xt75hq3rxv1x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75hq3rxv1x/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1984-03-05 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 05, 1984 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 05, 1984 1984 1984-03-05 2020 true xt75hq3rxv1x section xt75hq3rxv1x  


~ Vatutxxw, No. m

Established 1894




University of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky


Independent Since l97l


Monday, March 5. 1984

Two senators are chosen to take SGA posts

Staff Writer

New senators from the College oi
Nursmg and the College oi Social
Work have been elected to the Stu
dent Government Assoc1atiori. While
the seat for the ('ollege oi Dentistry
remains vacant

In speCial elections held last
Thursday. Elizabeth Taylor. a soph»
omore nursing mayor. and Gina
Hall. a soc‘ial work senior. Were

Student is

by friends

By ANDRE“ ()PP\it\\\

Anthropology senior John P Han
sen. Who died Saturday in a tire .it
his offcampus residence. Was re
garded as an easy going persori With
a keen interest in doing a good iiii;

"John was a good student and a
real hard Worker. sa;d Ker: Hir’t‘h
an anthropology
worked With Hansen ir. ilasses ant"
While directing aii archaeiogiia; pro
yect in Honduras last Fail

professor W hi.

“I had John in about Mr. or thriw
classes and then We Were it: lloridii
ras all last semester He Was easy
gorng. hard‘Working arid an id}
around nice guy .' he said

Hansen. 22. oi 2:74 .scoi:ili- toad
apparently died irorri bilillh‘t‘ ;iiiiiii_i
tion at around 1 .io a m \itiirila'.
said Fayette ('ounty l‘oroia'i i his
ter Hager .-\uthoritie.s hem-xi "‘i'
fire Was started by a tigar‘er'r -. "
tossed into a trash taii 1:; trm
dent s bedroori

Firefighters hand Hitfsi‘“ .
bathroom Where he coliapsed .ippar
ently irorn trying to till a trash tart
With Water to attemp: to e\tingiiis'.
the blaze, Hager said

According to Hager‘ rjriiiiia \l.
lson. Who rented the roorr. to liar.
sen. Was asleep in another roorr.
when a smoke detector aWakenei:
her beiore .‘ 3o a n. .~t about that
time Hansen told Wilson to ieiiii-
the house and call the izre depart
ment. Hager said

Willson Was not lfijul‘t‘ti .z; the
blaze. Hager said Hansens rooii.
Was heavily damaged iron the iire
and the rest oi the house sustained
smoke damage

Hirth said Hansen Was Weli iiKt‘tI
devoting considerable time to his
studies —-r With hopes oi attending
graduate school aiter he received
his degree this Fall and playing
in a Bluegrass band ior run

"He had done a lot oi iield Work
for an undergraduate He had
done the one Honduras pron-t!
With me last semester and he had
also done some proyects here in Ken
tucky.“ he said

"He always in iii. Hirth said
“The Hondurans loved him . he
could adapt to any situation livery
body liked him “

Launa Mallett. president oi the
Anthropology Club. said Hansen Will
be missed because all oi the ammo
pology' students formed a close

"It Will be a loss to all oi us be
cause he won‘t be hanging around
us."she said

Hansen's funeral Will be 1 p in to-
morrow at the Nelson. Edelen and
Bennett Funeral Home in Radt'llii.
Ky. Burial Will follow in North Har-
din Memorial Gardens in Radcliii

Hansen 18 survived by his mother
and father of Radcliit'



1‘ m Medical Plaza was
my (muted Saturday during a
mm ceremony. See page 2.

UK m m ptcued with the
M of the second annual Merit
“new for My gifted high







elected by W'riteAin ballot votes to re
place tWo resigning senators in their
colleges Taylor was unopposed.
while Hall deteated Jean ()‘Ikary. a
soCial Work Junior. by a vote oi six

The (‘ollege of Dentistry left its
seat vacant. as there Were no candi
dates for the position

"it‘s a poor reflection on the stu
dents in the «dentali college." Tini
Freudenberg. SGA vice-presrdent
said “I don't knOW What “ETC

’li nobody runs there‘s not a
heck oi a lot We can do." he said
“The dental college Won't be rep-
resented the rest oi the year

"it seems the dental college more
than any other college would want
representation, and we can't even
motivate someone to go write their
name in. ' he said Freudenberg
cited the possibie l'KrL‘niverSity of
Louisville dental schools merger and
recent budget problems as main
concerns ior dental students

I think it's important these col.

leges have representation l‘rt‘Ul‘.
enberg said ’“e'w had trouble
filling the nursing seat all year
We ye had tWo senators neither o!
Which lasted very long

“We hayen‘t had very good rep
resentation this year 'layior past
president of the Nursing studeit~
Assoc'iation said I Wanted 'o get
involved on campus and do sona-
thing ior the nursing schooi as Well

