xt75mk65728m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75mk65728m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1987-09-25 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 25, 1987 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 25, 1987 1987 1987-09-25 2020 true xt75mk65728m section xt75mk65728m  





For a review of the Beat Farmers’
tumbleweed concert, SEE PAGE 3.





UK wants no ties this year
against Rutgers. SEE PAGE 4.





Today: Sunny
Tomorrow: Sunny & pleasant



Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XCl, No. 30

Established 1894

University of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky

independent since 1 971



Fountain friends

a.“ W“

Jan Copher. a senior in Russian area studies. and Tina Smith. a sophomore in nursmg, enjoy the cool air in Triangle Park Wednesday night

i ‘9".





Weekend festival to honor state’s Vietnam vets

Staff Writer

Jim Mullen is a Vietnam veteran
who wants to be recognized for his
service to his country.

Mullen. president of the Lexington
chapter of Vietnam Veterans of
America. has spent the past month
organizing a recognition weekend
and benefit concert for Kentucky‘s
Vietnam veterans.

“The Commonwealth of Kentucky
has never done anything to recog-
nize its Vietnam veterans." Mullen

Four weeks ago. Mullen decided
that recognition of Kentucky‘s
117.000 vets was long overdue. So
this weekend at Masterson Station
Park. after a hectic month of spon-
taneous planning. Kentucky's vets
will be honored for their service to
their country.

The events include musical enter-
tainment. comedy. guest speakers
and nonalcoholic refreshments. The
recognition weekend starts at 3 pm.
on Saturday with former Kentucky
Gov. A.B. “Happy“ Chandler sing—


“They gave me a 48-hour period of time to
come up with a $10 million policy, knowing full
well that I could not find an insurance company
that would write a $10 million policy.”

Jim Mullen,
event coordinator

ing “My Old Ketucky Home." Satur-
day‘s last band will play at 10 pm.

On Sunday the events will kick off
at 9am. and continue until 11 pm.

Among the scheduled performers
are the Greg Austin Band. Doug
Breeding and the Bunch, the Tren»
dells and Quadra. Comedy on Broad-
way has lined up the comedians for
the weekend. Among the guest
speakers will be Marian Shelton.
wife of Charles Shelton, the only of-
ficially listed American prisoner of

Shelton is originally from
()wensboro but now resides in Cali-
fornia. Her husband. who went to
high school in ()wensboro with UK

Speaker says America
in spiritual awakening

By cums sx APP
Contributing Writer

The Rev. Bruce Nieli. the first
speaker in the Newman Center‘s
1987-88 Distinguished Speaker Pro-
gram. said Tuesday night that
America is “on the eve of a new spi-
ritual awakening."

He focused his lecture on two
trends evident from data collected
by polling expert George Gallup.

Nieli said Americans have devel-
oped "a renewed search for depth in
our spiritual lives and an interest in
deeper personal relationships.“

Americans are a people struggling
for a sense of belonging. and the
church can fulfill that need, he said.

The “new awakening" will pull us
together as a people. Nieli said.

People are realizing the need to
seek guidance from a spiritual con-
tact. In addition. everyone has a
mystical need for unity in their lives
and many people will turn to the
church because it can provide both.
Nieli said.

However. a member of the audi-
ence said the importance of the indi-
vidual in the Church isn‘t recog-

“The Catholic church under-
emphasizes the role of individuals in
spirituality.“ said Jim Ford. a mem-
ber of the audience. “It is true that
a person can find strength and hope
within the church. but complete hap—
piness is impossible without having
knowledge of one‘s self. and I think
the church does not stress that indi-
vidual happiness enough. “

According to Nieli. religion affects


“Catholicism is
beautiful because we
accept everybody. You
name it, we got it. We
have Lech Walesa and
Boy George. We have
Mother Teresa of
Calcutta and we have

Madonna. ”
The Rev. Bruce Nieli

everything — our vocabulary. our
way of thinking. even the American

“All of the movements for social
betterment were born because of the
mystical. the spiritual. the religious

Nieli said that the first person to
predict America in the 150th was an-
other saint. “St. Thomas Moore
wrote about it in a book called
Utopia. He said in that book that
such a land of liberty and justice for
all. with a six~hour working day. of
freedom to think and reflect would
be found indeed in the newly discov-
ered lands of the new world."

