xt75qf8jdq7s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75qf8jdq7s/data/mets.xml Perkins, James H. (James Handasyd), 1810-1849. 1857  books b92f351p4632009 English W. S. Haven : Pittsburgh, Pa. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Indians of North America --Wars. Mississippi River Valley --History. Northwest, Old --History. Ohio River Valley --History. Annals of the West : embracing a concise account of principal events which have occurred in the western states and territories, from the discovery of the Mississippi valley to the year eighteen hundred and fifty-six. text Annals of the West : embracing a concise account of principal events which have occurred in the western states and territories, from the discovery of the Mississippi valley to the year eighteen hundred and fifty-six. 1857 1857 2009 true xt75qf8jdq7s section xt75qf8jdq7s 


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_-tTo..  )-e..i..    n (XY\ ( Craig's History of Pittsburgh. "     Olden Time.

Drake's Indiau Captivities.   Boston. 1839.

Doddridge's Notes.   Wcllsburg, Va. 1821.

Dillon's History of Indiana.   Vol.1.   Indianapolis. 1843.

Drake's Picture of Cincinnati.   Cincinnati. 1815.

Drake's Life of Tecumtho.   Cincinnati. 1841.

Drake's Life of Black Hawk.   Cincinnati. 1840.

Dalliba's Narrative of the Battle of Brownstown. Angus] (812

   L, 1 iS T  01"  A II t 11 0 R 1 X I B B .


Davis' Memoirs of Burr.   2 vols.   New York. 1837. Dawson's Life of Harrison.   Cincinnati. 1824. De Hass' History of Western Virginia. Discourse of Hon. Wni. R. Smith, Wisconsin. Duboison's Report of Siege of Detroit. 1713. Documents relative to laws of Mississippi Company.

Expedition of Braddock; being extracts of letters from an officer. Lond. 1755. Enquiry into the causes of the Alienation of the Delaware and Shawanese Indians from the British interest.     Taken  from  Public Documents.

fey' London. 1759.

Ellicott's Journal, &c.   Philadelphia. 1803.

Executive Journals of the Senate.   3 vols.   Washington. 1828.

Early Jesuit Missions.

Erie Directory for 1853.

Ford's History of Illinois.

Fremont's Exploring Expedition.

Florida of the Inca, by de la Vega.   Madrid. 1723.

Foster's account of Fire in Pittsburgh, 1845.

Filson's Account of Kentucky.   Loudon. 1793.

Findley's History of the Whisky Insurrection.   Philadelphia. 1796.

Filson's Account of Kentucky in French.   Paris. 1785.

Flint's Recollections of Last Ten Years in Mississippi Valley.

Flint's Geography.   Cincinnati. 1832.

Gayarre's Spanish Domination of Louisiana.

"      Frenoh " "

Gazette, Missouri.   St. Louis. 1814.

Gibbs' Memoirs of the Administrations of Washington and John Adams.-Greene's Facts relative to the Mormons.   Cincinnati. 1839.

Hennepin's Louisiana.   Paris. 1684.

"        New Discovery.   Utrecht. 1697. Hall's Sketches of the West.   Philadelphia, 1835. Holmes' Annals.   2 vols.   Cambridge. 1829. Hall's Statistics of the West.   Cincinnati. 1836. Histoire General des Voyages.   Paris. 1757. Harrison's Address, 1837, in Ohio Historical Transactions. Heckewelder's Narrative.   Philadelphia. 1820.

Hull's Trial.   Boston.   1814.   [This volume does not give the evidence.] Hull's Memoirs.   Boston. 1824. Hull's Defense.   Boston. 1814.

Historical Register of United States.   Edited by T. H. Palmer. Philadelphia. 1814. 


History of Louisiana.   By M. Le Page du Pratz.   2 vols.   Paris. 1758. Historical Collections of Pennsylvania.   By Sherman Day. Hutchins' Geographical Description of Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland, &c. London. 1778.

Hutchins' Historical Narrative and Topographical Description of Louisiana.

&c.   Philadelphia. 1784. History of the Conquest of Florida by Do Soto.   Paris. 1685.   Lond. 1686. Hall's Memoir of Harrison.   Philadelphia and Cincinnati. 1836. Hunt's History of the Mormon War.   St. Louis. 1844. Hesperian.   (Periodical.)   Columbus and Cincinnati.

Hall's Wilderness and War-path, in Wiley and Putnam's Library. N. Y. 1846.

Harris' Tour in the West, 1803.

Hildreth's History of the United States.