"Nursmg students are so busy We
sort of get into our own iitii» Worid
she said ‘ld like to mast- their.
more my are oi campus issues

l “as it‘d: "1‘ 'v"?
her (‘lt‘tlllit i' ',i'
but I Was 'l“.\

Harold Kai,-
terested 1r. 'riir '
had to rt-sigi
ll“ {old the tie .t
.tay hecouii‘i

ll fll‘ll.‘ \t-i't?
ple .yer-x .riYi-ti's‘i»v'
UU' ”rail: MIX:

iause it Was ii s'w

r reudenbei'g




Alumni pre

By I) \HHEH tile.“


.l.is' ask H;.. hikiilc.‘ arid he ,i
lt‘i: Rm. 7li_i' his lililiil rLli'Ls lilili

tram» Was recently appoirt
the :tim‘ president oi the l niyeisnfl
\atorai. -\iiir‘r‘irii -\.s.sociti’:o.'. .yhi'
has nearly .2: mo riaembers
l'he l’riiyersity has fieei. trrj.
gum! To :i‘ic Francis siiil \ it ’ 0'
iiy personal i‘es deteloped Whiz l
iktis ll: tolii‘iie

Francis Was a member oi 'Izz.
cr’oii lieita Kappa national :t'ii‘l
ership honorary during his toiiege

\ io’ iii Illt' irlt‘llib l sill; st't‘ .iti'

the ones I liyed With he saa:
‘ 1 ye been sitting With their: at the
loottiall games tor ll years. and
they re also alumni members

Francis shares With other alumni
members a feeling oi dedication to
the L‘niyersity' The result ior l‘Vl‘tii'l'
cis has been more than a decade oi
seryice to the L'niversity through the
Alumni :\.550Cldilt)ll He served ior
six years on the ST-member board oi
directors and helped start neW
alumni clubs and reyive old ones
across the state

rti llzcs'. Hea
it‘ "\Zi.




sident has blue blood —— Wildcat blue

'I/it' one {/HNL’ l/Ial we all fit/it) 1’3 cows/iron is .J i c for Kilt
luii fi/io’ t1 [ire/U diverse emu/l of [Jeri/lie or: our ”axiom/z ”4
have ens/Hews. doctors. teachers. lioroenmes act/rim mi-

‘.-l 'm ‘/.' "


iii-re l an: as president
said i iriust haye done
Lg i’igli'

presidents sel‘y‘e oneryear
i seryt' one year its
F‘lt" iii” ' efii-tt. a position voted on
by 'iii mart! oi directors The presi-
deiit em I .iiso is chairman of the F1
tiara t' and Budget committee Alter
or.» ‘-t'.i.' the presidentelect auto
lllii' t.il.y ascends to the presidency
'l'li» 15w presidentelect is Julia
Kiii'/ lackett oi Iiexmgton She is .i
iiitige :r. the Fayette District Court

liiiring his term as preSiderit.
r‘rtiriiis said he hopes to unite the
yaiioiis illtli'l‘ii'll assoc1ations across
caiixpiis tinder the national alumni

‘tifnl‘ I'lt".

Hill I *itii.

prt ii.."e

t It \urm/rii/ Hum/ii tuiitiulior:

association The imagi- ~i
one oi seyerai colleges a ‘f. sepa
alurtirii assoc:.i‘.oi:s
i think me new; ‘ I... writ

gether because .in .it, filfli '.‘i.'
much better as a grout 'iarit s
said l \e alWays tours that :: vii t.
have strength. its usually {R't'iiJN'
oi numbers

Some colleges already haze aiLitt‘i
ni members serving on the national
board Francis cited the colleges iii
Dentistry and Engineering as esair.

"Weye deyeloped that over the
last tWo y‘ears arid I think it has
been beneiicial ior them as Weii as
for us Francis said The L'niii-i

1- .
‘illt‘l 'I, .sii'ir" '
i-iy con 2
pwaerfiij ':_i‘
don! ‘li..'.s ’i't~ "
ty but i thins " '
one Fraiitmsii
l lltflt‘ gt-i'il LIV"
With me ir. a.. 'tmsv
he said -\as r»; ii~ .
izke .\Ir Bruiat it: i' ‘
er in the Luv: \ssii .i'

takes a lot oi tili's i:v '

stti it"ls


‘ \ll\1\l

Donated bodies help medical students with anatomy lessons

Ry \Ntil-ZLU B. HENDERStfi
Senior Staff Writer

Dead the\ hu ve taught the HM“):

Reyerently buried here by the
Linnersrty of Kentucky Medicu.‘
Center are the remains of persons
who after death contributed to the
advancement of medical scrence and
education and so rendered humumh
a high service

More than 600 urns of human
ashes n0W occupy section 36 of the
graveyard .- the area in the Lexmg
ton Cemetery Where those who gave
their bodies for screntific study are

These people. who have willed
their corpses to the UK department
of anatomy for students to observe
and study. have helped complete the
education of some students studying
phy'Sical therapy. nursing. dentistry
and medicme

“Without this Ibequeathingi pro-
gram it would be impossible for stu~
dents to learn human anatomy."
said Dr NB. Nikitovitch-Winer. a
professor and chairman of the anat-
omy department

