xt75mk656x54 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75mk656x54/data/mets.xml  Kentucky Equal Rights Association 1906 Minutes and reports from the annual conventions and other meetings of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association. Includes the following titles: Minutes of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association; Minutes of the Annual Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association; and Report of the Annual Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association. JK1883 .K4, 24 volumes. minutes  English Newport, KY: The Newport Printing Co. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Equal Rights Association minutes and reports Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky -- Periodicals Women -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- Kentucky -- Periodicals Minutes of the Seventeenth Annual Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association Held at Ashland, Kentucky, November 21st and 22nd, 1906. text Minutes of the Seventeenth Annual Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association Held at Ashland, Kentucky, November 21st and 22nd, 1906. 1906 1906 2019 true xt75mk656x54 section xt75mk656x54 MINUTES
I’ i OF TI—IE ::
i ; Seventeenth Annual Convention

. :1 lllt liflllllltllfl Equal llama Hermann

‘ November 21st and zznd, 1906 a i
, A esteem“... 3 .
v » “If Ye Abide in My Word . . . . . . Ye shall Know the

. ‘ 584: Truth, and the Truth Shall Make You Free.”
4 ; K4l9 V

. l 7 th

. V;
- The Kentucky Equal nghts Assoc1at10n j
' ' i
President .
MISS LAURA CLAY.........._....................Lexington, Ky. .
First Vice-President ’
MRS. MARY B. CLAY......,.....,................Richmond, Ky. {
Second Vice-President ‘
MRS. MARY C. CRAMER...... ....................Lexington, Ky.
Third Vice- President
MRS. N. S. MCLAUGHLIN, 1011 Scott St. . . . .. . . . .Covington, Ky. ‘
Corresponding Secretmy 3
Mas. MARY C. ROARK ..............'.............Richmond, Ky. 1
Recording Secretary ‘
MRS. EMMA M. ROEBUCK, 112 W. Front St. ........Newport, Ky. ‘
MRS. ISABELLA SHEPARD, 31 E. 12th St. ..........Covington, Ky. ‘7
Press Work
MRS. L. C. OBENCHAIN ......................Bowling Green, Ky.
Historian ' .1!
MRS.1VIARY LIGHT OGLE...... .. .Covington, Ky.

“If ye abide in my word, ‘2‘ * ‘1‘ ye shall know the truth, and 'the
E truth shall make you free,”
Seventeenth Annual Convention
V' 01: THE
‘ 7‘\' V1" \ 7 1“ I \ , \
Ev Novernber 2lst and 22nd, 1906
PLAN OF WORK COMMMIT‘TEE, Met Nov. 21, at 9 o’clock.
E] The Committee decided to recommend to the convention the
E17; following plan 01' work:
E3 That we endeavor to obtain school suffrage for all women of the
EE state, who can read and write the English language.
‘ That we continue our efibrts to obtain for mothers the coguar.
E’E dianship of minor children.
I 5!? That we endeavor to have women appointed on the boards of
5! all state punitive and educational institutions.
! That we continue our efforts to have a Dean of Women at the
. state college.
_. That we continue to make increase of membership our principle
work {or next year.
That the Executive Committee be empowered to employ a Field
E Secretary.
,! Convention opened at ten o'clock with Scriptural reading and
E prayer by the state president, MiSS Laura Clay.
“ Voted that the program be made the order of business.
. g! The chair appointed the following committees:
‘IE Credentials—Mrs. Alice Carpenter, Lexington; Mrs.“ Mary 2. 2 ,
{E Light Ogle, Covington. ;
:12 2 2 5‘; a;
2 194849 «.2-: -.

