xt75mk65737k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75mk65737k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1996-09-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 06, 1996 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 06, 1996 1996 1996-09-06 2020 true xt75mk65737k section xt75mk65737k ‘, -_w.~w~.M-m--... c. - W w~~n.-~u....._,.,. H. _

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WHITE" Today cloudy with
a chance of T—storms; high 805.



. . r..V .2....... as




By Kathy Railing

Assistant New: Editor

A Boone County Circuit Court
jury ruled yesterday that the negli-
gence of two UK social fraterni-
ties, a fraternity member and his
friend, who died in a 1993 drunk-
en-drivin accident, were “sub-
stantial actors” in the man’s

On Feb. 6, 1993, Gregory
Cooney, then 19, was killed while
riding with John Renaker, then
20, after a Lexington party at the
Kappa Sigma social fraternity
house, also sponsored by Sigma Pi
social fraternity.

The jury awarded $1.2 million

in damages for lost income and



$7,341 in funeral expenses to
Cooney’s estate.

The jury also assigned levels of
fault to each of the four parties. It
gave Cooney 51 percent of the
responsibility for the incident,
Renaker 29 percent, and each of
the fraternities received 10 per-
cent of the liability.

Ken Smith, attorney for Sigma
Pi, said his primary argument in
court was that Cooney and
Renaker were responsible for their
own actions and the outcome of
their actions.

“I was tremendously relieved,”
Smith said of the decision. “It
could have been for a lot more.
There was tremendous emotion in
the case. To try to evoke emotion

for a fraternity is harder.”

Smith said Sigma Pi has to pay
$120,000 in its settlement. He said
Kappa Sigma settled with
Cooney's family while the jury
was still out, but Kappa Sigma’s
attorney could not be contacted
for the specific amount.

He said the case is important to

“Fraternities are going to have
to recognize that they have a
responsibility to stop underage
drinking,” Smith said.

In the accident, Renaker’s car
crossed the I-75 median near Flo-
rence and collided with a truck
just after 3 a.m.

According to the fraternity’s
attorneys, Renaker thinks he and


Tonight showers; low 60.

adventure comedy. Stotjy, page 5.


Cooney began drinking beer
sometime around 5 pm. on Feb. 5
in Northern Kentucky. They
decided to go to Lexington for the
party, and Cooney bought a case
of beer using false identification
for the party. They were intoxi—
cated upon arrival in Lexington.

The two used fake IDs to be
stamped as legal at the Kappa
Sigma house and left at about
12:30 a.m. They had planned to
stay at the Sigma Pi house, but
Cooney decided they should

They left with Cooney driving.
Renaker agreed to complete the
trip when Cooney said he could
drive no longer, and the accident
occurred shortly thereafter.

Yomorrow T—storms; big/J 80:.

BllllHPBDDE Adam Sand/er and

Damon Wizyans .rtar in the latest odd-couple




About 200-300 people were at
the Kappa Sigma house for the
party. The fraternity’s attorney
statement states Kappa Sigma
complied with University require-
ments by checking IDs and having
a security guard posted. A list of
sober drivers was also posted at
the party

Hundreds of people under 21
were drinking at the party
Renaker and Cooneylattended,
said Peggy Murphy, prosecuting
attorney, in her opening argu—
ments. Regulations used by the
fraternities to limit drinking to
those over 21 were in place “sim-
ply to appease the University and
the police,” Murphy said.

“They were a joke, designed to



September 6, I 996
. W W

(Ironmord 9 Sports 2
Diversions 4 Wm‘pomt 8




993 death

fail Once inside the party, alco-
hol consumption was a free for
all," she said.

In a 1994. criminal trial,
Renaker pled guilty to a charge of
reckless homicide and was sen-
tenced to three years in prison.
He served the minimum one-fifth
of the sentence and is currently on

UK‘s fraternity alcohol policy
at the time was “bring your own,”
similar to the policy in place now.
In 1990, the Interfraternity Coun-
cil had passed a measure allowing
central distribution of alcohol at
fraternity parties, but it was
revoked a month later.

