xt75qf8jds2z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75qf8jds2z/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1937-08-oct20-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1937-08-oct20-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1937-08-oct20-ec. 1937 1937-08-oct20-ec. 2011 true xt75qf8jds2z section xt75qf8jds2z 

     Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the
Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, Wednesday, Octo-
ber 20, 1937.

     The Executive Committee ff the Board of Trustees of t he Uni-
versity of Kentucky met in President McVey's office at the Uni-
versity Wednesday, October 20, 1937, at 10:30 a.m.   The members
of the Committee present were Chairman Richard C. Stoll, J. B.
Andrews and R. Miller Holland.   President Frank L. McVey, D. H.
Peak, Secretary of the Board, Dean James H. Graham and Dean Thomas
Cooper were present.

     1. Approval of Minutes.

     Approval of the minutes of the meeting of September 21, 1937
was deferred until the next meeting.

     2. Financial Reports.

     The financial reports for July, August and September, 1937,
were filed by the Business Agent.   The reports were examined by
the Committee, amd the reports being cumulative, the September
report was ordered inserted in the Minutes.

            Statement of Income and Expenditures
                      Month of September 1937



to Date

General Fund Income
Vocational Ed. Board        1,843.73
State Appro.-Summer Sch.    8,000.00
  Spec.Agr. Appro.            4,000.00
  State Appro.-General       56,987.08
  State Appro.-Repairs to
      Bldgs,                  2,219.60
 Student Fees                  894.61
 Student Fees -Sum. Sch.    57,754.65
 Student Fees - U.H.S.          20.00
 Student Fees - El.Tr.Sch.
 Student Fees - UnivExten.  2,320.05
 Misc. Receipts              1,183.17
 Rentals                        98.00
 Men's Dormitories           2,105.85
       Total                137 428.55

2,513,00    4,356.73
 2,000.00    6,000.00
85,596.32  142,584.30

      985. 35
    5,508 54
_ 214,-604.02




  Administration, Exp. and
 Additions and Betterments
 Excess of Inc.over Expend.
Patterson Hall Income
  Misc. Receipts
  Room Rent - Sum. Sch.



(6 ,168.23)



74,397.16  184,120.64

23,950.96   57,744.,57
  1*657.01    1,736.70
100 005i3 2     032.57
114m598.89 108,430.66

14,667.80   14,756.40
              1,032 56
 14,667.80   16,689.46

 2,303.11    4,903.02

  Excess of Income over Ex-
     penditures                   (578,25)     12,364.69    11,786.44

General Ledger Income          139,450.21     229,271.82   368t722.03
General Ledger Expenditures    146,196.69     102.308i24 _48, 504 93
  Excess of General Fund
     Income over Expend.        (6,746.48)    126,963.58  120,217.10
  Excess of Expenditures over
     Receipts for General
     Ledger accounts           (40,209.82)     27,235.36   (12,974.46)
  Accounts Payable                             (19,802.19) (19,802.19)
  Excess of Receipts over Ex-
     penditures for the fiscal
     year to date - General
     Fund                      (46,956.30)    134,396.75    87,440,45
  Excess of Receipts over Ex-
     penditures for the fiscal

  year to date - General Fund
Cash in Bank July 1, 1937 -
   General Fund
Cash in Bank September 30, 1937 -
   General Fund




Experiment Station Income
  Hatch - Fed. Appro.            3,750.00
  Milk and Butter - Cash Rec.    1,807.97
  Dairy Cattle Sales               200.00
  Sheep Sales                      364.80
  Swine Sales
  Poultry Sales                    319.85
  Farm Produce Sales               326.21
  Horticultural Sales              324.02
  Seed Test                        123.75
  Seed Inspection                3,740.52
  Rentals                          23!.34
  Miscellaneous                    112.65
  Fertilizer - Fees              9,140.00
  Public Serviee - State Aporo.  3,139.94
  Publip Service - Misc. Rec.        5.00

 767.62    2, 595.59
   50.00      259.00
   69.43       69.43
   120.26      440.11
   54.11      380.32
   323.55      647.57
   99.75      223,50
2,234.25    5,974.77
   94.67      334.01
   14.55      127.20
3,782.50   12,922.50
1,976.97    5,176.91



