xt75mk65719n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75mk65719n/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1981-10-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 06, 1981 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 06, 1981 1981 1981-10-06 2020 true xt75mk65719n section xt75mk65719n ' ‘ . ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ’ ,. . ' » ~ . . ' ~ , : ‘ :1 ’ A» . , a, 32.3% ‘iiif fail if,,
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'1‘. The Kentucky Skycoaster rolls up ; ’ l ._ "
toward the 705 today —— with clouds, .
breezes, and a good chance of a l ‘
thunderstorm. Down again tonight l .
though, as the sky clears and turns to
the 4(5. Temperatures tomorrow .
" should be in the 60s , ’
_______________________________ !
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Tuesday. October 6, 1981 Lexington, Kentucky :
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I Photo by FRANK SALVINO/Keniel Staff ,
: Gods Spell? ‘ ‘
In the South. with many revivals and “tent meetings." Sunday preachers and public evangalists are not an uncommon pastor." Perry was preaching from a cement wall in front of Memorial (‘ollesium yesterday as students gathered to .
. Sight. A few students. however. seemed suprised by Glenn Perry of Lexington who termed hinself the “campus get tickets for the L'K-South (‘arolina football game.
SA battles OVGI‘ f “Cl-I19 f0 budg t 1: fly
"—— ArChltGCture Senator k“ Dwellen SCUBKOI'S in attendance voting against Hjsle said h th ~ - ~ - , t.
8 'JAMES EDWIN HARRIS . . '. . . _ . e ought Brockman The SA appropriated $865 to hold ed to rise. the UniverSity Vpopula ion _
Bireau Chief said filnglitarylwlllapfiear atthe Oct. or abstaining. did not submit the bill to the SRC the rally, termed an "urgent necessi- will drop. equipment Will not be ..
14 1‘3] y 50 edu‘edfo-rt Cllpld'm front Senators-at-Large John Fullam became he may have felt the bill ty" by Brockman, Speakers schedul— replaced and programs such as the
A~A774~~»---——--—-~-f~7~—~f 0‘ .e AdmlhIStl‘ahOh bUIIde- SA and Scottllisle questioned the con- would have failed. ed to appear include Edward College of Dentistry and the College '
A Student Association senator said President {Britt l3rockman would not stitutionality of Brockman’s bringing Fullam called the nine abstentions Prichard. chairman of the Committee of Communications will be cut.
that UniverSity President ()ns confirm Dw1lien 5 report. the bill to the‘senate as an “emergen- “a signal“ to Brockman. noting that on Higher Education in Kentucky’s The potential effects of the cuts led -
Singletar y Wlhhtte‘hd a rally to salt“? _ . cy‘ measure, The measure, Hlsle should he attempt to move another Future. Singletary, and an as-yet un- Brockman to call on the senate to ap ;
, higher education. a. rally the SA Approval Of the flmdmg bill. said, Should have appeared before the bill through the senate in the same named “leading faculty member,“ prove the measure. saying “By God,
senate approved funding for at last hOvaer. met With reelstance from Senate ReView Committee before go- fashion, ”a lot of people will vote no. Brockman said he would attend if you don‘t think we ought to get in-
hlght 5 regular meeting. the senate, w‘th nearly a th'rd Of the ma t0 the full senate. and will try to get others to, too." Wednesday‘s broadcast of KET'S volved in this thing. you ought to think
I I . I “The People‘s Business" to ask Gov. about going to school in another
own flooded With I I r ..
’ - I e u Lt. Gov. Martha Layne Collins could The senate also encountered con-
: 'i . . , not attend because ofa prior commit- troversy in its approval of another
t —_———Bv TIM Pl-‘TTI T William Chamberlain’s home were press or others of such nature. You “around the high school. it's mostly ment, Brockman said. emergency measure which will send
Associated'Press Writer covered “"01 hardened plastic mon- willberemoved!“ look-alikes that are SOld- OUt in the The funding includes 3.000 bumper up to seven senators and Brockman to
’ ‘ ths before the first frost. The stuff is Welcome to Lewistown, the central streets, it'sadifferent story." stickers with the slogan “Higher the United Smtfi Student Association
,._.__....t V*_ .. . designed to repel the force of a .33. Pennsylvania city that law enforce- Because you can't tell the dif- Education is Kentucky‘s Future.“ as Conference in Lincoln. Neb. on Oct.
