xt75mk65700t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75mk65700t/data/mets.xml  United States Housing Authority 1940 v.: ill.; 29-40 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call Number FW 3.7: 2/1 journals English Washington, D.C.: Federal Works Agency, U.S. Housing Authority: For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Works Progress Administration Housing Publications United States Housing Authority -- Periodicals Public housing -- United States -- Periodicals Public Housing: Weekly News from American Communities Abolishing Slums and Building Low-Rent Housing July 2, 1940 text Public Housing: Weekly News from American Communities Abolishing Slums and Building Low-Rent Housing July 2, 1940 1940 1940 2019 true xt75mk65700t section xt75mk65700t . f 1‘; I
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Federal Works Agency - John M. Carmody, Administrator Vol. 2, No. 1 - July 2, 1940 U. S. Housing Authority - Nathan Straus, Administrator
. ' i ‘ 0
F011 W ayne W 1” Bufld 28 Pro] ects To Open In J uly—
At $2 850 Over-all Cost . -
’ H F 8 421 M F l
. . omes or , ore am1 165

The Fort Wayne, Ind., housmg authority
is undertaking to break records in the . In the last 12 months the USHA-aided
USHA—aided program. Instead of expand; With the beginning of the Govern- 1 program has reached. its full stride. The
mg the 'much—dlscussed ' prefabricatecl ment’s fiscal year on July 19 Public scheduled opening thls month of 28 pros].—
p1'0.l90t bU-llt 2 years ago, 1t has (leaded to Housing starts its second Volume. ects from coast to coast and In Hawall,
utilize the USHA plan for a very low—cost, Owing to the fact that our first issue bringing the total number of occupied proj-
low-rent, low—subsidy project to provide was published August 11, l939, Volume ects to 59, marks the greatest advance since
decent housing for poor families at a shelter 1 contained only 46 Issues instead of the , the opening of the first five projects in Jack-
rent of $10.83 per month (the same as that "5“3152- _ ' l sonville, Fla, Buffalo, N. Y., Austin, Tex.,
achieved in the prefabricated project). _A new masthead marks the beginning and New York City, on July 4, 1939.

The Fort Wayne authority proposes to 0‘ ”19 new V0]“‘““' From now on, with projects under con-
construct 120 dwellings at a net constl'uc- struction in all parts of the country, fami-
tion cost of $1,791 each. Total development lies will be moving into USHA—aided homes
0051; Of the project Will be $342,000, 01‘ an three, or four dwelling units each on a con— in ever—increasing numbers. The 28 proj-
average of $2,850 per dwelling unit. This crete slab placed on the ground over gravel ects opening this month Will provide homes
would be a new low for an urban project fill. The exterior walls will be finished with for 8,421 families (see tabulation on page
inacomparable section of the country. The asbestos siding and insulated full height 4) when fully occupied. Added to the
local authority is convinced that this esti- between studs. Interior partitions will be 13,657 dwellings in USHA—aided projects
mate can be reached, although the type of of conventional 2” X 4” stud construction already opened, this Will bring the number
construction will be different from that used and interior finish will probably be plaster. of dwellings for low-income families in

‘ for the houses built 2 years ago, and even Roofs will be pitched, probably of truss- projects opened for tenancy by the end of
hopes that it may be bettered when bids type construction, and ceilings will be plas- July to 22,078,
are received. tered. Equipment will be conventional, Projects to be opened this month vary in
The plans now being developed call for with individual space heaters and individ- size from 786 units in the Clarksdale proj-
one—story frame buildings composed 0f tWO, ual hot water heaters for each dwelling ect in Louisville, Ky., to 54 units in the Park
,, , . . .w. , .. (w , . , . , .. unit. View Homes Pl’onCt in Athens, Ga.; 15 are
L fight $e“””w&sflsigwielfl””cy The site is bounded for white tenancy, 13 for Negl‘O- '
lam-amass“ * . I , ' ~ “3.1.: 011 three Sldes by Scattered as they are, from New York to
ggi‘flafi‘n‘“ g l‘egfifwmgfiftwf. .ygi-‘ifz ' .‘ f if‘ streets, and build- Florida, and from Texas to the Hawaiian
' .~ finm‘fifi :f‘fif“wkkfifl%m'm \- ings are located Islands, the 28 projects represent widely
WWW“ “' v 1 i ~. " '\ within a “U”—shaped differing types of construction, building
_ "‘Twrrrgaoh ’ ' -; '1 . .129 ' j 3: area surrounding a materials, and equipment. Predominant in
" .,. ”“wfii‘ "'{TgaiN . * h > " (Continued on page 2) (Continued on page4)
mmwwwaew—Efishwww , .2 - - $1.... ,
East Lake Courts (shown above) 3‘ j. '
in Chattanooga, Tenn., is one of
the 28 projects scheduled for oc-
cupancy during July. See map ‘7’" ' ' ' I " .
. (right) for location of projects. -_ I -= '
. ' . ' I: ,-=. a . P '
The Kamehameha project in 9 will}? EQEEQQSITQ Y 1,.
Honolulu, not 1ndlcated on the ,1 Var-r 4
map, also will open in July. i -‘
.e 1

