xt75mk657271 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75mk657271/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-12-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 03, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 03, 1986 1986 1986-12-03 2020 true xt75mk657271 section xt75mk657271 l .
r I i 0 .

Vol. XCI, No. 69 Established 139d Universny at Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky independent since I971 Wednesday, December 3. I986 '
J°“"“a“st National office ‘ *
to d '

ISCllSS , . -, .
h's 'r o »~ says heart unit -- '
3 86 I wri mg ,, . . : .
U lll/Ll‘ \\ inner . v. . '-
‘ ‘ , nifiAn‘» ~,- 7 A . . 4 ’r . .
nan or forum tcan be rescued ,- z .
l'.\ \Huhi it \lll.|.|-‘|t - - . n .‘ ". I
it Spokeswoman says listing = r , ..
IlI\\t)olIlllt l’iilit/er Prizeowinning ‘ ., ‘2‘. ‘ . ‘I ..,.j l ' . ~. .
~ ti‘llllldllsl .lon Franklin will conduct t "' ',A I ‘ I. nOt end Of L K V A program - " ' -Ia I'r.
a \\lll|llL‘. tornni tomorrow in the A‘A‘IA’I ‘ .. ‘ ‘. .I v‘
l'..'tiui~\ontillit-e'l‘ower ‘ n. I . , . _- ' . ‘ A . I 'I
. lo i‘..i.l.lin. the only writer in hlslo- V .: ‘ EjsltIahIIIS-uIsIIrI‘IdIi‘tor . t ' I ,I
1;. 2., “ill mo lil‘s‘lrlll-(‘ulvgtil‘y Pulit- ’ Z x ‘ " ‘ ‘ “These are 51\ .r’A I . " - j
H‘l l'il/es, titll discuss the com li- ‘Z I . . - , 2 _ . .~ "I
tatirnl l't'\ttllll|tlll lorinula phe I I \.\ZI a I' IIIIHII‘Im "I IIRI \(Immnf ‘Immmh Putt—”11”“ ”“11 “ 0 ll“1 I - I -I-'I I.
, _ A . t tiation in \\ashlngton l)( say there . ' ‘. -
IIUIlWII ‘“ "" I‘mI‘ZI book. “mm“ ,A v ' ' 551‘ \ is hoxo tor Silt’lll" the lA'Xlll ’Iton \‘.\ \\ illllCd l0 ‘00!" L“ a o . . ’I I. It
i.. s: n .. and its application to non- ,1 ,n , ,o" t. '~I , l, l' .. . ,h. . . . L. ,.. . - . . ,‘ .~
lininnniiiinn "ti E L I . r‘o‘ " 9- £ 3:5”? 13.1fm}!”I'I‘EA‘Z'ASIZD'L’f"A‘t‘A‘Ai little more closely. it A. _ ', - . '_ _
lheAlol'ilm \\lll beheld in the West $ Ls A ' A » Q I" I‘ contrary (lOCHlIl ll‘tCilll lllill lllC\ I. ‘ A. . ._ A t‘ .- I '
IIII‘II‘ IIIIMIi “mm on ”“I ”I’m floor 0f 0 I , g The I Lt‘\lttt_‘.lttli llei'aiit Leader ~ .. I " .. . ’ - 'I I3
I liIiI-IdiiIr IIllIIIlIiIliItItIlIt IiIllItl‘I:hd:lIl\:l(IlIasftuIIIIlIlI: I ,3 A I Q‘ ‘0 II n I “Mm: "ll"”.‘lll”l‘-‘I 5"““"~'-‘» .‘"~‘I"'Id”.‘ drC gUIIIg IO kIO\L I .I I '- '. , Is .I
AAAAAA .‘ II :nti ill ‘ ‘ l ; ,AA-yzr 3i zepoited that the cardiac surgery Donna \l. .Itthll .- _ , ’ .' I
51‘. pl). Unit-d, his teatureuwriting ,"III.‘ I A A l’l'llul'dm at lit-\nAtgton \ \ .\ liosplldl \ A spokeswoman . ‘2 ‘ I. I n. . V
. _ A . ~. ~. has one ot six piogiams nattonxtide ~ , , . '
lot mom if't dith‘s setting up a com v AA-A-«Ao-uA ‘ - that AA scheduledtorciosing . . .-
l’lAr’rrur‘W "u”l‘ 1“ ”WA-““13 “'A‘d re- 3" I \. .WA \“ The cardiac program at the Lex ‘ I I I~ I u.
