xt75mk656z91 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75mk656z91/data/mets.xml South Dakota Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.) United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Community Service Programs National Archives (U.S.) 1941 12 p.; 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call Number FW 4.14:F 317/ser.3/no.40 books English Bismark, N. D.: Historical Records Survey Projects This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. South Dakota Works Progress Administration Publications United States. Department of the Treasury -- Archival resources Archives -- South Dakota -- Catalogs South Dakota -- History -- Sources Inventory of Federal Archives in the States: Series III, The Department of the Treasury. No. 40, South Dakota text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States: Series III, The Department of the Treasury. No. 40, South Dakota 1941 1941 2019 true xt75mk656z91 section xt75mk656z91 E AXE" ‘ ’E E ‘ W ‘ 7' 7/ 3:: '\ Q, REE-L 7 REF} A f 4 a E:



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7 WT j The Survey of Federal Arohives I 7 \ ..
” . Division of Community Service Programs [ 977 J
7_;7~ Work Projects Administration ‘7 E ' ',
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7_ The Historical Records Survey Projects
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The Historical Records Survey Projects { _ '2‘

. { Philip M. Hamer, Assistant Director
- Betty Hall, State Supervisor ' 3:5... '

' Blair A. Flcgal, State Supervisor, Public Records Project ' §{”3 .
' ' ‘ o . I :. ‘ ~93; ‘ L V ‘

. /1 Batyision of Community Serv1ce Programs :2 .

l ....2’- . ; . .
_ [A , . ‘ A I. i .
.‘ t ' 4;"
Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner * 3
Helen T. Bundy, Chief Regional Supervisor , _
' Ethel Dowdell, State Director . , { .3
,3 x _r_ h r ‘ . .
Howard 0.. hunter, Com1s510ner '{ g;
’ Linus C . Glotzbach, Regional Director ; r} ‘
M. A. Kennedy, State Administrator . _ :1 ' 5
. - é??? - /
. _. 5 ._ ..
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f _' 5 i ‘ PREFACE
2A 5 ‘ . ' ‘
1&3 fifli, » The Inventory of Federal Archives in the States is one of the pro— '
5.13% 15Q5"» ' ducts of the work of—the Survey of Federalffirchives, which operated as “
liflj Ȥhi~ a nation-wide project of the Works Progress Administration from January '
I "If 5." l, 1956 to June 30, 1937, and has been continued since that date as a I
. i‘§§ W;_ unit of the Historical Records Survey, also operating as a nation-wide
ngtgpg project of the Works Progress Administration, and a group of State or
'ig 53f . local projects of that Administration and of the Work Projects Adminis-
gl‘aéfi’ tration. ” :
‘ }fQE%“~V ' The plan for the organization of the Inventory is as fOIIOWS: »
y‘af Pnsf ‘* Series I consists of reports on the Administration of the Survey, ac- ,5
‘vft3-. knowledgments, and general discussions of the location, condition, and ‘)
“*5; L content of Federal archives in the States. Succeeding series contain ,
h’E5fiv' the detailed information secured by workers of the survey, in inventory -h
.’ ?;~' . form, a separate series number being assigned to each of the executive '
_ ; i - departments (except the Department of State) and other major units of ’
;, 7 the Federal Government. Within each series No. l is a general intro-
‘ , '* duction to the field organization and records of the governmental agency ' -' V A
‘ 5y concerned; the succeeding numbers contain the inventory proper, separate “,
, . numbers being assigned to each state in alphabetical order. Thus, in 7
' .5 = each series, the inventory of Alabama is No. 2, that for Arizona No. 5, '
“7 j that for Arkansas no. A, etc. ' “f
XJ_ -. 1 For each local office information regarding each series, or unit of 3
5 D "3 , ’ related records, is presented in the following order: title, inclusive ~“ ‘
‘. , _pr 1 dates ("to date" indicating an open file at the time the information was v
mi 7*- 55.-4‘. secured), general description of informational content, description of
-1* _fi-,, the system of filing or indexing (if any), a statement of frequency and v
_ r.%f' - purpose of use, form of the record itself (bound volunfis, sheets in fold- j,
@3' ers, etc.), linear footage, description of the containers, physical con- "
.5 _ 5§.' dition of the records (not stated if satisfactory), location by room or » 5
%§_; other identifying information, and finally, the number of the Form 588$ 3
i ,g. on which this information was originally recorded by a Survey Worker
: g,‘ and from which it was abstracted for the Inventory. This form is on file '
~17 § '3 in the National Archives. flhen it contains substantial information on p
q 5;" . addenda sheets which has not been included in the mimeographed abstract, '
p 5g indication of this is given by use of the reference "See addenda."
." 55?.) In South Dakota the work of the Survey was under the direction of ,
‘1 f5? Professor Philip J. Green, with hiss Alice L. Boyd as Assistant, from its =
'.,5:I'f inception until June 1957. Since that time, for editorial and publication 3
-»- 5€y~_ purposes, it has been a part of the Historical Records Survey which is v C
"X 5;; - under the supervision of Betty Hall, and is a part of the Public Records 1
- M y'. Project of which hr. Blair A. Flegal is supervisor. This Inventory of g
. 53¢;' . the records of the Department of the Treasury in South Dakota was prepar- f a
r p 3*.5 ed in the Bismarck office of the Survey and was edited before final typ— fl
‘ *5 [3. :7 ing by Dr. Erick nchorn, nssociate Editor— writer in the Office of the 3
.;3 :I’. Director of Research and Publications in the National Archives. »%
‘ Jféf Qflfi;’)fi Blair A. Flegal, State Supervisor 1
57Ҥl g*;4.%{ Bismarck, North Dakota Survey of Federal nrchives ' ,
. v9"- ;. a. ' . December 19M in North and South Dakota 5
V :1“ r "J