Nieli said he felt Catholics were no
better or no worse than any other
religion. but “Catholicism is beauti~
ful because we accept everybody.
You name it. we got it. We have
Lech Walesa and Boy George. We

Athletic Director (‘liff Hagan. was
shot down in Vietnam and has been
held prisonor for 22 years.

US. officials have informed Shel-
ton that her husband is alive in
Laos. She said that people have seen
pictures of her husband in captivity
with his head bandaged. She also
said that there is documented proof
of other prisoners in Vietnam.

Shelton has traveled all over the
country trying to generate public
awareness of the situation in Viet-

“We should educate the American
public.“ Shelton said. "We got them
home that way before. and we can
do it again."


have Mother Teresa of Calcutta and
we have Madonna . "

During the question and answer
session after the speech. Nieli re-
sponded to a question about women
and the priesthood.

"Catholic priests are indeed a
dwindling breed. 1 can't really say
what direction the church will take
(regarding women in the pries-
thood). only to say that I believe
God will provide us with an an-
swer.“ Nieli said.

Asked to interpret his present po-
sition as director of the Office of
Evangelization. Diocese of Austin.
Nieli said. “We help people fall in
love with Christ, that‘s what the
term evangelization means."

Nieli was ordained a Catholic
priest in the Paulist Fathers Com-
munity in New York City in ltfls. He
holds a Masters Degree in Pastoral
Counseling from lona (‘ollege in
New Rochelle. NY

She plans to speak to the crowd on
the importance of prayer and to ex-
plain that Americans should inform
their congrsssmen that the POW.
issue should take precedence over
all others in the next election.

The recognition weekend almost
didn‘t come about.

The biggest obstacle was when the
risk management division of the
parks and recreation department in-
formed him Sept. 23 that he had to
come up with a $10 million insur-
ance policy by Sept. 25.

"They gave me a 48-hour period of
time to come up with a $10 million
policy. knowing full well that I could
not find an insurance company that
would write a $10 million policy."
Mullen said. “Knowing full well that
if I was lucky enough to find a com-
pany that would do it. they would
not do it in a 48-hour period of time.

“And also knowing full well that if
I was lucky enough to accomplish
the first two tasks. that there was no
way I could come up with 3150.000 in
48 hours to pay for the premium."
he said.

James Seymour. the risk analyst

for the risk management division.
said that the figures were based on
the number of people they are ex-
peeling at the event.

“If you evaluate the risk exposure
on 100.000 people. it's substantial."
Seymour said.

After Mullen went to the Lexing-
ton Herald-Leader with his plea for
fairness. Lexington Mayor Scotty
Baesler decreased the required in-
surance policy to $5 million

Although Mullen said that a $5
million policy is still extremely high.
he finally found a company to sup-
port them.

Proceeds from the event will go
toward a half-way house for lasting-
ton vets. an emergency food bank. a
statewide education program. and
funding for the State Vietnam Vctcr-
an‘s Memorial in Frankfort.

Masterson Station Park is located
on Leestown Road near the Federal
Correctional Institute

Tickets are $5 and are available at
all Ticket Master outlets or at the
gate on Saturday ()nc ticket is good
for both days.