Feeding Stuffs - Fees     13,064.84
Adams - Fed. Appro.         3,750.00
Serum - Sales                 820.81
Serum - Virus Sales            23.20
Serum - Supply Sales           16.35
Serum - Misc. Receipts         25.51
State Appro.                8,124.66
Creamery - License Fees    9,249.96
Creamery - Testers Lic.    1,878.89
Creamery - Glassware Tested  227.28
Robinson - State Appro.    1,792.66
Robinson - Misc. Receipts    761.89
West Ky. - State Appro.    2,272.94
West Ky. - Misc. Receipt s  5,523.73
Purnell - Fed. Appro.     15,000.00
Bankhead-Jones - Fed. Ap. 14,800.88
Nursery Inspection - State
Appro.                       360.00
Nursery Inspection - Fees    545.00
               Total      101,901.65

  Expense                    55,917.11
  Additions and Betterments     400,42
                 Total       56,317.53
  Excess of Income over
  Expenditures              45,584.12
  Excess of Receipts over
  Expenditures for General
  Ledger accounts            5,405.67
  Accounts Payable
  Excess of Receipts over
  Expenditures              40,178.45
  Excess of Receipts over
  Expenditures for the fis-
  cal year to date - Ex-
  periment Station
  Cash in Bank July 1, 1937
  Experiment Station
  Cash in Bank September 30,
  1937 - Experiment Station

4,450.75    17,515.59
  251.47     1,072.28
  15.45        38.65
  14.10        30.45
4,087.83    12,212.49
  126.00     9,375,96
  113.00     1,991.83
  63.42       290.70
1,201.51     2,994,17
  213.06       974.95
  970.35     3,243.29
  414.10     5,937.83

485. 00


22,193.70  124,095.35

31,380.02   87,297.13
  1,504.68    1,905.10
  32, 884.70  89,202. 23

  (10,691.00)  34,893.12

  7,210.99    1,805.32
_11,535.25    11,i535. 25

  15,015,26   25,163,19

25,163. 19


51,635, 64

Extension Division Income
  Federal Bankhead-Jones
  Federal Smith-Lever
  Federal Supplementary
  Federal Capper-Ketcham
  State Smith-Lever
  County and Other

18,400. 49
21, 872.52
315, 631. 88

11,186 21




  Excess of Income over





48,136.64)    153,908249

Excess of Income over Ex-
penditures for the fiscal
year to date - Extension
Cash in Bank July 1, 1937 -
Extension Division
Cash in Bank September 30, 1937 -
Extension Division

Trust Fund Income
  Student Loan Fund
  Student Notes Paid
              Total Receipts


  Student Notes                    50.00

Excess of Receipts over Ex-
penditures                _    603.30

Excess of Receipts over Expendi-
tures for the fiscal year to
date - Trust Fund
Cash in Bank July 1, 1937 -
Trust Fund
Cash in Bank September 30, 1937 -
Trust Fund

163,D. 8,49

2,67 00

376. 83



373L 53


830. 13 _



5,007, 66



  General Fund Income
  Experiment Sta.Inc.
  Extension Div. Income
  Trust Fund Income

    274. 60


820,192 0O7

General Fund Expenditures 146,196.69
Experiment Station
Expenditures             56,317.53
Extension Division Ex-
  npnditures              103.496.75


Excess of Income over

Accounts Payable

Excess of Expenditures
  over Receipts for Gen-
  eral Ledger accounts

Student Loan Fund Notes

Excess of Receipts over
  Expenditures for the
  fiscal year to date -
  Combined Fund

102,308.24   248,504.93


89, 021',

59,322.85   162.81% CC_

306,010.97   194,515.79 __500,p526,,;_6

251,247.37    68,417.94  319,665.31

              (31,337.44)  (31,337.44)

(45,615.49)   34,446.35   (11,169.14)

    228.70         44.83       273.53

205,860.58    71,571.68  .277,432 26

Excess of Receipts over
  Expenditures for the
  fiscal year to date -
  Combined Fund