 3 pyil . 3'
I .454 l '3“ i i
l i i “We. 1
l . \QOQ.
l Finance—Mrs. Isabel Shepard, Covmgton; Mrs. Mary Spencer, .
l Publications—Mrs. Emma Roebuck, Newport; Mrs. Mary B.
Clay, Richmond.
i Resolutions—Mrs. Hannah Spring, Newport; Mrs. Dasha
[ Breckenridge, Lexington; Prof. Wm. Giltner, Covington.
E ‘ Courtesies—Mrs. S. T. Bagly, Ashland; 'Mrs A. L. Eba,
; Cleveland. '
E Auditing—Miss Laura White, Ashland; Mrs. Mary Giltner, T
l Ashland. j
i Report of Committee on Credentials read and accepted. i
i President, Miss Laura Clay thanked the members of the con— ‘
i vention of 1905 for the resolution approving of her remaining in
1 Oregon and assisting in their campaign. 3
l Voted that the convention as a body tender Miss Clay a vote of f‘
l thanks for work done in Oregon. 3
'; rstVice-President, Mrs. Mary B. Clay, told of work done at -
i the last legislature. _,
% Moved that the privilege of the floor be extended to all mem‘ l
g bers of the Ashland Equal Rights Association and of any neigh-
Z boring association, there present.
Report of Committee on Revision of Constitution, Miss Laura .
i , Clay, chairman. ,
l Moved by Mrs. Isabel H. Shepard and seconded by Mrs. S. T. 1
i , Bagly that the Treasurer be required to give bond. :After discussion »
, ‘ this motion was withdrawn. ‘ ‘
Voted that the fiscal year terminate January Ist. ‘
Voted that the report of the Revision Committee be accepted. T,
Voted that when the new state constitution is published, there ‘
t be also published a proposed constitution for local association. 1
l Voted that the Cornm1ttee on Publications be empowered to make i
i any verbal changes necessary. ?
Convention. adjourned. i
l Convention resumed at 2 o’clock with Scriptural reading by the
l President and prayer by Mrs. T. H. Bullington, Ashland. ‘
l ', ,' 2.: Minutes; ofgnorning session read and approved.
‘ . . :.'..':'..::..2 ........2 ;

 ‘ Mrs. A. M. Glenn Welcomed the convention on behalf of the
Ashland Equal Rights Association.
Mrs. T. H. Bullington gave an address of welcome from the
local W. C. T. U
President, Miss Laura Clay, responded to the addresses of wel-
come and then gave her annual address.
The convention enioyed a very pleasing recitation by Mrs.
, Robert Dicken of Ashland.
if Mrs. Desha Breckenridge held the attention of the convention
i with a very interesting talk on school suffrage for women.
, General discussion of school suffrage. .
" . Voted that the chairman appoint a committee to promote interest V
i in school suffrage for Kentucky women.
Voted that the suggestions of the Plan of Work Committee be
1 cosidered seriatim.
. Voted that we continue our effort to secure for mothers the co:
' guardianship of minor children.
Voted that we endeavor to have women appointed on the boards
of all punitive, educational and charitable institutions.
Voted that we continue our efforts to secure a Dean of Women
‘ for the state college.
_ Voted that we make increase of membership our principal work
i for next year.
‘ Voted to accept the recommendation, that the Executive Com.
i mittee be empowered to employ a Field Secretary.
. Adjourned.
l I Plan of Work Committee met at 9 o'clock. Committee suggests
the following:
i That we resolve to keep the expenses of the Ky. E. R. A.
within $r25.oo, not including the free will offerings.
That the Press Superintendent be paid a salary of $60.00, pro-
l i vided there are sufficient free will offerings.
i Committee rose.
j Convention called to order at IO o’clock. Scriptural reading
1 and prayer by the President.
' Minutes of previous session read and approved.
President appointed on the School Suffrage Committee: Mrs.
Desha Breckenridge of Lexington; Miss Laura White, Ashland;
Mrs. John Little, Louisville. . g-q ; -.