History of Western Pennsylvania.

Howe's Historical Collections of Ohio.

History of Louisville.

Historical Collections of Louisiana.   By B. F. French. Hunter's Account of Lochry's Expedition.

Indian Wars.

Indiana Gazetteer.   Indianapolis. 1850. Irving's Conquest of Florida.

Independent Chronicle and General Advertiser. Boston.

Imlay's Topographical Description of the Western Territory of N. America.

Indian Treaties from 1778 to 1837.   Washington. 1837.

Jefferson's Memoirs and Correspondence.

"      Notes on Virginia.   London. 1787. Journal of the Federal Convention.   Boston. 1819. Jacob's Life of Cresap.

Keating's Narrative of Long's Expedition. Kercheval's Valley of Virginia.

Kentucky Resolutions of 1798.   Richmond, Va. 1882. Kilbourn's Gazetteer of Ohio.   Columbus. 1837.

La Salle, Spark's Life of.   Boston. 1844.

Land Laws of United States.   Washington. 1828.

Lettres Edifiantes.   Paris. 1781.

Original edition published from year to year. Lanman's History of Michigan.

Letter to a Friend, giving an account of Braddook's Defeat.   Boston. 1755. Letters from an American Farmer, &c.   By Hector St. John de Crevecceur. Loskiel's History of Moravian Missions.   London. 1791. Land Laws affecting Ohio.   Columbus. 1826. 


Latrobc's Rambler in America.   New York. 1835. Laws of Missouri.   Jefferson City. 1842. &c. "     Indiana, revised.

       Ohio,        "       Columbus. 1841. Law's Historical Address at Vincennes.   Louisville. 1839. Life of John Heckeweldcr, by Rev. Ed. Rondthaler. 1686.      Life of Tecumthe.

Lloyd's Steamboat Directory. Life of Bishop Flaget. Lapham's Sketches of Wisconsin. 1846.      Letter of De Soto to Authorities of St. Jago de Cuba.

Map published by authority of the Lords Commissioners of Trade in 1755.

Magazine Almanac. Pittsburgh.

Mormon History, by Gunnison.

Monette's History of Mississippi Valley.

MclJride's Sketch of Miami University.

Map published in London, February 13, 1755.

Marquette's Journal in Thevenot.   Paris. 1681.

Marquette, Life of, by Sparks. Boston.

Marshall's History of Kentucky.   2 vols.   Frankfort. 1824.

McClung's Western Adventure.   Cincinnati. 1839.

Morchead's Address.   Frankfort. 1841.

Memoires Historiques sur la Louisiane.   Paris. 1753.

Massachusetts Historical Collections.   29 vols.   3 series.   Boston.   1806 to 1846.

nte's History of the War of 1754-63.    1772.    Probably published at London.

inutes of the Treaty of Carlisle in 1753.   No date of publication. McAfee's History of the War of 1812.   Lexington, Ky. 1816. Memoirs on the Last War in North America.

Minutes of the Provincial Council of Pennsylvania.   Published by the State. Marshall's Life of Washington.   5 vols.   Philadelphia.   1804 and 1807. Martin's History of Louisiana.   2 vols.   New Orleans. 1829. McDonald's Sketches.   Cincinnati. 1838.

Nicollet's Report to the Senate.   Washington. 1843. North American Review. Boston.

New York Historical Collections.   3 vols.   New York.   1811. 1814. 1821.

Nile's Weekly Register. Baltimore.

Narrative of the Expedition of De Soto, by Vacca.

Naufragros a Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vacca.

Ohio Gazetteer.

Observations on the North American Land Company, &c.   London. 17%. 2 


Old Journals of Congress, from 1774 to 1788.   4 vols.

Ohio Journals, published yearly.

Ohio Canal Documents.   Columbus. 1828.

Orr's Narrative of Lochry's Disaster.

Perkins, James H., Assistant Compiler of First Edition Western Annals. Peck, J. M., " " Second Edition "

Pioneer History, by Dr. S. P. Hildreth. Pollock's, Dr. I., account of Moravians.

Pownall's Memorials on Service in North America.   London. 17(17. Present State of North America.   London. 1755. Proud's History of Pennsylvania.   2 vols.   Philadelphia. 1797. Plain Facts.   Philadelphia. 1781.

Proofs of the Corruption of James Wilkinson.   By Daniel Clark.