Cash in Bank and on hand
July 1, 1937 - Combined Fund



402,8324 37

Cash in Bank and on hand Septem-
ber 30, 1937 - Combined Fund

Abstract of item shown on State-
ment of Income and Expenditures as
"Excess of Expenditures over Re-
ceipts for General Ledger accounts

Accounts Receivable
Sundry accounts



5 959.35
11 169.14-






     3. Requisition Committee Report.

     The Requisition Committee filed written report of its action
each week from September 16, 1937 to October 13, 1937, inclusive.
The report showed orders made by the Business Office on the au-
thority of the Requisition Committee in the manner prescribed by
the Board of Trustees and State laws, running from No. 1557 to No.
2428.   The report was examined, and on motion and second the
orders named therein were ratified and approved and payments on
said orders were authorized and approved.

     The following additional budget appropriations were approved -
and allowed: 8126.00, fence for intramural grounds, Rose and Wash-
ington Streets; $141.50, Department of Geology, replacement of
equipment; 8203.00, labor and coal for heat at Nursery School

     Other budget additions shown in these Minutes: salary in-
creases in budgets of Alumni Secretary, $100.00; Military Science,
$100.00; Bacteriology, $400.

     4, Allotments -- Second Quarter - 1937-38,

     The Business Agent stated that he had received from the
State Department of Finance, Budget Division, advice of allotments
of appropriations for second quarter of the year 1937-38.

      Appropriations and quarterly allotments compared:

Amount of
Appropri a-

Amount Al-   Total Al-
lotted       lotted
Second Quar- to date
ter           _

Princeton Substation
Quicksqnd Substation
Agricultural Extension
Division of Colleges
Coll~ge of Agriculture
Summer School
Experiment Station
Service Laboratories
Nursery Inspection

$14,000 .00



7, 350. 00

Name of Fund



     5. Insurance on Kinkead and Breckinridge Halls.

     The Business Agent reported that acting under order of Execu-
tive Committee, made at meeting of September 21, 1937, he had sub-
mitted the question of cancellation of insurance on Kinkead and
Breckinridge Halls (ordered by the State Division of Insurance)
to the Attorney General, sending copy to the Division of Insurance,
and that he had received no response from either the Attorney Gen-
eral or the Division of Insurance.    Following is a list of papers

     1. Letter from State Commissioner of Insurance, dated AugusG
        27, 1937.

     2. Letter of Business Agent of University of Kentucky to
        Commissioner of Insurance, dated August 30, 1937.

     3. Letter of Business Agent of University of Kentucky to
        Security Trust Company, dated August 30, 1937.

     4. Letter of Business Agent of University of Kentucky to
        Security Trust Company, dated September 7, 1937.

     5. Letter from Security Trust Company to Business Agent
        of University of Kentucky, dated September 9, 1937.

     6. Copy of order of Executive Committee of University of
        Kentucky, September 21, 1937.

     7. Copy of deed, University of Kentucky to Security Trust
        Company, dated December 6, 1928.

     8. Copy of lease, Security Trust Company to University of
        Kentucky, dated December 6, 1928.

     6. Budget Report.

     President IcVey submitted a copy of the report prepared to
be submitted to the Budget Division of the State Department of
Finance as required by State laws,    The report as prepared con-
tains a statement of appropriations, receipts and expenditures for
year 1936-37, estimated statements for year 1937-1938, and an es-
timate of expenditures together with statements of income and re-
quest for appropriations to meet such expenditures for the years
1938-39 and 1939-40.    The report covers the income and estimated
income of each division of the University, both appropriations
and revolving funds (income collected by University).     It covers
also expenditures and estimated expenditures for the respective
years, classified as to salary expenditures, expenditures for sun-
plies and labor and expenditures for capital outlay.