 Moved thatMiss Laura Clay, Lexington, and Mrs. Mary C.
Roark, Richmond, be added to the committee.
1 Voted that the expenses of the Ky. E. R. A. be kept within
$125.00, not including the free will offerings
.1 Voted that the Press Superintendent be paid a salary of $60.00,
E provided there are sufficient free will offerings. '
Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Alice D. Carpenter, read reports E
E from Fayette County E. R. A., Cambell County E. R. A., a letter ‘
E from Mrs. Martha Hennen of the Hawesville E. R. A., also one from l
l Mrs. Avery of Frankfort E. R. A. l
l Mrs. Bagly read report of the Ashland E. R. A. '
E Mrs. Agnes L. Eifert told the convention how the Ashtand E.
i R. A. secured the celebration of Peace Day by the public schools of
Ashland. ‘ .
‘ Mrs. Isabel H. Shepard reported from Kenton Co. E. R. A.
3 Mrs. N. S. McLaughlin gave a verbal report from the 20th Cen-
l , tury Club of Covington.
E Mrs. Mary B. Clay read report of Madison County E. R. A.
E The report of Treasurer, Mrs. Isabel H..,_Shepard was read and
E books placed in the hands of the auditing committee.
2 The convention then proceeded with the election of officers.
l Voted that the Chair appoint Tellers.
Tellers appointed were: Mrs. Alice Bronston Oldham and Mrs.
Drue Thomas.
The election resulted as follows: 4
President Miss Laura Clay, Lexington. .\
ISt Vice-President, Mrs. Mary B. Clay, Richmond. E
2nd Vice President, Mrs. Mary C. Cramer, Lexington. ‘
Voted that a letter of sympathy be sent to Mrs. Mary C. Cra-
mer, regretting her illness and consequent absence lrom the E
convention. l
,3rd Vice-President, Mrs. N. S. McLaughlin Covington. l
Cor. Secretary, Mrs. Mary C. Roark, Richmond.
Rec. Secretary, Mrs. Emma M. Roebuck, Newport. . .
Treasurer, Mrs. Isabel H. Shepard, Covington. :
'. .';': Adiqulinfidq
: .:...‘Z'..: :..: ““4”" I;

Executive Committee met at 1.30 o'clock and decided to
The nomination of Mrs. Mary Light Ogle as Historian and of
Mrs. Lida Calvert Obenchain for Press Superindent.
Voted that the Executive Committee waive their privilege to
select the place of the next annual meeting and submit the vote to
‘ the convention.
i Committee rose. '
Convention called to order at 2 o’clock. Scriptural reading by
. l the President; prayer by Mrs. A. E. Colgrove.
Minutes of morning session read and approved.
i Chair declared that nominations for delegates to the National
Convention were then in order.
Mrs. Mary E. Giltner was nominated and elected member of
the National Ex. Committee.
Delegates nominated were:
Miss Laura White..... Ashland
Mrs. Mary L. Ogle.................................Covington
Mrs. Sarah Charles....................................Newport
Mrs. Mary B. Clay.................................Richmond
Miss Sophronisba Breckenridge................. Lexington
Mrs. Isabell H. Shepard..................... Covington
Mrs Agnes L. Eifert..... ...........................Ashland
Mrs. Mary Spencer................. .....Covington
' . Mrs. S. N. McLaugllin.............................C0vington
Mrs. Alice B. Oldham .. .....Lexington
Delegates elected:
Miss Laura White............ ........Ashland
< Mrs. Mary L. Ogle.................................Covington
‘ Mrs. Sarah Charles........... Newport
Mrs. Mary B. Clay ..................Richmond
" - Mrs. Sophronisba Breckenridge........:.........Lexington
: Mrs. Isabel H. Shepard...........................Covington
Voted that the remainder of those nominated as delegates go as
l alternates.
I Alternates elected were:
Mrs. Agnes L. Eifert.................................Ashland
Mrs. May Spencer.................................Covington
Mrs. N. S. McLaughlin.......................... Covington
; ......5..

