xt75mk65726f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75mk65726f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-04-04 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 04, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 04, 1986 1986 1986-04-04 2020 true xt75mk65726f section xt75mk65726f t
I c

VOLX , . I ‘ - -

n ByJAYBLANTON 7‘5. 5. .- '

Staff Writer . B ' , .-
— . It rothers slips , .- 5
. It was inevitable: Donna Green- 5 d; A, 3.. ‘ ' ' ‘5 i
well knew it, the voters knew it and , ,3 .: i i ' . 5 I p

v the 80 people who filled the Student 5 h h ' ii . . ' ' by freShl I |an . _ . . .
Center‘s Great Hall knew it. i J" ' . . 5 :_

But that didn‘t affect the cele— a : J, '" " ~ . ' '- - - - J". .
bration when it was announced that \‘ f. g . l d " ' i ‘. . ‘
Greenwell had beaten her opponent II ‘ V5 % .2; :ii i.» 5' 5 to ea VOtlng . " ..
by a more than 3-to-1 margin to be- _ .. 5 . J , 7 , a I; sf ‘_‘ _ 55. , . j . .
come UK‘s first female SGA presi- «. é ' 2: 5 -- ‘J’ .- .~ ‘ V} 1 ‘I * ':.: I.” Bii‘iniiii.” ”i 5 -. ',.'
dent. l' . q ’ . \ , . . 3 . 5 \_;. - ‘ , Senior htatt “l'llt'l V- .- . 5. .." :I

As the tallies were read at about .. y- , - .\l ' \ ’:'.i i ‘ i V. ~' ‘ ‘5': ' . . . . ‘. , , ':' T .: ~. "
lO P.m.. Greenwell was flanked by J.) it; .. . f I " , \ V . \1 ._VV , i , thenritoi at Vlalgt- t'illlllltlllinnsVftIVulitVi -”. .V..VV iVVV ti-
her sorority sisters. supporters and ;- A “ s s. ' v . \ { . _/- ‘ . (hit was VVsiVlththilV lllV nuiiVii-«l ~ Vols f V-, .'-,l”1' 1‘ _‘I.
the also-victorious members of her ”‘ :3, at“ I.‘ ‘25 ‘ ' it - , I i ‘ if" ' 5d: 1" ”UH” i “ii" i“: "h ,‘ .- .g
ticket, Kenny Arington and Karen = i is. ’ a.» 53¢ ~ ~-,‘ ' . ~’ . . ‘ - ' i 1 iiiiiti'VF-i s V . i. V _ V a: ‘ ..-.'
Skeens, for senior and executive , ii . ’ , ' . ‘ . 3". x , J ‘ I. t .Silum in; iiiiiih iiiiiiiijii i, i M iii: " .5 , if}. 32':
vice president, respectively. The two "V , “ ‘:‘-3N . “4% "'5; ’ , i i I in i gikwqfii‘nfi "‘21:”; [iii iii!“ '5' x" 5 1
ranunopposed. ‘. '. ‘ .. . b . -; 1 .I . _ 5 . V > .Vt V t sVV t-s th.iti.‘ ViJ ,V . -_. - I. V. i,“ ,I, .

Greenwell tallied 1,007 votes to v . 5 L"! _. 5 \ ‘J' :fi’i‘,“',',‘,’_‘2“k§‘ h” ”“‘ 3"" ' .. ' -.-
Kathy Ashcraft's 316. The race had IV; 3V ? . \1 I . VUVin : .Vttltellt t.o\t.i.lllli-ll t VV. . VV ,_ . ." , .
the lowest voter turnout in years , ‘ . J i 2 _‘ . “a mneeiiiiini . ' Ii 7'-
with only 1334 voting in the presi- .V .9 5. , s V Brothers. ll bachelor ill d.” ,.,V,_ .~’ . . ‘.I . -. .
dentialrace.‘ _. 4%}; '. «iii V5 ., . studies senior. \\Ll.\ t-ia'm V. -: 'iiti - . ..V- J. -V.

Last year's election prompted only . “V jut. f: '.l V V . 5, illiw-niviiw- was lll\ii[)liiitli‘t-i ,t-li‘. .- . ... V , -.
about 50 more students to vote, but . at , ~ . .1} ~' i V2... . - ‘ .a ‘ ’- gm U, WM“ . 5 ‘ I ' ' i'v. ~ I
John Cain ran unoppOSed for presi- . w “I w. :5 2? " . . l redlh ”WW” ”I" , 'I ' '

. . .; ~ s g. . ' 1 would be better Militia v. ,5 j ‘ .. ~ J. - y .'
dent. In the 84 election. 2.930 stu- I‘ . tr .9“ "’ - . fi "1) . . .. 5. . . t I ‘ '
dents voted for president, with Tim .. . ,V i , h , i. _’ ,. ; uimi m“ ,,i‘i”liiii,iii.ih I“ i 4 i 'i , 5" ‘ 7 3'
Freudenberg defeating Larry Bisig ‘ 5% 3&5 ' “iii :5 Lizlgjg:ll:hpiii5't(ii\ifili”3i ' iii: - i . -’ i ,
bvonly7lvotes. . , ‘. - ~" J 5 i- - 3‘ ’ "' ' - i i '. '

' .» Br the ‘s -i l ~»«i ’.Tl . -::. 5 . .

