xt75mk655069 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75mk655069/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1952-09-26  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, September 26, 1952 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 26, 1952 1952 1952-09-26 2013 true xt75mk655069 section xt75mk655069 Dbl OUpy


The Kentucecy Kernel




James King Is
New Director
Of Glee Club

Sale Of Directories
Discussed By SGA
May Be Placed
On '53 Booklets

Ten-Ce- nt

Students may have to pay 10 cents
for their Student Directories this
They will, that is, If the Student
Government Association elects to
adopt one of the suggestions ad- vanced at the group's Monday after- meeting in the Student Union,
One Assembly representative sug- fee to
Rested charging a
help defray printing costs on the
booklet. President George Lawson
ruled that a final decision on the
matter wouldn't be made until after
the committee in charge of the Di- rectory had submitted a cost estimate to the Assembly.
Last year's Directory cost the Association $700. This was just half
the $1400 that was originally appropriated for the purpose. Jess Gard
ner, chairman of the Directory com- mittee at the time, said the savings
was made posible by printing the
a newer, cheaper
booklet off-s- et
method than letter-prewhich had been used in former
The ciud elected to devote next
week's meeting time to arranging
the information cards for the directory In alphabetical order. Law-so- n
noted that this would make the
work easier for the typists and
bhould help speed up the publication
date for the booklet.
Treasurer Henry Maeser reported
that the Association has an accumu- nt


lated balance of $9,712.55 which includes student fees from last June.
He anticipated that about $5400 will
be added to the fund from this semester's receipts.
Maeser said he would present a
tentative budget for this year after
the current student fees have been
credited to the SGA account and
after he has received xeports from
the various committees on their
proposed expenditures,
"All organizations that have
ceived appropriation from SGA in
the past should turn their requests
for this year over to me before next
Wednesday." he announced,
Lawson said he had spoken to Dr.
Bennett H. Wall, director, of the
men's dormitories, and said they had
arranged to have SGA's Judiciary
Committee handle all disciplinary
problems arising from the men's
The SGA president announced
that the Assembly may take over
the editing and printing of the K- Book. Lawson said he had spoken to
Dr. Lysle W. Croft, director of the
Personnel Office, and said thst Croft
expressed extreme dissatisfaction
with the way the booklet was edited
this past year.
If the Assembly does take charge
of putting out the Informational
booklet for freshman, Lawson said,
the group will appoint an editor and
a supervisor to handle the actual
The only financial action by the
Assembly was the passing of a $150
appropriation for the annual Col
lege Night which will be held Oct. 3
in the Student Union.


King has replaced Earl


R. Holloway as director of the Uni-

versity Men's Glee Club and Instructor In music. Mr. Holloway is
now minister of music at the First
Baptist Church in Augusta, Ga.
Mr. King, who received his BM
degree from Louisiana State University and MA degree from the
University of Kansas City, hell
graduate fellowships in choral mu
sic departments at both universities.
He was business manager of the
choir, and conducted rehearsals at
both universities. He taught voice
privately at LSU.
The new choral director has presented four different recital programs, and has sung the baritone
lead In the operas, "Faust", "Pagli-accl- ",
"Cavalleria Rusticana", Tales
of Hoffman", "Hansel and Gretel",
"Carmen, and 'La Traviata." In
Kansas City he had the lead in several light operas and made various
This summer Mr. King was at the
Kansas City Starlight Theatre, comweeks of profespleting thirty-tw- o
sional light opera stock company

Dairy Team
Leaves UK
For Contest
judging teams left
Two four-ma- n
this week to represent UK's dairy

Deans List 91 Students
Willi Perfect Standings






on James . Porter, ; Madisonville ;

