xt75mk657182 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75mk657182/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-08-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, August 28, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 28, 1980 1980 1980-08-28 2020 true xt75mk657182 section xt75mk657182 i
\ ol. LXXHI. No. ll K2! 2] University of Kentucky
Thursday. August 23. test) an indepen en s udent newspaper Lexington. Kenludty
. =
s . t -.. ., 3 Q ago 5 ‘ 3 253:7. ' ~. \,.{‘1“‘-.
5 , ~= " I‘ , 'v‘ 5 . . . -. “.19. as. . s. as. ,.:: 1 - mass-s; '25s... . .
. “ ‘ 5‘s? N5.- ‘5 ‘ V‘s; 5 ‘ " i . t“ ‘. ‘ “‘ “Wag-5 -~ . 1 “
t i“: P“ ‘ N's " ”K i "J “‘ i a .. «WT » ~.-. .- ' i We“
i I fl" .' " " 5;” ii . ' “.. s "‘ ‘5 k ' ..' “'33. .. -
' 1* \ ‘twsse‘s‘ - -_ ass. M“ u w .. .
*‘s. “Y. " “.5‘ ‘- W" "‘33; “..W . 5.: i‘ ""s.W:.. 5° i' _ i '5 's»~.‘-'~'3:5._ s8“ 3 f ..5
' 5-: ..5..5..'J‘::s-.:s."\ fig! 13'... ‘x 5 it" R“ .
.. i-smss‘ssssmwsmwsees ,vy\*e.wvw¢s~>\:s~\w‘w“ I n O C a' l I p l IS 0 u S e
\- .\ ..:.»_ -.-. . , ‘ .‘ § \\ .::E:.\“:\‘\¢i§;;::55:53:;.f::-:s' U .5; . . , W . .
. ;5 ‘ .- . ‘ 5:5‘35:- .zs .- ‘=-:=:5 '
t Wswssoswwwmmsmmmw“ 3" MM“ ""“‘“”‘R "m“ ””5 “”“abl'i‘h “.n 'dcnmy‘ ',".‘f‘,id" “ftp.” mm”? m'm’r'” ”ms '
E . '_ Is. -... . -« .» » - -- -~ \tatt whit», - tion to proyidrnga meeting plant and l K is helping us outand maybe help-
i . \ h)rthetirsttimeinl K shistoi‘y.a liyinghouarlt'ers. Settitlilg thisjppdis inggits ihmagedalsp.h Smhithbsaig,
-.i.-.-. ‘ W‘ . black lraternity will have a house on somet mg .VC persona ).[rl: .0 ,t m" sai f” oug lac and
=‘si..';;§:.5.§:;.. . i ‘. . as. campus .ora longtime. Palm said. Itstne white fraternities are segregated.
. ' \ .. . .............W....c.:..e... . . ' ‘-‘ 5' " - . ...Qt‘s -. Accordingto Dean Michael l’alm. be? mp 5m“ I L b‘e” h‘“ m m) ”‘1?“ l” seldom conn‘“ based 0"
‘. \ .: :s- -‘ ' ‘ ‘ ' '5 :5 5 ::.-:-‘:-r.‘ . - r ‘ ‘ .. ' '
..‘”JW‘W‘ZV‘I:':55W§;;§;3W, §I ‘R‘” m“. Vs“ ~ L K iraternity ad\iser. a home on “$11363? . h'l d 't . l "ukflmn . . . .
"5' 3:5: .C; ' § Pennsy‘hanra Mentie was recently b [S 1" ch" d “ I e to m I min” '\ e “I participate m Intramurals
.. .::-as .:. >3. :::.;»:-;;-;5;:;~‘; 5i. .‘~ 25-.) '- ' , ' " ‘ t ' I ' t ' ‘ ' -
‘\\s.s\§(.§ A ‘Q V“ secured lor the use oi kappa Alpha ecause I e group was‘nt 7”“ and get along without .problems. I
\W-j. 59$th . W...W5555= P“ fraternity enough belore to make It tinancially have triends who are white and some
Let-$153“: 5-“. ‘.“‘\ - ‘ 5 ' ‘ n . -
‘ :0‘ s‘ s; 333$ 5. “W h .1 b5 _ teasible to maintain a whole house. oi them are in fraternities. Smith
. .;§.\;.:f:§£§ =-‘-::;..;_W t. te onortt to e the lirst to a ‘ _ .
.v . . _ . . . ,. . . l _ . . he added. said. But lm afraid that there will
_ ’=‘;.....§:-.-5-55 ~:. ..\_..__\__5.‘. . ,._ , . . M... WWW ild\L a rouse but it s a tirst tor , . .
s‘ ..‘: ~5 . -- ‘...s‘~:.s.=.-5.-.;g::..:g- .».»»5...s:¢.:::..._..._..:.;...;:.....W. _ .. . . . .. Another black lr‘aternity. l hi Beta always be some prejudice. lt'll be
‘ ..=:1<~s.“?‘-’:35:\.=3=‘;.s\ ‘ 5 - ~ -- 5 . blatks on a predominately white . - ) - . .
~.‘_ ., .. -~ ,. .. . . , . Sigma. may also get a house. lalm some time before mutual under-
. 5=.\..~...5- .::‘s‘ WW . &s-‘.‘==:~:.5::::::::2::::5:s-"- . .. .W_ __ . . _W. . .. W . campus. ( hapter l rcsident (rerald . ~ , . ..
