xt75qf8jds5q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75qf8jds5q/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1989-07-may2. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1989-07-may2. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1989-07-may2. 1989 1989-07-may2. 2011 true xt75qf8jds5q section xt75qf8jds5q 

       Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University
of Kentucky, Tuesday, May 2, 1989.

       The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met at 1 p.m.
Lexington time on Tuesday, May 2, 1989 in the Board Room on the l8th
floor of the Patterson Office Tower on the Lexington Campus.

       A.    Meeting Opened

       Mr. Foster Ockerman, Sr., Chairman, called the meeting to order
at 1:00 p.m., and the invocation was pronounced by Professor Mary Sue

       B.   Roll Call

       The following members of the Board of Trustees answered the call
of the roll: Mr. Foster Ockerman, Sr. (Chairman), Mr. Ted B. Bates,
Professor Raymond F. Betts, Governor Albert B. Chandler, Professor Mary
Sue Coleman, Professor David R. Driscoll, Jr., Mr. Tracy Farmer, Mr.
Lawrence E. Forgy, Jr., Senator Walter D. Huddleston, Dr. Nicholas J.
Pisacano, Mr. James Rose, Mr. Jim Rose, Chief Justice Robert F.
Stephens, Mr. Jerome A. Stricker, Mr. William B. Sturgill, Judge Julia
K. Tackett, Mr. Billy B. Wilcoxson, and Judge Henry R. Wilhoit, Jr.
Absent from the meeting were Mr. William E. Burnett, Jr. and Mrs. Edythe
Jones Hayes. The University administration was represented by President
David P. Roselle; Chancellors Art Gallaher and Charles T. Wethington;
Vice Presidents Edward A. Carter, Wimberly Royster and Eugene R.
Williams; Dr. Thomas Samuel, Executive Vice Chancellor for the Medical
Center, and Mr. John C. Darsie, General Counsel.

       C.    Minutes Approved

       Mr. Ockerman stated that the Minutes of April 4, 1989 Board of
Trustees meeting had been distributed and asked for any corrections or
additions. The Minutes were approved as written.

       D.    Metting Dates Established

       Mr. Ockerman called attention to the schedule of meetings of the
Board of Trustees as established for fiscal year 1989-90 (see copy at
the end of the Minutes) and requested that the members mark their
calendars accordingly.

       E.    Comittee Appoint~m.nt

       Mr. Ockerman announced that he had appointed Chief Justice Robert
Stephens as a member of the Investment Committee and thanked him for his
willingness to serve on the Committee.


- 2 -

       F.   President's Report to the Trustees (PR 1)

       Before beginning his report, President Roselle reminded the Board
that Commencement was again moved to Sunday, May 7, in order to avoid
any conflict with the Kentucky Derby which would be on Saturday, May 6.
He expressed hopes that the members would be able to participate in

       President Roselle called attention to the following items in his

       1.   The new campus of Owensboro Community College was dedicated
             in ceremonies at the college on April 20. Six buildings
             were constructed on the 104-acre campus: Administration,
             Science, Humanities, Technical Education, Learning
             Resources and Maintenance. The total cost of the project
             was $12.5 million.

       2.   The new Technical Learning Resource building at Hazard
             Community College was dedicated on April 21. Funding for
             the project was $2.9 million.

       3.   The National Alumni Association selected five persons to
             receive its 1989 Great Teacher Awards: Lysbeth Barnett,
             Louise Graham, Sara Penry, Richard Schwartz, and Angene

       4.    Kentucky businesses sold the U.S. government about $7
             million worth of products and services during the past 18
             months with the assistance of the Kentucky Procurement
             Assistance Program which is headquartered at UK.

       5.   A new fellowship program that will provide up to $7,000 to
             qualified minority graduate and professional students has
             been created in honor of Lyman T. Johnson of Louisville,
             who in 1949 became the first black student at UK and
             devoted much of his life to promoting civil rights in
             Kentucky. Mr. Johnson is the author of a newly published
             book, and the University is very proud to count him among
             its alumni.

