xt75mk657385 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75mk657385/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1997-10-30 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 30, 1997 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 30, 1997 1997 1997-10-30 2020 true xt75mk657385 section xt75mk657385  







[SlABI lSHfD 1894





TIKE I “IKE, "IKE Communications junior Nate Brown showed his dismay (above) after talk of'a tuition inn'ease.
Student Government President .lIe/anie Cruz. addressed the crowd at the Patterson Office Tower Plaza yesterday.


"Ilium ““00 Lexington offers

some super scary holiday happenings.

See KeG, inside section.


mm Sunny today, high

in the mid 60s. Rain possible i
tonight, lows near )7). Cloudy
tomorrow, high near 6!). t i‘


x... .... ,.i .... ..,-.t..




October 30,

o (.illlll’lh 2 Sports 4
l (flaw/mix 7 litm‘pomt a

(from: In}! 7






Students protest

planned tuition hike

rally slated

for Friday

By Justin Willis
Staff H 'riter

Jean May's words were brief
yet powerful as she addressed the
crowd at yesterday's SGA—orga—
nized tuition hike protest iii front
of Patterson Office Tower.

For May, a Spanish/interna-
tional economics sophomore and
single mother of three. the pro—
posed tuition increase signifies an
end of her college education and a
partnership with welfare.

“I’ll have to drop out," Alay
said of the Council on l’ostsec-
ondary l‘iducation's proposed 23
percent tuition increase over the
next two years.

Although the increase won't be



formally decided until Monday.
when the vote takes place in
Frankfort. the proposed rates
include an increase of II: per-
cent for the fall semester. and an
additional increase of I0.-i percent
in the fall of 199‘).

lit a letter to the council, Presi-
dent \'\'ethington called the
increase both “unreasonable" and
“excessively high“ when compared
to the national average ofi per—
cent increases per year for four—
yearundergraduate institutions.

“The best form of financial aid
is low tuition," said
Sttident (iovernment
.-\ssociation president
Melanie Cruz. (Iruz
said she is one ofthe 83
percent of students


increase to more expensive pro-
grams and rising costs of college

“If they are going to raise it,l
hope it is at least distributed prop—
erly," said Zach .\tkins. a political
science sophomore who is receiv~
ing financial aid and working 35
hours a week at Sears to help pay
for his education.

Next semester, Atkins will try
to pay for school on his own atid
said he worries that
money could be used for proiects
that don‘t directly benefit the stu—

Annual tuition for
a full—time undergrad-
uate resident is
53.7%. If the pro»
posed plan is put into

who receive financial The begfom effect, the same stuv
aid. She will graduate offinana'al dent would pay
with more than $3,000 (”dis-107v 51.056 for the 1008‘
to repay in loans and tuition n 0‘) school year.
said she wonders how ’ Tuition for WW)—
this increase will affect V 2000 would increase
future students. Melanie Cflll to $373, a difference

"()ut—of-state stu— , SGApresident of $63.7 from the cur!
dents will have their rent charges. The

tuition increased about
$4,400 a year." (Iru/

US. .'\'e:1‘stlnil ll 'oi'lil Report has
ranked L'K as one of the best buys
for otit—of—statc students.

The council is considering
three compromise options. The
first option would raise tuition
with rates based on Kentucky‘s
per-capita income. The second
would raise rcsidents' rates by 1
percent and out-of—state students‘
by the originally proposed rates,
and the third option would raise
all students' tuition by 3 percent.

“’l‘uition is going tip for the
same reason it always goes up,"
said Debbie .\lc(iuffey, director of
communication and government
services for (EPIC.

She attributed the 33 percent

profit for L'K is esti~

mated to be more
than $8 million. The new rates
would total about $34 million for
the state.

(iov. l’auI l’atton has also hitti—
ed at additional increases early in
the next decade.

A student in the crowd held a
sign with the message. "l’aul Pat—
ton. get your ‘pauls' off my

(Iruz explained SGA's position
as the crowd began to diminish.

