xt75mk65711z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75mk65711z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1973-04-20 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 20, 1973 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 20, 1973 1973 1973-04-20 2020 true xt75mk65711z section xt75mk65711z Vol. LXIV
Friday, Apr

Twelve pages

No. 132
ll 90, W73

an mdopendvnl student newspaper

UHIVf‘FSliy Ol Kentucky
lwxrnqlon Konlucky 40506

entucky schools may broadcast
college lev

lh \llkl' \lH\I\,\

lu-rm-I Mall “Illa-I
hI-nlur k) l'I'\lll\'lll\ ma} wan lw qu-n
lI.I\\I-~ :IunI lhr IIIIIIIIIII» nl llli'll' hung


uppnrlunm In \II-w (Ulll'L’J‘ lmcl

rImIn~ IIleI-all ul lhv I'l.I\~rm>nI

Ul hl'lllmh} \
\lalt‘ ll‘llI'L‘i‘ .lllll lll|i\l‘l‘\llll‘\ I’I-n-nll}

lil'lrll'w'll'alln's I‘llilrl

nn-l in elm ll‘~\ illl\\ll‘|lllll'\ (ll
'l'll'\ Ann: ll'llQ'L'I' lmrl ll’lll\|" llllllllL‘llHlil

lk \ Ill I’IH- \l- \l \ I l\ I' “ll lhv panI-l
l l\

.4? .nlll‘» Illlll|l\ nul lli I Illli‘llfl‘ .InIl





l|I lll'llll IIII

‘lt‘l'LIl II‘lil.Iiv

"llllll“ [II’IIL’I‘IIHH


' llillIil-

:2 w I ll ul LIpILIaIlIIII,’ 'hI II Iulr \hlll\
lll\l.'llllull.ll ‘ Ir
llvl llII' lll
ila‘ l\~‘l1
l\l'l u'll
3h: ‘llllllllil


I! IIlIIIalIIr» .\.l\ ”I,


I \

vll.ll' :IvI

.4 pl Ill'I“-Irl


.lII lIll‘I


"l‘ll'..l.>lIL'_ In I:

ul'ah I \Hl III


l‘.I l“

“mu. trIIu‘ IrlLll \l\lUll

""' “ TI'IHI'IMIlIl


III~~II~ Hlilrl.".llt 'I‘ulm ll‘lilt'fl‘ll


'« 'uil 'lII panll IIIIl in i'l‘l Illxnhwl

IIIHI‘IIHIIIII Illll IlwlIIhu'vun lwlnrr

The swingers II

llll I'\\l I \ :11 IIlIIlzIIIIIlalIII: »‘

luill'll' \la! lull \(l.|lll~ I'lIl'. up: I: I Hl.!‘~"'


Ir“ 1 I'lrl‘ll \llllllH'All

Illlll larqnlllnv I'IrII nun:

Il up In in \lllLilI'iJl \ x h.“ haul .:'I‘,I I V1.541ll-ll'

IL I" 'ln I‘IIqu \lm


\\c lull“

lnnh\ Ilkr .l umul I lllt‘


III lulu-(lulu ' I whim! ‘7 Hlll ll “‘llll“~lllllll\ 'I-


lnl a I.I\t‘
phulo In (ll.lll1'\ ‘Hll\lllll' .l lllll pI-II'IanI

'A hectic two weeks'

Oldiges says she mad

Hi (all lll~‘ \l.li'_\ \
Ihuul mulx hln also \IIlle‘I'Il lN'\.lll\1' l‘l
mun .Ilmul llll\\ll)lt' .II .IIlI-InII' pllllhll

Ih k \llll“l(|\|‘ I l',\\|\ .l lllllll Inunlh lllil'll
kI'IIII-l l 1hll'1'\|l0lllll'lll

\larx l’. IllIlILuw \.|lll(i\\ll.llll‘l1(‘llllnllll‘
\ll'l'l'lldlllll1.l‘llll'l\fi'll.lllmllll’l‘} Munrla) llir‘lll

Ill l Illall mnI'I-rn has nnl lIm-n I'illli'l'l)
llll hI-I’wll 'l hr nmhl lhr lll'\l
hI-IIIvl \luI) \lll' .l\l\l‘ll ll Il \H'l'l' [N|\\Illl(‘
lllll l“ \ll K.I\ l'k

lllllll ll‘l l~aI k In xx lllllll lhr IIII l'l‘\plllllll‘llt 1'


\IIIulI-lar} \
llII- .llllll'lll lll'lmllllll'nl

lH-l \I.|l\l. HI!“ ll‘ll “hrn
lll‘ul'lillf «I! \IIIulI'larI's lt'lll.ll‘h\ \larx
\llI'n \Illll
'»Q'\ _\lIII lllll lln \un‘k llII



l K
lhal .II‘I'III‘IlIng
lllll\ lar all \\.I\ nul I'Iuhl In

Hr‘l’.l\lllll \\.|\ lwlnrr-

”Hm'm “W, H: In\nl\o- .lanIo-x

l run \I' a.“ .IxqunI-Il

l hkr lnnk}

\ll k.I\ \ll lIInI/I-Il l-w allxr Il L‘th lurllII-r

lIJll“l ll» \m‘ \Hmo'nm'

\aIIl l u .I\ \ll rI-lIMI-Il lhal 1 .III
Than ‘lIal \ lll\l a pawn

\Hll (ll! o~\|\l
NIIIII'unl- lnvhmml m.

