xt75mk654j9c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75mk654j9c/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1921-11-dec13. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1921-11-dec13. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1921-11-dec13. 1921 1921-11-dec13. 2011 true xt75mk654j9c section xt75mk654j9c 

     Minutes of the regular quarterly meeting of the Board of Trustees,
University of Kentucky, for Tuesday, December 13, 1921.

     The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in regular
quarterly session in the President's office at the University of Kentucky
on Tuesday, December 13, 1921, at 11:30 o'clock, a. m.  The following
members were present:  T. L. Hornsby, Senator H. M. Froman, J. R. Rash,
Robert G. Gordon, Tudgc Richard C. Stoll, Rainey T. Wells, James M. Turner,
Frank McKee, and W. H. Grady.  Prank L. McVey, President of the University,
and Wellington Patrick, Secretary of the Board, were also present.

     In the'absence of the Governor, the meeting was called to order by
Judge Stoll.  The minutes of the last meeting of the Board of Trustees and
minutes of the Executive Committee since the last meeting, of the Board were
approved as published.

     (I) Financial Rport.  The financial report of the Business Agent was
presente& by the President, read, and ordered filed.

     (2) (Biernial  Rert of the President.   The biennial report of the
President was read, and on motion by Senator Froman, seconded by Mr. Gordon,
ordered printed for distribution.  (The report when printed is to be at-
tached to these minutes as a part thereof.)-

     (3) Removal of Feed and Fertilizer Control from Hxperiment Station.
On motion by Senator Froman, seconded by Mr. Hornsby, the following resolu-
tion was unanimously adopted by the Board:

    -     The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky have
    given consideration to the information given by the President as
    to *the proposal OF an or0tniuctiur to ir.ooate- nnd thoir purr3s-.
    t- introduce legislation to remove from the Experiment Station the
    feed, fertilizer and pure seed control work.   It is the belief of
    the Board of Trustees that the proposal is against the public in-
    terest and that if carried out it would be adverse to the intcr;st
    of the farmers of the State. and would also cripple the work of the
    Experiment Station.  This work has so long been a fundamental
    part of the Experiment Station that is has become an essential
    part of its plan of operation and is connected with many important
    investigations and demonstrations in the field of agriculture.

          By specific legislation the administration of these laws has
     been entrusted to the Experiment Station; the fertilizer law for
     offer thirty-three years, the feed law for sixteen years and the
     pure seed act for five years.  It has thus become an established
     legislative policy of the State and the administration of these



    acts and others assigned to the Station has met with the approval
    of the farrmers of the State and with the general public.  The
    suggested changes would not only be expensive to the State but
    would probably lessen the protection now given the farmer.   Thhe
    Board of Trustees further oalls attention to the fact that there
    wvould be an added financial burden to the State, especially in
    view of the fact that new laboratories would have to be purchased
    and maintained. -'This is especially true since the present lab-
    oratories would have to be continued in the conduct of the work
    of the Experiment Station.  The Board hereby directs the Presi-
    dent and the administrative officers of the College of Agriculture
    and the Experiment Station of the University of Kentuckyy to take
    such action as will prevent the retmoval of this work and thereby
    insure the best interests of the farmer.

    (4) Right of Erninent Domain for the University.  It Was reported to
the Board by the President that the owners of the Negro church on Winslow
Street had offered the property to the University for $s0oo0.   It appear-
ing that the owners of the church propose to ereot a new church on the site,
which would be objectionable to the Univcrsity, Judge Stoll and Mr. Gordon
were requested to prepare for the Legislature a bill giving the University
the right of eminent domain.   On motion, duly made and seconded, the Sec-
retary of the Board was instructed to request the Attorney General to in-
stitute a suit on the part of the State to prevcnt the erection of 'such

     (5) Interview with Budget Commission.   President MoVey reported to
the Boa-rd that on Fr-iday, December 2, he and the members of the Executive
Committe:e, including Senator Ernst, had called on the State Budget Commis-
sion and presented the needs of the University.   He indicated that their
representations had been received with due respect, although the members
of the Budget Commission had not in any way comnmitted themselves on the
program.  In the discussion which follovwed, it appeared to be the sense
of the Board that the ?rovident should arrange for the Survey Commission
to get a hearing before the Budget Commission on the matter.