Friday. September 25. 1987

Report sets
goals for

Associated Press

FRANKFURT Legislative goals
for boosting wononiic dcvclopmcnt
in Kentucky should include more
money for education and tourism
promotion. sonic highway inr
provements and a coordinator for
the state‘s various marketing pro»
grams. according to a report rt-
leased Wednesda y

The General Assembly also should
play more of a role. with creation of
standing committees on commerce
and economic development in both
chambers. said the report by a guy
bernatorial commission

The report by the Kentucky l-Zco
nomic Development Planning t‘onr
mission was presented to (iov Mar
tha Layne (‘ollins by its chairman.
Lexington Mayor Scott) Baesler

The report calls for spending at
least $6 million per year on tour ism
promotion. either from general
funds or by creation of a tax that
would be passed along to consumers
by businesses that cater to tourists

Baesler said the difficulty of such
a tax is determining who should pay
it He mentioned restaurants. hotels
and motels and car rental agencies
as possibilities

The proceeds would have to be
carinarked tor tourism. Baeslcr
said "()therwisc. we'rc just giving
them another sales tax." i’lt' said

The commission. knowing budgets
are tight. thought it important to
have n i‘ccommcndation for the leg
islaturc instead of simply asking for
money. Baeslcr said

“I'm not so naive as to think this
is an easy thing lt's not an t'tlS)
thing And I'm not so naive as to
think it's not a tax. because it is."

The report also calls for “lull sup
port and funding” of the education
initiatives passed by the (icncral As
scmbly in 1985 and 1986, some of
which are said to be in jeopardy be
cause of state budget shortages

The report also calls for thc govcr
nor‘s office to coordinate state mar
kcting efforts. particularly between
the (‘ommerce (‘abinct and llcpart
mcnt of Agriculture

“There's about it) to 13 dittercnt
parts of government that market
Kentucky." Baesler said. "There
should be somebody that's got their
fingers on all tmarketing pro-
gramst “

Coach stresses the positive in talk

Staff Writer

UK assistant basketball coach
Dwayne Casey yesterday described
how basketball prepares players for
life afterward.

Casey was the featured speaker in
a noncredit class offered by the Do-
nonvan program and sponsored by
the Council on Aging.

“UK basketball players are the
most influential young people in the
state." Casey said. "They‘re posi-
tive role models for kids (in Ken-

UK‘s basketball curriculum
stresses many positive conditions.
he said. For example. in the area of
academics. the players must clock
in for two hours of study hall.

“Our graduation rate is 89.5 per-


Associated Press

FRANKFORT — A ranking legis-
lative committee chairman said yes-
terday that Blue Cross & Blue Shield
of Kentucky deliberately bid too low
in order to get its most recent group
contract with the state and had
banked on being able to renegotiate.

Sen. Mike Moloney said the com
pany's strategy was rooted in “dis-
honesty“ and that recortb of a Blue
Cross I: Blue Shield board meeting

Moloney. D—Lexington. made the
statement during a meeting of the
interim joint Appropriations and
Revenue Committee. which he co
chairs. The committee subpoenaed

cent. one of the highest in the coun-
try." Casey said. "It takes the aver-
age college student 4.7 years to
graduate. That‘s why we encourage
our players to attend summer

“If it (academicst is a problem. it
starts in elementary schools and jus
nior high schools. But we always get

Casey said NCAA Prop0sition 48
requires basketball players to score
15 on the ACT and to take the it
core classes in high school. Because
some players don't score well on
standardized tests. UK has another
option to allow a player to sign with
the team and not play for a year.

“Reggie Hanson. who made a 14
on the ACT. made better grades
than Rex (Chapman) and Derrick
tMillert."Casey said,

Blue Cross

Blue Cross & Blue Shield President
G. Douglas Sutherland and spent
more than two hours grilling him in
a confrontational session.

At issue was Blue Cross at Blue
Shield's decision to cancel its con-
tract for coverage to 67.000 employ-
ees of state government and local
school boards under its “Key Care“

The company has said delinquent
premium payments. averaging 31.7
million per month. forced it to
cancel the contract to protect its
cash reserves in the interest of its
other policyholders.

It was previously reported that an
actuarial study commissioned by the
Department of insurance showed
Blue Cross & Blue Shield would have

Another condition is a drug-tree
environment. Casey said.

