xt75hq3rxx2m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75hq3rxx2m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2003-02-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 18, 2003 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 18, 2003 2003 2003-02-18 2020 true xt75hq3rxx2m section xt75hq3rxx2m  



40 32

Morning clouds, partly sunny
afternoon. Chance of freezing
rain after midnight.

45 35

Mostly cloudy with a 40 per-
cent chance of light rain.

so 45

Partly cloudy. Chance of
showers Thursday night.

Weather updates can be found
online at the Kemel's Web site,

Cancellations and hours

W.T. Young Library should be
open from 8 am. to 5 pm,
but may be open longer
depending on how well-staffed
it is. Call the library at 257-
0500 for more information.

The Johnson Center was
open from 9 am. to 6 pm
Monday. Hours for Tuesday will
be similar to Monday. Call 257-
3928 for more information.

The UK Athletics Department
canceled Monday's student
basketball ticket lottery. The
tickets for the final three
home games of the men’s bas-
ketball schedule - Mississippi
State, Tennessee and
Vanderbilt - will be resched—
uled for sometime Wednesday.
More information will be avail-
able Tuesday.

Random Acts of llndness
Day was canceled Monday. The
Student Volunteer Center has
not decided for which day the
event will be rescheduled.

The Old School sneak
preview presented by Student
Activities Board is still sched-
uled for Wednesday night at
the Worsham Theater.

Road conditions

The exit ramp at l-64 East to
l-75 North was blocked
Monday afternoon due to ice.
Kentucky State Police are still
advising all people not to
drive, as roads in the Central
and Eastern portion of
Kentucky have been affected
by the storm.

Road conditions as of Monday

l-64: Driving conditions fair
l-75: Driving conditions fair
U.S. 27: Be prepared for very
difficult driving conditions and
look for major road work.

us. 25: No problems reported
Ky 1681: No problems reported
US. 60: No problems reported
Ky 4: Driving conditions fair
Ky 418: Driving conditions fair
Ky 620: No problems reported
Ky 922: No problems reported
Bluegrass Parkway: No prob-
lems reported

Call 1-866-737-3767 for
updated road information

Searching for shelter -—
or warm in the dorm

Help: Some offer
shelter, assistance
to off-campus friends



It‘s not the week to
diss dorm life.

While thousands of
homes in Lexington lack
power and heat. UK's
dorms are warm and

Some students took
advantage of the ameni-
ties. staying inside on the
rare day off from classes;
others ventured into the
cold to help off-campus
friends recover from the

Drew Butcher, a math
senior who lives in Bland-
ing 1. was glad to be on

“It’s so great here be-
cause we have Internet
and everything." Butcher
said. ”We have everything
we need and lots of time to
spend doing whatever we
feel like."

In Lexington and the
surrounding areas, an esti-
mated 56,000 people were
without power Monday.
said Cliff Feltham. com-
munity relations manager
for Kentucky Utilities.

“We are chipping
away at it little by little but
the whole problem could
easily get worse." Feltham
said. “Taking into consid-
eration the extent of dam-

age I’ve seen and our oper- .

ational ability to fix it. it
could easily take a week or
more for everyone to have





power back.”

Freshman Jesse Wolfram (center) helps his friend Brian Mewcomb (left) prepare to break up a
tree that had fallen on a power line behind Mewcomb's house on Arcadia Park, as John Ballard

Administrators at UK
and LCC canceled classes
Monday and Tuesday be-
cause of fallen trees, pow-
er outages and the cancel-
lation of Lextran bus ser-

In the meantime, stu-
dents who still had their
power found ways to help
those who didn’t.

Artina Pettigrew, an
integrated strategic com-
munications sophomore
who lives in Fairington
Apartments on Laredo
Drive. was left without
power and decided to stay
at a friend‘s dorm.

“It's a mad house over

looks on. Wolfram and Ballard, who both live in Blandlng Tower, left their dorm to help their

friends off campus. Newcomb's basement was also flooded.


dle just to walk outside. I
am now keeping a candle
in my carjust in case."

