xt75mk654n8f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75mk654n8f/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. Libraries Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1916-02 journals  English University of Kentucky Alumni Association Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus Kentucky Alumnus, vol. 7, no. 4, February 1916 text images Kentucky Alumnus, vol. 7, no. 4, February 1916 1916 1916-02 2012 true xt75mk654n8f section xt75mk654n8f OO       ;  
Margaret L     A   ggyigy
_ Univcrslty oI,Ke;¤»;=,.; n, I
Lumgwn, Kentuiiky #3596
VOL. VII 4 EBRUARY. 1916 N0. 4
Published Monthly by the Unlvenlty of Kentucky, Lexington. Ky. Admitted as secondclass matter
Deeemhcr 28, 1908, at the Postcffice. Lexington, Ky., under the Act of July 16, 1894.

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j  Bulletin of the State University of Kentucky
I).  VOL. VII. FEBRUARY, 1916. N0. 4
  Eniroamn Commem-
 , Announcements ............................ 5
g  Preparedness ............................. 5
E  Farmers’ Week-—Its Significance ................... 5
  Election of Alumni on Board of Trustees ............... 7
Qi  What Are We Coming To?. ...................... 8
  Alumni Dinner. .............................. 9
  Eradication of Commercialized Vice in Lexington. ............. 9
  ` Sketches of the Origin and Growth of State University-—James K. Patterson 10
  Farmers’ Week at Kentucky State. .................... 12
  . WHAT Soma Ama Doma-
  Augustus Owsley Stanley ....................... 16
  Samuel Boin Coleman ......................... 18
  Frank Daugherty ........................... 19
  Fred J . Rankin ............................ 19
  John L. Patterson ........................... 19
 ·g Here and There ............................ 20
  In the Movies ............................... 20
`j  The Alumnm Club of Kentucky State ................... 20
‘ Basket Ball Schedule of 1916. ....................... 21
  Base Ball Schedule of 1915 . ........................ 22
Foot Ball Schedule of 1916 . ........................ 22
Early History of Athletics at Kentucky State-A. M. Miller. ....... 23
  The University .............................. 27
  Student Life. ............................... 30
l Class Secretary Section .......................... 33
\l Alumni Clubs ........................... . . . 39
  Deaths .................................. 40
  The next issue of the Alumnus will appear ln April, 1916.
 {X To Alumni the dues and subscription are $2.00 per year; to former students
 i` and friends, $1.00; single copies, 20 cents.
  J. D. TURNER, Editor.

Alumni Representatives on Board of Trustees
GEoRcE G. BR0cK, London, Ky.
Jo1~1N E. BROWN, Shelbyville, Ky.
PHILIP P. JOHNSTON, JR., Lexington, Ky.
SAMUEL B. MARKS, Lexington, Ky.
JOHN W. Wooos, Ashland, Ky.
General Association
M. E. JOHNSTON, President, Lexington, Ky.
MRS. MARTHA WHITE BLESSING, Vice-President, Swarthmore, Pa.
J. D. TURNER, Secretary—Treasurer, and Editor, The Alumnus, Lexing-
ington, Ky.
Executive Committee
W. E. FREEMAN, Chairman, Lexington, Ky. ,
FRANK BATTAILE, Lexington, Ky. Q
J. W. MCFARLIN, Franklin, Ky. Z
‘ M1ss LUcY K. HUTCHCRAFT, Lexington, Ky. A
MRs. CHARLES J. SMITH, Lexington, Ky. 2
WALLACE HOEING, Louisville, Ky. ·
Class Secretaries  
1915 CLYDE TAYLOR, Nicholasville, Ky. _ Q
1914 R. C. DABNEY, Lexington, Ky., and E. H. NOLLAU, Oflice of Experiment é
Stations, Washington, D. C.  
1913 A. T. BRYSON, Ashland, Ky. +
1912 J. R. DUNCAN, State University, Lexington, Ky. i
1911 OLLINE CRUICKSHANK, Georgetown, Ky. i
1910 D. V. TERRELL, State University, Lexington, Ky. ‘
1909 H. H. LOWRY, 401 Eighth Avenue, LaGrange, Ill.
1908 FRANK BATTAILE, Lexington, Ky.
1907 L. E. HILLENMEYER, Lexington, Ky.
1906 ANNA WALL1s, 326 Aylesford Place, Lexington, Ky.
1905 HARRY EDWARDS, R. F. D., Lexington, Ky.
1904 W. E. FREEMAN, State University, Lexington, Ky.
1903 MARGUERITE MCLAUGHLIN, 226 E. Maxwell St., Lexington, Ky.
1902 T. J. BARR, State University, Lexington, Ky. A
1901 G. H. HAILEY, Cleary-White Construction Co., Chicago, Ill.
1900 L. K. FRANKEL, State University, Lexington, Ky.
1899 GE0RcE ROBERTS, Experiment Station, Lexington, Ky.
1898 HENRY CLAY WILSON, Lexington, Ky.
1897 MARY E. CLARKE, Lexington, Ky.
1896 J. I. LYLE, 39 Cortlandt Street, New York City. _ .
1895 MARY L. DIDLAKE, Experiment Station, Lexington, Ky.
1894 MRs. P. F. KESHEIMER, Madison Place, Lexington, Ky.
. 1893 J. R. JOHNSON, Richmond, Ky.
‘ 1802, 1801 and 1890 (To be selected).
1889, 1888 and 1887 H. E. CURTIS, Experiment Station, Lexington, Ky.
1886 to 1869 A. M. PETER, Experiment Station, Lexington, Ky.
i I