”’1‘ ”l4 ‘I "-I‘ Il'“ "m'Iu‘ 5 "”d (”mm' 5‘5 , ,. 'I :o g’wan, ‘ I1 I ”Io. ‘\. ington \'»\ ll()\pll'll is stalled by both "“t' o’lll doll ' Mom \\lllt‘l1 ones , . . ' . , '
14.»; a til.lt‘l|t't‘ started and refined rm ‘t AA' " ,A if ré,";.“- '-": g , l K .nd\'.\(loetol's I I ‘ “I” close she said "honeyel‘. the I I‘ -’ - . II ’I
II'\ IIIIInIII IIII I IIPIII‘I IIIIII Tum W‘IIIIIII I, I'I\ . II: II I "'l‘lit-sc'Itirt- sl\ progl‘altts that we list ,r dot-sit! mean only ”time \1\ “ll! . ‘ . . t I t
l-u.lnL. ill Itlt'lll\ his non-lietion with 5“»: ' ’I III’ lust wanted to look at a little more "1"‘0 I I? . I I I I
. llll'llitllliillt loieeotltction. . . ~ / I Ielosely' it doesn‘t mean that they «‘l ohm“ 5-H" ‘llt' “WM ”"' 1"" ' ' ' "
l ""lu‘lf‘ 't't'lllll(ttl('\ generally 'II‘ ,, Cool”. "unaf‘ZZI/ ‘ ‘2 ._ .7 {If}. _.»" I are thing to close. said Donna St It‘ll-‘9 the ””“ll‘” ”‘ l"I"u~‘Io'ms .' ._ I I , I 1
Y'.l‘,r '- oi. tumel‘ than standard \ , ‘ _ was?” 1%“ e..,.a,AAA-’-z""‘AA;;‘AA, .lohn a \'u\ stwkt‘s\\tllllitll scheduled tot closure because ot the _ ' '
. or: .‘.o;r.lll" \illltllu.I Franklin said V N“ . oAA .-\eLI't)l‘t1lltg iii the lit‘wspapt‘l‘IS ntltlt‘ array ”A l'.llt"._‘UlIl(‘.\ that \I.\ .A . A I. '-A
‘I " ”My" ‘I‘I'Ifllm‘ from his f: {v - sources. cardiac programs at VA ll”5l)l'rollu‘lulll ”m" ‘ I I ’
II‘IIUIIIIIZIIII'HII l l ' , hospitals In Brooklyn '\.' Y East I‘“" ‘ll‘l'l‘ "“1“4*“' mo“ 1"“ “”d I ‘ 'I I
Mir-re l: will-titties can let the t. . ' A A Orange \ J tit-ta . t‘itx lowa iloizt llllt'lltl or. itoiitt: that right now - I
All II‘II III III, ,mIIHI ’ZPZI.(.IIIHIHII‘\ “uh l / ‘ I rI’ 5’ Long Beach. (I'altt . and Washington “Willi-W 1 “WI é'w 4‘ l‘““"""I that . ‘. ‘
IIIII.IIIIIII .I IIIIIIlIIIIIk" \t} u. to l)(‘ tin-alsoontlielisltorclosing '-\ t1”“-t-'l"l*“4‘l”l~I *m'r‘md I I ' I ’ .
loititilzmt u ulsit sponsored by the . W 1* Hi'lginalh the llei‘alduleadel' ”L Representatiy'es from lmlh lllt' , H
l l\ \«lir .,. out .lotli'nalisiii and the , - I . ported lliaiI llle ca:dla<' tii‘ogt‘atits at lo"\l”l~'“”l \Iu‘\ h‘N’H‘” and the [IR . . . .
lou\.:ts'or, llt‘l'alll Leader. is being I IIII’I Q to \'»\ hospitals more \(IllUtlUll'll to he kit-dual t'enlei declined comment - , I II I I ,
‘ -ur-;a:~.:.'i-.: tit t'heyenne Uldhani. Ct'NLd I allow the llt‘l‘altlrlA‘atlt'l slot \ . ‘ ‘
.\llr!\i‘ .Ioili‘iialtstis IioTX tealure wrlt- ,I . AA ‘ . .\Il John mm, mu”, AA“, more than Linda (‘ranltll the \'_»\ hospitals ~ .
in: class has been using Franklin's \ A .. a ,. wt-‘ffi’i’rAA ' ,AA MK pl'oitralns being AAMAZMWM h” stxikesuoniaii \illll that steie Kl‘au . A - , I,
DIMKMH‘Z'WMM ‘ ”a “CttlisUlltlulltlllI but the VA. needed man, the \‘..\’\ acting t‘lllt‘l ot stall .. , . - .