 O I
Housmo Essa Contest T0 Loan Llhl‘al' P0 ulal‘ . .
b y y At Cedar S ryirnorsPTerrace Current Housmg therature
In Dade County Schools R h Pd f U f h
ecognizing t e nee or toys or t e { V , _ .

During the fil‘St week in JHHE, $120 was pre—school children living not only in the BE IT_ EVER 50 TUMBLEP_The.St?1y.Of a
awarded to 12 contestants from the schools project but the neighborhood, a toy loan Subuiban Slum, by Maivel Dames, WM} '8.
of Dade County, Fla., for prize-winning library has been operating for many months £01?W01‘d by. Alex.) Ifimn 'Tlout,dE1§<1ecuti\e
essays 011 Vfll‘iOHS aspects 0f the public h0115- at the Cedar Springs Place project, Dallas, Cecret-aiy,f Cfitlzérls lausirig lan4 arming
ing program. sponsored by the Junior Dallas College Pouncdg etlmt' 3“” 9 0' 01 pp.

More than 2,400 students (bOth white and Club and the Neighborhood Council. Two Iocesse '
colored) from 23 schools submitted essays afternoons each week, over 300 children nkcrimni-séhelgsive tstugy ogda Negro slum on the

' . r , - - _ y- ou S’irs o etroi. n a ition to presenting a
beiween MaICh r10 and Aplll 15' The 12 CIOWd Into the soc1al 1001]] “1th dOllS, thorough-going analysis of the physical characteristics
prizes—4 of $10 each, 4 of $10, and 4 f>f games, fire engines, and skates, to exchange of the houses in the area, the author has told the
$5—were awarded at spec1al exei‘CIses 1n them for trains, baby buggies, and books. human side of the story—the kind of families 1ivin.Lr
the various schools. Over 500 toys have been cataloged and there, their attitudes, hopes, fears, and 'family his-

The contestants in the white schools were made available to any child whose parents :013:;1m1tzeeiigglifigyisiiswlhetillefigsnsttigdlfge, 13):; 2::
divided into three age gl‘OuDS, and identical will sign an application blank. When toys Detroit. Possible solutions to the problem of this one
prizes ($5, $10, and $15) were awarded 111 are returned they are disinfected and reno- area are suggested.
each group. Group I included children vated before being loaned to another child
from 11 to 14 years of age; group II, 15 to for a 2—week period. HousING IN MISSISSIPPI. .Release No. .30.
18; group III, 19 to 21' Three additional Miss1s51pp1 State Planning Commission,
prizes went to students from three Negro —— :2911‘332351 $723“? Sgeet, JadeSOD, M155-
hirrh schools. . I)“ - 0 DD- 1‘006558 .

fijhe three judges were: Miss Mary 13- Fort wayne LOW-C081: Record This report, covering housing conditions in Missis-
Merritt, Dean of Women, University of (Continued from page 1) sinpi‘. _is pg’esented against a background of housing
Miami; Reverend R. L. Allen, Pastor, Trin— . . conditions in the United States. Numerous statistical . 1““
. . ‘ . —. . central recreation and gaiden space. Inte- tables and charts are Included. There is also a coni-
lij-MethOdISt Chul.Ch: and 14‘ W' BOltOI‘L l‘iOl‘ streets have been eliminated Instead pi‘ehensive summary of the Government agencies
CIVIC leader and Director Of VVQAM 1‘3.le . . , . .' ' ’ which have an interest in or are concerned with

- the buildings are sei'Viced \icith cul-de-sac .- .
station. . . housmfl-

Harry W. \Vatts Executive Director of servme drives. .