 ‘ Alumni Clubs
1 Birmingham, Alabama.
J. Miles Sprague, ’07, President, Ensley, Ala.
H. J. Wurtele, ,04, Vice-President, Ensley, Ala.
` A. B. Haswell, ’13, Secretary-Treasurer, Ensley, Ala.
Chicago, Illinois.
H. H. Lowry, ,09, President, 401 Eighth Avenue, LaGrange, Ill.
J. B. Sanders, III, Vice-President, IO8 S. Stone Ave., LaGrange, Ill.
F. H. Graham, ’08, Secretary—Treasurer, 204 N. Mason Ave., Chicago, Ill.
Columbus, Ohio.
A. E. Waller, ,14, President, Department of Agronomy, O. S. U., Columbus, O.
Phil E. Richards, ,15, Secretary, Dept. of Agronomy, O. S. U., Columbus, O.
  Cincinnati, Ohio.
  Paul S. Ward, ’98, President, 1646 Cedar Ave., Cincinnati, O.
E W. P. Sayers, Vice-President, 219 W. Fourth St., Cincinnati, O.
  J. J. Thompson, ’03, Secretary-Treasurer, 201 Pearl St., Cincinnati, O.
  Detroit, Michigan.
  J. E. Bolling, ,15, Secretary, 212 Medbury Ave., Detroit, Mich.
  Lexington, Kentucky.
  M. E. Johnston, ’00, President, 230 S. Limestone St., Lexington, Ky.
  S. B. Marks, ’99, Vice-President, 243 Rodes Ave., Lexington, Ky.
{ Margaret McLaughlin, ’o3, Secty., 226 E. Maxwell St., Lexington, Ky.
H Mary L. Didlake, ’95, Treasurer, 481 E. Main St., Lexington, Ky.
i Lexington Alumnae Club.
i Mary E. Clarke, ,97, President, Lexington, Ky.
i Inez Gillis, '13, Vice President, Lexington, Ky.
g Mrs. J. H. Kastle, ,91, Secretary, Lexington, Ky.
i Louisville, Kentucky.
S. L. Pottinger, ,92, President, 627 E. Broadway, Louisville, Ky.
Eugenia S. McCullough, ’o6, Secretary, 2304 Alta Ave., Louisville, Ky.
` Nashville, Tennessee.
i J. M. Foster, ’11, President, 1909 Division St., Nashville, Tenn.
l Eugene Gilliland, ’04, Vice-President, 845 Meridian St., Nashville, Tenn.
John J. Tigert, ’o9, Secretary—Treasurer, 1905 West End Ave., Nashville, Tenn.
New York City.
Perry West, ,01, President, 6 Ninth St., Newark, N. J.
L. L. Lewis, ’07, Vice-President, 39 Cortlandt St., New York.
Chas. White, ’o9, Secretary-Treasurer, 521 West St., New York.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Frank Daugherty, ’01, President, 2109 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.
K. F. Anderson, ’07, Vice-President, University of Pa., Philadelphia.
H. Logan, ,10, Secretary-Treasurer, 1530 S. 55th St., Philadelphia.

 Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.  
~ H. S. Fry, ,04, President, Box 247, Rochester, Pa.  
T D. C. Estill, ,07, Secretary—Treasurer, 1312 Oliver Bldg., Pittsburg, Pa. g
Schenectady, New York.  
C. M. Roswell, ’08, President, 724 Brandywine Ave., Schenectady, N. Y. `
L. C. Hardesty, ,12, Secretary, 2I Royle St., Schenectady, N. Y.
South Africa.
H. W. Taylor, ’06, President, Rustenburg, Transvaal, South Africa.
]. du P. Oosthuizen, ,12, Secretary—Treasurer, Vredefort, O. F. S., South Africa.
St. Louis, Missouri.
A. C. Ball, ’11, President, 721 Chemical Bldg., St. Louis, Mo.
Washington, District of Columbia.  
P. M. Riefkin, ’o6, President, Department of Interior, Bureau of Mines, Wash-  
ington, D. C.  
W. G. Campbell, ’02, Vice—President, Department of Agriculture, Bureau of E
Chemistry, Washington, D. C.  
F. H. Tucker, ’o9, Secretary, Chemist, Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C.  
——i—— Q
It is no small job or item of little expense and time consuming to keep the {
alumni directory correct and up to date. This would be a comparatively easy g
task with proper co-operation from you. Whenever you change your address, Q
you should notify the Secretary at once. The addresses of the following are  
unknown to the Secretary and any information concerning them will be appre—  
ciated. ,
Moses S. Cole, 78. Charles R. Wright, ’05. l
Caleb S. Perry, ,79. Coleman C. Cartwright, ’o6. g
X Henry M. Wright, ’79. R. E. Dragoo, ’06.  
Q R. B. Walker, ’89. W.H. Magee, ’06.  
` Margaret Wilson, '90. Fanny Weir (Mrs. H. VVilson) ’o6. §
John G. Maxey, ’92. Mary L. Bagby, ,07.  
U. A. Garred, ’94. Florence M. Maddocks, ’o7.
B. C. Keiser, ’94. Wm. O. Alden, ’08.
W. C. Trigg, ’94. Russell H. Guerrant, ’o8.
Leslie Hundley, ’00. T. ]. Orr, ,09.
. T. A. Jones, ’oo. F. M. Wheat, ’o8.
. Thomas B. Moore, ’01 L. D. Wallace, ’o9.
W. H. Perkins, ’01. S. W. Salyers, ’10.
` U. A. Hatfield, ’o2. Hal W. Smith, ’10.
. T. F. Finneran, ’03. J. A. Boyd, ’11.
, Edward Rand, ’03. john Rogers, ’I1.
; R. H. Arnett, ’o4. ]. D. McMurtry, ,12.
· Lillian Austin, ’o4. R. A. Robinson, ’12,
J W. D. Gray, ’o4. L. D. Covitz, ’13.
» Nancy B. Buford, ’04. Shimegora Kurozawa, 'I3.
{ F. Y. Johnson, '04. Roy H. Thomas, ’13.
C. F. Pearce, 'o5. Wm. C. Croft, ’14.
1 Herman F. Scholtz, 'o5. Lester W. Grady, ’15.

0 O
Editorial Comment
i It is part of the plan to make the June issue of The Alumnus primarily an
g Alumni Directory. In order to make this possible and make it reasonably cor-
rect and worth while, it is necessary to have proper and correct data. It there-
fore places upon every alumnus the duty to furnish proper data about himself
or herself, as the editor has no other way under the sun to obtain this informa-
tion except from you, yourselves. The directory will be no better than you will
help to make it.
=•= =•= =•= * =•=
The Alumnus has been sent regularly to every alumnus for the past year.
VVe trust it has interested you in some way. We desire to improve it and make
it more creditable and interesting. We cannot do this without your assistance.
We want and must have your co·operation to make the publication the success
Q that we would have it and what you would like to see it.
Our only source of funds is the annual dues. These dues must cover the
expenses of the entire Association and The Alumnus. A great many have not
paid any dues. Those who have not paid and still wish to receive The Alumnus
1 should send in their dues at once.
=•= * »= * =•·
l A good farmer always plans ahead his farming
"Propnrednen" operations and knows what fields will be occu-
pied by the various crops for years to come, and
what disposition he will probably make of his products. A good business man
knows his resources and the capacity of his working force to do business, and
plans accordingly. The good general knows the relative strength of his army
and the ability of his officers and he stations his divisions where they will be
most effective for offensive and defensive work. A good foot ball captain
knows the strength of his team·—the form of each man, his strong and weak
points, and his knowledge of the game. He further knows something of the
strength of his opponents before his team meets them and he places his men and
directs his play to meet the opposition to the best advantage.
What is true of the farmer, the business man, the army general, the foot
ball captain, should be true of a state educational institution. So it should be

