xt75qf8jdv0w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75qf8jdv0w/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1921 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 1, no. 12, 1921 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 1, no. 12, 1921 1921 1921 2012 true xt75qf8jdv0w section xt75qf8jdv0w s _ . ., . e. _ . , . I ,_Q;; ,    1  a
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  Published by the Alumni Association ofthe University of Kentucky. Admitted as second 1
  class matter December 28, /908, at the ‘Postoffice, Lexington, Ky., under
 ; · ` — the act of ]uly I 6, I 894 _
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_   i yi     The call to service for the Alma Mater
        g has been heeded by alumni in rapidly in-
  E   - - creasing numbers in the last year. The
  . U  {   growth of the University, its greater pres-
     l   - tige, a new spirit among the undergrad-
1 Q,     i   uates and the firm conviction of leaders
Lf `     i among the alumni that there must be a
      . strong Asssociation and a definite pro-
        gram have figured in this renewed activity.
A V       Kentucky needs an educational awak-
,   A     ening. The first signs of such awak-
J     `     ening are visible. The University, which
_- E J     is at the head of the public school system
  T   _     in the State, will share the advantages of
,       , a renaissance.
- i `     There are many reasons for pride in the `
•   ·   University of Kentucky. Its standards
‘     · are high and the ability of the men and
t »     women who have received its degrees is
_     I known. The quality of work done in the
      i several colleges compares favorably with
  _       _ that done in other institutions in the South,
  I   l   ~ in many instances being far superior.
      The personnel of the student body have
{ `     evoked much favorable comment from
  _     S townsfolk of Lexington and from visitors.
    Its numbers are limited only by the capaci-
    ty of class rooms and laboratories.
i     r Greater growth is possible only with
i _     greater support from the State in appro-
      priations for new buildings, equipment
-     _ and operation. The report of the Ken- ‘
  ·     l tucky Survey Commission on its work,
. eii   i
¢· Y* é
  _. .;:_ ;§_·_

 May l6-Zl, l92l, indicates clearly the I
needs of the institution. In that report
recommendations were made for an im-
mediate increase of $300,000 in the an-
nual appropriations and $8,000,000 for
buildings and equipment in the next ten I
years. Members of the commission I
pledged support to a movement that
would supply these needs. On the alumni
rests in large part responsibility for suc-
cess of the plan.
Membership in the Association has in-
creased from l93, June I5, 1920, to 924,
June l, I92I. In the same period the
number of active alumni clubs has grown
from two to fourteen, nine of them being
within the State, with a score more in pro- _
cess of organization.
Twenty-one hundred men and women
have been graduated by the University,
which number will be increased by l57
with the class of l92l. More than l6,000 `
men and women have been enrolled since `
the founding in 1865. When all these
are ardent workers for the University,
when they rejoice in its victories and have
faith in its future, great progress will be
This directory is published—the first
since I9 l 6—in the hope that the informa-
tion contained will help in promoting a
closer union of alumni with a greater op-
I porturiity for service to the Alma Mater.

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1   _   Qlhe lizuturkg Alumnuu
2     - Gluntxntz  t
    Foneword ...................,..................................... , .... 2-3
      'Dable of Contents ..........,..............A........................,.. ..4  
U     g Officers of Association ................................................. t. .5  
    l Class Secretaries ,....................... . .............................. 5  
    » Alumni Clubs .......... . .......................................·....... 6 f
5:4 fs!-Q  “
»     cms Ron .................._,............4.......................... 7-89  
2     Honorary Degrees ................................................... 89-92 2
`   }  Geographicazl Index ...................,............................ 93-110 »
r     1 A1pua.betiea1 Index .....V.......................................... 111-120 ' 

 Qbffueru nf the Asznrmium _
' . Representatives on Board of Trustees
ili . ‘
1 Jihlriiinl; £§’K{”i~?é`¢. Ii»°3§1Z‘gé?& K"
W. H. Grady. Louisville, Ky.
General Association
{ghn E, Brown, President, Shelbyville, Ky.
rss Marg Scrugham, Vice-President, Carson City, Nev.
Herbert raham, Secretary-Treasurer, Lexington, Ky.
· Executive Committee
E. B. Webb, Chairman, Lexington, Ky. ·
A Miss Lulie Logan, Lexington, Ky.
T. T. Jones, Lexington, Ky.
George Brock, London, Ky.