“\Ve're not done. This is not
over," she said as she encouraged
students to call the council.

Because a decision will not be
made until Monday, S(iA is plati—
ning an additional rally to be held
on Friday at noon in the POT


‘WB have to rememhe

WT Young Library to feature

room to honor deceased students

By Haili Wu

Senior Staff H 'riter

They are gone but not forgot—
ten in the hearts of their friends
and family.

And now, with the “CT.
Young Libra 's impending open-
ing Jan. 2, they will be forever
engraved in the walls at UK.

The Student Memorial Room
will be one of the features in the
library when students explore the
new facility for the first time.

“(The memorial room) is to
recognize students who died while
they were attending UK." said
Paula Pope, development assistant
of libraries.

Althou h the plans have not
been finaiized, the room will be
one of the reading rooms in the

circular rotunda in the middle of
the library. In an aerial view of the
library, a circular building is in the
middle of the library: A building
within a building. The building
outside the rotunda will form a
square around it.

Regular circulation will be on
the first floor of the rotunda.
Three reading rooms are inside of
the rotunda, one in the basement.
one on the second floor and one
on the fifth. Each room is rectan-
gular and is roughly the size of the
Breckinridge-Kentuckiana Room
in the Margaret l. King Library.
The Memorial Room will be one
of these reading rooms.

Instead of having a list of the
names of students who died, the
room will contain a plaque that
will be dedicated in those stu—

dents‘ memory.

Pope said the list will be too
long and might be hard to search
for all the students who died while
at UK through the school’s histo-
ry. Pope and others said these stu-
dents still deserve the recognition
owed to them.

The Memorial Room is a great
idea, said Amy Dunn, communi—
cations senior and member of
Sigma Kappa sorority, whose
sorority sister, Janna ()Iiver. died
last year.

“\‘Vell, I think it‘s really impor-
tant,” Dunn said. “\\'e have to
remember them to keep their
memory alive in a positive way.
And this is positive."

She said her sorority will wel—
come the addition to the library.

“Everyone will be very happy,"
Dtinn said. “We all thought the
Memorial \Valk was very good
anything like that we see it in a
very positive way."

Ever since the Memorial \Valk.
the Student Government Associa-


tion has wanted to take the
remembrance a step further.
“\Ve want to further their

memory," said S(i:\ President
Melanie Cruz.

So SGA presented the idea of a
Memorial Room in the new
library last spring. As to the deci-
sion to make it a readin r room,
(Iruz said the connection between
education anti the deceased stu-
dents is important.

“They are here to obtain edu—
cation,” Cruz said. “The spirit of
their dedication to higher educa-
tion it’s appropriate to make it
a reading room.“

Because each floor of the new
library will be “as big as a football
field," Pope said, identification is

“\Vhile recognizing the stu—
dents, it will also he] ) people to
find their way arount the build—
ing," she said. For example, in
addition to the rotunda reading
rooms, four big reading rooms and
four small ones are on each floor.





Staff wire reports

UK lineman Mike Webster
apologized for spitting in the face
of a student newspa er columnist
after misunderstanding what had
been written following the team’s
loss to Georgia last weekend.

Webster, a starter at offensive

uard, confronted the Kentucky
Kernel‘s Aaron Sanderford after
practice Tuesday, a parently tak-
in issue with a re crencc in the
co umn that Georgia fans still
considered UK ‘ a laughing-

Sanderford was referring to a
caller on the Georgia post-game
show who said, “Don’t worry
about the Wildcats" ability to
move the football. It‘s just UK."

In his column in the UK stu—
dent newspaper, Sanderford
wrote, “As the caller hung up, my
bottom jaw ititted out 0 place in
anger. My school is still 3 Ian h-
ingstoclt. After all the 00d t at
(Coach Hal) Mumme as done,
nothing has chan ed. We still lack
reseflct in the SEE.”

ebster, believing that
Sanderford called UK a “laugh-

layer apologizes l0

ingstock," told Sanderford he
didn't like what was written, then
spit in Sanderford‘s face and
walked away.

