xt75mk654m79 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75mk654m79/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1951 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 02, no. 22, 1951 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 02, no. 22, 1951 1951 1951 2012 true xt75mk654m79 section xt75mk654m79 %  
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The 1951 National Champions!
I I  
 Iume XXII May, I95I Number 2 N

1 They Ihwe Earned Their "L " For Loyalty
A he Ker
 fficial Qrga:
the Univieg
· 1. terly on 4
. . . . . . i¤¤*¤¤· Sul
Not much time remains lor those loyal alumni who wish to participate lll  ?l°}n£’{§g;l;°;fi
the annual giving program, to send in their contributions before the close of
t d Se
the hscal year on May 31.   rigging
· · act of Marc
Contributions have not come in in the amount and numbers in which they  M, G_ Kjng _
. . · - L M Cl '
lli1\’€ l)€€Il 1`€COl‘d€(l 1I`l lO1"Ill€l` y€2ll`S, Zllltl lllll€SS 21 Ill.lllll)€I` ot YOU send 1l'l yOUl`  rgferitte  
. . . . . .. . . .. Ad  
checks belore the deadline, 1t is possible that the 1950-’nl annual giving program H ams
will fail. These contributions are used to establish scholarships for worthy EXECE
freshmen students, and it is our belief that this one project of the Alumni As- dgeglwin R.
, . . . . . · · ·  °n· y* _
sociation more than justifies the raison d’etre ol the organization. PLEASE  isa Rtlgllez
_ _ _ _ _ _  · egus , ou;
¤ . DON’T PROCRASTINAT E! bend in your contribution now so that the an GA Kirg
, . . . .  we ve.,
· 1950- 51 giving program will T€2lCll IIS qllO[2l. .1e A. Slgvel
`  thletics, . 0
 ner L. Baker,
' ‘ ` (term expires
R. Dawson,
 lres 1952)
_ _ — Lee McClain,
,  ires 1952) .
i . Ben H. Cc
—  uisville (ter:
 llert H. Hiller
 es. Lexington
·  . John N. l
laysville (terr
·  shall Barnes,
·  wensboro (tei
D. Palmore.
· ugteeslls
· on vans,
"  ’ A. Huguele
  (Board of Trus
2; Steizlien Véatki
 .  n imme iate
fi  guerite McLa
  Mr. and Mrs. James P. Glenn ......... Kuttawa. Kentucky Washington Alumni Club  me member h
  Lewis Bigger-stars, Hardy Mig. Co. ........ Pendleton, Ind. L. F. Colbert. 1931 ‘K’ St., N.W. ........ Washington. UC-  `E§§;§°   W1
{Ev  James Shropshire, Royster Road .... Lexington, Kentucky G. Steele Callison, Oak Hill Drug C0. .... Oak Hill. W·V¤·  esta T}-argggé
  Clayton Cruise, Jr. .................. Lexington, Kentucky Dr. W. Landon Smith, 237 2nd St. ......... Henderson, KM  Kinston (1950
  Sam Manly, Kentucky Home Life Bldg. .... Louisville, Ky. J. J. Fitzpatrick, Armstrong Cork Co. . ..... Lancaster, P¤· APPOD
i l' Robert H. Hillenmeyer, Georgetown Rd. .. Lexington, Ky. Howard F. Brown, 921 Rogers Court .... Waukegan, Illin0iS  im H Tow
Esther Vaughn Nevitt, 1603 Fairway ....... Lexington, Ky. Ewell W. Hatfield. 809 Peoples Bldg. .... Charleston, W·V¤·  ldg., Léxingtoi
` Martha E. Shindelbower, Rt. I, Bx 366 . Independence, Ore. Mr. Charles A. Paynter, 2908 Avon Rd. .... Louisville, KY·   MYQYS. Jr.,
A. D. Kirwan, Dean of Students ........ University of Ky. Mrs. John J. Dunlap, 414 Penn. Ct. ........ Lexington. KY· 1 WA Dam E
J. Carlisle Myers, Jr., 319 Holliday Rd. .... Lexington, Ky. Bertram L. Klein, Rye Rydge Pl. .... Harrison, New Y0\'k  xinghm g '
Maclileen Small, 2517 39th St. N.W. ...... Washington, D.C.  -   Buuofik.
imcinnati, Ohic
_ Rankin, Stanl
 7 Hard Barker, l
. Q .  Cecil Willian
 K0 B d
` _anki0Ii·£l. yKy§t‘
’ 5 R. Kilgus-ii
 ll C¤unty-E
 ¤¤ ¤¤¤¤»y`1$
  H ¥ X E iw
_ 1 E 

ly- CKY
B 1 _ · . .