     The report was examined and, on motion and second, it was are-
proved and ordered filed with Division of Budget, State Finance
Board,    President McVey was authorized to ask through proper
channels for the proposed appropriations shown in said report.
Following is a condensed summary of the report:



            CIonsolidated Statement of
     Expenditures and Appropriations Asked
for Three Divisions of the University of Kentucky

                        COLLEGE DIVISION

Appropriations    1037-3B        Requested            Requested
                 ______________ __1938-1939                     1939-1940

College Appro-
  priations      660,000.00   1,560,000.00 (See     1,410,000.00+
                                 Chart I)*

Summer School      8,000.00      20,000.00 (See        20,000.00
                                 Chart IIn)

Repairs            8,000.00      45,000.00 (See         45,000.00
                                  Chart III)

College of Agri-
culture          24,000.00      30,000.00 (See Chart
                                  IVw }_               30,000.00

Amt. of Appro-
priations       700,000.00   1,675,000.00           1,505,000.00

College Revolving
Funds           552,574,53     572,350.00             572,350.00

                   __  - EXPERIIENT STATIONS


Experiment Sta.   48,000.00     210,000.00(See Chart   80,000.00***
Public Service    21,000,00      27,000.00             27,000.00

Nursery Inspection 2,000.00       2,000.00              2,000.00

Princeton Sub-
station          14,000.00      20,000.00             20,000.00

Robinson Sub-
station          14,000.00      20,000.00             20,000.00

Amt. of Appro-
priations        09,000.00     27S,000.00            14D,000.00

Experiment Station
Revolving Funds  160,680.00      152,000.00           152,000.00




     1937-38        Requested

Extension Div.
Anpropriation       120,000.00        155,000,00      155,000.00

Notes: * Includes $761,000 for capital outlay
        4 Includes $591,000 for capital outlay
        ** Includes $150,000 for capital outlay
      *** Includes 820,000 for capital outlay

     7. Kentucky Kernel Publications.

     The members of the Board discussed at some length the publica-
tion in the issue of the Kentucky Kernel of date of October 15, 1937,
of a letter from President McVey to John Lewis, Director of the
Band, relative to tie Band being taken to Boston for the football
game with Boston College, November 13, 1937, and the editorial com-
ment appearing in that issue and the issue next following.     After
due consideration, on motion and second the following resolution
was passed:

          "Be it resolved that the Professor of Journalism
     in the University shall be responsible to the Board of
     Trustees and to the Executive Committee of the University
     for everything, including advertisements, published in the
     KENTUCKY KERNEL.   The secretary of the Board shall de-
     liver a copy of this resolution to the Professor of

     The Secretary of the Board immediately sent a copy of the reso-
lution to the Head of the Department of Journalism.

     8. Pathological Laboratory.

     In compliance with the order of the Executive Committee at its
meeting of September 21, 1937, Dean Cooper submitted the following

Re cuested



                                   October 20, 1937

     President Frank L. McVey
     University of Kentucky

     Dear President McVey:

          There is submitted herewith plans for a small lab-
     oratory to be used for conducting the study of recurrent
     ophthalmia.   It is proposed that this should be oon-
     structed as an addition to the present veterinary build-
     ing and is estimated that the construction cost will be
     around $14,000.   Inasmuch as this laboratory is to be
     used specifically for a Bankhead-Jones research project,
     a part of the funds available f rom that fund may be used
     for its construction.   I recommend that upon authoriza-
     tion by the Board of Trustees for the construction of
     this laboratory it shall be financed as follows:

        From funds of Federal origin for the
        construction of a laboratory for the
        study of recurrent ophthalmia .......... $10,000

        From funds set aside out of the bond
        fund which was issued by the Experi-
        ment Station, and which sum may be
        used for construction   .    ........... 5,000

                          Yours truly,

                                  (Signed) Thomas Cooper
                                           Dean of College of
                                           Director of Experiment

     On motion duly seconded and carried, the plans submitted by
Dean Cooper were approved and accepted, at the cost suggested in
Dean Cooper's letter.   For payment of the cost of construction,
the use of $10,000.00 from the Bankhead-Jones Federal Fund (Experi-
ment Station allotment) and 85,000.00 from the Bond and Interest
Redemption Fund, Experiment Station annex was approved and ordered.

     The Business Agent was directed and authorized to make payment
of construction costs from said funds.

