xt75qf8jds44 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75qf8jds44/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1971-04-apr6. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1971-04-apr6. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1971-04-apr6. 1971 1971-04-apr6. 2011 true xt75qf8jds44 section xt75qf8jds44 

       Minutes of the Statutory Meeting of the Board of Trustees, Tuesday,
April 6, 1971

       The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in statutory
session on Tuesday, April 6, 1971 in Room E on the 18th floor of the Patterson
Office Tower on the University campus with the following members present:
Mr. Jesse M. Alverson, Mr. Thomas P. Bell, Mrs. Rexford S. Blazer,
former Governor Albert B. Chandler, Mrs. Robert 0. Clark, Mr. Albert G.
Clay, Mr. Richard-E. Cooper, Mr. Eugene Goss, Mr. George W. Griffin,
Mr. J. Robert Miller, Mr. Floyd H. Wright, non-voting faculty members,
Dr. Robert W. Rudd and Dr. Paul G. Sears, and non-voting student member,
Mr. Scott Wendelsdorf. Absent from the meeting were Governor Louie B.
Nunn, Mr. Wendell P. Butler, Dr. N. N. Nicholas, and Mr. James H. Pence.
Representatives from the University administration were: President Otis A.
Singletary; Vice Presidents Alvin L. Morris, Lewis W. Cochran, A. D.
Albright, Glenwood L. Creech, Robert G. Zumwinkle, Stanley Wall, Peter P.
Bosomworth, and Lawrence E. Forgy; Dr. Donald B. Clapp, Budget Director;
and Mr. John C. Darsie, Legal Counsel. Representatives of the various news
media were also in attendance.

       A. Meeting Opened

       Mr. Albert G. Clay, Vice Chairman of the Board presiding in the
absence of Governor Nunn, called the meeting to order at 2:07 p. m. Mr. Clay
pronounced the invocation. The Secretary reported a quorum present and Mr.
Clay declared the meeting open for the official conduct of business at 2:09 p. m.

       B. Committee Appointed to Determine Mr. Wendelsdorf's Eligibility

       Mr. Clay requested the following members to serve as a committee to
determine whether Mr. Scott Wendelsdorf, newly elected and qualified President
of Student Government, satisfied the requirement under KRS 164. 130 (3) that the
non-voting student member shall maintian permanent residency in the Common-
wealth of Kentucky: Mr. Eugene Goss, Chairman, Mr. Thomas Bell and Mr.
George Griffin. Mr. Clay requested that the committee withdraw immediately
to discuss the matter with Mr. Wendelsdorf and the University's Legal Counsel,
Mr. John Darsie. Matters requiring Board action would be deferred pending
the report of the committee.

       C. Resolution on Stephen Bright Adopted

       At the request of Mr. Clay, Mrs. Robert Clark read a resolution on Mr.
Stephen Bright, the outgoing President of Student Government and non-voting



student member of the Board of Trustees. Following the reading of the
resolution, a copy of which appears at the end of the Minutes, Mrs. Clark
moved that the resolution be adopted, spread upon the Minutes of the meeting,
and a copy sent to Mr. Bright. Her motion was seconded by Dr. Sears, and
passed without dissent. (See resolution at the end of the Minutes.

       D. Board Members to Receive Copies of the Chronicle

       President Singletary announced that the University had subscribed to
the Chronicle of Higher Education for each member of the Board of Trustees.
The Chronicle is a newspaper with some considerable national circulation and
is devoted to matters of interest to higher education.

       E. Board Meetings to be Scheduled at Community Colleges
in 1971-72

       Receipt of a letter from Vice President Stanley Wall inviting the Board
of Trustees to meet from time to time on the campuses of the Community
Colleges was reported. It was the thinking of the Board members that such
meetings would be extremely desirable and President Singletary was authorized
to schedule such meetings during the fiscal year 1971-72.