he Kentucky Alumnus Bgriixi (§;>L¤;1;‘1t$i—Ke{th Ke1ley,W1ckl1Ee Muhlenberg County-!-Iamilton Duncan,
Bath C t yGBas11 Preston, Glasgow Greenville
oun y— eorge Gibson. Owingsville Nelson County—Beam`s S I B d-
·Cia1 Or an of the Alumni Association BEM C°“my`R· H— Bgifker. Pineville town 1 amue S ar
 ffl g Bourbon C0 t B · ·
the University of Kentucky published B k un Y- 3S1lH&yd?ll, Pans Nicholas County—Pat Conley, Carlisle ’
E cam us of the Universit at rac en _C0unty·—Ruchard Wxlhs, Bradford Northeastern .—P ` '
 yterly on th p y, B k Ky aul Klnhalfd, 1108 Bath
 ingtom Subscriptions to non-members, fc mndge C°U¤l·Y—F!'€d Peters, Hardins- Ave__ Ashland
0D_ Membership (Type A) in the Associa- Callggell C t _ Ohio C0unty—Whayne Priest, Hartford
 n includes subscription to the AlumnuS_ C 1_ OUYI y—L0wry Cgldwell, Prmceton Owen Cou¤ty—E. G. Traylor, New Liberty
L Czilfg? g§lli*I?t?'—_I1;€%Dh §{d1‘{s1`;E’€0¤, ékrlinggou Perry C0unty—M. K. Eblen, Hazard
— on . one, a r P‘k ‘ ‘ ‘
, md as Second Class Maw at the pm Casey C°u¤l·Y—G€01`g€ Nome, ubm§° °“ pL.5&ff°E‘3L¥.Eli’?£§ipl”‘BY"‘3§;.£°.Lk°§2£}$.tO¤
 ice at Lexington, Ky., May 22, 1929, under Chrltop C0¤.mty—Char1es Lutrell, Albany Pulaski C0unty—J0hn Prather. Bicx 106,
 act of March 3, 1879. C}`g:)%l@;S5%unty—Edward T. Breathitt, Jr., Somerset
—— _ _ 1 € R b t C — . .
G King Editor Ch.r1st1an C01mty—Jesse Keith: Hopkinsville clbllxstcm mmty Ray N Dryden, Mt
*3;. Mcolam 1ii1ig111111°iviah‘sgi‘ae nam €l§§"C$3‘.1?$lE2‘i? §¥§§‘$§’ §f;’,§il§ii§Z§ R“{?§‘i2§""’ °°“'“"R“d°"’“ B“’“e“’ R°“"°
 {gum-ite MeLaughlm   ASS0¤1at€ Edin)? Clinton County-Charles Lhttrell Alban Russell Cou t · Oth ll G k' R H
 yl Adams .......... Vxtal Statistics Editor Crittenden County Louis D Chi Y , . "‘ F` E E as m$· USSE
- . pps, Marmn Snrmgs
—- Cvgmblerlaxgg C¤unty—Les1ie M o C o m a s , Sao?) C%mty—J.FC. McKnight, Georgetown
gr ESVI e e y ounty— rench Smoot, Shelbyville
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Daviess C0unty—WilIiam Gant, Masonic Bldg., Simpson C0unty—W00dr¤w Coots, Franklin
dge Edwin R_ Demwy, pl-eside¤t-Mt_ Ver- E (3‘Hegsbozio St h R I r'ipe1ixcerCC0unty;IHar01c{Q Lgve,u'}'a5gorsv;11e
V _Ky_ 51 ' DUH y— ep en ice, rvine Hy O1' Ou¤Iy— arry . mi , amp ells-
 {gg P, Hillen, Klee President.—17th and Flgmme C0unty—Dr. C. D. Blair, Fiemmgs- T Eglec t L W bb G th _
rb gust, Louisvi e urg 0_ 0¤¤ Y- OEM 6 . U Ne
we (;_ King, ·Exeoutive Secretax·y—522 Floyd C0unty—R0bert Wellman, Prestonsburg TI"}`“bl€ COu¤tY—J· G- DY€· Bedford _
 me Ave., Lexington Franklin C0u¤ty—Edwa1-d Bennett, Frankfort q’“°" C°““tY`Sam M°Ek'°Y· M°¥'€¤¤f1€1d
, jg A, Shively, Treasurer-D€PHThT\€¤t of Fulton C0unty—Ernest Fall, Jr. Fulton w;§r?ri BCO`imty?;Pmst'°¤ Cherrh hem
»__fK_ ¤ _, ’ oe, owing ren
 ng-Eljllzatllertj 224; Rutherford Ave., Louis- `:?g3;gSt€;:Ounty MISS Iona M0m'g°m€ry’ Wgshingiégarad Cc>unt5?—Char1es J. Haydon,
 me (term expires 1951) _ Graves Ccunty—Sam D. Neely, Mayfield prmg le -
1. eg S, Shropslure, Route 4. LBX1¤8t¤¤ Grayson County—Marshal1Hea1·in, Leitchfield éyligiéer %%ur;:€]—Ig¥°ld Qgadgg Pgovldewi
(team e£’cp1resh19;1) _ K (t _ Hancock County-—Har1·y Black, Hawesville lpmgimrgu y` Hm ‘ en am· 1 `
 ug as ar1‘1S . 81*15. Y-» erm €XD¤'€$ Hardin C0u¤ty—R0bert McNamara, Eliza- " ' .
 951, bethtown W0lie—Eve1·ett Mxller, Camptoxj.
