xt75hq3rxw5t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75hq3rxw5t/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1997-03-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 11, 1997 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 11, 1997 1997 1997-03-11 2020 true xt75hq3rxw5t section xt75hq3rxw5t   





lSlABl ISHlD 1894






‘Private Parts’. See Diversions, page 2.

“4“... -...... ._ __ . ,


Undeclared students
‘ to get new advisers

By James Ritchie
Senior Staff 1V ritrr

Undeclared students will soon
no longer regard the College of
Arts and Sciences as their academ—
ic home.

Currentl ', students who have
not declareda major receive advis-
ing from the Central Advising and
Transfer Center and are listed
under the College ofArts and Sci—
ences. -

Under the new plan, responsi—
bility for both advising and official
action on students will rest with
Central Advising.

“They’re going back and forth
between two units (under the pre-
sent system),” said Louis Swift,
dean of undergraduate studies.

Swift said with the new plan,
status and advising will be consoli-
dated for undeclared students, and
the College of Arts and Sciences
can focus more attention on sup-
porting its own students.

The change will not affect pre—

ticular college but have not yet
chosen or gained access to a par-
ticular program. These students
will continue to receive advisin in
the college where they intend: to
major. An amendment to the pro-
posal stipulates that non-degree
students taking courses and bein I
advised in a specific college wifl
not be reassigned.

Mandy Lewis, Student (lov-
crnment Association's social work
senator, voiced concern that stu-
dents assigned to Central Advis—
ing, rather than a particular col-
lege, might not be given represen-
tation in SGA.

Swift and Senate Chair Jan
Schach said they were sure the
problem could be addressed.

“I will assure you that these
students will be represented,”
Schach said.

On another to ic, the senate
passed a set of gui elines for eval-
uating alternate means of satisfy—
ing the oral Communication
requirement in the University
Studies Program.

tecture professor, said it was clear
that some programs “aren't meet-
ing the spirit” of the oral commu-
nication requirement through
their alternatives.

General principles of the new
guidelines include the following

Students will:

VReceive instruction from
individuals with formal or special-
ized training in oral communica-
tion. Instructors don‘t have to
have a degree or have taken for-
mal courses in communication,
but they must have sufficient

VUse appropriate resource
materials, such as textbooks.

VHave substantial opportuni-
ties to practice, receive comment
and be evaluated on their compe-

VBe required to develop the
ability to communicate with a
variety of audiences beyond the
specific discipline.

In other Senate action, the pro-
posal to postpone plus/minus








JAMES CRISP Kfl‘m/ rul.’

MONEY Ill“: Chancellor for the Lexingom (.‘ampus
Elisabeth Zinser explains the budget cuts to the UIHZ‘t'r—

Speaking as a faculty member,

major students, who have declared
Schach, who is a landscape archi-

their intention to major in a par—

grading in the Graduate School
was postponed.





hers of Phi Kappa Phi will start their 63-dayjourney across the country ]une 8.


IllllE llll Communications junior C]. Harlowe and biolog junior Travis Patterson, hath mem-

By Leona Hacker
Staff Writer

The National Pi Kappa Phi
social fraternity is on a mission,
and like the Blues Brothers, they
are trying to help children.

Pi Kappa Phi is the only frater-
nity to develop its own philan—
thropy, called PUSll America,
which sponsors the “Journey of



Roommates C.J. llarlow, a
communications junior, and
Travis Patterson, a biology

junior, are the only two members
from the UK chapter of Pi Kappa
Phi to ride on the Journey.

The pro ram accepts only 60
students rom undergraduate
members of Pi Kappa Phi nation-
wide a year. The selection process
includes filling out an application;
going through a 45-minute phone
interview, conducted by Chad
Coltrane, director of special
events for PUSH America; and
submitting three references.
PUSH America’s message is to
serve people with developmental
disabilities in unique and inspir—
ing ways.