       F. Role and Scope Study of Council on Public Higher Education

       President Singletary reported that the Council on Public Higher Edu-
cation had completed a Role and Scope Study of the institutions of public higher
education and such report would be transmitted to the Legislative Research
Commission to be used as the basis for legislation by the next General
Assembly. The study deals primarily with the future status of the University
of Louisville in the state system and with the future role of the Council itself.

       G. Report on Biology

       At the meeting of the Board of Trustees in March, Mr. Thomas Bell
had requested a report on the status of the Biology program at the University
of Kentucky. Vice President Cochran gave a full report on the developments
in this particular area. At the conclusion of his report, President Singletary
summed up the situation for Mr. Bell who had been out of the room during part
of Dr. Cochran's report. He said that three problems existed: (1) poor faculty
morale, (2) an inadequate undergraduate program, and (3) shortage of space,
and then outlined the steps being taken to solve these problems. The faculty
morale should be helped with the completion of the "surge" laboratory building



under construction which would provide 32 laboratories earmarked for
Biology. Just this year a new faculty member has been brought in whose
primary concern is to deal with appropriate undergraduate programs. The
number one priority in the construction program is for a building to house
the undergraduate Biology program and the chances are quite good that funds
will be available in the foreseeable future for such a building.

       H. Wendelsdorf Sworn In as Non-Voting Student Member

       The committee having returned to the room during the report on the
Biology program, Mr. Clay called on Mr. Goss for its report. Mr. Goss said
the committee had determined that Mr. Wendelsdorf does reside here, has
lived here for three years, is a registered voter in Fayette County, maintains
a residence off-campus, is financially independent, and intends to stay in
Kentucky and practice law here when he graduates. On the basis of these facts,
the committee is of the opinion that Mr. Wendelsdorf does maintain permanent
residency in Kentucky and Mr. Goss moved that he be seated. His motion was
seconded by Mr. Griffin, and passed unanimously.

       The oath of office was administered to Mr. Wendelsdorf by Mr. John
Darsie, Legal Counsel of the University.

       I. President's Report to the Trustees

       President Singletary called attention to his monthly report to the
Trustees and recommended later reading. Mr. Clay accepted the report and
ordered it filed.

       J. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

       The recommendations in PR 2 being of a routine nature and the Board
already having had an opportunity to examine them, Mr. Clay called for a
motion for approval of PR 2 as a whole. The motion was made, seconded, and
passed, and PR 2 was ordered made an official part of the Minutes of the
meeting. (See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)

       K. Supplemental Recommendations of the President (PR 3)

       President Singletary indicated that the first two recommendations in
PR 3 were routine in nature, the first being a recommendation relative to the
naming of two buildings at Southeast Community College, and the second author-
izing officials to execute an assignment of an application for Letters of Patent
to the University of Kentucky Research Foundation.



       On motion by Mr. Alverson, seconded, and passed, the recommendation
relative to names for the Southeast Community College buildings was approved.
On motion by Dr. Sears, seconded, and passed, the execution of the patent
assignment by the proper officials of the Board was authorized.

       The third recommendation in PR 3 was concerned with the future status
of the Kernel. President Singletary said a decision was needed at this time
because of the implications for the 1971-72 budget. He continued that there are
three methods of financing campus newspapers currently in use throughout the
country: (1) state appropriations, (2) mandatory fees, and (3) independent and
separate corporations. In his opinion, a campus newspaper is desirable and it
does have educational value. He further believed that a campus newspaper
should be independent and free from censorship if it is to serve any useful
purpose. He then gave three alternative proposals which were open to the Board
of Trustees: (1) cut off funds immediately, (2) fully subsidize the Kernel as at
present, or (3) phase it out. Of these three President Singletary favored No. 3
and his recommendation to the Board was that the administration be granted the
authority to provide funds to assist the publication of the Kentucky Kernel during
the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1971 at a level not to exceed one-half of the
general fund support provided during the current year. His reasons for such a
recommendation were given as follows:

       (1) He believes in independent status,

       (2) It is a fair approach to the problem,

       (3) Provides a reasonable time frame,

       (4) Leaves the matter in the hands of the administration where it

       (5) Will keep the Kernel under the Board of Student Publications so
           long as it receives support from the University,

       (6) Position is supported by the administration, particularly the
           Student Affairs staff, the Director of Student Publications, the
           present Editor of the Kernel, and the two candidates for the
           editorship next year.