The Associated Pratt contributed to this

Greek grades make
tour-semester high

By Chris Padgett ood grades to a scholarly UK
New: Editor ieshman class.

and Gary Wuli “Our chapters have better men
Airman! New: Editor to select,” he said.

UK Greeks collectively had
higher ades than the average
UK stu ent last semester, accord—
ing to a recently released report
by the UK Office of Greek

The average UK student had a
2.871 grade point average, while
members of UK fraternities and
sororities had GPAs of2.924 and

Newly initiated and prospec-
tive Greek men had an average
GPA of 2.680, while the average
UK non—Greek male trailed
behind at 2.224.

Bill Brassine, a member of Phi
Kappa Psi social fraternity and
president of the Interfraterni
Council, was quite pleased wit
the sgrin semester averages.

“ ra es have increased due to
a better group of freshman com-
ing in,” he said. “Our chapters
have adopted academic programs
and provide services which allow
Greek men to score higher than
average UK students.”

Brassine also attributed the

Greek women also had better
report cards scoring .23 points
higher than the average UK

According to the report,
released by the Interfraternity
Council and Panhellenic Council,
members of Lambda Chi Alpha
social fraternity and Al ha Delta
Pi social sorority score GPAs of
3.015 and 3.2109 respectively.

“We are uite pleased with the
rankings of t e respective member
chapters of the Panhellenic Coun-
cil,” said Colleen R an, chair of
the Panhellenic Scho arship Com-
mittee. “Many sororities
in; roved tremendously from the
a .9?

According to Ryan, the Spring
increase in sorori GPA’s was
due to a number of actors.

“Each chapter has their own
academic standards,” Ryan said.

Ryan said the Panhellenic
Council provides academic coun-
seling and advice to cha ters who
are having academic di culty.

See GRADES on 5










"In" Milling UK Football players, David DeLaPerralle and Paul MrGonag/e, talk with Arnie Wexler before [we spoke to athletes about gambling.

The 60—million-year-old remains push back by


m LEXINGTON - A federal
grand jury charged a Danville

man Thursday with mailing threats to a former UK
student and an FBI a nt.

The indictment c a ed John Jurgensen, 22, with
nine counts of mailingrgireatening communications
between June 1 and Aug. 12. He is also cha d with
two counts of mailing ammunition with the intent to
commit a felony.

Jurgensen sup sedly mailed the threats and
ammunition to ormer cheerleader Stacey Van
Cleave. The ammunition was allegedly to warn Van
Cleave that he was serious.

He was also charged with threatening Van
Cleave’s boyfriend, who was not named, FB nt
Brendan Cleary, and other police officers.

Jur men was in custody awaiting arraignment in
U.S. istrict Court at Lexington. Assistant U.S.
Attorney Tom Self said Jurgensen faces up to 65

v ' '5


years in risen and u to $2 .75 million in fines.

The BI, the Fe eral Bureau of Alcohol, Tobac—
co, and Firearms, and the Lexington-Metro Police
conducted the investigation.

mnrmm fraa strlkas can fsar, 71.6.,
- 115 am trials lattsr saast

WILMINGTON, N.C. — Hurricane Fran bar-
relcd ashore at Cape Fear on Thursday and tore
through the Carolinas with 115 mph winds, rip ing
apart trees and blowing rain sideways as thousan of
pea le scrambled for safety.

ran accelerated and veered slightl to the east
before the north wall of its 25-milc-wi e eye passed
over the ca just before 8 .m. and then churned up
the Cape ear River to Wi mington, about 45 miles
to the north.

“The wind has been screaming, blasting through
here. But right now it’s calm,” Grover Gore, 65, said
as the hurricane’s passed over him in Southport,
near the mouth of 3: river.

Gusts as hi h as 120 mph were reported as the
storm first hit and. Top winds dropped to 105 mph
hours later, but the brunt qf the storm continued to

tear up the coastal communities as Fran churned
north, pushing a storm surge of up to 12 feet over
beaches washed out by Hurrécane Birtha it:i July. d
“It is undin and poun in an poun ing,” sai
Mary “Lisbon, rigiing out the sf‘orm with her daugh-
ter in VVIImington, where their house narrowly
missed being hit by a sycamore tree.