“You can‘t make models." she

And so iar. according to Ellery
(‘liase .Jr prepaiory embalmer. the
departrrient has not had a problem
getting enough bodies

’\\i- get an average of 48 to 50
bodies a year usually above the age
or to. chase said “The number of
donations reaches our demand very
comiortably' ”

The department of anatomy does

not solicit cadaycrs. but they accept
donations irom people Who "ireeiy
volunteer Without any type oi pres
sure." Winer said

If a person decides to Will their
body. Winer said they still have a
chance to reconsider the decision

"Bequeathing your body is not a
permanent de ‘ision." she said “If a

RICK F.I,ll\\ Reine \‘a"

A memorial headstone at Lexington Ceremony honors people
Who bequeathed their bodies to the UK Medical Center.

taniily or iridiyhii.
mind that .s i lK

There :s absoiiib
irorri us that peopa
Their dec:s:ori \\;w'
is no obligation

Miner said one our ' i.
a person can get moiw’ ' 47:. in:
ing their body to the *\ \lisf
center istalse

We get .i call at i. ii:.
Week saying I heard I i so.
body.” she said ii: : 'ii.it
Wrong .\o money is ll‘i\tll\i*" .it .ii‘,

There are No r‘easii' s people
make the decision to it: no their
bodies in the \lt‘dlcui \r'fi" ‘t‘

Some people she e\pia;'ii~: do
Want to burden their iiilt' \ aim
huge burial expenses iiiiei the". iiie
so they decide to bequeath 'i:e:r iiod

()thers Winer said. are thus: \\ ho
donate their body because they are
interested iii helping others learn

Chase said anyone lb years or
older may legally bequeath hl\ or
her body While they are living The
deceased's next of kin can donate
the body if a person dies Without
Signing the bequeathing doeuments
but had a desrre to donate his or her
body to seience

Respect for the body is What the

:i- giiziie
_ i .ifiiiTillil} :Tt‘titiT'” i'TI
'v-gar ‘. to ffii TR'tlth‘din.'ly_ prog'art.
l :i iii-parti.‘ - Wii accept may
.'~u‘..es trot“. peopie that ..\c '. sTati-
\\ ' i‘T s.i.i‘.
1' '.he\ iiy'e Keri‘atky but me
iii' iii state 'heit their bodes are ac
ii-pted she said l’tsitili W hi‘
., i w out o: state w- iiii "it"i accept
We recommend they go to the
iiiisest medit al schooi
l‘he anatomy department reserves
the right 'iot to accept any body es
tl‘ciaIiy 7‘ cases oi a \ioie'it death
or one With extreme trauma such as
an dulOlithllt’ accident
The reason some bodies are not
accepted is because they cannot be
embalmed, “mt-T said ’Vte have
to be able to presery e the body it it
is going to be used for dissection and
you can't do that When it is a violent
The department also Will refuse a
body With certain diseases and in-
iections or one that has undergone
an autopsy . Chase said
People Who decrde to use their

see MEDK' \l . page 2


5 .
'5'! - w:

 2 - THE KENTUCKY KERNEL Monday, Much 5, 1m

Medical Plaza deemed Kentucky’s ‘newest jewel’ at opening

I“ \\t-I~il ti H III”\|)ERND\



"Through the high quality. professional expertise and








e ”w

N'llli'l stat: \\r lt'l' very warm persoanl touch that our staff gives to us and I
to our patients. we think this is the iinmt exam e of its ._
\iter eight year's oi sllllllg on the shelt. l'K blew the kind of thing anywhere around,"Singletary said.pl
dust U” lit at‘ $11 i million present. officially opening Al Austin. secretary of the Kentucky Cabinet for
the “arreti \\ right i tll\ ersity \ledical t‘enter Human Resources. who came to the ribbon-cutting cere‘
“llh si'lssi‘l'\ l‘. hand i'oriner tim Albert R mony on behalf of Gov Martha Layne Collins, said the
Happy chandler cut the ribbon marking the public Warren Wright Medical Plaza is a facility dedicated to
dedication -ii :tie \tedit-ai Plaza 0“ Saturday morning the betterment oilife in Kentucky.
The tievtes‘ 'r'\\t'i sparkling in the Kentucky sun" “Years from now the wisdom and careful planning
and a \viirxxtg‘ Lit'lii’lllli‘l‘. at what ewellence in health that went into this project will be paying dividends to
care patzerf st‘!‘\1\'i'!‘t‘.tll_\ means is how the plaza was the citizens not only of this community or in this re- "‘
deserdieii tiarrstg .ts dedication cereitiony gion.” Austin said. "but to thousands of other Kentucki- h;
l‘miax s pat: t-alariv iiieaningtul because as we ansaswell " d
ope? fitns . '.\ .i.l\l engage .t ill tuil gear we heliev e "Even with all the yea! technological and therapeut- t“
that m :taie tam-ii \et another step iii our upward goal w advances of this day and time. one of our yeatest ”
h pin-at 7"" l‘t‘i'l‘w ~‘l N‘m‘dk‘k.‘ d l‘rt‘fmer“ it” ehallanges is to make better health care accessible,“ W
stitirt.‘ 'gean'ui IEi‘y'nIEZL‘} 1; health :arye‘and )heiiitheduca‘ Aimtin said "Let [5 pray that our new jewel can stand “I
we! Mm» ~- ‘H ~\ w “t ilt‘t‘t “in ”Mi 50”“ 0' W the test of time as well as the efforts have done for .
zit-ens .; ': 'f"i‘~\ sazd l‘reszdent iitis -\ Sin those first deSigners.architects and planners " 31'
Alexi-W The new ambulatory care facility. which opened in 2,
" allitiht't ”Midi-'18 ”0 ”hm" “hm January. was built to relieve the over-crowding which L.
' ’ "1‘" "WW “filed 35““ occured when most of the outpatient services were lo- 2‘
"1 Y‘t‘n‘tt‘n‘ihw WE“ 1” "‘a‘ eated across the street in the University Hospital :3
The three~story Medical Plaza houses most of the out- “
patient clinics ranging from Student Health Services . . r”
and the outpatient pharmacy to dentistry. radiology and . - I ‘11
Each clinic is assigned a speCific color to make it eas- ‘ “x , .\
ier tor patients to find the desired clinics The 175.000- " I”
square-toot plaza has a mspace parking structure at- ‘ i a ‘
tacned . ' ‘
"This plaza is committed to providing a centralized (21‘
community with easily accessible comprehensive medi- ‘ " ‘ h ' '
cal services." Singletary said. “By housing nearly all of Former (iovcrnor Albert B. “Happy" Chandler and UK President Uti~ »\ siiicletaiy listen to a speech f'f‘
the outpatient services within this one facility. we offer by Peter BQsomworth. chancellor of the Medical Center. during the [‘Lll‘llx dedication of the Warren M
the expertise and convenience in what is a highly per- Wright University Medical Center. {m
Phi Beta Lambda sonal atmosphere" /.-I
will mes, on March 7. 1984 Singletary described the operations of the Medical 0 ,I‘
, Plaza as a "carepooling" situation with close cooper~ . ',‘
mow... , . .. . Medical
ation and collaboration between variom outpatient spe- ,, ‘
in Room 306C of the Commons. Clalmes (““1”“ij mm MM” are
Oerr elec'ion‘ WI” be held' “It W1“ work [0 reduce the need for long hospital body to help others learn about "It takes so days to give the with» aim are Used tor research it;
Commuter Cot Chat stays and at least help to keep the cost of health care anatomy h} willing it to the Medi- lluid time to detinitely sterilize purposes \hesaid
down. he bald , cal t‘enter are sent a bequeathal the tissues to make sure that any \tt.-: ‘tie educational studies tia~
with The plaza is connected Via skywvalk t0 the LniverSity application and a letter bacteria cannot hw_ Hm“, “my H, mm W. rmmm m the bod- l
Deon Joseph Burch, HOSPllal [11d adlaccemllo the COUPE? 0f Nurstng‘Health Thl' Mm explain. “it 1 the "But we use the bodies at the eat .vs ate t reunited and put into urns
>cxences aming en er > ’ ’ . ' \ > . -~ , . . . ‘ .I‘ . t
Dear: 0" 5,?deet‘" Named for Warren Wright 0f Calumet Farm m reCOS' ”'3de {enters practice. on ht?h50>txb)dllt;¢itr: used in \tlrltiti: 1 ‘H ”l “P“U” ,
; ‘ ‘2 2 3‘ ; ~32 nition ot his philanthropic interest in the quality of life being lnmmit‘d 0‘ lht‘ deal” 0! d “a.“ by both ”R. tacultv and «i. mm. mt.” who, \in
._ . 0’ the Citizens 0f Kentucky. the Medical Plaza '5 a donor 1” make arrangements ”I dents in the health careers i.t‘.-l it he said "or 'i.
. .~ .e -- dreamcometruesomesay ”5 own expense for removal and \Iiner said i‘i it'Li-it lit’lt‘ at a letting
_>s . . :1 3., iine at major reasons the Medical Plaza seemed more "311590“ 0i 1h“ bUd)‘ l0 Levington ‘ L,
m“, a dream was because of Gov John Y Brown‘s and tor cremation and subse Freshman medital students in __ .:_..”M.m “Tun“ a” '
Stray Cats Bus. Meeting treeze on capital construction which postponed its open- quent burial iJI ashes iii Lexington not dissect the corpses theiiiseiii-s . .M “MN“; chapel hosted M
Wed“ March 7th. 3:00 p.m. ingt'our years ago (emetery utter study ot a body is but study the organs altei 'hejv ...' 'M‘ wimmm Utilt‘lals "\
Room 119 Student Center "it was a dream that we had and it has become a completed have been ldkt‘li “Ul it} Milli- -,‘,. mm“ H, mow individ- I 2‘
AIIoH campus students reality. said (handler about the Medical Center, A)!“ the proposed donor h”~ members. 5h" M“ “fluff "“ .na- fN‘lltit'ttiIlt‘d their bodies t.“
Welcome! named m his honor ”“9 had hoped that m time it ‘Lm' out the application. a card is sent dents haw a course “My LIM ‘1“ 1 "1 I‘m-'11: ”Ml year drt‘ \:
' \ersity Medical Center would attract other contnbu- t'r m ,h_ ,mtmn d’ 'rt m the dissecting ‘ y
1984 Run for the Klds tors The government built a hospital here. the Mark- ..0 ‘V ( d ‘ ll ‘ .tpd mu . , . tyu‘ . c .n- .. t th- m
r . _ »: ‘_: :94 '5, '3 sp . .' 'ep .5‘ “\b 9‘ ,> gth’ money for an addition Luellle Parker dlld “t” lbuul‘} dillll “‘nlmu N‘nltll‘b ill llit‘dlt'di \( lltllli 'ltiht' “‘ ‘1'“ ”"1; (‘ ”:1.“ ‘ I] "I!"
Markev Cancer Centeriand now the Wrights ”Ml.“ mm the)“ ‘mdm until the} an Elfin”) mun" “m‘r‘ “rail?" ”am.” I“: {it I “W. M
“hi“ s happened here 15 the thing that we hoped dte. “in” win concentrates on VLIlfiht‘t'Iltil. i»: 2'1.» ; * -"ethde'iihm-i‘ihfiij ' H.
would happen." he said "Now it represents one of the After the cadaver has been donated mmm “mmmw liititiiitt-iiiektit ”Li medi id."-
iineStmedicalcomplexeSinthe country brought to the Medical t‘eiitei~ it "This class is prediiiitiiiatelt :ii: .. .: i-itut-atiiiii and so {-0 a
"it s more a monumental contribution to the health. is usually so days tiettire the body people who an inn. tumor; a: . m, , f;jf\ K, high Wm
i H welfare and education 0f the people Of our state," Chan‘ is ready tor use by students tariiily practice sl‘t‘ said These 2 lift"
Attent on". dler said. "andthatis what we hoped for " ,,__., ~ , a , ,, — ‘