Animal science fresh~
man Joanna Sabato and
undeclared freshman
Heather Pinocchio both
live in south campus
dorms but spent Monday
helping out friends who
live in houses near cam-

After eating lunch at
the Commons. they drove
to University Avenue to
bring food to their friends.

there.“ Pettigrew said. “We
have no power. no heat.

nothing. My whole neigh-

borhood was dark the oth-
er night. I had to use a can.

Matt Grocki. an account-

ing senior. and Andy

Adler, a history senior.
“Warm food is so

See POWER on 2


Seniors Andy Adler (center) and Matt Grocki laugh in front of
their house on University Avenue with Joanna Sabato, a
South Campus freshman who brought food to the two stu-
dents. Adler and Grocki did not have power most of Monday.



Campus cleanup extensive,
could last until summer

Havoc: Debris still clogging walkways and roads; Lextran limits service

By Ben Franzinl

Although UK grounds
crews hope to make cam-
pus safe for students by
Wednesday. their cleanup
efforts could last into the
summer. said the direc-
tor of UK's physical plant

“I don‘t even know
where to begin on how
much work we have to
do.“ said the director.
Jack Applegate. “Our pri-
mary goal right now is
making the campus safe
for pedestrians."

Since Saturday's ice
storm. ground crews. tree

crews. contract workers
and volunteers have
worked to clear piles of
ice and mangled tree
limbs from roads and

“We had people here
all night. but it’s still
really dangerous."
he said.

Crews cleaned as
many areas as possible.
but the danger of falling
tree limbs kept them from
clearing some spots.

"Until we can make
all walkways safe of ice
and falling branches.
we're trying to keep peo
ple out of these areas."
Applegate said.



Lextran routes

Lextran, the local bus sys-
tem. will not run its regular
routes until at least Wednesday.

A Lextran official said
buses were running only
emergency routes for hospital
patients and workers

Lextran's maintenance
facility lost power until Mon-
day afternoon, and will run
under emergency operations
until at lead Tuesday.

"We’re hoping to have
full service again by Wednes-
day - if all goes as planned,"
said Steve Rowland, Lextran
executive director.

- BEN mrrzwt

buries East

4 feet deep
in some areas

Blizzard: Travelers stranded:
2) deaths blamed on storm


The Will'sl him/aid in seven
years shut down much of the
Northeast «in Presidents [lay with
blinding. windhlown snow that
piled tip as much as 1 feet deep and
left more than a quarter of a mil-
lion homes and businesses shiver-
ing without power

At least 21 deaths had been
blamed on the storm sy stem since
it charged out of the Plains during
the weekend. piling snow in the
Ohio Valley. producing mtzdslides
and floods in the southern Ap-
palachians. and making layers of
ice that snapped trees and power

In Kentucky. tens of thousands
of people faced the prospect of days
without normal lights and heat. es-
pecially in Lexington. which
caught the full fury of an ice storm
that encrusted trees and power
lines and pulled them to the

“It‘s horrible." said Mark
Caudill. 21. of Lexmgton. who with
his sister and two nephews took
shelter at the Salyation Army in
Lexington. All the trees are down,
It looks like an avalanche Just came
through here and destroyed every

Thousands more were low on
drinking water. or running out
completely. because of broken wa-
ter mains. inundated storm sewers
or treatment plants suddenly idle
for lack of electricity

On the up side. rivers that
burst out of their banks over the
weekend. flooding some towns in
eastern Kentucky. grudgingly re-

Kentucky Utilities Co. reported
upward of 74.000 customers with;
out power throughout the compa-
ny‘s T7county service area. About
60.000 of those were in or around
Lexington. which became a city of
broken trees and downed power

Airports for Washington, Balti-
more. Philadelphia and New York
largely shut down. stranding thou-
sands of passengers trying to leave
and enter the region. Amtrak‘s
northsouth service was halted be
tween Washington and Richmond.
Va. and regional bus service
stopped in many areas.