R, Dawson, Bloomfield, Ky., (term BX- Harlan C0unty—Ted Creech, Twila Woodfolld C°Lmty_J°hn W' W1l1m°tt’ JT"
 ires1952) Harrison C0unty—J. Milburn Taylor, Cyn- Versailles
Lee McClain, Bardstown, Ky. (term ex- thiana Greater Cincinnati—Leon McCrosky, 21 Glen-
 ires 1952) » _ Hart- C0u¤ty—R. W. Poynter, Horse Cave WHY. FL Thomas _
.Ben1H. Colhngs. 220l?l9g$wberg Road. Henderson Cou¤ty—Cove Heilbronner, Hon- C1g€ag0—Prest0n H. Wxlliams, 29 S. LaSalle
 uisvile (term expires derson .
pmldu. _Hii1enn;;zyer, Hillenmiggzr) Nurse- gon};-y C01éntyTO.JL. 1YIrcg1my, Eminelnce New ifgrlizgiigyjghiflgi HNC$¤r1;;[ % Traffic
es, exmg on erm expires m - ,J __ (3* t or , . n ., . . .
. John N. Browning, Edgemont Road. Hl>(lakir?s¤C<;)1llrl\t3;,—J¢?l$n   458 Elnstgou Washingwn. D-C·—A. M. Edwards. Jr-. 4428
 aysville (term expires 1953) sz., Madxsonvxm Di- 3f€thN?f-H Aginguvg. LM 3 b
shall Barnes, Owensboro National Bank. Jgfferggn (jo;m|;y—w_ Howard Clay, 803 Ky_ e rci, ic .— ac er ins, 2261 Au urn
 wensbcro (term expires 1953) Home Life Bldg., Louisville Drive. BiI`mi¤gham· Mich- l
D.lPa;m¤re. Frankfort, Ky. (Board of Jessimine C0unty—Wils¤n Rom, Nicholas- 1§;$*§é=_;1§}§;¥¤$\$5§i;V1n$DA>wEg}§;33%- géstcii
V us ees vi] E _— . , 1-1 o
· ¤¤¤ Evans. Pineville. Ky· iB¤¤rd ¤f Johnson C0unty—Mrs. Alpharetta Archer, R¤¤d. Abmgtcn. Pa.
, stges) Pamtsvme Atlanta—Hugh Adcock, 539 Hurt Bldg.
{ A. Huguelat. Barrow Road. Lexington Knox County—Barnard McKeehan, Barbour- New Or1°a"s· La?·`Ch“1€s A· C“’pp°"· 6222
Board of Trustees) _ ville Wadslvorth Drive ,
Sl€Dl1€I1 \VH£kiI1S, 145 E. High SZ., Lexing- Knott C0unty_D1._ D_ G_ Barker, Hindman ChlC3g0 club meets th1Td_MDnday 0f each
 ¤ limmediate pas; president) La;-oe County—Stanley A. Hager, Hodgenville g‘°“gh 2;‘;‘¥;‘· its tif £“‘1d°"s Club (HSL
 guemte McLaughlm, 225 E. Maxwell St., Lam-E] Cmmty_MiSs Lek, Mason, London _ Was}? t b ¤ 3 e C1·b ts d
~ e onorar - s omsa · · ·
Me memb r h y) _ Lawrence County George R. Burgas , L ng °n f h “ time s°°°“
DC -G¤¤rge H. Wilson, 200 N. Upper St., (hfe Lee county-D. C. Anderson, Beattyville W°d“?Sday ° eac m°“ · “°°“· A“'
ny I I  €mb€¥`» h0¤0l`&I'y) Leslie Couniy-Denver Adams, Hyder; ,“aP°hSt_H0f€1· t f_ t T f h
· W·Va·  SM Travelstead. 521 Henry Clay Blvd., Lewis County—Charles staggs, Vanceburg C’“°m'“" I   ub mee S Hs . “°sdaY ° °“°
an, xw-  Maron mso senior class representative) Lincoln C0u¤ty—R0bert Baughmn, stanford ms>¤th· 12-15 vm- HMI S¤¤*¤¤·
_ · · Lcuxsvxlle Club meets every Monday, noon, _
my pa_ Logan County Gl'8l’lVlllE Clark, Russe1lv11le _
ull Dis APPOINTIVE MEMBERS Lyon C0unty—J. Phillip Glenn, Kuttavyal Old House- Flfth SL
vglnv;4.  lim EL ·T°wnS°“d’ Bank °f C°mm°r°° Mggr?§k§¤BSg;ng&IO%;c§¥g§§burn' Cmzens Executive Committee meets second Monday
lie   C·%llY€;;Hl7??!?319 Holliday Road Lexi¤g— NTCCILHFY C¤“¤tY‘C··'W· Hume- Stearns night of each mém]th'· §9I§ember ugmugh U
’ ,  ¤ ’ McLean County—Chax·1es Gatton. Sacramento ga€’·I 6-30 p·m· 0 Oma °°m· La ayette
°“&Kj};  Y_W· Daingeriield, 437 W, Second sp, II:/I/Iag0ffix&:C0L1nty-1;—L1itl(ger Ricei Sb:-§r;;*gr1sv111e ° 6-
·" °  "‘"g‘°¤ “i°" °““ y— au “’°"s· ·° M b s N r a1Ed't0r`al As oc r
 mC§ing;}l1<3¤ll;b603 Dixie T€Tmi¤a1 B1dE·· %;;i§1*gT$§;“§gig‘ lggqer Mmen Benton em e;{¢;)ntucEl<;,·OIl¤*ress lfkssgciatioix la mn
R k‘ ’ C t -W`1lj D. Calvert, Maysville  *T7 ‘_r
 ?¤"é’§&££"{»‘}£.‘1w§£; Ky, $2532 C‘2,`i.’}.§-“?m{’;‘§. Hm-y Allen, Bm- _ _ _
·C€¤il Williams, 134 Maple sp, Somerset, denburg t F _ 1 C B _1 F n h Uruversltv Of K€nluCk\‘ alumru clubs
"  M `f C y— mrc . a1ey, re c - ‘ _ _ ‘
 ¤· may Stewart com of Appeals €I5¥§° mm ¤¤¤·¤ now <>rg¤¤¤¤¤d m 101 K<>¤¢¤¤ky
 °¤kf¤rt Ky ` ' Me;-cer county-0. W. McMurtry, Harrods- . . .
