xt75mk657741 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75mk657741/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Teachers Association  The Kentucky Teachers Association 1954 journals  English The Kentucky Teachers Association   Kentucky Negro Educational Association Journal African Americans -- Education -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Teachers Association (KTA) Journal, vol. 2, no. 1, October-November 1954 text The complete set of originals are at Kentucky State University Library. The Kentucky Teachers Association (KTA) Journal, vol. 2, no. 1, October-November 1954 1954 1954 2021 true xt75mk657741 section xt75mk657741  
















Children at Fort Knox, Ky., Elementary School


"An Equal Educational Opportunity for Every Kentucky C ‘ d














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The K.T.A. Journal

Vol. 2 October - November - 1954 N0. 1



Published by the Kentucky Teachers’ Association
Editorial Office at 1925 W. Madison Street
Louisville, Kentucky

Mrs. Anita W. Robinson, Executive Secretary, Louisville, Managing Editor
A. R. Lasley, Hopkinsville, President of K. T. A.

Atwood S. Wilson, Louisville, Associate Editor




Robert S. Lawery, Louisville, Assistant Editor and Business Manager
Whitney M. Young, Lincoln Ridge, Contributing Editor
Mrs. B. L. Douglas, Louisville, Contributing Editor

Published Bimonthly during the school year October, December, February
and April

Membership in the K. T. A. (Four Dollars) includes subscription to the

Rates for Advertising space mailed on request

Present Circulation, 2,000 Copies 1954 K. T. A. Membership 1420


Officers of the K. T. A. for 1954—55 ......................................... 2
Editorial Comment ........................................................ 3
The U. S. Supreme Court Decision
The K. T. A. Membership Fee
The Future of the K. T. A.
The Kentucky Teachers Association 1955 Convention

K. T. A. Consultant Honored .............................................. 5
Kentucky State College and Integration ..................................... 6
Integration in the News ................................................... 8
K. T. A. Kullings .......................................................... 9
President’s Report on N. E. A. Convention ................................... 11
Picott Elected to N. E. A. Office . . . . ....................................... 12
Mathis Awarded Lincoln Foundation Key ................................... 13
Virginia Teachers Association and Integration ............................... 14
Good Education for All ................................................... 15
Announcements of K. T. A. ............................................... 16

Eleven Commandments for Teachers ........................................ 17











Pres., A. R. Lasley, Hopkinsville, Ky.
lst Vice-Pres, Mrs. Theda Van Lowe, Lexington, Ky.
2nd Vice—Pres, William Wood, Harlan, Ky.
Sec’y—Treas., Anita W. Robinson, Louisville, Ky.
Ass't Sec'y., Robert S. Lawery, Louisville, Ky.
Historian, Alice D. Samuels, Frankfort, Ky.

Board of Directors
A. R. Lasley, President, Hopkinsville, Ky.
I. A. Carroll, Lincoln Ridge, Ky. E. W. Whiteside, Paducah Ky.
C. B. Nucholls, Ashland, Ky. H. C. Mathis, Drakesboro Ky.

Atvvood S. Wilson, Louisville, Consultant

Departmental And Conference Chairmen

Agriculture Teachers, P. I. Manley ____________________________ Frankfort
Art Teachers, Mrs. Anna L. Huddleston _______________________ Louisville
Business Education, Alfred Eason _____________________________ Frankfort
Elementary Teachers, Mrs. M. R. Morris _______________________ Louisville
English Teachers, Alice Samuels _____________________________ Frankfort
Foreign Language Teachers, A. I. Richards ____________________ Frankfort
Future Teachers of America, Hoyt Harper _____________________ Frankfort
Guidance Workers, Mrs. Lucille R. Madry _____________________ Louisville
Home Economics Teachers, Mrs. Ada P. Hodgen ______________ Bardstown
Librarians, Iames O'Rourke __________________________________ Frankfort
Music Teachers, R. Lillian Carpenter __________________________ Louisville
Physical Education Teachers, W. L. Kean _____________________ Louisville
Primary Teachers, Mrs. A. E. Bertam __________________________ Louisville
Principals' Conf., Mrs. Agnes Duncan __________________________ NeWberg
Rural School Teachers, Mrs. E. B. Bennett _____________________ Louisville
Science Teachers, E. T. Woolridge ___________________________ Louisville
Mathematics Teachers, A. 1. Ramsey _________________________ Louisville
Teachers of Exceptional Children, Mrs. Katherine Taylor ________ Louisville
Vocational Education Teachers, T. M. Tolbert __________________ Paducah