Mumme, when informed of the
incident, had Webster apologize.

“I talked to Mike, and he
regretted what happened,” UK
sports information director Tony
Neely said. “He had an emotional
reaction and made a mistake and
he regrets it."

Kernel Editor in Chief Jen-
nifer Smith said Sanderford was
“shaken a bit” by the incident.

“Aaron's going to take a brief

leave of absence from the heat,"
she said. “But I'm confident that
he will be back with the other
media watching practice." ~

But the absence was less than

Eermanent — Sandcrford was
aclt on the job yesterday.
Mumme had initially told

Sanderford that he must stay in
areas designated for the public and
not in tnedirdesignated areas
until further notice.

But Mumme later relented and
yesterday reinstated Sanderford‘s
freedom to roam the Cats' prac-
tice area freely.


new rules

will follow

By Mat Herron

(,‘nmpus It'd/tor

Concurring with the national
verdict, University officials will
go along with the two-year sus—
pension of the Sigma Alpha
l‘ipsilon social fraternity.

Assistant Dean of Students
\‘ictor Hazard listed the penal-
ties in a letter dated 'l‘ucsd-ay to
SAT“. president l’eter Nesmith,
for the alleged hazing violations
that occurred last spring at a
party at 410 Pennsylvania (Iourt.

Unlike the verdict reached by
national officers through their
own investi ation, Hazard wrote
that he (li( find that members
hazed pledges.

“The serious nature of the
activities occurring on May 1‘,
1997 has caused the long anti

roud history of Sigma Alpha
Epsilon affiliation with the Uni—
versity of Kentucky to come to a
temporary end," Hazard wrote
in the letter, obtained yesterday
through an open records request.

“l sincerely ho )e that this
forced period of disassociation
from both the National Fraterni—

and the University will achieve
The ends desired by all involved."



Fraternity 9818 -
1W0 years llll'
hazing incident

As punishment, Lils' has cati-
celed the chapter's registration as
a student organization, will not
register any groups consisting of
SAl“. members. and will place the
fraternity on probation for a year
after it returns to campus.

“\Ve're going to just abide by
the decision that the University
has made and work with the situ~
ation, so that when we do come
back on campus. we're a better,
stronger (fraternity)." said l’ctc
Stephenson, spokesman at the
fraternityk national headquarters
in livanston, III.

In his ()ct. I4 letter to Dean
of Students David Stockham,
nationals Executive Director
Richard Lies said nationals sus-
pended the chapter for two years
and placed all members who
attended the party or. probation
until they graduate, but the offi-
cers did not find any evidence
that hazing had occurred, despite
contrary reports from LR and
Lexington police.

“It's more than I expected.
because we did nothin wrong,"
said Brian l‘illegood of “(‘5 ver-

lillegood, along with about 22
other SAl‘is. was at the party
when police arrived to investi-
gate a noise disturbance.

(Ihris (Ilarkson, a nei hbor
who called police to thc ouse
that night. said in a letter that he
heard residents within the house
yelling at others.

See Hume on 3

the extra .






'l humliry. (It tuber ill. I 997. Armin Icy Arnie!