AA .‘
u.» . »_ um? \i

"to Kentucky Name], 210 Journalism Building, University of Konrudry, Lolingron, Ky.
4mm “257.2171, is Wished dos: days dunng the academic your and woddy V]

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m"\\\ “ VCWG' Completed applications rv‘us' be retu'ned ‘0 the
Shade“ Finonool Aid Otiire no iote' than Mort'i 30

during rho 3m session Third class postage mid at LallngYOIl, Ky, “71. WP
non rates: :30 per your, $75 per mm!" nailed rho Ksntudry Kernel is printed by
SCIIMAHOWIM Web Company, "3 Louisville Ail Park LOUIS ville, Konrad: y 00213.

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about everyone: Mon, Young $20ffAnyLargePizza $20fiAny Large Pizza I 0 CU and hFl_VE lfree VI'SIts' W'Ih a bOdY wave, :
M": 10m" and Miss» 8'31ll‘fl‘ié‘l’filfl‘ll‘illfi'lh. “an.“flotsammii‘ilrtit. “152:; “Y H °£rc° °r serque.‘ t d b I 5
i a u ; - - e C0 or an oppom men an remem er
otter expire. soon offer expires soon ' .
msmnmmd D" (MLWh ale/u WWW," 3m“ 'to BRING THIS A0 for our Looking Good prices I
«cross from South-dune! :fva-lmflm'2u Tm‘mmm‘fl; Ianyhme dur'ng Apr” '
raw-rum? twat-tn?” I

mom-hon with um um III

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an. C IMPt-Hut In at. l‘ lsluPin Hut In.

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.------.-- ---------

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I (Next to Domino's Pizza
n--- -----

278-7481 I

rIMx\\“////§\W%b\ i\//;








KY KERNEL Monday, March 5,1984 3


Mun-o7 Patterson

Andy Dumuud



History is repeated as the Cats take no prisoners in March

lteturn mt] Us ntm to those glorl
ou.~ dots of the past Buck to the
harsh, eold duh ot Iteeember “hen
.l seennngl} ommpotent college has
kethull team has based Ill Lexrng
ton Kentuek}