UK randomly tests the players for
drugs and alcohol. It a player tests
positive. he receives profcsstonal
counseling to overcome the problem
and his parents are notitied If a
player tests positive a second time.
he is suspended from the team

"So far at l'K we haven‘t had a
problem." he said.

The Donovan Forums meet twice
a week to hear speakers

(‘asey was a substitute speaker
yesterday. said Roberta James. as-
sistant director.

“Coach Eddie Sutton was the orig
inal speaker but he couldn't make it
because he is out of town recruit
ing.".lames said.


lost more than $40 million over the
life of the contract. which would
have entered its second and final
yearon Nov 1

Sutherland said the company had
been trying since July to renegotiate
rates and benefits for the second
year. but state Personnel (‘ommis
sioner Thomas (ireenwell refused

Under the contract's proviSion al-
lowing renegotiation by mutual con-
sent. it was “very clear to me that
we could sit down and talk about it."
Sutherland said. From July I
through early September. “I was as
suming all the way I was in a mu-
tual consent discussion," he said.
“Abruptly that ended."

Greenwell said he had disagreed

See SENATOR. Page 6


 2 — KENTUCKY KERNEL. Friday. 809mm 25, 19.7


North side being discriminated against

My freshman year I lived on the
south side of campus. People there
were fairly friendly and the general
atmosphere was OK, but I quickly
learned that north campis was the
place to be. Facilities were not nec-
essarily equal to those on the south
side. but they were comparable.
More importantly, it was a more
closely knit community on the north

Last year l was fortunate and got
into Keeneland Hall which is lo—
cated on the north side of campus. I!
was still a close community and still
had its facilities. However, late in
the fall semester things began to

This year we were really hit b\ a
bomb (several. in fact: when we re-




turned to campus. More parking me—
ters had mysteriously appeared on
South Limestone Street. Our tennis
courts are completely gone. Our
good cafeteria is gone and we‘re left
with a greedy. purely profitoriented
excuse for a cafeteria in its place.

()K, enough gripes. Let‘s stop and
count our blessings, north campus.

1. We have the Memorial coliseum
pool, which is open at a time when
many students are still in class. By

the way. south campus is getting a
new pool. Howodd!

2. We have one student parking
lot. much of which is occupied by

3. We have a larger impound lot
instead of tennis courts. We‘re all
grateful for a place to store our cars
because we didn‘t want to carry our
weekend luggage all the way across
campis. Didn't south campus get a
new tennis facility just last year?

4. We have dusty Alumni gym in a
state of ill-kept disrepair.

5. We have a so-called conve-
nience store with prices that are so
high it’s cheaper to drive to Krog-
ers. Unfortunately many students
don’t have access to a car.

6. We have an expensive cafeteria.

by Berke Breathed

7. We have higher tuition pay-
ments and fewer reasons to pay it.

8. Oh, yes, north campus, let's not
forget the wonderful opportunity we
have to keep in shape as we walk
south to Donovan Hall to feed our
growing stomachs.

It‘s time this University got out of
its present “to hell with students“
attitude. Maybe UK should spend
more time listening to its students
and less time making up weak ex-
cuses. We pay an awful lot of money
for the little we get.

And UK wants to raise tuition
again? HA!

Pam Leonard is a communica-
tions and Russian junior.



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Jay Blanton

Dan Haasart Executive Editor

Editor in Chief
Thomas J. Sullivan

Editorial Editor



The Soapbox

The UK Alcohol Policy Committee hasn't released its policy recom-
mendation yet, but when they do. members of the Greek community

The argument was made by members of the greek community
many times on the Viewpoint page last year that fraternities should be
allowed to serve alcohol at parties in their homes.

However, UK owns the property most of the fraternities houses are
located on. Whether UK has the right to say “no alcohol" is still in

And if the alcohol policy committee were to allow alcohol in the
frats, is it fair to the students in the residence halls?

This is your opportunity to reply.