- " l“ ‘5’" Newsroom: 357-19”
.- Kernel Advertising- 2574871
“ax. III-I906
» l , IC-Mail; keruel@ptip.uky.edii
‘, Idfi Homepage {
' http://w ww.kykeriiel com .4,
Editor In Chief ,.............,...... . . Jennifer Smith ‘:
Managing Editor ................................ Chris (Iampbell 4‘
Arisi‘vcmtt‘ Editor ................................... Brett Dawson
News Filitor .......... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . James Ritchie Q 0‘
Campus Editor ........ . . . . . . . . . . ................ . . . . .Mat Herron J
Assistant News Editor ................................... Brian Dunn
Editorial Editor ........................................ T odd Hash a
Sports Editor ................................. J ay G. Tate. Rob Herbst By I
Iiiiterta mutant Editor ....................... 0.]. Stapleton, Dan O’Neill gin-1.
Assistant Entertainment Editor ........................... Luke Saladin I
Ordine Editor ............ ,_ .................... Andreas thstafsson [my
Photo Editor ......................................... Matt Barton Lil:
Design Editor ...... . ......... , .............................. Sheri Phalsaphie '
( haphits Editor ................... . ...... . ......... Chris Rosenthal Eilv
The Independent Newspaper at The University of Kentucky coll
Founded in 1894 ............................. Independent since 1971 the
026 Grcban Journalism Bldg, University of Kentucky thri
Lexington, Kentucky «maroon 5";
Yourfm! mp} ofthc mefiy Kernel Ixfrn. .\l e
Erma my}: m $1.00 nth. ‘ i
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’ r . ' JOHNNY FARMS Mme/int” 2: no,
I ,, _ IRICII on "IE"? Student mcmhcrx ofthc UK chapter (if/31g Brorherr/Big Sii'fi'rx ofthc Kilogram tin'urred children through Donot'ml Hull It‘hi/e the i‘hil- . 1,
' dren received almiy. Nearly 8/) i'0.\‘fIl”lt'l[ children participated in the ere/it. 5 : trv
’ ' i .
. I BE l/IE W i' W
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. . . . . . . _ ‘ flc
dren in I\entucky, said members clowns, ninias and princesses. Res— always a shortage of “lugs,” (,‘t
., _ Big Brothers/Big Sisters of the idents said thev enjoyed it as much Sergeant said. ., sti
r "fr“ ‘ ~ ‘ » ' ' .. . ~ . z: -
.5. ii“ /- . a. Bluegrass. as the kids. \\ e have a lot of children a w,
" “It‘s better than nothing," said “I‘m having so much fun." said waiting for an available volun- ‘3 pa“

’ Ih‘i” p






ive wind
(go childreh

By Erich Kragel
Slit/f ll 'r/Icr

’I‘iffany Yerian, L'K chapter presi—
dent. “Some don‘t have tiiticlt at all."

Yerion, who has been a big sis—
ter for two years at UK, and her
grotip took their little brothers
and sisters through four floors of
Donovan. Every Child enjoyed

“They loved it," said Kristen

undecided sophomore Amber
Iluff. “It also provides a safe envi-
ronment for the kids to trick or

The Big Brothers/Big Sisters of
the Bluegrass works in coordina—
tion with the UK chapter. It
arranges all the matches between
the students and single-parent chil—

teer." she said. Two hundred chil-
dren are awaiting a big brother or
big sister, 150 of them are boys.

The rewards are great to both
the “littles” and the “bigs,” Yerion

“Being a big brother or big sis-
ter ptits life in perspective," she
said. “A lot of times I feel like Fm