. ’ _. . The local authority expects to manage CIVIL SERVICE IN RELATION TO HOUSING
the Housmg Authonty of the City of . _ . . . s .

. . .- . y. . . . the proiect in connection With the 01 units MANAGEMENT PERsoNNEL. Prepared by Be—
Miami, Florida, iep01ting the contest, said. . ,. . _ _ _ ,

“ _ _ . _ pi'eViously constructed. “'lth a subs1dy Of atrice Greenfield Rosahn in cooperation
We ale very well pleased With the results . . . . ' . , . _ .

. ,. $5 per dwelling unlt per month, 1t h0pes With the Subcommittee on CiVil Sci-Vice,

of the contest in actual essays Wiitten, and . , , , .

- - . HOt Only ’00 be able to meet all Operatlng Committee on Housmg Management, Citi-

believe that the educational work we have _ . . . , _
. . . . expenses but also to shorten the amortiza— zens’ Housmg Counc11 of New York. Feb—
accomplished Will iesult in many iiiends t' I. d f th 1 bl 7 ti 60 _ . _ ( r .
being made for the housing program” fmp 1916.11? flo etealé e _0\V pet ygfils lualy 1J40. 02 pp. Processed. $1.
01 W11C’1 ’16 COl’l lac S ale Wilt 611. 10 A “study of civil service in relation to public hous-
_‘ management program so far developed has ini: personnel (with particular reference to New York
. fixed shelter rents at $10.83 per unit per City)?’ ’ljhe report is divided into six parts2 (1) The
Na“ League Of “men We” month, to WM with the existing- pooi— NM. . .

Advocates P1113116 HOUSlng Bet: and anticipates the need 0f only a 1'497' Civil Service Examination in Housirig Management;

percent subSIdy. One management staff (4) Housing Management: Qualifications, Duties. Or-

“Slum clearance and public housing for will have charge of the entire program of Sahizati‘m Chin‘s? (5) Comfinenfis and Eecofnmendfl-
low—income groups with due regard for the authority, with each project bearing its mils“oiznifiagéimthfugxfi SERISETC‘EM'OM’ (b) Limo“
long—term city planning,” is one of the sub- share of the administrative costs. .
jects listed in the 1940—42 program of the This proposal represents a real challenge REQUIRED RENTALS IN THEIR RELATION TO
National League of Women Voters. to the entire low-rent housmg program. BUILDING COST, LAND COST, INTEREST RATES.

The NDWY comprises some 550 local Moreover, the fact that both low develop— Prepared by James Felt & Co., Inc., New
leagues distributed throughout '31 States. ment costs'and low operating costs are being York, for the Investment Housing Commit—
Its purpose is to “promote political educa— so aggresswely attacked by the local author- tee of the Citizens’ Housing Councfl of New
tion through active partic1pation of c1tizens ity is a definitely healthy Sign. The project York. December 1939_ Unpaged. Proc-
1n government.” has been under conSIderation for many essed. $1. '

The program lists slum clearance and months and costs have been thoroughly in— A Negentllfion of chqrts which “permit the dew“
public housing under the heading, “Govern— vestigated by Mr. George Walling, eco— mimtim; of rentals graphically in place of arithmeti-
ment and Economic Welfare.” nomic planner for the prOJect. cal calculations."

,~.- .-r_,"»,. ml, .1 y p .1 , , @1779,» h
of: .~ “” " “it“ ,, c ,
‘ ~ ' p. "”c iowfigpaw"'cce ’. My Moi” ... , . , v. s ._ ~ ., 'A .. .'
.. . i. , Myles“ a row-mi?— “33%“ ‘
W Mn”? \‘:_ K: . 4 w: " ', .3 ..a: ‘ l j5 ".Iéfii .. .1 ,... ., F. . , e ., . - 9'3... .
. .3 ‘ “I “l:xi%g W ’1 . . , 35o grog ‘Z‘ . i I,” h, l . 5, . '. I, ‘ g . . ': ”91..., ..
‘ " w» is , 52%, 32:42 ,, g ’5’ * *«lfi , 3‘
,4- ”:fi Mafia/W ' a all. . , afo'op z ' .
3; gm; ~ "“7 ’4 f2 fin; - . . . ,, . .
w. 5, . » z 1 ; gm'o‘gi 32,3, _ 2,!” W" a“ . flowswww
The site of Robert Mills Manor, Charleston, S. C., before The same site from the same spot after the project was
demolition. completed.