Submissions to “The Soapbox” will be printed on the Thursday fol-
lowing the introduction of a topic the week before. This is your oppor~
tunity to vent your frustrations or your congratulations.

People submitting material should address their comments to “The
Soapbox," Kentucky Kernel, 035 Journalism Building, Lexington, Ky.
40506-0042. This can either be done by mail or dropped off at the office.



I WH I COMP/1496 “
, W5Tat€ ME came \

by Berke Breathed

MOM ./



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UK history/honors professor
David Olster recently re-
ceived a $10,000 grant “to
study the effects of revolt on
a relatively stable political sys-
tem and how illegitimate rulers
legitimize themselves and how
history will lie to prove it's all
true." The specific area of
study will be the Byzantine
culture of the late 6th century.


PHOTO WV N m "0"

Jerry Garcia. Brent Mydland
and Bill Kreutzmann of the
Grateful Dead helped produce
a sound that David Olster
deems militant and anti-social.

Current Favorite Album:
"Live Dead" by the Grateful
Dead. “It is both militant in its
stridency and anti-social in its








Austin City Saloon — 2350 Woodhill Shopping Center. The Greg Austin Band
(country and western) will play tonight and tomorrow night from 9 pm. to 1 em.
$3 cover both nights.

The Bearded Seale — 500 Euclid Ave. Quadra (rock) will play tonight and to-
morrow night from 9 pm. to 1 em. 82 cover both nights.

The Bottom Line -— 361 W. Short St. Government Cheese (rock) will be playing
tonight and tomorrow night from 10 pm. to 1 am. $3 per person. $5 per cou-

The Brass A Saloon -— 2909 Richmond Road. Mercedes (top 40/funk) will be
playing tonight and tomorrow night from 9 pm. to 1 am. $3 cover both nights.
Breedings -- 509 W. Main St. Henry Lee Summer (rock) will play tonight from
9 pm. to 1 am. $5 cover. The Metropolitan Blues All Stars (blues) is playing
tomorrow from 9 pm. tot a.m. $3 cover.

The Brewery — 509 W. Main St. (above Breedings) Larry Redmon (country) is
playing tonight and tomorrow from 9 pm. to 1 ram. No cover.

Cheapside Ber — 131 Cheapdde. The Bruce Lewis Trio (jazz) is playing tonight
from 9 pm. to 1 am. Tomorrow the Scott Henderson Trio (jazz) will play from 9
pm. to 1 am. No cover either night.

Kings Arms Pub —- 102 W. High St. Mystery Train (rock and blues) will play
tonight from 9 pm. to 1 am. Peace Dawgs (rock) are playing tomorrow from 9
pm. to 1 am. $2 cover both nights.

Main Streets — 269 W. Main St. Low Rent Blues (blues) is playing tonight and
tomorrow from 10 pm. to 1 am. 51 cover.

Spirits — Radisson Plaza in Woe Center. The Trendells (rhythm and blues cov-
ers) will be playing tonight and tomorrow from 10 pm. to 1 am. $2 cover.

Two Keys Tavern — 333 S. Limestone St. Bad Guys (top forty) are playing
tonight and tomorrow from 9 pm. to 1 am. $2 cover.




Barbarians — PREMIERE. Rated R. (Crossroads: 2:05. 3:55. 5:40. 7:45.
9:40 and tonight and tomorrow only at 11:25. Also showing at North Park:
1 :50. 3:50. 5:45. 7:45. 9:50and tonight and tomorrow only 1 1 :45.)

Beverly Hills Cop II - (North Park: 2:15. 4:25. 7:40. 9:55 and tonight and
tomorrow only at midnight.)

The Big Easy — Rated R. (Fayette Mall: 2:30. 4:30. 7:45. 9:50 and tonight
and tomorrow only at 1 1 :50.)

Big Town — PREMIERE. Rated R. (South Park: 2:30. 4:45. 7:45. 9:50 and
tonight and tomorrow only at 1 1 :55.)