 id ' . -, " ' CONTENTS
Q l d "M“ Page
I ”if: 3? . .
if?" Watertown '
. _ fi if! '_’I j >' State ACC Olmts Office I I I I I I I I I I o I I I I u I 1 ‘
_ ' i:- State DiSbUrSinG Offlce I I I I v v I I o I I I I I I a 5
:13": 7g; ’
1 fl], $1 . Aberdeen
‘ H -' Eli! '— Accounts and COllGCJClOIlS Unit I I I I I I I I I I I a a L}.
p.' ' 53'] I £1.10 ohol Tax Uni-t . I O I D O I I I I U I C O C O I O I 6 ‘
: \‘ gi ‘ Fie 1d DiVisiOn I O I O I O 9 l I I C . ‘ I | C Q U l O 6
' . a " ' Pr ocessing Tax DiViSion I o I I I I o I I I I I I I I I 6 '1
Mitchell, Accounts and Collections Unit . . . . . . . . . . 7
g licbridge, Accounts and Collections Unit . . . . . . . . . o 7 .
'v f V Rapid City, Accounts and Collections Unit . . . . . . . . e 7 - ’
‘. 1 ' Sioux Falls . -‘
‘ _‘ Accounts and Collections Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 »
p. A10 Ohol Tax Unit I I I c I I I o I I I v I I I I a I o 8 , ‘-\ I .
1 ‘3 " Watertown, ~Accounts and Collections Unit . . . . . . a . . . 9 ”N
. I . ‘._. ,
a“. i - .3 Watertovm, State Procurement Officer . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 f
'53,": . ‘
r:-.-:~:,- ‘
” ' .
- . k?“ . .
‘f' ' ‘I l" . > .
* ii it I
’ ‘ 1,.“ . ‘ .

