xt75mk654k2t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75mk654k2t/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1957-01-jan22-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1957-01-jan22-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1957-01-jan22-ec. 1957 1957-01-jan22-ec. 2011 true xt75mk654k2t section xt75mk654k2t 

          Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of
Trustees of the University of Kentucky, January 22, 1957.

          The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University
met in the President' s Office at 10:30 a.m. , CST, Tuesday, January 22, 1957,
with the following members present: R. P. Hobson, Chairman; J. Stephen
Watkins, Louis Cox, Harper Gatton and Dr. Ralph J. Angelucci. Absent:
None.  President Frank G. Dickey and Secretary Frank D. Peterson met with
the Committee.

          A. Approval of Minutes.

          Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the minutes of the
Executive Committee of October 19, 1956, were approved as published.

          B. Report of the Treasurer.

          The Treasurer made the usual financial report consisting of statement
of income realized for all purposes and expenditures and encumbrances outstand-
ing for all purposes for the six-months period ended December 31, 1956.  The
report also contained a balance sheet.

          Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the financial report
was authorized received and filed.

         C. Investment of Funds.

         The Treasurer stated that the temporary balances of restricted funds
were in excess of $650, 000. Prvesldent Dickey and Mr. Peterson recommended
that $500, 000 be invested in 90-day Treasury Certificates bearing an interest
rate of Z-7/8%.

         Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the sum of $500,000
invested in Government Certificates was approved, ratified and authorized.

         D. Sale of Phi Delta Theta Dormitory Bonds.

         Mr. Peterson stated that, pursuant to authorization of the Board of
Trtustees, he had, as Secretary, advertised the sale of $150, 000 University of
Kentucky Dormitory Revenue Bonds (338 Clifton Avenue, Phi Delta Theta). He
stated that bids had been received from four concerns: namely, Bankers Bond
Company (Louisville) and Security and Bond Company (Lexington), W. L. Lyons
& Company (Louisville), Pohl and Company (Cincinnati), and F. L. Dupree &
Company (Harlan).

Whereupon, the following Resolution was presented:




          WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, at
a meeting held on December 11, 1956, adopted a Resolution providing for the
issuance of $150, 000. 00 principal amount of "University of Kentucky Dormitory
Revenue Bonds (338 Clifton Avenue)", to be dated as of December 1, 1956 for
the purpose of providing funds for the construction on land constituting a part
of the campus of the University a small student dormitory suitable for occupa-
tion by a fraternity or other campus organization, or by students generally,
upon a rental basis calculated to provide to the University funds sufficient to
pay the said bonds and the interest thereon as the bonds and coupons mature
from time to time, as more specifically set forth in said Resolution;  and

          WHEREAS, the State Property and Buildings Commission of the
Commonwealth of Kentucky, at a meeting held on November 8, 1956, took
proper action approving the University' s proposal to construct said building
and to issue $150, 000. 00 of its Revenue Bonds to provide for the financing
thereof; and

          WHEREAS, an appropriate notice, regarding the sale of said
bonds, was duly published in the Courier-Journal, Louisville, Kentucky, on
January 11, 1957, soliciting sealed proposals for the purchasing of said bonds,
the same to be received in the Office of the Vice-President (Business Admin-
istration) of the University until January 22, 1957, at 10:30 A.M., C.S.T.,
and referred to this meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of
Trustees for consideration and action; and

          WHEREAS, at the time of the publication of said notice, bids for
the constriEUion o the dormitory building had not been received and consid-
ered, and it was not possible to determine how many of the bonds it would be
necessary to sell in order to provide for the payment of all costs, with the
result that the public notice was so worded as to require bidders to offer to
purchase said bonds on the basis of a specified price per $1, 000. 00 bond,
with an agreement on the part of the bidders to accept at such price as many
of the bonds as this Executive Committee might decide to sell (not less than
$145, 000. 00 nor more than $150, 000. 00); and the Vice-President (Business
Administration) has now reported that construction bids have been received
and compared, and it is apparent that the entire $150, 000.00 of said bonds
should be sold; and

         WHEREAS, the Vice-President (Business Administration) has exhibit-
ed to the Board ofTrustees an affidavit from an employee of said newspaper,
showing such publication of the "Notice of Sale of Bonds," and has also produced
before the Board the sealed proposals received in his office prior to 10:30 A. M.,
C. S. T. , on January 22, 1957, and the same having been publicly opened, read,
and compared, and are listed, as follows:




PER $1, 000. 00 BOND
(Exclusive of accrued


Bankers Bond Company
Security and Bond Co.