..> W'z-jfr'i‘V‘“ '-5355:§§ _ ::::.:::.‘:;:W.i::.::5§§3§$:W3:5§_:f:§3} is: \\ Smith said “Maybe H “I“ set .. and members oi the traternity will standing and acceptance wrll eXist.
...-.....:..,W.;. -. -.'.-:-;;’5-::-: “ t .1 .‘5 5:553. J:555.5::.”.-1 ": ~::i=- "-::3‘V:v:-:'E'\5-::i:3‘ ---::; » . - , i
s\ : \W; 5. *f 5:. .‘ . _ . s‘ ~~-._W.:;....5i5;.-;;_: ;..; preec den i here In the \mc .. look at a house today and make a Although he foresees no problems
\‘ 1:425:35: :;:. ‘53.. -. -. '-‘.~..‘-. . 5-: .. .5 35325:; ‘. 5».1:-“---;:_'; 5I:;:- 5;. .:1: . x . . . . . . .
‘é‘ \%% 15 .: -. -. -.\ :. 53$ .;. . -. . . 555- 2 lhe house became ayail'ible at a deeision with haying the house. Smith said he
‘\ :‘E‘i?§*3‘§;=:¥55’ F 's‘ssx -. - :.. "*2. - . ' 5 ‘ . ' ‘ ‘ '« . i 5 ’ - - ' 5 5
\h‘is‘ M i .. -. 5k 522:. ’ 5 ; . ' ' time when the traierniry wanted to h “Wt“ “phi: I,“ m“ if"! ”K” it”; n “'1” bcichallenge. .
{1351' =:-.-“=:_5 \‘;__‘=:~ .:::;g : --.: ‘ - ‘-‘:t=:5 , ‘ . s - ‘ . _ - ~t .
fig‘ 5521.3: i fi' \. ' ' 5 '5 . make housing.r arrangements Kappa oust!“ rpm [PL] [jugglih a)” A rea ”6 l at people “I“ be
E‘s“ é: “ § 3:5 i ‘ Alpha Psi lieasuret Andre ()t‘lutt month -\ as” d “grdltt'v‘” 09“ :dttjlltinghus. butlbelietcthatweC-an
‘ :8:sz . - ‘ I ' .. .. and two other members will llyC in mern Ln responsi e or routine an e the resplonsibility/ 0f main-
. Mi. .' i: a f T" the home during the tall semester. maintenance tamtznga ouse. m ooking forward .
‘5 1‘ § [1 “ s, _. . WWW Palm said homing helps a trater— "I mm“ l K 1‘ “H‘mg a “gm“‘um 10‘ e "edr'
”‘1 . t .. _- ss 5 \. ....
’-:‘ . '. i. ‘5‘...- ._ {*3 _.-.;>»:~;.,
"5 : s i ii." “we .- . i I I l
, .5; -5; 2:" g :_ 5s . 5 .
i e we en er 0 mm
.. ~‘.5.-“:.‘: g . . 5-: -. -
. .:- Jib-..'“ { t: .:: 4
A ‘ -
\\.W:W W . . ‘: :.- -. . ..., 5:31.73 _:_‘ l ’
.::-s ' “‘ . .Vz _":.:. ,' 3:;
. i“ .. 3 i“ V “ ~ . . 1*
fi‘fsi‘x :13“ V. : \e‘ tor Hall‘s seryiccs to the (‘ommon~ his career intestment oi 15 years ser—
:;5:::.':-\\.=":.'. ..3..‘s~.::.5 3355‘s.: .. . . . . . . . ,
*st ._. W By JOHN HARDIN wealth. which in turn paid Hall. \tCt: at the lniy‘ersity. particularly
s‘. 5355- " -' ‘. . 3.5.5.. \tall w tilt'l allowin r him to retain em lo\ee with re and to his retirement benefits
' 5.‘-:-.-\.-:~ :5=.:‘ :5 ‘5 5 5 s -5.-:-;:-. . “ 1‘ P - E .
a; .5 . 5.; 2.53:; .. W. ._ s5 bcnetits under a separate retirement system.“
' a... ‘ ~ f WM .. State Auditor James B; (iraham. Hall receiyed the payments in .
> s .;_ “... 5 was _ ' . in an intesti ratne re ort dated ues‘tion on three occasions: Au us! 5
5. . ‘.s‘" ‘ . \\ .;‘:‘.::_-'::;:_:W .- ... m -.ss. -. W E p q E ‘
g _ ‘ ' =5 ‘<-.__=?*3:.._ _ ' -- \ai'ying inter ‘lt‘lalltins ol state \u rust 22. I‘M). said. "Vie uestion 3. N79. when he moyed from chief
f . .‘ . fig? Wig}: kiss ' law hate prompted lll‘. iiiycstigation the propriety ol estcnding state CXCCUUVC oiiicer to secretary ofthe
5.==‘ . 5 . . $931353.» . .‘ . ~ ~ '
\ ‘ W 5:55 - -.:.-:...;» . “ . ..:=< ‘.W . ol Sl-Hliltl in payments to .lack Hall. employee benclits to Mr. Jack Hall. cabinet; again on Feb 22. I980, when
if; \ 5"” ., «JV- 9' assistant \ice president ol l K‘s including payment tor accumulated he became acting secretary of arts
.35“ . ms .. a a s '53-; _ 5 ; $1‘5\lbcrt H (handler \1edieal ('enter annual and compensatory leayc. and education; and finally on June
= :‘55 1 301%“ §\ " iii“ ‘ l be ill\ estigatioii instigated while he remained on the l‘nnersity 30. [980. when he resigned to return
'55-.5:.E.' 5 s - i . .__s ' tltt‘t‘dtlh ”is ‘Ws‘ \Udltm‘ ”'“W- M Kentuck) payroll and continued to UK.
