xt75mk654m4j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75mk654m4j/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1923-11-29  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, November 29, 1923 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 29, 1923 1923 1923-11-29 2012 true xt75mk654m4j section xt75mk654m4j Alt


The Kentucky Kernel




Welcome Home Alumni


Ramsey (c)
26 Martin
6 W. H. Rice
13 Cammack
17 Russell
4 Kirwan
II Gregg
9 Hughes
46 Brewer
10 Sanders




Nancy Innes to Lay Cornerstone
of New Basketball
C. C.

at Phoenix Hotel
After The Football

Dinner-Danc- e




Over a thousand graduates and1 for
mer students are xnftcfrl ... T.pxtncr.
ton Thanksgiving, the day set for this
year's home coming to witness the
football game between Tennessee and
Kentucky. . Reservations on trains, at
local hotels and with friends were
made months aro .by the Blue and
White followers for this event.
, One of the chief features in addition
to the football game will be the laying
of the corner stone of the new basket
ball 'building in the morning at 10:00
o'clock. Miss Nancy Innes, of Lex
ington, class of 1917, will lay the ;or-- .
ner stone, and Captain C. C. Calhoun,
of Washington, D. G, has been invited to deliver the principal address at
the ceremony which will be brief.
The piece de resistance of the day's
program, of course, will be the game
between the Wildcats and the Tennessee Volunteers which will be held
on Stoll Field beginning at 2 o'clock.
(Continued on page 8.)...

be given dn



Lexington Boys Present Minstrel
For Benefit of
A number of boosters of the
of Kentucky better known, as
the "Raspberry
Patch," will give a
minstrel on the nights of November 29
and 30, at the Opera House on North
Broadway,, the t proceeds of which
will go to a fund which will be used
for,: the purpose of defraying the expense of carrying the band to Atlanta
last week.
.This trip cost a little over $1,000
and the fund which the
had to pay for the trip, fell short by
about $400, so f this mjnstreil is being
given to raise the deficit.
There are a, number of things that
nght, among them the'
is to be given by the Lexington Alumni 'for the visiting alumni and fpr the
two football teams; but this affair
will stop at 8 o'clock in order to give
those present a chance to attend the
minstrel. The minstrel is known as
Follies," and
the "Blackville
considered by those that have seen it
as one of the best that lias ever been
put on the stage by amateur actors.
Tickets for the show are now on
sale and may, be 'obtained at Lexington
Drug store and from members of the
SuKy Grcle.

Uni-versi- ty







R ,G

Several "hundred graduates and former students of the University are ex
pected to revisit the campus and re
member their undergraduate days in
to be held
the annual
on Thanksgiving day.
The dedication of 'the basketball
building, being erected on the university campus from funds procured in tho
the Greater Kentucky Campaign, will
be the most important event of the
day and is expected to bring back for
a glimpse of Alma Mater even a larger gathering of former students than
is usually drawn by the fall homecoming. The exercises which are un
der the direction of George B. Careye
chairman of the basketball building
association, will be held at 10 o'clock.
William Jason Fields, governor-elec- t
of 'the state, has been invited to take
part in. the program, which will include other prominent speakers from
among the members of the alumni as
sociation and friends of the university.
During the afternoon the visitors
will be given a chance to see the present day Wildcats in action againsit
their ancient enemy, the University ot
Tennessee, and will be entertained in
the evening with a dinner-danc- e
Alumni Club at the
the Lexington
Phoenix Hotel.


Stroller Play ii Read Before Members
Of Organization



T. Robinson
Holt (c)
F. Robinson






Booth Tarkington's
the comedy to be presented by the
Strollers this year, was read for the
first time before the Strollers and new
eligibles in Dicker Hall Tuesday
night by Maxwell Heavrin. The purpose of the reading was to familiarize the members of the organization
with the play and give them an opportunity to select the parts for which
they think themselves best fitted. Director Heavrin will start work on the
cast selection soon.