His approach to writing is a wel- “A" ussoc “”65”“ more specific Itntormatlon about the and [K il>*‘“'lfilt‘ lJl"'lt'-\>"'I "l ”Ml" I ' I 7 I
come “Id revolutionary departure BaCked up programs on the list iepoi'ted in the cine. ““1 W" “1““ “' ""“mmll until I " I I I
”A'H‘ 'I'il‘lllltlAnal fiprnalismtzéyle.” th.,~Atttt_tAt.uthtt~shut a decision is made alwul closing the , A _ f . A. '
iii tam sail. ' e inver - - ,. , . , , . ~- ' .I
amid style ot writing doesn’t £33k UK freshman guord Rex Chopmgnflmproonn a!» oi wildcat trtutt‘iph over the Red Raiders, tltlvllIl ”“2?” ;(,tnI.:II.IiI;‘,d II“[ItIII\:I':Is“IiItIiI:tI ”335mg“. had “it leedliack .t‘ tat . ~ ’ I I
at all it’s an ineffective way to tell lei-<05 lechs Kenny Keller 2t in last nights . l tin. story see SPORTS pogeS dethrhmtcd IthAAItII“:.Ine(.ded thrgm as tlast month‘su site Visit is con ' A - . .
‘: "AA! I AA AAA :tutar'llin; to “to the l'rl! .atloilaboiil lliest'pl‘ogl‘anis \t- Ill ARI. Host-2 I , I ,. I AI
t - luiuu-ttm-d ll>lll)_‘. the compllca- H l . T I . 'I " ’A I
ea th enter offerin flu shots to LK students ' . ,
\1'2 Ht. \r'ttlit’\ are rich in ex I I' . . ,:
tow-v ' . out .mu ot much better ' (I '. ,
‘l ‘I" I-I‘ II‘ [I I“ ”mm teaclAiAing W I.l.\‘.\tltt)l (“5‘3“ health l”I"l’l““‘-‘ In“! ””5 make In light oil the NHL“ (“MUM“): "ION they picked this one up late. then sonnet. oi ll could in ialei. I'l' \\(' I ' I ' o
o' r ‘ ‘ ”r’wr ““H‘Il-lllolu‘ “H'lhtxl. stall \\riter them mt’""-““>“'*‘l "l" l"”“"”“r‘r complications. they would have lust incorlml'ated it may not t‘\('l‘. 4e! ,1 \urn realm «an't o - . I , ' »
I ’I "‘I*-I"** "”I“‘“I‘l 1" ””“lm'l‘ "31ml lX‘UlW do" olhlt' I“ handle Each year the Center for Disease into one vaccine and people wouldn‘t tell" I I, ‘ I I-r I‘ ’ II»
"11} n cl, t-twittli' ttho are on the verge As Lesington prepares for the an- the flu normally.‘ he said. “But peo- (‘oiitrol in Atlanta tracks the flu epi- have had h, mu“. back m h, tn. “w, . , , ." .
“' ”1‘1“ “Iu‘ll‘l'lli 'l‘u.‘ 1“mlllld-II iiiial iniasion of the flu \‘lf‘llS. l'K‘s ple that time kidney problems. that demic aiid tries to prepare the com- cinated."(‘hui'chillsaid t‘hui'chill said they ll.i\t‘ .himttt . 1 ' - . ‘
l‘I‘ ”Fir ‘orirl ”N” ”111“” “(M Student Health ('enlei' is trying to are on medications to depress their munity tor the \‘II'US. This year they Symptoms ot thh particular \'ll'u.\' administered 18o tiitauunt \.it't'|llt'.\I. , , I I I 'u‘ j
I J‘ I‘ l ‘1" ll ‘1 " "I‘m-VS rewarding “555' students. “WU“! and Stall in lllllllllllt' tiinclion lou huh! ”ll (ll-V tliseoerred three Viruses aiid derel» have already been reported in Flor- W1 ”1“ “MM ”will“ "1 lemmdlcnl . I I ' II I
,~ k “m “”1“” Wh“ share "1." ('Ultihtlllllgll‘l('l].lSl_V('n(‘lll_\X eases need this tact-tile to help tlielii oped a triialenl \accine “till a ida and (‘thrchill said there is a ‘u"""”"* ’l‘t',‘ Ill-1‘" -’l\t'lu l5 ”"1 H‘l I l . I ' I II “
t‘llllltl~‘s.l~l:ltIltlllt‘s‘tlhltK'l build up the anlilre'liw lo pl'Ult‘t‘l stralntoreach mood possibility that the Virus may o'HHlolhl" I _ ' I, v. . Ir
A \1‘I‘r""'o' ”mm" l”““‘"‘I”‘”9ru .\ccordiiig to Lance Churchill, lht’milgillml ”It'll“ I "But they recently picked up a head our way as the llu season. 7 " . I‘ ,' I
l‘” ’ " o’ 'A\“‘ 1”“ \yinner. AC3“ (‘linical Serrices coordinator. the He said that ”at ”lll.‘ do these peo- new flu.” Churchill said. Therefore. which lasts ti'oni ninllkucetnlxor They “Ill be Ullt'l‘lllL'. the \accines ' . f I . , I' _ '
‘l""o‘A’ u! ‘lr‘.‘ “l N“ “H“ young WU!" monovalenl tlu shots that are of— ple run the risk ot getting the “UA they had to develop the monovalent through February.approaches 8 am to 4 p in every weekday - ' ' V - I
*‘ ““ W” ‘h‘ml‘l “”l-‘Il‘k'r yourself lered are not intended for everyone. but Since they are already in poor vaccinetosupplementtheti‘it'alent. “It all depends on so many \‘arla- through Dec 23 The cost is $5 00 I I I ., I, _I
\. allll R\ \l Isl. l’at'c-t l)lll lltl’ people who already have health. their bodies may not be able “If it hadn't been for the tact that ble factors." he said "it could hit For more information call‘zrtito-ttil . I ' . - I I' ,
mnesty nternational Auto plant scheduled - ._
holds candleli ht vi il t b b 'It' I d' ‘ ’ I I"
g g A A 0 e “I In H mm . .. ,
o . By ””319“. [MLK oi the area was good. and that the . . . . . A;
. to Oppose OppreSSlon ' . . . AssociatedPress area is“a niceplacetolire." . ' I_ , ;
A 4 fix I The plant will be burlt about two . -' " , A
r 'A LAFAYETTE. Ind — Indiana won miles southeast of la'ifayette on 869 . - fl ,'
It) 'l'lit).\l \sJ. st'l.t.l\'.\\ out against people who opposed the its first major Japanese automobile acres near interstate 65 and Ind. 38. , - . . A .