('ulhng themselxes the Kentuek}
\Vlldeuts, the} decimated exer}
team that dared to walk on the eourt
mth them These uudztetous young bottled held general [tended . .\.|‘
men heat oppos‘lng teams In .1 \urt tune to return to hunt lump : an
et} ot “his The Wlldeub \wuld tn'e~ hemme lIllt'Il>t‘ no plot: TH.’
rel) on long range bombs trom their the hunt ot heart Those ohm lulled
Quartb the} mould use one \eH-n to lllt‘éhtlrt‘ up uere \em 'u the .ml.
tooter to teed the hall tn the palm to ltll‘rdll} 'l'he} tum u;
dlllllllt‘I‘ \e\ent(x)ter blessed mth .t xtep~ tIIllll thelr lltllllh‘t“ hung 'm'
huh} bottom soil ~hootlng toueh re lllllll thelr tunu~ erred out Imperme
\ulttng 1n .1“ .tutomotle hdsket The} i3. tor tl\_‘.L{Q-n onl‘. ~,, W“, .x A“.
eould ge’ the hall to .t )ttLIIlL’. tor .tlltlIN‘L'll;lllt"-\Ilttlt‘l)l‘lnt‘\‘.t:4‘.tl
turd utth the ulnltt} to leap toll “All 4
lrtllltltllgkIttl‘unt'zh} \eore tl..tme\ .ulort'u: _. not» '.t' pron.

\ttll another lut'llt' um to hrtn; ill er~ .ztttturle .tfnl 4I!.t'r' 4.1..3 YI'>'. r.
tum tre~hrzten tron; oh the tle\er
endznu hene'r. Hne .: hurt} ~pet:
met, .: talker \pekkttlg .1 “Her end Hle \Il.\> t-emnle 'h. :w
my \trmn. ot ene:turugement to lea the '.\l'.tlll ot the \\ lit at» 'l. ‘r
Illllhtlt'.\, dump: or. the tloor tor loo~e lutex' hem: 'he lpl lie." ~ l.,\'
tullls Homo: t‘llol'L’t'x tree/1m: HH'!‘ hm: .orlg ll'et. A 'hur: '. ‘r.n u.
howlb oprwnenh ‘Mt‘h .n: :e_\ .1. «or» PM“ ll.e l.;’~‘t~ m:
II.H\I murderom Rune l'he other .1,\ tedrett KQ‘I..lIl nj. ‘t.e'.
L’lme'ltil .xtill «Illzel .n .t L‘A/elle 'eotl. ’I‘ml tttuel Inul’ 'Iv '9. ,;

'tmxtnu .tltttlIl ’he eour' tuft the



t l’tlullllt“\

.Atltmwf ll»


tu-nftnu then oprmner‘» '. '~.l'.t"-
oi t\.l_‘.~


.lnvl trd‘ then. . on. '.t.l1











L‘l't'ultwi ot t'.1\t‘ l.'. .1” tillllth' IIM'AI \llll" 'ho Hm' .tlftl , ,
.h; II..II1.'lt‘I' I.liltl.ll4'll1\IIl.xll'tt\lt‘t‘tt .u-re re‘.’.>'..'ev: I In ’.1~ ‘r.’ :
u. explode tnh' htn. tor .n; t'.t\‘. Y;¢-'.\ “.1. '4, frd‘ 't,- - MW , -4
lt.1\t\t"‘t.' .tl.d\\:\' “ml Ynl' ex.“ ’l‘. .; 'r-.~ .«.:. \ " r
I’mt’h’ :r Item-rut“ u her. mouth men. .' .; text ~t'.t."~ 44
.'t '.lr:.:r.l_t .\.tr.':. exemrzw 'v. mn. lion. h.» . 4'
'v ' In lt":\"',..t~ ltleso‘hh .1314: lep‘w of ,: -'.L: .,
.tv‘d‘ti Ulit‘~ 'hew .mr 1.1'» :1 .l:»: .t - --" . " ‘ '-
2; «.tllv”! ”I." H? ' v ".1 IN M ‘ >
.n.~ .r ”.U' 'l.\"tl”_‘- wt '.u rt : in"; law. .- ~. t :-
1 g “.ml in k t .
Ito at u:.‘ 1:.et 'tn lm :M hm“ 'y.’ «mu . 4 V_ —
Hunk “1“:th t'.t} 1| «w; v . g l..\-
é",4'tt2'in’\tul-Mme}!N .14.:1.’ tr 'xl v 'v ~ . ;-
\,. Dunn." \llll': '.‘4' 'v'llm.’ aft: lml .“ V""'_A":\ '1'” ‘
In: and. . m: and exe' .wr «out: : :.I ' ,.
ex >1 .l.lt.l..lrj. wt : 4.1mm wow-I:
t .t..x New? .x\ Yln l.x: I‘lt>.‘.,t‘ Antigen-<1 4 1.
In". mun;- an .x'et: '\t‘.f a he 't-tt.’ emt. wt 'te -_..- 31
.xtterc l. 'he :v-et, 1.1m t'etexw» t? n \m . 4t .
'tnfi‘. l’hnl‘ If..t’.tl.~ x '\.. -
‘tgtlt4tllt'f;‘~ ":w .umie.’ quartet:
{was} " '.'L .1Il;l.1't \t tI' M I" n. tn ; L
‘9» .1t .:'\ Ell! ’n‘n' '.',v wt \ 1! Ln ’1; t ".t
l'fi.x'.t' ,.- ‘A .>lt.1f\ the 'tier . ~ I‘..tll.t'." I. ‘?.t‘ r
:v‘tlv", 'tr \"|4)l.' lt'!.\:‘.t‘ ~ .5 IIUIA t‘ 4 '
.lfltf'" 7..t‘.w1w;,;xtjvt'\ \'.1l".l.;_' '1 Ll" '. -
I l ’i . "V0‘\’ 5' 4 L." “l '
, l n \1 A. \t H'n” ' l’n,’ l) .\l n -