Presidents of the K. T. A. District Associations

First, Prof. H. S. Osborne, Princeton Second, Mrs. Pearl P. Arnet‘t, Madisonville
Third, F. B. Simpson, Elkton Fourth, R. L. Livers, Bloomfield
Fifth, L. J. Harper, Louisville Bluegrass, Mrs. Clara W. Taylor, Lexington
Sixth, Mrs. Emma J. Oglesby, Covington Upper Cumberland, Mrs, Johnnie WoodLHarlan

of the
Louisville, Kentucky



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Editorial Comment





The decision of the U. S. Supreme Court on school segregation May 17, 1954,

“To separate them (children) from others of similar age and qualifications
solely because of their race generates a feeling of inferiority as to their status in
the community that may effect their hearts and minds in a way unlikely to be
undone . . .

“Separate educational facilities are (therefore) inherently unequal.”

On the cover page of this Journal is a picture of first graders in the elementary
school of Fort Knox, Kentucky. These pupils are of the Crittenberger School. In
general, children do not have prejudice unless it is taught to them by adults.

If there can be integration at Fort Knox, Kentucky, why can it not be else-
where in the state?


At the April, 1954, convention, the teachers voted to increase our annual mem-
bership fee from $3.00 to $4.00 per year. This increase was made necessary because
of the increase in printing prices, rental of meeting places, speakers’ fees, etc. The
enrollment fee in the Kentucky Education Association is $6.00 per year contrasted to
our fee of $4.00 per year. We urge the teachers of Kentucky to send in their fees
for the year of 1954 as soon as possible. Give them to your principal, send them by
mail, or authorize the superintendent to deduct your fee from some monthly check.

This year we have added expenses and need in a larger way your membership
fee. We have plans to help make secure the jobs of Negro teachers. During the
process of integration, the K. T. A. is planning to employ legal counsel to help
teachers with their problems (if tenure, and on any matter that might arise that
would seem to penalize the teachers as the program of integration materializes. In
addition, the ofifice of the K. T. A. secretary is seeking to .help teachers in a larger
way with their personal problems.

Plans have been made to issue four K. T. A. Journals and this will make an in-
crease in our annual expenditures. These issues of the K. T. A. Journal will keep
teachers informed concerning practices, procedures, etc., during the process of
integration. This issue of the K. T. A. Journal features several articles concerning
integration that should be of interest to our teachers.

We trust that no teacher will fail to enroll in the K. T. A. for 1955.

We seek your cooperation, loyalty and support by paying the new membership





Some teachers have asked if the K. T. A. would be absorbed by the Kentucky
Education Association in the near future. We believe that the K. T. A. has reason
to exist for several years to come. There will be problems of integration for these















two organizations which will require time. Help will also be needed to secure jobs
for our Negro teachers. The K. T. A. will sponsor the assignment of teachers to
teach in schools regardless of the racial population of the school. We see no reason
why qualified Negro teachers should not teach classes in which there are white

We know there is a teacher shortage in Kentucky. There are several thousand
white teachers that are not qualified and we feel that our right thinking white
citizens would prefer well qualified Negro teachers for their children, rather than
have them taught by teachers who do not measure up to the qualifications of a
standard teacher. In Washington, D. C., where the Negro children make up 58 per—
cent of the school population, a Negro teacher, Mrs. Ella J. Rice, was assigned to
teach the third grade class in an all white school. It was reported that the children
and teacher got along well. If this can happen in Washington, D. C., it can happen

The Negro teachers of Kentucky have had an organization for the past 78
years. The name of the organization was changed to the Kentucky Teachers Asso—
ciation, so that any teacher who is qualified, regardless of race, might become a
member of this association.

