xt75mk657093 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75mk657093/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-10-04 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 04, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 04, 1971 1971 1971-10-04 2020 true xt75mk657093 section xt75mk657093 9 . privileged information, (,‘rat't said his office '_ I I I
Who k t 9 answers written requests by people til 2 ‘ _ 2 ‘
S eeplng a S on you. businesses interested in knowrng it someone . ‘ .1
actually did take a certain class. ' _ ‘ '
o o . “In a sense a class roll is public I ff '- ' .
UnlverSlty records are many’ and Varled intormation,’ (ratt said. “Anyone in the .’ I.
United States can ask if you were enrolled -. . . . >~
Editor’s Note: This is the second Of a two identification more precise. “When you‘ve likereldaigd W‘gllhe? ‘h A: beniineedring) firm ’,. _ ':
part series. got 27 William Smiths enrolled, it can really 5 0:1.“ e ‘1 11V dO'dL {a}: l‘ d: ‘m “:48 at: ‘. ‘ 2 ‘. .
Larry Craft is director or records for the be a hassle sorting them out,” Craft said. is)? icant “d y l [d V 'nblmumg ’ m I - ,

Registrar. The office he heads occupies half This material is destro ed ever ear. . . - i , z ,

of one floor of the Office Tower and must Craft said his primary ghiirge is the There 15. a‘ new pOlle‘thPgh", In th“ 1‘ _' _ ~,_. . 4

handle every bit of personal and scholastic academic records. These records are future all‘otf campus requests lor‘class rolls a, .

information on campus. permanent, and contain the basic history of mil“ ,be approved by Presjdcm Slnglcmry' 2'; ”V I, 4

“We have two types of active records,” astudent’s college career. Crdft ddded . .
Craft said. “These are demographic A student's academic record includes a Craft said the permanent records are used _-‘-
information and academic information.” unique identification number (usually his for many purposes. People have £20”,ng t“

“The demographic records are general Social security number), his parents’ names information on ancestors who attended U" 1 1.,

student information. We get it from the and address, ACT scores (if he entered UK as Crvrl-servrce workers have claimed higher rob f -".

personal information section on the cards we a freshman), records of other colleges rankings 9“ the b21515 0f Whegt’ work .

sent out every semester. It’s general things attended and so on. Accreditation teams have used the data to , .

like majors, home addresses, local addresses, Into this record goes every course taken, see what the University 13 doing. .t ‘

“9-” the grade and credit hours earned, the UK.S permanent academic records ”Wm '='

Craft said this material is used for professor who taught it and the cumulative baCk into the 1800 5' There are four copies .
university mailings, determining the need for grade point average. of these records. One rs bound volumes, one
married student housing, and making Although the grades are considered Continued on Page 3, Col. 1 f ,1

an independent newspaper published by studentsgat the university of kentucky ,' V‘ _- '.
Monday. October 4, “WI LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY 40506 \. ul. 1 \lll. \u 3‘. ' " ‘ ' i H V'
W . _
s“ 2, .. . . . 2.22211 .2 W v
i start ' ‘ ‘ ’ - - ‘ .
«was M asaiwwefisw - ,
swig. Wye its? 2... W Fri slim) -
haeswgéa “«2« t .: .2... shake?“ ” “ '
“saw e2 ‘. -- .2 v ., . ’ 2 " Frolic ‘2
2.. ‘ .2 . _ ,‘eagéi‘a s 2, 1"“____W " . ,e’" ff” ' . d '
~V V ”is @ij /i‘W I 2' a, .. , . Watch this one-hand-behind-tlie- ‘,
- 2 . .. I“ . » .1 / i- g’ ,2 . ° . .. ; ._ . , ‘ ‘i‘ back trick. Trick performance '-
-. if; gi ' ' . " _," _ 2 s i Y; .9 was one of the categories of the
1 _._;H 2. ; if}? . . . _ a .a Frisbee Festival sponsored by H
t} , _;2.=.;:2:.}: f , ’ 2.; "I ' f9: ii; the Free U. Sunday on the rugby f
.‘ ._ s .--«;-- " 'j‘ v / s»; , a s; .:_ 2.3%.? . re . 0e an ens ip ,-
. #’%V1 '5 .4" l”... [jg and Harry Baeversted tied for >
‘ ’ . ' . . ». “WW. first place. Prize? A bag of fruit. " I
~’ s ........~....... .. . W... WM” ' (Staff P ho“) by D3Vid 2V -'
- V 'V " W A‘,_IM‘W_,W.....,MMW ,- Robertson) ,
In Ashland, Kentucky .;.:
———————————_ '.
By LYNN MARTIN pamphlets and asked that the material be . .. . . . .. ‘ . '1
Kemelstaff Writer circulated among the immates. Prison , ’ , . '. - . , :2, a '