       G.    Personnel Actions (PR 2) and Supplemental Personnel Actions
(PR 2A)

       President Roselle stated that the personnel actions in PR 2 were
routine. He referred to PR 2A and called attention to the appointment
of Vincent A. DiMartino who was being appointed an Alumni Professor
effective July 1, 1989 through June 30, 1994. The Alumni Professor
appointment carries a $5,000 annual stipend and is funded by
undesignated contributions by alumni of the University. President
Roselle reviewed briefly some of the highlights of Professor DiMartino's
career and stated that he is a distinguished member of the faculty. He
asked that PR 2 and PR ZA be approved. Dr. Pisacano so moved. His
motion was seconded by Mr. Stricker and carried. (See PR 2 and PR 2A at
the end of the Minutes.)


- 3 -

       H.    Amendment to the Governing Regulations (PR 3A)

       President Roselle recommended that the proposed amendment to the
Governing Regulations in PR 3A, which was received by the Board of
Trustees at its April 4, 1989 meeting be approved. Judge Stephens so
moved. His motion was seconded by Mr. Bates and carried. (See PR 3A at
the end of the Minutes.)

       I.   Appointment of Chancellor for the Lexington Campus (PR 3B)

       President Roselle recommended that the Board approve the
appointment of Dr. Robert Hemenway as Chancellor for the Lexington
Campus effective July 1, 1989. He reviewed briefly the credentials and
experience of Dr. Hemenway and heartily recommended the appointment.
The motion, which was made by Mr. Sturgill and seconded by Mr.
Wilcoxson, was voted on and passed. (See PR 3B at the end of the

       President Roselle noted that he had discussed with Dr. Hemenway
his attendance at the Board meeting. For various reasons, they
concluded that it would be better for him to be present on Commencement
day, and the Board would have the opportunity throughout Commencement
day for making his acquaintance.

       J.    Candidates for Degree-Community College System (PR 4A)

       With President Roselle so recommending, Mr. Forgy moved that the
degrees specified in PR 4A be awarded to the persons named, upon
certification that the requirements for those degrees have been
satisfactorily completed. The motion was seconded by Professor Betts
and passed without dissent. (See PR 4A at the end of the Minutes.)

       K.    Caddtsfor Degrees-Lexington Campus and-Medical Center
(PR 5A)

       President Roselle recommended and Mr. Bates moved that the list
of candidates for degrees in the Lexington Campus and Medical Center
sectors as recommended in PR 5A be approved. The motion was seconded by
Mr. Farmer and carried. (See PR 5A at the end of the Minutes.)

       L.    Appointment to University of Kentucky/Business Partnership
Foumdation (PR 5B)

       President Roselle recommended that approval be given to the
appointment of Clifford R. Borland to membership on the Board of
Directors of the University of Kentucky/Business Partnership Foundation
for a term beginning with the fall 1989 meeting and ending with the
spring 1993 meeting. Mr, Stricker so moved. The motion was seconded by
Mr. Jim Rose and passed. (See PR 5B at the end of the Minutes.)

       Mr. Stricker stated that Mr. Borland was an outstanding
individual and had received an award from Beta Gamma Sigma, UK Chapter,
for the outstanding businessman of the year in Kentucky.


- 4 -

       President Roselle called attention to the Kentucky Small Business
Development Center Program Review brochure included in the handout. He
stated that the Center presents the opportunity for small businesses to
have consultants. The University's program was reviewed during the past
year and the reviewers were unequivocal in their comments - the Small
Business Development Center is the best in the country.

       Mr. Forgy noted that the father of the legislation that created
the small business centers is a member of the Board, Senator
Huddleston. Senator Huddleston was the original sponsor of the act.