... ‘z -. t . ‘ -- qucsimns Hm «mus .. smu- participation m the tzmwrsm‘s in an inicmcw with Woodson
. {I .. .. ._ 5i} 5 ' - -‘s .s;_‘:...%f= 5 V \ . _ =.- _.’}. employee w lnle .in an unpaid leatc ot retirement and insurance programs Emmmons of the [et‘ingion Herald.
’ 5. ' I. . ' " 3':§:'51:-:>III: ".. i'.'."5‘,~ ; ..s‘- ‘5. 5_’:-’\:‘-':C"‘ . ’.- . ' ' .. l “ u
.. é! 5. ss: g ‘ 1.97””33. "333’ “»“-“ t. . .g‘w. . absence liom l is We recommend that the (three ol Hall said. I requested the payments
§ 53: 23g; \‘ i = ”5:333. 5" ' _ . . V ' Hall. lorrticrly l K assistant \ice the Attorney (ieneral seek r‘eimbur- in good faith. I thought it was proper
'. W‘ ._ if??? is 3‘ ° i . ‘ a. as president tor student altairs and scment tothe State lreasury tor the at the time and I still think it‘s
. 5 .. '=-‘- ““ l ‘ I}?§ ’ .. .. _ .3535“ 5" “\\“ “N «fl-"51” ‘ “ é“: "' dean oi stuilgnts. tirsi accepted a improper payments to Mr. Hall tor proper. But it'it‘s determinedthatthe
3;...» : 3- 3355.....35. .- ....-3;.--.....W ‘ ‘ ~~ ‘
. _1;:3:5 . ‘- -. > ._. ‘s ‘Nsims as: -‘ _ . -W§ position \Hiil suite gotcrnment in annual and compensatory leaye. payments were improper. then I'll
‘ 5 . . s: .. mwsszss: ”AM-NYMWW_ s .__m _ w January. 19".". asanexecumeassist- Hut .lerry‘ Abramson. genera! repay it."
' . 5’2- " . ’ . ' ’ s“ . .. 5‘ ant to izoyernor .lulian ('arroll. counsel to the goternor, said in a let» lllorced to repay. Hall would hate
.5 . ._ : 2955‘s... . =-’:- . 5 .,;.:‘:“‘->: . ..'akrs-trr'. ::---:3-_ ‘5 ‘ ’35. ‘ .- sis ‘ . . . . ~ :
.. “ . $5. _ .W 5‘ “t . .“ w «‘§ ”‘3...- "g - WW5" ”3.; .. i. 33 He retained \arious positions with ter to ( hiel Administratiye Assistant to return about $9.000. the amount
‘5 v; 2..- W :5-.-\ . .- $333. {I the stats m lulu til .thssttss lrom Roy Steyens that. lhert is no legal alter taxes. HL could cite no prece-
. - “‘ V ._. ‘35. . 5‘.“ 3 l is. until taking his present limits at basis cited. nor apparent. lor the dent on which to base a dectsion.
' ' W i . ‘ ' t -3 % .:: ‘35". g. 4% the Medical (‘enter He remained on auditor‘s implication that Mr, Hall's “i think that I probably was an .
‘ ;3»._ the Us payroll. which was in turn payment lor accrued lea\emay hate employee of the Commonwealth."
5 9 “We; _ . reimbursed by the state been improper “ said Hall. “It's a yery complex ques-
as “‘ -- .. - g - “w In cti‘ect. the state didn't otlictally Abrarn‘m turther commented tion that ldon‘t hayetheanswersto.
_ . . . .. . . fiswAmewl»:l\ll ‘ bli kit It‘tli i\\ri concliiisioriir: i ho t lb ll “w“llcumd ( H" [kidhl‘um‘d h.‘ In ”is \ ‘85 '
l‘ l} ‘im i i} i i l ‘ tL ‘ \ l P\tiy '0 tiori whi b will melt iii» [5: inn lohn Y Brown lr dutine the lhe organi/ation hue at l K d'd Entertainment Editor ("Y Willis 1"” you an impression Oh'hli “
sit rt’s saw ' . ' t' t‘ ‘ t ‘ . u" t' ‘ . . .. ‘. “
.H l i ., ”51] ”t“ EU inf U H ”Hm?” Kentucky em“ “INN“ summer llierc are now members "m h'd h" “ ”mm“ mm \ ‘55 was like“ the Mosport RaceParli HeatwaveNew Waveligleatlloelt
“ l “ " ‘ “ “‘L‘m: ' "“ "m W'" ' _ . _ ' ‘ representing mm ._,i mu mm‘. WW” ”Ult‘hm‘t‘" C‘Pli'mt‘d ”‘4" ”1 UHCN- and Roll Party-in Torontolastweekend,(‘heeltoutthepunhonpagetL
“PM i.. . ‘Isl lhe lilk izlix. .idiiiiiiis hs‘ L \pli'tssl wmmuwm. ,. I... . I W.” h the teams tinder \ASSsimply collect
in. istll tlllt or Hit It R [m Mm hm“ that ”u. H. “M.” rncmbeis [mm my film, I” data and do not do the sort oi
11"" " I 75' ‘ "'llt‘“ til“ ‘ll‘l'l‘ iipcs oi segregation must bl; loiett-i 1‘”st W‘Vierh ”Ni "‘h‘mld '76 done i” a Systems arealigoonouidtml'lflivmfliodly.Highltodly Indtomor-
...in t. ..iliiltrl s.ittt ”on extn tlit ”mm trom m” ”,.Hmlmn. ..' ”u. ( lll ”U “mg” ”Mud“ my urmersity lhe purpose ol the act-l- row in "R mid 80s m 90. Tonight's '0' is expected tobein themid to
i. . ’ l V' t I . v .. \ , ., .