 %§:fll flLfiflfififfifififfVfifi3ftfithy;§tf7”.Zfflf77fjflflWflflgfihfififflfiffifidfififiTHatyfigfijfigfiggflCVFw?
‘33" '17! 3",." ”i 3 7
5 1133 .QJERTORE
' 3 ’ STAT; ACClTlle, OFFICE
"%§;- Lincoln Hotel, I. Laple St.
>"i:§pz_ The State Accounts Office at fatertcwn was established July 1, '_ p
”'LEtifl' 1955. There have been no reorganizations. It speeds up the issuing c
, g; p of checks paid out of relief funds. Reports are sent to Nashington.
- E;
if”? 1, ..
- _?fi.¢ l. ACCOUJTIRG RECORDS, Aug. 1, 1955 to date. General ledgers, =
f . ' project limitations, allotments, project authorizations, and subsidi— . ’ “
. ’ ary lodgers. Filed numerically by appropriation and official project . '
nuLbers. (Daily, official.) 105 I 16 and 6 x lOg'loose—leaf vols., \ »\ ' "
,' 20 ft., on 5 wooden shelves. Lain office. (162) “\c
I, . 2. JOURRAL SHLETS, Lug. l, 1955 to date. Record of all entries 5
it made in ledgers. Filed chronologically. (Seldom, official.) 20 x 2h ‘1'
. '1 .- I. loose—leaf vols., 5 ft., on wooden shelf. 5th floor, main office. (165) 5
A, - ‘
- _? fl " 5. LETTERS, Aug. 1, 1955 to date. General correspondence. Filed _7f
9p g; \, subjectively. (Daily, official.) 9 *3/11 3: 11 3A. folders, 8 ft., in g
' _=§§3 - steel fili g case. 5th floor, main office. (165) .
» fig _ ' h. OFFICIRL PROJECT RECORD CARDS, Aug. 1, 1955 to date. Informa- T
» E tion about projects, stating work project number, type of work, descrip~ »_v
_:'§§ tion, location and appropriation symbol numbers, etc. Filed numerically -f
1%- by appropriation and project numbers. (Daily, official.) h x 6 cards,
v»;fi : 8 ft., in wooden filing case. 5th floor, main office. (159) ‘
1): . ‘
C? p' 5- PAY ROLlS, Aug. 1, 1955 to date. Filed numerically by project 5
5: F9 and appropriation numbers. (Daily, official.) 9 5/h x 11 5/L folders, - f
:Iié-p 52 ft., in steel filing oases. 5th floor, main office. (166) ‘5
.- " 6. PUBLIC "IOUC'yliJRS 1.11) 1&1st VOUCJL'CRS, Aug. 1935 to date. Filed
'-j g‘f alphabeticall according to payee's name. (Occasionally, official.) f:
,,”f t: ' 9 5/h x 11 5/i folders, 16 ft., in steel filing oases. 5th floor, main ‘tf
pf $'_‘- office. (167) i
3 ,_ . ' (j:
.~ fie 7. RSPORTS, Aug. 1, 1955 to date. Liscellaneous monthly reports on E
._F Y;' personnel, administrative expense, leaves granted, distribution of ex- '?
3,, p penses, production certification, expenditures for pa rolls, delayed pay .i
- 7 rolls, disbursements, etc. (Seldom, official.) 9 3/1: x 11 3/h folders
. gf 3;,1~ , and 17 x 25 vols., 8 ft., in steel filing cases and on wooden shelves. ’”
Q N 5th floor, main office. (169) p _
? ' , .. ”f
a? ;’ -“:; ‘4 - 8. RLQUISITIORS AND ENCUKBRANCES, Aug. 1, 1955 to date. Requisi— ;
'1 §‘ tions for materials and encumbrances on money to take care of pay rolls, ‘g
'L.{é; ééff ,ii

 1:5 a . 2 Office of Commissioner of Accounts and Deposits, watertown ' ngigfiggigéifij

i travel vouchers, and other government obligations. (OccaSlonally, offlCi— *2 m“§3;,u§;: a

; a1.) 9 5/L x 11 5/h folders, 8 ft., in steel filing oases. 5th floor, f :74? gtit
main office. (168) 5”” 99‘s! if it

C. 9. RESETTIEBENT VOUCHERS, Aug. 1, 1955 to date. Filed by appropria- Cfl,j_’#5>

. tion, official pzoject numbers and by disbursing officer's voucher numbers . ,Qg} y: ‘

. within the project. Filed numerically. (Occasionally, official.) 9 5/h _ , pf: ‘ig

‘ x 11 5/h folders, to ft., in steel filing cases. 5th floor, main office. >>fi_?.§'_*,

. (160) 2*5113g _'>

' _lt»f§;fi

,- 10. SCHEDULE OF DISBURSEMENTS, Aug. 1, 1955 to date. Voucher numbers, _ lffi;?§fi
amounts, dates, and purpose. Filed numerically by disbursing officer's . (if,§fiy
numbers. (Occasionally, official.) 9 5/h x ll 5/h folders, 8 ft., in ;*13;{';
steel filing oases. 5th floor, main office. (161) V'”*j;§§>

1 2¢L‘£"~

' ll. VOUCHER DISTRIBUTION SLIPS, Aug. 1, 1955 to date. Containing the ;»4 3‘7
breakdown of voucher payments by objective classification. Filed chrono- ‘ 59c.§1 "

' logically by apprcpriatiom and official project numbers. A x 8 bundles, _::p‘5”.
50 ft., in wooden filing cases. 5th floor, main office. (16A) ";7 '

~ 12. BIDS, July 1935 to date. Record of all bids. Filed numerically. . ‘ '
(Daily, official.) 9 5/L x 11 5/h folders, 1 ft., in steel filing case. .