 M ' ””——_—'_—W*
asonry CaVIty Walls Recommended 7,53 my. -; -: ' 1 g
o 7 r
For Leakage Res1stance, Economy {(1.1 f '3 .-;
.n a . \ . //
Masonry cavity walls, almost universally Permeability tests have been made but My N 0. 'fig
. . used for housing purposes in England and not yet published. However, the Bureau of V" /, M_ V‘ ‘Jfimzmm
Australia because of their superior resist- Standards has confirmed, in advance of flflfihlé’“ “
ance to rain and moisture penetration. publication, that the cavity air space pre- "-5- ”1,41,“; % -" . J'.
have been recommended to local authorities vents water leakage through the facing VIA! W! ‘27 : : moon.
by the USHA Technical Division. In addi— from penetrating the inner section of the -u-.J ___JM 3- .
t10n to the lowered permeability of this type wall when adequate flashing and Weep holes ' . I T-l'rtMovaLL
of construction, masonry cavity walls are are provided to deflect and drain the water. WINDOW HEAD ‘v’ :‘:_‘,Elz%';vl3駓"
economical to build—savings over the con— . . r _ _ '_ afihr‘r
ventional wall (8-inch wall of brick facing, consuucnon Requn‘cmems I I; l. 3!“; “t l
clay-tile backup, furring, and plaster) will The following requirements are essential Vl‘r‘uj ~ ,1‘ i— f/ L17 i
approach 10 percent. in the construction of cavity walls: [AI '.'1' . '1 \ E ‘ l
The USHA recommendation is based not Masonry Units and Mortars: The ma— ‘ ' 1111/ ”v6
only on English and Australian experience sonry units may be any of those customarily ' limit? nous $135356, 0,,
but also on some experience in this country, used for masonry walls as determined by WINDOW JAMb £30113th ' ébi Eotpiz .
as well as on satisfactory test reports from exposure and loading conditions. High % rsrgcgggxgé- -
the National Bureau of Standards on struc— strength mortars must be used in order to " ‘ ' ' ' " ‘ ’
tural properties, leakage resistance, and in— insure adequate resistance to wind pres— n i
sulating values. sure. With such mortars, the same unit _ , :
, pressures usually prescribed for hearing _Aoov:
. ”A H’S‘Ol‘y on various kinds of masonry may be used ‘ -' . . .- I
Cavity walls with brick ties such as for the inner wythe. Load bearing inner A TION
“All—Rolok” and “Rolok—Bak” walls have wythes of4inches will normally be suflficient 1. _ _
been used in this country on all types of forfliiwo-storydstruthtlures; ShorfiS—iiich inner Suggested caVity wall details.
buildings for at least 50 years. Cavit WY es are a V153 e 01' t e mi; story 0f
walls with metal ties were introduced manglr three-story structures. full thickness 0f the wall are suggested as
years ago but were not widely used until the Since high permeability will result in damp courses preferable to membrane felts.
last 5 years. In England and Australia, poor resistance to the destructive effects of In cases where the first floor construction
cavity walls with metal ties have been used freezing and thawing and erosion of the is close to grade, the cavity should termi-
for several decades, and during the past 15 masonry facing, even though the inner nate at the top of the floor and metallic
years they have become the most commonly wythe may not be affected, good plasticity flashing should be provided to deflect water
used type for housing. and water retention properties in the mor— outward from the interior wythe. Floors
tar, and good workmanship are as essential above should bear only on the inner wythe,
Description for cavity walls as for other masonry walls. except at the roof, where a protective facia
The cavity wall which is recommended Metal Ties: The metal ties should be steel may cover the exposed edges of the roof
. . for use on USHA—aided projects consists of rods, coated With portland cement. grout, construction. . .
an outer and an inner masonry section or or a non-corroding metal. Galvanized or Ihsulatzmt: The insulating value of the
wvthe, separated by a continuous air space, Zinc-coated. metal. is not conSidered safe caVity wall is higher than it is for the equiv-
