xt75mk65775m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75mk65775m/data/mets.xml  Kentucky  1961 newsletters  English Eddyville, Ky.: Kentucky State Penitentiary  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed. Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically. Physical rights are retained by the owning repository. Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Please go to https://exploreuk.uky.edu for more information. Castle on the Cumberland Kentucky State Penitentiary -- Periodicals Journalism, Prison -- Kentucky Castle on the Cumberland, September 1961 text Kentucky State Penitentiary v.: ill. 28 cm. Call Numbers HV8301 .C37 and 17-C817 20:C279 Castle on the Cumberland, September 1961 1961 1961 2021 true xt75mk65775m section xt75mk65775m 15




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The‘ Monthly fizblio‘a't‘i on;
of ' the
KENTUCKY sum mmmx







Vomme I, Number III ,; CASTLE on m (2W -. september, 1951




' ' vi.
The Honorable Bert T. Comte -Wa.rden's Page ; ‘ 31'
Governor ‘ '
' Institution: New 2
Wilson W. Wyatt . ' ' ' ,_
Lt. Governor Editorial ‘ ’ g g11,;1 '
We 3. Oakley Syorte Reports;
Welfare Gomieseiener »
. V _ Articles . , a”
Dr. Harold Blank
Director of Gorreetiom hehemge fage 10
William I» Janeen- Lloyd 1. Armtrong Meet the l’risonersz 112 ._
Warden Deputy Warden
Kathlynordmy - ~ w. 1°. Beater Deyartm“ 36’3"“ ‘ :13
Busiheeas meager Guard Cement; Eoetry 111, 19
Rev. Paul Jaggeres , '
Chaplain Deputy Warden's Page 20
Henry}. Bowm- -_ “5.111% Egbert: Grasswgrd , @
Supervisor of ’ f Vocational '
Eflucaticnb j ‘Ihetruetor Statistics & Nbflies 25 .
* "mole comiseiome ‘
‘ unfitaff—r

Br; Fred mam;


mecutive' Directer

' we 11m 1319;»ng Lawrence J. 3mm.

Chairman . _ ' Editor
I ' Billly Howell ' Charisse F. Woods
Egg "111513 Egg: Thwfifin , Sparta: Editor , Staff Writer
'1 . I Joe White Stanley Brawnefi
Art Editor Eithographar

commonwealth of Kentucky
_ Sharks Garrett, Sec'y.




The 0'me ON THE GUEWD is published monthly by the inmates of the Kentucky
State i’enitentiary; at Eddytilie. Subscriptions, one dollar a; year, payable by ;
money order at: CASTLE ON THE GIMBERLANDg Subscription Dept. , Kentucky State
Penitentiary, deyvi'li’ei, Kentucky, and by immtes at the Chief Clerk's Office. _
Articles are solicited; but the CASTLE reserves the right to reject, edit, or
revise any naterial submitted. Opinions expreseaed in this magazine do not nec-
essarily reflect those of the administration. Permission: is hereby granted
‘ to reproduce-am part of this mgezine, provided groper credit is given.






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_ Surely: we aMl know that the fundamental misfion of
prison is rehabilitation; but what does this word " re-
habilitation really mean? Could it not be defined as "the
restoring of a man to his full human-mesa, to his capa-

‘ city to be 8a whole person?“ If so, then it is the
courts' role to ask, “Is this man right or wrong”; but the
prison's primary «mention is, "Why is this man not'Wholb‘!"
A man's wholenesaa meant he the oonoern of the program of any
rehabilitationg for this reason we must provide a. struc-
ture whereby a: man my be given insight into himself. It
is upon man's inner world of images, therefore. that I feel
a: prison's program should focus, for it is false imgem ,
the flaws in a man's character, which we should strive to
correct. A’ man's actions flow outer his interpretation.
of himself. If his seifminterpretation is distorted; his
actions inevitably are: as a man thinks in his heart, an
is he. Attitudes: must be repaired before any education-1
or recreational program can benefit any man. When a nun
accepts the faot that he must be a servant of run to live
successfully in sooiety, instead of picturing men as things
who must serve him, he has really made the important step; ‘
toward rehabilitation.


"William 11:. Jams,me—n


Volume I. Number 111 mm on m momma September. 1961
Page 1



one of the
"fans this side of Brooklyn.