_ Lee‘s office. (156) v . -
COPIES, July 1955 to date. Receipts for documents transferred to other fix ..73 >-

[ departments for vouchers for payments; records of transmittals by districts; 1 . '»1
invoices and receiving reports of equipment and material; also telephone K '.Tl‘d, ”.
contracts for service. Filed numerically by districtse (Daily, official.) "' p” g) .‘
9 5/h x 11 5/L folders, h ft. 6 in., in steel filing cases. 5th floor, ‘“1i éf
main office. (150) -‘-m1%3

‘ 'Idi .
111. CCRRESPCDDENCE, July 1955 to date. Pertaining to general routine. , ’ a '
Indexed. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 9 5/L.X ll 5/h fold- -:m'§T»
ers, h ft., in steel filing cases. 5th floor, main office. (155) 1%?
l5. REQUISITIONS AND PURCRASE ORDERS, July 1955 to date. Reports per- 4 $1
taining to requisitions and purchase orders. Filed numerically by project -3 il-

__ numbers. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12, 9 3/11 x 11 5/1. and 11 x 17 folders

and loose-leaf vols., 60 ft., in steel filing cases. 5th floor, main of- . 1 fif-
j fice. (151) -_ . ; _‘
16. SPECIAL FILE, July 1955 to date. Letters to and from Washington,
D. C. (Daily, official.) 93/11 x 11 5/11 folders, Ll in., in steel filing '
case. 5th floor, Lee’s office. (152) _ '
’ date. Copies of salary checks issued, also personal file, supply records, {y‘\§§

'. and reports. Filed alphabetically and numerically. (Occasionally, offi— 3 {3

cial.) 10 x 11 and 8% x 17? vols., and folders, 10h ft., in steel file gm fling

- cases and wooden boxes. 5th floor. (158) Eé’ -; 1%},-
‘.. 18. ADMINISTRATION AND PERSONNEL FILE, July 15, 1956 to date. Appli- ,5fi(Qfi' é“"‘
»: cation forms and copies of personnel records. (Occasionally, official.) -‘ fifjgi

; ' » _}f-: g e

11.7 -, ‘ g.%;;

Q "I‘VIA' ' i ' ‘ .""‘"iT‘ifi§€??:fi"i:?7547"’7’"" figgtfil

 75-13'33 g1.:7,_}53“ ' Office of Commissioner of Accounts and Deposits, l-Iatertown 5
' . {151;}: H ,‘ 9 3/1; x 11 5/1; folders, 8 111., in steel filing ease. 5th floor, Lee’s ‘
l ‘ :9 :1?! a 5“ Office. (157) '
x’igi‘ C l C‘ 19, JuB FILE, July 15, 1936 to date. Copies of pay rolls, leases, I
l): . Washington reports, and travel vouchers. (Daily, off‘iCial-) 9 5/14 X C .
‘ f - 11 B/LL folders, 1 ft., in steel filing; case. 5th floor, main office.
1,: * (15M
1 f 20. TILE RECORD, Sept. 1955 to date. Daily and monthly reports
l ’ of absences. (Daily, OffiCial') 9 B/LL X 11 5/1”L folders, 5 in., in ‘
- 1‘ steel filing; case drawer. Lee‘s office, thh floor. (155) -
‘ sun's; DISBVRSIIG 01:10.3 -‘
i Lincoln Hotel, :3. leple St.
" ‘l‘his office was established July 1, 1955. (Records not surveyed) , _ " .
A, - . i > I t C. -
‘u. *1 1—}ji _ g
' l l -
: _. ,
» - -
' '
. ‘ 1%}: _. - '
- f3"? . '
"i ll: "
77”"""‘".“ »>'y;MM . ' 5 W,-,......_...will”..-WM...,_....,,.i__...-.....We...A. ,.._~_.___ WWW .,.,.....,- .. . . . . , . ., -»--~ ' ~~ » 5’ v?» I

 ,JfiJWWWJ—fiw firwuvwvfisrwfl‘r ‘33ch 1-1,,13'149féfilgfifiééiik75&3123, ""3-1-1,‘ ‘."-‘="*"»."~i?«,~.:';i=‘r‘:;.::»,’vii-“L".r'in‘, I'm“”3-3-21.?'-‘:;,;‘=;*§;Rg-;:,9;:sarca-actv-r.:.:_-. -A I
.S R,J§‘ § 5 if? Q
~ OFFICE OF COLLECTOR .7 ffi7j 7,3
L Federal Bldg., Corner Main and Fourth Ave. » 3}f_ §~f
This office was established April 25, 1901. Until nay 15, 1920, it If. 7; 7'
‘ had jurisdiction over both North and South Dakota. It has occupied the _ ' 77:7 7“,
' following buildings: Western Farm hortgage Company Building 1901 v 1905, ' Q77} in
Federal Building 1905 - 1917, Citizens Bank 1917 . 1950. In 1950 it 7s; 7,7
‘ returned to the Federal Building. _ 5fi77: 73?,
thO, thOA, individual income tax returns; Forms 1099, 1165 and 728 cor~ 7 } -?§
poration, partnership, and miscellaneous tax returns; Form 109h, income '.1' WP'V.'
tax return (discontinued), daily journal of transactions; records of special . - - -‘»
taxpayers and register, schedule of refunds and abatements; correspondence 7 Q

