xt75mk65766n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75mk65766n/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1952-12-08  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, December 8, 1952 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, December 8, 1952 1952 1952-12-08 2020 true xt75mk65766n section xt75mk65766n     

Minutes 3: the University Faculty, November 10, 1252‘ 991





Dean Kirwan, Chairman of the Committee on Student Organizations, pre—
sented recommendations for the organization of two clubs to be known as
the University 2: Kentucky Political Science Club and the Blue Marlin
Swimming Club. The Faculty approved the formation of these two.:lubsl

The Secretary of the University Faculty called the attention of the
group to Article Three, Section 1 E of the Constitution of the Student
Government Association which reads as follows:

5' Three non—voting faculty members elected by the
University faculty, one of whom shall be designated
by the President of the University to act as the
Faculty Advisor of the Student Government Association.

He stated that this Section of the Constitution had not been strictly adhered
to. Mr. George Lawson, President of the Student Government Association made

the statement that he felt better student-faculty relations would result if

the three members were appointed and present at all Student Government meetings.
one of which would also serve as the Faculty Advisor. The names of Dean A. D.
Kirwan, Dr. Lee Townsend and ProfessOr J. S. Horine were placed in nomination
and approved as the three nonevoting faculty members to the Student Government

Dr. C. Arnold Anderson read a letter from Dr. George P. Faust wherein
Dr. Faust resigned as a member of the University committee to investigate
athletics, said committee having been elected at the meeting of the Univer-
sity Faculty of May 12, 1952. A discussion was held concerning athletics
at the University with Dr. Donovan addressing the group. A motion was
placed before the Faculty to dissolve all athletics committees of the
University with the exception of the Athletic Council but this motion
was tabled by the Faculty.

The Faculty adjourned. ,,»—v .»”' l

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R. L. Tuthill


Minutes gfi’the University_Facu1ty, December §, 1252


The University Faculty met in the Assembly Room of Lafferty Hall.
Monday, December 8, 1952, at 4:00 p.m. President Donovan presided. Members
absent were: Anne Clemmons, J. M. Edney, W. P. Garrigus, C. W. Hackensmith,
J. T. Masten, J. W. Miles. E. B. Price, D. M. Seath, A. E. Slesser. D. V.
Terrell. Kenneth Vanlandingham, and Frank J. Welch.

The minutes of November 10, 1952, were read and approved.

Dean White presented recommendations from the College of Arts and Sciences
concerning new courses. courses to be dropped, and changes. The Faculty approved
the recommendations, as follows:



Geography 136. Applied Cartography. (3) I, II, S
Map compilation techniques as directed by Army Map Service
specifications. Enrollment by permission.














































vgingtgs‘gi the University_Facultyj December g, 1952





Nursing 100. Introduction $2.§2£§ififi° (3)
A survey course with emphasis on source materials and the inter-
relations of nursing and the biological and social sciences.

Nursing 101a, b. c, a. Practicum in Nursing, (2 each)
Training in public health nursing is arranged in cooperation
with city and county health organizations, selected hospitals,
clinics and health agencies. Training for students with major
programs in teaching, supervision or administration in hospitals
is arranged in COOperating institutions.

Nursing 103. Ward Administration. (3)
Elementary principles of ward administration and teaching.

Nursing 106. Administration g£_the Hospital Nursipg_Service. (3)
The relation of nursing service to the various hospital depart»
ments, to schools of nursing, and to social agencies; staff
organization; personnel policy; records; budgets; equipment
and supplies.


Political Science 51b (3)

Military Science and Tactics 3a. b (2 each)

Military Science and Tactics 4a, b (2 each)


Political Science 51a (3) be changed to Political Science 51 (3).

It is recommended that «-

l, The requirement of a senior comprehensive examination in
PolitiCal Science for students majoring in Political Science
be dropped.

2. The requirement of a senior thesis in Political Science for

students majoring in Political Science be added.