       Mr. Cooper moved adoption of President Singletary's recommendation,
and his motion was seconded by Mrs. Blazer. Mr. Goss said he wished to
amend the motion by adding the following sentence: "So the Kernel may be
able to plan ahead, it is the sense of this Board that the Kernel be moved to
independent status without University financial support as of July 1, 1972".
His amendment was seconded by Mr. Alverson. The vote on the amendment
was unanimous. Mrs. Blazer, who had seconded the original motion, accepted
the amended motion and on roll call vote the original motion, as amended,



passed with all voting members casting an "aye" vote. (See PR 3 at the end
of the Minutes. )

       L. Honorary Degrees Approved (PR 4)

       Without discussion, on motion by Governor Chandler, seconded, and
passed, approval was giver. to the awarding of the honorary degree of Doctor
of Laws to Mr. Harry M. Caudill, Mr. Thruston B. Morton and Dr. Logan
Wilson, and the honorary degree of Doctor of Science to Mr. David C. Scott
and Dr. Lyle R. Dawson at the commencement exercises on Saturday, May 8:
1971. (See PR 4 at the end of the Minutes. )

       M. 1970-71 Budget Revisions (PR 5)

       The budget revisions for 1970-71 being routine in nature and there
being no questions, on motion by Governor Chandler, seconded by Dr. Rudd,
and passed, the budget revisions recommended in PR 5 were authorized and
approved. (See PR 5 at the end of the Minutes. )

       N. Amendment to Governing Regulations (PR 6)

       The amendment to the Governing Regulations presented at the March
16 meeting of the Board of Trustees having lain on the table for the required
length of time between presentation and passage, Mrs. Blazer moved,
seconded by Mrs. Clark, that the proposed amendment to Section IV of the
Governing Regulations as presented at the March 16, 1971 meeting of the
Board of Trustees be adopted. The motion passed without dissent. (See PR 6
at the end of the Minutes. )

       0. Organization of Community College System (PR 7)

       After a brief description by Dr. Wall of the role which would be
played in the Community College System by an Assistant Vice President, Dr.
Singletary recommended that the title of one of the principal officers in the
Community College System be changed from Associate Dean of the Community
College System to Assistant Vice President for the Community College System
and that Dr. Charles Wethington, presently Director of the Maysville Com-
munity College, be appointed to that position. On motion duly made, seconded,
and carried, the recommendation in PR 7 was approved. (See PR 7 at the end
of the Minutes )



       P. Temporary Confirmation of Personnel Policy and
Procedure Manual (PR 8)

       Because of certain inconsistencies between the Governing Regulations
and the Personnel Policy and Procedure Manual, President Singletary re-
quested that the Board give temporary confirmation to the latter pending a
comprehensive review of both documents to eliminate differences which are
not warranted. Governor Chandler moved that the recommendation in PR 8
be approved. His motion was seconded, and passed without dissent. (See
PR 8 at the end of the Minutes. )

       Q. Interim Financial Report (FCR 1)

       On motion by Mrs. Blazer, seconded by Mr. Goss, and passed, the
interim financial report covering the period ending February 28, 1971 was
accepted and ordered made a matter of record. (See FCR I at the end of the
Minutes. )

       R. Resolution Relating to Alternate Paying Agent (FCR 2)

       On motion by Mr. Griffin, seconded by Mr. Goss, and passed, a reso-
lution relative to an alternate paying agent was approved. (See FCR 2 at the
end of the Minutes. )

       S. Retirement Resolution Amendment (FCR 3)

       The present retirement plan for Group II classified personnel at
present is non-contributory and is funded fromn the current operating budget.
It is deemed desirable that this group should be brought in line with the re-
tirement program for Group I employees and it was moved by Mr. Griffin
that the retirement resolution amendment presented as part of FCR 3, which
would incorporate Group II classified employees into the University's
retirement resolution, be approved. His motion was seconded by Mrs. Blazer,
and all present voted "aye'. (See FCR 3 at the end of the Minutes.