Pica in Vindication of the Connecticut Title to Contested Lands West of New

York.   By Benjamin Trumbull.   New Haven. 1774. Present State of Virginia, &c.   By Hugh Jones.   Loudon. 1724. Present State of European Settlements on Mississippi.   By Captain Philip

Pittman.   London. 1770. Pitkin's History of the United States.   New Haven. 1828.

Revised Statutes of Virginia.   Richiuoud. 1819.

Report of the Committee to inquire into the conduct of General WilkinsoD. February, 1811.

Review of the Military Operations in North America, from 1743 to 1756.  By j

Governor Livingston, of New Jersey.   London. 1757. Ramsay's History of the War, from 1755 to 1763.   Edinburgh. 1779. Relations de la Louisiane, &c.   2 vols.   Amsterdam. 1720. Rogers' Journals,   Londou. 1765. Renwick on the Steam Engine.   New York. 1839.

Silliman's Journal.   Vol. 31.   New Haven. 1837. Spark's Washington.   12 vols.   Boston. 1837.

      Franklin.   10 vols.  Boston. 1840.

      Life of Morris.   Boston. 183l\ Stuart's Memoirs of Indian Wars. Stone's Life of Brant.   2 vols.  New York. 1838. Smollett's History of England.

Stoddard's Sketches of Louisiana.   Philadelphia. 1812. Set of Plans and Forts in North America, reduced from actual survey. 17(1.,

Probably published at London. State of British and French Colonies in North America.   In two letters to a

a friend.   London. 1755. St. Clair's Narrative of his Campaign.   Philadelphia.   18]2. Smyth's Travels in America. 3 vols. London. 1784. 


Secret Journals of Congress.   4 vols.   Boston. 1820.

State of the case relative to United States Bank in Ohio. Cincinnati. 382-J. Sparks' Life of La Salle.

Tarver's Western Journal. Travels in Minnesota.

Thatcher's Lives of the Indians.   2 vols.   N. Y. 1832. Transactions of American Antiquarian Society.   Worcester, Mass. 1820. Tonti's Account of La Salle's Discoveries.   Paris.   1687. [Spurious.] 'odd & Drake's Life of Harrison.   Cincinnati. 1840.

'ravels in North America in 1795, '96 and '97, by Isaac Weld.   2 vole. London. 1799.

Travels in Louisiana.   By-Bossu.   Translated by J. R. Forster. London. 1771.

Transactions of Ohio Historical Society, containing Burnet's Letters. Cincinnati. 1839.

niversal Modern nistory.   London. 1763.

nited States Gazette, edited by John Fenno.   Published at New York.

Volney'8 Views of the Climate and Soil of the United States.   London. 1804. View of the Title to Indiana, a tract of country on the river Ohio. Voyages, &c, relative to the Discovery of America,   Paris. 1841.

Western Reserve Register. 1852.

Whittlesey's Discourse on Lord Dunmore's Expedition.   Cleveland. 1842. "       Life of Fitch.   (In American Biography, New Series.)

Withers' Chronicles of Border Warfare.   Clarksburg, Va, 1821.

Western Monthly Magazine.   Cincinnati.   1832, &c. Periodical.

Washington's Journal.   Published at Williamsburg, Va.   Republished London, 1754, with a map.

Wetmore's Missouri Gazetteer.   St. Louis. 1837.

Wilkinson's Memoirs.   3 vols.   Philadelphia. 1816.

Western Messenger.   Periodical. Cincinnati.

Western Garland.   Periodical. Cincinnati. 

1612. Ponce de Leon discovers Florida.

1616.   Diego Miruelo visits Florida.

1530.   Vasquez de Ayllon kidnaps the natives for slaves. Pamphilo de Narvaez goes to Florida.

1635.   Jacques Cartier enters and explores the St. Lawrence.

1538. De Soto asks leave to conquer Florida.

1539. De Soto reaches Tampa Bay.

De Soto reaches Appalachee Bay.

1640.   De Soto in Georgia.

De Soto reaches Mavilla on the Alabama.

1541.   De Soto reaches Mississippi.

De Soto crosses Mississippi and rambles westward. De Soto changes his course westward and southward.

1642.   De Soto travels eastward toward Mississippi. De Soto reaches Mississippi and dies.

1543. His followers attempt, to reach Mexico by land, and fail. They arrive on the coast of Mexico by water.

1544. De Biedma presents his account of De Soto's expedition to the King of Spain.

1562.   Florida settled by French colonists.

1565.   Pedro Melandez de Avilez establishes St. Augustine.

Avilez, by order of the King of Spain, exterminates the Huguenots of Florida. Dominic de Gourges, a French catholic, avenges his countrymen.