ndt less than 2 inches wide. The two from chemical action of free limes that may alent solid wall because of the air space he—
wythes are connected by metal ties, and be. present in the wall. Copper of sufl’iCIent tween the two wythes. For this reason the
floors bear only on the inner wvthe to per- stiffness is conSidered satisfactory. As- added cost of furring and lathing is not con—
mit unobstructed drainage. " phalt coatings have not demonstrated long sidered Justified except in localities where
Water which penetrates the facing will life protection. . . extreme. temperature variations are com-
run down the inside face of the outer sec— A 14-inch steel rod or its equivalent bmed With high fuel costs. Plaster may be
tion and small quantities of infiltration should be used for each 3 square ‘feet of applied directly to the inner surface Without
which may run onto the connecting ties wall surface. The ends should be bent to dampproofing.‘ ‘ _
should drip oif before reaching the inner 90-degree angles, preferably forming a ”Z” -It.IS not advisable to use insulating mate-
wythe. Rain leakage through the facing shape in order to prOVide hooks not less rial .111 the caVity space Since incisture pene-
should never penetrate the inner section of than 2 inches long for embedment in hori- tration and condensation Will cause deterio-
the wall if adequate provision is made to eontal JOlntS of each wythe. Dripping of ration, high conductiVity, and the forma—
catch the moisture at the bottom of the infiltrated water is facilitated by deformed tion of fungi. Vapor seals Will help prevent
cavity or air space and over openings, and bars. , ' condensation but will not prevent wetting
to deflect and drain the water outward by lDrazerEage: tThed cavity should bet hept from rain penetration.
. , _ c ear 0 mor ar roppings o permi ree . _
ing on the finished interior face of the inner can be collected on wooden .slats placed on Five bas1c features must be stressed in
section is reduced because the air space 1,e_ the wall ties as they are laid and removed des1gning and'building caVIty walls: _
tar ds conductance through the wall. before setting the next course of ties. Worlmitmslmp: Good workmanship is as
C’ The bottom of the cavity should be essential for cavity walls as for other ma—
‘ . , : . .o g . drained by weep holes in the vertical joints sonry walls.
Nauondl Bureau Of Stdndudb Ten“ of the bottom course of facing wythe. Mortar: Mortar of at least 2,500 pound
National Bureau Of Standards’ tGStS indi- Flashings and Damp Courses: Flashings strength must be used.
cate that cavity Walls Of various combina- must be used over all openings to deflect the Cavity: Any cavity less than 2 inches is
tiOHS 0f commonly available masonry units, water outward through weep holes or side— impractical, since the cavity must be left
built under ordinary commercial practices wise into the cavity on each side of the clean to prevent capillary attraction of
but with high strength mortar, have struc— opening. water to the inside face.
tural properties adequate for the usual load— Where dampness prevails in the soil Anchors : Anchors or wall ties must be
ing conditions in low-rent houses and apart— against the foundation, it is advisable to frequent and adequate in strength and last—
ments. The cavity wall test results compare place a damp course slightly above grade ing qualities and must provide a drip.
. . very favorably with the results of tests and below the underside of the first floor Drainage: Proper drainage must be pro-
made on six types of conventional 8—inch construction to prevent water from rising vidcd.
walls, except for resistance to wind pres- into the wall by capillary attraction. Six Failure in any one of these essential fea-
sure. This weakness is satisfactorily cor- ounce crimped copper sheets or two layers tures will destroy the value of the cavity
rected by using high strength mortars. of slate, with joints broken, extending the type of wall.