All proofs must be returned by
November 24 or your picture is

Matinee in Afternoon For School
Children and Their


Committee Meeting Next Friday
May Make The Decision

Stoll Field and Rose Street Also
Desired By SupWith the initial meeting of the Uni
building committee
less than a week off, there is much
discussion among the students, faculty,
alumni and friends of the institution
as to the proper 'location for the $120,- 000 structure.
During the past few months the various advantages of many sites ha"ve
been brought forward, but with the
nearing of the date for the final selection, the number of favorable locations
has narrowed to three. They are the
present football field, on Winslow
street; Scovell park, lying directly
across from the campus, and a plot of
the experiment station farm at the intersection of Rose and South Limestone streets. The lots are owned by
the University except Scovell field,
which is the property of the city.
Students of the department of civil
engineering, under the direction ot
Prof. D. V. Terrell, who is one of the
members of the building committee,

TO versity stadium












Prominent Alumni to Speak
Fields is Invited to





The Music Department of the Un
iversity will present the opera "MarBATTLE OIISTOLL FIELD
tha" at the Lexington Opera House
and evening,
Ramsey, Rice and Russell Draw December 6. The matinee will be for
the school children and their parents
Curtain on College Grid
and the evening performance will be
given for the students and faculty of
GAME TO START AT TWO the University and the people of Lexington.
Capacity Crowd Will Jam Field Arrangements have been made for
For Closing Game of
the students of the University to exSeason
change the eighth ticket in the Athletic Book for a general admission
One more day and the .football sea- ticket, and far fifty cents extra a re
(Continued on page 7.)
son of 1923 will be history. One serve seat. The other prices are asKmore day and three
giridders follows: Admission for school chilwill have played their last game for dren and their parents is twenty-fiv- e
Kentucky. One more day and the an- - cents each; reserve seat for the faculty and their families, for the evening
(Continued on page 5)
performance, fifty cents each; for peo WRITTEN BY EX STUDENT
ple in town, one dollar for reserve
Tickets will be on sale and for ex Miss Josephine Farrell On Staff
of "Vogue? Receives
change Monday, December 3, at the
The program of exercises to be
University Book Store.
held Thursday
morning at 10
Miss Josephine
o'clock in connection with the
Farrell, a former
student of the Department of Jour.aying o; lie corner stone of the
basketball building at the UniHELD MONDAY NIGHT nalism of this University, who is now
versity will be as follows:
a member ofvthe staff of Vogue and is
9:45 a. m. Music by the UniThe "Little International" held an- in France for the winter, wrote the
versity band.
nually under the auspices of the "Hoof following poem for Armistice Day
10:00 a. m. "My Old Kenand Horn Club" was held Monday and dedicated it to the American boys
tucky Home," by the audience.
night at 7:30 and was quite a success. buried in France. The poem was pub10:05 a. m. Invocation by the
An interesting program was carried lished in the New York Herald and in
Rev. Benjamin Jay Bush.
the Lexington Herald, from which we
out as follows:
Singing of University
take it:
by Dean Cooper and Prof. E.
songs by the. audience.
"There is a great stream flowing
S. Good.
10:15 a. m. Presentation of offiInto the Land of God,
Exhibition of prize stock.
cers of the Alumni Association,
And paths there are along its banks
Livestock parade.
members of the alumni executive
Where angels' feet have trod.
Milking contest.
and the stadium campaign comBarney Google and Spark Plug.
"The angels who go down to pray
10:20 a. m. Reading of list of
Wheelbarrow polo.
For gentle pity's sake,
articles to be placed in the corDemonstrations of the various cuts Their voices mingle with the sound
of meat.
ner stone by J. Frank Battaile.
That the sflow ripples make.
10:25 a. m. Laying of the corSteer riding contest.
Play by home economic girls.
ner stone by Miss Nancy Innes.
"And never rang the fields of Heaven
10:30 a. m. Address by Capt.
With holier sound save when
C. C. Calhoun, of Washington,
The listening shepherds, awestruck,
D. C, president of the Alumni
'Good will and peace to men.'
A peptimists goes in the back door
The singing will be led by
when the front is shut; the window "Say not: 'They fill a nameless grave,
Prof. Carl Lambert, and W. C.
when the back is shut; the chi nney
They soak an unknown sod.'
Wilson, city commissioner of
when the window is shut, and blows There is a great stream flowing
public works and alumni secreoff the roof if the chimney is shut.
tary, will preside.
Into the Land of God."
Let's go. The Arklight.
Josephine Farrell.