‘ ‘ Y ‘ . ' . . caliber bullet. ment officials call the look-alike drug ference between the caffein capsules well as posters to be hung thrOughout 15-19.
LEMIS'NWN. Pa. —A.haircut will . The twostory brick and stone home capital of the nation. and the hard drugs, the Mifflin Coun- the campus area. In a heated floor fight, Hisle at-
cost you $3.50 in DaVid Specht‘s Just outside the town limits has a Capsules packed with the non- ty School District has banned all Brockman said state and federal tempted to pass an amendment to the
barbershop on the square. For $20 Cinderblock room built on the rear. prescription stimulants caffeine. drugs not first approved by theschool budget cuts the University will suffer hill which would cut full funding of
more, be h 59“ you a bottle 01' 1.000 It‘s loaded with boxes of stimulant ephedrine and phenylpropanolamine nurse. in the next two years will bring “an three senators' and Brockman's ex-
stimulant FaPSUkS- . pills. By the doorasign with skull and — the latter two widely used in an- “I’m talking even about throat exodus of the most qualified pro- penses but pay the registration fees
All the first~floor Windows of Mayor crossbones warns, “No reporters, tihistamines —- are manufactured in lozenges," Schnell said. “The kids fessors to other universities because for seven senators and Brockman.
the Mifflin County area.That’s legal. and parents have shown a good at- UK will no longer be able to stay at Hisle's amendment failed but was
They're packaged in thls area and tltude about it." benchmark levels With faculty replaced with a compromise amend.
sold here in bottles of 1,000 and 100. Chamberlain, the Lewistown salaries, research opportunities and menl which would pay registration
. That's legal,too. Allaperson needs to mayor, is a vocal opponent of the general operating expenses." fees allowing four additional senators
get a license from the state is a $25 look-alike industry. He‘s also a den He also said that tuition will be forc- to attend the conference
check that won't bounce. tist who now packs a weapon.
The capsules may contain up t0500 After telling the police to arrest WWhm Pam cmasy
milligrams of stimulant. compared look—alike distributors and retailers
l with the 75-100 mg in a typical over- who verbally abuse officers, his house . _
the-counter caffeine stimulant. And was splashed with paint three times. med b ter mum
5 the drugstore variety do not contain The fourth time a man who describ- se can re
,3 ephedrine and phenylpropanolamine. ed himself as a “caffein salesman“ “T‘ , t .1 A to)
‘ i' The distributors say the capsules was arrested and pleaded guilty to the By KEN “my“; "9 mayor Sthat a‘mes ”mam-e .
‘ are for use as dieting aids or to im~ vandalism. Bureau Chief resppnse {was h ’12:"ng said
prove alertness. but law enforcement “People here are afraid of those greatsng 0° muc S e. ‘
3' authorities say they are being sold in- men." Chamberlain said. ”I‘m not “ ' ' WW ' ' "m Sra'tt said that since the park was
l diVidually to teenagers. . scared, but Inever thought I d have to Universal bumper stickers are hard “small and extensively used." many
», Some teens mistakenly think go geta permit to carryagun either. m come b E , , , h . . .
. . . . . . y, very car owner as his other looal groups )omed theprotests.
l they re getting illegal amphetamines. Chamberlain installed $1,500 worth idea of the right slogan for their car .
. - . - - - . One reason for this. he added. was the
l Some know better but still take 303ta of reinforced plastic on his Windows But one green and white sticker 1' t fr sons for kee i the rk as
1 time to get a high. Nationwide, 12 after police said informants had adorned both beetles and 450 g1 l ‘5 0 ea. .. PPS ”pa
3 , t s ast proposedbv the opposmon.
, deatls have been blamed on Iook- warned them that his house would be vear when a controversv arose over T - . .