.1, ' with commissioners in washington regarding office examinations. (Rarely, 7.'
official.) 2§*x h cards, 15 x 18 vol., and variously sized folders, en— fl 7| 7'
veloPes, covers, bundles, and loose sheets, 551 ft. in 155 wooden card »' 7} 1
cabinets, wooden shelves, in 2 pasdmoard boxes, and in 5 pasteboard card 771, ,
cabinets. Damaged by faulty containers, dirty, bindings broken. R. 5B, 7_1
basement. (172) ,, \ s ’ '-

i ‘ 2

22. INCOME ARD MISCELLANEOUS moss, April 15. 1917 to date. Account f 1'
books of taxes collected, returns of individual income taxes, mimeograph If ”' 7fi'.
rulings, bulletins, circulars, treasury notes of instructions from depart- f 7 $25
ment in flashington, records of field investigations, capital stock, estate ' _~1§ %
and gift tax, current records on state income tax; follow up correspondence ,7 §~7
concerning collection of taxes mentioned; records concerning taxes pending, ;. p77 fl”
ascertaining returns on capital stock tax, correspondence in regard to re- _77 ga-

’ turns not properly submitted and inquiries regarding rates. About 1 ft. of 77 $7 ‘
useless papers in files. (Current records, daily, official.) 2 5/h x h -;f77%‘
cards, Sg-x 11 papers, 11% x 12 vols., and enVelOpes, 50 ft., in 6 drawers 7 777 §”_

, of filing cases, 52 card cabinets, and 1 steel storage cabinet. H.307. (35) ;5 g?

z .: argg»

25. 111001.213 Tm; RECORDS AND PROCEDURE, 1918 to date. Lists and re- , 9'3" 7
turns of corporations, partnerships, and individuals, proofs of claims, ‘;9 7 fit;
liens (duplicates), lists of income tax assessments, journal of collections, .{ 7:7
miscellaneous tax returns (duplicates), and information on daily collection ‘fi77ifl
returns. Filed alphabetically by towns. 5 x 5 card index. (Collection 7 :i777‘7rA‘
journal daily, others, occasionally.) lb x 17 vols. and bundles, 115 ft., j”7% 75'
in 2 drawers of filing oases and in 1517 card cabinets. Rs. 306 and 3061. 7 7.:
(5h) » 7; ,

A d: it; if;