       M.    Appointment of Dean of the Graduate School  (PR 8A)

       President Roselle called upon Dr. Royster to present PR 8A. Dr.
Royster reminded the Board of their action that authorized the
reorganization of Research and Graduate Studies. As a result of the
Board's action, a separate position for Dean of the Graduate School was
formed, and a national search began last fall. The search committee
received approximately 60 applications for the position, and after
careful review of the applications, the Committee concluded that Dr.
Reedy, who has been serving as acting dean, had the best qualifications
in terms of scholastic activity and administrative experience. He
reviewed Dr. Reedy's credentials and stated that it was an honor to
present Dr. Reedy and recommend him as Dean of the Graduate School. On
motion by Dr. Pisacano, seconded by Professor Betts and carried, PR 8A
was approved. Dr. Reedy was asked to stand and be recognized, following
which he was given a round of applause. (See PR 8A at the end of the

       N.    University of Kentucky Tobacco and Health Research
Foundation. Incorporated. (PR 8B)

       President Roselle recommended that the Board approve the Articles
of Incorporation of the University of Kentucky Tobacco and Health
Research Foundation, Incorporated; further, that the Board of Trustees
authorize gifts in support of the research program of the Tobacco and
Health Research Institute be deposited in the University of Kentucky
Research Foundation as fiscal agent for the University of Kentucky
Tobacco and Health Research Foundation, Incorporated. He stated that
there are private fundraising activities conducted on behalf of the
University of Kentucky's Tobacco and Health Research Institute. This
action will locate those activities in the context of a Foundation as
far as fiscal agent for the funds gathered and would be deposited in the
Foundation of the University. The motion, made by Mr. Sturgill and
seconded by Mr. Forgy, carried. (See PR 8B at the end of the Minutes.)

       0.    Acceptance of Interim Financial Report for the University
of Kentucky for the Nine Months Ended March 31, 1989 (FQR 1)

       Mr. Forgy, Chairman of the Finance Committee, stated that FCR 1
is the Interim Financial Report and moved its adoption. The motion was
seconded by Senator Huddleston and unanimously carried. (See FCR 1 at
the end of the Minutes.)


- 5 -

       P.   Designation of Depository Banks (FR 2)

       Mr. Forgy stated that FOR 2 is the designation of certain
depository banks and moved its adoption. The motion was seconded by
Chief Justice Stephens and passed.  (See FCR 2 at the end of the

       Q.   Report of Leases (FOR 3)

       On motion made by Mr. Forgy, seconded by Senator Huddleston and
passed, approval was given to the Report of Leases in FOR 3.  (See FOR 3
at the end of the Minutes.)

       R.   Room and Board Rates 1989-90 School Year (FOR 4)

       Mr. Forgy reported that the increase in room and board rates for
University Housing for 1989-90 is an approximately 7%. He reported that
Dr. Jack Blanton and Mr. Allen Rieman provided a detailed presentation
at the Finance Committee, and he moved its adoption. The motion was
seconded by Mr. Jim Rose and carried.  (See FOR 4 at the end of the

       S.    1988-89 Budget Revisions (FOR 5)

       Mr. Forgy stated that the budget revisions were reviewed with Mr.
Edward A. Carter in the Finance Committee; however, Mr. Carter may want
to indicate to the Board the nature of the document. He then moved its
adoption and Mr. Sturgill seconded the motion. Mr. Ockerman called upon
Mr. Carter for his comments.

       Mr. Carter reported that the routine budget revisions are brought
to the Board two to three times a year for updating purposes. He
reviewed the following items:

       1.   Engineering Enhancement - This state appropriation is a
             result of private fundraising - a $500,000 state
             appropriation increase coming to the College of Engineering
             through the Council on Higher Education. The College is
             able to get the state appropriation because it raised
             $500,000 of private money, and this money will greatly
             enhance the equipment inventory of the College of

       2.   Program Support Items - Fees are generated and expenses
             incurred based on the volume of activities, particularly in
             the Continuing Education and University Extension programs.

       3.   Restricted Funds - These funds deal with private gifts to
             the University.

       4.   Auxiliary Services - These are campus activities that are
             self-supporting -- generating revenue and expending those
             revenues in support of the program.

      The budget revisions were unanimously approved. (See FOR 5 at
the end of the Minutes.)


- 6 -

       T.    Report of Investments (ICR 1)

       Mr. Stricker, Chairman of the Investment Committee, reported that
the Investment Committee met and reviewed ICR 1. He stated that the
report is routine and moved that it be adopted. The motion was seconded
by Mr. Jim Rose and carried. (See ICR 1 at the end of the Minutes.)