., . ., . _ . , hose reasom. he said, included
' l alikes overdoses. But it s all legal. firebombed. Woodland Park that .. there are "0‘ man rks areas
' Illinois Assistant Attorney General Look‘alike distributors and . ' - _ .. . . . ypa .
: . . . - . - , . , The SthkeFS. Simply Save in town. the Universny is consuming
. Larry Ramey has filed cml law smts retailers in lleyvistown say they are Woodland Park .. were distributed to .
, . , . . . . . . ~ other open spaces. and the (Urban-
; against 28 Icon-alike distnbutors, in- wrongly blamed for the increase in . ,
i , . . combat a proposal by the Lexmgton Countv‘ government is densely
l eluding seven in Pennsylvania,accus- street sales of the capsules. Fayette Urban~Countv Govemment l' the ,,
’ ‘ ' ‘ ' . . " nd rstand the le's ' ' ' - mp" ating area
ing them of Violating the “bums Con I can u e peop that would have constructed a senior Pr " 'd Am t "tried to the
' l ‘ sumer Fraud Actand using deceptive p0intofview,but we don‘t deserve to citizens center m the recreational d . a 58‘. t :h: Council mpasws
' "i trade practices in literature and be called the names we're called area ' ‘ filth? menr 'fdidn'l want to mange
_. . ' 7" advertisementsruninthestate. That‘s a legal substance in those cap Don Pr it be ,- th .90" .9
~ 1' “B t that bet n til " id dr wholesaler Dale 3 ‘ a "‘9‘“ r ” '3 thedms'm‘
i' ‘y ar, area wee s 5‘ sa ug ‘ neighborhood association in the But the controversy that started out
I LeWistown and State College has the Herto. Woodland Park area who was involv- . . - l . ’th
l largest concentration of lookalike "l have mailing lists I'm getting in - “1th a bang may end peaceful 3 m
. . . ‘ 9d "1 the protest. said he had SUP‘ a proposal that received the approval .
'l distributors and dealers than to homes. I dont sell to teen-agers ed th 'de fthe t t f. t '
. . -‘ he . the t‘ “Ra 'd l've 0t lein theirsthbu . this PO" 9| a 0 0“" er 3 "'5 ofthe Urban-County Government and .
‘ anyw rein na ion, mey sal ‘ 8. peop .. ylng but later changed his mind because the UK Boardof’l‘nstees last month.
Jack Ogun, director of the Penn for weight loss. nth r , 0 man' oblems con-
‘ l ' Di ' ion of Drugs 'd Mif- Proposed state r ulations would e e were s ) pr The proposal would call for a land
5y. ”m" “s '5‘“ . ‘ as coming parking. space considers trade between the two public bodies.
. flin Country has 70 look-alike ban the manufacture of any capsule tion" and other issues that were . . k .
. di . . h bles ri i on .. UK would acquire the Clifton Par
stributors. or pill t at resem a presc pt on ,
l . . . . 9 never discussed and Pond areas on Clifton Avenue. ln
n the corridors of bemstown High drug Would that upset Herto. Pr tt said members of the he ,
School six of the stimulant ca ules "Sure I‘d care. I went to a lot of . a ‘ ‘ . ”Chm“ for t eityowued F099" >
~ - P“ b Id ! . . .
' will cost you at least $1 maybe as trouble having my own special cap— ”9'“th {thnhem “1 I an "95‘ l Kwould givetheUrban-Cbunty 1
muchas ’3. sule made up... organization to lg t propose . See "Woodland."pl§e$ .
“You can get anything you want What color is it? . . ; . -
like that anywhere in the school. “Black' t W ,
" Everyone knows that," one neatly Anyspecial reason? 5' l . ‘
FA K E 7 dressed senior told a reporter asking Herto searched for want for about \ ' . - « .‘
. questions in a plychology class with 255ec0nds R . I . , ._ y ‘
, teacherJack'l‘hompsonlookingon. “It just looks better." “RMP'WWW’” ”MONA leash Seepage s. 1:; i
" One boy. a junior with short hair. Black is the color of a popular Lo . y.” . II- it‘ ti; _. ., .353:
- spoke with the reporter in a hallway pmcnption amphetamine sold il- 4‘ mm 9 '5 "no t ‘9 m“ a betcha" mm mad about “MW 7, >
‘ with Principal James Schnell we- legally on the streets today. drug of- ‘f&.‘".,<; ’, 5:; {‘5 94'1"."
sent He calmly explained how ficials say fashétaai
' V ‘ “ t t x 0. .; '3. ft"?