= a fifi ig-J‘

'3 -- E. ;, 3.7.11 E "97

. ':_ .1151: l. I

-. - is ~ «a

 :33”; . “t" l' “““’ *3“ t5.“ W I
‘éggii‘ igafil‘ Bureau of Internal Revenue, Aberdeen 5 ' ;,*Q
E” i it ‘ . _.
“ :gV“ 5e; ‘ 2h. BOOKKEEPING RECORDS, Mar. 1, 1919 to date. Journal sheet for .
g3 '{ib jinki . actions on tax lists such as income, district spirits, and miscellane— .7
Vfljfiif= Bka‘fgi ous taxes; Form Shh, claim for abatement; Form 7809, schedule for refund; ~{
'ffijf“ f -.;, commercial assessment forms, general control lodgers, daily journal of '
ti-l ‘5Q- v transactions, monthly reports of different tax divisions, records of re-
' it 3’ ii' ' funds and abatements on income and processing tax lists and other vol- I
' ';fi iffl' umes. Filed alphabetically. 5 x 5 card index. (Some daily, othersoc- .
. gig: i»g - casionally, official.) Variously sized volumes, envelopes, and covers, :
1gi73 i;'< ‘18 ft., in 8 drawers of filing cases, 15 card cabinets and steel storage *
"ii i cabinet. R. 3061. (55) ,
> :r.‘*;‘
"i i 25. INCOME AND MISCELLANEOUS TAX RETURNS, 1919 to date. Between ,
)2}? E1? - 1925 and 1955 all income tax returns were sent to washington, D. C. Be-
"4i; gyj’ ginning with 1955 duplicates ForsshOA were filed in this office. Filed _
-j.n & . numerically according to a library system geographic index to partner- _
g (a? ships, corporations, etc. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, envelopes, ' '
‘ 1"-‘9lflr' . 175 ft., in 125 drawers of filing cases. Corridor, 5d floor. (hO) ‘
»' 26. ADDINISTRATIVE RECORDS, 1922 to date. Of a general nature .
' L i _. such as invoices, monthly reports, requisitions, daily reports, census, ' "' I. .
i :- office procedure, information and bulletins from Hashington, correspon- .
, .'V;‘ 3 dance with field men, miscellaneous administrative transactions, several
i , . charts listing divisions in the United States, and a comparison chart. 17
‘_ - (Daily, official.) 10 x 16 vols. (8), 5 x 8-‘5 folders, envelopes and ,
. ”‘2 i _ 1‘ covers, 10 ft., in 12 filing cases. R. 505. (51) p
{X _ ' 2
" i é' : _ 27. GENERAL CORRESPOLDENCE, 1928 to date. Relative to the duties .
If '75‘ g: _ g. and transactions of a private nature, with offices in this district, in- f
' ~ ‘ %-_ eluding transaction between taxpayers and the district office. Filed '
. [1i %3' . numerically, according to a library system. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12
' ii g folders, 100 ft” in filing cases, 76 drawers. Corridor, 5d floor. (59) '1
2 it ' .
' .1 i 2:5 28. CASHIER ALD STAMP SALE RECORDS, Jan. 1, 193A to date. Orders I .
‘ §.§ , and applications for stamps, i. e. narcotics, liquor, etc., and registry V
_3$ @- of guns in S. Dak. Document register contains lists of items received ‘
"5‘ E with money attached; remittance registers show income receipts, unidentir
» pH ;+-- fied accounts, and miscellaneous amounts as received by cashier directly ’
if fig, or from field division. Card record of refunds on stamps, certification I.
:i @35 of deposit slips in loose-leaf form; remittance for various stamps, in-
.f: 3“, come and miscellaneous taxes and a record of depositing same; sale of
7“; lTfi various stamp and compromise offers. Card index to record of applications ‘
f.;i Q{ and orders received for stamp5. (Daily, official.) 5 x 5 cards and 1h x
”7 i.i;il. , 1? vols., and envelopes, 19 ft., in 7 drawers of filing cases, 15 card _”
‘ “:Q i i._ cabinets, and 1 steel storage cabinet. R. 508. (56) ‘1
.I? ii 29. COLLECTORS FILE, current. Correspondence, administrative re- 5
1‘ i-§ » ' ports, record of field personnel, and comparison charts. (Daily, offici— ;
yfI i' a1.) 8%*x ll folders, 5 ft., in 5 drawers of filing cases. R. 505. (52) ,’*
i: .’ 30. ADDREbSOGPoflPH PULTE, n. d. Addressograph plates of pharmacies, ’ .
lfl‘;g; ii: Ii hospitals, and doctors using narcotics, and current mimeograph stencils f
,, ;; ۤ[_-'}I from various departments. Indexed alphabetically. (Occasionally, offi- ~
:52 L ’ '« ”lg. cial.) 2 x h addressograph plates, 50 ft., in 56 addressograph drawers. [
i Dirty. R. 3011.. (hl) ‘

 _ W a , _. W ' a . «1. I -. sne—
' ' j . E E
¥;V“ 6 Bureau of Internal Revenue, Aberdeen ' - ,Eéiffléffip
Efil I {E Egg: tliz:
Ej Federal Bldg., Corner Main and Fourth Ave. *. Ijfiv §5*'
E’ This office, a branch of the Sioux Falls office, was established in E'W7E €1Lli
IV 1928. All records are sent to the main office at Sioux Falls. There p, ':f_'
i3 have been no reorganizations; no records are known to be lost. I 1);; j],
f 31. LLCOHOL TAX UDIT, 1928 to date. Circulars and bulletins. 7‘ ' [P‘
”2 (Weekly, official.) 8 x lO, 5 x 5, and 7 x 7 folders and bundles, 1 ft., ‘ iv EC
in or on desk. R. 206. (29) -_"-r‘ .3 g .
» Federal Bldg., Corner Kain and Fourth Ave. ' ..‘ ”
' 32. FIELD DIVISION RECORDS, 1927 to date. Card records of warrants, .; , -
Form 1099, live and completed; receipts and transcripts of income tax re- f,
turns; monthly and daily reports and records of receipts submitted by . . 4 ~
field men; monthly report sheets in volume form, Form 795; daily reports, A h’ r
' Form 807; delinquency reports, zone maps, general correspondence relative Vii E$E5
to duties and transactions of field men, and daily reports and transactions If 1 E %5*
received on loose forms and transcribed on cards and in volumes. 5 x 5 A -.F i}
geographic card index. (Daily, official.) 13 B/M X 19 vols., and fOld- _ »' “E E;
- ers, 2h ft., in 8 drawers of filing cases, 22 card cabinets on wooden .I'E $-
shelves, and in 5 drawers of supply cabinet. R. 502. (57) » N. g '
, . OFFICE OF CHIEF ' - ; Er
‘f Federal Bldg., Corner Main and Fourth Ave. .j; E Ei’
. E"
33. PROCESSIHG TAX DIVISION RECORDS, 1955 ~ Jan. 6, 1956. Reference 1 E; E
cards regarding processing tax returns on wheat, cotton, hogs, corn, to- ,V g hw
bacco, etc.; mailing lists of processing taxpayers; processing tax forms E. fi 5"3-".
for various products; affidavits for refunds on processing taxes; zone 5. y g;
maps; correspondence with Washington bureau; and affidavits of processing :,3i 3 .
tax exemptions returned from Department at Washington. Discontinued on ‘gv \ a}
_ Jan. 6, 1956. (Rarely, official.) 5 x 5 cards, 9 x 12 folders, envelopes -E‘ E3?
and bundles (22), 100 ft., in 28 drawers of filing cases and in 20 card -f fllfi.
. cabinets. R. 301. (58) .E , :9:
. i;
. _ u- I.
§g§§§5§e =E? _, .~;:'VIT{ ' figlk
é . a _. H, I «is