Although Greenwell said she was ‘ in? _ .9 1137: Wiggins :1]: Judd, , . ‘ - ' -
excited about being the first female [,5 . ,1’ ML... “hm. mm... ”W” ,1 . " .7; . ’ ‘ ‘ .
student body president. she doesn't ’1’ 7“ i 5 incumbent Hixitllhxontq‘t ‘ i i J ' I I -
think it will add any additional pres f.“ - . I ”Mme” ah” m” .m 5, t ., '_ . J . ., ,
sures to the office. “I like the idea '. i \ ' i tour Datul ltittkins .lanw» ‘- .., ‘ J 5 ‘
that l have had the Opportunity (to I .. i g {it i 'ii "iii” he“. .5 , - , Ellzalwlh Mush-1‘s \illti (lulu .i ’)i J i i i i"
be the first female),“ Greenwell , l‘,r.""‘ ‘ ii khg, "i .. " 1 ‘i campaign sht- trim in (*lllpllth I ‘i.:- ' ‘ I.
said. “lButi I‘m going to work hard ,' 1i 5;. ., i ii- ' importance oi St. \ as a li‘l)l"‘\'-‘ i i . , J i '
no matter what." , \J‘ VV‘ . «é‘gfi‘ N . 3 \ the body ' ' . .

And as far as setting a precedent ' ~ l ’ i‘i ~_ m “'- K. , Ii "Student gott-l‘nlllt-nt tail not . 5 . . '
for future female presidential candi- ' i ' i “ ‘ i ‘ an" :- prot-idc a seriit-e. hilt liit'\ ari- a»? » ‘ . _
dates. Greenwell only replied. "I A . . . , i" """hs'w their ailtocatt-s ttt- art- liri- \iti i. ' . i
think the most qualified person will supporter puts her 0er around Donna Greenwell at last night 5 preSIdent.VGreenwell beat Arts 8. Scuences Senator Kathy Ashcroft dents” . repwmeVmVIV V . . ‘.

. .. announcement of her Victory as Student Government Assoaation In a landslide, l 007 votes to 3l6 '

getlt. ' ' In her next term. l'iil‘llli‘it‘l\ saw , . 3

Karen Skeens said. ”I think it iS a Arington the only male on the goals in their platform and in fact more specific 5 b d 5. - - . 5 . . . . she would llkt‘ to ‘wol‘l’ till‘ 2‘. .i. . i - i

. J - J0 ehtl‘lphhhb {01” .tance n th , -- d d tJ _- l- t .. - .

very important step not only for Greenwell ticket, said he was will beginworking nextweek. senators, :an “,lxny dtouLVSnaleint {heplicilitiriii szonsllilliiVy in allotting lllt- sip: uu- .
women. but ‘0.’ the SGA‘ “iii“ prob- looking forward to working Whh “Each one Of US has one or NO Greenwell. citing Wednesday‘s ed~ substance' in our platlorm will be M'iihuaii‘iii10mmiii” ’
ably work twice asVVhard. Skeens Greenwelland Skeens. (goals)." Arington said. adding that itorial in the Kentucky Kcrni’l that proven wrong next year." i" ”ddhmh' BMW“ “hi "“ '
added that She was eXClted {OIV‘V all The newly elected leaders said he will work to improve attendance endorsed neither presidential candi- ' would llkt‘ to lllipr‘m‘t‘ .s't‘._I\ . i‘ilpptil‘t - -
theother cand‘daiesmr senators. they ”peeled to accomPhSh all the at senate meetings and develop dale and POinled ‘0 the 180k 0f SUb- Sectiiirnw H i . l’at'c.‘ \r. ititoilii its ~- 7 - '
SAB ' k L H t ' ' " ‘ ' ' ' V
for presndent, chooses a, m airl' n b b' _ . ..

h . . - i 1 e om mg   , :
c an ers n b ' ' J " = - '