       U.    Amendment of Code of Student Conduct (SCCR 1)

       Judge Tackett, Chairman of the Student Code Committee, reported
that the amendments were recommended by the Student-Faculty-
Administration Student Code Committee. The amendments were reviewed by
the President's Office and the Legal Counsel. They had also been
circulated to the Board's Student Code Committee and were coming to the
Board without objection. She, therefore, moved that the Board approve
the recommended changes in the Code of Student Conduct effective August
16, 1989. Mr. James Rose seconded the motion and it passed. (See SCCR
1 at the end of the Minutes.)

       V.    Meeting Adjourned

       There being no further business to come before the Board, the
Chairman adjourned the meeting at 1:30 p.m.

                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                        John C. Darsie
                                        Assistant Secretary
                                        Board of Trustees

(1989-90 Schedule for Meetings of Board of Trustees; PR's 2, 2A, 3A, 3B,
4A, 5A, 5B, 8A, and SB; FCR'8 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5; ICR 1; and SCCR 1 which
follow are official parts of the Minutes of the meeting.)




The following dates have been established for meetings of the Board of
Trustees for the 1989-90 fiscal year:

                          August 22, 1989

                          *September 19, 1989

                          October 24, 1989

                          *December 12, 1989

                          January 23, 1990

                          March 6, 1990

                          *April 3, 1990

                          *fMay 1, 1990

                          June 19, 1990

*Statutory Meeting



                                               Office of the President
                                               May 2, 1989

Members, Board of Trustees:

                          PERSONNEL ACTIONS

Recommendation: (1) that approval be given to the attached
appointments, actions and/or other staff changes which require Board
action; and (2) that the report relative to appointments and/or
changes already approved by the administration be accepted.

Background: The attached recommended appointments and/or other staff
changes require approval by the Board of Trustees in accordance with
Part VIII-B of the Governing Regulations of the University. These
recommendations are transmitted to the Board by the appropriate
chancellor through the President and have his concurrence.

Under the Governing Regulations, the authority to make certain
appointments and/or other staff changes is delegated to the President
or other administrators who are required to report their actions to
the Board. This report follows the recommendations requiring Board

Action taken:  Approved    /      Disapproved          Other

Date: May 2, 1989




                        CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION



         Controller and Treasurer

         Donahoe, Christine, from Sr. Accountant to Accounting
            Manager III, effective April 1, 1989



                       COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM



               Hazard Community College

               Marrow, Alvin J., Dean of Academic Affairs,
                    effective 4/15/89.



               Ashland Community College

               Prichard, Charley M., Instructor in the Community
                    College System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through
               Smoot, Harold, Instructor in the Community
                    College System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through

               Hazard Community College

               Marrow, Alvin J., Assistant Professor in the
                    Community College System, 4/15/89 through

               Jefferson Community College

               Aschman, Beth V., Instructor in the Community
                     College System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through
               Beam, Linda S, Instructor in the Community College
                     System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through 6/30/92.
               Burns, Anne, Instructor in the Community College
                     System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through 12/31/91.
                Busick, Susan, Instructor in the Community College
                     System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through 12/31/91.
                Buzby, Sherry, Instructor in the Community College
                     System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through 6/30/92.
                Carney, Maria A., Instructor in the Community
                     College System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through
                Cauch, Carl, Instructor in the Community College
                     System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through 6/30/89.
                Cook, Janice, Instructor in the Community College
                     System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through 6/30/89.



Corbett, Donna J., Instructor in the Community
     College System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through
Cossitt, Eleanor, Instructor in the Community
     College System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through
Cruz, Tanya, Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through 6/30/89.
Davan, Frances E., Instructor in the Community
     College System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through
Delor, Debra, Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through 6/30/92.
Galitzine, Judy A., Instructor in the Community
     College System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through
Hafendorfer, Mary Jo, Instructor in the Community
     College System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through
Hahn, Wendy J., Instructor in the Cormmunity College
     System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through 6/30/92.
Hall, Michelle S., Instructor in the Community
     College System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through
Hatcher, Pat, Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through 6/30/89.
Hemphill, Joyce, Instructor in the Community
     College System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through
Hunt, Larry, Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through 6/30/89.
Ingraham, Sandra F., Instructor in the Community
     College System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through
Johnson, Lisa, Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through 6/30/92.
Kahler, Bonita S., Instructor in the Community
     College System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through
Lewis, Chiquita R., Instructor in the Community
     College System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through
Lutes, Melanie, Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through 6/30/92.
Mattingly, Rita, Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through 6/30/92.
McCabe, Betty, Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through 6/30/89.
McDowell, Kaye, Instructor in the Community
     College System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through