     Dean Cooper was further authorized and directed to ask for
bids for the construction, the bids to be oDened in President Mc-
Vey's office, and the lowest and best bid accepted.    The chairman
of the Executive Committee was authorized to sign contract when
all conditions above are complied with.



   O. Interurban Right of Way on Nicholasville Pike.

   'resident McVey submitted following letter from Dean Cooper:

                                   October 12, 1937

   President Frank L. McVey
   University of Kentucky

   Dear President McVey:

         The Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station deeded
   for the interurban line the necessary right-of-way fronting
   its property on the Nicholasville Pike.   This line has
   been abandoned.   Under the terms of the deed the property
   reverts to the Experiment Station.   I presume it would be
   appropriate to offer this right-of-way to the county for
   road purposes.   If you approve, I wish to recommend that
   an offer be made to convey to the county the right-of-way
   which has reverted to the Experiment Station.

                                   Very truly yours,

                                       (Signed) Thomas Cooper
                                                 Dean and Director

     The suggestions made by Dean Cooper were approved, and authori-
ty was given to have the right of way transferred to Fayette County
to be used for road purposes only.   R. C. Stoll, Chairman of the
Executive Committee, and D. H. Peak, its Secretary, were authorized
to execute the deed to Fayette County after it has been approved
by the Attorney General.

     10. P. W. A. Construction, College Dockets.
     President McVey presented to the Committee tabulations of in-
formal bids received on the following equipment purchases under
Docket No. Ky-103-2-D:

Equipment Purchase No. 4

     On September 7 letters were written several companies request-
ing proposals on steel shelving, 7 feet high, to be used in the Law
Building Library.    The following bids were received: Metal Office
Furniture Company, 8512.00; All-Steel-Equip Company, $622.e0;
Transylvania Printing Company, 8687.50; and Remington-Rand, Inc.,

     It was recommended to the P.W.A. that this shelving be pur-
phased from the low bidder, Metal Office Furniture Company of Grand
apids, Michigan, in the amount of 8512.00 f.o.b. cars, LeS ngton,



Equipment Purchase No. 5

     In September, quotations were requested on thefollowing items
of equipment for use in servicing of pumps, turbines, etc., in the
Central Heating Plant:

     1 25 lb. High Pressure Air Gun similar or equal to
           Alemite No. 6184 with adapters for allowing
           fittings, Hydraulic, Zurich, Flush Type, Pin
           Type, and Button Head.

     1. Large "Flex-Tip" Ain Blow Gun, Alemite No. 6647.

   100 feet Air Hose

     3 1 pt. copper Squirt Oil Cans

     2  1 qt. copper Oil Cans for Cylinder Oil

     1  set Vanadium Steel Socket Wrenches with ratchet, 12 point
           sockets, and sq. head sockets for 1/4' USS to 5/8" US:

     1  set Vanadium Steel Socket Wrenches with ratchet, 12 point
           sockets for 5/8" USS nuts to l-l/8't USS nuts.

The following bids were received: Kentucky Ignition Company,
8145.35; Wombwell Automotive Parts Company, $146.27; and Rix & Cor-
bin, Inc., 8l53.38.

     It was recommended to the P. W. A. that this equipment be pur-
chased from the low bidder, Kentucky Ignition Company of Lexington,
Kentucky, in the amount of 8145.35.

Equipment Purchase No. 6

     Several inquiries were made about the purchase of boiler tube
cleaners for use in the Central Heating Plant.   Three bids were
received but only one of the cleaners presented was capable of op-
eration with the air compressor which is installed in the Heating
Plant.   This cleaner is made by the Airsteel Manufacturing Compa-

     Therefore it was recommended to the P.W.A. that two boiler
tube cleaners be purchased from the Airsteel Manufacturing Company
of Springfield, Ohio, for the amount of 8162.00, f.o.b. cars, Lex-.
ington, Kentucky.



Equipment Purchase No. 7

     On September 21 letters were written several companies request-
ing proposals on steel shelving for the Engineering Library. The
following bids were received: The Globe-Wernicke Company, 8411.60;
Remington Rand, Inc., $507.32; The Berger Manufacturing Company,
8523.82; Transylvania Printing Company, 8585.90; The General Com-
pany, Inc., 8650.46; and the All-Steel-Equip Company, 8739.36.