 'sR,Kiigus;MaySvi11e Ky burg counues and m ten metropolntan cen-
CLUB PRESIDENTS   C°u"ty—JuSmS L' mus' T°mpkms` ters. Total membership in the local _
 U C°¤¤iy—Ear1 Huddleston, Columbia Montgomery County-}-Ioward W. Greene, Mt. éhaplcrs mms into thOusandS_ U
 C°¤¤¢y—-John Pedigo Scottsville Sterling 1 I
I l

 HOME I5 WHERE What’s Wrong W1th Us   I
_ _ 50 YEARS Acox 446 Ludlow Higlni the S.
just leave that preposition dang- I Wm Plmning to Come back Ludlow, Kemmm In i-
llng at the End Ol the l*€“dll"·€e to the campus Friday, ]une 1, to I April 195l Kentucky all
 s l)C(`(l'lLS(f ll 1(l]{(€`S (I g(}(}d Old eltahe rgcgivg {hg (loldch Jubilcc 1‘;X€C[]['i\’c Sg(jrC[_;u·y dlggg’€(I, [U1"]
`  . , I tn desrrilie the way every true Kew award University ol Kentucky Alumni Am`. home and .4
y lucky alumnus feels about his alma YES [ I No [ I UHl"€*`EH>' el K€HHH*kY 1951 is no ez
mater. 1;~*¤llAli¢ th¢_tl€HHlOH
sity of Ixenturky are rage an in- for COm,,,€,,c€,,,€.u iimami " °`.“’ "“*’°T“"“ ""°‘°‘?l """ ·“ As mmol
vited 10 rome home in _]uue to Y€· yes [ ] NO [ ] Hmill happclllllg. I only wish tiny  UJUUNUS
mm for H few ha/my [mms Of mmf could be of help. At present I liavqu  ‘ I t
[,,,1,0,,, HIC HWS! deligfltful (md ---—-~—»---·~---—·-·—---   ----»-———-—--·--—-~·-————-·—·-·— fortune but I aint sending my "B;u·tg;` or ¤‘€U¤10¤S
care—free years of their busy lives. ( amc) ‘,’l"El lniialilgctl wil lvlhlcsf mul    HY this YC;
,_ . _ _ I _ ___________________________________________________________ some us o ie associa ion win  my and ·o2,
- lung lgummls me Sfhedu ed lm (Address) promise to send something more wit _, ,_ ,_(
May 31 and ]une 1 this year, and a All 50 C d tc E 1 in 9 months 931. 58, 5J
_ _ y { f v_ -y argra ua sar urgec — · , ,
lull jimglfull has [Well Pfalmed fm to dip tllis {md mmm to At the present time I am an assisnii  [ 1926 and
to come back. The ClélS5€S of 1899, den; Union, at Once! Qgnugyy U_S_ public Health Som,  orrect addrt
  [900, ’(}1, and ’02; 1918, ’19, ’-20 Cincinnati, Ohio, with duties espeeii]1  tm E HOHCE
 { do and *2], [937) 38, 39 and *40, and V blt lg i H H _ concerning insects and aquatic ime   Enh and mi
~ the classes of 1911 and 1926 are   I ’ uig ng wz I ,1677 Qom tebrates. I began service with [helm  tl HWY Wil
snieauua fm- reunions aus year. ’ ’""“'l’°" me "l."€ “" “" McHealthService1¤stS¤i>tem»»l·.  r¤¤S¤¤<*f<
Hmi·eile»·, we want to make it per-   ”""" "‘l‘l"d I ¢¤i<>r ¤‘¤¤H~*i¤s ¤¤l=*¤l< ‘
"‘ "' “""’il"“"g """‘h "’”""”‘ any usually ended all again of nie as waz mia rin an-ua all  ‘°‘*‘°°*E¤¤
Almli Mahi,-` SO Plan [0 Come back outcome early in the game, then forgiving them for the zvcar lll  During com
“"d""""""’ "'€"""d”d"’l """" ieoasted to new Bai the an-i-an tm} out in wnnmimiai new  l°h“l’l’°‘“
former UK students in making this _ y' , Q V . . , " `I " i .l ,,0, ll ‘ll€ Hilde
  y Um birqm Jung Teunionm hmm UK basketeets, bless em, just do joins lxentuchy fans tu Conor s0d,,oo,, W,
¥ e 5* ` y' not have that "killer instinct"; lalitlg these fine l10)l5 wlw lt 0l2l('L1l[y’stu,
_ T _ r when they’re up against formidable done so much to win lastiaglm  lusiq Room
(’Ol\GRArI ULA IIONS CATS! opposition, they give the customers for their university and {Ol ll"  °¤1 l0 ui 1;
The University of Ken t u cky more thrills than a Wild West `state. °“rP~*¤·
Wildcats flew into Lexington last movie, Lexington Herald, March 29,ll  lhs ¤¤¤ual
y 4 THE xezvrvcxy ALUMNU HE KE!