m . Lt . i k illKlllliim‘H .intl ibt high“ [mummy l in m. “A” presidents H, “A“. ”mwrmlm M dent study team. he said. was totrain upper 605.
pt‘iizw ..i on. sub: cannot be ”mm”, "m.”h ”I ”Mmum ,.. non-\otini: members '\ll 0! thcprcs students to do rtscarch. and under
mitt ..r . :.~ ;‘wr\ltlt' iill.llltliil sup imply m.“ ”H. pwdummmuh mm: Mm“ “NC In attendance liowctcr \ASS no students will be employed.
‘.,i i 4 i .4 . . ' ‘ i. ‘ , ‘
p ..iit will oi \l.ilt uiidti ”Nulmun. hm, the bunk.” ..' dc“, MM \iit Mm- who “m ”Hum, ‘n lhe program would still hayt
t .i. , pi.l.iii tn “Mm.” m m” “ML.“ id“, not ”mum.” 0' the new ('ouncil. “MW been aliyt .l VH. could hine tnttrtd
ll Mint ‘l liopw that It“. and do litil pit-st-nilt pliipiisg‘ that --h ,. .mpnndm that m. “mm. the into a contract whercaswccould
(ml'. l's ‘1 . t‘llsltlt'l .I\ .i top piioi Kciittitln ‘statc be abolished. mpcrtist‘ oi the presidents and ha\e called ti research instead oi
il\ tin v on! l‘llssiitll .il lscntuclu merited. oi liatt its ltlt‘illtl\ licep iilt' lincs ”i totttmllttlt‘dllt‘il “N data gathering. he ““d
\t.i: l tint I5-it'. ' \ itiingt‘tl .. upon " ('ontinued 0n pile 4
. i. ' ‘ ' !

 ....-. WW
~stew Muss“
l UCKY la/um-nrt the! JI) Fossett Anne (hides (in “illis John ('II) ”'7'“ Mnm'd ‘
’ KENT M.“ Green ('hns (Imeron Inter/autumn [All/HI Spurn lt/IIHI “I,” I“, "’ ”I‘m” "’ "y
L Debbie McDaniel Ron Hull
| erne Kirby Stephens (‘indy McGee John Little
.leueltle him” .4\\U(I(ll(‘ fill/on Vickie Pool 5“,". [flw'hfl
' Barbi" Wild 3.]. Robinson Donnie “and ”“id ( 03'?
. Senior Slujj H'rm'rx .",\\l\lU”l me'rlummem [zdt'tur ulwtlum Apolh [.JIIUIW l’ltolu [all/or
Jacki Rudd Paul Mann
. . t Hut hit/.4 [dilurlu/ Editor
I edttortals 89 comma) s .
___'_____—___—._.-._ tW
. ' . I’ I '7'?“ fit ,1
Itlve Ste . p
2" ( / J “I '
- ”0'," l
‘ ’M HQRG To I l "7/
‘\ ,, . . I . 1/ l A 1 I.
~- 4 Kappa Alpha PSI 53 move tnto fraterntty house Exputtt Hts , , a, k
‘ etatce "“
. , , - e 4- 0 ' u ' ,_ ’ .
~ , . - ratses some questtons about black and whtte . 4/579“, 015‘ V
> ' H}; _.. :.. _. ,‘ . mm“. hete m k-tr‘ \tpm 1". a meettng plaee that members can tdentit'} \ttth // ....v 'M- \
t v' ;t “t V5 '3 ’ I H h.:\ [0 he to” 4‘ e" ll Lt powr ‘”‘d anU} a“: / \ I} \
- 4 ttte and x 5'. ' _. t' cert tor lhlxl lllvzh levt‘e- But one htttlve does not a change make ,4, / t "’ \V \
, e m” ““1 ,‘h 1.. ltsts ot aeeotnpltxhntetth can go on yet the) ‘ L ;.g .~———,~ m~~ \ \ __\
' ., lt ., 1.. 1 ; 1 ~ertes .t‘ utet‘. . ~ m, < e \_ uould \llll he ll\l\. \Onlt‘lhlllg many can point [Oz/$4: , ’ / ‘ v .