McGavic, Michele, Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through 6/30/92.
Mouser, Sherry, Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through 6/30/89.
Oswald, Mary E., Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 1/1/39 through 6/30/92.
Perkins, Carolyn, Instructor in the Community
     College System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through
Peters, Cheryl L., Instructor in the Community
     College System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through
Ramos, Consuelo D., Instructor in the Community
     College System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through
Ramser, Kathleen, Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through 6/30/92.
Sinclair, M. Kevin, Instructor in the Community
     College System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through
Skillman, Brenda, Instructor in the Community
     College System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through
Smith, Jeanne, Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through 6/30/89.
Smith, Joe, Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through 6/30/89.
Stacy, Phyllis Kay, Instructor in the Community
     College System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through
Tongate, Carolyn, Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through 6/30/92.
Tranthan, Diane, Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through 6/30/89.
Tucker, Julia, Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through 6/30/89.
Vaughn-Motley, Denita, Instructor in the Community
     College System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through
Walker, John, Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through 6/30/92.
White, Sandy, Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through 6/30/89.
Wilkins, Gwen, Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through 6/30/89.
Wilson, Pamela M., Instructor in the Community
     College System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through




          Jefferson Community College

          Ayers, Jeff, Instructor in the Community College
               System (voluntary), 3/1/89 through 6/30/92.
          Billings, Thomas, Instructor in the Community
               College System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through
          Burch, Charlotte, Instructor in the Community
               College System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through
          Burke, Gail, Instructor in the Community College
               System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through 6/30/89.
          Burton, David, Instructor in the Community College
               System (voluntary), 3/1/89 through 6/30/92.
          Denton, Deborah, Instructor in the Community College
               System (voluntary), 1/1/89 throug 12/31/91.
          Dingess, Randall, Instructor in the Community
               College System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through
          Canton, Phil, Instructor in the Community College
               System (voluntary), 3/1/89 through 6/30/92.
          Cardenas, Jaime, Instructor in the Community College
               System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through 6/30/89.
          Cronin, Karen, Instructor in the Community College
               System (voluntary), 3/1/89 through 6/30/92.
          Cullens, Laura, Instructor in the Community
               College System (voluntary), 3/1/89 through
          Hagan, Marlene, Instructor in the Community College
               System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through 6/30/89.
          Hand, Michael, Instructor in the Community College
               System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through 12/31/91.
          Johnson, Maritza B., Instructor in the Community
               College System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through
          Large, Diane, Instructor in the Community College
                System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through 6/30/89.
          Maliszewski, Ann, Instructor in the Community
                College System (voluntary), 3/1/39 through
          McCain, Denise, Instructor in the Community College
                System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through 12/31/91.
          Necessary, Lillian W., Instructor in the Community
                College System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through
          Obetz, Mary, Instructor in the Community College
                System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through 12/31/91.
          Olivencia, Jose R., Instructor in the Community
                College System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through



         Parsons, Constance, Instructor in the Community
              College System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through
         Pfeiffer, Madeline, Instructor in the Community
              College System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through
              6/30/89.                    1
         Puckett, Debbie, Instructor in the Community
              College System (voluntary), 3/1/89 through
         Sammons, Teresa D., Instructor in the Community
              College System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through
         Schoerlucke, Sanda, Instructor in the Community
              College System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through
          Sedlak, Allyson, Instructor in the Community College
               System (voluntary), 3/1/89 through 6/30/92.
          Sims, Johanna, Instructor in the Community College
               System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through 6/30/89.
          Sivori, Susan, Instructor in the Community College
               System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through 6/30/89.
          Sizemore, Jody C., Instructor in the Community
               College System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through
          Thomas, Mary Ann, Instructor in the Community
               College System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through
          Watkins, Sally, Instructor in the Community College
               System (voluntary), 1/1/89 through 12/31/91.