“The top 35 feet snapped off and did a somersault
in the air over art of our house. It did a 180 in the
air,” said Ms. asson, whose house, like most in the
city, was without power. “It is just windy as the dick-

Fran was causin widespread dama across the
coastal counties 0 southeast North arolina, the
National Weather Service said, not to mention panic
among some of those who had ignored evacuation

mass! llama IIIIII' at alsaaaats laaal

NEW YORK— Fossil jaw fragments found in
Morocco have revealed a small tapir-like creature
that is the oldest known member of a major evolu—
tionary grouping that includes elephants.

more than 7 million years the fossil record of the cat-
egory, or order, of“proboscideans." Elephants are
the only livin members of this order, which includes
mammals wi a long flexible snout.


causal-s mats O'Ilaaasll ta last Oscars

NEW YORK —— Whoopi Goldberg has settled on
her choice as host for next year’s Academy Awards
show —— Rosie O’Donnell.

Now let the lobbying begin.

During an ap arance on O‘Donnell’s TV show
Thursday. Goldfirg, the host of this year’s Oscars,
declared: “There isn’t anybody else who can do it in
my opinion but Rosie." She urged the audience to
write the Academy to tell them so. O'Donnell was
flattered by Goldberg’s suggestion.

“It’s so nice of you to say,” she said. “You were so

i - 7.x

- - -
5an Greek G-P-Ns M081 011118 agalnst gambllng allIIICtS
Spring semester grade point averages of UK fraternities and sororities.
By Lindsay Hendrix take the rogram seriously, and not mean that even buying lottery never do it a ain,” he said, “but ‘;
mm) 2.674 FfflmmEditW likened t e problem of com ul— tickets is safe. very quickly they find themselves 3'
Fraternltles BO” 2 661 sive gambling to alcohol and rug Even though the casino boats gambling again because they 7
A211) 7 Stories on the dangers of com- addictions. Although 75 percent are becoming more popular in can’t help it.” ;"
AXA 3'015 2'658 pulsive gambling have become of the people that gamble do so the entertainment industry, College students who get “7‘,
ZAE 2.962 K}: 2.632 more and more prevalent in the only socially, Wexler said it is a Wexler said these are not the caught in the gambling trap often '7
xx 2325 KA 2.561 media. trap that those with certain char- major problem. But those who become so desperate they often 13;?
GK? 2 917 ATA 2 526 1] Last night, UK’s Athletic acteristics are more susceptible to end up with an addiction often use money from loans and lie to 3
' , ' Association t00l€ 3 step toward than others. While this may not start out with bets of $5 on a their families to get money to
F“ 2-905 Triangle 2091 what they hope is evention 0f be true of all individuals who game, Wexler said. gamble.
in 2.854 . SUCh 3 problem on campus. gamble compulsively, those with “(This seminar) is good for “I think gambling is an impor-
205 2 839 Sororities The seminar, Wthh was held a problem tend to be highly ener— eople that have a problem, tant issue that needs to be
' at Memorial Coliseum, W85 geu'c, competitive, athletic, overl because it can get out of hand,” addressed with college athletes,”
ATP 2816 AA" 3201 mandatory for all UK athletes optimistic, and people with high said Lee Baker, soccer player and said Mila Chitwood, member of
ATQ 2.815 AFA 3.185 [13¢ 3.071 unless they had a conflicting class. IQs. Gambling is the fastest undeclared freshman. “There’s a the nastics team and unde-
¢ZK 2 761 AF 3 171 KA 2 971 UKAA arran Cfl for Arnie growing industry in the United lot of eople that start with clare freshman.
“M 2 761 K A 0 3.134 KKF 2 922 Wexler, compu Slve gambling States today, Wexler said. “G'am- fnendly ts,” but then they don’t And according to the research.
‘ ' - ' expert and former compulswe bling is becoming more socrally know when to quit. Wexler she is right. Studies have shown
FlJl 2.759 AAA 3.132 {K 2-899 gambler, ‘0 speak to the CTOWd 0f acceptable every day,” Wexler explained the emotional roller more than 1 million college stu—
VXN ' 2 757 X9 3 115 A0" 2 897 athletes about his experiences in said. “It’s only going to get coaster that those addicted to dents gamble compulsively in the
' ‘ _ ' working with addicted gamblers worse.” gambling experience. United States, a problem espe-
‘DKT 2-718 AZ 3-115 A:A 2759 over the last 28 years. But he warned that although it “They feel remorseful after cially prevalent among student
RUSTYIMISEAUKmI 11f Wexler urged the CTOWd ‘0 has become common, this does gambling and promise they'll athletes
I .11





