' . was years:
” diapers , that ToWillie made hie first app
He brought a

time with a two=yeer

- technically a tie later


Enstitution News

6.011 the morning of August 112th,an

aging Negro innate stopped from his: cell-t

house to go about his regular duties end
fell dead of a- heart etteek. It was:
prob ably the dirtient trio]: Fete has:
played on an m? innate in or. long times

Thomas Willie Geldwell, better known
here as TmWillie9 will" be remembered? as
moot voeiferoue baseball
Every Suzie
dew, T—Willtie could he heard raising the
players, abusing the umpires and shout-
ing sardonie advioe at the managers
from his usual post near first base.) It
was @111 in fun, of eeureeg end it added
something, somehow, to the spirit .f the
weekly gamed.

And perhaps it were TmWillie's way oi
venting the emotiens that must have been
boiling somewhere within the men. It
ago, when this writer me in

pearanee on the mountaino
life sentence, and" he served some nine
years: of it before he was granted a.
parole. Then, for fifteen long yeerea
T—Willie nanaged to stay ineide the lent-v
and outside these walleo

Finally, meme Game been this
senteneee He
served it out , but there was to he no

, release for him stillo After 214 yeeres

in prison and on parole, he were still]
on the origiml
life sentence, and he led to begin @1311.

over again.

And so, last monthg TuWillie'e foile-
ing heart gave him his final release...
and the deyville Chief’s lost their most
vocal supportero

It's a sorry plane to die.


To settle recent ergumnte, the TV
tower at Monkey's Eyebrows Ky” is 1.638
ft. high, a, TV tower in Roswell, M is
1610 ft, and the Rupire State Bldg”

“4-72 ft.

Home rum IN FALL FROM mum

Mickey Walston, about 314, was injured
August 12th when he fell from the rail
around the entrance to Twas-Shop. 1'

Waleston was sitting on the rail 13711011"
he lost his balance and dropped about 1.5
feet to the concrete sidewalk below.
Landing on his face, Walston suffered
the loss of several teeth. He was. taken
uneons eious to the prison hoop’it’al,
Where he was reported to be out of dan-
SIGN FOR m 1mm


Although the weather has been hot and
etiolq this 'month9 a. number of inmatesr.
have been keeping cool at the poolu-the
only swinnning pool you'll find at any
maximum-security prison in the world.

The lifeguards, Chester Sebrowski,
Donald Joggers, Eddie Nelson, Alvin
Lueasg and Billy ”Be-Bop" Houohins, are
taking a genuine interest in their work.
Not only do they keep the pool as elem
as possible, they see that the trunks
and other equipment are kept in good re-
pair, and they've been doing an emoells-
ent job of seeing that the pool is usdd
in the best interests of all the boyse,

A: number or the men are turning out
to be trope-notch divers-r, including Billy
Gilly, Jaggere, Koran, Files, Hampton,
Andersono and Utterbaeh. Inoidentally,
we were wetehing Joe Andersonu-mho hap-
pens to hold a number of estate wieght-
lifting titles—do an unnsml underwater
stroke that seem to give him consider-
ablespeed. Joe, as usual, was glad to
show us the stroke, and we want to than]:
him for it hereo


Two of the Kentucky reservists called
back to active duty are BF guards Gary

_ Armstrong (Heavy Tanks, Fort Knox), and

no. Alexander (Infantry, Camp Polk, 1a..)
Gary Armstrong is the son of Deputy War-
den Lloyd To Armstrong.




 Institutiom News;

7 :





By the time this issue is". out, the

e BASE! ON m 0mm will have an
office of its own. The building. being
erected on the read below the ohepel,
will be in two fictions, one to be used
. for the mom offiee, the other, or so
we understand, to be used fer the mun-

facture of brooms.

.. Only editorial work will be performed
at the new. office, sinee Stash. Breather
will“: continue to do his usual geed jet
of Iithogrephimg this mgeeme in the
offices of the Administration Building.




31111 Yates, 57, m effieeor at the
» Kentucky weate Penitentiary, "xeseffered a.
heart attack while: owning on dutythe
111th of last month. Athletic» Director
Everett Gherry, who rushed Yates to’the

" heapitel in Princeton, says Yates eon-

dition was listed a eritieei fear scene
30 hours, but that he is new new en the
new to recovery.-


m-emr an WON me

. A.“ television set has been mummified
in Threeeshop, and benehees have been set
up for the comfort of the vieeems. A111
of the shops (Note to outedderase A; eheg
is e. dayroom. although we were just at
confused me you " my to await the term

when we first came here.) how have tele-

vision «tea, and the only thing edditienw

9.1 we could wieh for would be hettem'



Prison guards are new covered by the
Kentucky Civil Service Merit System.