Peaceful demonstrations were staged in offrcrals replied With an affirmative ‘ . ,. _- - , . . , ,'
several parts of the country Saturday to anSWer. . “ . y, 9 . ' 7' - . ‘_ 2 z . .’ .
protest conditions in US. prisons. Amld chantrngs 0f 5h?“ 1‘ down” and i. v w . _ a: . . . . g a , , ,

’ “walk on up to the prison walls, the 3.2 :2 jg. - - . - ‘ ., . x- . _~ .

Kentucky 5 Ashland Federal. Youth marchers were told they could walk -" ‘1 ‘ ‘ ' , . ' ' - 2. . ' -2
Center was among the prisons picketed. around the hedges surrounding the prison "[W ‘ ‘ , as: _ it» i " . ' 2, '

People from Ohio, West Virginia and entrance, however the marchers were not ‘ ._ .. . I " ' .1 . 2: . . .
Kentucky participated, representing a allowed to walk on prison property. a .7 . . ._ .- . ; 213;“ 2
wide range 0f movement groups. According to Walls, UK march ' ” ' " ' P :2 . 1,,

UK was represented by the Student co-ordinator, the Federal Bureau of 2.", M 2.. 2 ' -~ 3 . ' a”! -. -

Mobilization Committee, Lexington Prisons issued a directive last week . _, h.“ .5 :2. ' ‘ é . J _ ,
Mayday and the Lexington Peace forbidding demonstrations within the ~ " . 7 . _ V, w ‘3
Council. David Walls, spokesman for the prison walls because of an alledged ‘ 2‘. ' _ ._ g , . 3:52» ._
UK marchers, said one Of the major “National conspiracy to ferment . P0 , . :2‘ t .'
reasons for the Ashland march was to insurrection” by the federal prisoners. A“ ,1}, ‘_ _‘ .. . . . . ‘ .
show sympathy for the 66 women who After having marched along the hedge V :23 V 5: 1'; i q, V . ,
were temporarily housed at the all-male for three times, the marchers gathered on w i . . ‘ __ .
prison earlier last week. the property adjacent to the prison (also {W . . 2 ' _

According to the local paper in owned by the federal government but not ssf‘ascafiw 1 -. : . . 2
Ashland, the women were moved to within the prison walls.) my , W ‘ . . ..
Texas the day before the scheduled Following a lengthy debate, some . ‘ 2 . -. 2, y . . .
march. marchers stated they were going in and 2 . a- g). ' .‘ ,' ' ‘ . ’ ' .

Some marchers voiced the opinion that asked for support. Along the walk to the my}; . . . 2. ‘ . ‘
they were ready and willing to be arrested front gate the marchers decrded to 22* I. . , ~.' . ’>
as long as they had the assurance that present the director, lrl Day, With a list of . 22 “?Z%??*‘":: 3 , , .
there would be others arrested with them. demands the marchers suppdor'ted. The ”:Va< is g ‘ _: . ‘ . i . _ ' .

