an w · ul ,
hel ed to dispell the gloom of the previous feature not ln the field of ¤th1€t¤¢$» OY extra cunfc er I
P .
of the program. activities, but lll the fullness of letters and science, J
Ended al Finally our homecoming was brought to a close helping to bring to Kentucky and Kcntuckimls V
5 A ’ . h ' d 'oyable under- j
glemggt · with a dance at the Lafayette hotel for all alumm. gzsggvnzersf algfcgppler an more em  
by-laws Next year you must not miss the gala occasion 0f ‘ i
execulivf our alumni homecoming. It strengthens 0ne’s Wo need and Want y°'" h°}p‘ ·
l n e * e- I
EO1§fp;I$€ love for his Alma Matm" For the benefit 0f those that have called, {
S6 flml? _ * * *   written, and asked the question, "H0w much  
mg} px Every time an editorial is written for the Al\1m·· longer does Coach Gamage‘s contract run?", we ‘  
jposal is _ HHS we wonder if all or any part of it will be read- make the Ifollowing announcement: Mr. Gam- .
316 00m' Ou? 00V¢1‘¤»§6 of alumni is not IMKG- It reaches age is servmg the·th11·d year of a. iive year con-  
mdmem many 0f 0ur graduates tha,t have the university tract, It will BXDITB July 1, 1934-  
bcuiigé . first in their minds when progress and ¢d¤°=m°¤ ··—·———·"_—‘—*  
CO is thought of su we believe that at frank €XDl'BSSi0¤ WITH HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT h 1 f g
‘ ‘ the Alumnus can do Mr. Cabel Owens, graduate of the sc 00 0 I
°f °pm'°" °" the par? of . .t th t engineering, University of Kentucky, has accepted a
much to create the feeling for theumversn y a. Q position with the highway department at Bum, E
may bl we all so fervently hope is being built up ab°“t °'"` side. He is one of S0merset’s splendid young men
his *61** great institution. and made a line record in college. ;

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_   { By ROBERT H. McGAUGHEY and concrete work laboratories, and storage room  
t` { Dedication services of the new agricultural en- for lumbar Siupphes and machfnely . , · . tt T
{ E ineerin buildin were- held at 3 o’clock Wednes— The great Importance Of agmcultum engmeermg   sem
`·   gay Oc? 28 Og the Experimgm Station farm is known to few, according to' authorities in Lhg ‘—_’   ph;
g E with Pres Frank McVey presiding Speakers for department The type Of Work was recognized as if bw
_ ; J ‘. a profession in this country at a conference hem 3j.{»§ view
  l   ;1;€t;;°*;s;§]§t;V€;§   giag g§]Y;;;°‘;n§‘;“g$§§ at Madison, wisconsin m 1907. since that time the L;. I,
E   writer of agriculture text books and S H Mc- ideas in this Work have been developed to smh   SOIT
=   fj Crory, chief of the bureau of agricultural engineer- an extgnt tha'? at my prexm dash 41 college? in   0351
E E ing of United States department of agriculture the glmtgd sgi ei mg dfm? m Cana ioffer comm ` » · $116
; 4 . . . ‘ for B enei o s u en s in agricu ure. the
g   gggclgzzlog gniitgigedlcblon were pronounced by At present 112 students are enrolled in The de- of
·   { ‘ ‘ ‘· ‘ partment at the university. The department is _- it b
E ; Doctor Davidson spoke on "Development of composed of Prof. J. B. Kelley, head of the divi- um
E Agricultural Engineer1ng", and Doctor McCrory’s s1on, Earl G. Welch, full-time extension agricul. - D
~   A »_ turn
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 I ‘ address was on "Contributions of Agricultural ture engineer, and Howard Matson, part-time ex-  
l . Engineering to Rural Life." Prof. J. B. Kelley, tension engineer and instructor. In addition to per
f head of the department of agricultural engineer- teaching, the staff conducts extension and exper Blu
r ` ing at the university, was in charge of the arrange- imental work, which has proved a great aid to thé ` gg;
’ ment for the dedication farmer Reports show that the department me {
, _ _ _‘ ‘   _ Dai
  * The building, Georgian in architecture, is spa- prepared 136 building plans suitable for farmivl I;
g . » c10us, adequate and equipped in every way to meet conditions. Last year more than 600 sets of ollll I-ec,
é r the new demands placed upon the shoulders of prints were requested and 1,594 buildings VJOTG req
; . those who must blaze the trail to new frontiers in erected or remodeled from plans furnished by The rect
 . i agriculture. It occupies a prominent position at department. The reports also show that Me