� Pag Twa



iveriity and Alumni project. Oh ac
count of the confusion some of the
guarantors of the Memorial building
refused to subscribe to the Greater
Kentucky fund. The communication
just received authorized that the writ
er be put down for a $100 subscription
as it had been explained to him that
the $1,000 guarantee could not be used
for the purpose of the Greater Ken
tucky campaign. The letter said:
"It has been my honest desire to
subscribe to the stadium fund and the
object of this letter is to authorize you
to put my subscription down for $100
and we will let the guarantee take
care of itselif.
"Being an alumnus of the Univer
sity I would feel very much IHce
slaclcer .to allow the opportunity to do
a good thing for the University of
Kentucky pass by me.
"While we .felt that we wore justi
fied in holding our subscription, this
subscription is as an individual and not
as a firm. I assure you that you will
always have my hearty
for anything to the benefit of the University.

Alumni Notes

nice to me in the days of the old A. 4c in 1908 at. 4 !h'i
M. I attended the summer session at 114.

LL I. at Harvaid



the University this summer bat our
old teachers are practically aH gone
and U. of K. does not resemble A. Ac
Thank yon far year n
M. very much." Richard C. "Dick"
ansa and the 'Kernel. ' The lav
Millard, ex-- , NicholasviHe Ky.
tsrsenng mwi nf the Unlvsrsky and
the (M grade' ansHehed tfcsrsea are
received with uracil plsasare by the
F Jr., aged II,
"Your Greater Kentucky Campaign
expect ta
Jne even
fund letter, addressed to me in Wash- - Bi
ington, was received recenttty. I have attend the University of Kentucky
A few
"1 we had
been unable to keep up with things ?mt
this summer as I have been moving he Pleasure of a visit from B. E. W.
Bc- E- - '0, with the General
too fast for my mail to keep up with Slout
me. I am sending small cash amount Construction Company, 1411 Sydicate
to the fund until I have time to look Trut Building, St. Louis, Mo. We
more deeply into the cause and my re alwv delighted to see any one1
pocketbook." Frederick
H. Evans. from the '0,d School.' There are
Mr. Evans is director of Course De- - about fifteen 'Kentuckians' in Defies,
velopment, Rochester Mechanics In- - but 5t ' hirA t0 et them together. I
stitute. For several years he taught in have been a member of the firm of
the Bradley Polytechnic
Institute, Henger and Chambers Copmany for
Peoria, III. During the period of the 8evcral vca"- We conduct a general
World War he was was chief engineer contracting and engineering business,with Ransom & Randolph Co., Toledo, ch,ie!My commercial, industrial and in- Ohio. For a year he was chief of utntlonal work. All good wishes for
traininav U. S. Veterans
Bureau. the Aima Mater." James F. Cham- slaughter
Washinaton. D.
and recentlv left pers, Jia-i- o
there to enter his present employment. Texas.
He married Miss Marv R. Warfuel in