Da listened to t e eman 5 patient y .,*2. '2 - . g

After a heated debate, the marchers and siren said there was nothing he could 3 2 »'
gathered up Signs and information do “‘swgwa‘ ( _ . _ .
pamphlets, got into cars and headed for Day said he had “mixed emotions" sifigfiVéRSV .. 2 . ~
the prison. about the march He said he reali7ed that ffimfiifigigmy‘ _ _ '_ ' _ ' ' '

At the W150". the Boyd COU'llY Police some prisons needed reforms but added gewjfixwfirflw V s " 2 3‘
were waiting, “sight seeing," Sald one Of that the youth center was “one of the @“3WWQM ~ . ( 2‘ ~,
the policemen. One person front the area most progresggve prisons in OperatknL“ _ ., _. .2. it. . . . _ .
stated that the entire force was on hand. “We are in sympathy with these ‘ ' '- ' . . _ 2 . .
The state police were there, but having no concerned people (marchers), however, it ‘ ' ‘ , , , .
inrisdiction over the county roads, they is regrettable that this concern did not All lo g h . h ‘ '
circled the prison in patrole cars. come before the Attica outbreak." a n t e watc tower - .

Rebecca Westerfield, UK Student The associate director of the prison A marcher stands behind the hedges looking at the watchtower ‘. .. ~ ‘
Government vice president acted as gave this comment, “I think they which stands at the entrance of the Ashland Federal Youth Center. 9 -
spokesman for the demonstrators. She (marchers) are showing their concern Marcher: protested there Saturday to show sympathy for prisonem . .. '
presented the prison officials with today in a very responsible way." (Staff photo by Jim Wight) .