p 0 S , mem ers v :: '~ ‘ i. h “5 “ERIN "OPE The tilt-ck point: \lllll't t“ ~ . . ”w J 3 ‘1
- - 3 ' : ,5 A.:S)ci tedP e~.- . . . ' . - .. . '
By WENDY 5. SMITH best positions," said David Nickell. .. " J « .. ‘J H a F ii Ii‘i'ii‘iii inf” him ”W ' " ”iii . . - '
SeniorStalfWriter SABVicepresident. P" i "' "x . ‘ ATHENS. Greece Police are ii'liiliiti'iliili’lililt‘tiilil‘zi'l ‘llit ‘t .. i. J .. i I .' ‘ '- '-
Nickell said once again SAB has “t at _. ,_ ‘ ‘ ti huntin for n A l . t V V ““VV , - ""V‘ ‘:“V - , V I
The Student Activities Board has the best leaders on campus. “I don't _ . ., i i C it pectedgof planating trliicilxiiiriiihuiilri‘atigt- :thiii “Litihiltdhiiitmtiill‘ ”ti “in”, Hi i ' V ' i
- . . 5. ., . . ' 5 -£ .5 ‘ ’ é‘m' :i' J I. . ‘
atrial}: asriiideccdi‘grrhsilig; pgisfitihgfm {husk WE‘VVCOuld have made better se— ' e ii iii; ' . ‘i i ploded 0" a TWA jetllner over south» H.000 miles (Her thi- :l'iill': ' ‘ .'.. i. . . .'
. ‘ ec lons' t . i -..§,,Ii’iii Mi ‘ .,5:»» ern Greece. killing four Americans. lt)llllll.lll».-\lll(‘l‘ll'rtll til. it i:w' ' to: V i H i i
viSepihgs‘idinstelgéedehnfldi-ilhhtan: t Th1: heryVVVSEIGCled Siiiilil commit. '. _ . 532‘” is " a § police sources said yesterday Greek Allierlt-aiis .i1 J.tun..i.. -. - -' i .- . ~' " I
. eec airp05l ionsareas o ows: IJ°“ ' . , ,. . i . . .. .' ' . ‘ ;» - ,
marketing sophomore, and Tina wPublic relations committee 9 i a t, . Th0 SOUTCGSV Speaklhg 0“ C‘mdhlhn giuhiiri imii. {LIVED}? ”l,“ "i ii -, I . ' I. i‘ i’, L. z
Payne. a marketing junior. respec- chairwoman _ Mindy Martin. a ae‘ x I of anonymity. said a woman called ‘iqiilhj'iiV Viili"d“VuV‘ V“ ‘,'V”‘ . VV ’ .-,. .- '
tively. communications ‘unior- “"°‘""' “mag...“ May Elias Mansur. a known terrol'I it PM“ “'i “ “A“? i ‘-"i""“ . - I ‘- , , t
. 3 J l y ‘ J - about" l‘llllul Js l-it .,. J - -

The selections process. which took wSecretary/treasurer __ Leslie . NNI'. HLNT ist, flew on the TWA Boeing 727 T\\'.i\-i)pl ) ii: .i lily Jl . . I . V "I. . '. , .,'.-" ‘, I VV,’
place Monday through Wednesday. Patton,afinancejunior; chairwoman —S P k , l‘t' , . ,. 5 5 from Cal“) ‘0 Alht‘m “Vt‘dhefllafi w“ 43”, rliniiK-ifi‘ \I“ link“ '5.,.'5i1‘ii "r , ' '2'," i ‘.L
.lwem over really well,“ said Paul i/I‘ravel committee chairwoman l . h usanV ec .a [>011- man- VBll‘gld Nledenzu. a microbi0~ morning. The plane went on to th-i ith- .. li ‘“ "l . t'wJVVMVd} 5 v V» J. i!-
Hayden, president of SAB. _ Amy Huffman, a business /finance ca selence sop omore, logy Junior: Rome and theVbomb exploded (iul‘ll‘ll-i. ("Vim film? 81:73:? ;::”i_\,.p,li“ i, if, ”i :3 ', ’, " . -' ' '13,-

“We had some very talented peo- freshman; .zSpotlight jazz committee chair- its return tlight from Rome to 0:“ seat WV. T\\‘I\ \ VVVkVV‘V‘VVV‘V’V"‘\V'V'TV‘V‘ , ' V‘ .Il'ln,
ple. and there were a lot of tough de- wVisual arts committee chairman woman — Lyn Carlisle. a journalism Membe 4 l . . h . Athens Wednesday afternoon llet-ltscher told radii... .. .Ici iiihi-m A. - l‘ n 'i- '
cisions to make. The selections com- — John Scheidt. a telecommunica- sophomore; an“ electrirJSld arge. ham Hug E“ "We have launched a search ..Theip(,l.\.,m Mm V.“ ‘,,,‘.,.',‘.‘ “,1. on j ”7-.- V. i t . '
mittee as a whole feels they have tions/Englishsophomore: . . _ C ha BeVanlneerlng ”"9 0‘ around Athens and other mm. -nd the pang,Womihnmg high: 1. i ', " ' i”-2. .’.
chosen a very diversified and com- wLittle Kentucky Derby commit- wCinema committee chairwoman more. - arrie e ersworth, a man . « i ~' U i d w l , -' - i i . i ' ‘ hf‘ii "i i "i ‘

.. . . , , , _ - . . keting Junior; Klare Schmidt. a me— also put out a signal to trace this )eing In\t>l't’.dltd l“ N't H it ~ t: liw _ . - _ , ..,J,- .
petent board. Hayden said. tee chairwoman — Missy Derlfield, Jennifer Ballard. a Journalism chanic l . . f h _ . person through Inter )I .. 0m, )1”, lead ~~ - . J. ,»,- . V.-.J

“We got a fine crop of young peo- an accounting sophomore; sophomore; Elizabjthenéfiiflgg 31:5 81:3,?“322 source said, Karlie:X yesterdg (in llvi'ksclicr said that lmtl. l .\ ox J‘l iii. ii ’ Ii,-
ple.deflnltely the best people for the ,zComtemporary arts committee wCoconcert committee chairwo- freshman. Rome. Italian interior Minister ports and Greek M‘t'lll‘ll} lllllt‘l.ll\ .p -‘- V 'V- ~ii' ,V

Oscar Luigi Scalfaro said. “it is con “0‘" agree lhill lht‘ Will" “4“ WWW .' Z' l ', .i ‘ .P .‘

o o o e tain that a suspect person. who is on in the passenger cabin and not llii- ' , I. " . I 5