Dirty Dancing - Rated PG-13. (Fayette Mall: 2:15. 4:10. 7:50, 9:45 and to-
night and tomorrow only at 11:35. Also showing at North Park: 1:45. 3:45.
5:50, 8. 9:55andtonightandtomorrow only at 1 1 :50.)

Disorderlles - Rated PG. (North Park: 2, 3:55. 5:50, 7:50. 9:50 and tonight
and tomorrow only at 1 1 :40.)

Fatal Attraction — Rated R. (South Park: 2. 4:20. 7:30. 9:55 and tonight and

Hamburger Hill — Rated R. (North Park: 2:25. 4:35. 7:50, 10 and tonight and
tomorrow only at midnight.)

Living Daylighta -- Rated PG. (South Park: 2:15. 4:40. 7:25. 9:45 and tonight
and tomorrow only at 12:10.)

Lost Boys - Rated R. (South Park: 2, 3:50. 5:35, 7:40. 9:30 and tonight and
tomorrow only at 11:20. Also showing at North Park: 2. 3:55, 5:50. 7:50.
9:50andtonightmdtomorrowoniyat 11:55.)

No Way Out -— Rated R. (Lexington Mail: 1. 3:15. 5:30. 7:45. 10 and tonight
and tomorrow only at midnight. Also showing at Turfland Mall: 2. 4:15. 7:35
md 9:55.)

Offspring —- Rated R. (North Park: 1:50. 3:50, 5:50, 7:45. 9:50 and tonight
md tomorrow only at 11:45. Also showing at Crossroads: 1:50. 3:50. 5:45.
7:55. 9:55mdtonightmdtomorrawonlyat11:45.)

The Piotr-Up Artist - Rated PG-13. (South Park: 2:10. 3:45. 5:20. 8. 9:35
aid tonight aid tomorrow only at 11:15. Also showing at North Pair: 1:50.
3:40. 5:30. 8. 9:45mdtonimtmdtomorrowoniyat 11:35.)

The Principal — Rated R. (North Putt: 2:30. 4:40. 7:45, 10 and tonight aid
tomorrow only at midnidit. Also showing at South Park: 2:20, 4:50. 7:55. 10
mdtonightmdtomorrowoniyatmid'iid'it.) '

A Room With a View -— Med R. (Fayette Md: 2. 4:20. 7:40. 9:56 and to-

Snow White and the Seven Ms - Rated G. (Tuflend Mat: 2. 3:45. 5:30.
7:30and 9:15.)

Steinem — Rated R. (Lexington Md: 2, 4:15. 7:35. 9:55 and tonight and

The Untouchables — Rated R. (North Pair: 2:15, 4:45. 7:40. 10 md tonight


The Kentucky Theater — 04 cm 0700. R006. Rated PG. 7:30 tonight;
5:30 Sam; 1. 7:30 w. m. 9230 W. 3:30 tomorrow. 5:30
rated. 1:30 tomorrow. The Lion in W. Rated PG. 7:15 tomorrow. 3 Sun-
Morteeonleh—Dragnet,~edPG-13. 7250-16 9:50 mam; 1:45. 3:45.
5:45. rimmezsommmm.ammmmm.m
WM-mMMW.WPG-ta. storm-rid






KENTUCKY KERNEL. Friday. September 25. 1087 — 3

Sparse crowd doesn’t hamper

tumbleweed rock

By nos SENG
Staff Critic

The Beat Farmers rocked and
rolled like tumbleweed into the
Student Center Grand Ballroom last
night with a rollicking musical
harvest witnessed by a sparse

The concert began in foot-
stomping fashion with “Ridin ‘." a
tune off their new album, The
Pursuit of Happiness. Guitarist Joey
Harris referred to the bison on the
album cover as Country Dick
Montana (the imposing figure
behind the drum kit) in a buffalo
outfit. Guitarists Harris and Jerry
Raney waged a guitar skirmish
during “Big. Big Man." also off the
new album. which was followed by a
rousing cover of the Velvet
Underground's “There She Goes

Country Dick
then swaggered
to the front of the
stage to lead the
crowd in a
version of Kenny
“Lucille" that was more vehement
in its insults of the “two-timing
bitch. " The crowd then joined in a
sing-along with Dick in “Happy
Boy.“ in which he mourns the loss of
his dog. who is now a road mat. The
song was performed as on the album
with kazoos and Raney gargling into
3 mike.