 L’ —- THE KENTI '(IKY KERNEL. .\lund;u. ()(‘L 4 l‘l7l _ ______._——————-————
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I "I I I . I) ThI'U Dec. 3 I r 197] We Wlll pay the increased postage of E
‘ » 2c on any card costin '
. , ,- . 9 35C or more. TODAY PHYS!
I . I . BOX OFFICE for the Department present Dr. Jose hQ w ' FRESHM‘AN ENGLISH MAJOBS
I Present th d . _ D Galloway. interested in servmg on the E h
, 2) is a vertisement, during September & October of Theatre Arts 1971-72 season “The Lomsiana State University. 4 p.m. Student Adviso c - nghs
4 ' . .I and we ‘ll . 0V, _ Boys form Syracuse” will be open Friday, Oct. 8 R 5 rIy ommittee should
I . w, give a 10 /0 discount on an h 7 . . . _ . . 00m 1 3, attend the meeting Wednesda 0 t
I . y purc ase except noon to 4,30 p,m_ dany_ Production Chemistry-Pysms Building. His topic 6 Room 1245 Off' y‘ c '
. . ‘ . sale merchandise 8. cards.) dates are Oct. 6-10. For reservations Will be “Electronic Structure of the niore inf ‘~ we Tower. For
. I call 258-2680. Single Vacancy in Silicon ” P I ormation contact Buck
, " W h ZERO POPULATION. GROWTH egggggln‘ECh any at 233-0377.
I V . I _ - e ave one of the widest “demon . PROBLEM PREGNANCY AND . - . . . 3 “6 TRUE COALITION
II II . . _ . s of cards in town—Come and ABORTION COUNSELING. IporgeIsIcInts8 memoir; ‘PopIulation-Eco- in concert 9 p.m. Friday. Oct. 8.
_ . I see the new "Hollie Hobbie“ display womenis Center. Call: 252-9358 Room lfé . 01::de Uct. Ila: gaudent Center Ballroom. Admission
. ' i ‘ from 7'9 p.m. Monday through Discussion after the stIIoom Budding tents. 013011591111 by the Freeple
. Wednesday and 2-5 p.m. on Sundays m. Happiness Conspiracy,
I II _ II I I If emergency, during other hours all
2 I . , . I The TreaSIIre Trove Patti or Laurie at 253-2284. ‘ c
I .. f Located Behind Shoppers Choice at 1414 Village Drive TOMORROW + . .
. . II I. .' __ , CITY COMMISIONER AND a S S I I e
,7 I . Off Versailles Road — MAYORAL CANDIDATES will be +
, , . I I . presented in a forum 8 p.m. Tuesday,
, . I I I , Oct. 5, Student Center Grand
. I I II , A. . “MI Ballroom. They will deliver short Rates are $1.50 for 20 words; $3.75 WWW-
. . I . '. I addresses I and a question-answer for three consecutive insertion: of the F08 BALI
I I I I I 0 385810!) Wm follow. Admission free. 3:: ‘.d g; 20 yord'n and $5.00 per WWW
.. . . I ~ ~ 01' . v .
. ' , _' “m 4 1:131‘? 6;] q 1 7H COMING UP over 20 worderpei {noggazsmper word ligithgfriuggeam Alpine. $600. Con-
. V C‘C - c' . SENATE AD HOC COMMITTEE Main. 254-2086 mce center' 133° w.
II _ , ~— , OzEN-HEARING on class scheduling W $.40:
. . . The BBC—produced film . ,, . , , . u an credit 2-5 p,m_ Wednesday, Oct. WILL RECORD 8 track ta
3 . . ‘ . written by the Brit' h h'sen'eS, CMhsahon' Created and 6. Room 206, Student Center. . Dorm. I furnish “We, ygssffll‘nrigh
. I . -. h isI artI istorian, Kenneth Clark, has been ZERO POPULATION GROWTH ONE ROOM a.‘ 268 Kalm‘a- Large albums. 52-00 per album. Excellent
. , , - 9““ 339d by The Umverslfy and will be shown to the public meeting 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Oct i‘fiflhfil’nfii‘iéé‘mfiveififlgf‘éfi ‘33th w