' ‘1 at. ‘ a
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. a‘ of? “:5? 4‘.‘
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. ' M.‘ 1"»1,‘xefxr‘~* is? < l: “w or“ ‘ JUN ~
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. 5% ~' 7,1312“ . 1‘ it .' ,
{.5“; , ' BillStelden (xi-um mm... Anaconda u“ Wallace M. (handler no... I .I .l
,,,. i . . Editor-mum new llditor James Edwin Harris Sport- mm banishment adiw Mutter . j, , lg?" -'
W” r DeleG.Mortnn :: '. .
Ex " e s ua 510 Po 1 g Boec ll uiil Knish. Mucous Steven w. lawnm- leslle Michelson Burt Ledd I .1 .
“‘3‘?“ I. y Chief '
Vega“ Jacki Rudd Cwywur mmmmww Waiter-telnmentliditor WW” 1
1’5” f. ‘. “I735 75: Auocllll Editors Kirby We” I ~ 1‘".
.II.I I Graphic-Editor ;: ~ 1"
1 :‘ 1.: ‘I ' is '
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Pu l' t ' trf' 'ed ' ll ' ' t bud t ts ' ’ ‘
_, lc eac ers ius I I re ylng aga ns ge I,
l: III . ' . . a . ..
‘ ‘ _ . l During the next two weeks, Kentucky will the bare essentials — textbooks, classrooms, I \\ f i? gt“ ,. I a :
, g witness rallies at seven state universities perhaps an office or two. Although the days of ‘- “ m \ \\\\ \ ll J & _ . {@1325 / . :11"; :OJ'Ifl
. i sponsored by the Student Government the one-room schoolhouse are gone, Brown \ \ \ I . .:.:. . I, 1%)) . , ~
. l Associations of Kentucky. The seems determined to preserve them, despite \ \ \ n.1,": ;‘ 3 this: t: 'R% figé , , - ego
. demonstrations, designed to protest Gov. John the strides made in education in the 20th cen- \ {u} 3 II we I” Itfi ' I 3::
i- Y. Brown’s budget cuts in education, will be tury. . \ .I \\ Wang-III , {fr ",3‘ f % ._,. / III h
kicked off today by a rally at Western Ken- Kentucky’s school children deserve more \ l ({ \ , ,’ g . y // WI':'.,I I p
: tucky University. UK students will have their than textbooks with no covers and overcrowd- . \\ 555552;; )7; ‘h 1;, if” ,3: ,,// / . , I, 1* I; n
. ‘7 own, sponsored by the Student Association, ed classrooms. If they are going to be ex- \ \- \ x .. (z: ‘ I // / II in
Oct. 14. pected to function properly in the outside \ \\ § ‘ .. %I,/ [I .