$5,000 To Be Given

To College Students
As Essay Awards



Adairville; Luther Ritchie,
Talcum; Fannie R. Snelling, Carlisle; Edna R. Sullivan, Taylorsville;
Thelma H. Weaver. MaysviUe; Grace
Cull Yancey, Mackville.
College or Engineering William
H. Alcoke and Bobby Olsen Allen,
both of Versailles; Edwin Rodney
Berry, Barlow; Clyde Brown, Willis-burThomas C. Brown, Lothair;
Abner L. Browning, Viper; Bailey
Hall Bryner, Ohiopyle, Pa.; Jack
Wilson Clark, Harrodsburg.
George Melvin Ely Jr, Cumberland; Wallace Emory Fluhr, Louisville; John Lee King, Rockhold's;
Martin Christian Krimm, Pleasure
Ridge Park; William L. Mitchell.
Owensboro; Victor Emanuel Muncy
III. Pottsville, Pa.; Joe A. Owens,
Schenectady, N. Y.; Robert Patterson, Vine Grove; Clarence L. Range,
Buechel; William H. Rice Jr, More- neaa; Kaipn m. Rowiette, Berea;
James crutcher, Charles Latham Jr,
wuuam K. Meyer and David
Wright, aU of Lexington.
College of Law Charles N. Carnes,



Engineering College

Dr. William Ward, head of the
English department at the University, has announced a college essay
contest sponsored by the National
Council of Jewish Women. The contest is open to all seniors in any
college or university in the United
"The Meaning of Academic Freedom" will be the area of discussion
for the essays. Cash prizes of
$5,000 will go to the five students
who best present their views of freedom on the college campus at the
present time.
The manuscript must not exceed
2,500 words, and must be in the
English language, typewritten and
double-spaceEvery entry must be
accompanied by a printed certificate
of authorship, and signed by the
contestant. The contest opened Sept.
15 and will close Dec. 31.
Dr. Ward in the Fine Arts build
ing can be consulted for further in- formation concerning the contest or
application for an entry blank.


Cadwallader Will Discuss
Governmental Consolidation

Has 305 Increase
In Freshman Class

The College of Engineering anRichard C. Cadwallader, attorney
nounced an increase of fifty per cent at law from Baton Rouge, La., will
in its freshman class over last fall's speak Thursday at Memorial Hall
class. This year's class numbered on functional consolidation of city
and county governments. The talk
Prof. John S. Horine, coordinator is sponsored by the Department of
for engineering freshmen, said that Political Science.
the much publicized statement
Mr. Cadwallader was largely re'there is a critical shortage of engi- sponsible for the successful consolineers" coupled with the organized dation of the parish (county) of
campaign to induce high school East Baton Rouge and the city of
graduates to enter upon a career in Balon
whicn went mt0 effect
engineering is proving very success- - in 1949 Under the parisnity con.
ful in Kentucky.
solidation effected at Baton Rouge.
Dean Daniel V. Terrell, of the functjons of the two governments
were placed under united bodies,
mittee which is promoting interest and the parish and city were diin the engineering field in Kentucky. vided into an urban area, an industrial area, and a rural area.
The purpose of the Louisiana parish-city
consolidation was to form a
more efficient government.
In his address at Memorial Hall
Clifton, director of Univer Mr. Cadwallader will discuss the
sity extension, announced this week problems and benefits of city and
that a course in library science will county functional consolidation,
Mr. Cadwallader attended Harvard
be offered at Frankfort this fall by
University and Louisiana State Uni- - to several prominent bar associa- the University.
The class was organized yesterday versity, where he received his LLB tions and citizens groups.
in the library of Elkhorn school, degree. He was a member of Sigma
The address will bo jMn to the
Frankfort. Classes will be conducted Chi fraternity, Omicron Delta Kap- pa honorary fraternity, and belongs public.
fii.m 4 to 6 pju. each Thursday.



In Frankfort



Over One Hundred Korean Veterans
Register Under The New G.I. Bill










University enrollment figures at press time showed a total of
the fall semester, an increase of 224
over the number of students enrolled last fall. Registration will
continue through tomorrow.
Korean veterans registered tinOne hundred and twenty-eigder the new G.I. bill at UK, the campus veterans' office announced
Wednesday. UK officials previously had estimated the number
to be (between 30 and 50.


5,669 students registered for


the veterans' office said
week veterans who
had been discharged only a day or
two before were still coming to the
office for certification forms. It Is
estimated that only 15 per cent of
these men are married, and very
few have applied for accommoda- tions at the UK housing projects.
Besides this number, 38 students

that late this

THE JONES TWINS, Harry, 106, and Larry, 104, appear to be high pressuring Coach "Bear" Bryant into
buying an ODK tag. The tags, sold before each home football game, are used to gain money for scholarships and other campus needs. Omlcron Delta Kappa, sponsors of the tag sale, is a senior men's honorarry.