 ‘ . l ,. __ n o h 1 _I - i 9
Vincennes Reports $50 LSH‘ -“ded 1*?st 5° eduled T0 USC Inslltute of Gov 1;
Open 111 July 1940 .
Average Monthly Income ’—— mil Features Rural Housmg
Region, city, and project number
According to Mr. Matthew E. Welsh, Sec— _-. _ _ ““1””9 On the program of the Twelfth Annual
retary-Treasurer of the Housing Authority R , ‘11- Session (June 10—14) of the Institute of
of the City of Vincennes, hid, “the lowest EH‘“ j n _ Government, the University of Southern
. . . . . . Long Blanch (N.J.~8~l) Cxaifield . . .
income group in this community is being Conii 127 California, housmg, both rural and urban,
served by the Major Bowman Terrace Newark (N'J'rgrfi) Stephen 0mm assumed a prominent-position. Carey Mc-
iroject." The population of Vincennes was \1lngL 354 Williams, Chief, D1Vismn of Innnig‘i'ation
,564 in 1930. North Bergen (NJ. 471) Meadow and Housing, Department of Industrial Re—
The project is now 100 percent occupied, ' VICW lllTllg0_ 17% lations, State of California, was chairman
iid the average income of its 83 tenant 1:1'cn'ton(l\.J.joel) LiiitléolnHoines. 133 of the housing section. He was assisted by
amilies is only $50 a month. A study con- 1.01158” (N'y'ig’l) t ”1f0”1"-"" ""2 Wendy Stewart, M. D., member of the Cali-
; . Pittsburgh (Pat—172) Bedford _ . ~ ‘ . . .
iicted by the local authority revealed the Dwellings 420 feinia Bai, Program Chairman.
following facts: , , . . .....__-........_..____....-.... Catherine Bauer, Special Consultant,
REGION HI- . USHA mad fi t lk ‘ t1 ' f th
Total number of people housed........... 343 Louisville (l\}'.*‘lml) Clarksdale..... 786 _ ’ e V6.3 a S m, 76 couise 0 . e
Number of children under 5 years of Huntington (W.Va.~472) North— Institute: Housmg Outs-ide .Metropolttah
age- ___--_----- _ 65 com Court- 136 Areas, Management Starts With Plrmnmg,
Number—of children over 5 and under Huntington (W.Va,~4e3) Marconi The Housing Movement—All Things to Ali
12 years of age ____.__._.‘______,_.__.-.__ 65 Terrace.--..-._..-_........_..-__._-__._ 284 P602716, How We Can Get Rid of Substand—
Number of children over 12 and under Rumor IV: ard Dwellings, What Can We Expect of the
18 years of age__.___..--_____.__--_______ .39 Mgnle (All—2‘2) Orange GI'OVC 298 Housing Movement During the Next Ten
Number of families whose income is ‘onres..__‘...__.._.....__.._....__._v___._ ‘ YGW'S?
derived from private employment... 43 FOétofilatudeidalc (Fla—104) D1319 1.0 A significant feature of the session was
Number of families whose income is Miami (“A_3:3;"5101311‘(1“:&”da‘l_"' O the emphasis on rural housing. The sub-
derived from WPA employment.....- 24 tion, Libertv Square.__..__.......... 378 ject was discussed the first day of the Insti-
Number of families whose income. is Pensacola (Flaggez‘) Attiicks tute under a variety of heads: Economics of
derived from 500131 SECUI‘IFY aSSISt- Conrts_._____..._.__.____.____...._._____ 120 Rural Housing, Winters Haydock, Director, ’ '
ance plus income from private em- . Tampa (Fla.e3~1—-R, Pt. I) North _ Region VII, USHA; The Small Farmer’s '
liloynieiit2........_......__.......___.__...___ 3 Boulevard Homes........._.._.....:_ 3'00 Housing Troubles, George Sehlmeyer, Mas—
N‘lémiiili‘iiiai‘fiélifsslfigiesiilfi-ii$°§si “ii‘iiiiewafg‘” P“ V“ 54 t” of the Gl‘angev Sacramento; AWW‘ ‘
sistance (aid for children and/0r old Athens (Ga~3—2)BioadA01es 126 {:Lfizil‘hilmlgsing m Kay; 201W?- Robert J‘
age assistance) ..__._..-.........__..._... 7 Atlanta (GarG—l) Clark Howell 11g ’ cpartment 0 ~001019g3’, County
Nulnbel' of families xvhose incOlne lS I‘IOII’ICS_.”-_.._._.-“.....__.---._.._.__ 630 Of Kern ngh SChOOl and Junlor College;
derived from soldiers’ pension___..-__ 5 Savannah (Ga—24) Fellwood Suggested Housmg Program for Rural
Average estimated annual income per Homes- 176 Areas; Harold E. Pomeroy, Director, Sacra—