United States, members of classes
from 187S to 1923 regretting that he
must leave and paying a tribute to the
LEXINOTON, NOV. 29. Hum work he accomplished in the three
years he was Alumni Secretary.
Hotel, f 00 p. m.
A good friend of Mr. Graham's, a
Philadelphia, Dec. S. Evening
man whose opinions are usually cormeeting. Home of Mr and Mrs.
rect, said of him, "Some me have
George C. Lewis, Summilt Av
big jobs, in the case of the alumni ofBryn Mawr, Pa.
fice, it has a big man. Herbert is the
New York, -- Dec. 11. (Second.
When he took up the work in Sep120
12:30 p. m., Cafe Savarin,
tember, 1920, there were two alumni
clubs and the Alumni'Association had
Buffalo, Dec. 15. (Third Satur- 200 members. At the dose of the fisday Regular) luncheon at 12.30
cal year 1922-2- 3
there were 34 clubs
p. m., Ellrcdtt Club.
with a paid up membership of 1,120.
17. (Third Mon- Chicago, Dec.
Already 700 have paid their member
dayRegular) .luncheon at 12:30
ship dues for the year 1923-2The
p. m., Marshal Field's Restaurant,
first work of the Alumni office was
Men's Grill.
the hardest and the most discdurag- Detroit, Dec. 29. (Last Sat- ing. Mr. Graham leaves the office well
ur day Regular) dinner, Dixieland
organized with a capable corps of asInn.
sistants and the work of the new secreNew Officera for Schenectady Club
tary will be easy compared to the
The present officers of the dub at
Edgar H. Webb, who has for sever
work he undertook in organizing the Schenectady are: President, Robert Rojier, thirteen years old. Residence
address, 235 Sheltoer Street, Roches al years been a salesman with the
Association from the small start al L. Bierbaum '15;
Murphy Varnish Company, asks that
ter, N. Y.
ready made.
Duerson Fendley, '22, and secretary-treasure- r,
his address be changed from Chicago
Joseph W. Owens, '22.
W. C. Wilson, chairman of the exec
The sun should shine bright all
to Builders' Exchange, Rose building,
day Thursday to register the cheerful utive committee of the Association, There has been two names added reCleveland, Ohio.
'Referring to the enclosed card and
issued the following statement at the cently to the list of members of the
condition of the University of Ken
A card received today asks that adenclosed two dollar hill, please excuse
of Mr. Graham's
resignation: local club, Mr. and Mrs. William Rus
tucky this fall. We have cause to
dress of Mr and Mrs. Joseph Bryan
my oversight and see that the Kernel is
give thanks. Across Stoll Field on "Mr. Graham 9 services have been sell David. Mr. David is a member of
Shelby be changed from East Orange,
that day the blue jerseyed line of the very valuable as the first full time the class of '19 and is a commercial sent to me as usual." Carrol H. Gul New Jersey, to No. 8 Roosevelt Road,
secretary of the Association and we engineer, Light Department of the lion (with Swift & Company), 1132 E
Wildcats will oppose Tennessee in the
Mr. Shelby is with the
Mrs. 48th St., Chicago, Ml.
Driver-Harrlast combat oif the season. The out very much regret to see him leave at General Electric
come is not worrying us this year. We this particular time when the results David was formerly Mary Josephine
N. J.
have seen them hold Washington and of his earlier labors are just beginning Thomas '18. They reside at 23 South
Lee to a 6 tie and the story of how to be seen plainly enough to encour Dean Street.
Added to the list of "active mem
rhey held Georgia Tech has been read age him. Tihe results are most grat- The membership of the local club bers" this weelc is Hugh J. Tomlinson
"Please find enclosed check to start
fying to the Alumni Association and now shows seventeen, with active draftsman-enginee- r
by all.
with the Rathburn me right Whenever I fail to pay any
morning at 10 to hrs many friends."
membership in the general Associa- Jones Engineering Company, of To dues on time you may send me notice,
On Thanksgiving
The Lexington Heraild in an editor tion 52.9 per cent.
o'clock the corner stone of the new
ledo, Ohio. Address 1830 Princeton but whatever happens, don't step the
basketball building will be laid. It ial November 16, said of him: "The
Kernel. Should I not have the money
will mark the assured success of the field of work which he entered was an
when ray dues become due, I will bor"Greater Kentucky" campaign, a cam entirely new one.
Due in a great
row same and send yon the two dolpaign entered with misgivings by measure to his energetic boosting, the
Charles J. McFherson is superin lars. I am stating this emphatically
You can greatly aid the work in the
some, only to see it a success at the Association has grown greatly. Her- Alumni office and help make the new tendent of the J .G. Brill Company, because I don't want to miss any conhands of the aflumni, citizens of Lex- bert Graham's efforts toward making Directory more accurate by immed- Philadelphia. He has been in the era ies in the future. Hoping this is sat
ington and friends of the Unievrsity the Alumni Association a factor in the iately sending any information you ploy of this company practically ever isfactory and with beet wishes for the
institution's progress have been faith may have concerning the alumni nam- since receiving his degree and for sev Association and the University."
We welcome every former student ful and fruitful. It will be difficult to ed below. Your
eral years, as sales engineer, was lo John M. Foster, State College Sta
is apand alumnus to the home coming fill his shoes."
cated in various parts of the country. tion, Raleigh, N. C.
game and to the exercises at the bas
Dr. A. M. Peter, of the Chemistry
Class of 79 'Caleb Sykes Perry, In addition to his B. M. E. be rec- ketbatl building in the morning. It Department, of the Experiment Sta Henry Moses Wright.
ceived the M. E. degree from the Uni
will be a great day for Old State, the tion, class of '80, and a former ipxesi