Three Prize Books Displayed
In JMargaret I. King Library
illuminations and medieval
Three prize books, one of the 0T
style for which the rare
modern school and two ancient hani P
classics compiled several centuries book is famous are excellently reon disDlav on the first floor , produced in me lacsimne
aeo. are
of the Margaret I. King Library.
A. B. Guthrie's
Big Sky" is the subject of one of
the displays. The display features
Mr. Guthrie's original typescrrpt for
the novel, foreign editions of the
book, and the final screen script and
scenes from the movie version.
Foreign editions of "The Big Sky"
are printed in Norwegian, Swedish,
Italian, Spanish, Finnish and DanPublic swimming, under the di
first rection of Algie Reece, can now be
ish. The popular novel was-th- e
of a triology of historical books had from seven till nine each weekabout the West that Mr. Guthrie is day evening until October first.
writing. His second book of the After October the first, the Uni
triology, "The Way West," was versity pool, which is located in the
awarded the Pulitzer Prize for 1949. Memorial Coliseum, will be open
Mr. Guthrie, a former executive only on Tuesdays and Fridays from
editor of the Lexington Leader, is seven till nine, on Saturdays from
now teaching creative writing at the two till five, when there is not a
University. The final book of his home football game.
western riology is expected, to be
All persons wishing to swim in the
completed by spring.
University pool, must have previous
An excellent facsimile of the his- ly passed the University health
torical Gutenberg Bible, the first examination.
book ever to be printed by movable
A swimming privilege card, which
metal type, is also on display at the costs three dollars and is good for a
library. The original copies of the full semester, is required of all
Gutenberg Bible were nrinted in Awimmers. Included tit this lee, is
Germany over 500 years ao. The towel service.
University's copy of the famous
Mr. Reece has announced that the
Bible was reproduced in 1913 and swimming team will start practice on
was meticulously hand illuminated. Monday. October the sixth. All new
A gift to the library by an anony
candidates should see him before
mous donor, the facsimile of the then.
Gutenberg Bible was originally owned by former Crown Prince Wilhelm
of Germany.,
A book handprinted in ai ob
scure pact of Ireland around the On
seventh century is given display
room next to the Gutenberg Bible.
The book, which contains the four
The latest available trade patterns,
Gospels, is generally known as the income trends and labor statistics
"Book of Kells." The UK library for Faducah and Western Kentucky,
color all prepared by UK's Bureau of Busi
facsimile has original-siz- e
photo pages of the book. The col ness Research, will be released in a
booklet this week, James Martin,
bureau director and UK economics
professor, announced last week.
Publisher of the booklet is the
Agricultural and Industrial Development Board of Kentucky. Assisting
the state board and the research
bureau in releasing the information
is the Paducah Association of Commerce.
The study developed in the bookThree campus music organizations
are still open to interested students, let is one of a number of recent reVirginia Lutz announced that the ports bearing on the Paducah area,
Women's Glee Club, a one credit all of which have been designed to
course which meets Tuesdays and offer a factual basis for planning the
Thursdays at 4 p.m., can also be use of resources at Paducah, Prof.
course. Tenta Martin said.
taken as a non-creExtraordinary economic problems
tive plans for the Glee Club to par
ticipate in the University Musicale brought about by the atomic project
Series in March have already been and related plant development have
made. Miss Lutz will answer in emphasized the need for such
quiries in Room 139 in the Fine Arts studies. Prof. Martin added.
Inserted profusely in the booklet
Building until Saturday afternoon.
Aimo Kiviniemi, director of the are charts and tables illustrating
University Chorus, has announced a economic- conditions in Western
heed for tenors in his group. Try-out- s Kentucky. In addition to giving the
will be held from 7 to 9 p.m total and per capita income payMonday for all types of singers. The ments to individuals in 10 Western
group will sing the Messiah. Dec. 17 Kentucky counties in 1950, the bookas part of this year's activities. In let offers a detailed listing of interested students may innuire in come payments by source.
Firms and individuals desiring
Room 17 in the Fine Arts Building.
James King announced that stu- copies of the booklet should contact
dents may enter the Men's Glee Club officials of the Agricultural and Infor credit, if they register by tomor dustrial Development Board at
Frankfort or Prof. Martin at the
row morning.
University. Prof. Martin was assisted in the writing and compiling
of the report by Frank O. Coolsen,
associate professor of marketing at
UK, and Will S. Myers, research associate.