 l Mrs. Alice B. Oldham........ ............Lexingt0n
‘ Mrs. Ernma M. Roebuck ....,.....................Newport
, Mrs. Alice B. Carpenter...........................Lexington ‘
1“, Voted that the rst alternate fill the first vacancy, the 2nd alter-
: nate the second vacancy, etc.
l , Voted that if, when the delegates arrive in Chicago, there is a
ll vacancy, they be empowered to fill that vacancy with some member
i, of the Ky. E. R. A. there present y
2, Rev. Anna Shaw, our National President, announced to the ‘
convention that the people of Chicago will entertain all delegates to ,
l the National convention.
l Voted that Mrs. Lir‘la Calvert Obenchain be elected Press .
g Superintendent for the following year. i
31 Voted that Mrs. Mary Light Ogle be elected State Historian.
The convention received two invitations for the annual meeting
, next year. One from the Madisonville E. R. A. and one from the
2 Madison County E. R A.
Voted that we accept the invitation of the Madisonville E. R. A.
Report of the Auditing Committee read and accepted.
i Report of Mrs. Mary E. Giltner, member of the National Ex.
l Committee was read and accepted.
l Rev. Anna Shaw told the oonvention of the brilliant celebration
‘2 of College Night at the National Convention at Baltimore, which
i was arranged by President M. Thomas of Bryn Mawr College.
. Report of the Frankfort or Legislative Committee read by Mrs.
i Mary B. Clay and accepted.
I‘ Report of Press Superintendent, Mrs. Lida Calvert Obenchain
", read and accepted.
‘ Report of Superintendent among Young People, Miss Anna E, g.
1 Morgan, read and accepted. l
. Mrs. Mary Spencer of Covington made an appeal for Free Will
-, The Free Will offerings were: I 1
Miss Belle Bennet 3 5 oo
; Mrs Sarah Bennett 3o 00 l
l i “ Mary'B. Clay 10 oo ‘
“ Mary E Giltner 5 oo
1 ' “ Desha Breckenridge.......... 5 00
Fayette Co. E R. A 5 oo

 ' Campbell Co. E R. A............. .. IO 00
2orh Century of Covington..... 5 00
Mrs Alice D. Carpenter . I oo
“ Alice B. Oldham 1 oo
“ Mary Spencer . I oo
“ N. S. McLaughlin .....‘......... I oo
Ashland E. R. A ... .. 2 00
Miss Laura White .. , . , 1 oo
{1 Mrs. Lawrence . 50
. 'lotal $82 50
y The convention enjoyed a very pleasing recitation by Mrs. '
. Lydia Sersian
' General discussion of the recommendation of the National EX.
Committee on Presidential Sufirage.
Leaflets on Church work were then distributed
Rev. Anna Shaw delivered an address to the convention on
Peace and Arbitration.
Mrs. Margaret Sommers entertained the convention with a very
amusing recitation.
An interesting paper on Child Labor, written by Mrs. A. M.
Harrison and read by Mrs. Alice B. Oldham, aroused general dis-
cussion of the subject.
Report of Committee on Resolutions read and accepted.
Voted that the resolutions be read at the close of this evening‘s
entertainment. .
Voted that we approve of the acceptance by the National asso-
ciation of the badge shown.
Convention adjourned.
'6" Executive Committee met immediately after the convention an
made the following appropriations:
Oflicers traveling expenses............... $38 25
Rev. Anna Shaw’s salary.......................... 58 00
a Printing Programs...... 2 50
Printing of Minutes........ 25 oo
1 Postage for Rec. Secretary....................... 2 00
l Postage for Cor. Secretary".................. 2 oo
Postage and Stationery for Press. Sup t........ 25 00
Salary of Press Sup't 50 oo
Commitee rose. EMMA M. ROEBUCK, Rec. Secretary.