' The state‘s universities, however, aren’t the world, let alone in a univerSlty setting, then \ - 4 g- . y // “Lg“, , .- ‘3 . . g
. only ones worried about slashes in the educa- the state should supply them With the educa- ~ \ a? , 331
tion budget. The Central Kentucky Education tion necessary to do so. . \ \ § 5 MR! _. a
E Association is concerned with the effects of “The Man Who Fried Our Chicken Is Gonna \ \ § § , I %/ ' . f a
l more than $90 million in cuts to elementary Cook Our Goose If We Don’t Stop Him,” read I 5 II / I mt It / .u ,I ~
and secondary education in the last year, and one sign carried at the KEA rally and the 6 g” / I 1 .» r 0 II II 2:
f 150 KEA teachers from across the state voiced slogan aptly sums up Kentucky’s dilemma in g n // ,f, ‘~ . I , U "d‘l’ @I/l _ ,ii. fl
their rage at a rally in Frankfort Friday. education funding. If Brown insists on treating ,, ('\ ,I. o I ' ~~ :.I- - _ a! i - - 1 'm
E And rightly so. Everyone knows that public education like a business, then it is necessary _ - "th l1 ‘~c;’_._,f g .— 7‘ I g .I T]
‘. education begins at the elementary level. If for him to supply the raw materials, such as ' ,'I" " NJ I, 13; 0h "" ‘ El l —— _ . a ' - . l"
: the state cannot cough up a reasonable textbooks and classrooms, required to get his \\ 14/“ :1... _.. ' , ‘U ,. I . g
, . amount of money to teach its youngsters, then “business” off the ground. 3?- :. . ’ ”(A .3: / .— . . .1? ; pl
Kentucky will wind up with several genera- KEA has the right idea. The rally’s theme ‘ k“:- ‘ , / \\ ' u"? 3 -¢( 1 Ildi
* - tions of unprepared adults unable to read, was “Let Education Soar,” but with Brown’s ‘ 7 5-7, ‘53" 7? , y (.7 $1 (a I w I'
. ' write or spell because their schools lacked the blatant disregard for the needs of elementary : / __—::' ll 32/5 ”y ,I'.‘ II “ o I I I . ‘ : IS
. - proper materials to educate them. and secondary school systems, education is as?" l {/91 a l . lir- I g .- z
. The teachers aren't asking for more than bound to hit Kentucky likea ton of bricks. El @i‘ , . i |r = y e - , . . 5th
i 5 , ' - - . » t ,y
' . ———————I——————-——~————— g E “—2 y ////, ‘ - \\ X i A g 1 , ‘I ~. :yc
In submitting letters to this b the opinion cam, men [0 anyom ' ’ ~ . I
page. writers stmld address the" PM W “as, on campus or in the community, ; . ~ _ ,_
. comments typed and triple-spaced . _ should contact Chris Ash or Bill I/ _ THAT AN AW.A/RCRAF 7 GUN ; —. 1.",
to the editorial edita' at 114 Jour- m Steiden at 258-5184 before submit- HEY .. ‘ S I . II
nalism Building, UKI. W. ting material. / 9\‘ . : III ”pm
Students, UmverSlty employees jors, classifications or connection The Kernel reserves the right to CO Ml” (J OUT OF THE GOVERNORS OFHC E "Z ;. . I is l
and other interested persons "“5! with UK. Letters should be limited edit for grammar, clarity and . . 1 Jan:
include their names. addresses. t0250words. length, and to eliminate libelous Z' to»
telephone numbers and their 1113- Those wishing to contribute to material. .' I: roll
, L____e_————-———~———_~———‘ . . j ,
, . ,I I I __
. mam—w Reagan tells the elderly. .-, . ..
1 ‘ l n l I a j i . ‘ I3
‘ - suffering, dying Is patrla tic , g: _ t.
l . m, .. If you’re one of the slackers who ff
’ u . -~ ~- in M was disappointed at the smallness of m 1. ‘ - II I'
‘~‘~ "I“ ~ e_ s“? President‘Reagan’s decrease in the I ' ' ' ' I ' j
“ ~ I *‘ — increase n military expenditures. Marines; decade after decade, sit ~ I L; ‘ -
s r s. l\\ ,5] I l I heed the voice of a patriot. Listen to has had a free ride on the backs of the 1.; I
E 3T i " ‘J ' Gen. Lew Allen Jr.. the Air Force fighters and producers. Isn't it high ;; ‘.
‘ . , Chief of Staff, who’ll set you straight time this parasitic person does «: ‘
. t I v F— . I . I on whether or not you can bear the something forhercountry? _ » ' _
lI ' I burden of high interest rates so that What can she do? She can’t work - ' ', ~. .