A committee has been appointed to study procedures for combining the K. T. A.
with the K. E. A. For the next few years enroll in the K. T. A. to insure the inte—
gration of our teachers along with the students.


The K. T. A. Association will meet in Louisville on April 13, 14, 15, 1955, in the
new Central High School building, at 12th and Chestnut Streets. There will be
general sessions in the beautiful and spacious auditorium and sectional meetings in
the various class rooms of the building. There will be commercial exhibits, and
meals will ‘be served in the cafeteria for teachers in attendance.

The main objective of the 1955 convention will be the setting up of a plan for
integration of teachers as well as students. In accordance with this idea, the theme
of the 79th convention will be “Education and Job Placement”. We believe that
one of our major needs in our Educational Guidance Program is the placement and
follow-up of students who withdraw from our schools or who graduate from our
high schools and colleges. Much emphasis will be put on the placement in suitable
jobs for qualified Negro teachers. The meeting will be featured by addresses and
discussions pertaining to the integration of teachers as well as students.

Among those who might be invited as guest speakers are the following: Dr. J.
Ernest Wilkinson, Assistant Secretary in the Department of Labor, at Washington,
D. C.; Mrs. Irene McCoy Gaines, President of the National Association of Colored
Women of Chicago, Illinois; Dr. J. Rupert Picott, Executive Secretary of the Vir-
ginia Teachers Association and now a Vice—President of the N. E. A.; Dr. Sadie
Yancey, Dean of Women, Howard University, Washington, D. C.; State Superin—
tendent Wendell Butler, of Kentucky; principals and teachers of Kentucky and
various prominent social leaders.

The convention will be featured by group discussions relative to the employ—
ment of Negro teachers and proposed programs for integration of students in our
Kentucky schools.

There will be sectional meetings of the various departments on Thursday,
April 14, a luncheon meeting of the principals at noon on the same date, and
finally the annual musicale on Friday, April 15.

Teachers should start now in the making of plans to attend this historic con—
vention. Other important features of the convention Will be the considering of the
merging of the K. T. A. with the K. E. A. and election of officers for the K. T. A. on
Friday, April 15, 1955. Principals are asked to invite ministers and other promin—
‘en-tcitizens of their respective communities to the 1955 convention. Friends of
education may enroll as associate members.








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K. T. A. Consultant

(By Bettie L. Douglas)

Mr. Atwood S. Wilson, principal of
Central High School and consultant to
Mrs. Anita Robinson, secretary—treas-
urer of the K.T.A., was honored by
Simmons University, Louisville, Ken—
tucky, when the school conferred on Mr.
Wilson the degree «of Doctor of Human—
ities at June, 1954, commencement ex—
ercises. This honor came to Mr. Wilson,
a long—time leader in state educational
circles and former secretary—treasurer
of the K. N. E. A., in recognition of his
outstanding contribution to the welfare
of the youth of Louisville, Kentucky, as
principal of Central High School for
twenty years and also as a civic-minded
member of his community. He served
as a scout master for many years and
was awarded the Silver Beaver Award.
As a member of the Board of the Louis—
ville Free Public Library he introduced
a resolution which, when passed, made
the Main Library available to all per—
sons regardless of race. Mr. Wilson
served for many years as chairman ocf
the Board of Plymouth Settlement
House, and he continues to be president


of the Colored Orphans Home Society.
These are but a few of the many achi—
evements of a man who has worked
tirelessly and with devotion of purpose
to making a lasting contribution to the
progress of his profession and his com—

Dr. Wilson was also given a Citation
of Merit by the K. T. A. at the 1954 con—
vention in recognition of his significant
contribution to this organization. He
served as secretary—treasurer of the
K.N.E.A. for over 20 years (1922—1942)
and the organization points with pride
to the strides made during that period.