The “Journey of Hope” was
started 10 years ago by Bruce
Rogers, a member of the Stetson
University chapter, in Florida.
The 63-day event begins in San
Francisco, with cyclists ridin an
average of 75 miles per day, fir a
total of 3,500 miles. In addition to
riding, the team will educate chil~

aicu cooit Kimmy


sity Senate members yesterday.

lireeks prepare
tor 3,500 mile ride

dren through puppet shows, prcn
sentations and city—wide special
events. The main emphasis of the
event is to raise money and eduv
cate people to be able to tnakc a
positive impact on those with dis—

“I want to take my summer to
do something to help people, and
to especially help children with
disabilities," Patterson said. He
also said that “the mission of the
ride is to show what people with
disabilities can do, not what they
can’t." .

Patterson is proud to be part of
the dedication that is strong
enough to care.

“lt will be one of the greatest
experiences oftny life," he said.

llarlow agreed.

“1 think the Journey of l lope is
an opportunity of a lifetimc. and
it is amazing to have such an
impact on disabled children’s
lives," he said. llarlow also said
he feels that it “is a once in a lift»
time experience, something l will
always remember.“

Coltrane, who rode in 1991
and was project manager in 1902,
said Harlow and Patterson are
two of “the best of the best for
what our fraternity has to offer
across the country.”

The Journey progam reached
24 million people last year. They
want to reach more this year and
to raise over $300,000 for the
educational projects and pro-
grams they sponsor.

Graduate students lllSGIISS Bl'lBBtS Ill budget cuts

By Ellzalietli Flynn
Contributing Writer

Reductions in UK‘s budget have lead graduate
students to discuss the formation of the UK Organi-
zation of Graduate Students (UKOGS).

Although many issues are discussed, their con-
cerns about how proposed budget cuts affect under-
graduate education top the list.

Last night, the UKOGS met to discuss the future
interest of undergraduate education and graduate

Guidelines have not been established for the
organization. but they hope to set u a structure
where concerns can be addressed an information
can be decimated.

“I am upset that the administration announced
that they‘re cutting 20 percent of TA jobs, then they
come back and announce the are not cutting TA
positions. Where did it come om in the first place,
is it bears: P They wonder why we are mad,” said
TA Carol aliger.

At the beginning of the meeting, organizers had
Ihpped to name a ppsidcnt or spokesperson gwork


in conjunction with three vice president sitions.
However, a consensus was not met to etermine
exactly how the organization will select positions.

No job descriptions have been defined but the
structure would address social, interdisciplinary
teaching scholarship and advocacy issues.

UKOGS does not want to be primarily concerned
with political issues or unionization.

UKOGS’s mission is to promote interdisci—
plinary teaching and scholarship, to foster graduate
student interaction and to advocate graduate student
concerns before the university and the state legisla-

UKOGS members think budget cuts will increase
the number of students in a section and eliminated
the individual attention that undergraduates receive.

If they gut education bgcliminating TAs. how
can we have a higher quality of education, said histo-
ry TA BartJarmusch.

Graduate students said without the extra class sec—
tions that TAs provide, students would be in very
large classes making it harder to enroll in a class.

The aduate students added that at a time when
the sta and administratiop are trying to make UK

more competitive, they have threatened to cut jobs
therefore hurting undergraduate education.

Undergraduates have shown support for the TAs
vocal concerns. During last week’s rally over budget
cuts, both graduate and undergraduate students

“The rally was a success, people were actually
readin the flyers. The rally was not hosted by the
UKO 5, it was individuals showing support and
vocalizing concern,” said English TA Merrie Win-

In the interest.of undergraduate education and
graduate students at UK, UKOGS will continue to
actively protest budget cuts.

UKOGS’s would like to see the decision making
process concerning budget cuts be public rather than
a private matter where everyone finds out the deci-
sion after it has already been made.

UKOGS’s objective is to become involved in the
administration’s decision making process and
encourages TA: in all departments to get involved.

“We are looking for suggestions. We began with
an idea, a reserved room and a name and we’re
expending frpm there,” said Merrie VVInfrey. ‘



Wilma Sunny today,
high 55. Clear and tool
tonight, low 30. Mostly sunny
tomorrow, high 60.