 im,ng I ‘ - ,
§fi§fi1 mUJTRVTG53T3TTEDmffliififififiim75’5V“fi*fi*?wdisfibfifififiTfiiwe-;ueww;dgamwfixw_vswaiunwe;-
jjayf §{Qr 5 Bureau of Internal Revenue, Rapid City 7 ,.:
I; it -
.; 3 53?." " '-
,IJ 55 9» , . , ~
75 . _.; _ it i?"]‘{4l .
-ra‘. 31‘ MITCHELL -
3*. [,5. Post Office Bldg., 117 Fourth Ave. E.
.5535 ft: The Internal ReVenue Service at Mitchell was established about i
.1 55.. 195D; there have been no reorganizations. All reports are sent to the
. ~_ {'3 . Aberdeen office. .
:5: 5 '
'--517 §{‘ ' 5h. CORRESPONDENCE, Sept. 1, 195M to date. With collector‘s of- . '
> -: g f fice at Aberdeen and with taxpayers. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, _
' 5; 1“ official.) 9% x 11 5/L loose sheets separated by dividers, 8 ft., in _
~ . j. . filing cases. 2d floor, SE. (256) p
I... ’ _ MOBRIDQE f
.ji‘fé éfli"‘k' (not surveyed) :
_ . 1 5:7 _ '. ,
,* if 5 RAPID CITY '
‘ 'fi . Post Office Bldg., 725 St. Joe St. . .
Irv >
“1 , a; .
13- j 5.», The Internal Revenue Service at Rapid City was established in 1928. _
'9 5 E- There have been no reorganizations. _.
3‘ 1 I ‘1
~ b 1;. '.
_. E 5., , 55. CORRESPONDENCE, 1926 to date. miscellaneous letters and bul— .4
' § §,_ letins sent out by headquarters. Indexed by individual town headings. . f
.5 g 5' _ (Daily, official.) 10 x 12 folders, 1 ft., in steel filing case. Torn, ‘
7' 5 37 damaged by handling. Deputy Collector's Office. (85) _’
_*_ 5 5: 56. REPORTS, 1928 to date. Annual tabulated reports showing tax- 3
_=‘ 5 5. payers filing from each county. (Occasionally, official.) 6 x 10 fold— ‘-}
. 5} g 5:: . ers, 1 ft., in steel filing case. Deputy Collector's Office. (8h) ’
i]: f? V 55.1-! := ’T
«a _ 5’. 3 3
p - 75. '5w1u1_ ( _ "
Lily?" heel-W- .. _ ,--*_- ,_ Wi- .. ,. _. - _ , -