1608.   Quebec founded by S. Champlain.

1613. Montreal Island settled.

1610.   Le Caron explores Upper Canada.

1630.   Charles I. grants Carolana to Sir Robert Heath.

1634. First Mission founded on the eastern shore of Lake Huron. Breboeuf, Lallemaud and Daniel, Missionaries, arrive at Lake Huron.

1635. Missionaries visit the Sault Ste. Marie.

1636. St. Joseph, St. Louis and St. Ignatius missions established.

1640. Raymbault and Pigart follow to tho West.

1641. Canadian envoys first meet .North West at the Sault Ste. Mario. 


1047.   Sieur do Longneville, with u small company, it is said, was at Fox River Rapids, (doubtful.)

1054.   Father Simon Le Moine discovered the Onondago Saline. Fur traders from Moutroal penetrate the Western Lakes.

1659.   Two French traders passed the winter on the shores of Lake Superior.

1060. Rene Mesnard coasts the Southern shore of Lake Superior. Mesnard establishes the missions of Sto. Theresa and Chegoimegon.

1061. Mesnard perished iu the forest, of cold and hunger.

1063.   Colonol Wood's alleged travels.

1665.   Tracy made viceroy of New France.

Allouez founds first permanent station on Lake Superior.

1667.   La Salle first arrives in Canada from France.

1068.   Claude Dablon and Jacques Marquette plant mission of Sto Marie.

1070. N. Pcrrot is ordered West by the Intendant to propose a congress of Lako Indians. Alleged travels of Captain Bolt.

1071. Grand council at the Sault Ste. Marie.

- French take formal possession of the North West. Marquette establishes permanently the mission of St. Ignatius.

I 672.   Allouez and Dablon visited Green Bay and all the Western shore of Lake Michigan

1073.   Marquette and his companions leave Mackinac to seek the Mississippi. Marquette and his companions cross from Fox river to Wisconsin. Marquette and his companions reach Mississippi. Marquette and his companions meet Illinois Indians. Marquette and his companions reach Arkansas. Marquette and his companions leave on return to Mackinac. Marquette and Joilet at Des Moines, (as supposed.) Marquette at and alone about Chicago.

1675.   Marquette dies on the Eastern shore of Lake Michigan. La Salle returns to France.

1670.   La Salle again in Canada and rebuilds Fort Frontenac.

1077.   La Salle visits France a second time.

1678.   La Salle and Tonti sail for Canada.

La Salle and Tonti arrive at Quebec. La Salle and Tonti cross Lake Ontario.

Persons from New England said to have explored the South West.

1079.   La Salle loses his stores in Lako Ontario.

The Griffin sails up Lake Erie through the straits to Huron.

La Salle and his party encountered dreadful storms on Lake Huron.

The Griffin miraculously saved, arrives at Muckinao.

The party weigh anchor and sail to Green Bay.

The Griffin laden and sent back to Niagara.

La Salle with part of his men commences voyage up Lako Michigan. They reach the head of Lake Michigan and discover the St. Josephs riror. During November build Fort Miamies at mouth of St. Josephs river. Reinforced by Tonti, they ascend the St. Josephs and cross to Kankakee. 


1(180.   La Salle and liis party in Pcori'i Lake.

La Salle, under great depression of mind, builds aud names Fort Ocvecceur.

Hennepin sent to explore the Mississippi.

La Salle commences his journey, returning to Canada.

M. Hennepin on the Upper Mississippi.

Tonti commences building Fort St, Louis.

Hostility of the Iroquois obliges Tonti to leave the country.

La Salle returns to Illinois.

Hennepin returns to Canada.

1(381.   La Salle and Tonti meet at Mackinac. La Salle a third time goes west ,   . ard. La Salle at St. Josephs again. La Salle goes by Chicago to Illinois river. La Salle finds Fort Ocvecceur in good condition.

1082. La Salle goes from Chicago westward La Salle on banks of the Mississippi. La Salle descends Mississippi.

La Salle discovers mouths of Mississippi.

La Salle takes possession by process verbal.

La Salle returns to St. Josephs, of Michigan.

La Salle intends to ascend the Mississippi with a colony.

1083. La Salle leaves Illinois for Quebec.

La Salle immediately sails for Fiance, at Rochellc, in December.

1084. La Salle sails from France for mouth of Mississippi. * La Salle reaches St. Domingo.

La Salle sails from St. Domingo for mouth of Mississippi.