     It was recommended to the P. W. A. that this shelving be pur-
chased from the low bidder, The Globe-Wernicke Company of Cincir-
nati, Ohio, in the amount of $411.60, f.o.b. cars, Lexington, Ken-

     Inasmuch as these purchases were of an emergency nature Doctor
McVey advised that the purchase orders had been already issued and
signed by Mr. D. H. Peak, Business Agent.   Doctor McVey requester
the approval of the Board of Trustees for this action.

     Upon motion duly made and seconded the aforestated Durchases
recommended to the P.W.A. under Docket No. 1013-2-D were approved
and the action of the Business Agent in signing these purchase or-
ders on behalf of the University was approved.

President McVey then presented to the Committee tabulations of in-
formal bids received on the additional equipment purchases under
Docket No. Ky-1013-2-D:

Equipment Purchase No. 8

     On September 14 letters were written several companies request-
ing bids on shelving, as follows, to be used in the Engineering

     3  sections Lyon, or equal, shelving, 36" wide, 18" deep,
           84" high

     2. No. 2 sloping shelf inserts, 99 dividers and check hooks

     1 No. 5 sloping shelf insert, 30 dividers and check hooks
     1 No. 4 Milling cutter insert, 50 pegs and check hooks
     2 24 box inserts, 2 dividers in each box, check hooks and
           label holders on each box
     4 6" dividers
     20 1-1/2' dividers
     17 shelves - six label holders
     4 Uprights, closed
     3 Backs

     Only two bids were received on this equipment and one of these
did not meet specifications.



     Therefore, it was recommended to the P. W. A. that this shelv-
ing be purchased from Lyon Metal Products, Inc., of Aurora, Illi-
nois, in the sum of 8212.02, f.o.b. cars, Lexington, Kentucky.

Equipment Purchase No. 9

     On September 14 letters were written several companies reouest-
ing bids on the following equipment for the Engineering Suchs

     1 Counter, Lyon No. 88-B-3, or equal
     3 Sets of swinging doors, Style B

     Bids were received in the following amounts: Lyon :Aetal
Products, Inc., 851.82; Parent Metal Products, Inc., 839.25; and
the Berger Manufacturing Company, 836.31.

     It was recommended to the P.W.A. that this equipment be pux-
chased from the low bidder, Berger Manufacturing Company of Canto-',
Ohio, in the amount of $136.31, f.o.b. cars, Lexington, Kentucky.

Equipment Purchase No. 10

     On September 14 letters were written several companies request-
ing bids on shelving, as follows, for the Engineering Shops:

     1 Section Lyon shelving, or equal, 36" wide, 18" deep,
         84" high consisting of:
                      9 shelves
                      2 uprights
                      1 back
                      1 set swinging doors, Style A.

     Bids were received in the following amounts: Lyon Metal Product.
Inc., 831.?l; Berger Manufacturing Company, 829.49; and Parent
Metal Products, Inc., 828.85.

     It was recommended to the P. W. A. that this shelving be pur-
chased from the low bidder, the Parent Metal Products, Inc., of
Philadelphia, Pa., in the amount of *928.85, f.o.b. cars, Lexington,

Equipment Purchase No. 11

     Bids were requested on the following items of equipment for
the Engineering Shops:

     1. 8 Steel Tool Stands, light construction, swivel type
           rubber tired casters, knocked down
           Size about 18 x 24 x 36 inch, stand must have 3
           shelves, no drawers, olive green enamel.

     2. 6 Steel Tool Stands, heavy construction, two swivel and
           two stationary casters, knocked down. Size about 18
           x 24 x 36 inch, stand must have three shelves, no draw-
           ers. olive green enamel.



     36 2 Steel Bench Legs, "Bantom" No. 35 or equal, including
         blackboard brackets.

    ,Bids were received in the following amounts' Standard Pressed
Steel Company, 8162.58 for Items 1, 2 and 3; and Hamilton Caster &
Mfg. Coj, $225,40 for Items 1 and 2.