l with Kentucky State. There has not been a time in the history of the Univer- `
l sity when a definite and tangible program or plan was made by the University
. authorities to present to the legislature for action. There may have been times
l when some sort of plans-more than likely defensive ones—were made, but the
l subordinates, the alumni and friends of the institution knew nothing about them
l until the enemy was upon them and a cry for help came forth, when every
l subordinate, alumnus and friend was expected to rally to the help of the author-
f ities, whether he knew anything about the institution or not. This is all wrong.
{ The University should be in a position never to be on the defensive, but on the
1 contrary on the aggressive, for its work is aggressive in its nature. Its purpose
g is to build, not to tear down; to seek and disseminate knowledge, not to become
` dormant and stagnant.
  Kentucky State should assume leadership in these forward movements. In ,
her organization, she should plan a constructive program and utilize her forces .
g to effect bigger and better things for the University and the State educationally. l
Q She should not everlastingly be on the defensive. There should not be so much i
» secret diplomacy. Everything should be frank, open and above board and the {
whole University force, alumni and friends taken into confidence by the Uni-  
  versity authorities.  
_   There can never be any constructive work done in Kentucky State until `
  there is internal harmony, confidence and mutual respect and regard, if you  
_   please. There is no room in any university for any man or clique with personal  
  ambition to promote.  
_ j =•< * =i< * =•< I
l   The first "Farmers’ Week" was held at the Uni- i
‘   versity in january, 1911. It has become an an-  
  F'""°"' w°°k_n' Si““m°"“°° nual event of great importance to the farmers  
  and to the University.  
. : Farmers' Week had its origin in the organization of the State Corn Growers’ E
. ; Association, in the constitution of which it was provided that its annual meet- ‘
ing and com show should be held at the College of Agriculture. With this or-
A ganization as a nucleus other farmers’ organizations began having their annual
` meetings at the same time at the University. The following organizations meet
· during Farmers’ Week: The Corn Growers’ Association, The Swine Breeders’
, Association, The Kentucky Dairy Cattle Club, The Beef Cattle Breeders’ Asso-
ciation, Kentucky Horse, jack and Mule Breeders’ Association, The Sheep
Breeders’ Association, The Alfalfa Growers’ Association, The State Horticul-
§ tural Society, The Bee—Keepers’ Association, The Marketing Conference, and
the Home Economics Club.
`l These meetings now bring to the University during the first week in jan-
  uary no less than 1,000 farmers from all sections of Kentucky. Who can
;` prophesy the number they will bring in future years if they keep growing in
interest, which they surely will? Problems of vital interest to the various as-
> sociations are discussed in both their practical and scientific phases. Farmers

; of the different sections of the State come to know each other better, and there
i is growing out of these meetings a broader conception of the common interests
i of the farmers of the State, which is fast bringing about the spirit of co-opera-
tion that is so necessary to the solution of the many difficult problems that con-
front the farmer. The farmers of the State are fast learning that their salva-
tion lies in the standardization of their products, and a knowledge of how to
prepare and market these products to the best advantage and without such a
vast toll being paid out between the producer and the ultimate consumer. The
farmer is of course learning all the time how to produce larger crops at a lower
cost, but this will avail him little if he cannot market them to advantage. The
very fact that a group of the best farmers are getting together and discussing
all the various problems of production and marketing means that the leaven
; will spread and finally leaven the whole lump. In no state do we believe these
i progressive ideas are taking hold upon the farmers more rapidly than in
What is the significance of Farmers’ Week to the University, and to the
' College of Agriculture in particular?
i The fact of a large body of intelligent farmers meeting annually at the Uni-
i versity means that they will have livelier interest and greater conhdence in its
  work. It means that more of their sons and daughters will becomeits students.
l It is devoutly hoped that their visits to the University will impress upon them
Q the necessity for relieving the University of its cramped conditions as to build-
l ings and equipment.
  The fact that there is no hall on the campus large enough to accommodate
. the meetings of the various associations, and that visitors have difficulty in
* finding the various meeting places scattered over the campus in classrooms and i
` other out-of-the—way places, ought to make an impression that will some day
. bear good fruit.
  The influence that these meetings have upon the development of the agricul-
, ture of the State, and upon the development of the College of Agriculture and
l Experiment Station, and through them of the whole University, can hardly be
Farmers} Week is one of the nxed institutions of the agriculture of the
=•< =•= * * *
Nomination ballots have been sent out by the
El¤¤¢i¤¤ ¤f A|¤¤¤¤i ¤¤ B¤·¤·d Secretary of the Board of Trustees, Judge W. T.
°f T"‘"°°°' Lafferty, to the alumni for the purpose of mak-
ing nominations from which selections will be made to Hll the expiring terms
of Samuel B. Marks and John W. Woods. Marks and Woods were elected to
the short terms of two years at the last election and the election now is for
the full terms of six years. From the list of nominations, the four receiving
the highest number of votes will be selected as nominees to be voted upon in