       T. Student Code Revision Committee Report

       Mr. Griffin, Chairman of the Student Code Revision Committee, indi-
cated that the committee would hold open hearings for students and faculty
members who wished to appear on April 16 in the President's Room of the
Student Center from 10:00 a. m. to 12:00 noon and 1:00 p. m. to 2:30 p. m.
Following the hearings, the committee would finalize their recommendations
for presentation to the Board at the May meeting.


       U. Meeting Adjourned

       Having first determined that there was no further business to come
before the meeting, Mr. Clay called for a motion for adjournment. Mrs.
Blazer so moved, and her motion being duly seconded, and carried, the
meeting adjourned at 2:55 p. m.

                                           Respectfully submitted,

                                           Lucile T. Blazer, Secretary
                                           Board of Trustees

(Resolution on Stephen Bright, PRs 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, and FCRs 1, 2
and 3 which follow are official parts of the Minutes of the meeting of April 6,
1971. )



       The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, meeting in
regular session on Tuesday, April 6, 1971, notes that this meeting marks
the end of the term of non-voting student member

                       STEPHEN B. BRIGHT

and wishes to recognize his services on the Board during the year begin-
ning in May 1970.

       Mr. Bright has been regular in his attendance and has at all times
been frank and open in his presentation of matters which he felt to be of
concern to those students he was representing. A staunch defender of
student rights and a firm believer in the need for greater student partici-
pation in University governance, Steve championed his causes with stead-
fast determination and maintained his poise and self-possession at all times.

       It is the hope of this Board that his experience as a Student Trustee
has been a beneficial one for him and that as he retires from this position
he does so with a broader understanding of the role of a Trustee in the
affairs of the University.

       Now, therefore, be it resolved that this Resolution be adopted, a
copy spread upon the Minutes of the meeting, and a copy transmitted to Mr.



                            April 6, 1971

      Nearly two years have been spent sorting and labeling the
296,352 items from the official records of Senator Thruston B.
Morton now housed in the Special Collections Department of the
Margaret I. King Library. The papers were officially presented
in brief formal ceremonies last Friday. Dr. Stuart Forth, dir-
ector of libraries, said the collection is now available for
study by interested scholars. "As with other collections of con-
temporary papers of this nature," Dr. Forth said, "some of the
material is restricted and can be used only with the permission
of Senator Morton." He added that "approximately 2,000 entries
have been inserted in the Special Collection's catalogue of manu-
scripts identifying key areas in the Morton papers of interest to
scholars. It would have been impractical to identify by card each
item in the collection." The 77 crates of material began to ar-
rive on the Lexington campus following the November 1968 election,
with the bulk of the items received in April, 1969. "We expect
to receive even more material from the senator in the future," Dr.
Forth added. "The University is fortunate to receive this impor-
tant collection." The collection contains the records and other
materials accumulated by the Kentucky senator while serving in the
U.S. Senate (1956-68), and the files representing his term as
chairman of the National Republican Committee (1959-61). Dr.
Forth said the Morton papers represent the largest 20th Century
collection housed in Special Collections.

      Ways in which the Tobacco and Health Research Institute is be-
ginning to study the effects of smoking on human health were out-
lined by a panel of medical doctors at the recent Institute annual
workshop conference. Emphasizing that its studies involving humans
have begun since a new state tax on cigarettes went into effect last
July 1, the Institute researchers discussed only proposals for stud-
ies, not results. Dr. Ernest W. Chick, Institute associate director
and medical program coordinator, noted that the Institute reaches
across campus to encourage and stimulate research on whether smoking
is harmful, what substances might cause it to be hazardous and what
could be done to make it safe. All information will be put into a
data bank so it will be available to all researchers.