section in regional and national
dairy products.
The dairy cattle judging team left
Tuesday for the Southeastern Regional contest in Memphis, Tenn.
The team judged in Memphis Wednesday and went to Waterloo, Iowa,
lor the national contest Monday.
A total of 91 students, 38 of whom rett; Mary Kate Cravens, Cincin-wer- e The team, chosen from the dairy
enrolled in the College of Edu- - nati; Margaret L. Driscoll, Louis-catio- judging class, is composed of Billy
ville; Mildred B. Gentry, Bardstown; Ridgeway, Joe Rust, Marcum Hoprecorded perfect "all-A- "
standings at UK during the past Daphne M. Hedden. Lawrenceburg; per, and John Wente. Dr. D. M.
summer term, deans of the various Ruth Hughes. Scarsdale, N. Y.; Seath, head of the. dairy section,
accompanied the team.
UK colleges announced.
Anna Mae Nethery, Taylorsville.
The College of Enginering ranked
Judging in the
Ruth .ueen, Pikevillc; Bettye D.
second to the College of Education Stull. Lexington; Vena Southwood, Dairy Products Judging contest in
in the number of students attaining Monticello; Emogene H. Scott,
Nashville, Tenn on Monday was the
the perfect standing by placing 23
Robert S. Thurman, Jop-li- n, UK dairy products Judging team.
on the honor list. Seventeen ColMo.; Ruth L. Willis, Prestons- - After judging In Nashville the team
lege of Arts and Sciences students. burg; Lorene Bell, Vine Grove; Em proceeded to Chicago for the naeiu-h-t
from the College of Agriculture ma w Brown. Bloomfield; Virginia tional contest yesterday.
a no Home tconomics, ana lour irom B. Cecil, Hazard; Ruby M. Cheek,
An awards dinner is being held to- the College of Commerce made all Danville; Lorene S. Colvrn,
day for the contestants in Chicago.
Roy Sims, Trosper Combs, Charles
Only one student in the Cojlege of
Ruth R. Dean, Nicholasville; Jes- A. Witten, and Lloyd Mitchell make
Law was among those with perfect sie M. Prymire, Irvington;
Ellen T. up the team. They were chosen
scholastic marks for the terra. All Gregory, Springfield; Nellie M.. from the dairy products judging
students making perfect standings,' Jackson; Milton; Nelle Jolly,.. Men- class of Dr. T. R. Freeman, who aclisted by colleges, follow:
companied the team.
tor; Margaret L. Nance, Cambells-villCollege of Agriculture and Home
Ina P. Noel, Madisonville; Jean
Harold D. Collins and
Leon Hatfield, Wroorg; Charles H.
Witten, Upton; Alvin L. Zachary,
Liberty; Jackie Wise, Georgetown;
Ted Howard, Mayfield; Beverly J.
Hines, Faducah.
College of Arts and Sciences Otis
Kent Back, Hodgen ville; Roland
Hazard; William Edwin
Foree Jr, Athens, Tenn.; Penrith B.
G)ff, New Castle, Pa.; Mildred
Louise Hart, Louisville; Russell K.
Haltsley, Hopkinsville; Edward Orson Hill, Cincinnati; Nicholas Marion Rice, Independence; Lowell C.
Sallee, Richmond.
David H. Schmieder, Parkersburg,
W. Va.; William Stanley Thomas Jr.,
Hopkinsville; Elvis Robert Thompson, Stone; Edward Read Kearns,
Molly Ann McCoulf, Gerald Joseph
Schwendeman, Mary C. Voorhes and
Jack Caldwell Wilhoit, all of Lexington.
College of Commerce Hyla Mc-KHunter, Bloomfield; Edward L.
Massie, Louisville: Lloyd F. Bell Jr.
and Arthur R. Campbell, both of
College of Education Stanford
Chaney. Ashcamp; Goldie Mae ChU- ders, Richardson;
Paul Combs,
Quicksand; Bessie Mae Conley, Gar- -