\lalt \t'riter government. ‘ . . . ~ plant yesterday when FUJI Heayy ln- Groundbreaking is expected next - - »
Others told stories of innocent vic- t *A ,. dustries Ltd. and lsuzu Motor (‘0. spring . ' . ‘
\liuii- than in l'K students gath- tims that were caught in aimless ‘ , f? Ltd. announced plans to build a $500 Lt (iov John Mutz opened his t'(‘- .
eieil il‘r a candlelight \‘igil at the sprays of bullets fired by goverment 0. , ‘ Q5“? , million facility here. marks at the news conference by I
\t'\\l ...i: t‘enter last night to ex- police. ._ AA; Iggr‘ The plant. the sixth Japanese auto sayth in Japanese. “loiteryone wel~ . '
ltl’r‘oo 'lH'lI' L'ttllt‘t‘l‘n for the ViCtlmS Each reader lit a candle when , 5%“ production facility in the United comethismorning‘ ‘ '
(ll iitipl't'sslttlllll(Illll(‘. [hey were through, R" “I States. is expected to employ 1.700 [Attayette Mayor James ltiehle
'l‘hi \lllll was sponsored by the ['K The meeting ended with the sing- I of? workers initially and eventually exu said Atokingly that the plan: an . . ' '
t'lt.ltllt'l’t|l \mnesty International. ing of Bob l)vlan‘s “I Shall Be Re- . pandits workforcetoaboutimoo nouncement brought sunshine to the I ‘
it opened \\illl the lighting of a leased.” I Plans call for an $86 million pack- communityonagray.rainy day I
sllltllt‘ t'.llltllt‘ ".\ llL‘l‘Il of hope. not Freeland said he thought the vigil age of state, local and federal incenu
tlt’stmll so i t'liapter President went very well. “Considering that it tives. With about $35 million tar~ xfiflfiwmsws to .
sit-rautxnnulaiit: is the end of the semester and the getedm state-funds. 6f?" _
\ \ tilt-otape titled “(‘hile: The weather conditions. we had a better The plant is expected to begin pro- "3’ :13 . ”to? '
\i-tt \Ilt'lllll.\II was then shown to the turnout thanlexpected."he said. i duction in 1989. with plans to pro tap-on: .3 ‘ . ",.i,’;'~.I"!
group it presented numerous exam- Members Of Amnesty feel that duce 60.000 Subaru cars and 60.000
ttlt's oi \ iolenee in (‘hile perpetrated while they are doing all they can to Isuzu cars and trucks for the 1990 “I. LA. rm“ on hock, .
upon innocent citizens by the gov- support human rights. their biggest aim-”non ”WWW model year. Future plans call for a and if they're not better
IIII'IlI'lIIIIIII . . .. stumbhngblockisnatvete. Laura Seales, a political science sophomore. participates in the capacity ”f 2110-000 "ellldl‘sit year than W, In" is m loo”
ten numeious menibeis of Am- . A Amnest lnternat’on 1 dl l' ht . 'l About 39 percent of Isuzu is owned
fl('>l\ stood lit-tore the group and “Middle America does not have V ' a can 9'9 “9" by General Motors (‘orp worth “”‘MW '°~ 5“ DI-
”.AIAt aloud \mtten testimonies de— the most panoramic view of the Amnesty International Treasurer But Laura V0" Harten. an anthro Company. state and local ol‘l‘icials W.P¢g¢5.
parting examples ot murders como WOI‘ld." said Raymond Hardwtck, a Regina Wink said she thinks the [301085 graduate student, said she made the site announcement after
mittedln the government. member 0f the group. Widespread ETWP is doing well. ”HIS better to thought the group 00““ get better months of speculation over whether
’ concern would help show strong sup- Iight one candle than to curse the response “if they deemed H as an "1' Lafayette would bechosen,
t 3105‘ 0' lht‘ readings l01d stories 0f port for human rights to violent gov- darkness and there were over 20 formative meeting on what‘s hap- Akira Soejima. senior managing m M m c." b.