. I = - and to the campus community free of charge during the Fall 6' Room 304. Student Center. Old “he“ faculties available' Very C193” 1969 PONTIAC GT0 automatic ex-
. .‘ , . I - and Spring semester. The complete schedule of showings is and new members please attend. figml’i.C§?&?ct2§?i18§&wié;nsaatrtehse Sirfilfiowggihbom Igold With .blaCk
. , I II j I I given below, LIOrIdI Clark's provocative views on the development EITA KAPPA NU, electrical idence. ‘ 104 Helm. 225-9353? mlles. Phone gigging};
_ . ' Of I‘Nes'em Civilization since the fall of Rome were given engineering honorary.sponsors a film mm W
I II . on ocation th 0 h . I senes every Wednesd . furnished bedrooms for t . ; . . A ve-spee c winn. Good con-
. 4 I WCll~kn rIIng Out Europe and in the United States. Such Room 255‘Anderson 3:11“ noon in kitchen privileges; 1% blocks “‘2?“ dmon. Needs new tires. Forty-five
; . . Own artistic and architectural achievements as Chartres STUDEN . 53mm“: available Oct. 3’ A“ Util' (:91er cash. 266'8184 after five at
i “ Calhedral, Giotto's frescoes at Assisi Michelangelo's Sistine RESEARCH gTHICDSVERIiMENF 11185 pan}. Call 299-5812. 104 mg t‘ 303-“
. . , , . ’ ~ ‘ com ‘ ' ._____~________ Y—‘V—M
. , I' , Shhapel ceiling, Jefferson 5 Monticello, filmed in color provide greet 7:30 p.m. Thursdayfrgctfgwgl HOUSE for rent. Roscm—Ell Aggy 11:3: Eislectric Sewing MaChine
I I‘ ~ Fae Siting/ accompanied by an excclient musical background. mzezetiifii 522 E. Main St. Open 252-5738 after 4. ' the Heath RF. sligncaalnéeaxfprilt‘gr ggfl‘cfifé
- - . . . h/r ? "”9 “h” 1'73““ ”Cl been *9 Europe Or want to refresh FRIEl‘IDS i’fé‘czggg 05‘3““01” 510. P. Kalon: CP19
. - .: .I ‘, t cir FCC’tllCC? if 3 lb 7 . . I a . n 7 ' 0F PIKE N, .3 _ I _ _
. I . I , , I c i n , i_ s an unparalleled opportunity CIITIZENS ASSOCIAT‘Clg'ngT: MISCELLANEOUS EH
.III II . . I. II p anning a weekend VlSlt t ‘ WW-o-to I I I h. ACK, 2—year old en-
. ._ . . .; ALL SHOWINGS WILL BE IN CB 114 W Wm m... m: $711555: *ESStP‘isif‘aNWd i‘i:2.0.93553.gizn‘éé‘sgxfitz‘r 2f?“
. 2 ' ' " '3 ‘ - i A Deli-end f 0‘ _ . . . ’3 . a ' a an“ or 33" ”"1"" 1'"! iii?" l " r. 1 .ar ay’
2 l - 2 »2 - * '2 FILM T'TLC DAY 8. TIME Clarke at 2532:2778 coma” “‘9‘“ gfig7cghefiggx4 Line. (iii:c;g)1r?;1u: ‘ ' w L High-“i
. .' , \ #1 "T . H ‘ ' . 101 MOBILE HOME for szl . 12 so; _
' . . . l ‘ :9 Skin 0" OUFI Teeth OCtOber 7 If”; CIItI'iIIIidIIiItIanInglesildee Trfiilereggreh.
~ _ I I 1 - . - . nc turgmmngs ;. European 7~ {\va 2.. *' will“ 0"“ Call collect
. I. I . I I Cl W Ari. MA .30 Thursday MAJOR REFINERY GASOLINE AT -AAA.__.._.___0_
Z.- ,V ‘ IV . Age; CLOTHES for sate. Size "". N
. I ‘.- I I II II . DISCOUNT PRICES! 31;}?de Call 269-2111 betiu-eaén 10:22:23 -
:I‘ , .- I #2 The Great Thaw” October 14 94 + o l. R Adm 4C8
. . . w . . W”o*”~m
-, ~ . j - . I The Romanesque Period 7.30 Thursday c One EQUIOI' . . . . . . 32¢ "03 OPPORTUNITIES ‘
. . . 'i ' “a 'MW~”~
. .. ,, 100 O E h I ~ -
I I I I #3 Romance & Reality October 2] + Ctane f y . . . . . . . . 34¢ :ShngIamcocgtail gbl‘itiesguigfiggod:
. , . The 60th w . "‘g -" "pe’ience Pref
I 1 .3 I. , .' I I ic orld 7.30 Thursday SAV I 3;; éggflged. Inquire at $223,132?
‘ . 2 , , - 7 305-04
.I I I , ; #4 "Man—the Measure of all October 28 at R s W
I " ‘ " V Thin Sll . - sharp busmess-nandedpor un y or