- 2


      The Department of Vocational Education has received $390,600
from state and federal agencies for 14 doctoral fellowships during
the next three years, according to Dean George Denemark of the Col-
lege of Education. The Vocational Education Personnel Branch of
the U.S. Office of Education and the Bureau of Vocational Education
of the Kentucky Department of Education have funded the program to
develop leadership personnel in vocational-technical education at
the doctoral levels. Each fellow will select one of these areas
of specialization: Administration and supervision, curriculum, re-
search, teacher education, or vocational guidance. Internship and
field experience at the administrative and college level in all
types of vocational-technical education will be an important part
of the program, Dean Denemark said. Each fellow will receive a
stipend of $3,500 plus $400 for each dependent during the academic
year, and $700 plus $100 for each dependent during the Summer Ses-
sion. Dr. Harold R. Binkley, chairman of the Department of Voca-
tional Education, is director of the program, which begins with
the 1971 Summer Session.


      A check for $1,000 will be awarded in honor of the 1971 gradu-
ating journalism seniors at the school's annual awards luncheon on
April 21. The gift, in a bequest by former Governor Keen Johnson,
a 1922 graduate in journalism, was designated for use at the dis-
cretion of the journalism faculty, which has voted to establish the
Keen Johnson Memorial Collection to be housed in the Reading Room
of the Enoch Grehan Journalism Building. The major portion of the
money will be used to purchase books and Journals for student use.
Mrs. Richard E. Jaggers Jr., Lexington, Gov. Johnson's daughter,
will present the check to the department. The governor died Feb-
ruary 8, 1970, at his home in Richmond. Owner of the Richmond Daily
Register for 40 years, he served as a president of the Kentucky
Press Association. His political career included a term as lieu-
tenant governor (1935-39) and a term as governor (1939-43). A $100
scholarship award in memory of Miss Helen Henry '48, who died Sep-
tember 17 at Louisville, will be presented to an outstanding student
in this year's public relations class, given by the Blue Grass
Chapter, Public Relations Society of America.


      Two journalists--Thomas E. and Patricia B. Gish of Whitesburg--
were guests of honor at the annual journalism banquet last Thursday.
Sponsored by the Department of Journalism and the undergraduate
chapters of Sigma Delta Chi and Theta Sigma Phi, journalism socie-
ties, the dinner was held off-campus, at the Springs Motel. Intro-
ducing the two guests of honor was Harry Caudill, recognized authority
on Appalachia and a native of Whitesburg. The Gishes own and publish
The Mountain Eagle at Whitesburg.


- 3


      "Civilisation," the film that recently won overwhelming ac-
claim as a 13-part television series, is being shown to Central
Kentucky audiences in motion picture form, beginning March 28. An
overview of civilization as seen through Western man's greatest
painting, sculpture, architecture and music, the film was produced
by the British Broadcasting Corporation and is narrated by British
art historian Kenneth Clark. The print of the film acquired by
the University is shown without charge at a series of weekly offer-
ings in the Student Center Theater and White Hall classroom build-
ing. After a one-hour introductory program last week, the series
will continue in weekly segments of two hours each. Public show-
ings are scheduled for 3 o'clock on Sunday and Wednesday afternoons
in the Student Center Theater and for 7:30 each Thursday night in
Room 118 White Hall. Dr. John B. Stephenson, dean of undergraduate
studies, said the 16-mm. color film was purchased primarily as a
teaching aid in fine arts, history, architecture, education,and
other fields. In recognition, however, of the film's appeal to
general audiences, as demonstrated by its television success, the
administration decided to exhibit "Civilisation" not only for all
University students and faculty, but as a public service for in-
terested off-campus viewers as well.


