xt75hq3rz164 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75hq3rz164/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1950-12-15 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 15, 1950 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 15, 1950 1950 1950-12-15 2023 true xt75hq3rz164 section xt75hq3rz164 uupy rwuuame



Merry Christmas December 2 )



Happy New Year January 1




; gxzsgiéfi‘fr;%rx fiwgfiwgefiga { Scholarship, Etc.



Elixir Hutu Em: is 1mm

.lml suglrlcnll/ [/i iv was trill: llu' (mg/l u multilin/i‘

of HH‘ luv/truly hos! praising (201/. um! say/1111:. Glory

.ii UK Trustees
Accept Gifts

the 3- mid of


Tivo scholarsh'p
$700 and two other
cepted this week by

““1? 8C-


lo (:01, in II!" Iii'h'u'sl. Hml on cur/Ii pct/cc. good will



lou'unl Inc”. I uk! ‘35] l “- Trustees on behalf of the Ulilvemty.

The National AssociatJin of Thor-

. .. . ouehbred Brc tiers gave 8—100 to be

‘V ;’ T11 :: f;- 3:. 44%;‘3‘Qgfi’l’fiegm Used in providing. a §~Cll.’-l.il‘3hlp in

agrmulture for a future Farlilei‘ of
America member The Union Light.
Heat. al.d Pow-9r Company: of C-)\‘-
int-t ill. pi‘e.-ezlted $30“ to be usel as
all annual €\ until Ju l «1

Dr W'lham S Ward has been ap-
ponlleo' her-d of the Department of
Elizlish cfleetivc at the beginning
of the next semester. He will sue-
cccd D; Herman E. Spivey. who
has been named head of the Grad-

Other staff changes approved by
the Board of Trustees are:

ENCES—Changes in status: Donald
C. Rose. part-time instructor in
mathematics and astronomy. placed

Is Offered

The International Farm Youth
Exchange Program sponsored by the
state 4-H Club department is now
receiving applications from any 4-H

rence Wetherby as nominations by
the alumni for the post of alumni
member of the Board of Trustees.

The men are H. D. Palmore of
Frankfort. present member whose
term expires Dec. 31; James S.

Tour Planned

For Students

ment. to the delegates at an Indiana

University microbiology symposium

held recently.

Dr. Scherago. who has headed the
UK Department of Bacteriology
since 1922. was named the “Distin-


The discovery of the all-important
Rh factor in blood. and new tech-
nical procedures for detection of in-
fectious disease also were listed by
Dr. Scherago in his address.



. . . . . . , _ guished Professor of the Year" in‘ R b ' 1 ‘ 1 h
, . 1_ on gu11_ume b35151 Mrs. Alice K. 1 1 . Shropshire, and William T. ToVVn . 1 1 ecent acterlo ogica researc .
uugijiczlogfimmg to the Universitv Rocker. assistant professor of social Club member Who ‘5 interested m a send. both of Lexington. All were Anv foreign student plannino to ”‘9 9011939 or AND and Selences the speaker continued. has produced In Ed I. n
in 1930 D“ Ward had taught at work. made special lecturer for De- four month “(31p to Europeemrtlhnall nominated by balloting conducted be inANew YorklbetV'een Dec IODal‘id ”1-1118;sz that h 't d t I ”convincing evidence" that the 90110 uca 10
' ‘ ' e‘ s. s an x a e . ~ . 1 ‘ a.- w 1.. c, . .
Gomvcmwn High 50110014 He re- cember and January slfdgnfs P81 a C E through the malls by members of the Jan. 1 can secure a planned tour of progress in the bald: “9W3 area . Virus is not spread through pollution
ceived his ‘ ' . ‘ _

training at Georgetown
College and received his master of


The qualifications for this trip
are that the student must be a 4-H

University Alumni Association.