j the final election, the two receiving the highest number of votes will be the
' successful ones. Each alumnus has a right to nom1nate two.
jl No one will be eligible for election by the alumni who is not a graduate of
I. the University and thirty years of age.
ll No disposition has been made of the place to which Mr. Lyle was elected
  at the last election. It will be recalled that Mr. Lyle was elected to a four
  year”s term on the Board, but was refused his Commission by the Governor,
  the reason given being that he was not a resident of the State. Some legal
  steps were taken to require the Governor to issue the Commission, but the mat-
gf ter was halted and it stands in this position now. The Executive Committee
  of the Board of Trustees takes the position that it can do nothing unil Mr.
ii Lyle aserts his rights or gives up his claim. This matter should be cleared
  up in some way so that the purpose of the law may be carried out and the Uni-
  versity receive the service of this alumni trustee.
  The position of trustee is an importnat one—one that requires a great deal j
W of time and thought. Qualification, therefore, should govern in making the  
i selection. It is the right as well as the duty of every alumnus to vote. We  
‘ should select alumni with broad vision, judgment and grasp, and with good  
, hearts as well as good heads. It is truly hoped that with past experience we ~
‘ may exercise our right and duty with the very best that the sober judgment
  of an awakened and enlightened alumni body is capable of doing.
it =•< =•= =•¤ =•= ,
  Just as The Alumnus goes to press, the Court of `
  wh.; Ar, w, Coming 11,;: Appeals refuses to reopen the Food and Drug
j case in which it had only a short time ago de-
_ _; clared the appropriation of thirty—thousand dollars carried by the Food and Drug
  law unconstitutional on the grounds that the title was defective in as much as it
,   did not declare the purpose of the money to be used. By this decision, the Ex-
‘   periment Station loses thirty-thousand dollars annually and the Food and Drug
  law is without financial support.
'° Following on the heels of this decision, bills have been introduced in the
is Senate transferring the Fertilizer and Feeding Stuffs work from the Experiment
,, Station to the Commissioner of Agriculture, Frankfort, Kentucky. If these bills
i are approved by the Legislature, they will take from the Experiment Station
an additional sum of sixty-thousand dollars annually, greatly impair its useful-
§_ ness and place the regulatory work of the Fertilizer and Feed Control laws in
,g politics. It further means that these laws which have been administered effi-
  ciently and economically and to the best interest of the people of the State and
`i the manufacturers, will be handled in a manner whereby these things will be a
  secondary matter in the hands of the politician.
~ z
Wl  ..

Following up the success of last year, the Faculty has appointed Professors
Noe, Tuthill and Weaver a committee to open registration headquarters and
arrange for a reunion and dinner during the meeting of the Kentucky Edu-
cational Association at Louisville, April 19-22. I
Last year, nearly 125 alumni and former students registered, while 77 were
present at the dinner and voted unanimously to make it an annual affair. De-
tails are not yet known, but the dinner will probably be given at the Watterson
, on Thursday night of that week. All alumni, former students and friends of
{ the University will find this a most attractive opportunity for mutual profit and
g alumni enthusiasm.
The effort to wipe out commercialized vice in Lexington is succeeding even
better than those who hoped for the best were anticipating. The county and city
Q officials are co-operating with the Social Hygiene Commission and the "Red
` Light" district is gone and legalized vice is not tolerated in any part of the city
any longer.
The Social Hygiene Commission, of which Mr. George R. Hunt is chairman,
and on which the State University has a representative, is the successor to the
Vice Committee. This committee had experts from the American Social Hy-
giene Association brought to Lexington and an investigation was made along
the lines used so efficiently in other cities all over the country.
The result of this investigation was the passage of the new Vice Ordinances
by our City Commissioners and these are now being enforced—not in a make-
believe manner—but are really being enforced.
The Vice Commission, having done the work well that it was appointed to
do, was discharged and the Social Hygiene Commission was appointed to follow
up the work and to continue to co-operate with the city and county oiiicials.
A mass meeting was held at the Court House January 18, in response to a
call from this Commission, at which the Chairman, Mr. Hunt, made a report
of what has already been done and then a discussion was entered into as to
what must be done yet and how best to do it.
President Barker was one of the principal speakers at this meeting and the
friends of the State University will rejoice at the progress made in this great