The band showed its musical
diversity by covering tunes ranging
from Tom Waits' “Rosie“ to The
Kinks' "20th Century Man" to
Springsteen's “Reason To Believe.“

Harris introduced “Texas“ as
“another redneck song" where-
“you‘re bound to hear it anyhow,
about the boys that love those cows“
and where “you can find a girl
anyday. but all the pretty ones have
moved away

Despite UK‘s alcohol policy.
Country Dick sat on the edge of the
stage and drank a beer out of his hat
and commented that he‘d “been on
many a dry campus before. but this
is the first time I could get

Another side of the band surfaced
when Raney advised the preachers
that were on campus yesterday that
“there‘s a lot of hungry people out



returns with
Die Kreuzen

By ROB ssso
Staff Writer

Plaster is likely to crack and paint
peel at Babylon Babylon Saturday
when Die Kreuzen plays.

The Milwaukee quartet consists of
Dan Kubinski. vocals; Erik Tunison.
drums; Keith Brammer, bass; and
Brian Egeness on guitar.

The band released a critically ac-
claimed six-song EP in 1982 titled
Cows and Beer. The title. according
to the band. being an in-joke on peo-
ple's preconceptions of life in Wis-
consin. Their last album.0ctober
File. released last year. saw a pro.
gression of their musical style.

The first impression of the band is
that they are a hardcore band. but
the music on October File shows



of Farmers



Joey Harris (above) and the Beat Farmers delivered two hours of
roots rock last night in the Student Center Grand Ballroom

there and God looks over hobos
too." before launching into “God Is
Here Tonight . "

The band closed the first set with
Johnny Cash's “Big River” in which
Country Dick. again on vocals. beat
the hell out of a guitar he attempted
to play.

The concert ended with Country

Dick trading in his cowboy hat for a
jockcy 's but {Hid whip and donning
the shoulders of a guy in tlic crowd
for thc song "t'alil'ornia Kid "
Although Dick states that he‘s "thc
('aliforiiia Kid. 1 hopcyou i‘c qiiitc
prepared to dic.” it was clcar that
the sparse crowd \\ as having a grcat
time rcvcling in the antics.


Milwaukee's Die Kreuzen with perform tonight at Babylon Babylon

more style and substance than that.
Kubinski‘s screeching vocals sound
like a cross between Joe Eliot (of
Def Leppardi and Bon Scott. The
guitar riffs come soaring out of the
rhythm section. which somehow
manages to keep up with the frantic
pace. The band even employs an

acoustic guitar on the song. “(‘ool

Breeze. "

The band has such diycrsc influ-
cnccs as Acrosmifh. The ('urc. l,cd
Zeppelin. and even Madonna. who.
according to the band. writes good






Encapsulated reviews for



“Fatal Attraction" shows that
recent safe sex campaigns
haven‘t fazed Hollywood

Glenn Close and Michael Doug-
bs play the featured roles as two
lovers who experience a lost
weekend of sexual ecstasy. How-
ever Close doesn‘t want to forget
so fast and the situation gets
sticky. What she has in mind for
Douglas‘ family life is total de.

The nail-biting suspense is the
result of the surprisingly rc-
straint-d direction of Adrian Lyne
(Flashiiuncc and 9‘._, chhst.
This time out. Lync lets thc story
work itself out and his transitions
are much smoothcr and less
abrupt He turns an ordinary
phonc call into an (iii-tiiccrfge»