the city to help him make the most

of his visit


against in-
fectious disease foreshadows the pos-

of community water supplies. EQUJl-
1y reassuring. he said. are disclosures

Set For June

_ : ~ . _ sibility that the time may not be far ‘ 1 '

all“ (192.300 from ~I‘Iariard in 1930 POzlllmelllS- James LnGlarrlgan. 3.5" Club member now, or in the past. Dr. A. E. Bigge. of the foreign until all su‘h diseases can be ef- 2:12:211351912? Krgig‘ehfizrfifigg :3 Preparation for a atoi'kshnp m in;
He was awarded his doctorV of sistamwag‘ent m training. Hardin and must be between the ages of Greek Class language department, has received f'ectively controlled." the UK sci- normal use of chlorine ‘ ‘ College of Eti=_i:.i'ion. to be hell: new
philosophy degree from Duke Lni- County. Blotse C.‘Ewbank. aSSistant 18 to :25. The students are selected from the Council of Foreign Stu— enlist said. IV Tl'RVlVG THEIR attention gummy. was. [he .Hpml):1 P1“ _ 1.1m
V9311}. :31 .1094: 1 )r moted to m Sggwpiiggzgéfiigaagar:1118:5113; on the basis of achievements in LR . Anyone interested in enrolling den“ in ‘1er York a schedu‘e of The discovery and application of to 1,05,11,19 means of defense againsi Committee mee:;:._ Tile-tau: a in:-
5:81:21 5:110“;- ill 10943 and to his Holsman. assistant analyst. Depalt- CIUb work as well as other leader- in a class 0‘ beginning Greek the “ma drugs. “umbloucs- and biological warfare. the nation‘s bac- (3011939

Di. William 5. Ward




merit of Agronomy. Experiment Sta-


should leave his name with the


events arranged especially for


cortisone chre termed by the bacter-

teriologists are developing simpler

The con" ‘e




, on Applications maybe obtained from Department of Ancient Lan— elgn students. The foreign student iologist as "certainly the most dra- and more effective insecticides and planned :1
h Peslgnailons: Calvin M. Auston. coxiiiit agents or by contacting the' gulafge‘sl.) R009? 1_02;-1__F_l'3299 Hall. will be guided to those places and lllilth and P‘el‘hflllé ”‘49 "1.03! im- fungicides as a valuable weapon “my?“,“ chemist. Department of 4—H Club department at the Unl- b' studzletsll suthluelllt demand thins which will be more interest— goftl‘t‘gti Off“ pa:t decades public against such warfare. But the chief mcanj“
Alll‘OllUanI Mrs. Alice S. Hopson. ‘Fl'l‘l'V Experimental Station. AD“ 5 1 or e 0‘155‘ H “.“X inc 10 him 11.9 informqnon can lea (fi‘90pwelll\' defense measures. he explained. m9“ “
a-Jqoam'chmnotogm Degamnem pllt'::il()ll.~ must be filed by Jan. 15. ‘ be offered “9’“ semester. T”? ° _ ' ‘ _ ‘ . ,‘ TIER!“ ARE \TILL other dls‘ must remain those that are directed -\*‘-“’C“"“‘“ “‘
of Animal Psthologv: Gcorge W Ln” vear Dale Stahl. Rachel class would be opened to stu- be obtained from Dr. Blgges office. covcrles. he added. that might pos- against the saboteur himself. tors. .izzrl ";-
Pope assistant chemist. Public Sert'- Johnson. Faye Sumpter. Bruce Cot- delits Of all classifications. 3031‘ Mllk‘l‘ Hall. 51m". l‘EV’UlllLlOlllff‘ ”O‘Hmem' 9f For the most part. he concluded. The “N“
we Laboratorie, toll. and Marna Perry were the Uni- . some diseases. sum as the new anti- our day-to-day sanitarv practices Puff)”:
COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING __ teisity students who went abload ' will be our prlnc1pal bulwark agmm. me: highs. .i: 1.; .
Leatc of absence: Richard B: on this exchange program _ Kcn- the induced disease of b10104”: seiltti‘nic-W Wis
Knight. associate professor of heal- “Ck.“ led all other states 1“ the Warfare ...u not ...........
ing and \pnulaung‘ granted leave number of delegates represented


from Feb 1 to June 30. 1931. to
1e: \'(‘- as \‘lSlllllL’ lecturer at Farouk Blazer [secture
I University. Alexandria. Egypt. __

uui'ci' the Fulbright Act

meli" Mrs Henri Hazyck. house-
lno'lier a' Phi Kappa Tau fraterniiv.

