xt75mk655b2g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75mk655b2g/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1985-05-24 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, May 24, 1985, no. 456 text The Green Bean, May 24, 1985, no. 456 1985 1985-05-24 2014 true xt75mk655b2g section xt75mk655b2g UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY LIBRARIES NEWSLETTER
  5  NG. M56
May 29, 30 Reclassification Review Meetings
June 1 A Kentucky Admission Day (1792)
June 3 Library Intramural Softball Game,
A 7:00 p.m., Seaton Field
A L   June 5 Fire Alarm Test V '
  June 17-19 Kentucky Geneology Institute
Next "Green Bean" issue: Friday, June lil, 1985 ·
Deadline for inclusion: Monday, June 10, 1985
Production Staff: Cecil Madison, Sandy Hardwick,4 ·
Rob Aken (editor)

Collier's Encyclopedia
`L A set of the 1981 Collier's Encyclopedia (vol. 9 missing) is
vavailable for transfer from the Reference Department collection.
Contact Brad Grissom if interested.
. Reclassification Review
Three meetings concerning classification review are listed below.
Please try to attend the appropriate session for you. Meetings
will be held in the Peal Gallery, King Library North. Lexington
V Campus Personnel will outline plans for implementing an
evaluation of our pending reclassification review request.
— Meeting for Department Heads » Wednesday, May 29,
8:30 — 9:30 a.m. .
- Meeting for classified staff not in Library Technician A
Series (e.g., staff assistant, account clerk)
Thursday, May 30, 8:30 ~ 9:30 a.m.
— Meeting for classified staff in Library Technician
Series, Thursday, May 30, 9:10 - 10:00 a.m.
A 1985-86 Librarians Academic Area Advisory Committee
William James, Chairperson Alternate
John E. Mack Vincent Davis
Joseph A. Bryant J
Dean P. Currier
J. Phillip Noffsinger _
Fire Alarm Test .
There will be a fire alarm test Wednesday, June 5 between 7:35
and 8:15 a.m. It is not necessary to evacuate the building at V
that time. . .
l Gordon, Michael, et al. Dictionary of Newulnformation [ESQ;
, nology Acronyms. Detroit: Gale, 198H.
A (Ref/QA/76.15/.067/198M)
8 Salinger, Florence A. and Eileen Zagon. Notes_for_§gtalggg§s;
A Sourcebook for Use with AACR2. White Plains, WY:
Knowledge lndustry, 198H. ZZ/69N/.S2UM/198U)

 2 ` I
Academic Library Section's Grants
Academic Library Section's Professional Development Grant
» Committee is now accepting grant proposals for award(s) to be
presented at the Fall 1985 KLA Conference. Awards will be in the
‘ form of non-repayable grants made to members of the Academic.
Library Section for their own professional development.
Proposal Guidelines are as follows:
l. Proposals must be submitted in triplicate to the
p Chair of the Professional Development Grant Com-
A mittee by September l.
t 2. The normal range of grants is from $250 - $500. ‘
g 0ne—half of the amount will be paid at the outset
  of the project, the other half to be paid upon
  completion of the project.
  3. Projects must be completed within 12 months of
f award.
§ H. Grantee is required to submit a written report of A
j_ the project results to the Committee Chair upon
|' completion of the project and prior to receipt of
i final payment of award.
i This report will later be shared with the Section's
' membership via publication in Kentucky Libraries
g and/or oral presentation at a Section meeting.
I 5. Awards may be made for projects involving: innova~
{ tive program implementation, research, education,
g course development, and/or materials development.
E 6. Funding will not cover the cost of materials which
Q will become the property of the grantee or the
§ grantee's institution.
i 7. Projects may be tailored to meet the needs of the
{ grantee's own library. ·
Q 8. Projects will be funded in full or not at all.

9. Proposals should include the following information:
` Purpose of proposal
Objectives of project
Discussion of need
How project will be accomplished (methodology)
" Evaluation methodology
» Itemized budget for requested funding
(Could include items such as: stipend, travel, ”
office supplies, telephone, computer time,
tuition, etc.)
Beginning and ending dates. _
Proposals should be submitted to Mary K. McLaren, Library
Director, Lees College, Jackson, KY Nl339, by September l, 1985.
Council on Library Resources Grant Program -
Grants from the Council on Library Resources support work on
matters pertinent to library service and information systems,
with the special objective of improving the quality and
performance of academic and research libraries. Individuals and
libraries are invited to inquire about specific aspects of the
program or to explore prospects for assistance.
— — General Research Grants
Proposals are accepted for carefully developed projects
to explore topics directly related to the generation, (
accessibility, and use of recorded information,
, especially where the results are likely to support .
library objectives. Typically, these research grants I
are modest in size and are intended to cover the
incremental costs of projected work ....
- - Program Grants
The Council devotes much of its effort and resources to
the development and installation of new operating
methods and systems in a few carefully defined sectors
and to the continuing definition and refinement of the
J library profession. These activities are chosen for
their potential importance to many libraries. Support
is not provided for facilities construction, collection
acquisitions, or the operating costs of single
institutions, or for development activities likely to
be of limited influence.