 { rl
  Beginning in September, 1861, I took charge of what was left of Transyl-
  vania. Early in 1862, we were required by the Federal authorities to vacate
it Morrison College, which they immediately occupied as a hospital. We removed
  to the Medical College building, which stood on the northwest corner of Second
gi and Broadway. During the summer vacation, Confederate troops under Gen-
  eral Kirby Smith occupied Central Kentucky with Lexington as headquarters.
ll They took possession of the Medical College, as well as Morrison College, using
· l them for hospitals. After the evacuation of Kentucky by General Smith and its
if  re—occupation by Federal troops, the Medical College burned down. The Trus-
Y   tees of Transylvania obtained the use in successsion first of the basement of the
Lg Market Street Presbyterian Church; second of the building on Market Street,
  adjacent to the Episcopal Church; lastly, they fitted up the small one—story brick
  building in Gratz Park used until then by the janitor. In it the High School
  was carried on until Iune, 1865, when Transylvania ceased to exist either as a
  University or High School; why will appear subsequently.
ll, Bacon College was established by the Christian Church in 1836 at George-
  town. In 1839, it was removed to Harrodsburg. Its growth was retarded by an
  inadequate income. Mr. Iohn B. Bowman, a wealthy and well educated farmer
Ii, of Mercer County, undertook to raise the necessary funds for the endowment
I ‘, and equipment of a college commensurate with the needs of a vigorous, aggres-
;   sive and growing Christian community. He raised $200,000, obtained a new
I   charter in 1858, which virtually reorganized the institution and changed its name
  from Bacon College to Kentucky University. The income from $200,000, to-
,] - gether with the fees charged, provided for the maintenance of a faculty equal
il in numbers to that of the best Western colleges of the day. In this respect, it
  was fully abreast of any college in Kentucky or of any of the adjacent states.
li} Though the new institution bore the name of UNIVERSITY, it did nothing
1; more than COLLEGIATE work. There was, properly speaking at that time,
  no university west of the Alleghenies.
  The Kentucky University was governed by a Board of Curators, the original
  members of which were named in the charter. The Board was self-perpetuating
  and two-thirds of the members of the Board were required to be members of
  the Christian Church. The University opened auspiciously in September, 1858,
{ij and had a prosperous career until 1864, when its buildings were burned. It was
  then a question whether they should rebuild in Harrodsburg or seek a location _
ill elsewhere. just then conditions arose which induced Mr. Bowman to look i
`jl towards Lexington. {
ll I
.51 '
All 1
ll . 3
all l
rl l