10m"?- resulting in death, carried ernments,hesaid. candles heretonight,"she said. peningin Chile.“ratherthanavigil. director for Fuji. who read remarks “Item '0 O Hut-"m0
. . from an English text and later an W. “Li m5
McVey to be renovated durm Christmas break woo uoouoooo rurrou or m. ... m, ....
g preter. said eight Sites in seven Mid- ‘ '. ‘ ;
western states had been considered. ' I I“ “
'5‘ NINTH” [finsmmx "“13 and P‘mcy and director of the event." Heath said. “we hope it will when computer use is minimal. Ltdgnmmlgam “I“ the others "
I IImthlmng Writer cogutatmg center. these {i '11 never happen again." Heath “id- The west central Ilndiana commu-
ic areas on oors wt The in ti w' . - ~ _ _ _ .
(‘onstruction continues on UK's be closed at this time until the com- down Chaim: Cate; 1:: ST; All personnel in a. baseman and 3:3; nlztbhte Egdmpgspislie‘rracsezzg:- . ‘I I '7» .. S}
‘ Ci”"l’uS “"‘h the renovation and ’9‘ pletion 0‘ "I? removal 0‘ 0‘9 ”be? Wednesday. Dec. 24. and will reopen first floor: when remvation starts merits had flat land that would be M“ h _ t; V.
'“m-‘lofo‘S'X‘S‘US‘FOm “CW! “3“ mfluthwd- slimy, Jan. 4 at midnight. in will hemmed upstairs until theas- eastty‘devetom, and was dose to . j ,1 .
Ronorvamm will begin with the re “”0"“ "‘ "“5 W Vi“ be the enter to intact the computers dur- bamisrunoved. interstate nignwéys steel mills and ' I I ” “"7 j“ " of;
mnval flt asbestos from the base- temporary shutdown of the comput- it; the mtruction, they will be potential component suppliers he 2 .v ;u tihywv‘g
merit and first floors of the building "'8 center. whitth is located in wrapped in heavy plastic and shut When renovation is completed in said ‘ -:.-- nag rumor
beginning at 5 pm. Dec. 19. said J. McVey "althesaid. mate-imam. . the basement and first floor of the Ht; atso mentioned that W . a. u . ~
Robert Heath. associate vice prosi- The removal of the asbestos was buttdim. the maid and third floors University in West Lafayette was N»- : . . t:
dent for Information Systems Plan- “This is a manglttetime arranged at a time during the year willheruiovatedmesaid. another asset, that the cultural level ”fig

 '2 . .‘ . . . t i
‘ ~ ., o
;. 1 » 2 . KENTUCKYKERNEL wmy, W3, 19::
. y adv . 61‘ 'Heart
- \ ' “: ' ' f ; g (‘oniinuedtroml’agel
:,:"; WC: \ , . “ .. ‘ .. ' 2‘ v ,, ., ,
, _2 _, 1 \l' ________—_—-—-—————————— authorization. knowledge 01 concur- gamed, (ranfill said. and we ”‘9 \A “Mk :“l ”"0““ ”1 ll“
. .3‘ \ -\ .,‘~ .‘ l“ 'l‘ ll." 1“: ”l .d i‘ence, this would be exposed and ap- really have no new information to Lexington program when it was
. - .» ~., 1: It “ . . . . ', ,, 2....
1 »._ 3;”, . \“"‘ 22““‘l “‘2 ll illegal acts were undertaken, ”1058 who d1 proprtate corrective steps “’1“ be react to where the program is disco\eied eailiei lhl? )heaihlhnt
‘ -, ':» 1‘ - 2 ' implemented." Concerned." I" 1933- 107 Pt‘l‘t‘t’l“ 0 l 9 ospt-
‘ -'.~"":.~ ‘. I ., ., a . ; . . ‘ - —. ,. ..,.. , ,
_ ‘V. ‘, \J‘ .‘ ; . \\ \.\t.l\t. l: l\ r l ll;ltl[ p;'t.\>lll:‘ \0 \\ lll bk brought to jUSIlCC The fast-mOVlng chain 0’ events Last month. a six-liiember 5110 ml 5 M he.iit 5m 24“} paliults
‘-»"* -',." ' ~2' \" "x ". ‘ ‘t't : ~ u
; -, , 2; 3- ,’ .2 ... . .. . . E n intuit t u it. it Ronald Reagan. )egan with Sen. Richard Lugar 5 de- team came to Lexington to exam dlt‘d.
'-.~ -. ~~ .,. Km. n2, 2 :tt , . - , .. . .. ..