      James R. Heckmann, second year medical student, has won the
G. Milton Shy Award in Clinical Neurology, given to only one out-
standing medical student in the U.S. each year. The American Acad-
emy of Neurology selected Heckmann as the Tenth Essay Contest winner
on the basis of his paper, "Excitability Curve: A New Technique for
Assessing Human Peripheral Nerve Excitability in Vivo." The studies
which were the subject of Heckmann's essay were performed during the
summer of 1970 in the laboratory of Dr. Michael P. McQuillen, asso-
ciate professor of neurology. "The technique which Mr. Heckmann
developed is a new and sensitive measure of nerve function," Dr.
McQuillen stated. "It has great attractiveness as a simple method
for the investigation of patients with peripheral neuropathies."


      Seven Kentucky pharmacists have been named the first Distin-
guished Kentucky Pharmacists and honored at a banquet at the Stu-
dent Center by the faculty of the College of Pharmacy. Awards were
presented to William B. Zubrod, Nathan Kaplan, W. Oscar Votteler,
and Arthur P. Markendorf, all of Louisville; Ferdinand D. Stoll,
Lexington; George W. Grider, Danville, and Willard F. Bettinger,
Ft. Mitchell. The presentations were made in conjunction with the
college's Centennial Day program. Joe Creason, Louisville news-
paper columnist, was the banquet speaker. The Dean's Centennial
Seminar and open house at the college were features of the program
earlier, on March 23. Dr. Peter Bosomworth, vice president for the
A. B. Chandler Medical Center, presented the awards. Greetings were
extended by Dean Joseph V. Swintosky, College of Pharmacy.


- 4 -


      During the current academic year, as reported to the Office
for International Programs, 21 faculty and staff members are spend-
ing all or part of the year abroad. They are the following: Harold
Rosenbaum (Diagnostic Radiology), research and teaching in Honduras;
Don Jacobson (Animal Science), research in New Zealand; Frank Single-
tary (Animal Science), research in Thailand; David Wekstein (Physi-
ology), research and teaching in Norway; Milton Gellin (Pedodontics),
teaching in England; John Ellis (Agronomy), advising in Thailand;
William Templeton (Agronomy), research in Argentina; Thomas Ford
(Sociology), advising in Colombia; Vincent Nelson (Geology), teach-
ing in Ecuador; Thomas Roberts (Geology), teaching in Ecuador; Anne
Green (Art), teaching in India, Burma, Indonesia, Japan; James
Simpson (Mathematics), teaching in Iran; James Beidleman (Mathema-
tics), teaching in England; Peter Gillis (Metallurgical Engineering),
teaching in New Zealand; William Brown (Plant Pathology), advising
in Thailand; Benjamin T. Dean (Animal Science), advising in Thai-
land; Jesse Weil (Physics), teaching in England; Joseph Finney
(Educational Psychology & Counseling), teaching in Western Samoa,
Gilbert and Ellis Islands; Joseph Krislov (Economics), teaching in
Ireland; Walter A. Graham (CDC), advising in Thailand; Eldon Smith
(Agricultural Economics), research in Thailand.

      Foreign scholars here for the current academic year include
the following: Adam Pepelasis (Greece), teaching in Economics; Jose
Caceres and Juan Castello (Spain), teaching in Diagnostic Radiology;
M. Mukhtar Ali (Pakistan), teaching in Economics; Phillis Chien
(Formosa), technician in Nutrition and Food Science; Saiyid Zafar
Hasan (India), research and teaching in Social Professions; Tsuneo
Hirabayashi (Japan) and Adul WarintarweJ (Thailand), orthopedic
residents in Surgery; Piotr Perzyna (Poland), senior foreign special-
ist in Engineering Mechanics; Robert Ouvrier (Australia), chief resi-
dent in Neurology; Peter Procopis (Australia) and Stuart Green
(England), residents in Neurology; and Laurence Whitfield (England),
artist-in-residence in Art.