. -——-au~m--._. . , 4W--. . . , ,....,. . . . . v w ,......w.~., ' _ . . ,_ 4‘. vswmm'mww...- ‘
2 Friday, September 6, I996, Kmrutky Kemez m
Newsroom: 2574915
-~ “rm/'0'” Advertising: 2574871 WIldcats to play
‘ Fax: 323-1906
' n E-Mail: kernel@pop.uky.edu .
http://www.uky.edu/KyKernel 1
Editor In Chief . . . Brenna Reilly . .
~ ' , ..... ' . . ' ' ' ‘ I . """""" 8 Jill Erwin mi htily against a much bigger
Chief COPY Editor """ ' ' ‘ """""""" Jeff Vinson .S‘tyafj'li’ritcr \Vgight State team in the first half A
News Editor ............................ Chris Pad _ett . and early in the second half, the 3
Assistant News Editor ..................... Kathy Re m L UK lLids {farevlv‘ell m thfe Cage sz came on m the last 30 mm- 5:
' ' .............. . ‘ l..iS wee ’em wit a pair 0 games U 65- .
Asnstant NEWS Editor . . ..... . Gary “Ill. against non-conference oppo- Nervousness possrbly played a
F88tlll'_8$ Editor . . . . . . . ..... . . ......... Lindsay {tenures "8mg. part m UK’s 510w first hal , as only
Editorial Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... thfany Gilmamn The Cats face Off against one ofthe Wildcats’ defenders had F0
Assistant Editorial Editor . . . . ............. Boyce Watkins Texas—Pan American today at 5 Started é" "loreéha" inebc9l'egizgi lb:
' ' p.m. and then go up against Mis— game. enior "3g 0 ““3:
limit-ts EdSICOI' ‘ Elli """"""""""""" CMiEfiSfii‘lléigt souri—Kansas City Sunday at 1 year 5 team MVP, had. CODBKLCT' El:
, 515mm; ports tor """""""""" x“ 0 61' 5 pm. UK hopes to move into its ably more game experience t an p.:
Arts Editor ................ e ............ RObCI‘t DUf new stadium on Alumni Drive by hiS teammates. S h ’ f - (ll
Assistant Arts Editor. ...................... Dan O’Nei l the me home game. Sept. 21 6331:";grggglghfbiggr;w'gjf33;;
’ ' ' 'a' t L 'lle. . . . ‘
KEG EdltOi' ............................ Jillle Anderson at. gapigurakdnesdayes loss to Transylvania Universrty, but Jed E8
DCSlgn Editor .......................... TraCle Pardon W ~ . Boswell and Scott Sersen were
. . . , . , right State, UK coach Ian b h . f h f . of
Assrstant DengnEditor ................. Shen Phaqlsa €16 Collins is hopeful about the vi}: (1:223:33 0" t e "5‘ “me 0“ U,
On-Line Editor ............................. Ben 65 Upcoming games. at ‘ ' . - v _ 14
. . “va coung for improvemems fig); gigggsggfxgggfgfggt u.
The Independent Newspaper at The Umversr of Kentuckr from everybody,” Collins said, «A, P l .- . ,, C u .d ,0 T‘
~ proc ucmg, 0 ms 521 . nce
FOlded m 1894 Indepen cut some 19 l the season goes along, QCOPIC start we settled down and stopped evl
, , _' .m tell, and we ,find the Flight chem- being tentative, over the last 30 U!
026 GrehanJournalism Bldg, Umversrty of Kentucky ”‘9' ”“3 we ’9 "g“kmg f‘” ,7 minutes. we total! dominated the ga:
' . , , - ame. eooe reteteam
Lexington, Kentucky 40506 0042 W“{fftfifgfgy,Oe‘figgjfg up gm h‘xeld lfok II“: a h I dk
Y m th KWk KB I ' fr e well against UT‘PA, but the Lgbring also got some well— gal
ourfi copy 0f .e 1716 15 € ' \Vildcats’ advance knowledge of deserved praise from his coach. Tl
Extra [0171854713 $1 064d" their opponents is minimal, “I thought Greg Lobring and co:
because this is the first game of the Brian Baltzell were exceptional,” , / sai