S. Headley Shouse, Lexington, Ky.
Howard M. West, Lexington, Ky.
President and Secretary ex-oihcio.
Presidents of all clubs.
1869·89 Dr. tA‘;   Peter, ’80. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station, Lexing-
~ o , y.
1890 Charles R. Brock, 300 Wight Building, Denver, Colo.
_ 1891 Professor V. E. Muncy, Ohio Mechanics' Institute, Cincinnati, Ohio.
1892 William S. Page, Danville, Wash. `
1893 D. S. Roberts, West Point, Ky.
1894 Mrs. P. F. Kesheimer, Madison Place, Lexington, Ky. .
_ 1895 Miss Mag L. Didlake, Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station, Lexing-
on, y.
1896 ’J. I. Lyle, 39 Cortlandt Street, New York City.
· .1897 J. O. H. Simrall, McClelland Bldg., Lexington, Ky.
. 1898 Paul S. Ward, 1646 Cedar Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio.
1899 A. J. Vance, Coe Manufacturing Company, Painesville, Ohio.
· 1900 L. K. Frankel, Ben Ali Building, Lexington, Ky.
1901 Frank Daugherty, Scoheld Engineering Company, Commercial Trust Bldg.,
_ Philadelphia, Pa. V
1902 T. J. Barr, Cannel City, Ky.
1903 Miss Marguerite McLaughlin, 226 East Maxwell St., Lexington, Ky.
1904 W. E. Freeman, 1348 Marlborough Street, Wilkinsburg, Pa.
1905 Harry Edwards, Naples, Ill.
1906 *Miss Anna Wallis, 326 Aylesford Place, Lexington, Ky. ,
1907 L. E. Hillenmeyer, Georgetown Pike, Lexington, Ky.
1908 Frank Battaile, University Book Store, Lexington, Ky.
1909 T. C. Carroll, Shepherdsville, Ky.
1910 Professor D. V. Terrell, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky.
  1911 Mrs. R. C. Wilson, 329 Forty-sixth Street, Newport News, Va.
1912 J. R. Duncan, 500 West 112th Street, Apart. 5-B, New York City.
1913 Miss Mabel Pollitt, University of Kentucky, Lexington.
` 1914 R. C. Dabney, Bungalow Terrace, R. R. No. 24,Akron, Ohio.
1915 Capt. Clyde Taylor, 40th Inf., Camp Sherman, Ohio.
, 1916 Miss Elsie Heller, 1109 Va. Railway and Power Building, Richmond, Va.
 — Lecoq. H. Nelson, Department of Agriculture, Raleigh, N. C. _
1917 Frank Crum, Portsmouth Solvay Coke Company, Edgarton, W. Va.
1918 Professor Russell A. Hunt, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Ark. _- ,
A , 1919 C. E. Planck, Detroit Free Press, Detroit, Mich.
_ 1920 Grover Creech, Pineville, Ky.
1921 Robert J. Raible, 1935 West Broadway, Louisville, Ky.
* Resigned.
. . x

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  U S i   I i ALUMNI ewes
ll   ."   { ii- l Akron, Ohio
  2, {E _§j F  Preside¤t—w. F. Clark, *10, B. r. G a · h R bb C
  y    ` Z ? . Secretary—Miss Mary S. VanMeter,q20rl%92 ll1VesPltrMgiIkE’zEt¤Street.
  »   i{   P d Chicago, Ill.
  VV .,V   ,,¤  resi ent--Charles K. Dunn, ’16, Ill' ' B ll T l h C .
  F; VV;   aj glee-Presi'¤}_ent—C. S5 R§1liws,k’15, I-jini/'. Estes? Ii)1cilm202O§pSrta'te Street.
E3 1: =·   . 1 cc" “Y` "°‘·‘S“’°"‘ · · at ins. ’l$. L b t . Ch' M'11 & - .
  .r V ;   ll pany, 226 W. Randolph Street. a Om my lcago 1 Lumber com MU
    E   ~ . ...· ‘
t; , L 1;; --; Cincinnati, Ohio
  . -1     L President———Warner P. Sayers ex. F. D L El t' C 219 W F {
  ` `.j     ~ Vice-President-—]. T. Rawlings, ex., 702 OEv‘eliFsc;`ri:€St.,cI(iI;ia$por(i,` Ky. l Gurn St.