\ l‘\

”I" .\lII- uanlt-Il ll! ItI-l llll‘ \lllldllllll Hlll III

llll' Hpn I. lN‘l .IIIw' xhc' llllllh\ llll' pIIIIIIln-x

\llll \ lIa~~ ll.lll .I lll‘l‘lll l\.\ll m I l\~ \HH'Q'
lll IIIlnIlllt‘Il

IIII'II-xpnnIlrnl'I xxnrk

ml ”‘1' lllllll'lll IlvpaIlnII-nl .II’I- llll\pl.ll'¢'ll
l lul

llll'llllhl'l'\ \Ilm \\IIHl(l lw Ilpwl .IlmIIl llnx

purl lur


pIIlIlIIlj- law“ .I (ll \llllll‘lll\ .Inll larull}


'l \I‘ lmrn harawml un llII- plIIIIII' lI\
pvnplv llll'lilllfilllfl

and I lI'Il llIal lN‘lll.l[l\ \Hllll' [NI\IlI\l' .’I('

Hun IIIIIIIl lw lakl'n lII (lllIl'('l ll

IrpuI H‘rx .Illll

\| NH .llll-l/l'll lhal \l) “min pI-uplv

llII-Inwluw II\ lll‘» lllt‘llll\ 'l'hm pIm'I-wl |\

'l’hv \lIIIll-nl lam-I llllll'lll l‘III'l'lmn llualIl
IImlIImI-(l 'l‘hnrxlla} lhal llI-hh} liraywn
“lll nul arm-pl lhI' \llldt‘nl
\I-nalr (iI';I)~IIII ran luurlh In ”11' raw [or
llll‘ l|\¢‘ .\ll\ .IlHl SI'II'III'M \(‘lllllt‘ wals

\lark lux lhq- \I\lll plaI'I- lInIshI'I~ “I”
lakv llll' I'th'rlmn linarrl
l’ll.‘llt'[l'l\0ll \nn Moun- xaul l,l’(‘ hall lhr

a \l‘lll on

Lee is new
A85 senator

\I-nalv \val

lull \nppnrl nl (Nauru.

el courses over KET

ltIUWHH‘ pmnts llmarrl Jul) mlxam't‘mI-nlf‘
.lllll wuulrl ln-m‘lll h} lill' programs



lauIlIll lhr panel was

«Hiltt'ltll‘ll \.\Ilh lha- [H'l'NllllH'l


[MIIIaIIl l’t'('\\ I-u-I'ulIu-
kl'Zl llll1'\n l

HM l‘\\.1l\ "l

.lllll I-IIIIIpnII'nl llt‘l'Q'NMHW ll)! .I \ll('('l'\\llll

lwlwu- I'rcdlls


llIt panrl mm lllllt‘ll Ihal lll\ll'll(‘lll)n In 1N“ ““4” .‘lllll'l‘ ill”


l’ll‘.\\ and

law Iml III -1 luml l\ lll‘l'lll'll l'.lllll‘l lh.III a N" All‘l' “Him whnnls (Ilrt'ml)
nllo'l «huh-«w

IhI- IIlI-a lnI \llt‘ll a prupuxul has I-xIslrd
.Illrlml and ”11'

lw lllI- Inlhl

H Iu-fIlInII lil «:IllI-ur lllllt'\l‘,\ Mo'phvnsnn

“I” H” ll llH-IHI! .II‘ ;;I\o‘n
lllIllI'l llu- [lll'L‘lJlIl l‘ unllwIIlwl ‘\\I- lrll

l lnl ‘l'\l'l.ll \I';Il'\ ln‘

Illlli'lll pIIupuxal
llIHIIrIIIJlle |ll\l‘\llL‘.lll'll

(unllnurrl nn Paar Ill.


Tlrl‘ llv‘L’lw' pl'uglalll le'lx

.llll \Hlll" pvnplv IIIIL’hl Insl m-I'Il l"!

Kernel directors choose

Swift tor editor-in-chiet

\Alll NTl gradualw nl lynnglun
llI-nIx I ll\ lllljl] .\I hle

ax ('lllllll Ell I luv! nl thv w lIIml !l(‘\\\pdp('l




\IIplIuII.nII \Trn‘ \uIl! JH ‘.