5835”" for the Broncs. Collins said. “They were the best . del
(:0 his a it- either team. Now we need other Filepbm
“l’m more interested in the way people to follow that lead,” BIB WEEKEND , - in
, e a 1 a - . . The UK men s soccer team look: to rebound from an opening-
‘ ‘ ‘ . ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ l l ‘ we react and the things that we Sunda ’5 o ()nenl:y MISSOUFI- . , _ ‘
[‘ALL Shhlhhr] [ER 5 [I DENT HILA [1TH FILE do,” he said. “If we do the correct KC, is “a; UKpin many respects. game 105; to Wright State With two home game: tht: weekend. . :1;
things, attempt to make good tac— Both have made tremendous UM'KC '5 "Yul? ‘0 get “5 “They’re a very well-organized loc
- tical decisions, and play well, we’ll strides over the ast two or three namepn tire rpap ar}:l in the ranlé- teadmhthey’ll be highlylinotivatfid, we
be okay.” yearS, and bot have youthful ”185. f) 0 t at, t 6 team nee s an t ey’re coming in ere wit a
DEA DLINF__SEPT 11 1996 The second half of VVednes- teams this year. Missouri-KC, some big road WIHS- Beating UK no°lose attitude,” Collins said. H,
J . ’ day's loss offered some reasons to however, has an agenda for its visit at the Cage WOUld certainly help Admission is free for UK stu-
All UK students on the Lexington campus, including LCC students, are he Optimism" After Struggling ‘0 Lexmgmh- the” C356. dents With a vahd UK ID-
e'igible [ousethe univerSityHealthservicefortheirhealthcare'A” full' .0....
time students pay mandatory fees which entitle them to use Student I _
. -' tt th h lthf Ad rt
l $13121.» hiiieil'giesv‘i'c‘iei'fa'igfilfsee‘h‘i2eiisya. in iiditioigieilil. V9 ISB "I Bucci continues to lead '1 exam '8
students who are not registered in classes but are actively engaged in the Kernel
l programs leading to a degree are eligible to use the Health Service. I . _ his team captain as the seam“ gm
l and p?)f thehheaijth fee. Thpseh students mars! obtain v‘pnficcati‘ppisgfrttlziggI my sze_yedr Capt-dz” sets [7 67‘ goals under way. By ‘
-, status rom t err epartmen c airperson, can or aca em: a , \(I _ e , . y , “We’re gonna put up a mile— 5W
l semester. Forms are available at the Graduate School Office and at the By DaVId Gorman they did Sunday, beating .\orth ‘ f Kj B _ . ~h ,_ b.
l Health Service. Contributing WNW Carolina—Greensboro 2-1 in the stone or m “f“; 5 c s “in
1 season—opener. here the longest. She 5 been here _ l
' DEADLINE FOR PART-TIME STUDENTS Entering her fifth and final sea- Bucci is especially hungry. to 21%;:lfrfigg-Sylerrfiit':arnLclglpfaihldl {3}:
l individuals who elect to prepay the health fee ($85.75) must do so by son here at Uk, the five-year 3CC<)mpl}llshftheseh goals after doing don’t expect anything less fm‘m 5qu
l Wednesday, September 11, 1996. (Lexington Campus students should WO‘“?“,5 SOC“? team CQPm'h him i)" ‘m“‘ h (”fit .chProgffih‘ 31K her.” 105,
‘ pay the health fee at Student Billings, Funkhouser Bldg. LCC students Buccisls lOOlfmg forward ‘0 3 “$311595 e '5 hi“? lhgo er While Bucci has accomplished kicl
should pay at the University Health Service cashier's office. University Pr‘filsmg WW)“- h 50“” career tsfiefiejzfin-the team much during her career, one Par‘ .