F.L. Dupree & Co.(Harlan)

Pohl & Co. (Cincinnati)

W. L. Lyons & Co.(Lexington)

$147, 005.80

$990 per $1,000

$147,420. 00

$147, 000. 00

4% maturing June 1, 1958
  through 1972
4-1/4% maturing June 1,
  1973 through 1987
4-1/2% maturing June 1,
  1988 through 1996

4% maturing 1958 through
4-1/4% maturing 1968
  through 19 73
4-1/2% maturing 1974
  through 1996

5% per an-num

3-1/2% 1958 through 1963
3-3/4% 1964 through 1966
4% 1967 through 1969

4-1/4% 1970
4-1/2% 1978

through 1977

through 1996

         AND WHEREAS, upon comparison of the bids it appears that the best
bid is that of Bankers Bond Company and Security and Bond Company, offering to
purchase said bonds, as authorized by the Executive Committee, at a price of
$990, 038 per $1, 000.00 bond (plus accrued interest from December 1, 1956 to the
date of delivery), providing the same are caused to bear interest at the following
respective coupon rates:

         4% maturing June 1, 1958 through 1972
       4-1/4% maturing June 1, 1973 through 1987
       4-1/2% maturing June 1, 1988 through 1996


         Section 1. It is hereby determined that the entire $150, 000. 00 of
said "Univer'sity of Kentucky Dormitory Revenue Bonds (338 Clifton Avenu~e)" shall
be sold.



          Section 2. It is hereby determined and declared that the best bid
received prior toTM:30 A.M., C.S. T. , on January 22, 1957, for the purchas-
ing of the said bonds, is the bid of Bankers Bond Company and Security and Bond
Company, offering $990. 038 per $1, 000.00 bond and accrued interest, and agree-
ing to accept the entire $150, 000.00 principal amount of said bonds, providing
the same are caused to bear interest on the following respective coupon rates:

              4% maturing June 1, 1958 through 1972
          4-1/470 maturing June 1, 1973 through 1987
          4-1/2% maturing June 1, 1988 through 1996

          Said bid is herebyfoandand declared to be acceptable as to both price
and interest coupon rates, and the same is hereby accepted by the Board of
Trustees. Said bid, together with this Resolution of acceptance, shall consti-
tute a firm contract for the purchasing and selling of said bonds subject to the
conditions set forth in the published "Notice of Sale of Bonds." The bonds
shall bear interest from their date until paid at the respective coupon rates set
forth in said bid, and the printer shall be instructed to prepare the bonds and
interest coupons accordingly, and upon execution of the bonds by the Chairman
and Secretary of the Board of Trustees, the same shall be tendered to the pur-
chaser, and delivered to said purchaser upon payment of the purchase price.

          Section 3. The good faith checks accompanying all unsuccessful bids
shall immediately be returned to the respective bidders. The good faith check
of the purchaser in the sum of $3, 000. 00 shall be held uncashed by the Vice-
President (Business Administration) of the University until such time as the
bonds are delivered and paid for; whereupon, it may be returned to the purchas-
er upon payment of the full bid price with accrued interest to delivery, or cashed
and allowed as a credit upon the purchase price, as the purchaser may elect.

          Section 4. The affidavit, above referred to, showing publication
of the "Notice of Sale of Bonds,", shall be retained by the Secretary as permanent
records of the Board of Trustees, to show proper advertisement of the sale, as
contemplated by law.

          Section 5. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and
after its adoption.

22, 195-7.      ''







           I, Frank D. Peterson, Secretary of the Executive Committee of the
 Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, hereby certify that the fore-
 going is a true copy of a Resolution adopted by said Executive Committee at
 a meeting held on January 22, 1957, in Lexington, Kentucky.

           WITNESS my hand and the seal of said University this   day
 of January, 1957.

                                                  ~ W Secretary

           Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Resolution was
unanimously adopted.