2 :7 ‘ "‘ 1-3: . '2. “' ' ' H ”W A." 1W“? in?“ .5“ [3.5, preSIdent inand that White House chief of staff the the \A hospitals cal‘dlac t)iil_\ the Long Bedth progiatii
- ,J' g. ;-,;;n“-'f :- “m" w \“:"“““ 2" "1‘1" 'T“ ‘ ”:0: Donald T. Regan and CIA Director care progratii. had it higher death rate accord-
2‘t-2 ‘ ‘.: . mm :2 Lil. \ '> ~: . : . . - - 'i- 2.
,1:; _ ._ 4‘ ”2:. w ~. 1. . :i ~ - ‘ '1‘ t" 'l ‘ '1‘ l , ’ William Case) restgn. The team is requiied [0 submit mg to Bonner Dd). d \A spokes
'v'E'.“ 515:3; - \. ......i.... H “ * {‘l'“ ":U‘l“ _ Lugar, R—Ind., outgomg Chairman ”5 rep,“ “,1 Dec 29 alter mi. iiiaii. _
f..‘-:l.' 1:34.». 'i". {Y'a' ' ‘J ' H "‘ "‘” “‘ "" "““"""‘ l t‘i‘\'t‘l '!l.ltlt' .i hriet appearance read! 18 htghlycompartmentahzed. ,. of Senate Foreign Relations Com- netting the programs at lt)\\il 1“ 1930 5“ t" ”3“ Program 33
2‘9. '2.\~,‘."‘:‘_."f 1.- 21:4}; “ - 2 ~“'-‘ "" _ ; . _ ;,- 1!. . 1.th closetldmn' hearings by "\\e learned a great deal toda). mittee and usually an ally of the t‘it). Long Bench and Washiiig- heart surgery patients died, Day
:, .,.‘.;2 K .-.‘.3\, Q 23”., :.. a»; ~t‘t‘h i... .. tmotw .t ,..-\ H \. .tt- IntelligenceCommittee Durenbei‘ger said as the committee president said that US. foreign pOI- “In S, John said toldtlie kernelinseptenilwr
'. . \t‘: » — ' ‘2 :1 22-“ “Rh“. '_ .» " \. guztlinp ta: too sourtes \tho de» ended its work tor‘the day. He said icy was badly crippled" by the 1“ uddfllon to Lexington. the “it national d\tldt.’.t‘ tor tht
:;’-f."2}t-5‘1’2§»:'_~’53“:55, ' " "' ‘1" "' " "H" H ..2 2. 'w ttlt‘llllllt'tl h) name. yes“ he “fully GXPQClS that Pomdexlet widening controveI‘S)’; team has .ilie.id\ \‘isited Bl'tmk- tlt’itlh rate among “'33"! 5mg”)
11.5.; ‘54:. ‘:‘\‘,_."\";‘.;',~":‘~.‘J t...___t‘ ..:_t-.t :'.t~i:ittt'f2 . . .\llllt‘.\.\t‘> “ere [\H) »-top— \ttllt‘eturn. There was no immediate indica- l\n;lnd East()i‘utlge.slles.tld. pttlients fur the some period ot
-‘ .,-,";-,“:,~l:“2_2':“o,.;‘:“.-'.~‘t;-‘§ ‘ 2 \' ”2‘" " ‘1"“"“ “‘ ' ,. .. t.'t‘lli_L‘,t‘Ilt'(‘ ot‘t'iCials One Republican congressional leaders tion that Regan or Casey wouldquit. 2 One doctor who met with the lulu-“£154BIX‘I‘Ct‘nl.DJ) Sultl
1.“; 23“,“ . ~ 2 2 ‘ " “'- ““' ““3 . 5 , .-t tl illt‘ reason Poindexter‘s praised Reagan for moving dectsn'e: Other GOP figures. including Sen~ site team during its twoday visit From new,“ 1986 m Mart-h
3‘."-,.‘i'-’h»'»".2§' '35"? "it?" ' , , ,~t.. _ 2 t-t ~\tl\ lti‘it-l' \tus "a re- 1} I“ end the disarray wrought by ate Republican leader Bob Dole of last month said he thinks the pro- 1986. 8.2 percent ot the lA‘Xlllgltlll
‘5‘ ,1:“ng334133;. , ,, . . ....» ti!» t~ _.ttv ‘ g , ; 5;”; to have some more the Iranian arms sales disclosures. Kansas. offered backing for the em- gram received a fair evaluation \'A‘s 49 heart sum“) pullt‘llls
3,1, ‘31:}. “.l'."“",.i‘.’-L¢"~,‘=‘: - 2 2 i 2 “t“ [WU—3» . . 1 _;._~ mutt hetore he ap: Democrats. too. applauded his deCi- battled Regan. accused by congres fmmthetetim diedhestiid.
ij‘t‘lg'i)1€:‘§\: .- . tit-t ..t to 1‘ V _. In). tutti). stoii to seek an independent counsel sioiial critics of mismanaging the ‘1 do”, km“ Mm their ver- ~ 1 . .1
3" ," 1‘s}v‘.}:;}*”i-ngfiy,’ 2 » 2 2' 7 "2‘ l' l 2‘ "‘ ' " ,2.‘ ' ,t. lt' lt‘\lll;_‘, to do right But latt makers argued about wheth- White House. diet .5 going to be by any stretch ““‘w‘m- according l” the \A 5
.I, lo2~.,_;_... . , .,).:. 2 ...4» ‘ _2 ~ . .. .‘ ; , , . ‘ _ . , r . _. . .. ‘. .