poiiiiinciii' Mary B. Sullivan. as-
»:siziii: director. Resignation. Mrs
5?th Brinks. assistant director,



Vets Not Graduating
Need Certificates

All \'t“(‘l‘.'lli who meet the re-
r:u;rcrncn1s for i‘raduation in
January: but plan to graduate in
June. 1051. must obtain a Supple—

Marshall Plan Is Su bjeci
0f Talk By Barry Bing/mm

Bv Don Rogers -
- - _, . r . . . . 1 . . . . ' '
TIODNTU‘H“ 0‘ Absence J“ L mental Certificate of Eligibilitv 1 . .
131 0.41:; assMant engineel-ilispccioi. 1., mntlnuc their training under Barry Binghxizn. president .inli t-iil- “R Hl\(. HUI HIGH! 1) ' .
.1.l‘.l"(l part-time leave to serve <1 . _

~‘11‘ili the Divis'on of Engineering of

the State Property alid Buildin;

1hr: GI, Bill for the second sc-

tor of the Courier-Journal. raced
through a description of the work—

. 11105 of the Marshall Pl’lll “u Fl"ll‘('£‘
. » i i-. , nine - ~ » s n i i
Commission. Frankiort. and placed . ADI’IS‘UO’“ mu“ be Obt ., d as he spoke 111 Memorial Hall .t: the
associate profcssHl‘ , - ,. .1 . 1 ,1 .u the \ etcrans Office. Room -01. 1 1 _ j
w ._ l . . . 7p; . on part-time as LinlTlCfl CHLlllUl Adll‘l'l‘ ["1 B ’ldili” before second of the Blazer Series lectures . . .
‘f‘dd “ (”‘11 y,“ “ cum- stafi changes included clcr- J,” Aid 1“ 1"“ l“ a Tuesday night.
" .1 “ll till» 1 . . . '-- K i '
l ‘. ""1 1‘ . ‘ 1 _' ~ _‘ ital violkels. ‘ . MF- Bmgham crammed the whole \~
‘ lli Lil... is 1‘1. (ii-“tile \cterlili who plan to chance reconstruction of France throith 1'
l.l :i.- ..'!-_'iro. si-tci‘ai Dublisnm their ()bJI‘CUVC or who D13“ W the Marshall Phil ’l'ld 'UWWt‘I'Z‘d l
. 41 Slifli} Burr/i: \")l‘(?“ ll’ltli-it'l to another institution the question of the IZZL'l‘ll Would
. 1 :. l 11hcl- l‘l(‘ is a member . 1hll.~l Kubliilll the Supplemental France Stand up (u Sovlc: Agrew
Church ChOII‘ C‘

‘lleidi’ Will Be







Veterans who plan to chance
their coursi- \i'ltliln ii college must



sion’ll in one pleasure-packed llt‘r‘ii'
The French pay to reach :il'zli‘lc sell.