          E. Award of Contract.

          Mr. Peterson submitted a tabulation of bids from four contractors
for the construction of the small dormitory, Phi Delta Theta house. He stated
that the low bid was submitted by Fox &_ Lewis, Lexington, Ky. The request
for bids contained certain alternates, additives and deductives. Mr. Peterson
recommended that Alternate 3, Inclusion of Kitchen Equipment, an additive in
the amount of $1, 225. 00; Alternate 5, Use of Glazed Tile in the Kitchen, an
additive of $100.00; Alternate 6, Use of Gypsum Roof Deck, a deductive of
$675. 00; and Alternate 10, Masonry substituted for Asbestos panels, a deductive
of $137. 00, be accepted and that the contract be awarded to Fox & Lewis for a
combined bid of $129, 513. 00. He stated that the architects' fees, interest
during the construction, and the legal and financial charges incident to the project
would consume most of the balance of the bond issue.

          Members of the Executive Committee being advised, upon motion duly
made, seconded and carried, the contract was authorized awarded to Fox and
Lewis for the sum of $129,513.00.  The architects fees, interest during
construction, and financial costs connected with the Bond Issue were authorized

          F. Army ROTC Flight Contract.

          Mr. Peterson submitted contract for Army ROTC Flight Training for
senior students. The contract provides for 361 hours of flight training to all
Army ROTC students volunteering for flight training.  Mr. Peterson stated
that all costs incident to the flight training, including insurance and transporta-
tion of trainees would be covered by the contract with the Armed Services. He
recommended that authority be given to execute the contract on behalf of the
University and to make a sub-contract approved by the C.AA. for such training.



          Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendation
of Vice President Peterson was concurred in, and the contract was authorized
executed on behalf of the University.  He was further authorized to negotiate
a contract for training facilities necessary.

          G. Purchase of House and Lot at 1i9 Washington Avenue.

          President Dickey and Mr. Peterson submitted a joint recommendation
for the purchase of house and lot at 119 Washington Avenue for the sum of
$13,000.00. Mr. Peterson stated that the lot had a 50-foot frontage and a depth--
of something in the neighborhood of 125 feet, more or less, even though the
owner feels that his lot is nearly 150 feet. The house is brick with an apartment
downstairs and one upstairs. It is in need of some repairs.  Mr. Peterson
stated that this was the last house on Washington Avenue not owned by the Uni-
versity. He stated that he thought this was a very desirable piece of property
for the University to own. It removes an island within the campus.  The house
and lot were offered to the public at a price of $20, 000.

          Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, Vice President Peterson
was authorized to purchase the lot for the sum of $13,000, and pay for same from
the Haggin Fund.

          H. Agreement to Purchase.

          Mr. Peterson submitted an Agreement between the University and the
Tri Delta Realty Company, a corporation of Lexington, agreeing to purchase
the facilities at 468 Rose Street when the addition to the Tri Delta Sorority House
was made, in compliance with plans and specifications approved by the Universi-
ty, for a fixed sum of $100, 000.

          The contract was read and, upon motion duly made, seconded and
carried, was authorized executed on behalf of the University.

          I. Application for Loan from the Housing and Home Finance Agency
for Boys' Dormitory.

          Mr. Peterson stated that he felt it would be desirable to begin thinking
about the construction of another dormitory for boys located in the vicinity of the
existing men' s residence halls.  He recommended that authority be granted to
make application to the Housing and Home Finance Agency of the Federal Govern-
ment for a negotiated loan.  President Dickey briefly discussed the need for
additional housing facilities.

          Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, Vice President Peter-
son was authorized to make application to the Housing and Home Finance Agency
of the Federal Government for the construction of a new residence hall for men
at the University of Kentucky.



          J. Injurie s.

          Mr. Peterson submitted a report of injury to Arthur D. Clemons, a
laborer in the Experiment Station. The accident occurred when Mr. Clemons'
thumb was caught between tongs and chain while he was hooking tongs in the
end of a log. The thumb was mashed and there was a fracture of the bone.
Mr. Clemons was treated at the Homeplace Clinic & Hospital at Ary, Ky. An
invoice for $5. 00 for clinical care and x-ray was submitted. Mr. Peterson
recommended that same be paid from the Robinson Sub-Station fund with the
expressed understanding that the University does not admit liability or negli-
gence in the accident by reason of the payment of the claim.

          Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the invoice of the
Homeplace Clinic & Hospital in the amount of $5. 00 was authorized paid, with
the expressed understanding that the University does not set a precedent nor
does it admit liability by the payment of this invoice.

          Mr. Peterson also submitted report of injury to Carl Barnes, a farm
tractor operator on the Experiment Station farm,  The injury occurred when
Mr. Barnes was helping to house tobacco. He slipped off of a rail in the barn
and broke his arm.  The arm was x-rayed. Dr. W. K. Massie gave initial
examination, set the arm, put same in a cast, and followed up with a number
of office calls. Dr. Massie submits invoice for $75. 00 for services rendered
in connection with the accident.

          Mr. Peterson recommended that the claim be paid from Experiment
Station account, with the understanding that the University does not admit
liability or negligence in regard to the accident,

          Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Executive Commit-
tee authorized payment of the invoice of Dr. W. K. Massie in the amount of
$75. 00, with the expressed understanding that the University does not set a
precedent nor does it admit liability in the payment of this claim.

         K. He Bong Kim--Free Fees.

         President Dickey submitted recommendation that fees connected with
the registration of Mr. He Bong Kim, Korean student in the College of Engineer-
ing, be waived. President Dickey reported that, on recommendation of Doctor
Donovan, then president, the first semester fees were waived. He stated that
Mr. He Bong Kim was a victim of the Korean War.  The Rotary District 235,
Pikeville College and the Pikeville Presbyterian Church have been assisting him
during the past two years.

         Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the registration and
incidental fees for He Bong Kim were authorized waived, and the Comptroller
was directed so to note on the registration records,


          L. Employees Insurance Committee Request.

          President Dickey submitted a letter from Dr. Ralph R. Pickett, Chair-
man of Employees Insurance Committee, calling attention to the aspect of the
University insurance program which is currently of concern to the Committee.

          Doctor Pickett called attention to the fact that, even though the present
hospitalization and surgical expense contract was revised in 1953, the cost of
hospital services has continually increased to such an extent as to render the
benefits inadequate. He stated that the Committee was studying the subject
of major medical expense insurance. He requested a change in University pol-
icy concerning premium payments whereby the University would participate in
the cost incident thereto.

          Members of the Committee discussed the request, and upon motion,
duly made, seconded and carried, authorized the communication received for
further study, with a report to be made at another meeting of the Committee
or the Board of Trustees.

          M. Civil Defense Contract Approved.

          President Dickey submitted a contract between the Survival Plan
Project, Kentucky Division of Civil Defense and the University whereby the De-
partment of Political Science will devote as much as 1, 000 hours to a specified
project for civil defense for the State of Kentucky. The Contractor agrees to
make a study of the Command and Control Section of the Kentucky Survival
Plan and to write the Command and Control annex to the Kentucky Survival Op-
erations Plan. The contract involves expenditure of the sum of $5, 000.

          Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the contract was au-
thorized executed on behalf of the University.

          N. Economic Development Contract.

          President Dickey submitted a proposed Agreement between the Kentucky
Department of Economic Development and the University.  The Agricultural
Experiment Station agrees to use its organization, personnel and facilities to
study the composition of tobacco in cigarettes regularly distributed to the public.
The contract involves the sum of approxirately $5, 000 and ends June 30, 1957.

          Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the contract was au-
thorized executed on behalf of the University.

          0. Budget Adjustments.

          President Dickey reported a request from the Director of the Museum
of Anthropology for additional funds for needed alteration work in the Museum.
He requested the addition of $1,005.00 for electrical and carpentry work, paint-
ing and other expenses.



          Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendation
of the President was concurred in, and the Comptroller was authorized to
make the necessary budget adjustment.

          President Dickey submitted a budget for the University of Kentucky
North Farm maintenance in the amount of $100, 000. He stated that this was
the budget of the recently acquired Coldstream Farm and would enable the
management of the farm to acquire the labor necessary to operate and main-
tain the farm and to make purchases required under the proposed program.

          Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the budget was ap-
proved as submitted and the necessary appropriation was authorized.