Panel focuses on Afro-American black diViSions .. 0.. .. 5» -‘
and got off in Athens. occupying in 531mm ‘Vt‘llht's‘lil,\ I J " " i- I

lit-BOBBIWOLOCH Touba Bedingar president of the partici ~ .- I . . . , , _ the airplane the exact seat where Tht‘ pilot. t‘apt lticliaril lit‘lt'lsitl‘i. '- ' _

J _. . pants “I“ be addressmg, 86- t-nlversltv of Lambia and the Km .J . -- ., ~ -~\ IN ,. . . . . J ‘ J- ‘
StaffVlriter Blagk Graduate and Professional dingar said. versitvof'Richmond Va the explosion txcurred. Slilrizxfiiiiirihnii::hri':i\p]”, xiii?" ' . -. i

StuentAssociation. .. ‘ i ' - ... .. ,5 ‘ ‘ ‘ I'.” iii "i' 5.,-.-,

Cultural similarities and differ- t Stqueents areV encouraged to ZVlt- Registration for the entire semi- 1th? :{ahantegeiih’dagiin'ii A\VSA \'l(‘(‘ “in placed ill lltitil‘ li‘\t‘l llt'.ll‘ , " V . i.
ences are the topic of a seminar to- The association, in conjunction eVrVItht gengra seSSlons, he said. nar, which includes a luncheon and _th hthg unVOV umt entlfi-Hh “31th the cabin wall lll row lJ'lJ‘ iillt . ' ’.
morrow to evaluate the relationship anh the Office of Minority Affairs, w c at: SC eduled from 10 a.m. to group sessions on special topics, will ”‘1st 1%? 0"? V‘" CB; act “‘ch Grefik the crew illtVant see anyone tltillllVL. ' J . , '
between American and ‘African ls offering general sessions and a "0°“ an 2pm. to 3pm., and w‘" befr0m9130aml010am. iu ori “iii in l-irimng at i e SUSP'C'WSIIV ' ' -' '. '
blacks. panel discussion on “African and conclude Withaquestlon and answer h l . 51159901 V‘Fab beJK‘Wd 1" have In (‘airo the heutl ill 'he t'aiio . .. . ,'

. . Afro-American Relations" in 206 5955mm T e uncheon Vwill be fromVnoon boarded witha Lebanese passport in port Alllhtll‘ll) “a. ”W...“ V» ,3].

By examining the values of each Student Center from 10 am. until 3 A panel discussion will feature UhlllVl P-m- m 114 Student (enter the nameof May Mansur. missing claims that lltt‘ iwini» \\.l\ ' '- .
8TOUP. the seminar "W1" help blacks p.m. Robert Cumming. chairman of Afri- and is free i0 students Who reg” ANSA said she may have ho rd 1 ' I
to understand the factors WhiCh pre- can Studies at Howard University in tered earlier. a Middle East Airlines flight is Bgi- i“ ii in” I.“ J i ' i ‘i I
:9"! (rem-Americans and Africans VMEdIa Impact, education and reli- Washington, D.(‘.. and Fulbright Special topic group sessions will rut. Lebanon. shortly after arriving
rom ing closer together. said gion are a few of the aspects panel Professor James C. Mphaisha of the befrom 1 pm. t02p.m. in Athens. ’ '

Uni t 1 b . l u . . . n . Writer. We. ends
verSI y ce e rates centennia of Tin LlZZie With week of lectures, museum exhibitions, theater ;:;"°"°w WFJ'lJ °dv°°fv ver- '
mance. or etai 5, see ‘
3th 3:35); MILLER mankind has ever had butVValso a with an applicable topic for next Design Studio. Chevrolet Division. Automobile Racing," by Eric Chris. PASTIMIS. P0993.
r sag degree of seeidents, Betts week. 2; ‘V'l‘hVe Desnganeof tthe CoerIthte." tianson, associate professor of histo-
. - . . e ec ure , . - ’hies - .
UK W1“ celebrate the 100th anni- The f. . . “Since we couldn't really display da . the g] [-3 2Rp m futihs rVy. at 2 Em day ‘ a. lecture en
, "Is: automobiles were m- , y in ecep ion 00m 0 e titled The Automobile as a
versary 0‘ the automobile next week ted b t . the cars themselves. we deCided to Center fortheArts 1r f fMod " . the II! C.” notch a third-
with a series of exhibits and lec- :3“ b y Von German engineers, have a hood ornament display. . 8 2:2: orgieroV ern Culture, by
turee. an auto show and a tl'ieater 'e Dh'm 9." and Karl Benz who They‘re wonderful bits of soul ture There will also be an automobile e an Stan ey Brunn. chairman straight win over Bollar-
were worklng simultaneoml on the . - p of the geograph de rtment at 7 mm
Performance. roject The aut om ob'l ybec in their own rights." Hennessey trivia contest open to all UK under- m Wednesda i a VpaV r t'tled mlne. JP”. 6'
Raymond Betts. director of the p . ' . '9 ame said. graduates which will take place at 4 p. ' y5‘ ec u e. en '
Honors Program. said he felt “this available to the public through the pm. Tuesday. The prize will be two Speed and Sex. Automobile Orna- a”; ':‘-V"; ”13,3; a. J..I—
would be a wonderful opportunity to “his? '0‘ Rena. Ford and his as- VBetts said another 93¢"th event tickets to the Indianapolis 500 cour- gigtaiim' by HenneSSiiy at *i i = i.-
show the relationship between tech- 3"“ y "“3““ "Mamet“- WI" be 85 Production by James Rods- tesy of the Corvette Club. ” ay' *4”?- iJ‘r.‘J~J~
nology andthehumanitiee." One of three highlights of the ershtChalrtrii;:d0f“g:lufiater «Pg; The k f ts . be‘ i '