rith Us *5] Reumon Plans Announced Banquet SP°a*‘°"
W Hlgllltii in the spring, the fancy of every eon, which is open to students, faculty, I .
*’ Kcimull Iiciiiucky alUlTllTU$, }'0U*'lg· old OY mi¢l· alumnh and ViSitOrs¤ will be held at   .V.=  { V53 ?  vlliz  
April lflil _ . Y. I _ - l IKM. Friday, ]une l in the Student V   VV
dI€iigC(|_ turns inevitably to thoughts ol U _ I . _  
mon ballroom, and will be of more iti.,  
*1****-N11. ll*’***“ md Alma Mmm" and the year general interest than ever this vear as V   _
IgI5l is no €‘X€€Pt*O** *0 me *`***c· .l*“*l·l‘ friends and confreres of Dean 'lihomas   _  `Z
Ing Imiii the replies now rolling into l-’. (jooper of the College of Agricn]-   ‘
ring elim  [hc Aihimni Ollice concerning annual ****'¢ **¤<* Home E€Om>Ull€$ are taking  ·   ,_‘·  ,  Ri  pv    
ll iiiimm  dm l_€uui0m_ advantage ol this occasion to set up it     `O ~* I ’
MY ‘"*‘*·** it imnounced in the February Spuimi Program, (iumlg the luncheon   , V   VVVV     _— f
Wish [Im  - ` * honoring the distinguished dean who    ,"
It i imm] lLUhlN**b- *“* ‘?*““S“ M": “V**°(*"*°d is retiring july l. Reservations for this {I   A F 
my ..iim_m» Oi- reunions during lllv l1lSl week Ul luncheon may also be made by check- l   Vlnp  _ . ii 
, may |,C_ Iii this year, as follows: 1899, 1900, ing the blank below and returning it "  -=·’
mi wjili  UL and ·I)g; }Q]8v ·Ig)_ ’20' iiiid -2]; lo the alumni Ollice. Room 124 Stu. jg   Avllny  
’“°*°“`**  937, 88, ‘39. and '40, and the classes dCIi[_Um0{)'   'v:_ fg I     A
[   and   I · Friday Illgllt the- (fOl`1llI]Cl](j€I]]€[][ I')i`O— A         ivf- I
an assisuii ° gram will be held in the new Memorial     as     j`Y`?"§·g`4T ‘ »»__  
l][2ll HCill  Em-h rcuniug (fuss lnculbcr `Vvhose (;()lf$€Ull], and at [fliS [flI]€ IllCI`llbCI`S of   Vi     i if-fil;  
lth Senit  °“°"[ mlihcss is "`VHi*u*)*€ him been the class of 1901 will be called to the _
es espetiall Em ll UOUCC ulmm [hc rcmilmi Pr"` commencement platform and present- GUY A- *’***g**€*€*» ,*4- 0* L€X**`*g*O**i
wait iiia   ****- ****d "*"">' *""`“ "*r°"°* ""*'°‘““* ea with oaitieii jiiiiiiee certificates aa. iwesideur 01 S<>*¤¤**<***S*¢r¤ G*€>***<>******
ith tiien  ** ***9 “‘*** *’° *’”°** fm ‘**°** 9**** mining them to are .-xiiimiii Assam- Lines and ¤h=·im*=·¤ 0* ***0 €¤€¤*****’•‘*
Cmbmq  armies and for the alumni banquet on [i(m·s Haipcemury Club' Committee Oi the Uiiiveisiiy Oi Km.
reading [I  liursday night, May Sl, at 6:30 p.m. All alumni who remain [Or COm_ tricky Board of Trustees will be the
Iciiicii IW ll1€ l>¤llT<>0m of [h€ Student U¤*0¤· C1 _c nent we E I I [ l _1 _ speaker at the alumni banquet to be
I 6) Class parties will be held either on In K X _` T que? €( O mdu 1 in held Thursday evening, May 31 at 6Z3O
7..-.. lttlnestiziy evening, May 30, or at [hc “c‘*(*€n**C l’*'OC€$S*O**· wd $P€€*“* p_m_ in the Bluegrass room ofthe Stu-
0 uy (Im mm Tlnirsday, May 3]. according to chairs will be reserved for them in the dent Union_ in connection with the
.m_[ {SHI  echoice of the majority in each CO]iS€um_ alumni reunion festivities.