     Therefore, it was recommended to the PWA, that this equip-
ment be purchased from the Standard Pressed Steel Company of Jen-
kinstown, Pa., in the amount of $162.58, f.o.b. cars, Lexington,

Equipment Purchase No. 12

      Bids were requested on September 16 for the following sec-
tions of drawers to be used in the Engineering Shops:

     6 Sections - 36 drawers each, drawer 8i ze approximately
                     9-3/4"1 x 4-1/2n x 31"

     6 Sections - 20 drawers each, drawer size approximately
                     9-3/4" x 6-3/4" x 4"

     6 Sections - 15 drawers each, drawer size approximately
                     9-3/4" x 9" x 4u
     6 Sections - 0 drawers each, drawer size approximately
                     9-3/4" x 9" x 7"

     Only one bid was received on this equipment although letters
were sent to four different companies.

     Since the bid of the Hobart Cabinet Company of Troy, Ohio, in
the amount of 8253.73, f.o.b. cars, Lexington, Kentucky, was reason-
able; it was recommended to the P.W.A. that this equipment be pur-
chased from them.

Equipment Purchase No. 13

     On September 13 letters were %witten to a number of companies
requesting quotations on tablet arm chairs and graded chairs for
use in the Law Building Library and class rooms.    The following
quotations were received on graded chairs:

          Office Equipment Company
            (American Seating Co. #286)        $3.40 each
          Standard Pressed Steel Company        3.60
          The General Company
            (Heywood-Wakefield # 900-2)         3.35
          Beckley-.Cardy Company 1048           3.37  "
          Irwin Seating Company #1938-A         3.45



     It was recommended to the P. W. A. that two hundred fifty
(250) of these chairs be purchased from the low bidder, the General
Company of Cincinnati, Ohio for 83.35 each, or a net amount of
8837.50, f.o.b. Lexington, Kentucky.

     Upon motion duly made and seconded the purchase of the above
equipment under Docket No. Ky-1013-2-D, as recommended to the P.W.A.
was approved and the Business Agent of the University, Mr. D. H.
Peak, was authorized and instructed to sign purchase orders for
same in behalf of the University.

     11. P. W. A. Construction, Experiment Annex Docket.

     Transfer of Funds:

     Dean Cooper recommended that the following collections be
transferred to Bond Redemption Fund Experiment Station Annex:

     Collections made in June 1937: Poultry $230.06; Animal Indus-
try $106.07; Dairy 8777.53;  Agronomy $89.72; Serum $56.95; Admin-
istration $989.98.

      Collections made in July 1937: Agronomy 8222.98; Dairy
:1064.27; Administration $178.95; Animal Industry 8236.00; Poultry
$186.76; Horticulture 892.20.

      Collections made in August 1937; Animal Industry 8128.80;
Dairy $952.70; Administration 8173.04; Poultry $133.09; Agronomy
8103.23; Hcrticulture 8231.82; Entomology and Botany 816.50.

      Collections made in September 1937; Administration 8109.22;
Poultry 8120.26; Horticulture 8323.55; Animal Industry $69.43;
Dairy 8347.15; Entomology & Botany $1033.92.

      Collections made in October 1937; Entomology and Botany
8771.55; Feeds $749.50; Public Service $15.00; Dairy A558.40.

      The totals amounting in all to 810068.63 were ordered trans-
ferred from the funds above indicated to the University of Kentucky
Experiment Station Annex Building Revenue Bond and Interest Redemp-
tion Fund.

      Note: Sec. 8 of these Minutes authorizes the use of $5000.00
 of the funds set aside to t his account for part payment of con-
 struction of Pathological Laboratory.

      13. Appointments and Other Staff Changes.

      President McVey presented staff appointments and other changes
 requested by deans and heads of departments, and, on his recommen-
 dation, by motion and second, the following were approved and
 record ordered made in the Minutes:




     Miss Effie Starks, appointed to assistantship in the Depart-
ment of Bacteriology, salary at rate of 8400.00 per year, effec-
tive October 1, 1937.

     Eugene Thompson, part-time instructor in Romance Languages
for first semester 1937-38. Mr. Thompson is a graduate student
doing this work without compensation