MlmnBSToon Howard Stern shows

he’s not such a bad guy afier all in his movie


March 11, I 997


(flaw/mil 5 (film/rut 5
(Iroimorii 5 Sports 3


‘l—ilz‘t‘filom 2 l'Iru‘pomt 4


8h .
NEW . ytes

Sen. Ford will
not seek re-eleetion

l“l{.‘\.\'l\'l‘i()R'l~ —— lle has grandchildren to
play with and a lifetime of iapers to go through.
He frets that his life would )c consumed with the
tawdry business of raising campaign funds. lior
\\'cndcll l-‘ord, it is time to move on.

liord is 73 and would be 74 by the time of the
WW" general election.

He has never lost a )Ullllt‘dl campaign in Ken-
tucky since a race for t 1e state Senate in l‘)(i4.l le
served a term as lieutenant governor, one as gov—
crnor and already 22 years in the US. Senate,
longer than anyone from Kentucky.

“l do not relish, in fact I detest, the idea of hav—
ing to raise $5 million for a job that pays $133,000
a year," liord said.

He joked he would have to raise Sllll),()()() .1
week for the next year to finance a campaign,
“And Mrs. liord won't let inc bring anyone home
to sleep in our spare bedroom."


Next Bond villain to lie media mogul

l.().\"l)( )N ~—» James Bond has a new nemesis,
and he's a true let century man —- a power-
crazcd mogul who controls an empire of newspa-
pers and satellite TV.

liritisb actorJonathan Pryce. voice of lnfiniti
Commercials, will play the villain in the 18th Bond
adventure, Tomorrot." Never Dies, filmmaker lion
Productions announced yesterday. The movie,
with a $56 million budget. has begun filming out—
side London. lt will be released at Christmas. It
stars Pierce lirosnan as ()07 and Michelle Yeoh, a
)roduct of London’s Royal Academy of Dance. as
his sidekick. Prycc's character manipulates his
media empire to start a third world war, hoping to
boost his imcstmcnt portfolio.

(,‘HmpI/ni from Il‘llt‘ V‘e'lm’h.


Students design
laeelilt tor room

By Gary Wull

.‘ls‘rm um» Nam l‘leiior

Day after day, four interior design graduate stu-
dents walked past the unused room at 112 lirikson
Hall and noticed students studying on the floor
outside ofthe classroom.

“lt was just a really bad place for students to
study," interior design graduate student Laura
Black said.

Since the room had gone largely unused since
its days as a computer lab, lilack and fellow interi <
or design yraduate students (Lhris Miller, Diana
lieglcy ant Susan Mills envisioned the room as .1
place for students to study and work on group pro»

A year later, their vision has turned into a reali‘

A ribbont utting ccrcinony yesterday celebrat-
ed the new student l'L'siilerC room for the College
of l luman l"nvirontnental Sciences.

The four students rctclvcd a $5,000 grant from
the Donovan Trust last year to renovate the room.

The grant stipulated that the room must reflect
culture and refinement by representing a range of
art movements to which students otherwise would
not be exposed.

“\Vhen designing the room. we wanted to
ensure the rootn would have the most opportuni-
ties for students to use the room." Black said.

In one week in March, the grant proposal was
written; from there the group worked on the

“ c pretty much spent the whole spring break
putting this together,” Miller said.

But the members of the group were not
strangers to each other, since they Worked in the
same office. Each person was assigned a task
reflecting their special abilities in interior design.

As the summer months passed and the redesign
they roposed was put into motion, they learned
that t ey had received the grant. Some of the work
in the redesign included lugging old as lines and
removing countertops t at were useri for experi-
ments when the room was used as a chemistry lab.

The interior desi students redesigned the
room using the Art eco style, characterized b
curved lines, round, plump form, and an overa l
mood of sleek sophistication. Everything from the
posters on the wall to the furniture reflect the style
of the era.

Tables, chairs and posters of the Art Deco peri-
od fill the room. The room also contains reference
books, journals and trade magazines for students'
use, and the room is equipped so students can lug
in laptop computers and work there, said etia
Walker, Human Environmental Sciences dean.