1 ‘ ' \‘ your country can have a few, badly harder, poor old thing, but she can i - »- It
3 JUMP ‘ needed atomic aircraft 68m - consume less. Ideally she could con— 1 _ I a;
g . , H II C O “The sacrifice is clearly bearable." sume a lot less by kicking the bucket, ” ‘..-I
l . ”WM?“ E', E NOMlC quoth our number one war eagle. which would knockherofftheSocinl : . a . .
l - \ r *' -_-_— ‘ul PROGRAM TFlUMPH “American spending on alcoholic Securtiy roll entirelyand and helpher ‘ ‘ .- .1 I
' : JUM ' ‘ g; L e K i ii \. beverages has exceeded Air Force ex- distraught nation cope with its tangl- _ E
l 'l r u" y - / penditures in each of the past five ed fiscal affairs. Hic Jacet Bertha 'f
X , I .
E .‘i —. Q. -,- 1‘- fl'..' .. years, and casino gambling revenues Scrimpenny, 1911-1931, requiescat in ,,
, , ’\ fi 6 "II ', ” ._ are running double the Air Force’s pace—she died trying tobalance the , ,
l ) III annual fuel bill." budget. § 5
E "{ i ' Someofthespendingonbooze takes By cutting Social Security to just I. . .
3 ' e , . “U P. place in the Air Force itself. Acc0r- below the hunger line, we can save on , ’ 3
' ‘ ' ' ~“1MP ‘ U M ding to a recent survey, an alarming- oil imports. As you know, oil is a ma- ' ,
. UMP -" M m ly high percentage of service person- jor ingredient in fertilizer production, . . ~ h
. ("I I, am A nel are drugged or drunk on duty. so that if we can prematurely com- .1
g. 'u um‘ “59' flaw Thoughalways denied, stories persist post our parents and our grand- 1 - . .
‘52 that some of the worst military air parents we will have to buy less oil a? ,
disasters and other foul-ups involved from the abominable Arabs and we . “h I
. . I . I . men in whose bodies autopsies reveal- will increase agricultural productivi- _ , K I
‘ Duane claims he also is Victim of El Salvador's rull nta ed ,, T...,..............y....w. - ‘
‘1 m ’u substances. finest thing she can do is to decom- <_ l
3 Yet, even if we sobered up Gen. posefor flag and freedom, ' »
The murder 0f four American mis- crime-FBl assistance and lie detec- The group put to him the obvious Allen’s entire command, purged it Of The danger is that incompetent or ‘: ,, Kill
sionaries in El Salvador last m tors. question: Does he dare bring the lishes and junkies, it would still costa secretly soft—hearted government ,, .' SWI
December is one that could be solved I I 2 . ‘ He had no information to give the . I bundle. I I planners will not cut Social Security , . ,ob
by your ordinary latemght teleVision families. Plainly, he was lel hoping killers to book? He told him he was We can t cut the general 5 pay enough. meymay, for instance, cut it . fi’ FM
detective before thefirst commercial. been under constant surveillance. to signal the military tht they are in not afraid of losing his post and that (which has Just been Iluked ineldentaIl- so that the check contains just enough V ,
The four women arrived at an air- The chief of the Salvadoran internal trouble with Uncle Sam. his lifeisindanger anyway. ly), because that might damage his to feed one's self, but not enough for . ' . ”I
port. traveled along a road that was security forces, a Colonel Casanova, The current US. ambassador to El B'll F d . I] _ morale and lessenI his fighting effl- shelter. Will our suddenly pauperized I : , . 0",
controlled by the national guard, accompanies him everywhere, and, Salvador, Dean Hinton, was present, l'lt' or succinct 3,’ Ioutllned the Clancy. We WOUIdn t want Gen. Allen parents come running to us, the pro- I 1‘: Mo
, were slain and hastily bun'ed. Kojak of course, is thereforea witness to the and it was clear whose side he is on. p01 lesofDuarte 5 90mm“ moplIng around when he should he 9" ducers, for help? ' . ' Om
or Barnaby Jones would have simply swarming questions about the nuts. He spoke of the danger of “setting a “i think it was clear to everybody duty in the largest leather chair in his That cIouldbe Just as much ofa drag , . . - , 3i:
2_ called for the duty roster, com- When he went before the Senate precedent by havmg the FBI ln- there that Duarte didnotrealize until all-electromc, Atari-designed Situa- asatax increase. lfyou must takethe , _ ,m
;{ mandeered weapons and With a Foreign Relations Committee last vestIiISBte a murder outside the coun- this trip how serious this issue was in tltIilnhroom. 1 'de no 'cs of the money Ronald Reagan sfaved for 3:; , ;. .