.Iu? lln nrr‘
l\I II‘III nu ku'I’IIl-l

I-Il I'lllllll In (hu'l th‘ ulwrr ln' \vru'll

Mull, mll Il“ll”l" IIII lm» ‘.(‘.ll‘ .lllll ‘lll'll'lll Inm-rrunrnl

flu pr‘IuI: EH! 'lln KI I nrl \ lll\i \lllllilll‘l pun Mn“: rm am.”
13 lll\ ll‘llll |'\lQ‘lill_\



‘ lllI lllllN' HI‘ Imnml llll' kr'l'nl‘l ~l.Ill as .I \pulh


Irulxlu II ;-In

WWW”; III. ~pI ”VL' \o'llll'\ll'l\ Alill'l :n lhr lall \(‘llll'\ll'l' and hax \l'ru‘ll

Il'Ill Inu llll' 1 III rrn!


Ullll Ii 1 \\IH|I\H \ Illli‘llll‘ll'll I,I\l
‘l.7 l\ 'lIr kl:

III-.II \ pm! \\9'll' lilvllulll ll llaukn‘»

gl ll\ .I L:I.’l;! :.I-\\~ I-IlIlIII

71 I ll.

.-, ml |-:,.‘.I.1I~I llrrl-IzIIrxqu HlIYlIlIlllfl lII\ plum 'lll lla' pava \u I'

-.III‘. in llll‘N'\ lll llIaM‘ llh‘! will pair illI‘H'
\\ la:

lll\( \lIgII

I \ '

pII llll'l’ urn-nlml .I~ l'lllllt'lll pmw
(IIIIlIIIIu-ll on Hump 1 ('ol. 8

mplIuIImIl- III'III..IlI~II: IIIaIIII anIl \l’lll
\‘ll'll.llll llI llln.\ 1hr

IIIIl\ .IpplIIaII' £le \IIIIIIIwI :wlIlnI

Mull um m 2‘; ll.l\l l\l'

1 1mm»!



\1.II'_\ hall
pruhlmn lnr sumv llliH‘ holurv (l(‘(‘llllng l0
lqul hvr \lur} In .I rvpnrlvr I\l lIrsl \hv
\\.l\ alraul In haw hvr nann- (inulgt-d
\lII- ll1‘('lll(‘(l hmwwrfi Ihal usmg hvr namv
\wulll >uppurl lII-r I'laIm\ and lwllr'r ”11'

e the right

l1‘\l alum lll'l' \lIII)

\\hvn I had
nullunu .IlmIlulvl) nnlhInL'. l
MIMI l \\Ulll1l low lrII'nIls .IIIIl lu- pullIan
nnwll III .1( .IllI-Inu ll‘del'lh llIIl \llll. llw

th- ll.l(l an lllll'lllll' Inulnr lIIr pm.” uro->lllng \th lhv

l l




\wnl III lU IlII\

--IlII.IlIuII hall In ln- \ urII-I-ln-rl .Iilll l “as III .I [*(l\\lllllll\ U, \mm. aleun

Iil'l \l sl- sill
InIplII‘alInI: nlhvrx, \lar) it‘ll uhlIgalml ln
.IIlInIl th qull alw "H \l( Kay ('nl Allen

.Ilhlvlu~ IlvparlInu-nl lulur \\IllI.Im>

puxIlIun \\lll'l0‘ 1 hall \lllllt'lllh‘ .'I\.IIl.IhlI- l \umlrl lw ”mm.“
llrlllll llllxl


.Ililllll\ lhal hvr
llll' lIlhllen

l'll‘lllllll‘l\ illIHlU .I InIslalu'

ll‘dllll\ In

quI Iln'parlnn'nl Jud
\\ .l\ \\ I Hm“

I\ll\llllllL' l lwlIl-u-(l III

II l\\l‘_\ \\l'l'l‘ pun; lu lw lllH‘Klllllll‘d. uh}
""‘m I‘ll-”IN ’h" \\.I) l “I“ 'I‘N‘” ”ml nut \ll\.\ HlIlIw-V Man saul

\lar) kIIIM \lH' \dlll lhal \hI- \mulrl nul
IIIllll' lh:~

|‘-IIl \hv lI.I\ lu-rn \IIIprle-Il h\ llll' mural

lllll ul \IIII-llIIIg lIkI‘ a row ”
l'l UI'I I “HUSI' npmlnn \llr l't'\[H‘(‘ll'(l

llll'_('|l lll‘l l1) \lllp \I'lllllti llr‘l llill'lll‘tllMl *llppwll \m. h.“ llall “Hm Hm“, til ’1”.
lllll'L‘l Il\ lnr II pllldlll‘l‘ ax Hill“ lI'II~IIIl pIIl

Il ~lII- an-u

llllllll\ .Illll pa-nplv \hv llax nmvr Inl-l

““1 “‘l""" “ll“ lwluIn- nun '\ Iv“ arquaIIII.InII',\ l h.I\I‘

\\hu .II’I- llmllmll lanx lJIlH‘ nu-r lu llll‘

Hm prulIlI-In \\.I\ III hll|I\\|llL‘. ulll'lll 3" |Il1|l\l‘ .Illll \anl lhl') m-rv proud lhal | lllll


lt'll \l.Il\ lllIIllL‘lll ll uulllll ln' uxu‘lvxs lII
lll'l \lnl} l-I lhn‘ .llllll'lll' Ill-parlnu‘nl