Begle said the project brought the depart-
ments 0 textiles and interior design to ther.

“It has given a chance for the two epartments
to interact better,” she said. Funkhouser Building
and Erikson Hall se arate the two departments
although they are in e same college.

HES professor Claudia Peck gave positive
marks for the redesign.

“I think they have done a wonderful job,” she

said _. . . _. ,, - ‘


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2 7mm]. Mun-b n, 1997, Kentucky Kernel









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‘ e ndependcnt Newspaper at [he UniverSitv of Kentucky

founded in 1894 ........................... lnde' endent since 1971

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‘Parts' shows kind,
soit side oi Stern

By Dan O'Neill

Am Fdiior

and his wife Alison (Mary McCor-
Eventually, Stern hooks up

Howard Stern in a romantic with his current sidekicks Robin

NCAA pool the easy way.

Residence Life

For Beginners and Serious l‘svrs.

Sounds like a stretch, but the
ultra-crude “King of All Media"

Quivers, Fred Norris and jack
Martling (all played by them-
selves). Together they wreak

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shows his throne can stretch into
the cutthroat world of Hollywood

quite successfully.

Don’t be completely

havoc among radio station execu-
tives with their highly sexual con-
tent and attempt to
say as many curse
words as possible.
Es ecially irri-
tated y these antics
is the authoritative
NBC executive
Kenny, whom
Howard nicknames


fooled by the “romantic
comedy” tag. Stern makes
his fascination with les—
bians and large endow-
ments well-known as he
shows enough chest to
breast—feed China.





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His new film Private review “Pig Vomit.” Paul
Part: 'beginsd wituhII ’a v (Tlamdntl; lwl:o
womans wor s: e s ave e roe o
disgusting, crude ...” and ***I/2 gerfection, relied
then . goes .into Stern (out ”ffiw) mostly on panicked
explaining fhis llife to'an “Private Parts” faficmlh expressrqfis
attractive ema e Sitting 3 er earing ano -
next to him on a plane. Paramount er of Stern’s radio

\ . . ' ' "

I‘lashing back to his glgS- Ciamattis
“Fartman” appearance at character offered
an MTV award show and hllSFIOUS Off-air

then to his childhood through col—
lege years, the beginning half—
hour of the movie uses more
voice-over narration than a Scors—
ese film. Once Howard decides to
let things loose on the radio, the
narration subsides, giving way to
his outrageous radio antics.

All the while, however, the
movie gives special attention to
the relationship between Stern

humor, full of loud,
profane remarks about Stern.

Stern displays little of his trade—
mark rude, arrogant radio alter-
cgo and instead vies for the sym—
of—humor look.

He also exhibits a certain
charm, previously unseen. Who
else has the ability to make women
orgasm over the phone, deep-


Pbm mom

THUMBS UP Honor-d Stern play: bimelfin ‘Pn'vate Pam’, whirl) depict: his
rise to the self-proclaimed position of ‘King of All Media.’

throat a 13-inch Kielbasa, and give
massages while completely nude,
all while on the air?

Another side note is the film’s
recognition of itself both visually
and through narration.

Between Stern’s jobs, director
Betty Thomas gives little intro-
ductions to each segment, usually
consisting of a my tryin to et a
female to unt ress an ho d a
handmade sign hearing the city's

As a postscript note, stay
through the credits for three extra
skits. Stuttering John, another of
Stern's radio sidekicks, complains
of his absence in the film; Mia
Farrow presents Howard a best
actor award; and (lianiatti gives a
run-down of his pathetic, post-

NBC life.

In many ways Private Part: is
better suited for Stem haters than
it is for Stern followers.

Those who discarded him
before as a tasteless pervert will
enjoy seeing another side, but
devout listeners will continue to
revel in Stem’s naturally crass

The film concludes in a spot
similar to where it began, with
Stern professing, “I’ve always been
misunderstood.” In that sense, the
film holds true to the saying that
you never really know someone
until you‘ve seen him naked.