. . to them from America. and this
Slng.‘ Tonlght obtain lie-entrance Form VA money goes Hill) a counterpart tuna
- 1-1909 and submit it to the Vet- \"lllCll the French liliflull Lises :ur —~ ~~~
L t The (hoir of Maxwell Street Pl'es- ““11“ Um“ ’0." Jim- 15- large economic rehabilitation prtzbs
>21S inenlla i,.\‘ti-rlan Church. which include. 19:11; expli'ive'i m“ , F , Debate Team 891.13,“!
l 1.; ; ' ’ 1 ster Fellouslil) - V w Jit‘ it‘I‘w'il I i- " *
of (-2) t .1 lliehiolu’s ‘thlllgl'ldrent a piuqram (if [11‘1I12}_1rl):‘_1“p INCH" ‘9' [I "E" In State Tournzunvnt
.: ll! . .z..ti.i I. ll. (‘1:r;~im:.s music at 7 30 lolllzzht I as, ‘1; Payment Made ‘ (<11.:§1(;;d‘113p11t;”8[31:31.“ i t
- ~ 11 tin v\ i-: 1111. dr- .\1:\- Jean Marie McConnell (it the ‘ :h-M' “ ‘ :LE‘ u i P011!“ out
pull : . ll ('12 (K EXHiiHUll Department is choir For l-Nl I" lEId Lights ‘ :‘l-‘\"l-:R[\.'h [)‘B’E‘Lnrxkfi‘f‘f ‘“ “‘
'l':.: - bi untried bi- 'lllf‘t’ii' The group Will go ('al‘ol- ' Frifc- ”H” l\\ l “l’\T [fl
i,. . 1 nm-ndunu a! u. aim: in: fil-l'lli'e. Omicron Delta Kappa tag sale.s The-F: ‘m H “1ft “‘18 :illldlnfin
I w A o l: i s s .01 Al 4 30 S'llidiit' afternoon Fellotv— (oliducted by the senior men’s hone 1.,.l....\.t;:1”[im‘..‘_“£1; T111 A1131} Cf.“ \L}.
r. .. ' . our ‘- iffititlJ to lip ineliihcrs \Vill participate in the oral-v .\I:(’1H_\' at the home football. week fr\ .111. f 1 Ft ‘(‘\.,(M“
l \v r w ~ ~ ‘1}an Lop Miynce at the ('lllll'il‘l. L’lillli‘~. ll:i\(‘ netted the final piiy- (”1 ”1‘" u H“ “' .1.
L“ ' lochh nits-i » followed by supper and ('ill‘lll‘ill.’ inert fill the field lights of [lll‘ lllllii ‘
i i pawlze- shoal; by 'Illt- e\i‘.i:,L:~ fit‘llllllt’.‘ Viill inn Hall field .
‘l.: i: . lilm (lilitliit Mrs Willi tutti-41111911“ at the home ll: 191-..(3 Ni(‘l‘l(ll\ president presented \"omen's Residence Halls
l-‘m ~. ~ '1. l‘i"l.\'.4m (lf‘plil'lr Mrs J F Van Meter :4 SJUU check 0 President Herman . ' . . .-
l:i'!' i ,.. ii“ I:i.¢l.t of Fraxcc 'lhc i‘t‘llli'lrl‘ill) \\'lll sponsor iht 1 plant-1111 111‘ mp 1111113111,“ mm. “nmuflue Holiday ('05an .5
i-Z..L (Tlil'isilnis Hie Communion Serum (iiiet Sunday. making a total of‘ The “mm... 1 "i‘\l(‘lt‘ll(‘f‘ 1H.._
. A-:' “"911.‘ kl”? “111 3" ll 3“ l’m 1)"(' 34 i” ”l" (lllll'f'll $-50” shlillllt‘fl lit [lu’ lilillUl'nl’)’. Al ‘ “-111 1.1““, ”11:31:13“;- iili Dm 17‘ 1;? ‘ :\
I." ' 1"" ‘3'” “1““ “if“ INK Allen 1‘ ill (‘l‘ilil’L’L‘ of the \\‘(rl'- iliilliil payment of 312000 was mild"3 VICE PRESIDENT (‘ll.\.\lBl.I:l..\l\’ llt'llll'lllv'll Ill" Presi'nl ('olisi-iini in the [ll-Hill" of sports durinn the H 1‘ ”l- 3““ “’1” ll“ “Milo” “Bill H \l
l ‘ “Ml-71:“ "133' be l-Ill (“'lllllH‘W" “lW’ll V51“ EMT?“ 1* ll 1 *‘vl'li‘l‘liih.’ 1' thin the li"l‘il “(1. 1 hull of “Ir l'ls-I‘Ill'tliii' 4.1m». lliis is ”I" iliiril time ”It“ liui|iliii- iii. .niii ll llll ~i . ' w m . 1- " ‘- Jiil‘ _' lit 4 'illl w
i‘ "‘ ‘5- ll“ I’l'U "Jm- m llilll'il l the Viar “HI” and in cultural S ‘ .. ”I l I “U" h k i ‘

Lu li\itiis.