._. V _   .   ~ Secretary-Mrs. Clara _Matt1 Studer, '13, 3761 Isabella Ave., Hyde Park, Cincinnati. MU
..    V ,   '1reasurer——H. W. Greife, ex., 2014 Maple Ave., Norwood, Ohio.
_’; W i "   Frankfort, Ky.
V ._  ’   _· · Prcsident;——M. I. Clarke, ’16, 218 Steele Street. H A
j.   2    V glee-Pres1%ent—Miss1&arol§r;_Llutklemézyer, ’16, 419 Lewis Street.
VV V 3      eere ary- reasurer—— iss iza et argent, ’10, 719 Logan Street. V
’ `         Lebanon, Ky.  {
·   `?§lj, -< President¢R. E. Mattinglyi ’lI§. . CA
  I   QV Vice-President—Clyde P. arrison, 'IB. ‘
~ V ·_     A. '§_ecretary——l\IV’§rsj Lghsxgrown Ovivysley, '19. DE
V .     gigi   reasurer— . . i ress, ex- .
‘__- ` g,     ; Lexington Club (Alumnae) ¤ HA
Y ,V ,   f Presidentj—Miss Marguerite McLaughlin, ’03, 226 East Maxwell Street. SM
.r  [_ ’ if   Vice-President--Mrs. Maurice Weil, ’09, 606 North Broadway. · `
,3 * "`“ ` E,. " Secretary-Treasurer—Miss Margaret E. McClure, 217 North Upper Street. .
  _,       Lexington Club (Alumni)  V
  V A    i PresidentT—Bi1l Combs, ex., 429 East Main Street. , BRl
‘ V_ ,  jjj { Vice-President-Miss Nancy W. Innes, ’17, 407 South Mill Street. .
'       . V §ecretary-—·gamIeIs gizrk, 5115, FayVette \Bank_Buildi_ng.
  5.. - Ab 3 reasurer—. ea ey ouse, 19, ersailles Pike.  .
· _ _   T   Louisville, Ky.  i FL(
`     Q Presidentj—Leo. ]. Sandmann, ’l4, Louisville Trust Building.  ’
4     Vice-President-——W. H. Grady, ’05, Columbia Building. .
V · y;. gg,} V Secretary-——Mrs. Albert_ Kreiger, ’06,_ 2304 Alta Avenue. i YVA
V if   Treasurer-—Rodman Wiley, ’06, Marion E. Taylor Building. ’
`VQ     Mayfield, Ky. .
  E     President——B. H. Mitchell, ’16,
u   V   Secretary-Treasurer—R. B. Hays, '17. 4 CO.
i. · *15   l M `ll,K.
  · —   iii: j :.52, ; President—Hall Strode, ex. aysvl c Y _ MA
  V ig -   , Secretary-—-Miss Ruth Thomas, ex.
ii   ig {il; ‘£ New York City L
V t · +. ~ . e¤"
`Zg ~ i `°R val V President—Howard P. Ingels, '05, 14 Wall Street. BLr
le ». . .
2 ‘   iff, · Vice-Pres1dent——Reuben T. Taylor, '15, Chas. Hartman Company, 981 Dean Street,
· at   ¤ Brooklyn, N. Y. ‘ HA
.     Secretary·Treasurer—]. T. Lowe, ’12, 500 West 112th St., Apart. 5-B.
—· `     Paducah, Ky. PE]
- ’5=; .*1 · ·
yr ,r·,q President—Carl H. Denlcer, ’19, 903 Clark St t. ·
  4.5; Vice-President——·Gi1tner Segenfelter, ex-13. me
    V Secretary—Miss Edna Berkele, ’19, 1027 ]eFferson Street. WR
>._. ‘»§?; Corresponding Secretary——Miss Marguerite Sehweers. '15, 1027 ]'ei¥erson Street.
—     Treasurer—OttoE]. Jones, ’l4, Principal, High School. '
    Cheer Leader- . T. Proctor, ’l4, Northwestern Mutual Life Ins. Company. ’
l gg   I Philedalphia, pa. CP
~     Presidentj——H. Berkley Hedges, ’l4, E. I. du Pont de Nemours, Wilmington, Del. \}
» gg yi.? Vice-President—G. C. Lewis. '13, Solar Eng’g Corp’n, 200 N. Fifteenth Street. . PE.
¢   rj; Secretary-Treasurer-—C. L. Templin, ’19, Y. M. C. A., Allentown, Pa. .
-¤     · Pittsburg, Pa.