_ . .  0ll .  
mimlgm Tliirsday afternoon, May 31, Presi—
lfumlmdl  cm and Mrs: Donovan will be at
gd (mlb  0me from four to six p.m. to alumni, I WILL BE PRESENT ·
*€”"*·* lll  itulty. students and their families at
fmdllillll {aswell Place, the President’s home ALUMNI BANQUETI MAY 3] yes   No  
i‘iHgll'****  ll the campus. This reception will
{ded llll 0ll0\\' the class reunion luncheons. COMMENCEMENT_DEAN COOPER
sur}: me  hut evenin the annual ban uet and
0  wing of tffe Alumni Associzgion will LUNCHEONI JUNE I YES [ ] no [ ]
` ule  held. Those not yet having made _
iiitffiqiiio  “***l**€l T€$€1`vations are urged to fill l W*** *'l0V€ [ ] guests U
I me WMI * the blank on this page and send it
UM` glad  to the oflice as soon as possible. I ncme _
HW} ml During commencement week, which  
’ _   lm happens to be examination week
[gd nm  0* llle under-classinen, the Alumni city  
* mngmi *****l¥lll011 will serve coffee and cokes  
who llfl oiaciilty, students and alumni in the t t
1-Yffllglm  *****€ Room of the Student Union, iL- %
y] fof liu  Olll I0 to 12 ;t,m, and fI‘On1 OHC [0
°**`1».¤n. Closs _
Ch 29, 19 ****‘i*¤I1ual commencement lunch—   ‘ I I _
——— 5

 • that they are at least among the ·
K. •           1—4 in re ard to intelli ence oft
S 8 t I
_ _ _ _ habitants of 011r countr —if the , -  ‘
The organ1zat1on of all the counties of t11e ALUMNUS, alumni may see riren our Cmrqncc cxqrzrs and yin _
. . . . . ¢ c l` . t
1n Kentucky where University alumni what areas are organized and what mmm rrr useless eqn _ ` ‘
reside has been the goal of the Alumni counties remain to be called together. ` ` '
. . . . . . . . Second, there should be some $011 .
Association d11r1ng the past year and 'lhe association 15 looking to those or· . _;_
. . . , ellort to boost every graduate for Mw
one-half,w1th the result that 101 active ganized clubs to carry on active work . ‘  
, I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ post he may be qualihed for, ag]  
clubs are now functioning in the con1- in behalf of the University, and will run Oi int rriinin ir [hc U _ ,
. . . . . . · : ; n 1 ¢ -
/ ` monwealth, with 10 metropolitan areas appeal to the alumni in unorganized when he ir _rrrriu_rriri um yrrit
organized into active groups. counties i11 the near future to assist in i ir Ire rei; rrririu rmt no rr ri   n
v_ . , , . i'.‘ `l 1 "lO1€I   
With the enthusiastic assistance of [he l`Orl?_0t [mmmg Clubs m their stitutions come to the Public Hm]   A
. . commumtnes, . .     _
Hambleton Tapp, assistant to Presb _ i _ Service with excellent I`€C()1I]mQyit  ;` ‘ ,»’
. President Donovan s progressive pro- . . . *‘T'  
dent H. L. Donovan, the Alumni As- , . . . tions from their schools but none 11t
. . . , gram lor the University includes the . . , "_
$0C1Il[1OIl has organized 21 kentucky . ’ _ the University of kentucky. '1`0111   .
_ , active support of the alumni wherever . . ‘   t1 t ~ we
clubs this year and one new metropo11— , , tion some ol the schoo1s—\1lla Madt ,   at
1 b ri b r d _ D r they may be, and he wil be looking to rrr Oi. Corin wu i, nur U _     ‘
1 ‘ ... t 1 ,\.Zr2'1I` t . ·—
[an C u as Cen Orme m al Om the clubs and individual members of . .   . Y . . ml   t
Ohio. . . . . . . sity of Cincinnati; University of , ~ gr ,.,.  
the Alumni Association to assist him II] .... ‘ tj ·
. . . . . , cmnati: University of Utah; Iowag    
Looking over the complete 11st of or- building what easily may be the south s , * . 9
. . . . . . ’ ‘ Lollege; most of which would not hs ·
ganizations on page three of this issue greatest U111V€TS1t‘y'. .
been considered better than average
the University of Kentucky in th  t
ALUMNI MAKE GIFTS   hH.t,S   1`0Ilg chosen field.