\liiu- 1) looks on.


is “lids c; k.t.'.u.c.

 Page 2






Friday. December 15. 1950


The Kentucky Kernel



Issued weekly during school. except holidays and
sun 1:an entered at the Post mime at Iexington.
Kentucky. :1( second class n7..‘.tc1 11::d1r the Act 0!
M.1reh .‘l. 1379.

$1.00 per semester


low COOK ............ Business Manager
ROSEMARY HILLING ........ News Editor

Editorial Staff

B111. Massmn. Assistant Managing Editor; Knmm Wm, En Con-'-
\uw. Assistant News l-. duors C1 1111 Emu. Society Editor; NANCY Gasns'.
Feature Editor; BITTt ( 11\1111- o\'. Picture Editor; BILL SCHULEVBI-HRC Cop}
Desk. P1111. h\kl’l. _\Ir1\1\ \I11(11111. B11.L Boucnzv, RAY Com 1:1 Vex-vs
l)t‘\'K. llitnnrnr A. .\loo:11:. Cirtmnist; l)o1.1.v SULLIV‘ENT, Proofreader.

Sports Sta."

Bon Gonna", Editor; Farr) Lumen, anrs Domw, E. T. Kml, BILL
SAMUELS, DON Anusmoso \\'rit1-rs.

Business sun

An'r Wanna-c Advertising Manager Bear MCKINIA. BILL Ddu CROTE.
($1.121: Hucmm, Advertising St 1ft Yo Count-:1, '01: Manager.


Carley Mormon. Dorman Cordell. Dolly Sullivent, Mary Ellen Hogue. Janet
l’ay ne. Pat Green. Gene B1Il ()tlntt. I: I-1-ine _\Ioore Claire Ann Graves, KI nth-.1
Barb. Bob Finn. Bill \\1-.I1|1 \\ 1It1r Underwood. Domthy McDan1-,ll Charl1s
Hope. Herb Beard. Ch .1rl1 s Stinnet. Lois Bradley Mary Shinnick Paul Garber
Tom “1an Emily C1-1npb1-.II lo ( onlter. Tom Skinner. James Franks. Bill
Slusher Kenneth \:ince. Dot \1 1.l.\11n1n l’oer. Paul Knap Martha Tarpley.
Bob McCain, M archeta 1’1. 1111-}. Charlotte .\icl, Bill Podkufild, Polly Mt‘ltr
)obie Anderson.

Now, About The Grill

“'hen the Kernel received the letter which appears in this
weeks Mailbox under the head “Protest Crill Closing," we called
Dean of Students A. I), Kirwan to get the full story on the pro—
posed closing of the grill. located behind Breckiuridgc Hall.

Dean Kirwan explained to the Kernel that the administration's
only interest in the grill is to determine how best to keep from
disturbing students in the area of the poorly situated grill and at
the same time keep from ineonvenicncing other students. Stu-
dent's voices. hamburgcr odors. delivery trucks. and the early-
moming milkman have evidently proved quite annoying to some

l1s‘1‘1’ ANDERSON....................,,Editor
Du 11' MACIE.............\I11n:1ging Editor

Although he has received complaints about this matter for sev-
eral years. Dean Kinvan said they were more or less ignored until
a recent petition signed by about 20 students asked that something
be done about the disturbance.

Dean Kirkan said that it has not been definitely decided to close
the grill. Signs concerning the matter were posted to determine
the possible reaction to the measure. No petition protesting the
closing of the grill has reached the dean of students, although one
has been received by Comptroller Frank D. Peterson.

Dean Kirwan assured the Kernel that the matter is still under
consideration and that :1 sincere attempt will be made to settle the
matter fairly,

And we'd like to point out a small inaccuracy in the letter it-
self. The proposed closing of the grill could hardly be “against the
wishes of some 1000 or more other residents of the dorm." There
are only about 500 residents in thc mcns dorms.