Although Stem never took it all
off, it just took showin some of
his private parts to clari the mis-


‘Sltlll' doesn't lll'flllfll Janos DVBI‘ sophomore Sllllllll

The Dearjanes
No Skin
Geffen Records
* * l/Z (on! office)

By Mary Dees

Senior Staff (firm

It's OK.

In a world where avera e is
good and mediocrity is a ove
average, this Cl) was just OK.
The road to salvation won’t be
found within its silicone chips, but
at the same time you won’t change
the radio station to escape from its

The DearJanes’ second album,
No Skin, is a decent record. Thev
mix a combination of hard folk
music and something of a new-
a c, almost British melody to give
tléie band its own distinctive sound.

Two women com osc The
Dear lanes: Barbara l arsh, an
American, and Ginny Clce, a Brit
(which ex lains why they sound
British). he London—based pair
have made quite a stir in Iingland.
They opened three shows for The
Cranberries in London‘s Royal
Albert Hall in early 1995 .

No Skin is a collage of upbeat
songs and slow, heavy tunes. The

songs range from bright, happy
and full of life to solemn, dark and

The former type is retty
decent. They show a great eal of
strong and easygoing vocals paired
with ear-catching guitar rhythms.
Their voices have an enthralling
quality and they do an excellent
job 0 harmonizing, which gives
them a minor resemblance to the
Indigo Girls. This is good. This is
the band’s saving grace.

\Vhat makes it just OK is the
slow son 5. These are, at the very
least, ba . All the rhythm and ele—
gance their voices once ossessed
are sucked dry in these slbw-mov-
ing songs. In addition, the quick
and owerful guitar rhythms are
also acking, making for an almost
dark, a capella sound.

Most of the songs’ lyrics deal
with do ressin subject matter as
well. “ en illigram Girl” is
about accepting the need for
antidepressants. “Orphan” is
about Clce’s mother-in-law d 'ng
of Alzheimer’s disease. “ ore
Thumb” is about not fitting in,
“Totem Poles” is about suicide,
and “Angry” I'll let that title
speak for itself.







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30'" all“: Ginny Clee (left) and Barbara Mani) (right) put out a
mediocre second album entitled ‘No Skin.’

The did make a stab at work-
ing wit a diverse sound.

The Janes tried both upbeat
and slow songs, and the succeed-
ed with one of them. T eir sound
is distinct and different; not man
people can combine a deep folk
sense, a touch of pop and heavy
British undertones, and make a go

of it. The Dear Janes pulled this
off nicely in a few special cases.

Overall, No Skin is not that bad
an album.

If the slow and depressing
songs were not quite so drastic,
the album would have surpassed
“OK” and moved into the “slight-
ly good” range.



Advertise in
the Kernel.