In connection with the changes, Dean Carpenter stated that certain curri-
cula in other colleges would be affected and requested permission to make
necessary adjustments without bringing the matter back to the Faculty.
President Donovan ruled that this was a prerogative of the colleges in all
such cases.

Dean White also moved that the University Faculty amend its policy on
outaof-state travel by changing the figure "$40." to "$60." in Item b. para-

graph 2 of the
discussion the
Donovan stated
that there was

the College of

minutes of the University Faculty, July 1, 1946. After some
Faculty voted approval of the amendment to the policy. President
that he wished to emphasize the fact that this did not mean

a larger amount of money available for outaofnstate travel.

Dean Horlacher presented the following course changes for
Agriculture and Home Economics which were approved by the

University Faculty.


Animal Industry 1, Identification and Evaluation 2i Meats (1 credit)








Minutes 2: the University_Facu1ty, December g, 1952


Animal Industry g, Retail Meats (1 credit)


Animal Industry 1; Selection, Evaluation, and Use 23 Meats (3 credits)

History and growth of packing and meat industry; physical and chemical
composition and nutritive value of meat; selection and utilization of
cuts; identification; grading; cutting. processing and freezing methods;
wholesale and retail sales methods. Lectures, 2 hours; laboratory,

2 hours.

This new course duplicates the two courses to be dropped, Animal Industry 7,
Identification and Evaluation of Meats, and Animcal Industry 8, Retail Meats.

Dr. William S. Ward, Chairman of the Faculty Committee on Planning and Policy,
an interim report for the Committee as follows:

The University Faculty Committee on Planning and Policy wishes to
place before the University Faculty for action the following interim
report and recommendations. A further report will be made at a later

As a preamble to the recommendations that follow the Committee
wishes to make two observations: (1) that it is in process of ex-
ploring precisely what its purpose and funcftion is: (2) that it will
welcome enlightenment, advice, and suggestibns on this score from the
Faculty as a whole or from any member of it. The reasons for this pre-
dicament are fairly simple: (1) the original purpose of the committee
(that of dealing with problems confronting the University immediately
following the war) expired four or five years ago; (2) the Faculty
while voting on two separate occasions to continue the committee after
its original purpose had been served did not indicate what the committee's
new duties should be; (3) no committee during this extension period
has filed a report with this Faculty. Thus the committee has neither
precedent nor instructions to guide it.

The Committee does know, of course, that it is expected to par—
ticipate somehow in charting the University's course; but how and in
what areas this is to be done it is not so sure. Should it, for
example, concern itself only with policies and plans to be formulated
in the future, or should it also examine existing policies and plans?
Should it concern itself only with bread administrative policy, or
Shauld it also concern itself with academic practices? Should it
concern itself only with whether a new college or new department
should be added, or should it concern itself also with whether the
quality of teaching, the amount of productive research, or the curri-
culum in each of the existing colleges and departments is what it
should be?

Questions like these could be multiplied several times over. and
still others of other sorts raised if we assume that the answers to
some of these questions are in the affirmative. Until such time as
the Committee has more wisdom than it has now, however. it limits
itself to two recommendations.

(1) The first of these concerns this enlarged Faculty and its
monthly meetings. Briefly; this Committee recommends that
beginning with the next regularly scheduled Faculty meeting
the President of the University or some other appropriate
person spend as much time as may seem necessary in explaining,










































Minutes 9.; the University Faculty, December 31, 1952

clarifying, or interpreting some phase of administrative

planning, policy, or action and in giving the Faculty an

opportunity to ask questions or participate in a discus—

sion. Random illustrations of matters that might thus

be brought before the Faculty are the building program

of the University, including some of the reasoning that lies
behind the priority given to different buildings; developments
that have a bearing upon the establishment of a School of
Medicine or a School of Veterinary Medicine; and so on.

(2) The other recommendation which the Committee wishes to make

is that the Friday Staff Bulletin. as frequently as may be

necessary, carry brief notes which are of interest to the

Faculty and staff alike. These may well be restricted to

factual matters, leaving more complex explanations to Uni—

versity Faculty meetings. For example, the Bulletin might

contain a progress report on the University's Social Security

appeal or a brief note which would give the notavery—well

known background for a particular Beard of Trustees action.