 1 EVENING SESSION, Wednesday Eve., Nov. 21, 1906.
11 The evening session was opened with a prayer by Rev. Wm.
1‘_ Dunn Ryan, this was followed by music, under the direction of Mrs.
‘1 F. B. Poteet.
,1: Judge W. J. Hampton gave an address of welcome in behalf of
1 the city, which was full of good will and hospitality.
1 Mrs. John McElmurray read an address of welcome from the
: Kings’ Daughters. ' ,_
1 Rev. Anna Shaw then gave the address of the evening, which T
g was a great treat, particularly so, as many of the Ashland people had
1 . .
if never heard her before. Her sound arguments. 1nterspersed With
1 keen wit, kept her audience amused and entertained, while she in-
; structed them. . C
After the lecture, members of the Ky. E. R. A., solicited names
7: for membership in the Ashland association.
Thursday Eva, Nov. 22nd.
l Rev. J. I. Wean opened this evening session with an invocation.
‘ Mrs. W. A. Manning delighted the audience with a beautiful
i vocal solo and Prof. J. G. Crabbe followed with an encouraging
i address to the members of the Ky. E. R. A. .
1 Rev. Anna Shaw delivered her most popular lecture, “The Fate
1 of Republics." The audience was intensely interested and at the
1 close one old gentleman, sitting away up in front, became very en-
; thusiastic and striking his knee with his fist, remarked : “True, true,
1 every word of it." EMMA M. RCEBUCK, Rec. Sec. ‘
To Balance, January I, I906........... $136 63 ,4.)
' Free Will Offerings—lgoG—Mrs. Giltner $ 5 00 '
Miss Clay......... ............ IO 00
' Fayette Co. Ass’n........... IO 00
Newport Ass’n.............. 10 oo
‘ Madison C0 I0 00 1
Miss Rugg r 00 7'
Dr. Roebuck................. I 00
Miss Smith.................. I 00
. Dr. Southgate I 00
“ Mrs. Shepard I 00 -
l - —-—— 50 00
i Free ‘Vill Ofl‘erings——Igo7—Mrs. Bennett. .........$30 00
. Miss B. Bennett......,, 5 00
Mrs. Eifert I 00
' Ashland E. R, Ass’n,.,.., 2' oo
1 ....8....

 Miss While.................. I 00
Miss Lawrence 50
Mrs. Spencer................. I 00
Mrs. Breckenridge.,......_ 5 00
Mrs. Carpenter............. I 00
Mrs. McLaughlin...,..,,_ . I 00
Mrs, Shepard............... I 00
Miss L. Clay................. IO 00
—-- 63 50
Jan. 1, 1906—Dec. 31, 1906—Mrs. M. B. Clay......$4 60
- Miss L. Clay.......... 7 00
’3 Frankfort E.R.Ass‘n 75
Hickman “ 25
Bowling Green ” 20
-—- 12 80
Frankfort Committee returned........................................ 8 00
Miss Clay paid for Programs 2 50
C Annual Dues from
Local E. R. Associations—Ashland...........( 31)......$Io 85
Bowling Green..( 8)...... 2 80
Frankfort ........( 5)...... I 75
Hawesville......( 4)...... I 40
Kenton Co......( 4)...... I 40
Lexington........(130)...... 45 50
Newport ........( 60)...... 2K 00
Richmond........( 69)...... 24 15
20th Century ...( 86)...... 30 IO
Hickman.........( 5)..." 1 7S
—— I40 70
Total $414 13
Frankfort Committee.....................5 25 00
Printing Minutes 20 00
‘ Postage—Secretary (1906) 2 oo '
Press Work. 45 00
Salary (Free \Vill Offerings) Supt. Press \Vork 60 00
Miss Shaw—Lecture at Ashland.................... ........$45 00
. One half Traveling Expenses......., 13 oo
. —— 58 oo
’1) Traveling Expenses of Officers—Miss Chy $7 00
Mrs. M. B. Clay........ 7 60
Mrs. Carpenter.......... 7 00
Mrs. Mci.aughlin...... 5 55
Mrs. Roebuck........... 5 55
1 Mrs. Shepard.. 5 SS
—— 38 25
Postage—Secretary.... 2 00
Priming Programs 2 50
Annual Dues of Kentucky E. R. Ass‘n to National Ass‘n,_.,. 40 2o
292 95
Balance January 2, 1907.... I21 18
Total........................ $414 13