      The College of Medicine has received a grant from the National
Fund for Medical Education to recruit disadvantaged students into
the health professions. The focus of the program will be working
with Black students and students from East Kentucky. The students,
for socio-economic reasons, have never considered the health pro-
fessions as career possibilities or are having educational or
financial difficulty in reaching their objectives. The program for
Disadvantaged Students is a cooperative venture of the College of
Medicine Committee on Disadvantaged Students which is composed of
students, faculty, staff, and liaison members from the Colleges of
Allied Health, Dentistry, Nursing, and Pharmacy, according to John C.
Wolff Jr., Coordinator of the Program for Disadvantaged Students.




      Dr. S. C. Bohanan, coordinator of the Thailand Project,
recently returned from Thailand and reported that the UK-AID-
Thailand contract has been renewed for five years, at which time
the UK-trained Thai staff will have completed their responsi-
bility to the project. The original contract was negotiated in
1966 by CDC (representing the University), the Thai Ministry of
Agriculture, and AID. The contract called for the construction
of an Agricultural Center in the Northeast region of Thailand,
which has long been the most economically depressed area of the
country. The Kentucky team headed by Dr. Herbert F. Massey,
Department of Agronomy, arrived at Khon Khaen in the Northeast
in the sping of 1967 to begin to set up research in the various
fields of agriculture and to set about the task of institution-
building. Dr. Massey remained as chief of party until August
1970, during which time substantial progress was made in the
project. At home, the University's responsibility was to train
Thai agricultural students for their masters' and doctoral de-
grees in order to create the skilled personnel needed to operate
the Center. At present over 50 Thai have come to the U.S., most
of them studying at UK, and two groups already have returned to
the Center. During the past year administrative responsibility
for the Project has been returned from CDC to the College of
Agriculture. This step is in accord with the CDC policy of de-
veloping projects and transferring them to appropriate units at
the point of self-sustained growth.


      Two Kentuckians, one a pioneer and the other a leading edu-
cator, were honored in the dedication and naming of two buildings
at Somerset Community College on March 22. Following the welcome
by Dr. Roscoe Kelley, college director, Governor Louie B. Nunn and
Dr. Otis A. Singletary spoke briefly, with Richard Cooper, member
of the Board of Trustees and Somerset native, serving as chairman.
The main building, completed in 1965, was named for Dr. Leonard
Ephraim Meece, an alumnus of the University and a native of Pulaski
county. Dr. Meece, who died in 1968, was known throughout Kentucky
for his leadership in education. He played a fundamental role in
locating the community college in Somerset. Leonard Meece Hall
houses administrative and faculty offices, classrooms accommodating
up to 60 students, a library, laboratory and student areas. The
second building, formerly known as the technical building, was
named and dedicated as the George Michael Stoner Building. Stoner,
who came to Kentucky with Daniel Boone, played an important part
in the exploration and settlement of Kentucky, especially Clark and
Pulaski counties. Completed in 1970, the Stoner Building houses
home economics, nursing, engineering, radio and TV, and the publi-
cations departments, in addition to general classrooms also ac-
commodating up to 60 students and auditoriums which seat up to 135
persons for lectures.


- 6 -


      Dr. 0. J. Hahn and Dr. Uri Gat, assistant professors of mechani-
cal engineering, believe that with the relative increase in coal prices
and the growth of the electric systems in the state, a nuclear power
plant will be committed for construction in Kentucky by 1975. They
added that the nuclear fuel enrichment plant at Paducah, the location
of Kentucky at the geographic center of the nuclear power generation
capability, the fluorspar deposits, and the available river trans-
portation make Kentucky very attractive for the peripheral nuclear
industry such as fuel processor and fuel manufacturer.

      "We don't believe there will be any real competition with
fossil fuels," says Dr. Gat. "Actually, coal is becoming too valu-
able as a resource for use in many other products to be wasted as a
fuel for electric power generation." Dr. Hahn notes that ecologists
complain that the rise in water temperature from thermal pollution
upsets the normal balance of aquatic life. "These problems can be
solved satisfactorily in most