xt75hq3rxr5m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75hq3rxr5m/data/mets.xml Pennsylvania Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.) Pennsylvania United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Community Service Programs Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.) 1941 2 v.; 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number FW 4.14:F 317/ser.9/no.37 books  English Philadelphia: Survey of Federal Records This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Pennsylvania Works Progress Administration Publications United States. Department of Agriculture -- Archives Agriculture -- Pennsylvania -- Catalogs Archives -- Pennsylvania -- Catalogs Pennsylvania -- History -- Sources -- Catalogs Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series IX, The Department of Agriculture, No. 37, Pennsylvania pt.1 text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series IX, The Department of Agriculture, No. 37, Pennsylvania pt.1 1941 1941 2019 true xt75hq3rxr5m section xt75hq3rxr5m 43ng 1.... .. I...” I. y. .
'j'giiiliiflf ) INVENTORY or I ' l'
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‘ 2 , Prepared by '
.' The Survey of Federal Archives 2
. i ; ‘ Division of Community Service Programs I
I. Work Projects Administration ‘
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f 7. Philadelphia Pennsylvania
.. .1 ‘ The Survey of Federal Archives ,
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E ‘ Eire Survey 01" Federal Archives


3 Philip M. Hazel", National Director

‘3‘ - iTilliaiietta Wallace, State Supervisor





L Division of Comthunity Service Programs

35 Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner

3» Agne-s'S. firming thief Regional" Supervisor —




. l ' '
' Howard 0. Hunter, Acting Commissioner

' > ' lieutenant Colonel Philip Matthews, State Administrator

v. . ’5

,I r

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; .


 3 ‘ iii '
5 l
’ .The Inventory of Federal Archives in the States is one of the ' 1
f products of the work of the Survey of Federal Archives, which operated ;
; as a nation—wide project of the Works Progress Administration from / i
5 January 1, 1956 to June 50, 1957, and has been continued since that l
/ date as a unit of the Historical Records Survey, also operating as a 3
nation—wide project of the Work Projects Administration, and a group of
j state or local projects of that administration. ’ l
; lhe plan for the organization of the Inventory is as follows:
‘ Series I consists of reports on the administration of the Survey, ack—
3 nowledgments, and general discussions of the location, condition, and
3 content of federal archives in the state. Succeeding series contain
5 the detailed information secured by workers of the Survey, in inventory
3 form, a separate series number being assigned to each of the executive
f departments (except the Department of State) and other major units of
i the Federal Government. Within each series No. l is a general intro—
‘[ duction to the field organization and records of the governmental agency
1 concerned; the succeeding numbers contain the inventory proper, separate 1
, numbers being assigned to each state in alphabetical order. Thus, in :
3 each series, the inventory for Alabama is No. 2, that for Arizona No. 5, j
i that for Arkansas No. 4, etc. 3
E For each local office information regarding each series, or unit of j
g related records, is presented in the following order: title, inclusive y
3 dates (”to date“ indicating an open file at the time the information was i
E secured), general description of informational content, description of u
i the system of filing or indexing (if any), a statement of frequency and _ j
. purpose of use, form of the record itself (bound volumes, sheets in j
a folders, etc.), footage, description of the containers, physical condi— j
, tion of the records (not stated if satisfactory), location by room I
. number or other identifying information, and finally, the number of the
§ . Form 588A on which this information was originally recorded by a Survey
3 worker and from which it was abstracted for the Inventory. This form is
5 on file in the National Archives. When it contains additional informa—
; tion on addenda sheets which have not been included in the mimeographed
f abstract, indication of this is given by use of the reference "See
add enda . " .
i The work of the Survey in Western Pennsylvania was under the direc—
f tion of hr. Louis W. H. Johnson, Regional Director from February ll,
5 1956 until October 4, 1957. Since that time and until March 50, 1959 ;
._ Ir. John T. McMahon, Project Unit Supervisor directed the Survey. The
5. Survey in Eastern Pennsylvania Was directed by Mr. Richard R. Heindel,
.. Regional Director, from February 26 until August 1956 and from August
3* until December 51, 1956 by Mr. John L. Corry. After Dr. Corry's resigv ,
i ‘ nation the project was reorganized with Dr. Richard B. Morris of New '
York as regional director and James L. Whitehead as Assistant Regional
‘ Director. In October 1957 Mr. James L. Whitehead Was aPPOinted Project
. '. Superintendent for the state and acted in that capacity until September
7‘ 19, 1958 when he resigned and was succeeded by Miss Uilliametta Wallace.
‘7. This Inventory of the records of the Department of Agriculture in
if‘ g' . Pennsylvania Was prepared in the Philadelphia and Pittsburgh Offices Of
7‘ j the Survey and was edited before final typing by Mr. L. J. Darter Jr. of
1: the Washington office.
if Williametta Wallace [
~ Philadelphia Pennsylvania State Supervisor ., )
V: - June 19411 Survey Federal Archives in Pennsylvania j I
f i . _ ’4 I;
c z