"it“? °' “"5"” m“ "‘° $3: 33?? m‘l‘i‘sml 2313‘; "y‘ the We“ WWW“ mifpl’ifihsgfimm‘pmnde $331.3. °" flim‘ilce‘lnafin . . .,
g1? c pn . c 10m 8 , . . ‘. . .
it But for some reason. the junta of El military aid that the Reagan ad- He and Bill Ford, Ita Ford‘s Ford added tartly. “It was clear he raisins the taxes to pay for "lose ex— world? Where’s the incentive to work' 7.
‘2 Salvador cannot crack the case. Six ministratidn is so anidous to confer. brother, had a spirited exchange got no sense of that from the State pensive airplanes which, thanks to harder? You still don’t get to keep it.- 5 . - 'I‘
"5 men were arrested last April and are The next day, however, in a letter, he when Hinton said the investigation Department.” Gen. Allen’s Vigilance, Wlll not be And they want to cut Medicaid so that . .' .3
- still be“! detained. but "0 Charm took back his endorsement “be?“ Sim“ be limited ‘? the Six me" "w!” The families are perfectly willing to “M and wrecked Iby Persons unaIbh one will be obliged to pay the ancient : : . . .fi'i _
;. lave been brought. The Reagan State senators suspect that Casonova stood were actiIng on then own" Ford said lend a hand to Duarte, to whom the to pass a breathoIlizer test. Raising parent‘s doctor bills. I I I I . .
sf Whi,wl‘lch takes umbrage SO overhimashewrote, he was offended at Hintons Vln- dead women have thrown out the the tIaxes' according to supply-side If your superannuated mother II I.
(”‘ch m “IMF matters. h” Duarte's answers “Wt he “ml“ dicatlon of the nulltary. lifeline. The unsolved murder perfect- doctrine, Md weaken the incentive comes to onu to ask for help now tint _ I j . II;
{,I’I slandered the victims and stonewall- ed murders areweak and he knows it. The fanulles asked Duarte to ask ly makes the point that he is in the to work list as surely as welfare in: they‘re cutting back her benefits, tell . I Z , .I i
I :; ed their inqulnng relatives. No new The El Salvador law he feebly cites Reagan that a high-level State hands 0‘ am“ He needs detectives, the dole. ProductiveIpeople must n he, to go off and be a bag Iady_ Walk, L a,
‘ ,1, “formation has been found, and the seems tobemadeupforthecaseas it Departmentvl-‘Bl team be sent to El not grenade “WI and if he can sacnflIce for the national defense or the streets for freedom, ma. Just to , ' =
5'. investigation, such as it was, has goes along. At the meeting wtth the Salvador and get to the bottom of the convince the Reagan administration theywfll lose heart and not produce. show yo.“ how much we love you, _ j . A;
cometoadendstop. . I . families, which was held at the thing. of it. his trip here will have been a . it s the non-producers whoIllIflnd we're 80108 tIoglve you a new, strong . ,
~ - i. 3‘“ m.“ "“d'mm‘mm'? ‘ “‘ ”‘9‘” °’ w.“ "'ckey' 9‘" Dorothy Kazel, the sister-in-law of dancer“ SW- Eng”??? swans“? "y fear: Paper 3"“ “m ”We handle“ .“d "‘ ‘ -
We" and “no"! 0deer chbishap of Washington. the acting Sister Da-oth Kazel had asked y ra e, ”_ GI oquen Y Amer-clan flag wintedononemde and
J . dummsmella Vietnam-mem- Salvadoran minister of justice was 3’ ' . . . @131 Univmflmsymcm master phrased it. Retirees should Mid manslaumumim, a, . 1‘.