     (6) Dedication of Ytew Dormitor.   Judge: Stoll suggested to the Board
that it might be approrriate to arrange for suitable dedicatory exercises
on the completion of the newv dormitory.  On motion by Mr. Wells, seconded
by Mr. Turner, such an exercise was authorized with the stipulation that
the Legislature be invited to visit the University on that occasion.

     (7) Insurance on Buildings. Mr. Gordon made a brief report on in-
surance matters which he had been investigating.   He stated that a repre-
sentative of the Hartford Fire Insurance Company would visit the University
on January 2 to make a preliminary survey of the situation, and stated that
after such survey the Board could then consider what further action it would
take with respect to the matter.   (See paragraph 6, IMinutes of Executive
Committee, November 16, 1921.)



     ( 8) Granting of Degrees.  The following communication was read from
the Registrar with respect to granting of degrees:

                                       University of Xontucky
                                             December 13. 1921

          The UTniversity Senate recommends to the Board of Trustees of
     the University of K&entucky the following persons for the degrees
     indioated below:

          Bachelor of Arts.  Vivian Elise DeLaine, James Donald Dinning,
     Corinne Lucas Martin, Mary Theressa Ross, Mnary Adele Slade.

          Bachelor of Science in Rome Economocs.  Jane Stanberry Bell,
     1Zlizabeth Scott Thrclkeld.

          Bachelor of Science in Agriculture.   Gordie Ycung.

          Bachelor of Soience in Civil Eng geerin.    Walter vdward Rowe.

          Bachelor of Laws.   Gus Blant Bruaner, Raymond Jo seph Connell, -
     Emmett Presley Fatter, Robert Hugh Tomlinson, Jr.

          Master of Arts.   Pauline Wherry, Lucille Ninerv&a De;o.

                              (Signed) Ezra L. Gillis
                                             Secretary of the Senate

     On motion, duly made and seconded, the degreesrecommended were ap-
proved by the Board.

     (9) Advertising in -the Lexington Herald.  President McVey reported
to the Board that lir. Charles 3. Stewart of the Lexington Herald had called
on him and solicited an advertisement from the University covering a full.
page in a special issue of the Herald, to be printed during the month of
January.   After discussion, th. Presideat was authorized to carry such ad-
vertining, the cost not to exceed $250.

     (10) Anointments.    On recommendation by President McVey the follow-
ing appointments wexre confirmed by the Board:

     Appointment of James Park as baseball coach for the spring of 1922,
at a salary of $750 for the season. to be paid from athletic funds.

     Appointment of Miss Lillian Cole as home demonstration agent, Campbell
County, Kentucky, at a salary of $141 2/3 a month, for a period of twelve
months, effeotive Yovember 21, 1921.



     (11) Election of Alumni Member to Board of Trustees.    In accordance
with the regulations of the Board, the ballots for the election of an Alumni
member to the Board of Trustees were opened and counted in the presence of
visitors.  Among the Alumni present vwere Dean W1. E. Freeman, Herbert
Graham, Alumni Secretary, Professor J. R. Johnson, Miss Margaret McLaughlin.
The number of votes received by the various nominees wrere as follows:

          William Raymond Allen..........               156 votes
          Howard P. ingis      .       .292 votes
          Philip Preston Johinston, Jr..254 voter
          Virgil Yandel Moore           .      .       20'7 votes
          Earle Benton Webb                    ....... 228 votes
          Rodman Wiley .     ,        ,......................,.,.330 votes

     The total number of alumni voting was 503.   There -were five irregular
votes, which irould not have changed the result of the election.  On motion,
duly seconded, the Secretary of the Board was instructed to certify to the
Governor the names of Rodman 1riley, Hovard P. Ingels and Philip Preston
Johnston. Jr.

     (12) Honors at International Livestock Exposition.   President McVey
told of the honors won at the International Livestock Exposition.     The list
of honors, on motion, duly seconded, was ordered incorporated in the minutes.
(Thec report folloikss)

                                         Lexington, Thentucky
                                              December 12, 1921

     President F. L. MoVey

          University of Kentucky

     My dear President McVey:

           I am sure that you and the Board of Trustees will be inter-
      estud in the winnings of the Experiment Station livestock exhib-
      ited at the recent International Livestock Exposition at Chicago.
      There were large entries in each class, with animals from all parts
      of the country, and the competition was the keenest in the history
      of the Exposition.   The following is a list of our awards:

           Steer Class -- senior yearling-- 8th
           Wether Classes
                Yearling Hampshire wether -- 1st and 5th
                Hampshire lamb -  4th
                Pen 3, Hampshire wether lambs -- 3d
           Swin e
                Barrow Classes - Berkshires -- Junior Yearling -- 3d and 4th
                                                Senior pigs -- 2d and 6th
                                                Junior pigs a- 3d and 6th



               Pen of 3 Junior yearlings - 1st
               Pen of 3 Senior pigs -- 2d
               Pen of 3 Junior pigs - 3d
               Get of sire, 5 barrows, any age -- Zd and 7th.