La Salle discovers the main land.

The Iroquois place themselves under England.

1085. La Salle in the Gulf of Mexico.

La Salle sends party on shore to go eastward for mouth of Mississippi. La Salle reaches Matagorda Bay.

Beaujeu sails for France, leaving La Salle in great distress.

La Salle building in Texas; unfortunate.

La Salle in person searches for the Mississippi.

168G.   La Salle returns to Matagorda Bay.

La Salle goes again to seek the Mississippi. Tonti goes down Mississippi to meet La Salle. La Salle returns unsuccessful.

1087.   La Salle leaves for Mississippi the third time. La Salle sends men to look for stores. La Salle follows and is killed by those men. His murderers quarrel and slay one another. Seven of La Salle's best companions leave the main body. The seven proceed toward Mississippi, and reach Arkans is. They reach Fort St, Louis, on the Illinois river. La Salle's death was not published until next yoar. 

1688. La Salle's former companions leave Fort St. Louis, for Quebec. Thence they sail for France, ami arrive at Rochelle, in Octobor. Population of all French North America, about 12,000.

1689. War of the European alliance. D'Ibcrvillc victorious on Hudson's Bay.

1600.   D'Ibervillo invades English Colony of New York.

1693.   Rev. Gravier, a Missionary at Kaskaskia, Illinois. Kaskaskia founded by Gravier; date unknown. Cahokia settlement prior to Kaskaskia; date likewiso unknown.

1697.   Treaty between France and England, and peace of Ryswick.

1098.   D'lberville appointed Governor of Louisiana. Bienville appointed Intcndnnt of Louisiana. Dr. Coxe sends two vessels toward the Mississippi.

1699. D'lberville at the Bay of Mobile. D'lberville onters the Mississippi. D'lberville sails for France.

Bienville sounds Mississippi and meets English. Fort L'Huillier built on Blue Earth river, Minnesota.

1700. D'lberville returns from France. D'lberville goes up the Mississippi to Natchez.

'm       D'lberville sends Le Seur to St. Peter's, in search of copper mine.

1701. De la Mottc Cadillac founds Detroit. D'lberville founds a colony on Mobile river. Iroquois again place themselves under England.

1702. Fort built on the Bay of Mobile.

1705.   Colony much reduced by sickness.

1700.   D'Ibcrvillc at Havana on a voyage to France. Bienville Governor, pro tern.

1707. First grant of lands at Detroit.

1708. D'Artaguctte in Louisiana.

1710.   Governor Spottswood, of Virginia, explores the Alleghenics.

1712. War between the French and their allies, and the Ottagnmic and Mnscoult


Monopoly of Louisiana granted to Crozat. Tuscaroras admitted in confederacy with Iroquois.

1713. Treaty of Utrecht, leaving boundary between colonics unsettled.

1714. Fort Rosalie (Natchez) commenced.

1 "    1 ' .   .--WT  . 


1717.   Crozat resigns his privilege of monopoly.

Fort Chartres commenced   first a wooden structure. Louisiana trade granted to Company of West. New Orleans commenced.

John Law connected with Company of the West.

1718. Emigrants augment the population of New Orleans. Renault leaves France for Illinois.

1719. Company of tho West made Company of the Indies.

Governor Keith, of Pennsylvania, urges the building a Fort on Lake Erie.

1720. Law made minister of finance.

Stock of Company of the Indies worth 2000 per cent.

Stock commences depreciation.

Company of the Indies bankrupt.

Charlevoix arrives in Amcric.i and lands at Quebec.

Renault buys slaves at St. Doiningo for working mines in Illinois.

Mine La Motte, Missouri, discovered and wrought.

Spanish invasion of Missouries from Santa Fe.

Spaniards totally defeated and all except a single individual slain.

La Ilarpe explores Washita and Arkansas.

1721. Charlevoix at Montreal. Charlevoix at the Falls of Niagara. Charlevoix at Fort de Pontchartrain, (Detroit.) Charlevoix at Mackinac.

Charlevoix at the Fort on St. Josephs river. Charlevoix at the source of the Theakiki. (Kankakee.) Charlevoix at Pimitcouy, (Peoria.) Charlevoix at Kaskaskia. Charlevoix at Natchez.

1722. English erect a trading post at Oswego. Charlevoix at New Orleans. Charlevoix at Biloxi.

1720.   Iroquois a third time place themselves under England.

1727.   English build a Fort at Oswego.

1729. French among the Natchez, murdered.

1730. Natchez conquered and destroyed. Alleged travels of Sailing in the West.

Governor Keith earnestly recommends securing West to England.