. ' V mm“- p H » ht \tleL‘nH “a. \t1.!’_".l‘ and sat) "Ladle \te'xe done thh and vw‘xe done ‘ .I , ‘
. . A «on. n: p : a, "tentselxes eh.“ ‘\ n- 93,, N that " And there are Ihoxe “ho do that. “ho must J / __ 9t) (IWAN
’ ‘ tttaltttne " new l' uhat hm heep t.‘ .tgtv-J ht 1“ that, ‘ >" &/ . " ‘
, ~ mm” ‘l. M. ‘ mmmmndul 1”” ~ “m H gt \ttet all. .t :tllt\Cl'\lI\ ntmt make an et'tort toget lg; ‘ :34- 5 t
‘ . ‘, - ‘ne r . . 1:1,: htgotr) 0, \(g‘ g ‘-»'l"." ttttnortttt-~ tn otdet to he eltgthle tot eet‘tatn tunds. §> gig. ’2 3U ,
. ' t ' H“: I H ;_ , we (“0" l‘ttl example, when. the no“ detunet Department ot " a: “M
.V \e' " _ ' -~ :2: eh hax net '1.“ .‘t l:- d Health. ltttttateott and \\ eltare came to thts eam— fih \
. . ' ..,_ \ ‘ . pllx tn l9“ to tztalxea \ltltl\ on tntnortttes. there was ,le / '5':
' ‘ = w.“ e, 1.: t Ham” ..1 Hey ,r a x , u; \Hlllc C(ll‘ttft'll ahttttl \thetltet ot ttot {K Wu tn eom— " - " x
h ' " T ~ tng. lethal! t e , l l‘ tattee " 4. were nut u to: AM? 2 ' W
. ‘ . .vv' ‘ ,. ' \\ tideatx «: t t . “N. \ow l\ :nt‘a \lpha l’st‘x houxe ean he added to AI’JL /~ .,_- ” . @tmmmmouam ‘
I ' ‘1 it. I W 1 ' " Snttth \t t- ‘ . . t . ‘ L' {N M wmvmsmfl
‘ ( Amt . . ‘ .» . m “I,“ H \ _ d; A Rut th. 12 nttit tetnattt than} taetors. both seen 1'
. . I", . V . :«doetora'tlet ~ - t :rtd tttttv. \‘Jt‘l‘ uhteh lltthl he weathered Ihtttgx .
v I: : l r i t 3e! hlael , ‘5, 4 wheh \tt t"; .ttpeat on ntant hats.
-' , 1- V ‘ lt: " t g . gm- mmunty 1e.“ -».~ \ Hat - One l\ :he taet that l lx'x traterntt} and sororttt
I , H m} a, J . , a- \l hax ”2”,, ‘ HAWK.“ .m \\~.tem l\ \CL‘ltt‘llllL‘d \o hlaelxs helongtnthe \thtte >’_____4‘
' _ ' ¥ we .- n “:.‘\l‘.t‘\ a J.‘ ‘ 7 ~ ; lrt-terttttt \ and Mttttt'lllL“. and no whites belong tn ?
:' V or: 1 . _ ”mum“ quilt ,. t l ye the hlaelt ttatetttttzex and \otortttes. lines are \[lll , w—r-V.‘
{1 ', a; p y. ‘ _ eood ashlatt “e dutvsn n.- r \\!lllhhleh;lnd“hltCls sttlthhtte. t 1,, 3
' I " ‘- t." ,' t; : (It: tfltx tun:- tt , " a; \o one t.1tl 'sall\ he blamed tor thts. and no one 4‘} A RePRet—yfimlh’fiw _ - ‘ t
_ 1;, -- to“, ,. , _, “,mpuw tone . w,- .,,- ,- ~hottld he} eatlt; lhat‘x not the) “11" tt ts. EVA L/i‘rRGgE/Y‘ERELY , l.
,4 I. _. ”t, . . ‘ lt—t‘ tmhpdojl 1 1.: \nd nett tl‘at Kappa \lpha Psi has a hollsc. it {WNNJNN “A“ ‘70." Nrn l
W_ 4- t‘ : .' .1 e :flncwntkpee \ t .1 t with! keep 4! “lb mat ptote difficult tt mtnor bROSbLY UNPeiRiL’QXVL fl” "
‘. , -' t , _ ,t_ “t; . u, _ :"ohlenm ~. h-teilt\k":lt1ll\ etex “ill be loeused OUR Peofl'ef WHA‘, {it n I i
" . ' ,- \ ‘ ,1 deep l'l that d tt-q t a YOUflm/MAKCWOLVA‘Npt “ \ ‘I/ l ‘
1 ta ,, .p .t “A“ ”(WWW , - k 'l m \et. II A ..‘HIH: that Kappa Alpha PM no“ has a CF FLOlLemt’APPe’Rk-ilg ”a ‘ \ I”; t
, . -‘ K ‘. . _ tunm‘ht .ou .4 e , , *tottxeuhttte .f"~'l\L’lllhfll‘tL'tlgrOUptogt’IhCldnd #M” 'lg,‘ ‘ [—— —7. ‘\ f. l
" . V _.L.I,_t{m,m t:l‘.t_‘lttllt‘l \‘tdthete:xhopethatttean \\t)l'h.lhdl ”Bi ich'to K 5 T\« >359 \ o I
" .. \ t _1‘ pt other \f,‘ M e ‘ .. t ' pethap» t‘ t~.~ ~tt than}: n; “ ”51%;? “I ‘ K“ ’ J 555% f w l
V ‘. 5 l-~ _ , - Mt the app-t mt. .‘g N As Kat'pa \tplta W l’ otdent (iet'ald Smtth at“ t V t V t (t \’ ‘54 WK: 9“ :
, , _11 ”up: yr ‘ ._..”m. to w”, w ; mm”: H, mud. “thete \\l:l aluatx he \ozne pt‘etudt'ee It‘ll be gé 1‘ M7 _‘ .\‘ 423 «\ff)‘ M; ‘0 ‘
', ‘ ' 5 K . Mum HM: Ht," eta. "‘ \ tll‘te Illll" rm: w 'lttlllltlf ,ntdetxtanding and aeeep- g? t t ‘ 3 ‘ t 5"\. j \ I!