The holiday meant there were
few commuters. but police from
Kentucky to Massachusetts pleaded
with motorists to stay home and
some counties banned nonessential
travel so they could clear the roads.

“This is going to be days‘ worth
of cleanup." said Maryland

See STORM on 6


Scott Aubu-
chon, a line
worker with
Alltel, repairs
a phone line on
Kalmia Avenue
Monday. The
employed four
cherry picker
trucks to
repair downed
lines in
Fayette, Jes-
samine and
counties, said
line worker
Mark Morton.

Jorrri awn |









































































z iraisov..,ri:aiw_. 2993.: uneven-e7




Research center would focus
on violence against women

Leaders: Studies would include effects of violence
on physical and mental health, public policy issues

siirrvimitn A ”

UK could soon be a
leader in the study of vio-
lence against women.

The Center for Research
on Violence Against Women
would be the nation's first
center to examine the effects
of abuse on physical and
mental health and the public
policy and legal issues sur~
rounding abuse. a UK admin-
istrator said.

The Board of Trustees
will vote on the center‘s cre-
ation later this month. The
faculty senate voted unani—
mously in favor of the center
last week.

“The faculty that are in—
volved in the center have
been making plans for activi-
ties over the past few months
so the center would be able to
open immediately." said

Provost Mike Nietzel.

The center would be the
only facility in the country
conducting research in the
areas UK has chosen.

The center would not
provide treatment for abused
women, said Carol Jordan.
the Executive Director of the
Governor‘s Office of Child
Abuse and Domestic Vio-
lence Services.

Instead. she said she
hopes that “advancing the
science in the field will ulti-
mately make women safer."

The prevalence of vio-
lence against women
prompted the center‘s cre-
ation. Jordan said. Physical
abuse is one of the most com-
mon causes of death among
women 15-44, she said.

The center would help
women by providing a “bet-
ter understanding of how
abuse affects them and why
abuse happens. so we‘ll be





Continued from page 1

great." Grocki said. “It‘s defi-
nitely warmer than anything
we have in here. Things could
be a lot worse. though.“

Grocki was worried
something worse was going to
happen Saturday night as he
listened to the first sounds of
crashing trees and falling

“I couldn‘t sleep at all."
Grocki said. “I just keep hear-

ing the trees. and it was scar-
ing me so much that I never
fell asleep."

While Sabato and Finoc-
chio were there Monday after-
noon. the electricity came
back on. The foursome
cheered as Grocki ran to turn
the heat up.

“Praise KU“ Adler said.

Both the cable and Inter-
net services were down even
after the electricity returned,
much to the dismay of the

"With the electricity back
on. these are the greatest five
minutes of my life," Grocki
joked. “But it‘s been way too
long since I’ve been able to
watch SportsCenter."

Sabato said seeing what

able to do a better job of end-
ing victimization." she said.

Administrators are look-
ing forward to the center.

“I am very pleased that
the university is creating
this center." Nietzel said. “It
is in an area we have a lot of
faculty that could make ma-
jor contributions and where
UK could be a leader"

The opening of the cen-
ter would be a collaborative
effort between the university
and Gov. Paul Patton‘s office.
which has made research on
women’s violence a priority.

The center would be fi-
nanced through state funds.
which UK has matched. UK
is also raising money for an
endowment for the center.
$425,000 has been raised al-
ready. and Nietzel said UK
will make the pledges eligible
for a state match through
“Bucks for Brains." the Re-
search Challenge Trust

“We‘re hopeful the state
will provide continuing fund
ing for the center so the fac-

friends have to deal with off
campus made her rethink
moving off campus next year.
“We weighed the pros
and cons, but this whole thing
made the decision much easi-
er," Sabato said. “It‘s more
convenient to live on campus
another year because you
don't have to deal with the
whole power problem."
Sabato and Finocchio
also joined John Ballard, an
undeclared freshman who
lives in Blanding Tower, at an-
other friends' house on Arca-
dia Park to help with cleanup.
Undeclared freshmen
Brian Newcomb and Daniel
Ryan live with Ryan’s father,
Charles Hite, on Arcadia
Park. Their basement flooded,



ulty can continue to do the
great research this center
will support." he said.