I'ho new order went into effect August 1,, ‘

11961. and covers certain other prison.
employeee as well as uniformed gwde.



Geoffrey Kurd, m1 exchange student
from London. England. visited the in-
stitution last month accompanied by his
heat, Marvin. Orgill, Distriot Manager of
the Peduoah branch of the Southern Bell ‘1
Telephone System, erxl Eouis Panke. mm»
eger of the Southern. Bell System office
in. Hepkineville.

Mr. Hard, ea student at England's; .
Leicester University, 1% in this oomtry -
to de eoeielegieal research. The party.
we eeeorted throughout the prison by .
Chaplain I’aul Joggers, who is, incident-
epilya the stepfather of Mr. Eanke. -

Mr. Herd will. be in this country for
eight weeks as the guest of the Rotary ‘
club.» Ewing at Jleeet part of the satay, '
he will “be the house guest of Mr. Grgillgl

In gassing, we might mention that not
canoe during his visit to Eddyville we
Geoffrey Herd heard to use the phrase,
no: say. ‘


JUDE 31‘3me OF 0mm ' "
(Fem. eh artieie in the LOUISVILLE Tm)

Federal Judge David 11.. Benelon of the
U. 3‘. Court of Animals in hahingbon
eelle the Amerioan system of criminal.
pumdehment “oeJld. distant, and devoid of
oee’m‘mm eoneeen.” moording toe 11.2”.
new release in the mm. Baselon went
en te easy that we a". «just do not know
how to be praetieal about it." He said
mumiehmeht 1e not the may to solve the
wetlands ef erimimldty or to protect
moiety. He meted that the re-eduoe- ‘
tier». of the offender must consist of
eonething in addition to just more of the
exam, more punishment.

”One thing is clear.“ Benetton. said:
We eemot continue to am offenderes
into punishmub buildinga. We must try
to understand them.“ ~






; WK ETD/7W A 5/95



Bmssg A was OF THANE is James Bell Yagem who did the tremendous fish
of getting the mass ON THE 0mm eff the greund. Yeger not enly
laid the grsmdwsrk fear this megssine, but he else edited the first two
issues, the J uiy‘ am August numbers, befsre resigning as'Bditor. We hope
to be hearing first}: him es, these pages fsmn time ts time.

NEXT, mos "like ts sstemi ms» thssks ts all: of you who helped to get
this sameness issue in print; "Esptity Nerdss 15in To Armtreng has bent
ever “awkward ts "be! helpful ts 11.189 and. he'has ens ' ' appreciation. £150, to
all the staff masses; is sill the have ssntributed to this month's issue,
and espesially'ts see Writes th' is doing all the art mark in this 82nd
futm‘e issues es. s. vsiuntery basis; mm? thanks.

THE BIG BoINE m misses es make is that this is your nangineo The mm

dsesn't exist,"J as We see its ts shew eff the wsrk em one nan or group

of men; but ts serve as the vsise ef the innate bedy as a- wheIe. It's true
that We denit have a fensj'y prints-Shep ts "set up our type, nor do we have

the equipmeht sessssssy iss regisduse 'phstsgrsghs or detailed art-aurork, or
any of the ether things ts miks'this msgasise as neat and attractive as
seme of the ether penal pesss psibiisatisns. But thatis‘net' the imp‘ertant
thing. What is messmsss'ssasshe siministratien has been good enotgh

to alias us ts express "ssisssives' is ssmething other then'cellhowe Bull-
Sessions, and we shsuiri make the meet sf the sppertunity.

IE‘ YOU HAVE . ssythisg 'yssid like ts say, then. write it down am give
it ts us. Weill iss gias ts prizst it» if it"s fit ts print, and it it's en
tepies es? intssefst ts Esissmss and thsss tbs reed prism magazines. He' 11
else be glad. ts help yum set was thsughis; flames ii‘ you like. Articles,
Esme, shsrtc-stsrissss swiassswstripsa we need. "em all. Deadline, the 15th.

A FEW HINTS fight be in ssdssa s@e