trum the HulM'l .tnd never looked
lmt‘k 'l'herr detenw the prlde and
to} ot assistant I'tutt'h Lake Kelley,
we ~tlthng 'l‘l.e potent Ibl‘ oftense
had no nlternutm- but to throu up
Alla? they t'otlltl get \AIIlt'I]. In most
4’.t\t'_\ ‘.\;t.\hl who‘ll} lht‘ flu.”
t‘tmthtN Ill‘t‘olll .aluout [Ii 5 (It’lt‘tlst‘
ltrodueed ltt \It‘ul‘ .lnd toreed the It

Hut detenw ‘.\.t\ the best It ‘4
ln-et; \llll e earn. lterener. Hull
\.t.ti l? the file.” detense “e
me: e .llert u 1th «m! hands and teet

l..\l doesrt' Lo. EIIIH the eategor}
‘ :.~ llldl ~l., .mu} trorn plug.
4' 'otlgl. 'tetenw (Intel. Dale
‘ . 1\ .1 perm non»! .md expel-h
_‘\ ':-.,:1, to twp. 41;: t‘\t‘r_\ mp {ltl'le
we win-- 'ltn- l‘:4er\ ttlutldflt‘tl it
«up .lntt forte-«i ll\' :nto :4 'urr.



It." .tL'LH“~ vt‘flt"\ ut Unit. Hum»
lt'~...'t'4l “t. 'ln ltfll‘ltll‘ tulltttu .1
JIAIHI'W'.‘ 4:1 l. tn't'utndl toulx “1th
".w ,t'.'.lt"v-\ :x.t.r.;nu .«rnund on
aw: 'ln' urn .m .u-te hard


Lyn-«er: nee; up .mrl mum-«l m

w 't.e li.‘,\~r‘tit .115

31.1.. 'IJIK'“ ' : {Hunk lllt' 'I> tIi.\





n» 'v H? but Hrnur‘. 41le
~.-., :\ ,.’ HVIHII;
" 40 >0 ".tlklflr.‘ .tf-HUI
’~ ~ ' lxe ’.z.l\'ed
’ ~ ‘ Ire amm- \
e‘ .4 . lttl?,tv."l'tr'.\ ~
‘ v ‘l't . er. ~'.": L;
“H '.v* t \ U
l 4 4 two-‘1
.' n 4 ' 't.e'.-a.rt..t':.-~r‘
4'4"} 4.17:» ft' n
t " (lot. ‘(I
\: -v- .twf‘e Linux 1‘;
r :v ‘- 'v : 13.; ' 'I‘n' f‘vg'fv' 2:
.- ' t' :um.‘ 4443‘: Mt M
., \ ,.,...
' .. . 't ,. . ”but. . ,r.
;, 1"”. t .t";i‘utte
.. t :.
‘ r \ ‘ v . \vv


Turpin ‘catching on’ in front of mother at LSU’s expense

Itx HIIHIIII I\\I\I I! '.’,'m " '...’e~ "n ‘f.-'~,



.1”: A." 't. . t 0
...mn::.; 't f . . -4 »
. = l N, \. ~
'.;r'ed tvehzntt no“ 24 Mitt." em! ‘3 -‘



l.x\' Petunfl‘ I’lli'h " \ l_"‘Il, 2'. To r
\reno to: m: \prvr'oprgl'ug l:.:; ' .me r
-.'..o!~ 'llt' at." lurtttt. .U'fl' or. .3‘. jwt'c'l‘. nu.) :x' ".l ‘1 .
the u-tvvm: mat ‘.\.t~ ltt‘l‘ll.tp> ’t‘w rum Irv". h2~ .1" \'
nmx’ 1.1;: .lll‘l r:.o\' 'uuthzru. Rouge-4 M: l'.-;.‘ 'J: m "er:
'llt‘lluti ti. punk léu' we» .‘ln": ' :w
l’hen $.1~ .. .o' .' et:,4-'.o". 4ru' ".H‘el. l".;rpn. 'm- new ..:n»\ ..
'ln‘f‘t‘ l.:'tt:'. my: \M‘ unfit-4‘. (enter ‘3; emu-Lu ":‘P‘.0"lt_l.. ..~
~4ttimfhtt L ‘hl.’ p..rel.'~ \H‘lt' u re 1,514 l met, lldle l‘ltl .x: t.1t.t'll'.l:.
.tr.t:e\et'.:l:.n;; on suturing. '..tt 04-; .Y I: >4 '._
It: lutttx‘ \ l" pez't'.~ 1», t .nm- .t. \Ilttl.\llt‘tlttt’>l: ' tntl.1;.. In»