'     V President?]. Madison Graves, ’00. DuQuesne Light Company, Philadelphia Building. WH
V; Ji; A Vice-Presxdent——W. E. Freeman, ’04, 1348 Marlborough Street, Willcinsburg, Pa. _
V     ‘ Secretary-Treasurer—H. Lee Moore, 'll ,917 Union Arcade. VVE
  .. as      ’

p 1Knll Eg Gllamava
` 1869. ·
MUNSON, WILLIAM BENJAMIN, B. S., President Denison Cotton Mill .
Company, Denison, Texas. ‘
V 1870.
MUNSON, THOMAS VOLNEY, B. S., M. S. ’93. Deceased.
‘ HARDING, ENOCH, B. S. Deceased.
‘ 1874.
; CA1?\VELL, ROBERT EMMETT, B. S., LL. B. ’7S. Attorney, Decatur,
DEAN, JOHN ALLEN, B. S. Attorney, Owensboro, Kentucky. Res. 413
Frederica St.
HARDIN, THOMAS ROLLINS, B. S., M. S. ’76. Teaching, Leesville, La.
· SMITH, Edward E., H. S. Deceased.
F BROWN, EDGAR THOMAS, B. S., M. S. ’77. 525 Main St., Glen Ellyn, A
Illinois. Temp. Add. Country Club, Hinsdale, Illinois.
 _ 1877.
I FLOETE, FRANKLIN, B. S. Life Member. President Citizens' Nat'l Bank
~ and Floete Lumber Co., Spencer, Iowa.
WARD, BALLARD PRESTON, B. S. Farmer and Stockman, Rural Retreat,
Va., R. F. D. No. 1. .
I 1878. I
MACKIE, MAHLON, B. S. Deceased.
BLAKELY, CHARLES GRAHAM, B. S., -M. S. ’84. Real Estate and General
~ Insurance, Mulvane Bldg., Topeka, Kansas. Res. 1434 Polk St.
HAYS, NAPOLEON BONAPARTE, B. S., M. S. ’84. Attorney, Lexington,
Ky. Res. 351 Lexington Ave.
~ PERRY, CALEB SYKES, B. S., Woodville, North Carolina. (Last address
kno 11).
WRIGHWT, HENRY MOSES, B. S., Cave Springs, Georgia. (Last address
4 1880.
CRAWFORD, JAMES, B. S. Deceased.
PETER, ALFRED MEREDITH, B. S., M. S. ’85. Life Member. Head, De—
. partment of Chemistry, Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station, Lexing- ‘
ton, Ky. Res. 268 E. Maxwell St.
WHATLEY, GEORGE CROGHAN, B. S., Whatley & Whatley, Real Estate,
Fire Insurance and Loans, Birmingham,-Alabama. Res. 223 N. 21st St.
‘ WELLER, NICHOLAS JOHN, B. S., Attorney, Pineville, Kentucky.
__ __ _, _ _ . ..   ¤.."*":

 .       .`  'LT       , J OWN I 7
"; t 21 g ’     I
  i §   A  gf 2; · e
  ’      it  fh <
@3 A   I  gi;  I ,
  ig , ;   1881.  
Qi   ·   j PENCE, MERRY LEWIS, B. S., M. S. ’85. Professor of Physics, University   B
s ° ?_   5 of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. Res. 235 S. Limestone St.   Bi
fj _ e   I- 1882.  ` Ci
_ .   ,§·i§_, » BERRY, GEORGE S., B. S. Deceased. ;
I g 1·jr` DeRO·ODE, LOUIS KUINDERS, A. B., A. M. ’86. Advertising agent, No. 5  ·» G-
~ t,   Beekman St., New York City.  S
  V     ¤ HATTERSON, JOHN LETCHER, A. B., A. M. ’86. Dean. Colllege of Arts and , PA
"_ `   V   Sciences, University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky.  
,   t ig?} ¤ROGERS, EDWARD LEE, 612 Elsmere Park, Lexington, Ky.
"   `   SHA)?/ZKIHEFORD, JOHN ARMSTRONG, A. B., M. A. ’86. Attorney, Tacoma, V
  _2; » as .