Current program areas are:
‘° - Library Resources: Availability, Accessibility,
- Bibliographic Services
A — Library Management
- - The Library Profession ·
" — - Application Procedures ·
- Initial inquiries should state the purpose of the
proposed work, identify the methods to be used,
establish the credentials of the responsible
individuals, and provide a careful estimate of total
  costs and funding requirements. CLR will respond
_ promptly with an indication of interest. If subsequent
l exploration seems justified, preparation of a complete
. proposal will be suggested. Full documentation should
i include:
3 l. A 50-word description of the proposed project.
g 2. A full explanation of the work to be done,
§ including objectives, duration, and methods to be
{ employed. Background information and the methods
i proposed for project evaluation should also be
Q included.
é 3. A detailed project budget in which costs are
g linked to the tasks to be performed. CLR does not
i fund indirect costs or equipment purchases.
é M. Curriculum vitae of the principal investigators.
{ All proposals are carefully reviewed by CLR staff and
Q external advisors, who consider such matters as
§ relevance to current CLR interests and activities;
§ relationship to other, similar work; projected costs in
i the context of the work required; and importance of
; anticipated results. The Council also looks for V
§ institutional support of a proposed project, as
§ demonstrated by a willingness to share in the costs of
§ the enterprise. There are no deadlines for general
Q, grant proposals. `
Q Send inquiries to: Council on Library Resources
g 1785 Massachusetts Ave., N.W.
g Washington, D.C. 20036

 5 .
Kentucky Geneology Institute June 17-19
Sponsored by the Friends of Kentucky Public Archives, the First
Kentucky Geneology Institute will be held June 17-19 at the
_ Department for Libraries and Archives in Frankfort. Taught by
recognized state and national authorities, it will provide a
comprehensive, intense study of the basic skills and knowledge
V necessary for genelogical research. Restricted to the first 35
registrants. Registration closes June lO. Fee: $85.
International Federation of Library August‘l8-2N
Associations and Institutions _
The 5lst Council and General Conference of the IFLA will be held
August 18-2M in _Chicago. The theme is "Libraries and The
Universal Availability of Information."
For details and registration forms, see Rob Aken.
Academic Library Management 1986-87 academic year
Intern Program
The Council on Library Resources is again sponsoring the Academic A
Library Management Intern Program which gives a few outstanding
librarians the opportunity to spend an academic year working
closely with directors and senior staff of large academic and
research libraries. The program's objective is to add to the
number of well-qualified and highly skilled individuals who might
become candidates for top library positions. The Council pays
salaries and benefits for nine months. Some assistance is also
provided for moving and other program—related expenses. Deadline
_ for application: October M, 1985. See the Director's Office for
more information.
(For more information, see the Reference Department.)
Assistant Documents Librarian, University of Alabama. Salary:
$15,000-$16,000. Deadline: June 30.

‘= Head of Data Processing, University of Colorado, Boulder.
Salary: $25,000-$32,000. Deadline: July l5.
Assistant Director for Public Services, University of Colorado,
Boulder. Salary: $35,000-$U3,000. Deadline: May 3l.
Reference Librarian, Business and Economics, University of
Delaware. Salary: not specified. Deadline: June 30.
Reference Librarian, International Relations/Political
Science/Urban Affairs/Law, University of Delaware. Salary: not
specified. Deadline: June 30. _
_ Georgia
Assistant Head of Reference, University of Georgia. Salary:
$22,000 minimum. Deadline: July l9.
Assistant Director for Administrative Services and Personnel,
University of Chicago. Salary: not specified. Deadline: June
Bibliographer for Western European Languages and Literatures,
University of Chicago. Salary: $l9,U80-$26,l00. Deadline:
July l.
Bibliographer for Slavic and East European Studies, University of
Chicago. Salary: $2M,850—$33,300. Deadline: July l.
Monographic Cataloger, University of Chicago. Salary: $15,789-
$2l,U78. Deadline: open till filled. ‘
Head of Reference, University of Illinois at Urbana—Champaign.
Salary: $28,000 minimum. Deadline: June l.
New Jersey
Music Cataloger, Princeton University. Salary: not specified.
Deadline: June IH.
Serials Cataloger, Princeton University. Salary: not specified.
Deadline: June 1U.

{ New York
‘ Chief Librarian and Chairperson, Brooklyn College of CUNY.
Salary: $N0,000 minimum. Deadline: May 30.
North Carolina
Head of Reference, Duke University. Salary: $22,600 minimum.‘
Deadline: June 15.
Manuscript Curator, Duke University. Salary: $22,600 minimum.
Deadline: June 21.
1 Cataloger, Duke University. Salary: $18,M00-$30,900. Deadline:
July 22.
Head-Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning Library, University A
of Cincinnati. Salary: $22,000 minimum. Deadline: July 19.
Assistant University Librarian for Planning, University of
Cincinnati. Salary: $30,000 minimum. Deadline: July 19.
Cataloger, University of Tennessee. Salary: ‘ $16,500-$20,500.
Deadline: July 31. A
A Associate Director for Public Services, University of Tennessee.
A Salary: $M0,000-$M5,000. Deadline: July 31.
Administrative Services Librarian, Virginia Commonwealth
l University. Salary: not specified. Deadline: June 17.
Assistant Social Science Librarian, Virginia Polytechnic
A Institute and State University. Salary: not specified.
Deadline: not specified. `
Systems Librarian, Washington State University. Salary: not y
specified. Deadline: July 15. $

(If interested, contact Ann Howell.)
Library Technician V, grade 7, Cataloging Department.
Staff Assistant II, grade 3, (half-time), Copy Service.