Betts said that ”like an techno- wwk. Betts said. will be a “stun- "‘9 , {3" '. .- °.“'y- we“ 0 eve" '5 "‘8 SP0" . edgy
logical device" the effect 3" the “V “if!" hood ornament exhibit from production is a musical biography of sered by the Gaines Center for the VA" antique and customized car ex- T, It”! is" 5‘ portlyV sunny
tomobile on society has been neu- the '20; and '30: that will run from "hm-V Ford down through "'3 Cl‘e- Humanities. the Appalachian (‘0l- h'hh l“ the parking '0‘ 0" Euclid a percent °i
trill. “but in its use and application Thursday W Sunday in the Art atiorioftlie"1‘inUzzie.“ lege Program. the Theater Depart- Avenue will take place from 10 am. WW Md 0 high
ithasbimightbothgoodmmd," MineumintheCenter fan"! Arts. Betts said the academic ”5”ng merit and the art mmeum. 33:38 pm. Saturday; a time rally. M N. Tomorrow will be

.. . . , , ue rass rts Car Club, t(‘om- .

lt ‘ "Md“ ‘- ‘th 5h” lighest Wilham Henneucy director 0f the of the week will be a lecture by Other events of the week include: monwealth ggiodium from 1 pim. to 3 WWW“ with o ‘0 W
degree of personal mobility that hu- museum. and they tried to come up Jerry Palmer. chief of the Corvette in lecture entitled “Speed and Sport: pm. Saturday. “M of Mi

