xt75mk655b32 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75mk655b32/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1987-12-18 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, December 18, 1987, no. 517 text The Green Bean, December 18, 1987, no. 517 1987 1987-12-18 2014 true xt75mk655b32 section xt75mk655b32 Number 517 December 18, 1987
C A L E N__lQ_A R
December 20 Susanne K. Langer, 1895-1985, American
December 21 Heinrich Boll, 1917-1985, German author,
winner of the 1972 Nobel Prize for
December 23 Harriet Monroe, 1860-1936, American poet,
editor and founder of Poetry magazine.
December 24 Christopher (Kit) Carson, 1809-1868, American
frontiersman and soldier, born in Madison
Co., KY.
December 25 Christmas.
Dame Rebecca west, 1892-1983, English author,
critic, journalist, and feminist.
December 27-
January 3 Chanukah
December 30 Rudyard Kipling, 1865-1936, English short
story writer, poet, and novelist.
January 1 New Year's Day.
January 3 Lucretia Mott, 1793-1880, American anti-
slavery leader, and one of the founders of
the women's rights movement.
January 4 Jacob Grimm, 1785-1863, German librarian,
philologist and mythologist.
Next Green Bean: Friday, January 8, 1988.
Deadline: Monday, January 4, 1988.
Production Staff: Editor/typist: Bonnie Jean Cox; Typist /
proofreader: Carol Ranta; Printer: Cecil Madison.
1 _ _
Ina Newsletter of the Umversnty
of Kentucky Lnbrarnes 1

 FROM THE EDITORS DESK University operates on Plan B
. when classes would otherwise be
There was: an error in last id session, the Library will
issue's notice about the LSO normally continue ”its regular
Christmas luncheon. Toys schedule with staff coverage as
collected at the luncheon will is maintained in public service
be donated to The Nest, a child units on nights and weekends.
abuse center. The money Department heads with public
collected in donation boxes in service units should have plans I
the various units will be in place for Plan B coverage. ·
donated to volunteer services Staff members are referred to
at the University Hospital for UK Staff Personnel Policy and
patients at Christmas. Procedure No. 71.0 for time
reporting policies.
******** This policy does not apply to
Medical Center Library
Please take note that under personnel.
University regulations all ..
holiday decorations must be ABOVE AND BEYOND
artificial, U.L. approved and
non—combustible. They should Mary Spencer in the Geological
not obstruct exits, lighting or Sciences Library received the
corridors. No open flames following letter:
. should be used in decorations.
All decorations must be removed Dear Mary:
prior to holiday vacation.
On behalf of the Geoscience
· ******* Information Society Guidebook
Committee I wish to express our “
Please remember that due to appreciation for your
the holidays, the QQ will not outstanding contribution to the
appear again until Friday, 5th edition of the Union List
January 8, 1988. You will have of Geologic Field Trip
until Monday morning, January Guidebooks of North America.
4, to submit articles for that The information you submitted
issue. . was presented in a well
organized, timely and useful
******* manner. The surrogates you _
included were most helpful in *
Happy holidays from the QB. providing information on
` See you in January. critical new entries which are
being input into the American
Geological Institute database.
UNIVERSITY EMERGENCY CLOSING Thank you for allowing the
PROCEDURE: PLAN B GIS Guidebook Committee to
benefit from the University of
when the University Kentucky's large guidebook .
announces that it is operating collection which contained many l
on Plan B and classes are not unique holdings. As new co-
in session (for example, in chairman of the Guidebook
_ between semesters), the Library Committee, I look forwarf to
will not be open. If the receiving future reports f.am
3 .