i Louis Ware, 'l7, of Chicago, PT€$1· C , ri f P 4 Next to good instruction, a group {_
. . ( ontinue rom age ) _ _
dent of the lnteff1Ht10HHl M1¤€Y¤l$ and well—placed or recognized graduzitcs i ‘ 
Chemicals Corp., of that city, 3Hd   R. even in answer tn the nn€stiOn_Whnt·S the best advertisement for any 111111    _ ' 
Watl°1nS* 15’ Of New Haven Conn" _\Vrong \1Vith Us?—I regret that I can— Sl[Y and heads Of d€1’”“m‘>`m5$h°’   ,
president of W3il<1¤S Pi1Y€¤¥$» l¤€·t nnt Stn, ··I Gin find nothing winngy I realize such fact. I have used there  __  ·* 3 
. hav? recently mad? Suhstantlall Comm` an1 both proud of. and will always love may above in I`Cg?u`d [O Clufillflflll I
buttons to the iUn1vers1ty of rlxentucliy nn, nhnn nintnn I Own more to the because the student might lost
College of Engineering of which school University nf Kentucky than I can ever chance for a position that he m1 
. they are both graduates. it€i)ni,_ Tliat is tttith_ but I cnn Suggest qualify for because his possible  The Oldest
Mr, wares g1ft of $1,000 will be mint ictnnns nt better relations he tiesm thatlmeare overlooked buh   ntlthc stmt
- treated, Dean D. V. Terrell said,. as 3 tween the University and its stndnnts furnishing references or recom111e11   H Mai-3] {0
loan fund for needy students 1H mining and alumni UOHS. om left to
". "'fthfd .. 1‘ 1···1  
engineering Beneficiaries or e un FrrSr_m [he use Or graduate Sruricms While I do not nelieye that thell   le, v,,_r ph
will not be required to pay interest on . . . versity should engage in |Ol')·l111l1ll   ’uun Hunt
_ as assistants or instructors in labs, etc., _ · _ — gt
any loan, but will be expected to re- Csrreciaiir in the Brrrrerioiogy Deparb for any graduates, it would HOL hi  Villmmt Vai
  pay the amount of the loan when able mem TOO irequerrriy there graduate 1lHyOIl€ if the names of graduates eh  {aged); June
I I to do so. U . ’ . ble for openings were furnished t0`  )· Mjmiic
. _ r _ students have been inadequate as 1n- _ _ _ _ ’
Income from Mr. Watkins gift of . . stitutions, agencies, corporations.  med)
_ _ _ structors and too personal in their _ _ ·
$2,000 will be used to finance a series . . . . gether w1th a brief resume of tl  gtwnd I
_ _ feelings combined with a desire to be _ _ _ 0*
of lectures for UK engineering students . graduates scholastic ab1l1ty and Gill   rid e Va .
_ _ _ tyrannical to such an extent as to . . . . ’ . g’ ‘¤
on the design, construction and testing ieave rr bad taste rrr marry freshmen training which might be of interest
E ' t ` l .
t 0 Various tres 0f ¤¤¤*=¤¤m- ttttdttttt tot tht dtptttmtttt. Atgtt- P ‘i°ij‘“‘*“fh h i ii in  cholars
  L V   l
OWENSBOR0 ITY ments frequently put forth as to such i a alibi Oug gas Ciimi U il i rm i  d E
. s a t r 1
C conduct being necessary are untrue; I hy r can r,n Le imma .r. U ii ppg
. . · 1r1 111 : · r
ATTORNEY, UK MAN know from experience of being a rss;] Summa Tin imc ll Soi  lhc Univg
- , , . . en ¤
joseph H. McKinley, 49, of Owens- graduate ass t. Sc instructor and a w1t- C WP §ug$ii mills CCP um) i in   <>wc11st-hola
. . . . t t 0
boro, has been named city attorney ness to the inadequacy of those I claim myhnlm if an y§ui,qg1;:.S O'   Ul)Cl'[ Q_ MC
- - - . . · 1
there succeeding Norris B. Vincent, re- are too emotionally and "educationall " un lung C OHS an . .01 P  Urrztir L
· . Y tunity to state my opinions. . lc Cl
signed. unstable to be instructors. Students are llllvusity str
Young McKinley obtained his LL.B. humans, even if they happen to be $iH€€F€lY  hio, has be
degree from the University in january undergraduates and, by the way, their George H. Paine  an D. V_ i
1949. He is a veteran of World War II. very presence at the University shows Class of 1948  llgineering l

 tong the  lrl W' G d Q At
A d ° - ·
.;.2};.;.. ey ere ra uate 52 Y ears Ago ThIS J une 5 ·
and re  , .       ‘-A._r     -   ,_ ,_ _; ·__.   V:‘.-%_.· z   —--.- z - -=·.A·:   {   v~~vV A » A
AAA   _,.;.           -1 v-·,V*;-   '2*»;v   -a‘-F   :V.   :·;~ - - t `
some sort   A s t   .:2·‘ . A..——   -A     ,4:,     A-A-A    ;¤;      .  
  · "   .           ‘-AA’         t  
AAAAAAA AOA    ¤=VV         ;“A=A·v;v I   I "     ‘ `      A >       .V.A A A » AA   
{Oh asa  `   »v»‘'   ’‘‘’ ’   ==`                   ’             A
. .» · =A.     · a.  . ». - .A    V‘AV         //»/‘· » "A·A . /A/! a     * a   AA A 2    
fi Umversi  `»-‘   . » A ·V’      ‘- xv A   ,   AA‘`’     ’   v   /=»`     A ‘A   . A     
··v.J.:; ’   . ·   · f   -· *‘‘ 5   /~AA  ‘—  /*1;, §?::1=·».‘tA      72.