A A   vi  , STOLL, JOHN WILLIAM, A. B. President, First and City National Bank, `  
    ` Lexington, Ky.
gi Q-3;,; ‘ 1883.  ‘ 1;
. g rg     KING, WILLIAM ELIJAH, B. S. Deceased.  A I
· gi SQ} TAYLOR, JAMES W., A. B., A. M. ’86. Superintendent of Public Schools, f W
. .     _. Trenton, Ky.  ‘_
  "   { , 1884. J? 
  ,  EUBANK, BURTON PENDERG-AST, B. S. Bowling Green, Ky. (Last ad-  V A3
  i   ’ dress known). ?
    · GRAVES, CLARENCE SCOTT, B. S. Manager, Lexington Fuel Company,  ° B;
` ri,     cor. Seventh and Upper Sts., Lexington, Ky. Res. 425 E. High St. .
  Rf, JONES, HENRY CLAY, B. S. Deceased.  Q Bp
.     KASTLE, JOSEPH HOEING, B. S., M. S. ’86. Deceased.  _
` . {   RAMSEY, THOMAS RUSSELL, B. S. Physician and Surgeon, Metropolitan  .; FC
  Qfi _. Building, Denver, Col.  n
·     RILEY, OTIS VIOLETT, B. S., LL. B. ’88. Attorney, Pineville, Ky. (Last   GL
`     ‘ address known). -
    1885. y  Hi
.   ;g DeROODE, RUDOLPH JOHN JULIUS, B. S., M. S. ’87. Deceased. A W]
_   ; ; · GESIS, GEORGE_THOMAS, B. S. Attorney, 512 Trust Building, Lexington, 1. YA
` {Y; I   Y- I
» ig   ; GORDON, J. CRITTENDEN, B. S. Superintendent of Schools, Boone County, '
    · Burlington, Ky. A
, J   ,i LAMBUTH, VVILLIAM DAVID, A. B. Attorney, Seattle, Wash.  ·
A     SCOTT, JAMES RUSSELL, B. S. Architect, Bartlesville, Oklahoma. ‘ BE
` . `     1886.  , C
QZ J? MORGAN, THOMAS HUNT, B. S., M. S. ’88. Professor Experimental  , Mli
  _ .V Zoology, Columbia University, New York City. __
    PREWITT, ROBERT LEE, A. B. Deceased. ·
  __ PREWITT, WILLIAM C., A. B., A. M., ’89. Attorney—at-Law, Bushong, . W}
j _;l Building, Fort Worth, Texas. ~
. { f  1887. W!
,: 1;   KEARNEY LEE, B. S. Contractor and Builder, Lake Worth,  
_ on a. ~
5. - _~ SHAISKELFORD, THOMAS WHEATLEY, A. B. Attorney-at-Law, Midway, . (éOl
is ‘ ‘ y. ; Li

  BRYAN, GEORGE GIST, B. S. Internal Revenue Service, Lexington, Ky.
 _ CURTIS, HENRY ERNEST, B. S., M. S. ’92. Life Member. Head, Fertilizer
A Division, Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. Res. 355 Linden Walk,
 - Lexington, Ky.
High St., Springfield, Ohio. i
1 PAYNE, ROBERT TREAT, B. S. Book-keeper, Fayette Tobacco Company,
» Mill and Bolivar Sts., Lexington, Ky.
1, 1889.
_ Q ELLERSHAW, EDWARD, A. B. New York City. (Last address known).
‘* - FRAZER, HUGH MILLER, B. S., E. E. ’97. Frazer & Morrell, Electricians,
lexington, Ky. Res. 317 Grosvenor Ave.
 ~ PREWITT, ANNA GIST, B. S Teaching in Public Schools, Lexington, Ky.
_ Res. 646 E. High St.
’# j WAIGKER, ROBERT BERNIE, B. S. Berliner-Jones Envelope Co., New York
. ity.
l- . ANl?  
;5.§ lj     .   ept., Danvi le, Wash.  
  2 QQ   Ti 1 POTLTINGER, SAMUEL LANCASTER, A. B. Physician, 806 E. Broadway,   KRé
K}, _     *3;:  Ji ouisville, Ky.  