'- ‘ , ' ' The ii I It i- R . 7.30 Thursday East Main Street at Woodland Ave 3122331 “Sh i?“ w “533253.13
. 3' - ' r Y a ian enaissance ' S? W“ in? “0" 59" on cam-
I '. . VI . as seen though Brunellesco’s Hours: 6:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m., Mon. thru Sat fgssiimgtagidmfi'iiffémfighbgené’o ”it“
I . I _: I . u 1‘ : r.
I I . I . 7 I I I architecture fiARb&:torm. Box 75, Swampscott,
. I : »I .I I . I 'I Renaissance Italy in the days 7-30 Thursday i l W
I I I. . i ‘. of Michelangelo 7 0° i (1252135 elated CPO jacket around
. : I _ .. II I . ward. No questions 1: .
-_ ,. .-I - .. #6 "Protest and Communication” November H l . . Phone 252-2947, $55-$14
' . . l . . ,', . Wm ‘
. -, . . .. .- . Northern Europe during the 7:30 Thursday where w IIBVICII
. I . '. . . . ReformatiOn . W”
. ' . . ” . r j _.
I I. I. #7 Grandeur and Obedience” November 18 figgéalhzrmgii? 8-38“ and “55%;"
. ' . I . . I . 0- 0 _
I . IV I. ,7 The Baroque cmlization of the 7-30 Thursda 2664772 an" 7 Eng-d rates. (1381;
. ‘ -I . . ”T ' - 11 WW...
; -. - ‘ , I _ V #8 c: L'gh: 0' Experience December 2 fiffigEfinfiegzgnable couple to share
‘ -I, . -, . ~ ‘ . 6 non ern art of the 7-30 Th 8 house. Y°ur "‘8’“ I
,. . ursday $100 month utiliti
I II I . l7th century Chevy Chas es included. Near
, .2 . “—WAAAAAAAAM e. 269-1255. 04
, I I . #9 ”The Pursuit of Happiness” December 9 FOUND
. ~ ' .' .'I '.I The fOunders Of the American . WWW W
I . I I , Nation 7.30 Thursday SlGNM’URE Bill‘gl’ghtxriotled 3;??? bmal: puppy.
II . otv1 . e ree;comer
. . I . . . r. #10 ”Smile of Reason” December 16 He and Limeatone' 253-0078. 04
~ ‘. - . . W“... N
I. .i I I A, The Enlightenment in Europe 7.30 TthSdOy EXPIRATION DAIE Th‘ Hg“ k I
. . » _ ,. I . .‘ #H I The WOFShIP Of Nature" January 20 PIEDMONTAIRLINES StThe Kentud‘y "Ken-:21 University
1 '. . I , I ROm 7. . . ation, University of K ' _
«. , . , a” A... 7:30 Thursday ,7 d . Ypum FARE CARD 3:732; xendiucky mate’s: as.
, , - I I car is ost,stoe . pai at Le '
’ I I I . _. . #12 ’ The Fol/acres of Hope” January 27 7 n or destroyed, a new card must be purchased. ichfIIleii five times figfiiy’dfiiiilgci‘ilé
, I I - , . V . , 0° year except holida s a d
, . .I I . Revolutions of l789 and 1848 7-30 Thursday l take thi’ ca 6 t Efgrsings. and once duringythensmgxnig;
. -,‘ ‘ 7 ‘ , _ 7 i ! bubii'shed
I. , I I . , I #13 "Herorc Materialism” February 3 i I find 9°. 7 Publications.béxtgeos?(gggcgf8<§ztcug:8gt
- - 2 T The 20th Cent l . g Begun as the Cadet in 1894 and
', , ' . x ”'Y 713° ThU'SdOY i Now at a new low price' $3 And it's i SiBES’i‘Si’smM‘MWS‘y as the Kernel
. ' .' ' ' All showin s . ’ ' ' Advertlfil
7 are free t l - i ~ "8 published herein is in-
I fl 9 I 0 students, faculty and gOOd unlll YOUr 22nd birthdo I 7 gage: to help the reader buy. Any
,, .I II we general public. l YO 1’ Cl y - be rein-{Eiihizdi'lig °%$$"‘“‘ ”on”
I For further information contact John B Stephen- 9e 0 reserve S 31” any day: l §E$W°E “m
I V . o r y m. -— ,u
. I , son, Dean of Undergraduate Studies, Patterson and save ObOU‘l’ 20 /o. CO” US OI” see per mampy'hmmmm" 317:3”
‘ . Office Tower 257-1870 OUF l l I mm" X]: no
. , . I Y rove agent. Emma, :rglgdggnor ”mm
L As '3
. “ u ' . 1’0““-
. Ohm-4640