                                        Yours very truly.

                                        Thomas P. Cooper
                                        Dean and Director

     (13) Gifts of Animals to the University.   President MoVey read   com-
munication from Dean Cooper regarding the various animals that have recently
been given to the University by breeders over the State.   On motion, duly
seconded, the letter was ordered incorporated in the minutes' and the Seo-
retary of the Board was instructed to write to the donors expressing to
them the appreciation of the Board of Trustees for their interest and help-
fulness in the work of the Institution.   The cornunication, which was or-
dered incoroorated in the minutes, l'Zxas ts follows:

                                        Lexington, 1Mentu cky
                                             December 1,. 1921

     President P. i. MoVey

          University of Eentucky

     My dear President McVey:

          I am writing to tell you of the splendid support which has
     been given our livestock work by the breeders of the State.   Many
     of the breeders have manifested their interest by giving us out-
     right, steers to be developed at the Experiment Station farm.  We
     have thus been able to add to our herds and forward our workr in a
     way which otherwise would have been impossible with the limited
     funds at our disposal.   The following is a list. of the animals
     given us since January 1, 192l:

              Donor                Name of Steer              Breed
          Thomas Cochran             troodoap         Aberdeen-Angus
             Shepherdsville, Ky.
          A. D. Bradshawr            Archie D.         Aberdeen-Angus
             Danville, Ky.
          A. B. Sawyer, Jr.          Blaok Joe         Aberdeen-Angus
             St. Mathews, Ky.
          B. A. Thomas         (Ben Harviestoun        Shorthorn
             Shelbyville, Ky. (Belle Harviestoun       Shorthorn
          Joe Calloway               Snow Ball         Shorthorn
             Smithfield, Ky.



          C. R. Harmon and Sons      Merry Monarch    Aberdeen-Angus
             Lebanon, Ky.
          C. 0e. Graves              Beau Domino 2d   Hereford
             Georgetown, Ky.

                                        Yours very truly

                                        Thomas P.. Cooper
                                        Dean and Director

          P. S.   This does not include steers purchased, several hav-
          ing been offered us at a very low price.

     (14) Sale of Lot to City of Lexinaton.   President McVey reported to
the Board that the City of' Lexington desired to. purchase from the University
a lot on Winslow Street for the purpose of enabling the Street Department
to extend Lexingtor' Avenue thru to Winslow Street.  He reported that the
lot had cost the University approximately $820.   On motion, duly'made and
seconded, it was ordered that the lot be sold to the city at cost, plus any
additionl -items of cost since its acquisition, including interest, and
that the: Chairman of the Executive Committee and the Secretary of the Board
be authorized to execute a deed for its transfer.

     (15) Furniture and Eguipment for Ne V' Dormitory.  The members of the
Board made a personal inspection of the new dormitory, for the purpose of
selecting furniture zad other equipment needed before its opening.   After
an inspection of samples submitted the following action was taken:  (a) The
Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds was authorized to put a concrete
walk, 12 x 30 feet in front of the building and cinder -walks leading to the'
campus.   (b) The bid of Brower and Company, Lexingtonj Kentucky, for $164-75
for shades foi- the windows, was accepted.  (c) The bid of Rogers 2nd Son,
Frankfort, Kentucky, for 100 bedroom chairs, like sample submitted, was ac-
cepted,. the chairs to cost $4.35 each, finished in fumed oak, of same shade
as other furniture to be selected.   (d) The bid of Frazer and Morrell, Lem-
ington, Kentucky for Denzar lighting units and other lights specified,
$795.65, was accepted.   (3) A committee consisting of President MoVey, Mr.
"sells, and Mr. McKee, -ras appointed to make further selection of furniture,
beds; chiffoniers, etc.

     On motion, the Board adjourned.

                                         Respectfully submitted

                                            Wellington Patrick

Secretary of the Board


Missing report(s)