Health Service is located in the Kentucky Clinic—hours are 8:00 all 25 .. 1 35‘ 5635"“, t e . . ticular achievement stands out in fen
4.30 M d h h F ‘d team won the South— GAME. are taking it one game _ _
a.m. .. p.m., on ayt roug n ay.) eastern Conference mfg at a time, but the heimlhd; yap
tournament and Bucci V rematch with Vander— W'nmng the SEC was huge. reu
was named to the All- The Ungmm’5 bilt near the end of the “re set thaagoal a long Elm‘e ago, ‘ ._
SEC team. soccer team play: season isn’t exactly on It felt great. she said. It 5 time (0 a}
Bucci has done it all Lawm'ue the back burner. repeat that 5 our next goal, 6
for the Cats, winning tomorrow at] “Definitely we have repeat and have that feeling all 9““
UK Most Valuable p.m. at Cage a personal vendetta over again.” ”‘5";
Player in 1992, being Field. against Vandy," Bucci Hater in I
named to the SEC said: “But right now ' ~ . . ro‘t,
VVomen’s Soccer Aca- Florida 15 ranked hlfgh- VUK and archrlval L0u15v1lle is d
I demic Honor Roll in 1994 and er than 115, and they’re our "5‘ Will tangle tomorrow at I p.m. at an r
WI th 0 “t 'B M 1995, as well as pla 'ng the role of SEC match, so we have to look to Cage Field. U 0 f1. returns 18 let- [We
- team motivator ant mentor. them before we look to Vandy.” terwinners from last year’s team. .1
.- w . Freshman teammate Jennifer Bucci has had her ups and The Cards lost to Ohio State 3- wel.
' VI. 0 I“ u to r s McMaster said Bucci is a role downs at UK. After winning MVP 0 last Sunday in Columbus, Ohio. “312
J . ' 4 model for the team and nightmare her freshman season, the former VUK has never . lost to ‘ .
for opponents. all-stater and Indiana Soccer All— Louisville in the previous four 531d
‘ “a " lead “Kim is a very strong leader, I Star game participant tore her meetings between the rivals. . The
., J look up to her,” McMaster said. anterior cruciate ligament the fol- The Cats shut out the Cardi- 3V0|
' “On the field she is an intimidator, lowing year. Even though she was nals 4—0 last season in Loursvrlle. V
t" IS‘I 0 she tackles and wins every fifty— redshirted because of her injury, VTwo freshmen started their fere
- h J - fifty ball, opponents fear her.” she remained team captain first game ever in a UK uniform. gam
Bucci and the team are using throughout the year. Jennifer McMaster and Allison '1
H 0 u 30 last year’s first round NCAA tour- Ever the fighter, Bucci came Pepper were_among the starters
. nament loss to Vanderbilt as moti- hack strong from the injury. She for Warren Lipka’s squad. _ ' ° '
4‘ I ”“0" h““ th15§€350h- She has tWO has started every game since her VWith one more goal, Kim
, _ " > '9 goals in mind for this 56350“: win knee injury. LaBelle will become the all—time
V? d n | n I the SEC diVlSth and "“vae on It seems like there’s nothing leading goal scorer in school
“ , . " last 56350113 NCAA perfomiance. this women hasn’t done or accom- history.
s ' " . These goals are Within TCQCh If plished for UK. She is currently tied with Karin By J;
, the team continues to play the way Coach Lipka has high hopes for Schneider at the top with 24 gods. 3,4]
clean-up with V ‘ r l A
0“ i r 9““ 7% d av
_ , .,,, r
a' uIIInACKAcL spice
0 ins UllBSl ' Sl
, F v r com
59. TWA“: lilies. ‘ Gigi.
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UK loo/em