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' Olor2WeekCouses

'1th , . e I o y ‘ ‘
13' Xavier (Ohio) 765 11 and third in the last five _ Utah You don t have the same teams in ard Allen Edwards suffered a M ‘ f - E
:- bi: 14' Clemson 713 13 and Wake FOrest are in the same tlfie same region because variety is 5:1le injury and would not play for a] L h 15’ lll Doom 20:3 ,
15. Arizona 654 12 re ion as the Cats, which caused I 0 §P1CC-" ‘ the rest of the tournament. ‘ , i . 3
16. ColoiChariesion 599 17 PiEino to be somewhat upset. . If” the record, CVCVY year 9m“ Bl" the junior from Miami étlldC Ill (/ClltCl - l
- 17. Georgia 524 24 “Where the (NCAA Selection) Pltmo has been at UK that these played that neXI day against Ole , ,J ,
[I‘ll IS 18. Iowa State 485 16 Committee blew it,” he said, “last three teams have been In the same ,Miss and even had a spectacular 7 7’" A“ "
an 19. Illinois 437 15 year, the one, two and three seeds Teglojli d“: (AIS have advanced to dunk against Georgia on Sunday.
11' 20_Vi||anova 387 21 (in the same region) were Ken- the Final 1‘01”; that hung In 1993 Edwards also told Pitino that
“till 21_ Stanford 371 23 tucky, Wake Forest and Utah. and 135! year. the scouting report for Georgia
22_ Ma [and 344 22 This year, same region, (the top - that was printed in yesterday’s ‘
but 23_ 303m College 255 _ seeds are) Kentucky, Utah, Wake. BICK "ml" IIOI‘IIISI’I‘IIII Lexington Herald-Leader was i
Le to 24_ Colorado 244 18 “You’re not going to do that After UK 5‘ 51“» [Ourmmt‘m taken from the locker room and O l
.rass 25. Louisville 226 20 with any type of preparation at quarterfinal Victory over Auburn not mistakenly left in the open as l
spot all,” he said. “They obviously blew 135‘ Friday at l ht‘ Pyramid m was reported. ':
With .C............................0..O..O...’........0...’..................00......COO-OOOOOCOOOQCOCOCIOOCC SUMMER SCHOOL 1997 i
been 1
, the
Seven teams tram SEO SPORTSbytes
v 1
it all '
... make women s tourne
m..- Softball places B P3” " m m as S
By Rob Herbsi UGA will face No 3. seed Kansas second at HI" 3” a a ‘ a , ° “ ,
WukmdSpom Editor in the Sweet Sixteen and to seed , OXFORD M‘SS- — 5m“ i
I... Stanford in the round ofeig t' The UK women’s softball Itskra went 2-fE)T-5 at the plate
and collected lIVC RBIs to lead



Pitino IIIII llflllllV’





i. I I

. With seed in West WW...
‘_ Lexington's oniy
‘ By Chris Easiorllng they would be in the Southeast Lfsdmwmfi 8d”?
.: Spam Editor Region, no doubt in my mind. tillage
’ The last place I thought we'd

..,..,___.. .... .-








Coach Rick Pitino expressed
extreme disappointment last night
on his Big Blue Line over UK
being sent out to Salt Lake City
for the first and second rounds of
the NCAA Toumament.

“I've got mixed emotions,” Piti-
no said. “I was shocked to say the
least. I am puzzled from a number
of standpoints. I promised the
players all along that they win the
(Southeastern Conference) cham—
pionship, they would get a number
one seed Then I told them that



11.NewMexico 949 14
12. St.Joseph’s(Pa.) 856 19




That scream one heard on Sun-
day night came from Fayetteville,
Ark. as the Lady Razorbacks found
out they were not one of the 64
teams selected for the NCAA
Women’s basketball Tournament.

Despite being in the Top 25 for
the entire season, the committee
looked at their 5-7 record in the
Southeastern Conference and
decided it wasn’t good enough.

In all, seven teams from the
SEC made the tournament.

“If we grab one rebound
against Florida we go 6-6 in the
conference,” said Arkansas head
coach Gary Blair on ESPN’s
women’s basketball selection show
on whether the team needed a
.500 conference record to make
the tournament. “Does that make
us that much better, I’m not sure.”

The reason for the committee
denying Arkansas a bid? Their
non—conference schedule.

“Their non-conference sched-
ule did not distinguish them in the
league,” said Jean Lenti Ponsetto,
member of the NCAA selection

go is the \Vest,” he said. “We’re
the defending national champs,
one or two in the Sagarin Ratings
all ear and the worst we’re going
to e is in the East, I was sbre
about that. Shows you what I

The Big Blue fans are who Piti—
no said he felt the worse for.

“... The fans wait all year for
the NCAA Tournament and save
their money for it. Mi.)st of them
can’t afford to go to Salt Lake, and
the number one seed will now
never get the crowd (they

The Cats (30—4) open up on
Thursday night at 7:55 at the Jon
M. Huntsman Center against the
No. 16 seed Montana, winner of

Boston College.
For the second straight year —

If ’Bama is successful in rounds
one and two, they would most
likely take on No 3. seed Texas
and then No. I North Carolina.

Despite ten losses, Tennessee
received a No. 3 seed in the Mid-
west. They are in the same region-
al as overall No.1 Connecticut.
The Lady Vols defeated UConn
in last year’s Final Four. Colorado
is the No. 2 seed and Illinois is
No. 4 in the Midwest.