          President Dickey submitted a proposed budget for the Kentucky
Poultry Research Farm in amount of $100, 000. 00. He stated that this project
would be used in connection with the new land which is to be transferred from
the Federal Government to the University. It will enable the Poultry Depart-
ment to push its research program and make necessary improvements on the
farm. President Dickey recommended that the budget be approved and that
the appropriation be authorized.

          Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the budget submitted
for the Kentucky Poultry Research Farm was approved and the appropriation
for $100,000 was authorized.

          P. Outside Work for Mory, Leggett, Elliott and Beers.

          President Dickey stated he had received a request, approved by Dean
Welch, to grant permission for Mr. N. R. Elliott to do consultation work with
the State Highway Department in connection with the seeding and sodding of
backslopes, and for Dr. H. W. Beers to do consultation work in the field of
proposed studies in rural education with the United States Department of
Agriculture. He stated that these projects would not interfere with the per-
formance of the regular duties of Mr. Elliott and Doctor Beers.

         President Dickey also submitted a. request, approved by Dean D. V.
Terrell, of the College of Engineering, that Professors Samuel A. Mory, Jr.,
and James L. Leggett, Jr. , be given permission to do consultation work for
the Ruby Lumber Company of Madisonville, Ky. He stated that Professors
Mory and Leggett would do work dealing with a new phase in reinforced concrete
design. Personnel for such services is not readily available at this time within
a reasonable distance. The work performed will not interfere with the regular
duties of Professors Mory and Leggett.  President Dickey recommended that
the request be granted.

         Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, Professors Elliott,
Beers, Mory and Leggett were granted permission to do outside work, and the
President was requested to review permission granted for off-campus work on
a fiscal year basis.



          Q. Contract with Indonesian Government for Agricultural Help.

          President Dickey submitted a request from representatives of the
I.C.A., Washington, D.C., for proposed assistance to the University of In-
donesia College of Agriculture. President Dickey stated that we had a team
of men there working in the sciences and related fields, that Dean Welch had
made a survey of the situation, and recommended to I. C.A. that a contract in
the fields of agriculture and the natural sciences in Indonesia would be helpful
to the Government and to the people of Indonesia.

          Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, authority to negotiate
a contract with I. C. A. was authorized.

         R. Change-of-Work for Louis Clifton.

         President Dickey stated that Mr. Louis Clifton would reach the age of
70 on February 22, 1957. Upon recommendation of Lyman V. Ginger, Acting
Dean of the College of Adult and Extension Education, and with the concurrence
of President Dickey, change-of-work was requested, effective July 1, 1957, with
the understanding that his compensation would be in accordance with University
regulations, and that his change of duties would be made at a later date.

         Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendation
of the President was concurred in and change-of-work status for Mr. Louis
Clifton was authorized, effective July 1, 1957.

         S. Assignment of Patent of Robert B. Griffith.

         President Dickey submitted the following assignment of Robert B. Grif-
fith and recommended that same be approved.


         WHEREAS, I, ROBERT B. GRIFFITH, a citizen of the United
    States and a resident of Lexington, in the County of Fayette and State
    of Kentucky, have made application for Letters Patent of the United
    States and have described the nature of my invention in the specifica-
    tion of said application, which was signed by me under oath on the 5th
    day of December, 1956, and filed in the United States Patent Office
    on the 7th day of December, 1956, as Serial No. 626,921;

    OF KENTUCKY, having a place of business at Lexington, Kentucky, is
    desirous of acquiring the entire right, title and interest in and to the
    aforesaid application and the invention thereof, and in, to and under any
    and all LETTERS PATENT which may be granted on or as a result
    thereof in any and all countries;


1 1

      NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the sum of
One Dollar ($l1. QQ) to me in hand paid by said the BOARD OF
and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby
acknowledged, I, the said ROBERTr B. GRIFFITH, have sold, as-
signed, transferred and set over, and by these presents do hereby
sell, assign, transfer and set over, to said the BOARD OF TRUSTEES
OF THE UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY, the entire right, title and in-
terest in and to said invention and said application and any and all
continuations, divisions and renewals of and substitutes for said ap-
plication, and in, to and under any and all Letters Patent which may
be granted on or as a result thereof in the United States and any and
all other countries, and any reissues and reissues and extension or
extensions of said Letters Patent, the same to be held and enjoyed
TUCKY, its successors, assigns and legal representatives, to the
full end of the term or terms for which said Letters Patent may be
granted, reissued or extended as fully and entirely as the same
would have been held and enjoyed by me had this assignment, sale
and transfer not been made;