Lexington children received \\'olfroin, UK chapter member dren. The idea is to add encour- the one getting the most out of
candy and encouragement as well and nutrition junior, as she tried agement and role—models to chil- it."
‘ mil-Cl] f'O/l‘ fl] (1 as a few screams and laughs last to gather her two “littlesfb dren who normally don't have it. Big brothers and big sisters are r
7 , night from L I\ students. . “It's a lot of fun," she said. . “ I hesc children, most of all, asked to spend three to five hours
Kelli-Ilcky Key-“(115 Nearly 80 costumed children, lyaura Busse, an accounting need encouragement from stu— a week with their littles. It is even
. e . along With their matches, made senior, organized the event. She dents to stay in school," said more flextble for students, taking - -
BflSkEZ-[Jflll Prevlez .7 frightening rounds through gathered l-l Lexmgton agenCics Dianna Sergeant. office manager into consideration school breaks f 1. By
. Donovan Hall at . p.m. yesterday and many of the dorm residents to of the Bluegrass (.hapter. “Stu— and holidays. L (In
0/] A’TOZ'C’W/[Ié’f' 10 Alli’t’l'fi.\‘illg‘ to collect candy and celebrate an participate. , ~ . dents can be a good example for _ “It's a great way for students to 7'
t early Halloween. “I‘m pretty excited.” she said. children to stay in school and go give back to the community,“ said I
[De/Idling: NOZlC’WIlN’I‘ 3 .This is a treat that many ofthc “\k'c- arc haying a great turnout." to C‘)]l.cgc.f’r some other form of Sergeant. “I hope more will par- ' 5-“
children may othchise not have. [he halls were decorated in a education. tictpate. . ch
Forty children were from the ghastly fashion. adorning spider— The [K chapter has grown To get more information on '
C07thct ~)[02l7f Ad Rep L'Is; chapter of Big Brothers/Big webs. bats. pumpkins and other this semester from around 40 the program, contact the Blue- t m
‘ Sisters. All of the children are Halloween decorations. Residents members to 46 members. grass office or c-mail Tiffany ‘ A,
from single parent homes. which lined the halls, waiting to hand liven though the [K chapter Yerion of the UK chapter at , sh
at 2 5 7— 2 8 72 constitutes 36.8 percent of all chil- out candy to the various vampires, has grown this year, there is tryeri()@piip.uky.edu.
' ' dc
f 1 I I I I if ..
. ii If
10’1"” D elm 50mm} 8““ IIIIII I'tlll “H.881:
By J08 Dobner topsoil. After the bulldozers plow bates erosion and prevents many of the Clemons Fork Creek, one “5
S'mfi’li’rim- away the earth, they roll over plantspecics from returning. of the cleanest streams in Ken~ af
Am l/l/a new exposed surfaces to make hayficlds Shortly after the passage of that tucky.
y g Some areas of the Robinson and pack the surface down so that act. meadow \olcs arrived in the The University eventually . (If
Forest have taken it all off. it is easier to mow, but in doing so forest and all but pushed out the came to a compromise with Arch, § 2“
0 “bar concerns L'lx' is how to make it tremendously difficult for bog lemmings. accordingtobiology in which Arch agreed to divert ’l i M
Kappa Alpha Theta get it back on. . . ' trees to grow. professorIimes Krupa. Both voles mine runoff to a nearby and less ‘ . le
Strip, or surface, mining is “\‘l e have yet to prodticc a stand and lemmings are small rodents. vulnerable watershed, as well as l
widespread in Eastern Kentucky. as oftrees on land that was strip mined “They pretty much took over. If use loose compaction. i ui
there are plentiful deposits ofgood (and coiiipacted)," said Interim it had been forested. I doubt they To ensure the dirt didn't get tp
- d coal. I leavy construction equipment Forestry Chairman Don (iravcs. would have come," Krupa said. compacted. Arch used smaller : is
f01’ being awarde removes huge quantities of dirt, and Additionally. runoff water from Krupa said that the voles. who bulldozers and specifically avoided i
the valuable ore is sifted out. the mine can alter the pH of near- live mainly in open clearings. repeatedly driving construction .
the Strip mining for coal is more by streams, killing fish and dis— probably made their way to the equipment over the same paths. _
. economical than tunnelling for ruptiiig whole ecosystems. Forest from Northern Kentucky “It’s more profitable to put the , ..
K” a Delta Centennial coal, as well as safer for humans. After the 19/ 8 Federal. Surface \'lil'lllillsc‘(l strip mines. loose compaction down," Graves l
lhc problem is that it not onl\ Mining Law. compacting the [he l2. 0. Robinson trust was said. by about three to five hun— i‘ |
- destroys the forest under which exposed dirt in strip mines became created in 1923 to administer the dred dollars an acre. 3
SCbOlaerzp the coal lies, but also removes the the rule. This compaction cxaccr- lands and wealth ofthc Robinson ‘ In loose compaction, the top ll “l
k J family. After they died. control four feet of soi is left loosely a
over the trust passed to UK. packed, which allows trees, partic~ I
_ “\Ve ended up with his land ularly hardwoods, to grow faster l R
and his coal," said University and more easily. 3 R
° counsel Paul Vanboovcn. It can take land two to three .' h
C r e a t l O n O r (Iolumbia (ias owns the gas centuries to recover from standard 0
. and oil rights to the land. strip mining. However, loosely .
E V 0 l u t 1 O n o . . 'l he conditions of the trust compacted mine rcclamations :i