 1 iv ‘
; 99mm
v BEAVER, Agricultural Conservation Association............, 2
' BUTLER, County Agricultural Conservation Association...... 4
1 BROOKVILLE,County Agricultural Conservation Association... 6 ,
1 CLEARFIELD, County Agricultural Conservation Association.. 9
: EBENSBURG, County Agricultural Conservation Association,.. 12
EMPORIUM, County Agricultiral Conservation Association.... 16
1 FRANKLIN, County Agricultural Conservation Association,... 18
, GREENSBURG, County Agricultural Conservation Association.. 23
‘ - HARRISBURG, State Office................................-. 29
1 'HOLLIDNISBURG, County Agricultural Conservation Association 30
1 INDIANA, Corn Hog Control Association, Clarion, Clearfield
1 Elk, Indiana, Jefferson Counties................. 32
1 KITTANNNERCounty Agricultural Conservation Association.... 35 ~
1 LANCASTER, District Office................................ 37 1
1 LEBANON, Soil Conservation Association.................... 38 v j
1 LEWISBURG, Agricultural Conservation Association.......... 38 1
1 MEADVILLE, County Agricultural Conservation Association... 38 1
1 . MERCER, County Agriculturall Conservation Association..... 42 1
1 NEW CASTLE,County Agricultural Conservation Association... '45 u
1 PITTSBURGH, County Soil Conservation Association.......... 49 H
1 RIDGWAY, Agricultural Conservation Association............ 50 1
g SOMERSET,County Agricultflial Censeruatiofi Aesodiatiofi..... 55 1
1 UNIONTCRN,County Agricultural Conservation Association.... 57 1
1 WASHINGTON,County Agricultural Conservation Association... 60 1
1 WAYNESBURG, County Agricultural Conservation Association.. 64 1
1 WELLSBORO, County Agricultural Conservation ASSOCiation... 66
1 HARRISBURG, Division of Crop and Live Stock Estimates
1 ~ Field Headquarters................................... 69
1 Division of Fruits and Vegetables Inspection,
E ' Inspection Field Headquarters.................L...... 74
) PHILADELPHIA, Administration of Grain Standards Act,
1 Grain,Division, Field Headquarters................... 75
1 Dairy and Poultry Products Division, Field ‘
? Headquarters, Market News............................ 76
1 Division of Dairy and Poultry Products, Standardizan
9 tion, Grading, and Inspection Service................ 77 1
; Division of Fruits and Vegetables, Grading of Canned
, Fruits and Vegetables, Field Headduarters............ 78
' Division of Fruits and Vegetables, Inspection
' Service, Field Headquarters......i................... 78
1 Division of Fruits and Vegetables, Market News'
' Service, Field Headquarters.......................... 79
1 1 Division of Live Stock, Meat and Wool, ’
‘ ‘ Field Headquarters................................... 80
PITTSBURGH, Division of Fruits and Vegetables, Inspection
Service, Field Headquarters.......................... 80
Division of Fruit: and Vegetables, Market News 1
. Service Station...................................... 81
' ’ WILKES BARRE, Division of Fruits and Vegetables
1 InSpection, Field Headquarters....................... 83