Thus, it is with great pleasure that
we salute Dr. Atwood S. Wilson, a
pioneer in educational guidance, leader
in his profession, a father of five daugh-
ters of whom he is justly proud, and
a worthy member of his community.

Dr. Wilson, congratulations from the
K.T.A. and may God bless you with
health, happiness, and the strength to
continue to serve your fellowmen for
many years in the future as you have
in the past.

New Tax Relief For Retired
Teachers, Effective This Year

Some 100,000 retired teachers around
the country will be among those eligi—
ble for substantial savings on their 1954
federal income tax as a result of Sec.
37 of Public Law 591, the Internal Re—
venue Code of 1954. Due primarily to a
united effort by N.E.A. and a dozen na-
tional organizations, Congress passed
Sec. 37 as part of the overall revision of
the nation’s tax laws. Sec. 37 is essenti—
ally the “Mason Bill” which was intro—
duced early in the 83rd Congress by
Rep. Noah M. Mason (R—Ill.). Under
N.E.A. leadership, state and national
groups including firemen, ipolice, civil
employees, librarians and government
workers cooperated to achieve passage
of the new‘ exemption provision.














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(By R. B. Atwood, President
Kentucky State College)

Since the Supreme Court decision last
May outlawing segregation in public
schools and institutions of higher learn—
ing, many persons have asked me to ex-
press an opinion on the effect of the
decision upon the future of Kentucky
State College. I have always tried to
oblige, and I am glad now to present
my views here at the request of the
editor of the KTA Journal. It is only
natural that the question should arise
of the ultimate disposition of Kentucky
State College in the process of imple—
mentation of the decision of the Sum—
reme Count. Kentucky State came into
being in 1886 to serve the educational
needs of the Negro people of Kentucky,
This evidenced in its first name: State
Normal School for Colored Persons. For
the first 68 years of its existence it has
served as a college for Negroes of Ken—
tucky, the nation, and a few foreign
countries. Recently when institutions in
the state and region, which formerly
were closed to Negroes, opened their
doors to all, Kentucky State was the
sole institution in the state offering
collegiate instruction to Negroes.

It was inevitable that the admission
of Negroes to institutions formerly
closed to them would have profound
effect upon Kentucky State. Some
people, no doubt, recalled immediately
the abandonment of Louisville Muni-
cipal College when Negroes were ad—
mitted to all courses at the University
of Louisville. I have been asked often
if Kentucky State will experience a
similar fate or will it be able to with—
stand the new competition? Is Ken—
tucky State any longer necessary? Will
it admit students of all races? I am
constantly assailed with these and many
other such questions.

Answers to these questions are not
always easy. Frankly, I cannot entirely


__4_____..——2:.:_ '

divorce my opinion from the interest
that I naturally feel as one who has
given many years service to Kentucky
State, and who is bound to be influ—
enced by what in fact is a vested inter—
est. Here, indeed, is one of the most
difficult problems involved in the whole
problem of desegregation for all Negro
teachers with years of tenure. Certainly
I am interested to see Kentucky State
remain a college and that in the future
it occupy an even strong-er position in
the state’s system of higher education
than it has in the past. Paraphrasing
the thought of the eminent British
statesman, Sir Winston Churchill, I was
not elected president of Kentucky State
College to preside over its liquidation,
neither do I intend to do so. On the con—
trary, I intend to attempt to show upon
every opportunity that there is a field
of service to be rendered to the state by
Kentucky State, and, that if given ade—
quate support, the institution will
thoroughly justify its continued exist—
ence. Here are the reasons why I draw
this conclusion:

1. Kentucky ranks very low among
the states in education generally,
standing 47th in the percentage of
college educated upersons
adult population. The state needs,
therefore, more not fewer, oppor—
tunities for its citizens to attend
college. There is reason to believe
that the low proportion of Ken—
tucky youth who now graduate
from high school and later attend
college will be appreciably in—
creased in the future, and the need
for college facilities will be pro—
portionally greater. In the past
many highly gifted high school
graduates have not attended col—
leges primarily for financial rea—
sons. At least half of the most cap—
able high school graduates do not
now attend college. The state and

in the


 the nation have great need for the
services of these persons as college
graduates. It is difficult to imagine
a more profitable way the state
might invest its money than in pro—
viding scholarships, fellowships and
loans for these worthy persons. The
1954 General Assembly recognized
this when it passed a resolution
authorizing the Research Commis—
sion to study the needs of the state
in this area, and to make appropri—
ate recommendations to the 1956
General Assembly on a policy
necessary to provide the financial
assistance required to put a college
education in the reach of deserving
high school graduates of marked
ability. In light of these needs, this
is no time to consider abandoning
any of the State’s institutions of
higher learning. Indeed, the present
trend in education is to expand op—
portunities for college attendance
by establishing community colleges.
California has made great progress
along this line with its many jun—
ior or community colleges lOcated
throughout the state. If Kentucky
is to serve the minimum education—
al needs of its people, it will need
not only to retain all its present in—
stitutions of higher learning but
may well consider increasing their

Under the Supreme Court decision
all state—supported colleges ——
University of Kentucky, Western
State College, Eastern State Col—
lege, Murray State College, More—
head State College, and Kentucky
State College should — and no
doubt will —— open their doors to
all persons without regard to race.
I have always advocated, and I re—
peat here, that there should be one
system of higher education sup-
ported by the state, with different
units of the system located at stra—
tegic centers throughout the state.
Some type of over-all state agency

should designate what each institu-
tion would do in order to constitute
‘a sensible and complete system of
higher education for the state as a
whole. Located at the state’s capi—
tol as it is, Kentucky State College
would logically be the college
selected to render, among other
services, the various higher educa—
tion services needed by the state
government personnel itself. In—
deed, the future might very well
see Kentucky State become Capitol
State College or Frankfort State

. Under any future state plan of

higher education, Kentucky State
can serve a useful purpose by offer—
ing a thorough program of general
education which should include re-
medial instruction for the many
students with accumulated defici—
encies because of poor elementary
and secondary schools. A place
should be in the program for ter—
minal courses for those students
VVihO plan to seek employment be—
fore completing college. Oppor—
tunities in building and construc—
tion, maintenance and building oper—
tion or engineering, farm operation
for supplying dairy, poultry and
pork products, and secretarial
courses might well be established.
These courses would have great
appeal to both white and Negro
students. For those who wish to
take a full four year college course,
the state should put sufficient funds
at Kentucky State to enable it to
strengthen its offerings and to ex-
pand into those areas that an en—
larged student body would require.
It has been well said that no func-
tion of the state-supported institu-
tions of higher education bears a
closer relation to the state’s welfare
and progress than does the prepara—
tion of public school teachers. Ken-
tucky is in despenate need of well
prepared teachers. This need will














not be lessened in the foreseeable
future. In fact, when considered in
light of the Minimum Foundation
Program, there will be increased
demand in the state for prepared,
certificated teachers. In the future,
as in the past, Kentucky State can
be expected to train and graduate
teachers well prepared to give in—
struction in the public schools of
the state.

For all of the above reasons the ques—

tion of the future need for Kentucky
State College must be answered in the
affirmative. There is a definite place
and need for the institution in any plan
the state may draw to meet its future
educational requirements. Whatever
these may 'be, under the Supreme
Court’s decision, they must be met by a
integrated educational system. If the
future welfare and happiness of the
state is given proper consideration, and
there is every reason to expect this, in—
tegration in the state will include both

teachers and pupils. Integration should
work both ways—it must be a two—way

Most Americans have always known
that segregation is uni—democratic, un—
Christian, and un-American. The Sup—
reme Court now says segregation l‘l
public education is un-constitutional as
well, and as such, must go. But this
does not necessarily mean that such
institutions as Kentucky State must go.
Far from it. These institutions have
only to widen their services to include
instruction of students of all racial
groups to justify their continued exist—
ence. But at whatever cost we must in—
sist upon an integrated educational
system for the state. If a scientific, ob—
jective study should show that Ken—
tucky State College is a stumbling—block
in the road to achieving this objective,
then, I would be first to say that Ken—
tucky State should go. In my judgment,
however, in light of universal anticipa—
tion of ever increasing college enroll-
ments, there is little danger of this.