bounce [me

By Chris Easterling
1 Sports Editor


The UK football team will try
to put last Saturday’s disappoint-
in performance against Louisville
be ind it tomorrow when it ven-
tures into Nippert
Stadium for a 3:30
p.m. kickoff with

Like the Wild-
cats, the Bearcats
(0-1) are coming
off a tough loss.
UC dropped a 34-
14 home decision
last Friday to
Tulane in the first-
ever Conference-





USA football

“Everythin we
did in that ball-
game (against
Tulane),” UC
coach Rick Minter -

/ said, “offense, Hiles

defense, special teams, coaching. If
we did it, it was screwed up.”
Despite the 3 l/Z-point spread
in favor of the Bearcats, Cincin-
nati wide receiver Robert Tate
said UC is not in a position to be
looking past UK toward next
week’s game at Kansas State.


l Best Copy Available 1 ....._..............-.

Wildcats to lace Cincinnati

“This is a (Southeastern Con—
ference) school we’re playing,”
Tate said, “so we can't take
nobody for granted.”

“I think Kentucky’s a better
team than Tulane, even though
Tulane laid it on the line a ainst
us,” he said. “Kentucky’s a better
team just from what I’ve seen on

Minter thinks tomorrow’s
game will be competitive, with the
team that makes fewer mistakes
coming out on top.

“We’re going to be like two big

‘ rams coming at one another,” he

said, “and the team that can get off
the mat, make the best corrections
and rally around one another will
come out with the victory.”

UK Coach Bill Curry said that
he doesn’t expect to see the same
Bearcat team that showed up last
Friday a ainst Tulane.

“I believe that what we saw in
(UC) will not be repeated against
us,” he said. “They were not as
bad as they appeared. We’re look-
ing forward to going up against

What the game may come
down to is defense, an area in
which both teams hope to see
improvement from their perfor-
mances last week.

But Minter said that UK’s
defense looked good against
Louisville, despite the score.

“Both clubs are in similar posi-
tions,” Minter said, “only that
(UK) played much better defense

than we did. (UK-U of L) was a
classic game of two defenses’
struggles, where Louisville's
defense and special teams made
big plays. Other than that, (that
game) was pretty much a draw."

UK only allowed U ofL to gain
260 yards, ()7 yards in the last
touchdown drive for the Cards.

UK cornerback Van Hiles said
that the team is putting the
Louisville loss behind them and
looking ahead to Cincinnati and
the rest of the season.

“We can’t dwell on (the
Louisville loss)," Hiles said,
“because we have 10 more games
to play.”

Strong safety Leman Boyd said
that the Cats will get the whole
package together in time for
tomorrow’s game.

“We’ll start winning,” he said.
“The offense and special teams
will put it together."

The Bearcats surrendered 408
yards of offense to Tulane, 322
yards ofit in the first halfalone.

The outing spoiled the debut of
Rex Ryan as the new defensive
coordinator at Cincinnati.

Ryan will bring a blitzing “46"
style defense into the game tomor-
row. It is a style much like the
defense of his father, Buddy, wl'io



Kmmtky Kernel, I-i'nluv, S‘rplrmlw‘ 6, l 99!. 3



orchestrated possibly the best
defense in NFL history for the
Chicago Bears 1985 championship




tilt at Cincinnati

VKICKOFF: Tomorrow, 3:30 p.m. at Nippert Stadium (capacity 35.800),




13011188 calling IOIIIDI‘I‘DW

By Chris Easterling
Sprint Editor

CINCINNATI — The University of Cincinnati
football team will be a banged—up crew when it faces
UK tomorrow at Nippert Stadium. Seven players
suffered significant injuries in the Bearcats’ 34-14

with sprained knees), Scott
Bryant (torn anterior cruciate
ligament and medial collateral
legimate), Dejuan (iossett (torn
ACL), Matt Knutson (ankle frac—
ture), and Kevin Ward (broken

VRECORDS: UK 0-1; UC 0-1.