Registration Figures
Show 5,669 Enroll
For Fall Semester

Coliseum Pool
Will Be Open
To Students


UK Ends Research
Trade Patterns,

Incdme And Labor

Vocal Clubs
Remain Open
To Students

John Reeves
Will Present
Speech Series

Tour Three Counties

Prof. John E. Reeves, of the political science department, will give a
series of speeches next month.
Mr. Reeves will serve as moderator
at a round table discussion on Oct.
8 on the current presidential campaign. This will be sponsored by
the Jewish Women's Club of Lexington.
On Oct. 14, Mr. Reeves will speak
to the Men's Club of Hunter Memorial Presbyterian Church on "Responsibilities of Citizenship."
"Choosing a President in 1952" will
be the topic of Mr. Reeves' address
to the Women's Civic Club of Mt.
Sterling on Oct. 21.

Dr. Hambleton Tapp, assistant to
President Donovan, and Helen King,
executive of the Alumni Association,
will visit three Kentucky counties
next week to address graduating
high school seniors and to meet
with various civic organizations.
Representatives of the Alumni Association visit all Kentucky counties
each year for the purpose of acquainting graduating seniors with
the importance of obtaining a college education and with the advantages of attending UK.
About 60 representatives will continue the visits until all counties
have been visited.


UK Representatives

New Yearbook Staff
Will Meet Tuesday

SGA Rules
On Permits

The staff of the 1953 Kentucklan
will meet In Room 210
of the Journalism building at 4
p.m. Tuesday, Editor Fred Bradley
said this week. AH students interested in working on the yearbook may apply at this time, he

For Parking

Blood Is Needed

For Mack Hughes
Mack Hughes, Lexington photographer, remains in serious condition at Good Samaritan Hospital,
attendants reported at press time.
They said Hughes has received sev
eral blood transfusions since he was
admitted to the hospital Sept. 16
for treatment of internal hemorrhages.
Dr. Clarence A. Mills, Cincinnati
hemophilia specialist, said that fresh
blood is being given to Mr. Hughes
every day. Although friends have
replendished the hospital's stock,
donors with type O blood will be
needed for fresh transfusions.
Mr. Hughes is a graduate of the
UK School of Journalism, and was
staff photographer for the
Yearbook and the Kentucky
Kernel for many years. He is a son
of Dr. Hobart Ryland, head
of the romance languages depart
Dr. Mills has been called Into consultation three times In the past
week in an effort to halt the hemor
rhaging, the Lexington doctor treat
ing Hughes reported;


in-la- w


Movie Actor
Will Crown


One of three UK


will be

crowned "Miss Lexington Trots of
1952" tonight by Charles Coburn,
motion picture star, on the stage of
the Kentucky theater.
The three finalists are Marsha
McDaniel, Kappa Delta; Gay Hamilton, Delta Delta Delta, and Ruth
Swift. Alpha XI Delta.
The winner will be Mr. Coburn's
guest at Governor's Day Saturday
afternoon. She will lunch with the
movie star and sit in his box for
the afternoon's racing program.
Other contestants in' the contest
were Nancy Lou Ballard, Kappa
Alpha Theta; Joyce Jenney, Delta
Zeta; Phyllis Hart, Alpha Delta Pi;
Virginia Penn, Alpha Gamma Delta,
and Betty Ann Craft, Zeta Tau
Coburn, a widely known trotting
horse enthusiast, is starring in the
film, "Monkey Business," which
opens Friday at the Kentucky

The Student Government Association has announced that the following rules will be in effect Monday
under the present administration.
Parking permits are issued, respectively, to the physically handicapped,
faculty and staff, and commuters,
according to their distance from
home, as long as parking space is
available. Special hardship cases
may receive permits by consulting
with the SGA Judiciary Committtee.
This committee also hears all violation appeals.
Any person parking on the campus without a parking permit will
receive a traffic ticket.
Traffic tickets cost $1.00, provided
the ticket is paid or reported to the
SGA secretary within one week of
the date that the ticket is issued.
After the first week the ticket costs