l .
I think no one can read the newspaper of this state without real.
| izing that public sentiment is everywhere moving in the direction of
1 “Equal Rights for All; Special Privileges for None.” The resolutions
' adopted by the Kentucky Grange at its recent meeting in Lexington
l are a striking prozf of this, and yet more striking is an editorial utter-
l ance of the Courier Journal, within the last month, recommending
i that the sphere of woman's influence be extended in order that she
l may have sortie supervision over our factories, our public schools, 4:
l our insane asylums, and all other charitable and eleemosynary in- ll
l stiti1tions—_just what the Ky. E. R. A. has been striving for these “1
ll many years. \l
i I have now one hundred papers on my list. One third of these (U
ll are edited by men who are in favor of Equal Rights or who are will-
:l . ing to hear both sides of a question, and gladly give place to our
;l literature. From the other two thirds I have courteous promises to
i print an occasional article, but having no local press workers in the
i towns where these papers are published, I cannot tell whether their
l promises are always kept.
1 Last spring one of my editors Wrote to me for information con-
cerning the representative women of America. A young lady friend
, of his wanted the information for her commencement essay. I sent
' biographical sketches of Lucy Stone, Miss Anthony and other leaders
l of the suffrage cause, and I think one Kentucky girl must have had a
I; good strong-minded essay.
l Whenever a paper prints our articles With any regularity, I am
:1 pretty sure to hear from the opposition and this yearI have had three
. i nice little controversies in the Winchester Sun-Sentinel, the Hart
County News, and the Pikeville Republican. I have kept no record of ’
ii the special articles I have written, but 1 can recall from memory (x
twelve, besides the articles Written for the National Bureau. I also ill
ll send to the National Press Department all items of Kentucky news, l l i
that have a bearing on suffrage. . J
l Last winter, when our C0-Guardianship Bill was pending in the
li legislature I wrote to four editors asking them to say a word editorially
r in behalf of the bill and send a copy of the paper to their representa—
f tives. They did this, and whenever we are working for the passage
of a measure, I believe the help of the press should be relied on and
', called out in this way. '
-‘_. The financial report is as follows : .

 Cash on hand at the close of last year........... $15 00
From Mrs. Shepard, May r906......... IO 00
,, ,, ,, July 1906.................. 5 oo
,, ,, ,, September 1906.................. 10 00
Total......... $40 00
Expended for Stamps........................ $25 00
,, for Printing r 50
,, for Envelopes 10 00
I ,, for Postalcards 3 50
0h Total $40 00 .
“ Respectfully submitted, L. C. OBENCHAIN,
\I Supt. Press Work, Ky. E. R. A.

Woman’s work continues to advance in all walks of life. An
Ohio woman, Mrs. Ellen Spencer Mussey, has achieved honorable
distinction in the District of Columbia, by receiving the unanimous
appointment as :1 member of the Board of Education from thejustices
of the District Supreme Court.

After 157 years the University of Pennsylvania has finally placed
women on the same standing as men. -

Mrs. Workman with her husband Dr. Workman, has gained
fame as amountain climber. They climbed Nun Kun, one of the
secondary peaks of the Himalayas, reaching an altitude 23,000 feet.

. These are but a few of the many ways in which women are ex-
Respectfully submitted, ANNA B. MORGAN.
(L , N. A. W. S. A.
ill The 38th Annual Convention of the National Womans Suflerage
Ii ' ’ Association convened in Baltimore, February 3rd, 1906, in the Lyric
J Theatre. The first meeting was held by the Executive Committee at
9 A. M., and at II o’clock a council of State presidents. Mrs. Har-
riet Upton Taylor presiding.

The afternoon session was presided over by our National pres-
ident Rev. Anna H. Shaw and Mrs. Emma Maddux Funk, president
of the Maryland Suffrage Association, and who made the address of

- welcome. The response was followed by Dr. Annie Jeffreys of Port-
land, Oregon.
. ....1 1