 ; v »
) ,
5 ALIENTONN, Iivision of Meat Inspection, Field Station...a. 86
1 Field Inspection Division, Field Station.....55 87 ,
, ERIE, Meat Inspection Division, Field Station............. 88
i HARRISBURG, Division of Meat Inspection, Field Station.a.. 89
' Field and Inspection Division, Field Station.. 90 5
j - LANCASTER, Field and Inspection and Packers and Stockyards
I Division, Field Station....t................... 94
f PHILADELPHIA, Division of Meat and International InSpec—
5 tion and Qparantine, and of Field Inspection
; Field Station............................... 95
f PITTSBURGH, Meat Inspection DiviSion, Field Station....... 95
Office Administration......................... 96
J General CorreSpondence........................ 97
r ' Beports....................................... 99
f Functional Activities......................... 102
3 Packers and Stockyards Division, Public Stock» ‘ ,
; yards Inspection Station...................... 104 3 %
{ Office Administration......................... 104 I 5
{ Beports....................................... 105 ' f
% innetional Activities......................... 105 j
; PITTSTON, Division of Meat Inspection, Field Station...... 106 , A
g POTTSVILLE, Division of Meat Inspection, Field Station_ A
i . No. 161.................L..................... 106 W
i READING, Division of Meat Inspection, Field Station....... 107 W
* E
1 !
BROOKVILLE, Division of Plant Disease Control Blister l
f Rust, District Office......................... 110
5 Office Administration......................... 110
{ Control Activities............................ 112
. Correspondence and Reports..................., 114
; CARLISLE, Division of Cereal and Forage Insects,
( a Field Laboratory................................ 115
%_ CLEARFIELD, Division of Plant Disease Control, Blister
: Rust Control, Field Station................... 11?
3' Office Administration......................... 117
)1 - Control Activities............................ 118
§'- Reports and Correspondence...........L........ 119 -
‘ ' HARRISBURG, Division of Domestic Plant Quarantine, White
' - Pine Blister Rust, State 0ffice............... 121
DiviSion of Japanese Beetle Control, State
Office..............L......................... 123
, NEW CUMBERLAND, Plant Quarantine, Inspection and
Certification Division, Field Station..... 125
PHILADELPHIA, Division of Foreign Plant Enarantine, Port
Inspection, Field Headquarters.............. 126
1 Division of Japanese Beetle Control, Field
Wbrk, Field Office.......................... 127
.=, PITTSBURGH, Division of Domestic Plant Muarantine, Transit
Inspection, Field Headquarters................ 132
» Division of Japanese Beetle Control,Substation 155
g I

 I 7 ‘
g I. I
j Towanda, Division of Domestic Plant Quarantine, White ‘
I Pine Blister Rust, Field Station.............., 136
; WILKES BARRE, Division of Gypsy and Brown Tail Moth I
I Control, Field Station.................... 137
I ALLENTOWN, Division of Cooperative Extension, County E
l Extension Agents, Lehigh County Farm Agent... 140 l
f BEAVER, Division of Cooperative Extension, County ‘
1 Agricultural Extension Agent.................... 140 I
j ‘" BEDFORD, Division of Cooperative Extension, County
; ~ Agricultural Extension Agent........ .......... 143
I BLOOMSBURG, Division of Cooperative Extension,County
1 Extension Agent............................. 144
I BROOKVILIE, Division of Cooperative Extension........... 145
r . BUTLER, Division of Cooperative Extension, County
J Agricultural Extension Agent.................... 147 i
! CARLISLE, Division of Cooperative Extension, County . l
’ Extension Agents.............................. 149 ;
Gnnberland County Agricultural Extension Agent.. 149 . i
CLEAREIELD, Division of Cooperative Extension, County I H
; Agricultural Extension Agent................ 151 I h
; DOYLESTOEN, Division of Cooperative Extension, County ‘ U
E Agricultural Extension Agents............... 153 *
l DUSHORE, Division of Cooperative Extension, Bucks I p
3 County Agricultural Extension Agents........... 154 l r
i’ sulliVan County Agricultural Extension Agent... 155 1 A
I EASTON, Division of COOperative Extension County Exten— A .
, sion Agents, Northampton County Agricultural
5 Extension Agent.................................. 155 §
i p EBENSBUEG, Division of Cooperative Extension, County 3
§ ' Agricultural Extension Agents................ 7156
i EMPORIUM, Division of Cooperative Extension, County ;
1 Agricultural Extension Agent.................. 158 T
‘ FRANKLIN, Division of Cooperative Extension, County 3
! Agricultural Extension Agents................. 159
1 GEETYSBURG, Division of Cooperative Extension, County I
3 . Extension Agents. , g n
E 4 Adams County Agricultural Extension Agent... 163 1
f - GREENSBURG, Division of Cooperative Extension Wbrk...... 164 ‘ .
' ‘ HARRISBURG, Division of Cooperative Extension, County 3
, Extension Agents ‘ I
- _ Iauphin County Agricultural Extension Agent. 166 I
. HOLLIDEISBURG;, Division of Cooperative Extension, 1
‘ County Agricultural Extension Agent..... 167
' . . INDIANA, Division of Cooperative Extension, County
- Agricultural Extension Agont,,... . . L . 169
' . KITTANNIHG,Division of Cooperative Extension, County I
3 ' , Agricultural Extension Agent.....L........... 171
:.‘ ' IANCASTER, Division of Cooperative Extension, County
;. _ _ Agricultural Extension Agent................. 173
5 LEBANON, Division of Cooperative Extension, County
‘ Extension Agents.......... ' ‘ f
. _ ‘ p ' Lebanon, County Agricultural Extension Agents.. 175 V)
i ‘ I
F ‘ 5
: . I I I