Transylvania University had ceased to be either a college or a university.
It had an endowment of $60,000, ample and beautiful grounds, a iine old build-
ing, a good library and a fairly good chemical laboratory, While looking toward
Lexington for a future site for Kentucky University, another factor was begin-
ning to come into the field of view and to attract attention.
An act of Congress, known as the Morrill Act, approved ]uly 2, 1862, gave
to each state in the Union thirty (30,000) thousand acres of public lands for
each Senator and Representative in Congress "for the endowment, support and
maintenance of at least one college where the leading object shall be, without
excluding other scientific and classical studies and including military tactics, to
teach such branches of learning as are related to agriculture and the mechanic
arts in such manner as the legislatures of the states may respectively prescribe
in order to promote the liberal and practical education of the industrial classes
in the several pursuits and professions of life."
i The act makes instruction in those branches of learning related to agricul-
ture and the mechanic arts obligatory. It also makes instruction in military
tactics obligatory. _It makes the inclusion of other scientific and classical
studies permissive, optional, with the states. The states may, out of this Morrill
fund, establish and maintain an Agricultural and Mechanical College only, or
they may make the Agricultural and Mechanical College the nucleus of a Uni-
versity organization which shall include agriculture and mechanics as one of its
colleges. Eleven or twelve of tl1e states maintain out of this fund Agricultural
and Mechanical Colleges only. The majority of the states have built and main-
tain universities on the basis of the land grant act of 1862, some of which are
among the best universities in America. These institutions have in their facul-
ties many men of distinction, men of ablity and scholarship.
When the Morrill Act passed Congress, the country was in the midst of the
great Civil War. Educational matters occupied their attention but little. In
1864, the Trustees of Transylvania, in which the state had a controlling in-
terest, offered to the Legislature of Kentucky the endowment, grounds and build-
ings of Transylvania University as a site for the Agricultural and Mechanical
College of Kentucky, thus combining the old State interest in Transylvania with
the new institution which was to come into being and placing all the State in-
terests in higher education under one management. A bill for the consolidation
of Transylvania with the Agricultural and Mechanical College passed one House
of the General Assembly, but was not acted upon in the other.
After an existence of sixty-one years of success, followed by decline and
ultimately by collapse, Transylvania with all its valuable assets was only a name,
ready to be incorporated or absorbed in any institution which could infuse life
and vigor into its inert mass. Its Trustees were ready to turn over its trusts
i to any eligible successor.
At this juncture, Kentucky University was ready to rise again like the
  Phoenix from its ashes and to take on new life either at Harrodsburg or else-
{ where and at this point the future Agricultural and Mechanical College was
' ·

 2 yl
:,. J 
  ready to enter upon existence either as a self—contained entity, independent and
 Q self-reliant, or in alliance with some other educational enterprise.
.  Mr. John B. Bowman saw his opportunity and was not slow to avail him-
JQ  self of conditions as he found them.
i  (T0 be continued in Chapter III.)
  Farmers’ Week was the most successful series of meetings ever held at the ~
  College of Agriculture. About 1,500 persons were in attendnace at one time or
.;, other during the week. Reduced rates were secured over the various railroads,
  speakers of note addressed the several conferences, attractive exhibits were
  shown, and no effort was spared to crowd the week with suggestions and in-
.   struction of great value to the farmer. The excellent work of the College of
  Agriculture and the Experiment Station was heartily endorsed and commended
  by all of the Associations.
all: Twelve state·wide organizations participated in the various exercises of
Q   Farmers’ Week, namely: the Kentucky Beef Cattle Breeders’ Association, the
  .;* Kentucky Alfalfa Growers’ Association, the Kentucky Poultry Association, the
    Kentucky Swine Breeders’ Association, the State Beekeepers’ Association, the
    Kentuclcy Horse Breeders’ Association, the Kentucky Com Growers’ Associa-
  tion, the State Horticultural Society, the Kentucky Sheep Breeders’ Association,
  the Kentucky Dairy Club, the Kentucky Home Economics Association, and the
ll]; Conference on Marketing.
li`; The annual meeting of the Kentucky Beef Cattle Breeders’ Association was
f   held in the University Chapel on Tuesday, January 4th. By actual count 250
  persons attended this meeting, which was the largest and most enthusiastic ever
  held in the history of this Association. It had been arranged to have Governor
` i Stuart, of Virginia, a prominent beef cattle man, deliver the principal address.
  On account of illness, however, he found it impossible to be present. He mani-
  fested his interest in the work of the Association and in the problems confront-
  ing the feeders of beef cattle by sending to the Association a night letter of 950
jg words, in which he outlined his views on the beef cattle industry of the United
  States. Professor H. P. Rusk, of the University of Illinois, and Mr. Carl N.
`{ Chaney, of Bowling Green, Kentucky, gave most valuable and instructive ad-
  dresses at this meeting. .
  The Alfalfa Growers' Association is one of the youngest organizations rep- “
pi resented at Farmers’ Week. The last two or three years, however, have wit- “
gi nessed such an increase in the interest taken in alfalfa production that the meet- ’
  ing was well attended. About 125 persons listened to the live discussions upon li
at production, use- and marketing of this valuable crop. Mr. H. H. Garner, of l
  Henderson, was elected President; John Field, of Versailles, and W. P. Givens,  
· f
C?. i
Egill `.
 il il

of Stanford, Vice Presidents; Mr. T. R. Bryant, of Lexington, Secretary and
The Kentucky State Poultry Associa