I’lIal Ilall\ ~III'prN'Il HH‘


Min (IIIIIIIIIINI un l'aur I (“I J


ll lu InallI-r Mm!
lI-Inpcralurc raIn
.I|\\.I_\~ lorm .INH'll [or IA‘\Inp1lun Today Is
l‘lIIIIIl) I'nr'nuragv
and llllliilll‘i‘\lill“t‘l‘\ through
,\.Illll’ll.l\ “arm (lll)\ ‘liilll Tll'sl anIl Imld

”'L'hlx uppvr («I ,w \\ Ill prmaIl Ilvspm‘ lhl'

(llH‘\ll l \H‘nl

Even odds
on rain

I.\ hm’anM‘ |.\

[In I'V'I'plmn skII-s

\llmu'l \

In pI-ru‘nl I‘hanI'I' ul prI'I'IlealIun




E stabtished I59;


Katie A‘tLai thy

Mitre Wines Editor in (met
Mitre Tierney Managing Editor
La'fy Kielhopt Assocmte Editor

Dan Rhea Dav News Editor
John Midis Photography Editor
Chariie Dirk-nson Sports Edl'o'
Joel latter“ Arts Editor

Ron Mitchoit stew Sm" Night News Editors

{Ottoman leprexent the


opinion at the {ditoiial Board out the Univenity


Watergate: one step closer

'\\'a_\' down in the middle ot the
Watergate ;\ll.’llt‘ lies a lesson ;\s one
inspired sage commented. the going
eampaign slogan used to he "Four
More Years." hut non it's “Six to

l)a) h} da} the chain ol lttr
\oli'ement has heen inching upttard
and upxtard into the elouds ot the
\1.\'ttll administration \Vith the
recent accusations t'hargini.’ that
tormer' Attorne} tieneral John Mu
r‘hell apprmed and helped plan the
hugging: operation the tinestigation
has hit home .\i.\;on \ton't he ahle to
meet) this one under the doormat

ttur l’t'esident stated. in tact. that
thetirst prohe had turned up \ altiahle
intoz‘ination ahotit the Watergate

-\ ,

ease \t)\\ \\e tind that John \V liean
lll. \\ho headed tip this tirst prohe.
has heen aeeused along: \Hlll Mr

[lean and \litehell. hoth in elow
eontaet \Hlll the l‘residentdurrnrt his
l‘t‘t'lt‘t’ltttlt campaign hoth are e\
pet'ted non to he the i'et'ipients ot
erimiiial indietnients litit then again.
t~\ei‘_\one gets a\\arded tor lo_\.il

\iid that’s iust the point .\n} leader
is responsihle tor the aetions oi those
under ltllt‘. .\lr .\i\on has iti\oked his

e\t‘t'tllt\t' tit't\tlt‘L‘t" and lt‘tt‘d to
make it instead the t'\t‘(‘ttll\t‘ eo\'er

l'ntortunatel) the tit‘t'\ltlt‘tll has
tried to eotet‘ up L‘anureiie \\llll a
l-iaiid i\nl

'Can you hear me, George?’

\o\\ \te earl e\pet't a tie“ \ixoii
press release insisting: that \H‘. the
.\nierie.in people. get together \\llll
our leaders and get to the hottoni ot
this .\iiieriea'i rinstoi'tune

l‘.ut \tho'll lead the iti\estii;ation
another lt'ttsled \l\tlll .iide' l‘i'iist in
the \i\oniaii dietionar} implies the
siiiterit} ot ’a lastiiii: peaee

\o \te are Eett iii a \lltldl‘irtl‘. ‘.\ltt'tt'
eui' thvh't'tllltt‘tll i'iiiis aiinn k and
aground ll‘. the ttll.tL1llitlt‘Itl gtx our:
little t'\ltlttll.tL‘t‘ lIltLfl Net ii» lilo-
lttlt’t'ittli Lit'it‘s tat; \l‘ltlttlll iltt
aiixthinu right.

the moral littt't‘tt\\t‘tl anon_\ inousl}
reads sitttit‘lltlllL‘ like 'ltl\ m- used to
trust our gnu-i'iiiiient hut t‘am that \
.ill ‘.\alt't' under the Late




Riley refuses
SG co-operation

It is in) hope that next tear Hoternor
Ford will declare the l'nix'ersit} ot Ken
tuck} a national disaster area. tor that is
\that this plaee \Alll he urth Hegle and
l‘earson as Student Government president
and \iee president

lsuttered through this past eleetion as a
pr‘t‘sidential eandidate The only thin}.I
l’earson stood tor, as tar as l eould see.
“as slamming the other eandidates
against the \Aall and ruhhinu mud in their
tat'es i do not helime that \ls l’earson
ean \\|lll\l£tll(l the pressures ol the ottiee