2 . :;.‘I t lttllL‘L‘ “ll: k'\l\l H ;g’ ¥ X‘ ‘4’ > \ \ no _ \é—E; ,\ 1
.‘ 3 .‘ WK ‘1‘ ls _ ‘ . e U a,“ l "MW 1‘ h ,t u n t; Hopett: It the ttt'etttdtee won‘t rtttt so deep as to ii ~\- \— “55)” ~ \ \ Aw” ‘ 7"“ §
‘5 , 1., .» H ., . t . “tutu” a eatoe Kappa \lt‘ha P\1lt‘ltt\t'll\ house. g; , 1\ ‘F‘_’/ , I i r» ‘5‘ f/Zj ‘\ I
. ", a _, ‘ i, t ”‘me ‘n a, _ ‘ . ‘ t \nd that he willetltt} lltn 'ltllllllll undetxtandtng 2 W t 2 l )1 (r‘fl/¢' I l \\
" ’ : , . km to t)L - \ ; __ and aeeeptattee uttl lead to the potnt Vthere thCl’C - : t . i l . 4 I, \
f ‘ ", . y ‘, . \\ ll henw - ‘lllth'g'.,ltllllllC\dnd \otorttlex l '- ' l
‘ v \ '.;i;.tt:t op ‘4 > t‘m‘lt tit: he o‘eletl ' ‘ .t ‘ -T W, .....h
Ele t'ons' Jama'ca 'n olve mo e tha ' t t'
- i. .V :' ‘ lt"ltt!;.t t: t t a retell a ' - h\ lntl\l .tt hlaelt \tzat It t: we tontantn \1at\t\nt ltont ( ttha the plt‘fillk‘\\tt\cl thelax' lv‘ -.
'1 ' l" ,_ .w' ‘ ~ ‘z'td wphtu . t‘ ' (‘uhanx \vete luv”: 1! \tt Mm \1anlex tattnehed a \L‘llk‘x ot been lllUlt‘HglllllLttllllllttlt t '
i A dual: \ ' '\‘etf In a -‘_I' ‘ ltbetattott lelttllth m an attempt to httdflt‘thext‘ ”131 "MN” hd‘ 41““ " L "I“:
".4 >2 ' 1 ;\.e;- tied: " ., .. [he tettxton hettteett ll»; ,iammbm tottlhetx and llllllll wtne ol the hill the I‘m” dlk‘ ”“1 P‘Wkfi -‘ " -'\ V
i“ “is“ w .x t‘ the —--«--—<——-—-—-——— . e . and l \ timetnmetttx- .‘Mtdetl to. ‘x detttrutatte \oetalm ldL‘.ll\ \thteh he lhul [‘lttglk'~\.tlltlll1clllittt‘t , ‘I
s I ‘ . " . 'llh 'tttht. ‘ , :3 .- Pertod utth the elettw' ot IIthllA “(M d“l“lrk'd 1” ”W I‘llldt‘” \ehool “15““ Jamatean “21m
3, H ‘3' . twp '\ ., \ndre W 3:::,5§;\:\ .' WV ‘ ("HIW‘ httl It“. P'V‘W” ”HMNMH,‘ o’ o! Ietmomte\ Hte outcome tll Ihh \l'tl. e v. ‘t
‘1'. fl. ‘5‘ r," " 3~ ? ' » '3“; V , ; lhh ‘\dlllllll\llttltt>;; \\lll ( om ..v d l’tthhe \ehtntlx “ere opened toall tt-dettne thtx hhllld nattot \ : a 't
v; t‘ u: E‘UJ an: ’ '\*» ’ \1.tttlt‘}'~ lllL‘l1d\l‘.lP not. lute! ( de health \L‘l\l\t'\ \tete euended and and \et ll \ \‘ttUl‘k‘ ll" ”1‘ 31 ‘l 'l -
,I' 7,: . -.t he' mow young 1 - w [m doexn't “mulhlm. to um“, nttttttnttnt name how tot dontexttt WA“
" .. :~_ \ , ‘ ‘m‘ .4 _- \ i3 \-~ thmne ' attd latm ttotketx \tete tttaeted
"VA . -' ‘; dr'ttmtt: t‘ """“"" 4:. ,. b . l [he v\dttttnt~'tatton‘\ ( .lllthtdll ~L”‘““\1'~‘lll““"‘ h"l~'~”l“‘l~'"l”WW“ -\ndre\n \oung i‘ ”W “'“H” ‘ ""
' 5.2 ‘ lttttatev ‘ M‘ Limung entlttwtas -. § matte“ pm [twmwiwe “INN“, ol lllt' aetton ted States amhassadorto ”It" Hated
‘41-“. .153; .4 ..m 1141‘ “we NAHUM! PM“ mm: .: :. _--> bent out ot \hapt‘ met \tanlet In the mtdxt ot the ettttent elettton Nations and has a nattonallt unth- -.
' 3 ” " ”WV" " . Mom \1 l‘_,-l E . \ \Peeeh at the tton~altplted \tlllllltll m mllll‘d‘ll” him-1M1” ht-‘Wl h\ Inlld eated column. Ills eola'a': mll
“j," , t .’_ 5‘ . ": ' ‘ M lid"! ‘3 e : . __ \ Ha\ana LN w.” ”‘0 l,” w,“ w” tton \thtelt e\aeethate~ the ptohlent. appear t‘Vt‘r} Monday lttgitn'ttnu
;. {23"- ’ I',‘ ‘ t ‘t-t: me ~ -, ‘1“ H e J ”U N, I \tneed that Mung“ m twp-U, wmwt eatx auat at tlte eeonottty and nut week.