Workers at the center
would undertake two pro-
jects shortly after opening.
One is to evaluate the effec-
tiveness of domestic violence
protective orders. The second
is to evaluate the Kentucky
domestic violent offenders
treatment program.

Jordan said the center
would host a national re-
search conference in October
for UK faculty and top na-
tional researchers from
around the country to set the
national agenda for research
on violence against women.

UK students would also
benefit from the domestic vi-
olence Internet research
database the center hopes to
create, Jordan said.

UK’s faculty and student
researchers would have the
opportunity to study at the

The center would be
“very supportive of student
research," Jordan said.

leaving almost three inches of
water on the floor.

A large tree fell into their
yard, knocking down power
lines. A group of students
worked to start cutting the
tree with Chainsaws.

Even with all of the prob-
lems, Ryan said he doesn’t re-
gret living off campus.

“It‘s a lot like an adven-
ture with everyone here."
Ryan said.

Adventure or not. Ballard
said he likes helping his
friends but is glad he has the

Ballard spent Sunday
night in the dorms having a
water fight. “I still have pow~
er so I can play Playstation 2,”
Ballard said with a laugh.

We weighed the pros and cons, but this
Whole thing made the decision much
easier. It’s more convenient to live on
campus another year "31mm SABATO, mam


21 dead, 57 injured
during stampede
at Chicago nightclub

Frenzied scene: Nightclub was operating in violation
of a months-old court order meant to close it down


CHICAGO It was a chaotic scene: Hundreds of scream-
ing people stumbling down the darkened stairs of an illegally
operated nightclub. gasping for air and stepping on bodies.
only to find themselves trapped at the bottom trying to escape
through a single exit.

At least 21 people were killed and 57 injured in the stam.
pede early Monday at the crowded E2 nightclub. authorities
said. There were reports that as many as 500 people were
crammed into the second-floor club when someone sprayed
Mace or pepper spray to quell a fight about 2 am.

The nightclub was operating in violation of a months-old
court order meant to close it down, fire officials said.

“The owner knows damn well that he is not to open that
second-floor facility." said Fire Commissioner James Joyce.
City officials said they plan to go to court as early as Tuesday to
seek criminal contempt charges against the owner.

The nightclub had been cited for 11 building code viola-
tions and the city has been in court with the owners since last
July. officials said.

Witnesses described a frenzied scene of some people trying
to climb through the ceiling. while others were trampled in the
frantic rush for an exit. their faces and bodies flattened against
the glass front door.

Some people fainted on the club floor: others were cough-
ing and crying. gagging and blindly groping for any way out.

“People were being trapped underneath you so we're ac-
tually standing on people's heads and we didn‘t even know it,"
said Amishoov Blackwell. a 30yearold patron. “It was just bod-
ies laying everywhere.“

Blackwell said a man crushed between people told him, “'I
can’t breathe! I want you to hold my hand. man. If I don‘t make
it. tell my mom that I love her!‘ He just basically collapsed.”

Witnesses reported that lights were out in the stairwell.

On Monday afternoon. Joyce backed off earlier statements
that firefighters had used sledgehammers and pry bars to open
other doors in the half-block-long building. He said one or two
doors may have been blocked by laundry bags or other items
from the first-floor Epitome restaurant.

The crowd apparently surged down a single front exit.

Joyce also scaled down the number of people in the club to
about 500: earlier. the fire department had estimated as many
as 1,500 people were on the second floor.

Police Commissioner Terry Hillard said investigators were
trying to sort out conflicting stories about the source of the
Mace or pepper spray and obtain videotape from inside the
club. Witnesses said the spray may have come from the club’s
guards trying to end a fight between at least two women.

“Lives were tragically and senselessly lost, pinned down by
a stampeding crowd,“ Hillard said. “We will get to the bottom
of this." he said. “Right now our investigation is at full tilt.”