Alon with Tennessee, Florida
receive a No. 3 seed in the
Mideast. The Gators may get a
rematch with No. 11 San Francis—
co in the second round. Last ear
the Lady Dons knocked offF ori-
da in the first round of the NCAA

After being snubbed by the
tournament committee last year,
LSU won 23 games this year to
earn a No. 4 seed in the Mideast
and take on Maine in round one.
No.1 Old Dominion and No. 2
Louisiana Tech join Florida and
LSU in the Mideast.

Surprisin Auburn is also in the

that chance to bring some variety.

team lost 4-1 to \‘Vright State
Sunday in the championship
game of the Eastern Kentucky
Tournament, after winning its
first two games of the day.

UK beat Dayton 4-2 in the
pool play finale and used a sev-
enth-inning rally to outlast host
Eastern Kentucky 6-3 in the first
round of the single-elimination

UK stands at 5-8 while
Wright State improved to S-l.
Eastern Kentucky ended the
tournament at 4—2.

UK will play its first home
game on Wednesday, with a
doubleheader against Valparaiso



Memphis, Tenn., Pitino said

Mississippi to a 10-4 comc~
from—behind win over UK Sun-

()le Miss (12-4, 2-1 South-
eastern Conference) scored four
runs in the seventh inning to
edge their way past the Wildcats.

UK (2-9-1, 1-2 SEC) got on
the board first, scoring two runs
in the fourth inning to take a 2—0

The \Vildcats scored two
more runs in the fifth and sixth
innings to up the score 4-0.

Matt Borne (0-2) picked up
the loss for the Wildcats.

(,‘ompi'lrdfi-am riaff reports.

Otis A. dinglotary
Outstanding Student

Qccognizing students who have exem-
plified superior student involvement-
and leadership at the University or
within the community.




Pd.“ IN. the Big Sky Conference.
2 Should tradition hold true and E
i l- Kansas (70) L750 1 UK defeats the (iri7zlies, the (Eats A 1. m . ‘ r ' _ j 1
2. Utah 1,573 3 would face ,1“, Wm... or the pp ications are now available in room
3. Minnesota 1.571 2 eight-nine game between Iowa 3 '
t 4. NOflh Carolina 1,565 5 and Vir inia. 'I‘ipoff for that game 203 STUClCllL CCntCl‘. [OOH] l06 OLUdClll 1 .
7 5- gemugky 1.559 5 is schefuled for approximately 7 t _ H y i
6. Outh arolina 1,365 4 .m. on Saturda '. f1 7 ‘
7. UCLA 1,343 9 p The highest deeds in the region I. CC CF OF lll your CO 666 dcall 8 1‘
8. am? F 1,245 7 that the Wildcats could face in the JANE! CRISP Kemelrufl'
9- 3.5. ”95‘ 1223 8 Sweet Sim” would be NO- 4 SLAM Duet Ron Men-er, named the Man Valuaka era the SEC
10‘ C'nc'nnat' 1'0” 10 seed St‘ Joseph’s (Pa.) or NO' 5 Tournament [an weekend, Izmir UK into the NCAA Tailz‘ynamént. Application Deadline is Thupégda V








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' l. committee. Mideast. T e No. 7 seed was a ‘. . ‘
Lithts = While Arkansas is crying, teams “bubble team” entering the SEC (outside UK BOOkStOW)
tbad " such as Georgia and Alabama are Tournament, but knocked off
:2 lookingd 1\fihe'éad. dBothh teams Georgia, Tennessee and 1:113ng
'n receive 0. see sin t e tour- to sea as ot in t is ear’s e o . . .
:lucg, : ney, Georgia in the west and 64. Auburrii takes onyLouisville in For more Information call.
tssed ' Alabama in the East. the first round. . 606-257-3382
ight- The Lady Bulldogs mag get a No. 6Vanderbilt will also make
asket- an appearance in the “Big Dance.”



ood glimpse of women’s
liall in the state of Kentucky.
Geor ia takes on 15th seed East-
ern entucky in th