', .2 I ;~ , If” ( ' ' t of tl.e ‘ttv ' Jet, tatrti 'tte [‘IL‘\Cll\t' ol ( tthanx tn 01 hl\ P-H‘l} lo ntote "tndteal ale ””mtw“ the “”Ihc‘ ""‘CWPHWH‘ "1 ———‘ *-~
It‘d .x'“ ' ”"1 " 3"“ ‘ v'tn \itll \' \HL-‘ht l ttttl then out lt'ldllttlh ”1‘.”le my K '\ "Id“mw‘j ”WEI” Tm“! WNW“ MM ”HPHHHHHH m lhe Ant/mitt Afr/It'll HM y
I“ .‘J ‘ ‘H “H" , "1)\\.."i1 \lt.lt " ‘ \wttt |.ttt..t't.t had heel] CHICHIL‘U “Mk (H ttlllhlx Mllltlk‘} M137"? m“ l";”i~' ”Jamil?“ .1“LUHII'IhUIlHrMlltlnllhl‘! "\ ‘
t: o } t t: t .".tl t l x .t .N ”MUN u “Hump I \ “Hamid!“ “Hm happen to heatrtettdott .txttw x lnt ., k “AW Ml“- lhk‘ “PP”:”'”” ntunttt 1m ptthlteatton my , _g
',‘ 'l V 'V‘“"“‘1 ' ,w l\ «tetuwtx lllxwl ': ‘ H W ‘ll Htttttl‘htt‘l to |ohtt( ottnall‘v eetlatn ””1 ht “U“ m" “‘ " “1”“ RM!“ M ”W ‘Ium‘nw lahot l‘””' [“1“] and ”PW-“l” PM"
' ‘ 1: .' " '1! h ‘ ' a ‘ ' up” 1““ ' tr “ f'l"’l' “With wt rat-t5 :lte \lll‘t and \and thete. and lth‘l‘ltl I'm a l)t‘lllt)elttltt \tu tall‘d l‘h‘dll“ “7 ”WWW“ ”l" eeonont} h‘ (‘ontt’thttttonx \httllld ‘v a .
I 4'. _'- " 7 “ ‘ I‘ W" “1‘” »’ r , t't txotlx ol ‘L'K‘I". \‘t: 't'tartx ‘.it'\\t'd th Aland as a “nd h" “"1“”‘( “”“mJIMSeWJ”1‘” ”HUM”? lhe “”11““an ”I WHICH. \Ct‘cd to Room “4 Juttit‘l‘allstn
W. ' .‘ 1‘ ‘ ' - ‘ “YE-l '° , 1- 'ttl\ M We deoete tm.‘ at planetonnd to hexhated mtlt "‘ “n““1””!d'm'wn‘c” “m "11”" ””1”“ m”‘“”‘ “l” “”h " Building. l ninrsit) of Kt-attttth.
, ., - ' Ht w t _ t" . .' ». . "‘ ' . ,
3. " .~ 3 ell. , ,, tartat ‘ t , \\ ,H‘i‘gt\ tllllln l ”hm”: and ( .tttada I‘n I l - \1.dtt.tl \Llltlt \. \ett‘ot I\\‘ot t IkafrnnilndL[,‘huiT1 I\ hard Loungton. I\_\. 40506
1,. ‘- , ~ , w m-lt :4 . “‘3‘ t \ ta MM“ t't‘. “m“ ““1”“! launched hh PH" one ol .latnattax lottndtttt: l.llllLl\ ‘ ”ll-WU“ “‘ Hum} ”W“ ‘l'l‘lm” lhe [Many] ma} “mm. ,1
, .: . , _ ,, .H, 1““, p . ‘ h ”W Hm‘mmm nayanda tatnpatgn ”WW“ ('tthan 5,, \mmm, \Lmtpp \\.I\ out“; ltom thew \Ulllt’t'x than elatttatea t\ NIH" eonttthttttom and ,, “Hm
'I '1. I l. ;, h t 'N “:J a mom tlt'\'.t“lit w llll\l\tlt'ltlll ll] Angola he \ought Pttme tllllllxlt‘l \1.llllt\ amtmetl "U“ ”(Hung m pm“? ”“Ul'm'm \HIICIN max he lttntted
v," , " W. l t,. tt \.tl\t‘(] tv “ \1attle: \ wtppott as one ol the lhtrd lL‘ddt‘l’Nhlpttl .t nattott \\ho\t.' popnla 1mm DUNN" “C“ ("Tm”m "”‘i lot legal reaxonx \“lll' 't‘H
l“. ".: ‘ ‘ ' “ l" ‘1‘ r amatta 't \\t.t?t'\: .ttlmg xpoltextnen \1anlet. tton \tax ttetdh dotded alone elaxx “”‘” " t:1ll\l ptexentamltdl K I 1* t ' t
‘. 4‘ Y f V ‘ ““ ‘1" ll 'ttt‘ \Dlt‘\\t'd eonotn about Itnex and \\.t\ otentltelmttn—‘h t‘wot lhe polh "”d WC“ hm“ “mm“! the Anne/l “l” he ahle t - .:tt
Vi. ' ' " ”V \' ‘lh ’ k w; ‘ utlllpllelh \th South and tonne .’.tltlttlL.l alm lotmtt tt~ell ““1193 “M h" Wm ”UL h“! ”WW the tttatettal
', f V ’ ' tl't "t‘ ‘ ' ‘ tn k nee: ' \t;;t ; l\tt'lll\il\lt\llt\t \ngola.and tttl'lamed h\ hlaek Plt\\t'l llt‘t'l-lllt "WW"”“mmk'm‘”!m" '7“‘1‘1"""“i
, t , h V‘ V H" ““3“ 1' tum = * Amt“: ‘ltll\ adopted a poxttton held tmpotted ttom the l \ and a “PP“ k‘l-N 11"” ”Um ”W ht‘lltlm “l“ ‘
... , .