l The reports of the corresponding secretary, Mlss Kate M. Gor-
' don, and of the headquarters secretary Miss Kate M. Hauser, so the
preliminary business of the Convention was dispached.
Then came the Governor of Maryland, Edwin Warfield with
1 Mrs. Julia Ward Howe leaning on his arm, an enthusiastic applause
I broke from the large audience. Next came our beloved President
Anna H. Shaw, and the world renowed Miss Clara Barton, the
, applause became tumultuous as each distinguished person was seated.
l But when our beloved and greatest of all women, dear Susan B. ,
g Anthony was reported in the city, and very ill, a gloom was castover
: the entire convention. During the evening many were the tributes
' paid to the absent leader.
The response to the greetings were to have been made by dear ,v
I Miss Anthony, and in speaking of her absence Dr. Shaw said “no
1‘ one can take her place, for in all the world there is only one Miss
,l Anthony, one Mrs. Howe and one Miss Barton.” Miss Barton was
ll introduced and was greeted with enthusiastic applause; her voice was
iii very weak as was also Mrs. Howe’s who followed, there was almost
3 an intense silence to hear their feeble voices. Mrs. Howe said, “I
am not going to preach, but give you a text: ‘What came you into
the wilderness to see,’ not to see a reed shaken by the wind, but as
l the people who went to see John the Baptist you came to see the
:31 ' prophets. There are great changes from the past to the present.Mrs.
Livermore, Lucy Stone and myself were held up as three old crows
i} on a placard in a small town years ago. Mrs. Howe exhorted her
- ll hearers to follow straight on to the end,, it will be a sweet one, not a
{ll bitter one, she said, and I hope it will come before I am gone.”
ill In the afternoon addresses were made by many of the ladies of
l Maryland and by many others of different societies, who favor our
l cause and are doing a grand work. i-
l} Dr. Shaw said that through organizations women have come to
l; understand each other better, and that “whether we are progressive
1 or conservative we are working according to our rights for the great-
1 est good of humanity. I might quote from many others, but time for- V '
f bids.” The meeting closed by prayer by Rev. Guillmee. ,
i}. In the morning were reports of Standing Committees. The most >
l. interesting report in the afternoon was made by Mrs. Florence Kelly
in on the industrial problems effecting women and children throughout ‘
'5‘ the country, and very little had been done by this feeble method in 'i
ll Maryland. >

 Mrs. Ella Steward made an address on "Tame Falacies,” “Our

Privileges,” which caused much merriment by her allusions to some
. arguments brought against woman suffragists, that it would ruin her
complection, etc.

Mrs. Craigie gave an interesting report of the liquor traffic which
is arrayed against the cause. Mrs. Babcock, Chairman of Press Com-
mittee reported, never before had there been such a demand for ad-
vance matters relative to our conventions as this year.

Miss Jane Adams Of Hull House, Chicago, made a very interest-
ing argument, bringing forth the reasons why women Should vote,
reviewing the history of women since she was compelled to go in

' The evening session was devoted to the consideration of women
in history, women in politics etc.

The peace and arbitration was taken up. Mrs. Meade said it
was the greatest question of all and the greatest problem of the day.
The election of officers comes next and this means nearing the close;
I will not give the names as they are familiar to you all.


We shall return to our homes from the Atlantic to the Pacific
Ocean, from Canada to the Gulf, with many happy and afi'ectionate
recollections of Baltimore and its hospitable people. Miss Shaw gave
of her many brilliant speeches interspersed with humorous anecdotes,

V suchas she can only give. Thus closed the Thirty Eighth Annual
Convention of the N. A. W. S. A.
Respectfully submitted, MARY E. GILTNER.

The celebration of Miss Anthony’s birthday in Washington,
D. C., was said to be a brilliant affair, it was her eighty sixth anni

a. versary, many prominent persons Spoke on this occasion and beauti-
ful souvenir programms, containing Miss Anthony’s picture, together

With a facsimile of her handwriting was presented to every one. Rev.
' Anna Shaw presiding. Many letters of congratulation were read .

I from our President and other distinguished men of our Nation.

' This last birthday will remain long in the memory of those pre-
, sent.
The Fayette ,E. R. A. has held three meetings during the past
year. The roll call at the first meeting showed a membership of