 you. Your time, efforts and selected from published writers
_ L careful work for the Sth in the area. For information
edition were much appreciated on submitting manuscripts for
by all of us on the current the workshops or on any other
committee. aspect of the conference,
contact the Women Writers
Sincerely, Conference, 106 Frazee Hall, or
call 7-3295.
HB ad ....BRO....WN ,..B.A,..Gr...&l£f&%lQ.I;E....  
Geology Library
University of The next program in the
Cincinnati Sanders-Brown series u? brown-
bag presentations will he given
WOMEN WRITERS CONFERENCE on January 29 at 12:30 p.m. in
Room 112 of the senders- Brown
The University of Kentucky Building.
Women Writers Conference will Joseph L. Fini will discuss
celebrate its tenth anniversary "Public Policy Changes That
April 5-9, 1988, with four days Affect the health Care
of readings, lectures, panel Expenditures of the Elderly:
discussions, workshops and The Case of Drug sroduct
special events. Selection."
Visiting writers invited for
the conference include Camille SCIEONLINE“§Qlg;g§§;g
Bacon-Smith, Andrea Dworkin, LITERATg3§WWQ§§§5g§§
· Denise Giardina, Sandra _
Gilbert, Susan Gubar, Rosa Guy, The next two wortsneps for
Marilyn Hacker, Sharon Olds, online searching on wialcg will
Sherley Anne Williams and be held January 25-26 from 1:00
Billie Jean Young. -2:00 p.m. and on February 22 —
The celebration will begin 23 from 10:00-l1;00 a.m» in the
with a reception and preview conference room of the
offering short round—robin Geological Scienmes Library.
readings by guest writers on The workshops are designed to
Wednesday evening. Panel give the most basic training on
discussions and lectures will dialog. They cover all the
address directions in women‘s commands a lihxaxisn or end-
literature, writing erotica, user will need to conduct
women as writers, choosing searches that wil? satisfy
poetry as a form of expression, about 95% of their searching
writing fiction based on needs. The work h=ps .·.e ..»‘ are
history, fanzines, using "watered-down" equivalents of a
ideology in fiction, women and Dialog system seminar,
language, and writing poetry. The workshops can nsnefit
The 1988 conference will librarians who are experienced
also feature concurrent with or have never ucar Dialog.
workshops on Saturday Each participant will have
afternoon, April 9, on poetry, approximately 4u minutes ef
‘ short fiction and playwriting. guides online time to ptaoé we
Workshop leaders will be searching technig»es ir a s,;s

 _ variety of databases available PROFESSIONAL QPPORTUNITIES
r on Dialog. Although the
emphasis will be on gathering V ALABAMA — .
scientific literature, anyone
can sign up for the workshop Cataloger (monographs and
and search topics of their own serials). USAF Air University.
interest. Salary: $22,458~29,199.
Each workshop is limited to Deadline: February 29, 1988.
12 people. The cost is $17.
To sign up, call Phil Stoffer, Acquisitions (beers and
Geological Sciences Librarian, periodicals) Seatian Chief.
at 7-8359. USAF Air University. Salary:
$27,l72·-35,326. $¥L&asd3.ine:
NEW SPEC KIT February 29, 1988l
The latest SPEC kit from the CALIFnawr&. .
Association of Research
Libraries, "University Archive for New Poetry
Copyright Policies in ARL Librarian. wniversity of
Institutions", has been California, San Liege. Salary:
received and is available in Assistant Libraries ~ $25,380 —
the Reference Department. 32,472; Associate Linrarian -
$31,008 — $44,678. headline:
E·"?f.i§R2Q flip?.
Further information on and
‘ applications forms for the 22nd Science Reference Librarian and .
annual Library Administrators Selector. University of
Development Program, are Florida. Salary: $20,000
available in the QQ office. minimum for Assistant level and
The conference, to be held $23,500 for Associate level
May 1-13, 1988, at the depending upon experience.
University of Maryland will be Deadline: Deeemher 28, 1987.
lead by Dr. John Rizzo of the
Management faculty of Western GEORGEA
Michigan University. The
conference will cover Director of the Library.
organizational theory and Valdosta State college.
processes, the human dimension Salary: $@5,wiQ minimum.
of organizations, and Deadline: February 18, 1988.
managerial problems of
innovation and change. Public Service Archivist.
The conference fee of $1,995 University of Get efa, Salary:
covers tuition , room, board, $ 18 , 700 mi :1i.mu.x;a.   eaclline:
and program materials. February 15, 1988.

 _ “\
INDIANA_ Deadline: February 3, 1988.
l' ~Head Children's Librarian. JNORTH CAROLINA
East Chicago Public Library,
Main Library. Salary: $19,488 Monographic cataloger.
- $28,223. Deadline: until University of North Carolina.
position filled. Salary: $21,000 minimum.
Deadline: December 28, 1987.
Readers Services Librarian.
Indiana University School of TENNESSEE
Law. Salary: commensurate
with experience. Deadline: Information Scientist. Eastman
Jan. 1, 1988. Chemicals Division. Division
of Eastman Kodak. Salary:
KANSAS commensurate with experience.
_Deadline: none given. » I
Research Assistant (Library
Automation Analyst). TEXAS
University of Kansas. Salary: _
$20,000-25,000. Deadline: Director, Humanities Research
Jan. 1, 1988. Center. University of Texas at
Austin. Salary: negotiable.
MASSACHUSETTS Deadline: February 15, 1988. ·
Earth, Atmospheric & Planetary
Sciences Librarian. Salary:
$25,000—30,000. Deadline:
" January 31, 1988. ,
Assistant Head & Database
Coordinator, Social Sciences
and. Humanities Reference
Librarian. Michigan State 1
University. Salary: $25,000
minimum. Deadline: January
15, 1988.
Reference Librarian/Business
Subject Specialist. University
of Nebraska. Salary: $19,000
minimum. Deadline: January
15, 1988.
· University Librarian.
University of New Hampshire.
Salary: none specified.