Science and Nature: Two I/otesfor God
()ctober 31 — November 2, 1997


549 Parkslde Drlve - Lexington. Kentucky 40505 0 (806) 209-0511




specify that the University use the
land for agricultural experimenta-
tion, tcac ing, and as a practical
demonstration of reforestation.

Robinson and his partner, F.
\V. .\lowbray, had logged the land.

L'K has bought up some stir-
rounding properties over the years,
but iii a few cases ailed to acquire
the mineral rights to the land.

grow as fast as natural clearings,
such as burns. Additionally, rapid
regrowth of forests can prevent the
introduction ofalien species, such
as the meadow voles, to the areas.

Now that the mining in the main
area of the forest has ceased and the
land has been reclaimed, the impact
of the mining and reclamation
efforts can be considered.



You are cordially invited to attend a seminar


. . . "IDAYJCI'JIJM ~mwm In 1990, Arch minin proposed Krupa, who studied the water
with these and other important ISSUES. Ihe 7009'» WWW: :32: mm“ strip mininga chunk ()filntl in the quality while the mining was
5 calter is Dr. Bert Thompson former mam“ anoint Mum-worm» main body ofthc Robinson Forest. going on. said that there was no
P , , ’ _ , “mm :mmmdm to which UK owned the surface apprecmble impact.
. PMICSSOb COHCgC 0f “WWW Medicme, jmz'mm .mm,m,unmunm rights. Arch held the mineral rights. “In the forest, it’s just fine," he
' Texas AMI University. .~\ll sessions are free; rumdmm $3,235“ “16 Sierra C'Ulk Kennft‘ky sald- ,
' , ' 'mmwm Resources Councd and the lsen- Kru a Will return to the forest
“0 (Ollecnons Of “my klnd “'1“ be made' In JAMDAmmJJm IIINDAXNOVAIOI'I tucky Conservation Foundation over t e next few years and

addition, handout materials accompanying

each lecture will he made available free-of-


our“ mum 1)

mm. ”M”.-

«mun mosquito-an


filed suit to get the main body of

forest land declared unsuitable for

mining. UK later joined the suit.
The site lies at the headwaters

observe the wildlife.

“Right now, it looks OK, but I
don‘t now the whole story.” he


that e to those in attendance.





'5“ ~»—' 1 I



if" ' ‘ ‘ofivfl’fl-‘J” ‘ ’ “—rW‘ ’ ’ WW“ ‘ " ”—4








sun. in".

*'f,‘“' was min- ', -. 1





Isa Item-W











Kurt/4th Au‘ml. Ilrmuluy. ()i'mbi'r ill, 199' '


“K IlflBtfll‘S install pacemaker TOI‘ brain

o ers new


By Brian Dunn

Assistant iN’eu's Editor

Kentucky epilepsy patients now

.have a new tool in 5 hting

seizures — the “pacemaker or the

The device, about the size ofa
silver dollar, is implanted as a
heart pacemaker would, under the
collar bone and helps to stimulate
the vagus nerve, which runs
through the body, said Dr. Robert
Gewirtz, assistant professor of
neurosurgery in the College of

Gewirtz implanted the first
vagal stimulator in Kentucky on
An . 29. So far an Eastern Ken-
tuc woman is the only person in
the state to receive the device,
though two people are scheduled
to get one in the near future,
Gewirtz said. The woman asked
not to be named.

Patients throughout the coun—
try have been getting the stimula-
tor since July, when the Federal
Drug Administration allowed the
device to be used on humans, he
said. The device has been used in
Europe for two years.