.;_>2".,\-\\;‘{2\‘:; _:».‘:.‘n {$.24 . : . i l t. . i l\ .. It _ i. t2\'t' (-Ifit’lllbr the ”lobalC ()l (4' ll“ esllgdtitms n0“ Under “3}. 01 HI dUnl see [hill ll would Serve (If the ”naglnauon‘ bu‘ at least l 59"“ annual. teport 0n Ldrdldt‘
;._»’».~,';,,::_;-,..21:33;.“ ,' it“: :. »' ‘ " ‘1 ;‘““ \ . .;.t stml't‘t‘ said oi the Iron» planned. should be merged under onv purpose at this time to have think we got a fair revtew." said surgery activity, the ”2 cases
‘t‘-.'.'l."l:'.‘-f"3’“:"i {fit-33"." ' 2 '\ ‘* \" " "3 ‘ _ . _ :im Not: “This “as clearly the umbrella of a select committee Don Reganlea\'e.“l)t>le said. Gai‘v Earle, a UK associate pi‘o- thehospiuil handled in the lust
lax._I':4,~,:__rli.\.s:‘,i'1,1J"2‘ . .,'.t'tl . . -.. . A“! ,, m .~losel\. but a lot of as “as done in the Watergate pe- “355;”. ofcardiothi‘acic surgerv litilt of liscal 1986, only “\‘e p1,.
’ .‘..‘ Jpn-3“.- - .. e ‘ ‘ . » , . . L ?' -
X:i;:“‘,.r‘~§.2}§, 230,9 {25‘s. »- 2‘ : ‘2 ‘ . , , t ~-..- wmetliiiig about it. riod. Meanwhile, “hite House spokes: b‘ai‘le said he was “disap tieiilsdiod.
«t113%?figfigf:,‘2.3..." , . . ,. :ti . .t . ... 1 :_ ,,.,:.\ 1- im- upper reaches ot Members ot both parties said. man Dan Howard 531d he could not pointed" by the thought that the S‘t J m .. d that a dwmnn
.f-'-’:.2'£'.:2’,’l.l~tt.’2,.--.':‘.3.':.',2‘,:_2 2 2‘ ‘2 “~ ‘ ‘ " 5 . l't however. they were pleased Wm confirm that Man“? U- ‘01- ”m" Lexington VA hospital might 5“” 50'. (l n’ Mnth l tinnK'i
I-“l-=;.;-:i,§}t"1‘94}... , ’ » -- 2‘ “‘2“ » \t' I't‘ Mme. to tiguie out 1: t. urluCCi s appomtment. blnCE Pom \\. North had taken the quth he on the closmg list but was .}i] u Clostlngld t: .extélt.l m
4.321’;l,-;:Yh"l5‘_rfi,1:dr t, a}. _ , 1. t\. r . . , _ , » r... Kilt.“ what about the dexter s reSignation Mn. 20. Alton Amendment. i‘etustng to aiisiter set- glad that the site team “was not 33%|” ' 3km} J- tttd' t t .\ \Vt\
_:,2,,.t(2_~.‘T-1';?l§,.~g"§;f:’,.;,..’.;'t “ " ' 2‘" """l" "" , ~ ; . t2 t‘tlllll‘dS and when they Keel has been servmg us Reagans eral questions Monday during an ap- a rubber stamp of a decision al- thir ' nee i2 Tamar) i_\ .
-,,' ~.i; ..-..,', g» .2251. ,. . . . ,,H H- . .‘ . V- . ; , ‘ _ . n - 1 -- 1 2 - .
"(fag 5.1:;- ,.-2-.‘,.;<.s_<.,2».;2‘.4 " ‘ 2 “ .. K , t' x .t pl‘tK’t‘SS oi trying to national securit) adtiser on an act- pearance befotethe Senate panel. ready made. t itlT oiiitis ullldLJi
,'.‘i‘2<'~,‘,':;.;"j."}.2'3!;>,"-§._3.§’-. ' »» ' ‘ “ ”Mk ’ 2 ... 2:: met-ml :torkiiigs of the in- mg basis. 4 .