 a ‘ l
lllubcth Cords Fran Stow-rt KENTUCKY
V I Ew POI NT Editor-in-Chief News Editor erne
Alexander S. Crouch
Editorial Editor lnubllchod 1094 Independent Since I"
. ~ -- , . " ‘1 t ’ " ‘ 'I ,. " 3 ‘ ’ T.
' d W ll 1’ 't
noon couu'nr KISS army glgS Ta a manner 0 recrul S
A WWW”?! ______—_ .
FMJH.’ WDWMWKS... Were youa member of the KISS Army"? My boss Gtordie _———“———_
- ' 5/4 W 0'7 WWW ”W137 They've still got some troops in Toledo. Ohio. where calls her “Leat er." 9 . -
QWWME 5. ggmcwemmwg‘w“ they sold out the Toledo Sports Arena. Home of the To- Kala. but I say it‘s more It S “me to take the blg metal
. 1mm ML mg ledo Goaltenders —— you know the Goaltenders. the toast URCH like “Naugahyde.” “KISS” out of the trucks now,
" 3’ CWM 097. of the International Hockey League She‘s wearing .
‘ i f The "rig." the first step in staging a show. was at 7 shorts with no scarred and scratched and on IIS laSt
5 h /_ " am," so we werethere at6:3i) to set up breakfast. — socks. running time around from the lOOkS Of
' ' \ V Riggers are a strange lot. You've got to be sotne kind shoes. a fake leop- .
‘ \ . X Q of stranger to work 70 feet in the air. setting 200.000 ard-skin coat. the dust of the road. and half of Wal- things.
. T‘ ) ‘ -‘ 7 pounds of equipment above the verv heads of your best green‘s stock of “Day-Glo Pink“blusher.
. i ._ . ‘ g I r l») friends. and the stagehands union. She Just walks right in, and begins her story. slurring
t ; C‘C ‘1“ f l I r‘ k“ They generally come in. cuss a little. grab some cof» her words through long brown hair caught up in a head- It’s time to take the big metal “KISS" out of the
git”. I‘m“. g; m feeand doughnuts and gotowork. band. trucks now. This thing is old. It‘s been in Madison
‘ _ I . ‘ ‘ k . ‘ ‘ 1 M Then in comes the generator tech; because KISS still “You gOt any work? I gotta get some work. to get up Square Garden shaking from the high decibel screams
' . g ‘ mar 10 has that huge flashing "KISS“ stage set and all the rest. the price of a ticket. All my money got stolen. I was at of thousands of fans. "‘5 beento Japan-
- , mm: mm 170/7? m 5774 5 they get a generator to supplement the power available this truckst0p and looking at the map to see it I was Now it's in Toledo. .
. . W ”t W ’3’ 1‘ . W“: . air at most of the smaller halls they're plaving these days. goin‘ the right way and 1 had my money there and This thing is scratched. banged, dented from eight or
, . . ': , igfii/fiane /7MPrE a . ., 6% ON I and the generator tech works with that. - looked up and it was gone. I need to talk to meg:I guys more years on the road. It depresses me. This thing is
' ~ . at man 7' 0H -.~ uh - ' -. . . .. . . because they stole my song and there are COpyrl tcon- my youth. Bright and flashing and larger than life.
' .- EC ,' 599/? Y - . Ht 5 lmh‘ and pretty loud considering the hour...When cerns. Icame all the way from Kentucky.‘ Scarred and scratched and on its last time around from
- * . ' “\ a a . another roadie asks if he can have some eggs, this Irish Oh reat the looks of thin s
‘ 4. accent yells. "\'()I"LL GET NOTHING AND LIKE g ~ g ' _
. . . »\ ~ * .. . - h ~ lnevereven marched for the KISS Army.
. .. ? IT! I can tell by looking at these roadies that t ey re W h" ‘ fth h .1 t I ‘ ' ’th
' . -' ‘ ' 1 '\fl ‘5?“ A > about to dro 'nt entiall cruel remark on atc ing some 0 e 5 0“ a er on. 5‘,” a guy w1_
. .. . _, ._ . , , . psome qut ess y ‘ ..... .. . .
. . ' , , ‘ \x ' “lkelhh‘ SUN BU! 1 make theeggs. her ”Look we haven't got anv work this stuff is ar a T-shirt that says If It s Too Loud. You re Too Old.
-, ‘s I n. i . , ' . ' . .-..' U, . V
‘ . '. . -‘ ‘ "7 " I" - '{ 1 He rolls this lopsided. scarred roadcase over and ranged in advance. you really should go outside. if EeneGSimmons lb singing ‘0“ PU“ the trigger on m)
.v . . . l i L, Jflg " _ 5 opens it up. In there with the industrial power “snakes" you‘re hungry. I can give you a doughnut 0" some- 01:? yin}, I d
. . l_. . - ,. i\\ >3 \\ f, in.» a and tools and tape is what he's looking for - a cappuci- thing." Then security saved the day by coming over and 0 '5!" PFttatb 0? h
‘_ Z.» ‘ 1 hi I 1| no machine throwing her out. n 0 I S utg '
‘ , ' 3 i . ' by Berke Breathed The cappucino-swilling roadie is nothing compared to You could tell that this girl was not going to be satis- Features Editor Kaleie Urclt is an economics and
T _, . ' the girl who‘s outside hanging around. fied with a doughnut and coffee and see ya later. music marketing sophomore.
g - ' _ 0 o o
' Stop at Cmcmnatl Lemmas
- . . , . . . , Readers are encouraged to sub-
. . ' , Spring vacationer s Dantesque tourney to hometown Detr01t the last mistake he 11 ever make ma letters and opinions to the
i ' " . Kentucky Kernel.
" . . ' ' l spent in sprint; break in a mor- to future explorers who make this " "" —_' " taurant bussing tables to make up cial discrimination isn't dead yet. _ . . . . .
f l.ii Ilt’II \tv I tiltlll'l do It) Cleveland. famed journey to The MOIOI‘t‘lI)‘. for the expense Of my travels. I'd Luckily my friends and I decided to h::{g:n;dr;llsb$;fi?:%mmzlfiletag
, I sent to .taltlt' lletrotl First I made the mistake of stop- Contributing worked there before. It's a fine leave their “turf" before the next ihe editorial editor at the K 'f ,I
' . I A” r . ’\ JIM 'H'h‘hl ”I “Flemng to ping 3‘ one Of Ohio's famed rest COLUMN|ST erk restaurant. Opa! and all that Detroit riot made us part of the In Journalism Buildin Lefxirh‘ :
' ‘ . lll.t' t*\v tiottt- t‘IM' did on their areas only to be approached by an stuff. For three days 1513‘“?de Pa' parking lot. I missed Kentucky more mh Kv 40506 g. g
\iil‘lllL‘. 'truth I can't cwn Grim} elderly man sporting a high quality thetically rich patrons Wh0 hp 15 and more with every waning mo ‘ -' ‘
. \l'l‘\ .tt.h.tt.orr with its Spring Break bowling shirt. He was 10st. "Haw do —— percent to the penny. It wasn't bad ment, All . it "I . be . - '
l \t‘ interns s‘top rubbing it in I git to Fart Wayne Iniana." he until the cook threatened toklll me. Stay away from Detroit. t 3‘: (hide .niuftd “PW“!-
ll‘.\ law asked as he puzzled over the multi- ferengineers who convieniently “You weasle motherf--—--." ‘he I never did make it to Virginia en an ou chspate '