(By Robert S. Lawery)

Except for the isolated cases in White
Sulphur Springs, West Virginia, and
Milford, Delaware, those communities
starting integration in September of the
current school year did so without much
protest or conflict. In Washington, DC,
the largest city attempting integration
this September, the transition was re-
markably successful. For the most part
the public schools in Washington are
completely desegregated. Teachers have
been mixed as well as students. Only a
few schools remain completely white or
Negro. As a pattern for the nation,
the progress made in Washington, where
Negro students numbered approxim—
ately 61,000 out of the District’s total
enrollment of 106,000, should be dis—
tinctly significant to those states and
districts yet waiting for the Supreme



IN Hit irws

Court to supplement its decisions with
details for integration.

Several communities in Missouri,
West Virginia, Arkansas, Maryland and
Delaware brought an end to their segre-
gated schools with calm acceptance of
the integrated pattern.

However, in White Sulphur Springs,
West Virginia, after experimenting with
integration for a five-day period, the
school board returned to segregation
when 600 parents threatened to stage
a mass meeting *and bodily remove the
25 Negroes enrolled at White Sulphur
Springs High School. Likewise, in Mil—
ford, Delaware, protesting p-arents are
attempting to hold up integration in
spite of the Governor’s insistence that
the community should integrate without
delay on a law—abiding basis.


 K.T.A. Kullings

Rev. A. R. Lasley, Hopkinsville, pres—
ident of the Kentucky Teachers Asso—
ciation, was elected President of Sim—
mons University, Louisville. President
Lasley is considering the acceptance of
this offer and call to serve the minis—
ters of Kentucky and elsewhere.

JOURNAL on September 13, 1954, pub-
lished a picture of Mrs. Ella J. Price,
teacher of a third grade class in an all
white school in Washington, D. C. This
has one of the situations in which inte—
gration seemed to get off to a good

Attending the National Education
Convention in New York June 27 to
July 2 were President A. R.Lasley, Mrs.
Anita W. Robinson, Secretarye‘treasurer,
and Mrs. B‘ernyce Brooks, Hopkinsv-ille,
all as delegates from the K.T.A. Also
attending were MlSS Eunice Newhouse,
delegate from Louisville Teachers Asso—
ciation and Mrs. Clara W. Taylor, dele—
gate from Lexington Teachers Associa—

It is reported that white students
graduated in the 1954 classes of Fisk
University, Nashville, and Bethune—
C'ookman College, Daytona Beach,
Florida. This might be a pattern as pro-
gress in school integration continues.

The Louisville Board of Education is
in process of building Cotter Element—
ary and the new DuValle Junior High
schools at a cost of over one million
dollars. These schools will serve the

Parkland area of the Louisville school


President R. B. Atwood, Kentucky
State College, was given a citation by
the 4—H clubs of Kentucky for his
leadership in that organization and for
sponsoring progressive measures in the

field of agiculture among Kentucky

Dr. Maurice Rabb, Louisville, was
one of the first Negro physicians to «be
admitted to the Jefferson County Medi—
cial Association and more recently has
been elected to 'the staff of St. Joseph
Infirmary in Louisville.


President Whitney M. Young, Lin—
coln Institute, reports an enrollment of
over 550 students. This is the largest
enrollment in the history of Lincoln




The city of Bowling Green has nearly
completed the tbuildng of an ultra-
modern high school to replace State
Street High. Prof. E. T. Buford will 'be
the principal of this new community
high school, which is built and planned
much on the order of Central High
School in Louisville.