     AND I hereby covenant that I have the full right to convey the
entire interest herein assigned, and that I have not executed and will
not execute any agreement in conflict herewith, and I further covenant
and agree that I will, at any times, upon request, execute and deliver
all such papers as may be necessary or desirable to perfect the title
to said invention, said application and said Letters Patent in said the
successors, assigns or 'Legal representatives, will communicate to
them all facts known to me respecting said invention, said applica-
tion and said Letters Patent, will testify in any legal proceedings,
sign all lawful papers, execute all disclaimers and divisional, con-
tinuing, reissue and foreign applications and make all rightful oaths,
and generally will do everything possible to aid said the BOARD OF
assigns and legal representatives to obtain and enforce for its or
their own benefit proper patent protection for said invention in any
and all countries, all at the expense, however of said the BOARD OF
assigns or legal representatives;

     AND I hereby authorize and request the Commissioner of Patents
of the United States and any official of any country or countries foreign
to the United States whose duty it is to issue patents on applications
as aforesaid, to issue to said the BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNI-
VERSITY OF KENTUCKY, as assignee of the entire right, title and
interest, any and all Letters Patent for said invention, including any
and all Letters Patent of the United States which may be issued or
granted on or as a result of the application hereinbefore identified, in
accordance with the terms of this instrument.

     Executed this 11 day of January, 1957.

(Signed)      -Robert B. Griffith



                     ( SS

     On this 11th day of January, 1957, before me personally came
ROBERT B. GRIFFITH, to me personally known to be the individual
described in and who executed the foregoing instrument bearing
date on the 11th day of January, 1957, who individually acknowledged
to m.e that he executed the same of his own free will for the purposes
therein set forth.

                   (Signed)        Mary E. Stillwell
                                   Notary Public

                               My commission expires September 18,


OF KENTUCKY is the sole and exclusive owner, by assignment, of
the following application for Letters Patent of the United States and
the invention represented thereby:

     Griffith - Serial No. 626,921 - filed December 7, 1956, and

poration organized and existing under the laws of the Commonwealth
of Kentucky and having a place of business at Lexington, Kentucky,
is desirous of acquiring the entire right, title and interest in and
to the aforesaid application and the invention thereof, and in, to
and under any and all Letters Patent which may be granted on or as
a result thereof in any and all countries;

     NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the sum of One
Dollar ($1. 00 and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt
of which is hereby acknowledged, the said BOARD OF T1USTEES OF
THE UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY has sold, assigned, transferred
and set over, and by these presents does hereby sell, assign, transfer
entire right, title and interest in and to the aforesaid application and
the invention thereof and in, to and under any and all Letters Patent
which may be granted on or as a result thereof in any and all countries,
the same to be held and enjoyed by said THE KENTUCKY RESEARCH
FOUNDATION, its successors, assigns and legal representatives,
to the full end of the term or terms for which said Letters Patent
may be granted, reissued or extended as fully as the same would have
been held and enjoyed by the said BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE
UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY had this assignment, sale and transfer
OF KENTUCKY hereby authorizes and requests the Commissioner of
Patents of the United States and any official of any country or countries



     foreign to the United States whose duty it is to issue patents on appli-
     cations as aforesaid, to issue to said THE KENTUCKY RESEARCH
     FOUNDATION, as assignee of the entire right, title and interest, and
     any and all Letters Patent for said invention including any and all
     Letters Patent of the United States which may be issued or granted
     on or as a result of the application hereinbefore identified, in ac-
     cordance with the terms of this agreement, and hereby covenants
     that it has the full right to convey the entire interest herein assigned
     and that it has not executed and will not execute, any agreement
     in conflict herewith,

     THE UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY has caused these presents to be
     signed by the Chairman of its Executive Committee thereunto duly
     authorized and its seal to be affixed and attested by the Secretary of
     its Executive Committee this       day of              , 1957.