' "\tt utnl to Key Largo. Sarasota. colored expressway map. I at- leave your gas cap in their back said, “I'm 801"}?! lek your. 1 Beach or anyplace else. The lSde- W .l, . ‘t . -I d th .
. .tntt Ih‘orl l.;tUtlt-l‘dttle.” boasted tempted to explain to him that we pockets. I checked it on my way 30! the Impr95510h_1 had done some- gree weather wreaked havoc on my “fr: lmfi“ "K ule ‘ e1;
_ Itatztn. one oi my tricnds “Fort were on l-75 at the exact location of back to the car. I think I shattered thing t0 upset hlm. When 1 ap- health and handed me “The Detroit "am?“ +8.6??pr num ”3r“ ani
Insult I'tluit‘ really sucked. but the the tack as he promptly corrected his dream. "I sorry." he whined. “I proached him rather COCklly {0 (115' Cold." a relative of “The Pittsburgh wawhfiffi‘! 'Ca "m“ or conneth
' W" ”t lht' I'l‘t‘ilk W115 great.” ht‘ me always forget that.“Right! cover why he might desire t0 deal Cold" and “The New York Cold.“ '0" “I '
' . _ t'l‘lllilltllllt‘tl as he scratched his. "No? We‘re on 71." he exclaimed. Ohio drivers never change lanes me this painful fate he responded. Now I'm back home in Kentucky.
. ‘ itt't‘llltL. 'annettncck Itlon'tcare! “I've made the trip home befar and like to drive side by side. Go ”because you're ugly and stupid." It content and safe.
i It you think ~\our break was an ex young man." I shattered his illusion ahead. flash your brights. honk your W85 ObVIOUS ‘0 me at this point that If it weren't for Bud and Lou my .
. pvlwncth beyond compare. llb‘t listen when I finally convinced him we horn. weave from lane to lane. these he was much to? intelligent 10 rea- break would have been a total loss. Apologies
loitlth were well into ()hio. Beware the peopleareclueless. sonynth SO 1 avotded him for the re- The two days I spent here in the
' \tti-t an incredible weekend here menin bowling shirts Cincinnati is the only salvageable mainder 0f theevemngt Bluegrass with them were great. The editorial cartoon on yestep
. , it Iilt‘ I’illlt'fil‘u.\>. I left Louisville The best bumper sticker in the part of Ohio. Toledo is a “Teen-age To tell you the truth. he would By the way. it anyone knows 0f it day‘s Viewpoint page mistakenly
. \l.illtt.l_\ to my rented Cutlass Su» world declares ”Whoever said love Wasteland." have most definitely killed me hadl cheap apartment here in Lexington implied that the Student Govern-
‘ ill't-illt‘ to go it here few melt have thy neighbor didn‘t live next to In four hours I'd finally made my stuck around. I left as soon as my for the summer. I need one. There's ment Association was responsible
Il.ll't'ti uo ! \clitul'cd through the ()hio“ way through purgatory. arriving in shift was through. To this day l have no way I‘ll ever go home to Detroit for the effort to move Student
. L....w slate the) spell larm E l E I Do not openly display a copy of hell. Broken glass. abandoned cars. no idea why he felt this way. Aren‘t again. I plan on establishing an offi- Agencies into the Student Organi-
tt that h l‘lL‘Ill. 1 thin The Michiganiun's Official Guidp m smog and pot holes that could swal~ Detroit people nice? cial IKentucky residence as soon as lati()ns and Activities Center. The
l‘lte lrvp seemed to last forever. ()hio Jokes on your dash board. This 10“" a 811le annouced that I was In I went into my neighborhood POSSlble. Kentucky Kernel regrets the
' ’ . I‘ll? it enabled mt- ttl make numerous can tend to upset the Ohio-bornhand- MOIOWH- White Castle at 3 one morning and Thomas J. Sullivan is a joitrna error.
I'lN'I'hltlttI‘m that mil) be m SCTVICt‘ bred—NeanderthaI-petroleum—trans— While in Detroit I w0rked in 8 ms soon became aware that reverse ra— lism sophomore
a 3, DIR ECTOR Y '
. g g _ .
_ . ' Today ; . "For where / ~_ /_
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‘_ _, . 4“ . , in My Name . ////“ ‘ , i i .
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. . The Baptist Student Union — — , , ,/ / _\ \i . <§R\\ ~\ ‘\ t t/ 1
‘ ‘. sowing the Unlvoniiyoixentucky - _ 1‘ I t g; - \\ r, \W . h. \ ' //
. ' , ' . ‘ 429Columbio Ave. - - / ‘ 7 I , \ \ I],
. . . - fi . "i ~. FREE 257-3989 - ‘ - _ .\;\/’I/” 55% \ . . Wit .M‘
_ . i ‘. ‘~ ' m1 tomleyut tin .tim —‘ m 5 <\. s. ' x' q . . g
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' ‘ «. . so P “ o “mg Centenary United Methodist a l u: 1H“ ’V
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, -' - . ; -. - . phonozz1o.9920or21o.casi ’ ' --
f . .‘ ‘ . . . . ‘ ) 393 Waller Amt/imperial Plaza (gum/(6W (6W Sunday Wonhlp 2 "I“ 2'". ',
. l. " .‘ ’ . shout Sure! at “alum and Esplanade 32456.!!!" THWGJI'L, 6:30PJ"- a ‘ llillfidi
'.' 1. ' ' fi‘ ' = 73345“ Sunday School at 9:50u.m. " J Fr]! .
. “‘1 . . I ‘ f" 5"".0" ‘'1". 9.20 lug “vvlcnlvom Univ.Dv.SOo. g ‘ o I i. I'll" l" I v
j “ - '. ' . ii, "KEEP WHATIS coon" "MIMI.” ““4““ "“‘V I "" = I: l P'i ,’ ’
. ‘i -. - _.' By 9 to: LoliegeSOudoMsci1:30p.m. 00 r I!‘ ’l [in ~th I
‘. . . t_" '5 M. Glynn Iurlto A April 11 - Fri. nght Fellowship 9 I! “"1“ I / V I
' l ' ‘ “ ' i' i I 1 «hi - oo1:30p.m. .VOM H 'i I"! “Hi I
. . .1” .1: Des-TYPO Chou Sonic... Him “Loo “mayonnmvtotionioanyovmn E ‘u "1"" w ..
.-. .-.i_ -, - ”M *- .-. it OI ‘ ‘ " '
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, - i m @omoWorsbtn Witt) Us “ I "' '
I . . .1 .. YPOW "9 .__-__.____;._—_—4 THE KENTUCKY KERNEI.
. , , . the ONLY newspaper distributed :
. 1' . _ WEEKEND HEADQUARTERS exclusively on the campus of
r, 4 . ' "The World Famous" the UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY i
. ' . g 0 Distributed FREE, Monday through Friday
. , . . _ ( .. _ WW, . . , Q .. A throughout campus and surrounding areas.
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. reach over 18 000 students faculi and stuff
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' it t 90¢ Mixed Drinks t t $4.00 All the Droft-U-Ccn-Drlnkl MAKE YOUR ADVERNS'NG COS? EFFICIENT
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And don't forget... Anybody that's anybody mean at the 'Kcyc char Kmnolond. erne '
For further Information contact:
'——-—-—-——_——"'——'—————— LINDA COLLINS. Advertising Director
Read The Kentucky Kernel 251.2312 :