An "old friend" that as back wish us
Class of '80 George Crogan What- - versity of Kentucky in 1910. He mar
end of a great season, the dawn of a dent of the Ahimni Association, wrote ley.
ried Miss Katherine Melhorn, October
Greater Kentucky. You have helped to Mr. Graham: "I am very sorry
(Continued on page 7)
Class of '84 Burton Pendergast 23, 1920. They are living at 1998 Up
to make it so. We ihope you enjoy that you are going to leave us and Euharok, Otis Violett Riley.
land Way, Overbrook, Philadelphia,
your visit back to the campus,
should have written you to express my
Class of '90 Margaret Agnes Wil Penna.
regret immediately upon receipt of
your letter telling me atbout your go
Class of '92 John Gee Maxey.
ing. I have a very 'high opinion of
Since August, L S. Boggess has
Class of '93 Katherine Innis Ad
The Alumni Association wishes to the work you have done for the Alum anrs (Mrs. George W. Dunlap), Mor been with the Department of State
ttmssVetaawnvt snaMMMJF s?OsT
ni Association and think it would be ton Sanders Railey, Core E. Ware.
Roads and Highways and is located at
extend its best wishes and (congratulasent est the Dean Lafsrty porOld Landing, Ky. For several years
Class of '94 Edwin Chestenfield
tions to our esteemed president, Dr. hard to find another who would put
trait for the College of Law' has)
Benjamin Christopher Keiser, Mr. Boagese has been with the State
Frank L. McVey, and bis bride, for- the same enthusiasm into it."
not yet been subscribed. Cheeks
We have only mentioned two or William Clay Trigg.
highway Department of Oklahoma,
merly Miss .Frances Jewell, Dean of
may be tent ta W. S. Hamtltsn,
Class of '95 Joseph Milton Down and only recently returned to his naWomen, who aire now absent on their three of the many sources from which
07, 707 Marion E Taylor Bldg.,
praise for Mr. Graham's 'work came. ing.
tive State. His permanent mailing adwedding trip.
tenisville, Ky.
dress is Lawrenceburg, Ky.
Class of '96 John Henry Trigg.
To a few of us, Alumni of date years, His connection with the University of
Class of '99 Joseph Morrow, Sid
Misls Frances Jewell's classes stand Kentucky was profitable and pleasant
out as an oasis of companionship in for the University and the Association. ney A Man Smith.
Class of '00 John Emerson Hes- the desert of awe which often exist In addition to the high quality of the
One of the "regulars" who sent in
between the instructor and the in- work he did there was the advantage tand, Leslie Hundley, Thomas Ahnon his Jues this week is Leo Brwer, 701
Due and The Kernel
vhich comes from the association ot Jones.
Maverick Building, San Antonio, Tex.
Class of '01 Garnett Rosel Klein, Mr. Brewer has been practicing law in
As Dean of Women she has been the a gentleman of high ideals, an unusual
One Year
Flora Emma San Antonio since 1914, except during
big sister of every girl in school, with sense of honor and legitimate ambi- Thomas Brent Moore,
tions. We offer Herbert Graham our RianScin (Mrs. Robert M. Tuttle.)
a syma willingness to help them and
the period of the World War, when
Class of '02 Flemen Coffee Taylor. he served as first lieutenant, field arpathy with the students' point of view most sincere thanks for his work here
congratulate him upon the field-oClass of '03 Mary Wickliffe Aus tillery. He is a member of the firm of
that made discipline a pleasant affair. and
broader service he is entering, as- tin (Mrs. hrancis Harrison
kins), Robertson and Brewer and is
As the wife of our president, the stuas
University of Kentucky,
sured that the same merits which Clarence Albert
Galloway, Charles aistant U. S. District Attorney. Mr.
dents will still look upon her as a
made him so well respected in Ken- - Leon Peckinpaugh.
Brewer received his B. A. degree here
friend and claim her as their own
Class of '04 William David Gray,
In the six years he has been on the, tucky will give him an enviable posi
Francis Joseph Montgomery, Sarah
campus Dr. McVey has inspired the tion among New York journalists.
Cleveland Smedley, Claude Robert
alumni as well as the students with
Smith, Cornelius Ware.
the greatest confidence in his ability
Class of '05 Marion Campbell,
and the highest love for him as a leadof Memorial Ernest James Munphy, Artemus Den
Another Underwriter
750 Frnsiahuyaaa. Avaaua,
Building Helps Stadium
man Murrell, George Lucas Paddison,
We rejoice with the new couple in
William Johnson Payne, Harry Lo
Nawaxk, N. J.
their happiness.
The alumni office has just received gan Prather, Eli)ah Bland Stiles, Sal- Boston, Buffalo, Chicago, Ntw York, Pkllggalahssv
HERBERT GRAHAM RESIGNS a communication from an alumnus of lyneil Wathen (Mrs. Scott Braden.)
the University and a citizen of LexMANUFACTURERS OF WEATHER
accepting the resignation of Her- ington, who was one of the 100 men
bert Graham, the first alumni secre- who signed notes of $1,000 as guaranThe
tary of the University of Kentucky, tors of the memorial building.
with tha hasp af tha fallowing
the Alumni Association has lost a memoriail building was a state project
valuable, efficient and a loyal man. to erect a memorial to the soldiers
J. L Ls4e.
laannfc 'If
E. T. Lyk
The enthusiasm which Mr. Graham from Kentucky who served in the
. Wa
had for his work and the work of the World War. The work on this
"I am not sure whether I stated on
organization was so sincere it aroused ing has been delayed but there is now
S. L. Jcmea. '11
$150,-00my pledge card that I wanted my 'mite'
a spirit of loyalty in those with whom available for this purpose about
This building fund has been con- to ga to the Patterson
R. R. TaMifim, 'U
he came in contact. When it became
A P. flasjmmm,
known that he was leaving, letter fused by some with the Greater Ken- - President Patterson was one of the
were received from alumni all over the tucky campaign wnieh is purely a Un- - grandest Men I ever knew and was

