- y ,' I, . l l
~ -- In fla Han and technology destm ed to change student lifestyle
. _—_—_
', « I“ H H'l RtWHVI" 'l" "E‘ W'NNC ”H: mm Staff though. htm lL‘“ ol the \eholmlle Io make tt tn \mertea emtx more (ll eonrxe. tt takesa \1axtttk ll:tl.|
' ‘ I, ‘4‘ Mt" \L H” (gr, 1,, - lnttlllltldC\ are tloektnt: ttmatd that and more net) teat. and a eolletze Ph 1) Meet otttol Iht‘nltddh . .t~\ :n
* ' K “HM up” “I” A, “I"! / partteulat land or oppottttnm It dcgtt't't\\\nrthlt‘\\;llldlL‘\\.;lttd|ttl"\ lhl\ eoutttn. and onl\ [llt‘~l~ xttx
,' , \‘- , W..- H,‘ U, L CO umn mtght ha\e mmethtnt: to do \\tth .ttt leuet and leuenand \\h_\ are he can but housex mth lav amt
‘ .6,” m, . t \ o ”‘1 hm,» \ , m: .m. “ ,pm L,‘ ,1: p -——"‘——— tllgtmnnk'lt).admm'n'd talcllttlwnd “-Hllllg olll ttnte’ .lohnm ( arson ts hound 1t. that ad
, “mm t. » v -t.t't'.t: m; and m- , ‘ n]d\h(‘ mt- hratn. and mmt of mu Wild “A” Phhlfl lhal‘N a thetotteal qttextton It‘wnltc up stgnttteantl‘. hezta‘ ht-
a ll " .-.t . txtdt \ttt t". l\ .l\\_;‘ ‘..t.t .t teadtnt: ”tn Lolumn “l” be about 70 But " 'l‘ “W" H \“ “”9 N“ “W “WWW“ “9 4”" “”‘nng "'“C ”Hr“
(m , > ‘ H, 'h ”WM“ 4 t! H‘, admin}, rntddle “KC \stthottt tno\te\ \tetem. ettlx emx. heeathe as had ax thtngs ate lot the Hut let\ 'ttee the lat‘tx lot .lttllat
arm. :\ l . httth Jill \t\\ 't we\ w a It \t . Il'.~ a |tttle hold to Ptesttme PU"! ot lhe "ml?!” MW“ l‘“k “MU-'9 F"-’“‘”-”(‘- ”l“ 4”“ W'“"”'.‘ “'H ”9“" b“ “”“h M" ”Wit H'ttlml
ltnu I , . ‘ ”huh“ ‘7 t .t.th Mm: A“ the H‘ _ , th H .o .‘ ‘. the \ottng gentuxex ”my am one ot the ahme lot the \.txt “one lot thoxe “ho don‘t go at all ”1C)Cn.dUTmiIUH’ICSHI'C[llttlg‘ttttt]
“'11P“ t tout lat» a \t tent ’tlt not nattott'x tlnl\Cl’\lllt‘\ ha\e.a mfllmllk "WNW I\ “hue tt'\ at. and 4\l\(’ tt'x eonxtderahh lexx e\pen\t\e tottahle than harraelu. and \1t Ht.
. ' ”HM. _ WM \ . WW and ,A N . "‘4‘\‘h~|3:‘\ thanee ot maktng tt tn tt otien \eems that tt would make to ltte when one'x patents loot mmt nald\ “I” ulnmx pat m, .mmm
all" llll tt \ ~ Ht .m.‘ tmt-ttee l)on~- I' \tl. h a \u-tld ltnanttalh or educa- "WW senw to g“ “1” and ht'U'm“ -‘ “1 ”W mm “3‘!“
. \ 'L - '* . vahom Me 3 ,t than atli he \ ' 't.- t‘ w .tt'\ lhme \uth tk'llhlnlh ot LN” 'W’ ”I “meet ‘ ht" a'wtlltlw \nd ahote all that. moxt \tudenh
,K. ‘ ‘ mm A ‘» ,l, , -; Y ,M \p«~vm\e \m A“, A. n‘ 4‘)“, “him; H, la“ \ehool nttght than to bleed Mom and Dad lh‘» tot do haxe mnte .INPIHIIIOH. goal 0! 's N R h' . is I l' I . .
gimp . . ,r a kit“ A . , .t ,\:.J“,_.K.d and pit kn .l 1‘ “an“. the prl\l'ut)1k‘tlt“llVlV‘L'lt‘lltlpilpk‘lK. dream that thet ean help along by ‘du',’ "‘0 in“? r! 12':""‘l""",r
p”; g». 4 . x H FUN“ ‘ t ».t"lllt'l|t ”mam “m t, H»: {lb 1mm“ and engtneertng taking [lltllhh llll tttd httnttne leatntng a pattttttlar ttade ot “Sim? e f “n I" n u "' "'Hm
L'" to' V’ 1"" - , vt t‘r‘liil't‘dlfilhlnfl.l"~|t‘l" u. uht-te tt'x at todm l-unm adusom “N‘W‘I'm‘ e '
p x a .
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