Dr. Ralph Bunche, who was one of
the principal speakers during the N.E.A.
Convention in New York, has been ap—
pointed to the highest post held by an
American in the United Nations secre—
taniat. Bunche and a Russian, Ilya S.
Tchernychev, will handle jobs on as—
signment from United Nations Secre—
tary Hammarskjold which may range
over all departments of the U. N. and
to all parts of the world.

The NBA $5 million Building Fund
Campaign got the needed shot—in—the—
arm at the New York City Convention.
586 Life Members, adding $87,900 to
the building fund, were recruited.

New teachers in the Louisville Public
Schools are Miss Edna M. Daniel, B. T.
Washington; Miss Barbara Fleshmon,
Madison Junior High; Kendrick Harmer,
Madison Junior High; Miss Geneva M.
Hawkins, Madison Junior High; Samuel
0. Hazzard, Madison Junior High; Miss
Rosemary Lander, Lincoln; James R.
Lau-derdale, Central; Mrs. Helena V.
Lawson, Douglas; Miss Ella M. Lilly,












Douglas; Miss Lucille Mackey, Virginia
Avenue, and Mrs. Margaret Wright, B.
T. Washington.

The University of Louisville has four
Negro players on its football team. They
are Leona-rd Lyles, Louisville; George
Cain, Middleton, Ohio, and from Bir—
mingham, Alabama, Lyde Bingham and
Anderson Walker.



The first teachers to enroll 100% in
the Kentucky Teachers Association for
the 1954—1955 school year were from
Lexington and Harlan County schools.
These two groups of teachers also
enrolled 100% in the N.E.A.


Mrs. Susie B. Fish of Danville, Ken—
tucky, was given a citation at the 1954
State Fair for distinguished service to
the youth of Kentucky. For over forty
years she has been a teacher in the pub—
lic schools of Kentucky. Her picture
was carried in the Louisville Courier—
Journal on September 14, 1954. The
award was made by Mr. N. B. McMil-
lan, director of public relations of the


Dr. Charles H. Parrish, Professor at
the University of Louisville, has re—
turned to his duties there after an ex—
tensive stay in the south. Dr. Parrish,
who was visiting the southern region
in the interest of the Negro and de-
segregation of schools, reports many

interesting experiences. In the next
issue of the JOURNAL we hope to have
a complete report on Dr. Parrish’s sum—
mer project.

The memlbens of the Board of Educa—
tion, faculty and students of the Emin—
ence Elementary School held open
house at the school Sunday afternoon,
October 3 at 3 o’clock. Mr. and Mrs.
Atwood S. Wilson and Mrs. Anita W.
Robinson attended as official repres—
entatives of the K. T. A. Prof. L. L.
Spradling is the principal of Eminence


K. T. A. districts that met in October
are the Blue Grass, Third and First. The
Fifth District meets November 5th. Re—
ports of district meetings will be in
forthcoming JOURNALS.

October 8, 1954

System Superintendent

Lexington City‘fl" John M. Ridgway
J. A. Cawood
Russell P. Roberts
Joda Milbern
Dentis McDaniel

W. G. Conkwright

Harlan Count-tyfi‘
Carrollvton City’-‘
Lincoln County
Hickman County
Clark County“

* 100% enrolled in N. E. A.





Compliments of


Representative of
Publisher of Your Yearbooks

Manufacturer of Senior Invitations
and .
Caps and Gowns











(By A. R. Lasley
President of K. T. A.)

Twenty thousand teachers and educa—
tors from all sections of the United
States and outlying territories gathered
in New York City at the famous Maldi—
son Square Garden June 27 to July 2,
1954, for the ninety—second annual con—
vention of the N.E.A. This was the first
time this assembly had met in New
York since 1938. All restrictions were
lifted and President William A. Early
had arranged a uniquely valuable pro—
gram. It provided both inspiration and
practical help to all members of the
profession and to the many lay friends
of education who attended. Some ninety
group discussions were held on the
major problems of education. These
discussions were in the general areas of
information, c o m m u n i t y relations,
teacher welfare, organizational