.\s tar as Mr l’leizle is eoneerned‘ hou
ran Mr Hegle say that he is serious ahoiit
helping the students. When he refuses to
LLIH‘ up the dehate team" In taeti Mr
l"legle eould not men take enough time
aua} tioin his dehating to gixe his own
\it'tor} speeeh

luas willing to viork VHlll Mr l'legle and
Ms l’earson I made the statement.
hetore eleetion da}. that il l was not
elected. I would still \MiTk Vitth whoever
non Today I lind that l i an not uork “1”]
people \xho do not respeet the students
enough to fine their thn “Inauguration
Address " l \xill t't)nllnll(‘ to work for the
rights ot students. hut l ean not do this
through next )ear‘s S'l‘l'ltrIN'l' Govern
menl l t'all ripoii all “hose leelings are
similar to mt ti\\tt to get in i-ontaet \\lllt

me and together he ran do the ioh that l
sun-erel} hehe\e Mr Hegle uill not do
Ind Illle\

l'olitieal 5(‘lt‘llt’t' Senior

Protests bigger
PS course

it is \\lllt eonsiderahle i-oneern that the
l’olitieal \t'lt‘llt‘t‘ l ndergraduate t\tl\ lstil’}
t'oininitiee \lt‘\\\ the eollapsinu ot st'tt'l'dl
\t‘t tioiis ot I' S Jlll~ Intro to l'olitn'al
l’n-hauoi' into a t lass \tlin'h \till nuriiher
appi‘o\iiiiatelt 330 students “e eoiisidei
this e\trernel_\ deti’unental to the teaehuii:
ot this toiii‘se \\ll|t'll sei'\es as a iiiaiot'
requirement and \llttllltl he an integral
part ot the tlI‘U'lttttttlt‘tll ot an ediieation tn
l'olitn'al N It'tlt‘t' lt |\ diltieiilt to lttlllllllit‘
alelass ot llll\ \l/t' at ting as an t'llt'('ll\l'
\t'lttt‘lt‘ tor learning

\\hile or dislike to pit the priorities ot
the graduate program against those ol the
undergraduate program. or» tear the
polie\ tonaid l’ .\ III] has ehanged dtie to
too rnueh stress heing plat-ed on the tttio
and Too lexel eoursex
Too level eourses

llopetull} this oversiIed seetion of l’ 8
Jul “Ill he an anornal). as it was an ad
iiiinistratit'e (ll't'l\lt)n and did not go
through undergraduate



l’olitir'al Seienr'e

l ridergraduate
\(hison (omiiiitlee

ltitt? “Hire Toner

Questions Kernel
ad practices

\la) liiiriuireas ltillti“ mueh riione) per
unit ot tlesh e\powd that The Kernel
reel-Hell lttt‘, ttlll't’ .iLlalri selling out the
rights ot \tomen to their atlwi'tisers" 'l'he
i'otiiielttshlx teasing heer poster inserted
in The Kernel on \pril l.’ lttT’. \k.|\ an
tittl\l.itttllliL1 t‘\.rtiitil4' ot the selling ot a
uornaii rather than the produet ad

leaders are non ix'i'asninall} iiitorriied
ot hoxt uell their independent ~tudeut
tiI'\\stt.itir'l" l\ tl'HllLl tinantiallt 'I‘he
Kernel is no longer in deht and l\ men
making a protil

independenee iii The Kernel stirring" The

’.til \tliat purpose is llte

t‘ottt’lttsltin l am toreed to aeknouledge is
that the Kernel is not now \t‘lllllll women
only to insure its \lll‘\l\’£ll. htit eten tor a

ltoesn't the eapitahst system produce an

arna/ing sense ot soeial responsihlilit)”
Laura Halter
Seniorfi’l'opieal Major

tl-lditor's note: The ad in question. sent
from a national distributor directly to The
Kernel's printer. was not seen in arhanee
in the newspaper‘s arhertisinu r'eiieVi
hoard t

the. endemic system

The death
of a course

l'.\ Htl\\l'll lltll’\t|\

liitt\ tolson and John .\teplienson are
ttolilm.‘ .l titer-tint: .-.ith tln students who
on loinvf ‘91. \As Loo tours: on Human
\r \ualit\ lln ttioup .till asseriihle tml.i\
o p tit m 'ln‘ l'ttl lla- nai'itn‘ ts
:rra tilt! latriiist 'lit .t'lllirlil'lldlt'l‘
it-lut. ‘It‘tJt'Ii a ll‘ritlr‘s' to ulltt'l 'lir

in; I 'a \' tail .\‘lar‘it' ".|'lttl|!1\lil'illl‘

:V. . l t .tte tan! .xoilawt or 'h:
it t H rt 1 t it

‘i\ z- r 'ta tori-a in .' tlt ox." a xi-ai

i. ,\, ‘t, t. L's in i: ill .‘.i'lit't iiit‘

-.. it , .i 'ioi v'l-ui yit '.t'l\"lt"‘ .itmii’

mi t ~I ‘t.- 'qu \f'ni Itlfwltlt‘ltlltl'

. , ‘t w 'ta.: rox' ‘lo-x .t’wtwl Eotit

,‘ i It t ‘ \ i~l ‘ ' It' r
.11 w 'lit [limit

it . mail, a' -:\'m-ii \'tltll'lt'\ and

'.n i':p.ii1'la tail \l'lllt"ll: *'lllt'lllllir."