I   an _` ` A   ’··’ A`   _.IA I I   A We ` AA A             A
·om othet      ·-   ___;   V _ -· , AA A _ - E y A       ·=;   ,     _
ublic at          ‘‘AA_   '—     AAAAAAA     {       M  
  1t=°?¥·»— · -‘‘A - · .¢·-AA,;.AA' '*"AA   A¢.. is a         .
I`€COI`I`lIll€ll  ef,.    I. »·-~ i     ‘ ·‘ I A   ¤ 1, `·=· »  
at nonett  f A, Q V  A- A    A g    j..V,._ _.AA ,   _ g  »»     AA»» Je V`QQ . t - 1
ky- T0 m  ., A IQP-   A     A J; A · lil ,  AA   » r ‘f°‘  AA   A  A  
Villa Mad  .i  , ..» ay  "     AA  AA  A   AAAA QAM " ;   .-  
TSHY Of A   A‘·- · t   _     AA- AAAAA A AAAA·AA T A A"A‘A   AA  
h’ I°‘”S          * A; s  A ,.,:     A   ~V;·=5;-:     ._:   z A A  * A. `
»uld notht   ’   `   ’ ·-~-·     ` A A..A   V ‘ t  
n, a group , {   A   ._A= -   C AA;}      3    _
    J  E   —   V   A._.                
t Mw ¤¤i¤‘    AA      A   A   AA     A
nents sho   AA., -, _  A AAAAAA A A- A A    X ,‘‘-        
d tl ‘ ; . A       A..A ,  . ». i   A   -· --·-     `    t  2 A
we M   .AA,%   _AAA_AA..A   AAAA · .,A» ‘   AA.  .     _ ·` _ A A *   A     .AAAA ‘   =-A A`
Clualifitati  A  ’       `    ·-· ·’’··     M .,AA   ~    ==. " an       ’A
ight nt A ( - _ M  1*;  ‘-‘‘   A.   . -»    ·--·----     `·‘   
tat he to · < = ., 
>0ssibl€ Hb The oldest reuning class this year is the.class of 1899, Sasser, Winchester; S. B. Marks, Lexington; George Rob-
nked byih   nd the survivors are planning to come back to the campus erts, Lexington; S. A. Smith, Lexington; Fred Bullock, (de-
r€€0mm€¤   rr May 31 for a day of happy reminiscence. Picture above, ceased); ]. E. Davidson, (deceased); and W. L. Bronough,
0m left to right, are: front row, A. C. Copeland, Kins- (deceased)-
l’1 ll U   l ,• * I · I
t latt 6 I ae, Va , Frances Butler Collier (deceased), Leila Graves Back mw; A. I- Vance, (deceased); Joe Morrow, (address (
)0b»hu¤l   ming, Huntington, W. Va.; C. C. ]ett, (deceased); jenme
rrd not h   vnrnntt Vance, Lexington; rmt. j. w. snatrtretnnt, (de. “"k"°"")E B' W' Y°}‘“g’ (d°°°‘“?d); J‘_W‘ H“g*‘°* L"`
adumsdi   md); Jane B. Cox, (deceased); P. P. Johnston, (dcccay Jolla, Calif., E. E. Simpson, Lexington, T. W. Scholtz,
nished I0  ); Minnie Horton, (deceased); and W. L. Brock, (de Niagara Falls, N.Y.; W.   Grmstead, Chambersburg, Pa.;A
Orgtions, ¤  asedy R. E. Warren, (deceased). Joseph H. Bullock, Lexington,
rme of Cl  Second mw, Same Order; Leonard B_ Allen, London and Royden Maddocks, (deceased), were not present when
ty and 0*]]   ridge, Va.; W. H. Scherflius, Washington, D.C.; W. H. the above picture was taken, A
of interest A  
H dw   cholarship Fund The McDowell scholarships, which county, Kentucky, and he and Mrs. -
· Yan , make student BSSISKRDCC funds available McDowell have operated their own
3d from  DD€d By McDowell in varying amounts depending upon construction company in Cleveland ·
Wmmgi  A_ The University Of Kemuckyk MC the recipients need, are intended pri- since l944_
[  ` _ . .
jggcgioi-   vwell scholarship fund, sponsored by n1ar11y fo; freshmen saudents gn eng;.  
· _ t  Ohm C_ M D H, ,35, ( lh- -f I neer·mgA n granting tre awar s. pre - A
dm OP  (mm, L€;€;`;€ MCDOQASI Eyrgsr erence is given to sons and daughters
As' niversity student, both of Cleveland, Of thc MCDOWCAI °°mlmnlA €I}1Pl°y€°§‘    
 hioy has been increased b $2,500, Mr. McDowell rs a construction engr-
    DA VA n—....n of th. nl,n.g., of   in ¤1<==·e=¤¤<*— MAY