Letter Policy Restated

Although The Kerncl‘s policy in regard to letters has been
stated in this column and in “The Mailbox" several times this
year. it apparently isn't generally understood. Almost every week.
we receive at least one letter signed with a fictitious name or with
initials or first name only. No matter how pertinent these letters
may be nor how harmless. we cannot use them unless the writer is
known to the Kernel editor.

“'1’ repeat that it is «.1 long-stamling Kernel policy to print only
letters which (in fully signcd. A fictitious name will be used if
the writer rcqm sis that his own name not be printed.

\Vc believe the reason for this rule can be easily understood.
Anonymous letters are meaningless and dangerous. If a person
does not believe in what he has to say enough to sign his name
to it. it probably isn't very important anyway. \Ve cant afford to
take a chance on hurting innocent persons by printing letters
which can‘t be verified.

The Kcrncl resent-s the right to edit or refuse to print any
lctter which we consider libelous or harmful to the general welfare
of the University.

Annual Message

the Kenn-l wishes all of you a Merry Christmas.
“I lappy New Year.”

Yes. of course,

And well even go st) to as to say

£§$§£§§fi£¥fi$fig$ names-$216525.
II L' N Kl!





Ed. Henry


Veterans Foreign Wars

226% E. MAIN

"€13W3 «Z143; - 1%§.£§fi%22’d§









(3132?; fitfifi?’




.‘ir'fifi'wfifi? are?“ c:

To he lured with .\Iury his cspouxcil wife.


which is cullcrl B ’Ihlr hem.

watch our lhcir flock by night.

the Lord.

macaw-sneer fwfisi


in (I nuuigcr.

the shepherds.



Portest Grill Closing

It has been our belief that this
country is a democracy. Therefore
all agencies and institutions assoc-
iated with the federal and state gov-

ernments should be democratic. But. .‘

much to our surprise, we find that
here at UK. this is evidently not
so. In a democracy the majority of
the people decide what is best. for
all the people. but here at UK. it

seems that the administration has.

by almost every resident of the
dorms and many others to whom the

‘grill is a necessity. has been sub-l

mitted to the administration. it has

swimmer.“ are: “$1

03112 @lll‘lfillltilfi $111111

.\ml i/ came to pass in those days. that ihcri' wcnl on! u dccrec from Ccasur
.luguslus. Ihul all the world should he lu.\‘11/.
And all went In hc lured. crcry one into his own city.

And Joseph also went up from (Juli/cc. (ru/ 11} the city of Nazareth. into ludcu.
unto the city (If Dut'irl.
hcing grcul with child.

.Iml so it wus. that. while lhcy wcrc llll'l't. Ihc days were (Iccmnplishcd ihul
sh ’ should he dclit‘crcd.

And she brought forth her firstborn sun. and wruppcd him in su'uddliNL’
clolhcs. and laid him in u manager; liccuusc lhcrc was no room fort/1cm in the inn.

And there were in the same country slu'phcrils nhiding in th" field. kt'cping

And. lo. the angel of thc Lord came upon lhcm. and the glory of the Lord
shone round about (hem: and they wcrc sorc ufruid.
And lhc ungcl said unto thcm. I7cur not: for. lH’lltllil. I bring 1/0“ 20011 ”(IIIIL’S
of great ioy. which s-hull he to all people.
For unto you is horn this day in the city of Druid u Suriour. which is Chris!

And this shall he (I sign unto you: Tc shall find lhc lmhc wruppcd in Straddling
clolhes. lying in u numgcr.
And suddenly there was with the (mgcl n mullifurlc of the hcrwcnly host
praising Cod. and saying,
Glory to God in the highest. and on curlh pcucc. good will toward men.

And it came to puss, (is the (Ing'ls were gone away from them into hcrwcn.
ihc shepherds mid one to another. Let us now go even unto Bclhlchcm. and see
this thing which is come to puss, which the Lord hath made known unto us.

And they came with haste, and found Mary. and loseph, and the hahc lying
And when they hurl seen it. they made known abroad the saying which was
told them concerning this child.