"t tout ltt 't~-t.i!tli Tit! \‘Hll"
.i‘tt .I: tti tittta in! '1'. l" {littll'K .ital
‘_,:.:'\ Alaif‘a'iita lilfill'ldlll “(W'k'tr

".Ma’l 'l,: .k !l« llzt «It-i ninth i 'ii
'3, i'i' t of 'li- iiiiitw .Kt‘lt
ti ‘:t o '»!vil'lif.t< ‘il't ate!
.le’ ’ tit .‘ta- .t;‘_ttt‘r‘_ llwtl.

i t, :i‘ t
1' . t :r‘ {i K \t t t l:
'~ t‘ l ' v' \\\\ \ n I
t .‘v « ’- ei' ‘ l‘ l ’
i it . i it. ,‘|\ ‘t': f, .t-
x l‘t ' i' 'I t' 'ilr \' t

t~ ‘ ‘l l' ”i v ' i i I ’i l "i
't‘ ' .1l.iltiv n i \

1'. ' ,‘i " .‘.:!'iit"iti.ir'itt

me u: ' A t- nit lli' 'tltiltlt

titlilwtn‘l ‘tt- ‘ 'lJ 'in‘il'. lt1itlilt"l\

A tat l..ltl tx'tv tit-let! 'r A or 'l:v i'ttntli ‘t'Vsitttt-
tl.'l tn-mr 'll n“ ‘he iouise lllt'l'lllll:\
.tio‘r tlt'llt'l 'o the \t\\ dean tiltrlt'\l|ttll
'lil ~ltit',\‘tt.[ o' a trim Ian mori- ot 'he
taiult‘x lttlllt‘tl in the ttltlt'llltlll\ one ol
‘lieii. ‘A‘illlnti?I*\"ttst't‘ttiL1’ltt'Hlltt
\tn r .i litt‘t'ltllLl til the ltean s ottii e \ttth
.ill ol the lttltt tat tilt) and Hill) |ttit' til the
ttti]\e students it Has derided the ltlltt
Airtlltl t-e lltl\\!i ttne wonders «m the
'.It ult\ lll\|tl\t'tl would altiee to attend a
inm'inu \theit onl'» one ot the students
has asked to attend lt ~i-ems strange
tine the students had started the ellott
and had tlttltr the hulk ot the “oil
\ltatiiit‘l 'lttttus were to lttlltm lteati
tolxon illlttllttt'tl the t’tillllttlllt't' \].| letter
in .l tat ltlt't llil‘lllltt‘l 'llal llt hail derided in
Item the tttlllll.lllt't' s ieiiiiest to ottei the
Htlll ~e iii the tall tolsoii made the tl('\ isioti
.\tllltllll ldhlllrl ‘he tune lti talk to the
people who li.|tl tttltsltllt‘lttl lllirl
luaiititiil ~\ll llIll‘ .llltllll \\ll\ their
|l'4lllt‘\l slittllld lu‘ tlt'lllt‘tl
“Ht! 1* no institii'ation toi t‘.iiltt‘llllL1
'he tour-e tor the tall \\tllltilll ionstiltiiili
lllt’ i tllllllllllt't‘ lt '.\Htiltl ln‘ tin e to lllttllx .rt
todat ttit'l'lltlL' the .nliniiiistiatoi's \\lll
talu- non- oi the tremendous student
Ileiiiarid toi the ltll”'\t‘ and .Illtl“ it to he
otteied in the tall
This Is not ltht'l) to happen l’at'ult) and
administration leat‘ a t’tllll\t‘ \thieh is
strut lured in part h} students espeeiall) a
iour'si- that deals \Hlll the learliil suhieet
ot huriian \t'\llltlll}
ltotli t ‘olson and Stephenson would agree
lt'.‘|t‘llltl;1 should he more than a passne
e\peiienee it should he aetire \‘et \\llt‘tl
\ttidetils heeorne so aetitel) in\ol\ed in
the learning pl‘tK't'ss that the) are “tiling
to do the \xork ol i‘esearehini: and strut‘
llll'ttlll the l'ttlll‘V', t'olson and ~\'te\enson
hark oll
That kind ol It'lll’llltllj is a hit too aetite
It piohahh “out he tolerated at [K







a page for opinion from inside and outside the university community 2;; I

Dealing with the Rh factor

lty F” \.'\I\' S. (‘\S('Itl, MI).
Student Health Service

Question: I am a woman student and I'm
getting married this summer. I know that I
am Rh negative atid that I may have some
problems because of that. Should I get a
shot or something now '.'