The unit stimulates the vagus
nerve, which in turn helps to sti-
fle seizures in some people,
Gewirtz said. The device is set to
stimulate the nerve in 30-second
segments every five minutes. If
patients feel a seizure coming on,

they or a friend nearby can rub a
ma et over the stimulator, trig-
gering it to stimulate the vagus

“We don't know for sure how
it works,” Gewirtz said. “We
think what happens is it disrupts
the synchronous pattern in the
brain — it sort of breaks it u .”

However the stimuiation
works, it does help alleviate
seizures in some people, he said.

“One third (of atients) can
have a reduction wit the stimula-
tor; another third will report some
subjective measure that can’t be
measured, and another third
won‘t have any benefit," Gerwitz

The vagal stimulator is now a
third major option for patients
with epilepsy. Patients and their
doctors can also decide whether
surgery or medication is better
suited for them.

Each patient's case comes
under the scrutiny of a team of
specialists that decides what
option works best for the patient,
Gerwitz said.

When applicable, doctors can
remove a part of the brain, which
often cures epilepsy, but not
everyone is a candidate, he said.

“Sometimes, seizures are com-
ing from a part of the brain that is
too risky to o erate in."

If that is t e case, the patients
and their doctors decide on other
options. Some patients work bet-
ter with the nerve stimulator;
some are better off using medica—
tion, while others might not be
candidates for anything.

An assistant neurology profes—
sor, Dr. Jean Cibula, who works
with (iewirtz, said about 30 per-
cent of people —- about 6,000
Kentuckians -— have epilepsy that
cannot be treated.

Epilepsy is the most common
neurological disorder in the Unit-
ed States, affecting about four
million people in the country and
about 30.000 Kentuckians.

The popularity of using medi—
cation to treat the disease is on the
rise, she said. But the vagal stimu—
lator is a erfect option for some
patients, ewirtz said.

“If surgery doesn’t work, then
here is a non-medication medica—
tion we can use,” he said. “And the
stimulator doesn’t have as many of
the side effects as medications

The Stimulator has a couple
noticeable side effects, including
hoarseness and a tingling sensa-
tion, Gewirtz said. The tingling
might decrease with time, but the
hoarseness usually persists.

Medications, though, have
more side effects like drowsiness,
dizziness and dim~wittedness, he
said. Some patients might prefer
the medication, and some might
like the stimulator. Others might
not like surgery.

Business people may not like
the side effects that come with
the medication, he said, and peo-
ple who don’t want to be operat-
ed on may not prefer the surgery
that comes with the vagal stimu-
lator and the partial brain

\Vhatever the case, the vagal
nerve stimulator is one more
option patients and doctors have
in treating epilepsy, (Iibula said.

“A very nice extra option," she
said. “\Ve are planning to do

.~\s for the future of the stimula-
tor, (iewirtz said, “It‘s not going
to replace medication, it‘s not
going to replace surgery, but it
provides one more tool for
patients treating epilepsy."


Disorder ofi‘eets
millions in the
United S totes

By Anne Gillespie
Sniff” 'n'm-

So many people know so little
about the most common neurologi—
cal disorder. Epilepsy affects four
million people in the L'nited States.
said l)r.Jean (Iibula. assistant pro—
fessor of neurology and director of
the EEG laboratory at UK.

“That is over one percent of
the population," (Iibula said.

Epilepsy is a disturbance ofcer—
tain nerve cells in the brain.
Epilepsy is a non-contagious dis—
ease which can be the result of
certain initirics. strokes. tumors.
infections or it could be heredi-
tary, said (Iibula.

An attack ofepilepsy causes an

Bl'ah stimulator

The stimulator. roughly the
size of a silver dollar. releases
electrical stimulation to the vegas
nerve in BIO-second increments
every live minutes.

The device is commonly
called the "pacemaker tor the
brain" and helps control electrical
impulses in the brain so seizures
don’t happen.