vdvemem — the ghosts of the four present, but she was unable to fine flmm 3: "118811323 sacrifice. At least half of them, the sacrifice, go, it's clearly bearable '1
. . I _ women w“ and thwart pm. for fur- enlighten anyone we" on the basic thunmin cold blood In“ I ry wou Mary Memory ”on a 1,75 Punt”, femIale half, never served then coun- and rather fun starting out life anew, Z ,
7 ' the-militaryaid. matter of whether the soldiers would Dua rte set d that w were for he, commuter, while with the try in a war. Your average 7o-year- don'tywufinii? . < .
,' _ ' And no one i! more grateful "II" be tried in a military or a civilian “martyrs" who wauntedae onloymtowsav ed Washington 5.“ old lady has never been In the @131 King Features Syndicate, Inc.
'. ,. 533' the bole-glued president of the jun- com-t.
,5 ,5, ts, Napoleon Duane. who wound up a The meeting was arranged through the waa::fi%:% .. the mm" cwm‘r by Bel-lie Bmthed I i
{3.3, ,5, Why stay here by meeting with the the good offices d Rep. Mary Rose families "they would be W’ T
3"“ “mud"‘m' m'kmm 0"“ W“ m ”m' calledsaints '5 ' i65...l'0w6 Weill» mime M755me 1
Q liltGodeverymfllmlfiknea frigidandme-timeputoroftwoof ' m 10mm “.ng We,“ 3‘ Am, 1 4
figs m ~ he MI W the mmamhmdmte described by American officials as WM: %m,,, “'9' mm u- “mm m; law. ML 3 ,
”is“ m“- mm M be M Alexander Hits. a leader In “political activists" and gmtotim ; M5, arm ‘r teaser. may: , » \ PLAY! i - "
. .I. {1. mm tocelitrol. romance to a ndlitery solution in El mauock mm. the relatlva were . m. . .. / a f A I I \ . i .
Itch-toh-Wm Salvador. gratified toeee bitumen-mitigate all (‘8’ éé m. It , ; .,\ :1:ng 1., e l i i
lathe mend-them unfamileeheldapreucm- mwtmmm 5w,“ tililr ' I iwi J I .i, we .. i i
‘ ' ' moth-1 end lath-1 who have pt- fmeflcwardandfrolnltanerg- a mi, and the ambassador to the I} l 4 I ii 1 I l .. ‘ . . J‘ l «I;
._ _ mmmtthestetew damdlmwmflly- UN. _;_ 7/ J. , 22"“? / l _-__ ”I J 7"" t‘ t; ,, .
' E "wit-ea “a. WWW to?“ that' ii ”J” 11"” ”mi. ‘welt I A?“ ‘1' / fl La} /! "‘ “\g ‘
pm . In a seldliemilyu-tehe ' /==A.=— . I , w- ' ,— ,.. “‘“ur— ““ '
. M's visit bun ne- h In first melts W anon. tomecribe" .- to in: how am" ,fmlfi'fiéjlflfll ‘ =3?" ‘ ” ’ till "52:51 .lll MINE-9.3.1." i" 1.,
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- in... e e O Q . o i e, - s ' ‘
. ' ":‘~'"‘":‘- 5‘5” ‘T if}? MPH'LE' Ge"? {"63“ . .s. t-esd tzs‘ =~ Mr- ‘I‘rr‘s . ‘ ‘wfii.§3‘5ii~'kf'.: tit -2“-?;5’I<. a ,... . . ""r'aemnwfohevw muse ' r em! . ~ in“ a ‘ m, w r .. .
. .I . , , .. e Ii>sh,@*e“¥‘sfiifi”idlfiw .‘3’ r J‘F‘,‘lfii§"%§rFinifihflfiwgéflwssiIfi -I I . . . . .. 1,. ”whim”? ,~ ghfigselfiffi ties“
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 .~ ~ . , ~ , " ,i ”i” 11‘ l3 ”2"” i1? Silvie . 1",. Ski; ' ‘
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