 . D I
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II; a :g/ ”Titer—2!“: ’"' t... n...
3n) 2: ‘ _ 2.‘ B I”, _ A
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1-“ 7 -.‘F_‘: / _- ‘Iigiii=la!—il§ 3:3 .. ‘l: 7‘ ‘ | Assistant Art, (am).
0 O
’ .. . e O
- an' 0 MN n -- - Poetic concert closes conference tonight
0;; , , . '
r g '. ’ By SCOTT WARD . reading; it's a compendium of Morton said the show is “by and of quality theater by black authon
{UPI SpectalPrOJects Editor works of black women poets tied to- about black females." and encour» plath rights . .
O'v.’ i 1/0 . . gether thematically. The 90-minute aged the entire Lexington comniu- ()f the Women Writers t'oiit‘erent-e , _, ‘
lii‘a‘ C v , G . The eighth Women Writers Confer- show will explore the relationships nitytoattend. In general. Morton said one of the . ' ’
‘6 A ence will close tomorrow night with of women as women, sisters. daugh- important things l's‘ its (litersiti. and ' .
_ l- a performance by the Theater ters.mothers, lovers and friends. AlsoOpeOrforming “'"h OMorton “l“ “were real pleased to he a part ol
, Workshop at Louisville ol the poetic . . be Primlla Hancock (ooper. and mm ~- .. g .
Austin on saloon — 2350Woodhil| strapping Center. Tonight and tomar- concert “I Have Been Hungry All “MOW“ 9escr‘bed,,lhe “’0“? a? Piano accompaniment Will be pm- , s 1 . . .
. .. a woman s psalm. and said. it s Vided byJeffl-e . Hunter. I Hm. men Mimi.” ._ A. low. » . .,
row. Southern Spice (country rock), 9pm. tot a.m. 32 cover. My Years. . . ~ 3 , . ,. . , .1
the Ier _ 22‘ E. Main St. “Mal" and 'WOWO Top “mm“ "mm on a a rather unique experience that . O . . tear» urn be puwntcd Out a p m . . O- .
soundsystem ‘ PM .0 1 cm. alter M“ on hunky "om l '0 3‘” am ODonna Bradley Morton: PFOducer- must be Witnessed. She said it is OBegun In l984. TWL is the pH‘r tonlovrriti (It Ml'morul Hill. lit Rl‘l\ O . . , ,O O
”cover ’ ' ' ' " ' ' ' lineal: and it," agrees "t the if!“ Til very ‘sOOtrOEghshoLv" and thatedthe n'tiietre {)Olactk theatOer coOiiipuiOiy-din tin; . 3: mr stilllt’nls and .34 lm tliw new . ' . , .

' . . orma ce. 53' " ungry" is no a eater 'or s op as present it sa e. . or on 58K, an is (e it-ntt-l .tml {whim we «trim»: or .1 ' f“ -
m}3:flhu’; ‘zmvf:ifit:3n;?:;l:/n:5 12:32:;hzmx‘ghw Kllqu. play and more than a simple poetry before, if) the presentation and preservation “now” W‘rllt'rx (I’llllt’li‘lw t i \. 4‘7l(\ O: OO". 5 , i; {,1
It. A “loan — 2909 Richmond Road. Tonight and tomorrow, Straightoway . .‘ . " O' "O: ’.O',‘
(TopAOdonce).9p.m.tot a.m.Coveris$3after7zmp.m. §.. - , .1 .‘ tO-O.OO.
Wing's —— 509 W. Main St. Tonight and tomorrow, The Trendells ('605 and Ch Olr b OyS I‘ : " . . ' r’.;""i/‘ J
70erock).9:15p.rn.tol o.rn.$3.50cover. 7 ' [33,": git-2".
We — Hyatt Regency Hotel. The lounge features Top 40 dance music on . . . . . . _ .’«' 5:,:.'O .. .r .

c we mm, .. addition .0 your