 THE kENTl'LKt kERNEL. \limilit). ()rt. 1. lll7l —.‘£ ' ' ' i
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Staff photo by Curt Niblack 2 .
Wh ’ k ' b 9 ' ‘ .
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0 s eepmg ta 8 on you. BEN smoen pep r STORES .
For Your Complete One Stop Shopping ' I’
Continued from Page 1 “Nobody but tIheIindiwdual studentIcan ]" HOUR F'REE PARKING In The Ben All Garage v. ..
egg is on magnetic tape in the Computer Center, get Ithls gdtd‘nlf. can tdcven :61 “WW???“ - with 53 Purchase '
Bush one is on microfilm here at UK and one is on 5“?” we are a icense psyc 0 0gb” 0.56 _ .. . . _;- 1 .
ould microfilm off campus. said. “Only if a student Signs 21 release Wlll - _ ,
(3700'; C ft ‘d h' . bl li , d we release information.” ' “j. _‘ ~ ,' 3
3uck ra sai 1s mam pro em es in gra e . . , . . . . " ' ' ' 3 ' .
377. Chan es. “We rocess some 800 rade Rose said the chent folders are kept 1n I j. .- '
ION changes a month? Some are questionable as locked files to which only members of her urban Plannlng POSII’IOI‘IS. I I ' x j I
.. 8, . ’ . i e , s' a . . . . . _ I II III
sion when a student convmces a professor that an staff have access. F Ve years 21ft r d Lllcnt 15 . . Job involves working wrth public agencres, busmessmen, . . .
.eple old bad grade is hurting him and it needs to last seen, the counselor 5 notes are Citizens, and neighborhood groups to better understand our _ . _ . _.
be changed n destroyedI Five years after that all data is community's challenges and opportunities, and helping to .3 " .' I
' destroyed. prepare action programs and plans to help meet our local needs. . ‘V _ ’ ‘ .
“A record isn’t emanent if an one can - . Necessary qualities include ability to work with, and concern -. -. . ,I. -. '
do this,” Craft Sm: “Why we hadyone guy LaISt SChOIOl Year the Counseling and for, others; ability to undertake thorough and efficient research I J ‘ "
try to change a D he got to a B nine years Testmg SIerV1ce handle? SOImIe 1,250 ChenItS- on wide range of physical, social, and economic community . ‘
afterwards ” Rose 531d typical lnquules dealt With characteristics; innOvative thinking ability to develop alternative ‘ ~
.' marriage, academic and vocational problems. solutions to community problems; ability to write concise (not . .f
’f CraftI said the records are also used to see “We won’t even tell if a student is a client long-winded) and clear (not fuzzy) reports to help others under- , . ,
W 1 a senior has completed all his requirements or not ,, Rose said “We had one advisor call stand community problems and possrble solutions; mature to _ _
N f - - . , _ . - . _ work w'thout be'n rodd d; d st ' h th' "
;°n_ ora degree and paid his fees “P t_0 find 01“ If one Of hlsIadVISeesI was look glhomy. Desigralile qfialitiae's; plille'cg szgzlfi'ng: :gilitymi: » 1‘ ‘
93"- Dr' HaIrnet Rose 15 dtreCtor 0f the UK coming over here- We tOId him he dldn't make clear and interesting presentations to groups; ability to 3'
__ Counseling arid 1'85th Center.I Her need to know.” prepare or develop charts, maps, and other graphic aids; ability
1?; department prowdes problem counsehng of Rose said the Counseling and Testing to effectively chair discussion groups; and, at times, ability to ~ .
1351 all sorts and handles the scores of the Center uses the scores of the Omnibus walk on wagerbIIsIalary: $5,000 to $8,000, depending 0n ex- . . -
__ Omnibus Personahty Inventory administered Personality Inventory to help students with EerlenceI 3" a I I Y- ‘. :I ,
:35; to all freshmen. _ . . . I career choices. The test has been ”lac" f ‘ I
T5"; “All Of our information 18 confidentlal, administered to incoming freshmen for nine City-County Planning Commission . . 3 .
__ Rose said. “When someone comes in to talk years. . . '
$39" to us about a difficulty they’re having we If necessary, a counselor can obtain a 227 North Upper Street Lexnngton, Ky. . .-
-31 start a ‘client folder.’ Into this go scores student’s scores on the test to assist in career Phone 252-8808, from 8:00 mm. to 5:00 pJn.
__ from tests we adminiSteri notes from advising. Rose said about one-sixth of the M°""Y ""u ”may i
5'1"; interviews, and any other material a freshman class took advantage of such an EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ‘— v’ .
org; counselor might need to help a client. opportunity this year. ‘ .