And all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by

But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart.


ksgwanunmas- genaeawwumg

The Mailbox ,

been denied without any considera- .

'tion whatsoever. It looks as though .
the administration intends to im-

pose the will of a few dictators upon ‘
the rest of us come Jan. 2, 1951. I

We humbly beg for justice in this '

‘ matter.

(See- editorial)


adopted some principles whereby al

few people dictate to the rest of:

the people.

The incident to which we are re-
ferring is the anticlated closing of
the grill here at the men's dorm.
Some 10 or 15 individualists have
taken it upon themselves to close
this grill against the wishes of some
1000 or more other residents of the

The reason for closing the grill is

that the early morning breakfast
rush supposedly disturbs “Mama's
Little Boys" and keeps them froth
sleeping late. Perhaps if they would
come in a little earlier Instead of
stumbling in at 4 a.m., the noise
wouldn't bother them so much. It
is astounding to us that these boys
have taken it upon themselves to so
inconvenience the remainder of their
brethren in the dorms.

But despite the fact that a peti-

tion to keep the grill open, signed

gm rename



To Let Us Do All

‘ wfiégfiiffifi-égfifcéaffi





Make it 0


Your Dirty Work

Coliseum Is Lacking
IStudent Backing

L0! The Coliseum was built! It is
a magnificent structure costing only
a few million dollars and complete


Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted

124 North Limo Dial 3-3383
Complete Optical Service

Prescriptions Filled












Firm Believers in Democracy keys—V



\vith 1".ll‘-I‘.’lll(llll't'Ellil. a sum
pool. ornatc rr. ‘ rmms. "111..
bath». .1111'1 'nc-ntit'tll rlcr111.1':‘»n:
.111'1122 its other .iltrz'c'b-‘ls

I: has 01'1'1'1'1'1l'x: "y'ervfiiuuc
but adequa'c sent. " :‘11‘ t . ._
Students 111:14 \1' 11 I11: u'v
bl",'lll"l‘-l§'1)(‘ Juli» c' uh (I led 1;.


For whose benefit was the Coh-
smlm btult‘.‘ It was Ubl'ltilhlfy' not
built for the students when the seats
are used as a critermn.

One of the prime arguments for
the new Coliseum was that our poor
students could not watch their turn
play each game. They could not
enjoy the finer things in life \low
the Coliseum is bu111. Who hfl> the
best seats? Cash customers and the

No wonder there are complaints of
the student,» walking out. during the
last part of a performance. For a
similar treat. try s1tt1ns2 on a hard
wooden bench for two and a half

The students buy their tickets
three times a year. Who repre—
sented the students when the seat-
ing arrangements for the Coliseum
were drawn?

Doubtless. this and other com-
plaints about poor seats will be
tossed off lightly as before,

It is therefore proposed that we
start the Student Aching Back
Fund. to be commonly called the
SAB. We will start the kitty off
with a contribution of one dollar.

Send all contributions to: SAB
tStudent Aching Back Fundi. Box
No. 3091. UK Post Office. Then we.
the students. will build up our own
part of the Coliseum.

When we think of all the other
things we have to contribute to each
year. why not give something that
will benefit ourselves and the Uni-
versity now and for years to come?

“Say son. you .see those students





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watching the perlormancc’ Well. :1 ': : : ‘\'
back in 195(k77 ' r“: J
— Suffering: '

ire'hrnan girls 1n
”2 .. -Z.ll'
' I .. hr

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pleasure to in-
1’1‘Ldes of Patt
.1- 1.1:» ‘. need ”‘1anan

Drags Should Buy 1: .. .2 r. .;;.

3.1 -, t‘l'.."l.l1 'zieir advance-
Own fags: O’Tlne , . tE11 ~ire -:..c 11; rosy-tipped

were bu'm ...:v.; unmangled and
. (Continued on Page 81
Jun cm .c‘t.’ l.lll;, ..t‘ 1' .1 1‘

manage 12:12:: 1:: arm?"

Remember how much the folks




Early this school year I zvr '17“ .1

le‘ter [o



at home enjoyed that

. gunman».

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