are registered under the disabled
veterans bill, and 469 under the oM
GX Bill for veterans of World
War II.
Dr. R. L. Tuthlll, UK registrar,
said there are 3,049 students on the
campus, a decrease of 60 from last
year's total figure. One hundred
eighteen are enrolled at the College
de- of Pharmacy in Louisville,
crease of 23 from last year.
Two hundred sixty-on- e
are enrolled at the Northern Extension Center in Covington, an increase of 66 over last year. Two
hundred forty-on- e
students are
signed for outside extension courses.
These figures will not be complete
until after tomorrow,' when the
registration period ends.
In all, there are 1585 new students, including both freshman and
transfer students. Dr. Tu thill said.
More than 1200 are freshmen. This
year's new class was expected to
fall below last year's low of 977. Dr.
Tuthill explained, because most of
the current freshmen were born in
1934, the low birth-rat- e
year of the
depression period.
Dean Herman L. Spivey said there
re approximately 625 students enrolled in the Graduate School. This
Includes 500 on the campus and an
estimated 125 students off campus.
Dean Spivey estimated that 100
more graduates will probably register by noon tomorrow.

Conner Writes
About Parole
Of Prisoners

If six or more tickets are Issued
against a person and he does sot
pay his fine or report his ticket, the
sixth ticket and every ticket there-- 1
after will be $5.00 each,
"How to decide which prisoners
All fines .are to be paid to the can safely be paroled" is analyzed
secretary pf .SGA in the Adminis- by John Conner in his sociology
tration Building.
master's thesis.
Studies lika Conner's have been
made in many states. They are carWill
ried out in order to help prison of- flcials and parole boards decide
which prisoners can be safely al1952 Kentuckian will be shipThe
lowed to leave prison before their
ped by the bindery in Klngsport, sentences have expired.
Term., today, and arrangements will
In his thesis Conner comperes
be made for the earliest possible dismen who keep out of trouble while
tribution date.
Kentuckian executives said that on parole with those who commit
new offenses. He finds that men
notice of the distribution plans will
be placed on bulletin boards and who were imprisoned for murder
only about
that further details will be reported and similarlikely to are
a fifth as
commit a new
to the Kernel next week.
put on parole as men who
Meanwhile, the staff of the 1953 crime if
Kentuckian has begun work on the are arrested for fraud or swindling.
Conner states that men living in
next edition of the yearbook which
is now in its second half century of Louisville or Central Kentucky's urpublication. Photography (or the banized areas are more likely to
1953 edition will begin on October 6 commit a new crime while on parole
in the School of Journalism building than those from the rural parts of
in Room 209. Appointment sheets Kentucky. The thesis also states
that the best educated parolees are
will be ready for distribution withthe worst risks on parole, partially
in the next few days.
due to the fact that the best educated ones often have been imprisWBKY oned for fraud, also the men with
the least education come from rural
Will Be Held Oct. 1
areas of the state.
Auditions for campus radio proThe results of Conner's study are
grams over station WBKY will be published by the State Division of
held at 4 p.m. Wednesday in the Probation and Parole. The statisUniversity radio studio in McVey tical part of the study was directed
by Professor C. Arnold Anderson of
Dramatists, vocalists, announcers, the sociology department. Profesdisc jockeys, and pianists are espe- sor Irwin Sanders was
cially needed. Auditions can be ar- for the Social Research Consultaranged by calling University exten- tion Service.
sion 2264.

Ken tuck ians Today

Auditions For

Committees For Student Union
Will Be Selected On Thursday
Students interested in becoming
members of any of the various Stu- dent Union committees are asked to
meet in the Student Union Ballroom
4 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 2. Any stu- dent is eligible to become a member
of any of the committees.
"The Student Union program is
your program." said Miss Margaret
Cruise, social director of the Student
Union, in urging students to attend
the meeting. "You, the students,
plan it, conduct it. and enjoy it,"
she emphasized.
The activities of the Union are
managed by the Student Union
Board, with offices in the Union. The
Board is composed of a maximum of
10 students, two faculty members.
the Dean of Women, the Dean of
Men, the Union Director, and the
Five of the student members are
elected by the student body and the
others are appointed each year by
retiring Board. One of the stu- dent members is elected president

of the Board, and the others are
named chairmen of the various
Union committees.
The Activities Committee handles
most of the activities of the Union
of a general nature. This commit- tee plans sucn inings as music
hours, student-facult- y
bridge lessons and tournaments.
dancing lessons.
Pat Hervey is chairman of the com- mittee.
Carol Milkey is chairman of the
House Committee which acts as of- ficial hosts of the Union. It spon- sors Sweater Swings, open house.
jam sessions, and participate in the
traditional "Hanging of the Greens."
The Coffee Chat sponsors informal
discussions and talks given by out- standing speakers on campus, fol- lowed by coffee periods. Ruth San- der is chairman of this committee.
The Art and Poster Committee
does all the art work connected with
Union publicity and sponsors stu- dent art exhibits in cooperation with