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l3 __) {I I .1; ‘K/ I Purchase Another $5.98 A&M or I -» f 2 t5, . _ _I ,-
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~ _ Thleu w1ns but Amerlca s dream of democracy shatters “1:;
. -, ‘ held
' Well it’s all over now, Nguyen National Assembly a stringent prime importance to Thieu, as it a"
,. ., , . _ Van Thieu has “won” the election, election law designed to insure his should be. The American people 2:},
' "I" -, r if it can be called that, and the re-election. have invested quite a bit to protect Coo
I 'I , » . American people’s dream of The law required that any South Vietnam’s right to determine 2:“
. I 2 ». democracy for South Vietnam 15 candidate for president obtain the its own future, and a lot in Thieu. wo‘;
/ . . shattered. endorsements of 40 of the 190 America has invested over is si
R‘ght ”9 to the last moment. National Assemblymen or 100 of 55,000 “V35 in the bloody T?
' US. Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker the 550 provincial councilmen. battlefields of Vietnam, over $150 St:
"1; met wrth Tlueu trying desperately Thieu’s chief rival Gen “Bi ,, billion dollars, its prestige as a
.‘ I‘ , . to find some way to lend some Millh easil met the, ”I t' g world power and most importantly,
I credibility to the election. But but Vice PSrIeSident N 311:1 153 “:15 the faith of its own people in its
'. f:-_ Thieu, as he has all along, refused ld t cl d' g 311.1}. :(f) y government.
. ~ '; ~I7; .’ g to call off or do anything about the :12): 616220;“ was lsqua 1 1e rom Sunday’s non-election has proved
»- '- - _ election. ' . that sacrifice to have been a tragic
_- . . . v The fact that the election went IA few weeks later MImh waste. There is only one thing for e:
‘I . . _ off according to plan is proof of wrthdrew from the election, the American people to do. for:
. .' even to the extent Of openly Since that time there has been into the streets and into the cor
. -_ defying the avowed wishes of his rumors Of a posI51ble military COUP political circles of this nation and :ltnj
. American supporters. bIY Ky, sporadic anti-government mount one last mission to search C
. . ' To understand how Sunday’s Violence and a growing feehng Of out and destroy every last vestige of C0]
.‘ I: , f7. democratic farce took place it frustration and disenchantment that disgusting war that has caused :3:
2 ' . -I . :I , necessary to go back to last June. Wlth Vietnam m America. the people of both Vietnam and the alu
‘ .‘5 y when Thieu pushed through the Of all of these, the latter is of United States such agony. ”1
' I I -..I iIiII Sp].
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I . . .I I\ pug s('l(lpnt body Sept. l97l, UK vs MlSSlSSlppl . tradition. and the band is a big part of Over the years, the Kernel contributed g?
I . :- I .II Sc II was UK W Missis“ I The UKI band. three hundred in any school tradition. Believe it or not to abolition of tradition and decayed to 3‘
.' fl 3 . ,1 * :l‘lI‘ ‘ 1K .h' 1 ~ ‘ ;- MPP‘ number qurctly waits m the end—zone to freshmen. that is something UK used to the point that it had to be flushed off a,
-'--, . K . . Iam mjt I'NjndrCId men lumber onto Stoll field like a giant flat have. campus The student overnmem has a.
I, I . ‘. f stnIirIig. lIllilIrgIll‘c\ onto Stoil held mIClOSC footed centipede. With uniforms which The band once played it “Give ‘em since been abolished thegband “antinues 2::
.I '. .- . ' . _ I infllutllk‘u'sl'} t(iImc. thundering (“I“) can only bring to mind the Salvation hell" song. which was their own version 10 play chamber music anduthe uK
“I . . ., ' ,' _ .' M II I“ I!“ I '0 1“ hCH- and making army. they represent the fighting spirit of ol‘Dixic. and people used to sing the fight cheerleaders ose for the Cou - Tie e’s
: - '2' .. ‘ , ~ ”m“ rt“ ‘1 than ll“: “mm bk student the student body by playing a medley of song. However. the Kernel discovered no leadershi )p no t d‘t‘ “er-1 | r d I
-'I_I. ’ . .‘ ._I -I hm]; 5””1‘18 muster II‘IiIN Iweck. "Ind ”‘1” soul music in three-tourths time. Dixie was actually a fascist plot and no wonder vlvc canatahgvlgg£izhlgl )(l‘bfildh :2
. ‘_ , inc u cs or tiousant mcn. \ ' I ' ~. . -, ' ' ‘ 1
- 1 ‘ i " ' t ' ' depending on how \ou munt our student Score: UK 20 Mississiphi 34. bLI‘CVCd “0 sophisticated collegiate R3." “CCdS ‘0 YCCI'Uit 3 MW student bOdY- d3
‘. ,. ~ « ,-‘- .