Carrier Engiiieeriiig Corporation

Betwixt Us


to make "Every day a good day'






Page Three

with a coronet of real lace that was
on her mother's veil. The bridal bou
quct was of bride's roses and lilies of
the valley.
After the ceremony a wedding
breakfast was served. The three tier

nett, Janet McVey, Rowena Coatcs,
Patsy McCord, Mary Hanson Peter
son, Minnie Benton Peterson, Mar
garet Turley, Mary Mathilda Beard,
Coleman, Katherinc
Frances Field
McMurtrcy, Francos Smith, Mary
wedding cake formed the centerpiece Sncll Ruby, Maryann Young, Curtis
for the table, and was surrounded by Buchlcr,
Society Calendar
Wednesday, Nov. 28 Kappa Sigma silver vases holding bride's roses, and Davis .Virginia DeLong, Jane Karl
dance at their chapter house on white candles in silver holders. The Middlcton, Eleanor Chchault Smith,
color plan of green and white was Mary May, Helen Van Dcrvccr, MarEast Maxwell street.
carried out in the bonbons and ices. garet Arnold, Mary Helburn, Eugenia
Thursday, Nov. 29 Tennessee-Kentuck- y
Smaller tables were arranged in the Hcrringtoii, Emily Holloway and Margame.
Banquet and dance at the Phoe- dining room, library and enclosed ia McElroy.
They were assisted in entertaining
nix Hotel in honor of the football porch, and were decorated with pink
by the chapcrones, Mrs. Mary Tayteams.
Mr and Mrs. Jewell were assisted lor, Mrs. Paul P. Boyd, Mrs. Edna
"Blackville Follies" Minstrel for
in receiving the guests by Mrs. Holli- - Giles, Mrs. Charles Judson Smith.
the benefit of University Band.
day Meads, of Wilmington, Del.; Mrs.
The guests of honor were the
Friday, Nov. 30 Kappa Delta
Holton Watkins, of Kansas City, sis pledges:
Misses Margaret Owens,
at Patterson Hall.
Catholic Club
Dance in the ter of the bridegroom, and Misses Mattic Ellis Gregory, Pearl MoCor- mick, Elizabeth McDonald, Elizabeth
evening at Knights of Columbus Virginia and Janet McVey.
Mrs. Jewell wore a gown of night Smith, Eleanor Tapp, Rebecca Avcr- Hall.
blue velvet. Mrs. Mead's gown was of
Carolyn Bosworth, Carolyn Bas- n
Saturday, Dec. 1. Sigma Alpha
dance at their sapphire georgette crepe, and Mrs. com, Well liush, Alary liarrow, Vir
chapter house on South Limc- -' Watkins wore black velvet with trim- ginia Uoyd, Sarah Curl, festner uil- mings of ermine.
Mrs. Park was bcrt, Lana Martinc Coatcs, Nannie
stone street.
gowned in king's blue charmeuse with Gay, Virginia Owsley, Katherinc
overdress of embroidered and beaded Good sight, Virginia McVey.
Jewell McVey
The guests from the other girls
'Charming simplicity marked the net. Miss Virginia McVey wore rose
wedding of Miss Frances Jewell to Dr. taffeta with trimmings 6f black lace, fraternities:
Kappa Delta, Misses Louise Mc
Frank LeRond McVey, which was sol- and Miss Janet McVcy's gown was of
Cormick and Margaret Dungan; Ch
emnized at 12 o'clock noon Saturday blue taffeta.
Mrs. John David Allen kept the Omega, Mary Whitfield and May
at Pleasant View, Jessamine county,
the home of the bride's parents, Mr. guest register. She was dressed in Harbison; Alpha Xi Delta, Zelma Hall
and Mrs. Asa Hickman Jewell, with black canton crepe with gold thread and Gene Ellison; Alpha Gamma Del
only the members of the two families ctrfbroidery and monkey fur trim ta, Lurline Bronaugh and Dorothy.
Jameson; Delta Delta, Genevieve Kel
and intimate friends present.
The gifts were displayed in the li ley and Marjorie Warden; Alpha Del
Dr. William Pitt McVey, of
Ind., brother of the bride- brary and were notably handsome. ta Theta, Nell Noland and Nellie Clay
groom, read the service before an al- The members of the faculty of the Corbin; Delta Zeta, Mildred Cowgill