Friends and family of missing patrons flocked to the
morgue Monday afternoon, searching for information and
holding out hope that their loved ones were still alive.

“I just can’t understand it.“ said Herschel Blake, who was
looking for his 22-year-old grandson, Michael. “His mother
called me and said. ‘Your grandson is dead. The door was
locked. There was only one way out of the place".

Witnesses said some people were stomped on; many vic-
tims suffered crushing chest and head injuries. By Monday
evening only seven of the injured remained hospitalized.

Most of the dead were in their 203 or early 30$.



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Robbie Clark
Assistant Scene Editor

Phone. 257~l9l5 l E-mail: rocketmanerobsmatltum


Keep your calendar clear

Tickets for two upcoming Lexington concerts go on
sale t 5 week. Wilco (above) will perform at 8 pm.
Tuesd , April 22 in the Singletary Center for the
Arts. Tickets were scheduled to go on sale yesterday.
but because of weather, they will be available the next
day UK classes are in session. Tickets can be pur-
chased at the Singletary Center for the Arts and cost
$30 for the public. 327 for UK faculty or staff and
$25 for UK students. Pearl Jam (left) will perform at
7:30 pm. Monday, April 21 in Rupp Arena. Tickets
will go on sale Saturday and cost $36.25 for all tick-
ets. Tickets will be available online and at Rupp
Arena in the Lexington Center.

‘The Simpsons’ helps establish Fox;
sass program airs 300th episode


characters may be yellow but
“The Simpsons" hasn‘t mel-
lowed as it marks its 300th
episode Sunday:

If anything. the Fox ani-
mated comedy born in 1989
is more boldly iconoclastic in
the 21st century. Given that
timidity is programmed into
television's very DNA. the
success is surprising.

The show is very good at
being naughty. so mtich so
that Fox can't afford to tinker
with success. In its 14th sea-
son. the series (8 pm. EST
Sunday) can still field top 20
episodes and is the heart of a
merchandising empire.

Fox just renewed the pro-
gram for two more seasons.
which will carry it at least
through May 2005 and make
it the longest-running sitcom
ever (with "The Adventures


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of Ozzie & Harriet" set to fall
to second).

The pattern of com-
merce trumping controversy
was set early. when the show
helped fledgling Fox estab-
lish itself as a brash alterna-
tive to the big three net-

“There were many rea-
sons the show was success—
ful. one of which was we
were in the right place at the
right time." said series cre-
ator Matt Groening. “I don‘t
think 'The Simpsons' could
be on any other network.
even today"

At the beginning. the
clout of James L. Brooks
smoothed the way. Brooks. a
force in TV (“The Mary
Tyler Moore Show." “Taxi")
and movies (Terms of En-
dearment) brought “The
Simpsons" to Fox.

Brooks. Groening and Al
Jean have been the show's

executive producers since its

The animated format
also helped the series zoom
below Fox's radar. The mus-
tard-hued Simpsons. includ-
ing dimwitted dad Homer.
patient mom Marge. and
children Bart. Lisa and Mag-
gie. got away with cartoon

“There's nothing glam-
orous about a network execu-
tive peering over the shoul-
ders of people making goofy
drawings." said Groening.
"They'd rather hang around
the edges of a sitcom set and
say an actress needs to have
a more revealing blouse."

That unusual TV free-
dom has resulted in comedy
and satire of often breathtak-
ing proportions. especially
since the show's creators and
actors pride themselves on
their democratic approach to

“We go after everyone."
said Yeardley Smith. who
provides the voice of brainy
Lisa. “Nobody's safe."

The series has mocked
capitalism (through the evil
empire of industrialist C.
Montgomery Burns). entire
cities (Rio de Janeiro threat-
ened to sue over its depic-
tion) and the news media
(anchors may itch to sue
over shallow Kent Brock-
man). “Welcome to Atlanta

Home of Ted Turner's
mood swings." a sign read in
one episode.

Fox's good humor could
diminish if the audience
dips. Greening said.