 fg’; ’ 8 Bureau of Internal Revenue, Sioux Falls - (ffifl k§§95
‘ i g; 1
ft. , ~ “ ($1; ééfj t
’3 SIOUX ”LLB? .;
l“. .J" fig'.
:, Federal Courthouse and Post Office 'J%. a?
’f; Phillips Ave. at 12th St. :?31 §fl5-_
'V‘ (not surveyed) ‘;iu‘ jg ,
‘ ~ Federal Courthouse and Post Office V 12
« Phillips Ave. at 12th St. ';3 ‘1
' This office was established in August 195M. For some time after the ‘,u '-
_ repeal of prohibition, the State of South Dakota was Without a head of— 'v,’ 5,
fice of the Alcohol Tax Unit and all records were kept in St. Paul, Minn. (’3; i
When the conditions of liquor enforcement came to a point requiring closer ~fl) ‘
supervision, this office was opened and all pending cases and current files ‘A ",l -j"
of material value to the enforcement of the laWS were forwarded from ‘ - .l
’ St. Raul to Sioux Falls. ‘;1'._ ‘l '
- l “ " {5 : L
57. CLOSED CLSES, April 1950 to date. Card file on closed prohibi— , '.. E f >
‘_ tion cases, papers for which are on file in St. Paul office. Indexed. ' _m E-V
(Daily, official.) 6 x 8 cards, 6 ft., in 6 card cabinets. R. 501. (61) " €“fl.
' 58. CLSES CLOSLD, Aug. 15, l95b.to date. Record of cases tried in in 5'
’ this court, giving history of case, sentences, or acquittals of criminals. " $11
Indexed. (Daily, official.) 10 x 12 folders, 2 ft. 6 111., in filing case. i j
,~ R. 501. (55) :1 §:-“
K. 59. CASES PENDING, Jan. 1952 to date. Tabulations and reports on ._j ;y
5: cases pending in this court. Indexed. (Daily, official.) 10 x 12 folders, V , ."V
2 ft. o 111., in filing case. R. 301. (56)
‘ MO. fthES OI VIOLATIONS, Oct. 1952 to date. Card record of places I' n;
where law was violated; records to which these cases refer are on file in 'fi7 5%
the St. Paul office. Indexed. (Daily, official.) 5 x 5 cards, 2 ft., in ‘ ,1.7;.
card cabinet. R. 502. (6h)' , ff la'
' Ll. RETAIL LIQUOR DLALERS, Oct. 1952 to date. Transfer cards of re— _f.‘;;
. tail dealers in this territory, showing name of store and name and address -,_>5w7
_ of dealer. Indexed. (Daily, official.) 5 x 5 cards, 2 ft., in card cabi- ’ glifi W
net. R. 302. (63) 't? e"; ,V “31‘
. 112. 11105310133, Oct. 1932 to date. Card record of violations; case 9
_”dfi papers are in the St. Paul office. Indexed. (Daily, official.) 5 x 5 ~v f: i”
j ' _ cards, 2 ft., in card cabinet. R. 302. (65)
‘ 1 ' ,. v '»:.,;J;Zi‘f§'j:f‘ a?

 .Tlsr ’ ’ 1 ' '
’fifififi ~fifififlflTWfifififlfifififififlaiflffififitfiEWEeVKKXRMWWVEV“éfififififififlflfiflfifixfinfiaflayfifififififififi£fi$u
Iiéii’rii9:' I ' Bureau of Internal Retenue, watert0wn 9 ’dfd
f5 If t 1 ’ ‘ mg:
5 '1? §fig.‘ b3. DAILY REPORT, Sept. 22, 193h to date. Daily report on all busic ‘ 3f
4? j, gfigjk a ness. Indexed. (Daily, official.) 10 x 12 and 10 x 16 folders, 7 ft. ' :
__fi,{ @fif' ii 6 in., in filing cases. R. 301. (53, 59) . o 3
. f:. i .V* ' uh. HISCELLAIEOUS, Oct. 17, 195A. Warrants, reports, etc. on the .f
'5jj‘273' ' following subjects: Federal Alcohol Administration records, lists of re- ‘f
' ;Ifl 55" tail liquor dealers, and search warrants. Indexed. (Daily, official.)’ '
ggriiv_. 10 x 12 folders, 2 ft. 6 in., in filing case. R. 501. (60) ;
*:_g i}T: A5. RETAIL AED UHOLESALE LIQUOR DEJIERS, Nov. l93h to date. Com- ‘
‘ 7;. §fi plete lists of all liquor dealers, both wholesale and retail, in this ‘h
- Ml: 5f - state; used for reference in law enforcement and tax matters. Indexed. _
»*;. ;._e 5 (Daily, official.) 5 x 5 cards, 2 ft., in card cabinets. R. 501. (62) '.
‘ (*1 é} " to. CORRESPONDENCE, Jan. 1955 to date. Correspondence with subsid- . ” -
.j. j}, iary offices and the main office in St. laul. Indexed. (Daily, offioi~ : .
‘fi ‘15, a1.) 10 x 12 folders, 5 ft., in 2 filing cases. R. 501. (58) _ e ..
. . ’2 A7. TREASURY REGULLTION NO. 17, Jan. 1955 to date. Tabulations and )5
" * reports of all manufacturers and dealers in commodities which may be trans- , ,5,’ '
‘ .. formed into alcoholic beverages. Includes list of all past sales includ- \'; ‘
,1 ; ing yeast, malt, barley products, etc. Indexed. (Daily, official.) 10 '
y; ; . x 12 folders, 7 ft. 6 in., in 5 filing cases. R. 501. (57) .rrl
\A Ti: h8. INVESTIGATORS‘ LETTERS, Jan. 1936 to date. Detailed accounts . flu
‘ " _ (‘ of investigations. Indexed. (Daily, official.) 10 x 12 folders, 2 ft.
. fl ' 6 in., in filing case. R. 501. (SA) ’ .
’ f 3 lmanwm '