fanjjlvn___>___M7>7"V____/”____7_V_____i_ $602.48 321161811 (NC—$2) Hahfax CPHNS— 231 mento Housing Authority; Farm Laborers"
‘ GEES)??? HdiscCTI—Zl) Wragg 128 Homes, Vernon DeMarrs, District Archi—
g1 ns- tect Farm Security Administration U S
, ' Chattanooga (Tennfi4el) College ’ ~ _. ,. ’ ' ' .
28 Pl meets TO Open 3111 497 Department of: Agllcultma .
- . . ‘ Chattanooga (Tenn.—472eR) East During the a days of the Institute aspects
(Continued from page 1) Lake Courts---....-.....-_"_..__..-_--. 437 of public houSing, both national and local,
the industrial sections of the North are Knoxville (Tenn—34) Western were covered by lecture, forum discussion,
three— and four-story apartments con— HelglltS—_..__._-—~._._..»...umu..-‘ 244 and practical demonstration (a supervised '
structed of brick and tile on reinforced con- REGION V: tour of a housing project).
crete. Most of these projects are heated 1\0k01110 (Md-’74) Gateway Gal“ _
fl'Oln a CEIItI'al plant. In the South and Clggnlsgitlulbli‘ciflint)»TVVHllEIHTW'" 176 a
West, apartments give way to one- and two- ‘ C ‘ I 7, - 11 7 T “'16“ . . . 1 '
story row houses with brick, cinder block, R H2115;.""'“"“‘""""""""‘”"“ 082 Schedule Of Bld Openlng Dates
or stucco exteriors. Where land is inex- 136113)},0 (Tex _3_1) Alainito 314 E
pensive, individual gardens are encouraged .. b ,- , Local authority and project Numbcrof Date albid
, , ~ ,i Houston (lCX.—‘vJ—1) Cuney Homes. 360 number umts 01mm...
and the percentage of building coverage is RFCiov VII- ”
generally much smaller than in the .highly Honolulu. (TIL—171) Kainelia— "
congested metropolitan areas. Equipment mom 221 Atlanta (Ga.—6—5, Pt.
varies according to climate and available % — IT) ._ . . .- _...- ‘ 520 7—16740
utilities. In the extreme South, central IOTALu—l 8,421 liayatnonCl‘P.ngTai‘S—T 3,3: gilg—ig
he' tin >' i“ fre ue tl not 1' ( i'ed. .< .7» 0‘15 on CXfiO‘ “ .. ~ n *
‘1 t b q n ‘V e W 1 “L 0”““0’1' Kinston (N.C.e471)__-__. 152 7—1540
—*——-————_—_ Mayaguez (P.R.~¥1)..- 476 7411—40
. Mont omer r' Ala.
Weekly Construction Report -5-1§3'( 136 7.12_40
Em“ Newark (N.J.—2—8)-.--.-. 300 i 7—10~40
new 1 iliii‘ekzil‘ii‘lici) ‘ J‘liheeklgnlIQCii) l Pccrliiiiitgige Pawtiicket (R.I.~2~_l)...l 226 #25740
Plienix City (Ala.—o~2). 206 7— 9740
l Ponce (P.R.—1—3)..._.____ 116 7—23740
Number of projects under construction 1_..__.._ l 221 l 216 l +2.31 San Antonio (Tex.
Number of dwellings under construction 1___-._..._...l 84,258 »' 83,154 ; +1.33 —6—5)__-.__--._..._____.... 342 7r 6—40
Total estimated over-all cost 3 of new housing___._.__.l $372,555,000 l $368,480,000 l + 1.11 Spartanburg (S.C.—3—1). 150 7e 2740
Average over—all cost 3 of new housing per unit___._.... $4,422 $4,431 j — .20 Stamford (Conn.~7~1) .. 2.50 7—10740
Average net construction cost 3 per unit_.___-...-...._l $2,766 l $2,772 ‘ ~ .22 Washington (D . C. .
. l —i~4)__..____________...___, 310 772440
' ' _ Wheeling (W.Va.—3—2)__' 302 7724740
1 Includes proiects which have been completed.
‘-‘ Includes: ((1) Buildingilie llollStHlnCllHlilllI structural costs and plumbing,heating, and electrical installation; (b) dwell- —“
iiici-Iiiiipniont.architects"foesdocnladministrativeexpenses,financialcliarges duringconstructiomand contiiigcncyexpenses; , . , , ,
(rt hind for present ilcvclopinoni: (d) nondwcllinu facilities. - . . . 1 There IS usually a 30-dayper10dbetween bid advertlsmg .
5The cost of building the house. including: struciural. plumbing. healing. and electrical costs. , > and bid opening.
Publication is approved by the Director. Bureau of the Budget. as required by rule 42 of the Joint Committee on Printing.
For sale by the Superintendent of Documents. Washington. D. 0. Subscription price $1 domestic, foreign $1.80 per year. Single copies, :3 cents.
Material for PL‘BLic HOUSING should be addressed to Informational Service Division. U. S. Housing Authority, Washington, D. C.