the \t'tltl.il

trm.‘ o: t'.:~ nwthet All“ «'ontmed to
.: .‘..'teelt'tl.t:t’ «.xttle to see her \ot‘.
pin} 7'. Hum» \ren.l tor the tn‘xt
tum ball .tuan. \kllez“ he .wurt: '12;
ln. pret’x proud to tune n1} down too low or 1:". ’t l"l‘ll" '
mun. tome To the donut 'l'urplt. thelonetwtot'owttlm'zxg
\lt'l Ht'lltl‘t' lht' Ill‘\i Ibl :4‘.tl‘.‘tt‘ ~\‘. .I.
\he mtd \he d come In tor the u Kentuek} awn w» Wt lw'rovtz. tzott '1
l dot ttred but I told her I \llvlnt Ill\ te.m‘. to t'oneetrr :‘e tr. um 24
iIllllkl Udt‘l'lHull\Htultlgolttl‘llhll .\lel\1n 'l‘urptn met, Iznm he L'w' 't.t
l’rotmhl) not Espeetall} not alter tmll lurptn ,‘urprheo then. to. hull:
h.lltt1me “uh l: 24 lett 1n the game 1m: e\er_\ lt.t\.\ hlgh .tlni :nxnmz;
.lnd Kentuek) unable to make llh .llt’l\\\Il(‘t‘IlIlL1ltt>Itttttl
eustomnr) homwourt exploslon ' l \e .llxm» mm: \le.t :.
Turpin took elmrge In the next ltroun .Ndltl .ttter Mttnt‘mx \ earn:


tmlt l‘luf .tll 1w unne 1r. .\ure he or 9.. mm”, 4 _: 1.. .:.,.
tmure> exert '..4t.’ .‘vo' 't..l‘ 4 .n
Iit'tdlht‘ lle\ l‘.."l|l.' \nt:
Hptwnetfls “ere \'."lllll.l‘.:.l ht. . v.





42's4‘x Kill .\,'ltr Knew
~.'.mt l\e.'1‘..tl\\ I"‘~l. wt:

‘ ' '4 \tll‘. I‘llt'Jlt‘ .xl‘l'l ' v‘-.'.'.'.I1L‘


w. t. LlaL‘t’ l‘lolpt: \4

" 1.» Uh tltIl>l term»; In”? 1 tr
-_' u I Ker/tn Kn Hm: I .1';).:
'."v . x' 't‘\‘ “Ill .tllt‘l‘ d :~t'.t.' .l'.

l ‘- ' ' w'.\l:l.t.tr\ \tuderm

t~ t'n l niot, made me grou jp .1
t‘ 1 who, mm l'. taught the flu“
full; .ztltl Ittm Yo \ltltl} .tl‘tti
. armies up
~ Heal {he \leep} «fied 5e Lot
4...' 1 All!‘ mos lurptn crrsp posses
n x. .e ren.entber\ \\ hen 'I‘ut‘ptn
l_.x.'l.t ' tl'h

“he! he tir~t g‘ot here he
“V'fljlt‘q dim." 1:07 pounds iteul
m»: .3 men it!” 1; l'urpln

ll: tutu} .13.‘ 1}\ >ltoo' ltu' llt‘
int: ' Kl,tl'.\ «her. 'I\ pu‘ it up .lllti
’lzer. he met er would pa“ the boil



Ilt'dl NI ti .lL'

lle A.» :mi lt'tle thn: real than
.m'i It“: m \l.Illt'(I edtmg e\er_\
'hntu Ho; \l.lt~ e\er_\hod} el\t'\
ill/l'.t> hemltletl

I’et'huth more than .nnone t'lM‘
\lt';\ n 'l urptn l't‘pI‘t‘M‘Ylh the team \
t.m'u.l'.on> Recently Hull hull e.\





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' Fea



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, .n-

Bat Cats get in the swing on the road

II\ \\lt\ III \I‘

l’l”.\\\' . . R



II(I\()I.I,_ ‘e ‘t g-«W ~_.~' ‘ . 4’
wins} \..1' .:::.. " .1‘ .-.'
.. : - - N \ . .
m'rzx » , ., .
\lllttn". lldkt In - . ' ;. >
3“, .m ‘ , ,
\lttl' l l‘. . ".> t t'
“i;‘: P'~", . ..' ‘, , ~ A.' v». ~ .\.
lldll \t‘l'} .Hg, _-. 4,, w '_ " ', ~v‘. 3., ’-’
:: nah? ,::‘ . 1e?" ' ,4 4 ». , '~ 1"”:
IIIIIt‘J'lml "H ‘-"
I“ll‘,~'. \lux \ ‘r~ I 4 w ' "In '..'"t w
xprmgllnitt 'Le ' '- :~'w \nurxwr
a three-hm perm: r' .z' .y ‘ ‘t 1'»: storm
.thotnotord . 1:. 4t '. 4: v .Uz'w‘ l h ..
Huttlelder \l.m \4' t : ex? more.