\nswer 'l o answer this question a brief.
somewhat tt\t'l'\lttt|lllilt‘tl. eyplanation ol
the Rb tattor is necessary ;\ll human
beings have either Rh negative or Rh
pos:tiye blood \‘thtlc Rh positiyes are
more i’ttttlttttttl than Rh iicgatiyes, there is
no dittei'ence iii the duality of the blood

l‘ttl an Rh negative woman the type ot
tiei blood bunnies \ei'y important when
she becomes pregnant [let ause Rh
negative blood is much less common than
positiy 1' blood it is probable that the father
is Rh positiye if he is Rh positive and the
mother negative, the baby can be either
positiye or iicgatty e \Nhen the baby is Rh
positive a special situation arises

Your health @

“hen the baby is delivered, or the fetus
lost through tiitscari'iage or abortion.



there is .i possibility that some of the
baby s or tetus‘ blood may enter the
mothers negatiye blmdstream If this
oi cuts the mother s body will
ii-iogiii/e the positive blood cells as
torcign ’ and produce antibodies against


: or! ri’. . IN.

The baby she has Just delivered or the
fetus that is lost is not affected by these
antibodies nor is the mother The an-
tibodies. however. become a permanent
part of tlte woman's blood supply and we
say that she has become "immunized" or
“sensitized ”

If and when she becomes pregnant again
and if that pregnancy Is also Rh positive.
the antibodies in the mother‘s blood W1”
"break down" the unborn baby's blood
cells The baby . if it is born alive. is an “Rh
baby " These babies suffer front anemia.
iaundice. generalized swelling and severe
neurological symptoms They may requ1re

very extensive medical care including
exchange blood transfusions

Now Rh disease can he avoided by a
simple ltljt‘t‘llttn of a specific type of
human gamma globulin which is given to
the Rb negative mother within 72 hours

after she has delivered an Rh positive
baby or has had a miscarriage or abortion.

This inyection prevents the mother from
recognizmg the baby 's or tetus‘ blood cells
as "foreign" and in this way prevents the
production of antibodies and she does not
become “immunized" This means that
the great danger to the mother‘s next baby
is gone and she enters her next pregnancy
with a “clean slate ”

Eventually. it is possible that there will
never be another “Rh baby” born. All you
need to do is understand your Rh negative
situation and. depending on the Rh of your
husband and any babies. be willing to
receive. after each delivery. miscarriage
or abortion. a single injection that will
prevent future Rh disease Your physician
will surely discuss this With you during
each of your pregnancies,

Text of President Flegle's statement

It) .ll\l FIJI-LE
In the event that Peggy and l them

and talents

And we shall have begin preparation for a thorough constructively
the Student

restructuring of

student action and in forwarding


should be fortunate enough to be
elected St; President and Vice
President tonight. I have asked
my press secretary. .lcff Latikr
tord_ to release the following
tetttarks on my behalf

I deeply regret that I cannot be
here to share this moment with
those who haye worked so long
and hard in our behalf Peggy
.iiid our supporters understand
.iiid can appreciate why lam not
here at this tune The Delta
sigma Rho Tau Kappa .\Ipha
\.itional 'l‘ourn.‘imciit dates were
set lotly! before the dates of these
elections I haye had a long
represent the l‘niyersity of
Kentucky at this tournament. as

commitment to

a \arsity dehater l therefore had
to leaye the campus late this
afternoon. to begin debating
early Thursday .\s l noted In .i
press release yesterday. these
circumst.‘mces are special ones.
.iiid could not be avoided

I do want yoti to know.
howeyer~ that ldceply appreciate
your support and share with you
tully the opportunities and
responsibilities which you have
placed on our shoulders I
promise you that Peggy and I will
not tail iii our commitments to
promote and protect the interests
«it 1 K stttdeiits to the uttnosl of
our abilities

“c liaye promised new
programs and directions And we
shall have them

We have promised new abilities

We have promised an office Government administration.

open to all students And we shall
have it

We have promised to do our
best to represent the student
body And we shall do this. too

I shall return this weekend to
begin preparations to assume the
office which you have bestowed
upon me My first plans are to

along the lines of the Wendlesdorf
(‘oiistitution I will be getting in
contact with many of you in the
coming weeks to seek advice and
aid in this restructuring

I ask simply that our ad
ministration be gauged not by
empty words. but by the actions
our administration takes in

student needs

Once again. thanks for your
support I hope Peggy and f can
prove to you that this support was
well found


Jim Hegle is the newly
elected Student Government


Will the real winner...