 l t
l '
ll ~ ,alsmost two hundred. Among the encouraging indications of public .
ll opinion is the attitude of the press towards woman's suffrage.
l At the second meeting delegates to the State Convention at Ash-
il land were elected. Program meetings were discussed and arranged
: for the coming year.
l On November 16th a memorial meeting was held to Miss Susan ‘
B. Anthony. Miss Laura Clay presided and spoke feelingly upon the
. life and character of this great leader of the suffrage work. Other
l members spoke briefly on the same subject. A
1 Several new members had been added at these meetings.
. We desire to thank most cordially our two daily papers, the
l ,,Herald” and the “Leader” for their kind interest and assistance.
MADISON co. E. R. A.
l Madam President and Ladies : —
l Only a few days after our return from our delightful meeting at
l Newport, we were called together to hold memorial services for our
l departed friend and co-laborer, Miss Anthony. Her 1055 was indeed a
. bitter loss to the whole land.
l The Sewerage Bond Bill, as it was known in our town, was sub-
l mitted to the vote of the people. Our association met and appointed
l Mr. D. Parrish to investigate the matter and see if the council could
not give the women the privelege of voting on this bill. He did so,
1 but found council was not vested with such power. A vote of thanks .
l was extended to Mr. Parrish. Many of our men approved and were
I in hopes, this privilege could be granted us. We have had many new .
l members and we hope our locals throughout the state will hold meet-
l ings and take an interest in every public issue in their town. Best
wishes for a successful meeting. .
l Yours Respectfully MRS. K. S. WIGGINS, Sec.
: , . The Ashland E. R. A. has had a year of good work. Had seven
l well attended meeting. There seems to be an awakening responsive: '
ness in the members and a good foundation for the work has been laid.
l One of our members attended the Baltimore convention and came
ll home full of enthusiasm. Our association was instrumental in having
‘ Peace Day observed in the public schools.
l Our memorial meeting on the death of Miss Anthony was espe-
’cially interesting. i

 Our appeal to our representatives in favor of the co-guardianship
Bill was well received. We sent $10.00 to the Oregon Fund.

We have taken the Woman’s Journal and “Progress."

We trust our local ranks may be increased by the work of this
convention and we feel that it is good to have you with us.

Respectfully submitted,
(Mrs. = W. H. BAGLEY, Pres.
(Mrs.) A. M. GLENN, Sec.

The Campbell 00. E. R. A. has held eight meetings this past

year, one of which was a memorial in honor of the late Miss Susan
, B. Anthony. Many strangers and friends outside of the association
attended this meeting.

Many of our members wrote to the representatives from this
district in the legislature, urging them to support our bills.

We have distributed literature and asked for new members when-
ever possible.

Some of our members wrote to the candidates for Congress, ask-
ing if they were in favor of a 16th amendment to the constitution of
the United States, allowing women to vote.

We continue adding new members, and have lost one by death
and others by removal. Our membership is now 75 and we are
sending six delegates to the state convention at Ashlard and sent

- one representative to the National convention at Baltimore.
Respectfully submitted, MRS. A. I. S’I‘IMSON, Sec.
Absolutely no work has been done except distribution of suffrage
literature among the teachers of the public schools. They are very
‘ much interested and every paper sent is passed from hand to hand
until every teacher has read it. They are anxious to have women
on the schoolboard and the question of school suffrage for women
interests them. Many of them knew nothing of the work of the E.
' R. A. in behalf of school suffrage and the leaflets sent were a revela- '
tion. L. C. OBENCHAIN, Sec.

Mrs. Hubbard writes that they have held some meetings, but
have done no other work. Sent dues for five members.

‘ Many of the local associations sent dues, but no reports of
work done.

i The Auditing Committee of the Ky. Equal Rights Association
respectfully reports as follows:
1 Balance..... 3136 63
Pledges..... 53 oo
Duesreceived 123 00 ,
$312 83
Disbursed.......................... 134 50 i
Balance for r906 r78 33
Pledges for 1907l.. 35 oo
-——-——- r
' Total in Treasury $213 33
' LAURA R. WHITE, Chairman,
The Committee on Resolutions offered the following :
Whereas, The House ‘ Joint Resolution 86 (now before the
judiciary committee of Congress) which provides for the submitting
to state legislatures an amendment to the constitution of the United
States, giving women the right to vote, Therefore:
Resolved, That the Ky E. R. A. urges upon the members of
thejudiciary committee, the duty of making a favorablereport on
joint resolution 86. _ '
~ Resolved, That this convention reque