“If ratings started slip-
ping. I think you'd see some
tweaking of the show that
would be awful. When Bart
starts combing his hair in
every episode. you'll know
we've succumbed to the evils
of network notes."

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'Loftiat Student Union Mooting, 8’00pm, Student Center Rm 228

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'Aiphl Kappa Poi Hodge Mootlng, 7 30pm, Busrness and Economics, Rm. 308


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'Chomiotry Tutoring.lAll 100 level courses) 6:009 00pm. Holmes Hall Lobby
'Biology. (All lOOrlevel Tutoring), 6 0079:00prn, Holmes Hall Lobby
'Moth Tutoring, (All 100 level courses), 6 0010 00pm, Commons Rm 307
‘Mflh Tutoring, (All 100 level courses‘r 6:00 9 000m, Holmes Hall Lobby
'Physico Tutoring. (All 100 level courses at 211/213), 6:009:009m, Homes Hall Lobby


" Ouoct Spook-r “Jonathan Barkor' mun, SITE, Students for Information

Tochnologv Emrpriu, 6:30pm, Hardymon Building, Rm Alltel Solutions


'Womon'n Rugby Practice. 4 4577:009m, Rugby Pitch

'UK ShaoIIn-Do Karat. Club, 5~6z309rn, Alumni Gym Loft

’1‘“ vaon Do pnctieo, 6:30-8 00pm, Alumni Gym Loft



'Phu Cut Car Show April 12"“. 2003, Currently accepting applications online at,
www phatcatcrursernorq


‘Encountor, 7 00pm Student Center Rm 230

'lnatituto of Religion/Doctrine a Covenants Study Weds 1 9
Noon, Student Center Rm 119

'Dr-uago Toum, 5 00pm Garrrgus, 2'


'anondor Society Mating, 6 000m shrill-ml Center Rm


'Followuhip of Christian Athletes 9 00pm CSF Building, Corner oi Woodland and

'Tablo fruncnisa, Fronch conversation group. 3 00 4 30pm Student Center Rm 228
'Judo Club. 5 00pm, Alllll’in) Gym Lott

'PrrPhyuical Therapy Studont Association, 6 30 7 300m Voung Library Rm l 63
Keeneland Room


'Chomiutry Tutoring, (All 100 Level ctrtirsesr R 00 10 00pm C(mirrirrrrs Rrr‘ 307
'Bioiogy, (All 100 level courses:, 8.00 10.00pt‘i, Commons Rm 307

‘Boginning and Intormodiata Japan”. Tutoring 7 00 H 30pm Vourrq Lrnrary Check
the circulation desk for the, room

'Mnth Tutoring, (All 100 level totrrses, 10 00 2 00pm Main Resource Center 063
Classroom Blilldlng


flour l ttrtlerertte


’Moth Tutoring (All 100 level “unseen 6 00 70 000w Holmes Hall lzrl)i)y

'Mlth Tutoring, (All 100 level (.[)lliSeSl 6 00 10 000m Curmriurrs Rm 3107
'Phyeica Tutoring (All 100 level courses & 211213r a 00 lo 000m Commons Rm

'French Tutoring. 4 00 5 00pm,l-. .


‘vmn-rr' \l 1.. ,(u s ' 'I‘a'

'Collogo of Engineering, Q'DOarn 1 00pm Cnileue of Engmpermg Sat

'Tno Kwon Do proctieo. ll 00am ‘2 30pm. Alt-mm Gym Loft


'UK School of Male Gain

‘Day of Porcuuion

‘LSAT Prop MOM. Friday everrrnn and Salu'dav mnrmng Advance registration
and fees currently being accepted Contact Central Anvrsmg Service 257 3383

'Solf Dofoneo/ Kornpo close 3 00 5 000m Altl’hnl Gym loft, Free! No niperrénce

n madam



'Judo Club, seem Aw ~ ~ .~ “ Sun 2 3
‘Intornntionnl Student Bible- Study - , . ~ ._ ‘- ~‘ -.~ '

r ,

'Alptu Kappa Pei Enocutlvn Board Meeting, - . . s' ' .. *