In making this recommendation the Committee feels that it is
touching upon one of the most difficult of all problems: that of
having every member of a large organization, be it an educational
or a business organization, understand that reasoning that lies behind
the decisions of those who are charged with administrative and execu-
tive responsibility. It may well be that these recommendations are
not the best of all possible recommendations, but we do believe that
in the absence of better ones they are worth a trial.

In the event that these recommendations meet the approval of this
Faculty and the administrative officers of the University, the Committee
on Planning and Policy

(1) recommends that the Chairman of this Faculty feel free to
lengthen the periOd of Faculty meetings whenever the demands
of this enlarged agenda require it;

(2) offers itself as the agency to receive suggestions and sub»
sequently to recommend to the Chairman of this Faculty an
agenda of matters to be explained and/or topics to be dis»
cussed, as outlined above;

(3) offers itself also as the agency to receive suggestions of
matters to which this Committee, the University Faculty.
and/or the administrative officers of the University should
give attention in charting the University's future.

If these preposals. in turn, are approved, the Committee requests
that it be authorized to make all of its recommendations impersonally
in the name of the Committee. It is further requested that written
communications bear the sender's name so that the Committee may, if
it finds it desirable to do so, secure fuller explanation or give to
the sender such relevant information as it may consider to be important.

Harold P. Adams

W. P. Garrigus

Sarah B. Holmes

Gladys Kammerer

Lawrence S. Thompson
William S. Ward, Chairman



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Minutes 9; the University Faculty, DeCember g: 1952 995

The Faculty voted approval of the recommendations submitted by the Committee.

President Donovan stated that he had asked Dean Stahr to make a statement

to the Faculty on the present status of Social Security for the University Staff.

In his report Dean Stahr outlined the events which lead up to the University's

making an appeal against the ruling of the Federal Security Administration that

the University Staff was not eligible to participate in Social Security. He
stated that the Appeals Board had heard witnesses for the University and that
a decision probably would be rendered in the near future. The decision will
hinge upon whether the University's present change-of-work policy does or
does not constitute a retirement plan.

Vice Presi ent Chamberlain reviewed the history of the University's
changemofuwork and explained its provisions together with amendments that
have been made since the first plan was adopted.

President Donovan announced that he had received a letter from Mr. Ivan
Jett, Director of the Kentucky Chain Store Council, indicating that he and
Mr, W. E. Mortimer, Manager of the Kresge store in Lexington, were arranging
a dinner in honor of the teaching and research staff of the University. He
stated that invitations were to be issued for the evening of February 17 at
the Lafayette Hotel.

The FaCulty adjourned.

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R. L. Tuthill

Minutes g§_the Universitpraculty, January lg, 1353


The UniVersity Faculty met in the Assembly Room of Lafferty Hall. Monday.
January 12. 1983. at 4:00 p.m. Vice President Chamberlain presided. Those
absent were C. A. Anderson, George K. Brady. James 3. Calvin‘. Martha G. Carr.
H. L, Donovan‘, G. P. Faust‘, w. P. Garrigus, J. P. Hammond, Fred Harris,

L. C. Pendley. Roy E. Sigafus. A. E. Slesser. Earl P. Slone. R. L. Tuthill'
and Frank J. Welch.

The minutes of December 8, 1952 were read and apprOVed.
Associate Dean Horlacher presented for the College of Agriculture and

Home Economics the following recommendations conCerning dropped and added
courses and changes in courses and credits which were approved.

Courses to be drapped

Home Economics 107. ”orkshop in Nutrition. 4 credits
Horticulture 104, Pomology: Stone Fruits. 3 credits

Courses 3-19. added

Agronomy 101. Pasture Production and Management (3 credits)
The selection of pasture crops and their establishment.
fertilization and management for temporary or permanent
pastures. Lecture and recitation, three hours. Prereq:
Agron. l I

’Absence explained