  .     ii;    ` REYNOLDS, FRANK CRAIG, C. E. Deceased.  I _ I
{$3 '     _     SCOVELL, FRANK ELMER, C. E. Washington, Mo. 5  Mil;
    *3 E  .   Yi SHA)/V, HIRAM, B. S. 49 East Division St., Chicago, Ill.  2 I
  ·‘     z     SHELBY, ISSAC PRATHER, C. E. Civil Engineer, 1200 Broadway, Little  » OO;
si I is     ;i . Rock, Ark.  : ~
· `Q    . `   QQ SOUTHGATE, BUTLER TURPIN, A. B. Attorney-at-Law, Lexington, Ky. · SHE
     I ?!?§;* i a  ‘ 1
fi `I i-      1893. a sign
p. .t l
I J it .     · oanieid, Utah. 3 WAI
  A     IQ BRYAN, JOHN IRWIN, B. S., B. M. E. ’95. Captain Barge Office, New York,  U (
  I-   itat,   N- Y-  ij
¤ ji  · ` ‘     COURTNEY, EDIgIUND, B. Ped. Physician, Covington, Ky. Res. Cor. Robbins  i ATK
;·‘ 22 ·  g   ;‘§ ` and Madison ts.  I
  Q.       E3, GUNN, HENRY MARTIN, B. S. Hermiston, Ore.  f I
lg — ”. ii   _.§ I‘IO‘I%:DY, WILLIAM COTT, B. S. Surgeon, 740 Flood Bldg., San Francisco,  `F BA}?
I`? I   =   Y: ~ al.  
~`_»       K] JOHNSON, JAMES RICHARD Professor of Applied Mechanics, University   ll
.   ’°  si   °, of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. r  BUS
A l Q  _   Ii MCFARLIN, JOHN WILLIAM, B. S. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment   I
. i   ·   I . Station (on leave of absence). University of Wisconsin, Madison, Vfis. g DID]
` . 2; is       RAILEY, MORTON SANDERS, C. E. Versailles, Ky. (Last address known).   E
j   iii}? ·?; I ROBERTS. DANIEL STILWELL, B. Ped., A. M. ’Ol. Physician and Surgeon,  ` I
I ‘ I     · I West Point, Ky, ._  DOW
        SMITH. DENNY PERRYMAN, B. S. Commonwealtlfs Attorney, Third  ‘ FAS
  ~   iii} ,' Judicial District, Cadiz, Ky.  _
G ,     . SPEYER, RSOSA (MRS. AISOLPH MEYER), B. S., M. S. ’GO. 30 Gustav   FIT;
  Q iii ; 52% I A oph trasse, Leipsic, ermany, · r
  _ · ii 2   WARE, coRA E., B. Ped. 550 12th st., Astoria, ore.  _ FOS
  I ` ..`` Ji I   WHITE, IVIILFORD C. E. Deceased. ._ TB
  F I; ·     WILLIS, BENJAMIN GRANT, B. S. Soap Salesman for Beaver Soap Co. A KU\(
  » [     9 of Dayton, O. Res. Maxwell House, Nashville, Tenn. LE`;
*. — ` . ¢~ -:.2 ‘ 2
  ` V ’     V . 1894. McCz
- `     AUIEICK, EDWIN{ CHESTERFIELD, A. B. Physician, Cincinnati, Ohio. `  
  `     Last address nown .  .
`     BRADSHAW, GEORGE DICKIE, B. Ped. Highland, N. Y. . E
    BRAND, EDWARD, A. B, A. M. ’96, M. S. ’0S. Eastern Kentucky State Hos— _ NE`;
  {Yi, · pital, Lexington, Ky. ’
_     e CURTIS, CARLTON COLEMAN, B. S. Cashier, A. A. Housman & Co., .  
    · 20 Broad si., New York city, _  _ REY.
.     ¤ FAIG, JOHN THEODORE, B. M. E., M. E. ’97. President, Ohio Mechanics  ` 1*
      Institute, Walnut & Canal Sts., Cincinnati, Ohio. _ B
      GAI%RED, ULYSSES ANDERSON, B. M. E. Nichols Copper Co., Laurel Hill, STQ1
    . Y. *
`     HAYS, JAMES MORRISON, A. B. Attorney—at—Law, Okmulgee, Okla., 312  
i     N. Morton St. WILI
·   ri

1 HUGHES. LEONARD SAMUEL, B. S. Major, Medical Corps, U. S. A., Fort ·
' ; Rosecrans, Cal.
Q JONES, MATTISON BOYD, A. B. Attorney, Jones, Wilson & Stephenson, ’
,   722 Merchants National Bank Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal.
y KEISER, BENJAMIN CHRISTOPHER, B. S. Alexandria, Ky. (Last address
  known . `
' . KROESING, LILLIE (MRS. P. F. KESHEIMER), B. S. 311 Madison Place,
f Lexington, Ky.