1732.   Company of Indies resign Louisiana to the king.

1735. Vincenncs settled according to some authorities.

1736. Expedition of French against Chickasaws. D'Artaguctte conquered and slain. Vincennes, Scnat and D'Artaguette burned. Bienville fails in assault on Chickasaws, and retreats. 


1739.   French collect to attack the Chickasaws.

17-10.   Peace between French ami Chickasaws.

Lanse d'la Grasso (at New Madrid) supposed to have boeu inhabited.

1742.   John Howard is said to have gone down Ohio river.

1744.   Treaty of English and Iroquois at Lancaster.

Vaudreuil fears English influence in tho West. Renault returns to Franco.

174-3.   Pierre Chartier conciliates Shawanese and French.

1748. Chickasaws attack French post on Arkansas. Conrad Weiscr sent to tho Ohio.

Ohio Land Company formed.

Pierre Chartier instigates war between Iroquois and Shawanoso. English establish a trading post on Great Miami, Ohio. Excessively cold, stormy,   nd severe winter.

1749. Grant of land to Loyal Company.

Celeron sent to bury medals along the Ohio river.

1750. English traders it is said were made prisoners at Great Miami. Twigtwee or Miami Indians killgd by French soldiers.

Both time and place are uncertain.

English driven from their station on Miami, by the French. Twigtwee or Miami Indians defend the English and are killed. Large shipments of products from Illinois to New OrleanB. Five French villages in Illinois. Forty sailing vessels at New Orleans. Dr. Walker explores Kentucky.

1751. Christopher Gist, (it is belioved,) explored the interior of Ohio. Gist surveyed land south of Ohio river, east of Kanawha. Gen. Andrew Lewis surveyed for Greenbriar Company.

1752. French again attack English post on Great Miami, (doubtful.) Treaty at Logstown.   Indians confirm Lancaster Treaty of 1744. Families locate West of the Allcghenies.

French organize an army to occupy the Upper Ohio.

1753. French build Fort Presqu' Isle. French build Fort Le Bceuf. Fort Venango commenced.

Pennsylvania Assembly informed of French movements. Commissioner sent to warn French; stops at Logstown. French sent with arms for friendly Indians. Colonies authorized to resist French by force. Treaty with North-Wcstern Indians at Winchester.

Treuty at Carlisle with Iroquois, Delawares, Shawanese, Miamics and tt'ynn Ohio Company open line at Braddock's road.

Washington commissioned to bear message to French commandant. 


17V!.   Washington leaves Will's creek for Fort Venango. Washington on Monongahela, at Turtle creek.

Washington makes accurate observation at the junction of the two rivers. Washington at Logstown engages Indian cnief to accompany him. Washington at Venango directed to proceed to Le Boeuf. Washington reaches French commandant at Le Boeuf. , Great number of boats containing French army passes Oswego. Washington loaves Fronch commandant to return to Virginia.

1754. Washington at Gist's house on Monongahela. Washington at Williamsburg, the capital of Virginia. Troops called into service by Virginia.

French fort at Venango finished.

English commence building a fort at the junction.

Contrecoeur demands surrender of the English.

Ensign Ward capitulates: is permitted to leave, together with his men and stores.

Virginia troops moving westward.

Washington crosses Alleghenies.

Washington attacks and kills Jumonville.

New York sends   5,000 to Virginia.

Washington at Fort Necessity.

Washington surrenders Fort Necessity.

Washington retires to Mount Vernon.

French hold the whole West.

1755. France proposes a compromise. Braddock lands at Alexandria in Virginia.

France and England sent fleets to America. Braddock's army marches by two routes westward. Expedition against Nova Scotia leaves Boston. Braddock arrives at Fort Cumberland. Braddock marches from Fort Cumberland. Braddock reaches the Monongahela.

Braddock re-crosses Monongahela, meets French and Indians, and is defeated. Braddock died at the Great Meadows.

Fort Chartres rebuilt; a strong stone structure. Lewis' Expedition against the Ohio Indians, and failure. Indians fill the valley of Virginia. War formally declared between France and England. Armstrong's Expedition against Kittanning. First Indian treaty held at Easton. Monsieur Donville defeated and slain.

Massacre at Fort William Henry. Pitt made Prime Minister.

1758.   Fort Stanwix built.

Louisburg and Fort Frontenac taken.

Tost leaves for the Ohio river to conciliate Indian