i am writing this 'ietter concerning the
recent l.l\'lt cycle races 1 find it very sad
that a [K tradition such as l.l\'l) is subject
to bias and pl't'jtltllt't‘ I am referring. of
course. to the controversial decision w hich
decided the winner of the cycle races

The question was "who had possession of
the inside latte the Pike rider or the
Sigma Nu rider”” Regardless of how you
answer this question. the result was the
Sigma .\‘u rider got off the track

lloweyer. he got right back on the track
and ptillcd ahead of the Pike rider The
Pikes tell behind two other times but
cyentiially won the race Then it was
announced the Sigma Nu‘s would be
awarded the ls place trophy becatisc the
Pikes were disitu. titted They were giyen
the ‘Jiid place trophy instead

I question this decision for 4 reasons
First ot a”, It so happened that in 1%? the
Pike cycle team was guilty of trying to
pass on the inside lane yiist .is the Sigma
\u's did Saturday The result" The Pikes
won the race htit were disqualified for
their infraction

Secondly . it the Sigma Nu's had been the
better team they obivously \lelld not haye
lost the lead to the Pike t‘tder After going
off the track the Sigma Nu's hail the lead

The Pikes had to be the stronger team to
come from behind and win Running off
the track did not infltu-nce in any way the
outcome of the race

'l'hirdly. the Pikes would have retired
the trophy had they won the race the 3rd
year in a row They have accomplished
this teat one other time. the only fraternity
to ever do this Obviously everyone was
cheering tor some team to defeat them

,\n ”(it committee member was heard
say mg. "\\i- couldn't afford to buy another
trophy neyt year " So the decision of Dean
.lack Hall w as he a Sigma Nu" t and all of
his impartial "i licld marshals was to
award the trophy to the Sigma Nu‘s

Lastly. it the Pikes were truly
disqualified why did the committee add
insult to iniiiry by giving them 2nd place"
Did they perhaps reali/e their mistake and
try to compensate tor it by otfcring the
Pikes 3nd best ‘ Hy en some of the Sigma
\u‘s in the stands admitted that the Pikes
deseryed the trophy They knew they had
not won the contest lairly


Diane fiavter is a sophomore in


You should
know more






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CWC elects officers,

hears city

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1111111.1511~1,511l 1h.11u1‘ 1 'l11



"I illlill\ lhgil lhi- 111.1111 ll.l.\l\ lm-
111'g.1111/11111 Villllll'll lhmugh lin-
luunilml in a min
nuilnli-nl 111 .ll'llVthl ”

1'1111111'1l is
\lli' Mild

'l‘hq- 1'1111111-11 mil l11|l1m up 1111
lhc- “mulls Hi (lit' (‘VH‘ ill-iillh
“(wk llnlllilg .1l111ul
111nlpliilnl\ on health M'i'Vlt't‘S 111
liminglun .ln(l inn-sllgimng 1L1)

l1) 11111

1411‘1‘ ('(‘llll'rs
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“11111.111 .unung 1hr wwn run
11111.1lvs 11111111an tor the l111n‘lh

urlmn 1'1111111'1] lil\li'l('l mall at ”11-
1111-1141-11 14011111111111!

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1-4111 x1]. A‘li «11:311.

'111 411114111411! linurnpqi' l1

1\;.111\~\.-1l ‘1 211111 .1:

1-? lambs”


1 ..,1
If. llllllliil.

Greeks present
service awards

l'1‘.1l1-1111711-\ .11111 wt‘nl‘iiliw
lll'l'\l'lllt'll'llt'1l \1'1‘.11‘i' 111\.111l\11l
'hi- .1111111.il him-l1 l’..11111111-l

\\1-1h11-\11.1\ night 111 Yho- Mmh-nl

1111111 l’..1lh 1111111

l‘hc- 1111111111111 ~pnnx111'1-1l l1} 1hr
i 111111111l11-1-

\11111111w >11-1'11nu
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iil'l’\t'llll’ll l:\ l.4'\!1'1 \Il'lllil Muir
lllull’l Yln'
l1’.1li-1'nil\ .mil \111‘111'1lx llllll‘i'llllL'
tin-111ml 11111111-1 /1- -l.i l'1-:11 l'.iu
1‘1-1-11111'1l lhv l1.1l1-1111t\ 1111.11'1l
lllmlil‘K I

l- 111111 l'h.111 111.111 111

In :111111111111, llun Mum-l1 ill
'l‘hl-tu ('hl lrillvrinl} 1111s
111-1113111011 l11r lll.\ outstanding
lll(ll\|lllh’ll \(‘l'VH‘t' Nn'hill also

'11l1l llli'

'11131'111'111w‘1111ll.'\1111111l11-\ 1.111

Linn .1111111‘11111 Yhn- [‘1

~lu1l1‘nk “11111111411111! 1:11Ylil‘l"'ll
win“ 1111 1hr lunil

him-k 111.111 .1111!
111\1-11l11ll1'1l~ \llllt‘i'lil \ILllllJl l11
hiil'l' 1|?