tar of ems and palms lighted by University and Woman's Club sent and Margaret Doty; Pi Alpha Theta
cathedral candles arranged in the a magnificent silver service, and the Lucille Arnold; Sigma Beta Epsilon
gift was a silver Roland.
women students'
drawing room.
Also Misses Pauline Prather, Kath- The colonial hall and the specious chop dish.
Dr. McVey and his bride left in the Kathryn McGurk; Omega Rho, Edith
rooms on each side were bia.u.iuily
decorated with roses, chrysanthemums afternoon for a ten days' bridal trip leen Miller, Dorothy Reed, Elizabeth
and ferns, and southern smyiax was after whidi they will be at home at Burton, Sue Humphreys, Eliza Tugg
entwined about the columns and the Maxwell Place, the president's house Caldwell.
winding stairway. A beautifiul pro- on the campus.
The men present represented all the
The bride is one of Kentucky's chapters of the men's fraternities in
gram of music was rendered during
the assembling of the guests by Mrs. most brilliant women and has taken a the city.
Louis Alexander, violinist, and Miss leading: part in University life where
harpist, and the she has been dean of women for three
Prepare Opera "Martha"
Marie Fitzgerald,
"Lohengrin" and Mendelsshon bridal years. She is a graduate of Vassar
The opera "Martha," which the
College and has done post graduate music department 6f the University
marches we're used as the processionDr. will produce at the Lexington opera
work at Columbia University.
al and recessional.
The ribbons forming the aisle for McVey, president of the University of House, Thursday afternoon and even
the wedding party were drawn by Mrs. Kentucky, is one of the most popular ing, December 6, is being rehearsed
Horton Watkins, of St. Louis, and executives the institution has ever every afternoon under tne direction
Mrs. Samuel B. Walton. The bride's had and his influence has been strong- of Professor Carl Lampert. Accord
niece, Miss Elizabeth Jewell, maid of ly felt in educational work throughing to Mr. James Baughman, business
manager of the production, a special
honor, was first to enter the drawing out the state and country.
room. She wore a dainty gown of
matinee will be held for the school
pale pink crepe de chine with a showTn Dance for Their Pledge
children of Lexington and their par
The Kappa Kappa Gamma frater- ents.
er of ribbons Of pastel shades falling
from the waistline. She carried a nity of the University entertained deThe entire work on the opera is
French bouquet of flowers in pastel lightfully Friday with a tea dance at
executed at the University. The
Patterson Hall in honor of their Art Department is painting the seen
ery under the direction of Professor
The bride descended the stairway pledges.
The recreation hall made a beautiful Carol Sax. Miss Elizabeth Cromwell
and was joined by her father who escorted her to the altar whore she was ball room with decorations of plants is planning the costumes.
joined by the (bridegroom and his and many flowers. The favors were
'best man, Frank LeRond McVey, Jr. pretty little memorandum books for
The bride was especially handsome the girls. An orchestra furnished the
in an exquisite gown of white satin music and refreshments were served.
Brown and Jones at the club, were
The hostesses were the active
with panels of embroidered net arid
real lace. Her tulle veil was fastened chapter, Misses Laura Isabelle Ben lamenting the absence of their
friend Robinson, who had got- mar
"We don't see much of Robinson
now," said Brown." "I fancy his
movements are not so free as they
used to be."
"Thats true," replied Jones, dryly.