the Art Department. This commit- tee is headed by Joyce Miles,
Skippie Youman is chairman of
the Outing Club which sponsors out- door activities, participates in hikes,
cave explorations, mountain
ing, and cook-out- s.
Ping pong and pool tournaments
are under the direction of the
Sports Committee. It is aL, responsible for supervising play-offor the selection of members of
UKs billiard team who will compete
in the National Intercollegiate Billiard Tournament. Carter Glass is
chairman of this committee.
The Public Relations Committee
is responsible for setting up plans
to improve Union publicity. Each
of the committees will elect a
licity agent w,ho will work with
chairman Emma Belle Barnhiil to
insure that all committee functions
will be properly reported. This com-th- e
mittee also hopes to publish a Student Union newspaper.




Tape 2

UK Is Losing Valuable Men

Because Of Law Faculty Par
And High Salaries Elsewhere
One of the pates barring UK progress was opened
wide last week wlien the Hoard of Trustees voted
in favor of a lxmd issue to finance eight fraternity
houses and a graduate dormitory. Buildings alone,
however, will not insure UK's future.
In the past year the University has lost 38 faculty
members who resigned to accept Ixtter paying jobs
elsewhere in private business, in governmental
service, and at other universities. The pay hike for
men ranged from S4(X) in some cases
io almofi $7,000 in one or two other instances. A
great many of those who resigned were men of
(established academic reputation and their loss will
be felt sorely.
President Donovan, in his report to the Board of
Trustees, presented another set of figures that might
well make Hentuckians ashamed and apprehensive
for the future of their University. Salaries of the
four pay grades instructor, assistant professor, associate professor, and professor were compared
ith the salaries for the same grades at a large
state university.
Tlie smallest difference was found on tlie instructor level. Here the other school paid only $400
more than UK. For the three higlier grades the
discrepancy became more pronounced, ranging
from $1,200 to $1,500 higher at tlie other institution.
ex-U- K



Small wonder then

that other schools look to


tucky when tltcy need faculty replacements.
It's true that UK is in drastic need of additional
housing and classroom space, particularly if the
University's enrollment is on the upswing as all reports seem to indicate. Tlie need for higher teacher
salaries is also severe, for we can hardly hope to
build UK into a truly great university if our better
faculty memlers are lured away from tlie campus
jobs elsewliere.
With one exception all the current building and
a great deal of that which has gone on in the past
and hasn't cost the tax
lias lieen
payers of Kentucky a penny. The exception was the
new men's dormitory. The state was required to
pnt up $500,000 for this building so tlie school could
obtain a federal loan for the balance of tlie construction cost.
Tlie major question of wliere extra money for
higher teacher salaries is coming from can be
answered very concisely a state sales tax. Such a
tax is just alxiut the only avenue for increasing state
funds that we have left.
No, Kentucky cannot lie a greater state without a
greater state University . . . and we cannot have a
greater state University without an adequate and
capable faculty.
high-payin- g

Columnist Predicts A Change
Regardless Of Election Winner
Former Kernel Managing F.ditor

Xo matter who's elected Eisenhower or Steventhe November election will cause a major


change in our federal government.
For the first time in the memory of most college
students, a vote for tlie party in power will not be
a vote for the occupant of the White House. The
President is retiring, an act that was once common but that hasn't lieen repeated since Coolidge
stepped down in 192S.
A look at the records of the six men in this
century who have moved into the White House
behind jnen of their own part)' shows that they
Iiave .all effected changes many of them of major
Of course, radical changes in government seldom
occur while the same party is in power. The conservative xeign of tlie twenties Was initiated when
Republicans took over from the Democrats in 1920.
Tlie switch back to a lilieral government took place
when the electorate put in Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Three of these presidents who succeeded men of
their own party Taft, Harding, and Hoover were
hand picked by tlieir predecessors the other
Roosevelt, Coolidge, and Truman were
elected vice presidents on the same platform and iu
the same elections as their predecessors.
Teddy Joosevelt, installed as