xt75mk65795q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75mk65795q/data/mets.xml  Thomas Merton 1958-03-27 This letter is from collection 75m28 Thomas Merton papers. archival material 75m28 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Thomas Merton correspondence Letter from Thomas Merton to Victor Hammer, March 27, 1958 text Letter from Thomas Merton to Victor Hammer, March 27, 1958 1958 1958-03-27 2023 true xt75mk65795q section xt75mk65795q =#



March 27,1958.

Dear Victor:

The Crucifix is very impressive in its hieratic
simplicity. I find the quiet color scheme and the whole
design very contemplative. I have shown the transparen-
cies to Father Abbot and he is impressed with them. But
when I Spoke to him of getting Mrs Eroedtert to pay
for it, and mentioned the sum, he felt that this was
t00 much for a small project like our novitiate and he
would not alIOW'me to have it. You see, even though someo
else is paying for it, it comes to the same as if we
paid for it ourselves in the sense that Mrs F. buys a
lot of things for the Abbey and Father Abbot does not
want to be continually imposing on her for more and
more. Desides his feeling is that with my attempts to
get one more statue I have already had more than my
fair share.(I anstill working on one statue project).

My own feeling is though that perhaps later on, When
we actually get around to the novitiate chapel project,
the matter might be reopened. This is the wrong moment
for it as the profiect as a whole has been unceremoniously
put on the shelf. Nonne in the monastery takes any inter-
est in it except myself, they are all head over heels in
other things and we are the last on the list of priori-
ties. I feel the time is just wrong, and nothing can be
done. I am so sorry.

I enjoyed the Italian piece and have translated it
myself. There are only one or two words you might want
to polish up and make more sharply accurate, I leave that
to you. If you print this, then, I hope that as trans-
lator I may merit two copies? One for the novitiate and
one to present to a friend.

How is Prometheus coming? I have already finished
many of the Books and am sending them gradually back. I
will soon send another list. Many thanks to you both,
and to Dr Thompson. I will remember you all in a


 very special way in this holiest of seasons, and

on Good Friday and Easter day when we celebrate the

Victory of Love over hatred and Light over Darkness.
May the Lord of Light and Life reign in our hearts.

God bless you both, and a very holy, happy Easter to

With all affection, in Christ

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