The vagus nerve stimulator IS
implanted under the collar bone
in an operation that takes
between two and three hours

epileptic sci/tire, .i burst ol an
electrical impulse in the brain.
The brain of someone with
epilepsy cannot control this
release of energy.

There are two types of cpilcpv
tic sci/tires. a general seizure .iiid
a partial seizure. .-\ general sci/tire
affects the whole brain. and .1 par
tial seizure affects one part of the
brain, but may spread to other
areas. :\ gnu/i1 mill sci/tire is the
most dramatic epileptic sci/tire.
The person will lose consciouv
ness, and then muscles in the body
will begin to jerk.

Dr. Robert (icwirtz explained
that depending on what part of
the brain is affected by the sci/tire.
different parts of the body may
have the muscle spasms.

Epileptic seizures can afflict an
epileptic patient at any time.
sometimes for no reason. and
sometimes because of emotional
or physical stress. There are ways
to treat the epileptic seizures.

l)r. (Iibula said that 2-40 percent
of epileptic patients can be treated

\\ irli different medications and by
rating .i special diet. The other 20
pci‘tciil of patients are treated by
means ofsiirgcry. (Iibula said that
lllc patients that can not be treat—
ed by medication, including 6,000
Kentuckians, are observed for
cxtcntlcd periods.

The brain w .ives are monitored
by taking an 151‘}; of the brain.
said Dr. Robert (icrwirtl, .tssis
t.int professor of neurosurgery in
the LR (lollcgc of \1cdiciiic. 'l‘lic
coliiptltcrs i'ct'tirtl lllc activity of
the brain, and cite which part of
the brain is affected by the
sci/tires. Depending on which
part of the brain is affected, it can
be removed. This surgery could
ctirc the patient ofthe seizures.

"Minlctllncs sci/tires are com—
mg from .i part of the brain that is
too risky to operate in," said (ier—

1f the section of the brain can
not be removed. there is a new
type ofsurgery that is available.

The \eiiro(lybcrnetic l’ros»
thesis (\(Il’) is a device that can
be implanted into an epileptic
patient. and will control seizures.
The first one of these operations
was done at the LR Hospital in

“The \(11’ System gives us an
exciting new tool for treatment
which enhances the medical and
surgical spectrum available
throtigh the LR Comprehensive
l-Tpilepsy Program." Cilitila said.

The \(ll’ system stimulates the
vagus nerve. located in the lower
part of the brain. and delivers elec—
trical impulses to the brain.

“It doesn‘t cure seizures."
(Iibula said.

l1()\\L’\'L‘l‘. due to new tech»
niqiics such as the .\'(i1’ system.
epilepsy is increasingly becoming
a more trcatablc disorder.



By Robert Wagoner

Contributing lVrirer

Do you have problems with
your landlord? Have you been
char ed with a crime?

1 so, then the Student Govern-
ment Association’s Student Legal
Advising Service is something you
should consider.

“The service is available to any—
one who feels that his rights have
been violated,” said SGA Presi-
dent Melanie Cruz.

It “was established roughly 10
years ago by the SGA because of
increased demand for legal ser—
vices by students,” she said.

“Student legal issues were
neglected and students were
unable to get advice,” Cruz said.
“Students wanted a helpful and
affordable service.”

Attorney Mark Rucker, the stu-
dent legal adviser, said he sees an
average of 8-12 students per week.
Many students have similar prob-
lems, he said.

One common problem is
underage drinking and its conse—
quences. Surprisingly though, this
isn’t the most common concern,

al SBI‘VTGB l8

0 OllBI‘

Rucker said.

The largest area of concern
among students is landlord/ten-
ant disputes, he said.


available mainly for advice —— to
help students examine potential
punishments and outcomes of
cases. He said he can give advice

These concerns usually on any legal matter, civil or crimi-
involve living conditions and nal.
security deposits. Although Rucker
Landlords often can't represent a stu-
refuse to return dent in court, he can
security deposits . . advise a student as to
from students for what attorney would
various reaso