{ NEWTON, NATHAN ALEXANDER, B. M. E., M. E. ’99. Sales Manager,
Q National Transit Pump and Machine Company, 15 Stout St., Oil City, Penn.
,  — OOTS, NINA PEARL (MRS. A. C. WELLS), B. S. Teaching in Public
'   Schools, Lexington, Ky, Res. 727 W. Main St.
' . Ave., Lexington, Ky. "
 ` SLEDD, DORA (MRS. H. B. ROBINSON), B. Ped. Canton, Mo.
  TRIGG, WILLIAM CLAY, C. E. Memphis, Tenn. (Last address known). '
 ‘ Clara Ave., San Francisco, Cal.
3 * 1895.
 I ATIENS, MARY LYONS, B. S. Teaching, Oneida Baptist Instiute, Oneida,
1 .  BARBER, LANAS SPURGEON, B. S. Professor of Zoology and Geology,
2 lljloridg State College for \¢Vomen, Tallahasse, Fla. Res. 575 N. Cal- _
‘·  oun t.
{ ' BUSH, HENRY SKILLMAN, B. S. Salesman, Harry I. Wood Co., of
t { Louisville, Ky. Res. 386 S. Upper St., Lexington, Ky.
` Q DIDLAKE, MARY LeGRAND, B. S., M. S. ’97. Assistant Entomology and
I { gotany, Igentucky Agricultural Exp. Station, Lexington, Ky. Res. 481
` ‘ . Main t.
’ j DONIYNING, JOSEPH MILTON, B. M. E. Shreveport, La. (Last address
i nown).
1 Z FAU(g.kKNER, JOHN VICK, C. E. Secretary, Chamber of Commerce, Manitou, ‘ .
, . a.
`  . FITZHUGH, LUCY STUART, A. B., A. M. ’96. Deceased.
5 FOSTER, NETTIE BELLE, B. S. Teaching in Public Schools, Lexington,
 " Ky. Res. 624 WV. Short St.
` A. M. ’97, 225 S. Limestone St., Lexington, Ky.
McCAULIFF, MARY CATHERINE, B. S. 554 Elm Tree Lane, Lexington, Ky.
__ McCONATHY, JAMES ASA, B. S. 224 Clay Ave., Lexington, Ky. _
MURRILL, PAUL INGOLD, B. S., M. S. ’96. Life Member. Chemical En- ’
. gineer, R. T. Vanderbilt Company, 50 E. 42nd St., New York City. Res.
_ ‘ 312 East Seventh St., Plainfield, N. J. _
I NEWMAN, ROBERTA, B. S. Principal, Arlington School, Lexington Ky.
` Res. 145 E. Second St. _
` REYNOLDS, NELLIE ANNA, B. S. Assistant Professor, Department of
S Iélogie Eézonomics, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. Res. 608 E.
u alo t,
· STOLL, RICHARD CHARLES, A. B. Life Member. Lawyer, 605 City Na- `
° tional Bank Bldg., Lexington, Ky. Res. 444 W. Third St.
_ WEAVER, RUF US LEE, B. S. Lawyer, 180 Broadway, New York City. Res.
g Westbury, Long Island, N. Y. V
i WILMOTT, JOHN WEBB, A. B. Attorney, Wcwoka, Okla. e

 ..  » . El   .
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     lc  1  »? I2 THE KENTUCKY ALUMNUS  »
  A    Qi  1 ·
$ . < = 2.     ° .
  ·,       _ WOODS, JOHN JOSEPH, A. B. Sanitary Laundry, Covington, Ky. ,· FRA
  _` ‘Y is   . - 1896.   GE;
Q I   YQ g` ALFORD, SMITH EDISON, A._ B. President of Ganford Co., Treasurer =  (
>.. V     { IGe0rgc}   IéIal] Co., New York City. Home address, 5 Locust St., Flushing, . GQR
.7: I   gf 5 . ong s an . » ]
  V Q  jig,   CAIENAILAN, _g.%l\{éES59VILSSOl&I, A. B. Life Member. Publisher, Lyons &   GU]\
  `     3 arna an, 1 .. . ..nd t., hicag , Ill.  ‘i ]
        CASE, DANIEL MORRIS, B. M. E. 0140 N. Ashland Ave., Lexington, Ky.  i HAL
J Q ;·   `E DAVI?S(£