52' ‘7'{33"‘39'1'372.3723 ' ' ' "‘ " I" "' ,. t w“ "tiiiim “ In the t‘our—iiimute speech from his North. an aide 10 POlndt‘Xlt‘l "“
,....-’,,'_.2: \2’~-._,'v -; '. I; . _ ".-. — ‘ ‘ " . 4 . . .1 . . , i . t _ ...
13- :Li'fl‘9'ét1rfiéif‘f‘i if???“ ~ 2 »‘»2‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ;:. ‘:2 “mt-c. _ettttt the operation desk. Reagan assured the nation. the National Securit} tountil. “ll“
11"” '5” . -. : hm ...; 2' . .. ‘~.l.tl‘illt‘ Lt t‘ol Oliver W. "If illegal acts were undertaken. tired b} Reagan let his ”3:3“. 38 ** GOOd LUCk WildCCTsl" **
212594;.1'} ,;2;,'j '._'«2,;,2.'_,.:‘} __ _ . , . . : .t ...» \ ., mwmflh “as outside of the those who did so Wlll be brought to tunneling to {\icaiaguan itsistumef ...
',"», ~ ' ' 2‘ _ ; weiltaoiit-t- chain (it com- )usttce. lt actions in implementing tortes of piofits lioiii the sales 0
~,;f»,~:2§;ju;e;:.,=,':j:_'2‘:;;,I'.‘,:-_2,’j;; .‘ ~ . ~ 2 29*“ — ._1 ”,1, though thttt chain al- my policy were taken WIIhOUI my l-bilrmiimlra”
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‘l . {55,14}? ‘- Vi‘b'éfilq'fdi : : ava'lab'e t0 UniverSIty 0f KentUCKy faculty Tum"; ' Ml..." 2': luv: 'Dhinthlhnn' n lkln‘JYK M Lima ttrlt . l‘ R -\ time». t k: l ~|" -
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4-1;.;»"£:';':‘f'f-‘le‘ia'Q' ' “" ’““""‘"" : I And of special health value‘ BHEFIT . rump“... tum m...” um: witummut-t i~-t R--- t 4'... (“[3, 2‘ M11, ,
‘21," ‘ I"; ""3"”- "~'~".- : 'u-' 75 7 ‘78 ' ' . .' M.~rri~“' “ml“ twpvtt hum: Hunt Hutton“, (uul M. m: n .. ' ., .
{15.33:};30:2,.‘.»f';l';}',.'231‘;1-:a,l,. BOOSTERs. a unIQUe HealthWISG preram Lithltinl a Rum timu l‘mlitirniavL |.ihn\ not i... l‘ Mttsu ‘-\ t: ..t . l": 2 ‘\)£‘ 2" W 2 1‘ "
123.2‘t.;~»‘.,'!,1',‘e- 32"?‘35 .......,, which offers dental semces (both free and at M... p him it... ll [Mm . M...» ii”... Mm: t» mm Mt: : ~ 27: h i: \1 .C' x V '_ .
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1’3”": “’0'”: "7'!” a reduced member rates), Ophcal SGNICG l1 sting-1|“ :‘l 'n 13‘ “\lt l w R H ll um mull-Aim“ \ k..r:..s...h..t.ti.- \«li'tt \,..«». ... \t. v . H. I"
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’12‘,"'I‘a"f"{.1-_2'".;‘,_'!-;;- 90...... dISCOUMS, and wellness ex§'c'59 membersmps t.. :u’\ Hummum tum; ii mm... \ultii\ Martin. «mm \1 xi...“ H mm ml»: ‘ "‘2 ‘2: ‘ " " ‘ ' :': ‘1 ' ' ‘ ._..- |
frag}. Ely-...»??gt-‘p‘ifi' “"1, and equtpment at big savmgs to Health|$e \x‘ 1...... autumn. tint.» imp” W..." mm A Hull lyh-nnl Mum. tuuhsjitti l5i'ti'..L ‘ ”my“ ' \M“ u \r H _\ '
5"”:1-1‘1‘212'J' members. fawn; Rh" t»: min ». IRtII.i;\:lLlru'I‘n :JIFTLIn‘Enuhuxln p..',n_.t.',n.,... mm“ AM“ Im ... hm“ "H S ‘1 .1 l .
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‘.‘-:"“':""‘-"~"'7-2}'5 5 4'57?“ 60 um a. thvt \I'vllumt rm. hmi. M Mi...“ Kiwi, A \1 2m: thorn t. sawt- ;‘ t . t» , - \ \ ‘
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“...-... *2 BIG BLUE —SPEC|AL EXTENDED SERVICE HOURS “.... a... a...” ......w .....t t. . .. 1 1 .. ;
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52'" 'v'2-‘?.".‘;3-J."-'1‘-’~"' :13}, metal aSStstance in reviewing HealthW'Se'O'YOU’ needs ' “"" w """l" mm" M" Mr”: :l"un\;ht:l)":ll TM": i: H: ...... . : 5 ,
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