VSERIES: UK leads the overall series 22-8-3. UK leads 9-7 in games played in
Cincinnati; in Lexington, UK leads 13-1-3.

VLAST MEETING: UK won 33-14 last year in Lexington.

VLAST WEEK: UK loss to Louisville 38-14; UC loss to Tulane 34-14.

VAP RANKINGS: Neither team is ranked.

VRADIO: WVLK (590 AM and 92.9 FM) with Ralph Hacker (play-by-play), Jeff
Van Note (color) and Dick Gabriel (sideline reporter); WLW (700 AM) with Dan
Hoard (play-by-play) and Jim Kelly (color).



loss to Tulane, including preseason All-American

kick returner Robert Tate.

Tate, who led the nation in kick
return average last season at 34.3
yards, suffered a sprained neck while
receiving a kickoff.

“I took a shot on kickoff,” Tate
said prior to UC’s practice on
\Vednesday. “The boy hit me head-
on—head, no shoulder pads, no noth—
in .”

“I felt something but I kept play-
ing,” he said. “Then all ofa sudden, I
got hit on it again. A guy held me up
and another y came in and hit me.
I was a little (Talked for a while.”

Tate said that the injury is healing
well, and he is listed as probable for
tomorrow’s game.

“(The neck’s) a little stiff,” Tate Tate

said. “I’ve been practicing through it.

The coaches made me wear a red jersey, so I’ve been

avoiding a lot of contact in practice.”

While Tate might be able to play, six others suf—
fered injuries that will sideline them for Saturday’s


They are DeJuan Marshall and Eric Beal (both


' rs.

hypesurrounding it.

it felt vastly superior to?
“(The players)

Stop reading the clipping:
Cincinnati coach Rick Minter
said part of his team’s problem
headin into last Friday’s game
have been caused by the
layers getting caught up in the

UC had been picked by many
publications to win the inaugural
Conference—USA championship,
even ahead of such teams like
Louisville, which blasted UK last
week, and Southern Mississippi,
who edged Georgia in Athens.

Tulane, on the other hand,
was picked to finish dead last in
C-USA by those same publica-
tions. So was the loss just a mat-
ter of Cincinnati being a little to
smug about itself against a team

been,” Minter said. “Our kids
are only human like everybody else, and we’ve never
had been given any acclaim whatsoever. So I can‘t say
it didn’t happen. We don’t plan for it that way.


1 in two-plus seasons)

Curry (10 tackles).


VTELEVlSlON: WKYT (Channel 27)- live with Don Russell and Anthony
VCOACHES: UK- Bill Curry (22-46 in six-plus seasons); UC- Rick Minter (8-14-

VKEY PLAYERS: UK- offense- junior QB Billy Jack Haskins (S-oHZ for 45
yards, one interception), freshman QB Tim Couch (8-for-20 for 101 yards and
one TD); defense- senior CB-FS Van Hiles (nine tackles and one interception),
sophomore CB Tony Woods (eight tackles, one forced fumble). UC- offense-
senior WR Robert Tate (three catches for 65 yards and three kick returns for 43
yards), sophomore 08 Chad Plummer (21-ol-34 for 261 yards with two intercep-
tions); defense- sophomore LB Hassan Champion (11 tackles), junior LB Phillip

VNOTES: UK has not won in the Queen City since 1986. Of course, the two
teams have only played in Cincinnati once since then. a 17-13 UK loss in 1992
UC‘s preseason All-American kick returner Robert Tate is probable for
tomorrow’s game despite a sprained neck he suffered in the season opener
against Tulane UC will try to break the consecutive-game attendance
record, set in 1987 when 49,094 showed up to watch games against Rutgers
and Miami (Ohio). A crowd of 26,493 watched the Tulane game last Friday,
meaning only 22,602 have to pass through the turnstiles for the UK game.
VNEXT WEEK: UK has an open date; Cincinnati visits Kansas State.



“What’s fortunate about this sport is th