          Elizabethtown Community College

          Brangers, Peggy, Assistant Professor in the
               Community College System, leave of absence
               without pay for the 1989-90 academic year.



                                LEXINGTON CAMPUS



            College of Architecture

            Wujcik, Leonard F., Associate Professor (with tenure)*, effective

            College of Arts and Sciences

            Hogue, Maxine King, Professor (without tenure), Aerospace Studies,
               7/1/89 through 6/30/92.

            College of Business and Economics

            Ingram, Donna Marie, Instructor, Economics, 8/16/89 through
            Kelley, Scott, Assistant Professor, Marketing, 8/16/89 through

            College of Law

            Michael, Douglas C., Assistant Professor, 8/16/89 through 6/30/90.


            College of Agriculture

            Donahue, James M., from Associate Professor (with tenure)*,
               Veterinary Science, to Professor (with tenure)*, Veterinary
               Science, effective 7/1/89.
            Potter, Daniel A., from Associate Professor (with tenure),
               Entomology, to Professor (with tenure), Entomology, effective
            Reed, Michael R., from Associate Professor (with tenure),
               Agricultural Economics, to Professor (with tenure),
               Agricultural Economics, effective 7/1/89.

            College of Arts and Sciences

            Crowley, Philip H., from Associate Professor (with tenure),
               Biological Sciences, to Professor (with tenure), Biological
               Sciences, effective 7/1/89.
            Holcomb, Harmon R., III, from Assistant Professor (without tenure),
               Philosophy, to Associate Professor (with tenure), Philosophy,
               effective 7/1/89.

*Special Title Series



      Summers, Mark W., from Associate Professor (with tenure), History,
          to Professor (with tenure), History, effective 7/1/89.

      College of Business and Economi'-s

      Berger, Mark C., from Associate Professor (with tenure), Economics,
          to Professor (with tenure), Economics, effective 7/l/89.
      Skinner, Steven J., from Associate Professor (with tenure),
         Marketing, to Professor (with tenure), Marketing, effective

      College of Education

      DeYoung, Alan J., from Associate Professor (with tenure),
          Educational Policy Studies and Evaluation, to Professor (with
          tenure), Educational Policy Studies and Evaluation, effective
      Miller, Sandra, from Associate Professor (with tenure), Vocational
          Education, to Professor (with tenure), Vocational Education,
          effective 7/1/89.

       College of Home Economica

       Hennig, Bernhard, from Assistant Professor (without tenure),
          Nutrition and Food Science, to Associate Professor (with
          tenure), Nutrition and Food Science, effective 7/1/89.

       College of Social Work

       Dhooper, Surjit S., from Assistant Professor (without tenure), to
          Associate Professor (with tenure), effective 7/1/89.


       College of Arts and Sciences

       Withington, William A., Associate Professor (with tenure),
          Geography, after 34 consecutive years of service, under Section
          III.B of AR II-1.6-1, effective 5/31/89.

       Vice Chancellor for Adminiatration

       Hatton, Emma Jean, Purchasing Officer III, Purchasing, after 20.5
          consecutive years of service, under Section III.D of AR
          II-1.6-1, effective 3/31/89.


       College of Architecture

       Noffsinger, James P., Professor (with tenure), after 31
          consecutive years of service, under Section III.A.2(a) of AR
          II-1.6-1, effective 5/31/89.

*Special Title Series



           College of Arts and Sciences

           Gabbard, Fletcher, Professor (with tenure), Physics and Astronomy,
              after 30 consecutive years of service, under Section III.A.l(a)
              of AR II-1.6-1, effective 6/30/89.

           College of Business and Economies

           Owen, James G., Director, Center for Business Development, after
              15.5 consecutive years of service, under Section III.A.i(a) of
              AR II-1.6-1, effective 5/31/89.

           Vice Chancellor for Administration

           Briscoe, Richard B., Assistant Maintenance Superintendent II,
              Services, Physical Plant Division, after 42 consecutive years
              of service, under Section III.A.l(b) of