LEEISBURG, Division of Cooperative Extension '
County Extension Agent........................ 176
' Union County Farm Agent, Agricultural
; ‘ Adjustment Administration.......L............. 177
LEWISTOWE,Division of Cooperative Extension, ,
County Extension Agents
Mifflin County Agricultural Extension Agent.... 177
MEADVILLE, Division of Cooperative Extension
’ County Agricultural Extension Agent........... 179
MEDIA, Division of Cooperative Extension,
County Extension Agent
‘ Delaware County Agricultural Extension Agent...... 185
" MEREER, Division of Cooperative Extension
' County Agricultural Extension Agent.............. 184
, MIFFLINTOWN, Division of Cooperative Extension
County Extension Agent,
, ' Juniata County Agricultural Extension Agent. 186‘
;~ MONTROSE, Division of Cooperative Extension,
in County Extension Agent, 7 1
; Susquehanna County Agricultural Extension Agent 188 i
3 NEW CASTLE, Division of Cooperative Extension é
.‘ County Agricultural Extension Agent.......... 188 H
3 NORRISTOEN, Division of Cooperative Extension, J
: County Extension Agents...................... 191 W
PITTSBURGH, Division of COOperative Extension fl
‘ Agricultural Extension Agents for Allegheny h
’ County....................................... 192 m
‘ READING, Division of Cooperative Extension fi
2 v County Extension Agent A
, . Berks County Agricultural Extension Agent....... 194
‘ RIDGWAY, Division of Cooperative Extension
County Agricultural Extension Agent............. 196 e
‘ SCRAETOE, Division of Cooperative Extension,
; County Extension Agents
. . Lackawanna County Agricultural Agent........... 199
; SOMERSET, Division of Cooperative Extension
1 County Agricultural Extension Agents........... 200
: SUNBUEY, Division of Cooperative Extension ~
i County Extension Agents,
$7’ Northumberland County Agricultural Extension Agent 202
j TOWANDA, Division of C00perative Extension -
5 County Extension Agents, ‘
3 Bradford County Agricultural Extension Agent..... 202.
UNIONTOWN, Division Cooperative Extension,
, ' County Agricultural Extension Agent............ 805
f WASHINGTON, Division of Cooperative Extension,
: ’ County Agricultural Extension Agent........... 205
‘i‘ WAXNESBURG, Division of Cooperative Extension
é County Agricultural Extension Agents.......... 206
9 'f WELLSBORO, Division of Cooperative Extension . p
5 ‘ County Extension Agents I
Tioga County Agricultural Extension Agent,,.... 208 {
- i
. 31
. i.

WEST CHESTER, Division of Cooperative Extension
County Agricultural Extension Agents. . . . . . 209
_ WIIKES BARRE, Division of Cooperative Extension
. County Agricultural Extension Agents
, -~ Luzerne County Extension Agent. . . . . . . . . . . . 210
' . WILLIAMSPORT, Division of Cooperative Extension
Commty Agricultural Extension Agents. . . . . . 211
YORK, Division of Cooperative Extension
County Extension Agent 4
York County Agricultural Extension Agents. . . . -. . . . . 211
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. ‘ 419.32; 11$an Ii gelling
‘ Market Street School Bldg., Market and Second Sts. .
_; .' . The Beaver County Agricultural Conservation Association was
, 3 established in march 1956. The agency has not undergone any adminis~
V .. trative reorganizations since its organization. The same location, the
f ‘ Market Street School building, has been its quarters since establish—
‘ . ment in 1956. _
' ; No tnportant records have been lost or destroyed nor dOes the
§ > agency have any so—called useless papers. Monthly and annual reports f
‘ p ’ are sent to the office of the State Executive Secretary of file Agri— ' ‘
cultural Conservation Program at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. No records
, are sent directly to dashington headquarters.
4 . , 1. INDEX TO TOWNSHIP FILES, Apr. 1956 to date. Form NER 101A,
. I » ‘ return card that is used as an index to applications. Cards show name
, ‘ ‘ ' and address of farmer, location of farm, whether owner or tenant and
! g . ' serial number assigned to application. Filed by township and serial
_ number. (Frequently, official.) 5 x 5 cards, 1 ft., in pasteboard
‘ .' " box. R. 7. (14)
- 2. INDEX (NAME FILE), Apr. 1956 to date. Cross index cards show»
” _ ' ing applicant‘s or participant‘s name, address, location and assigned
V .1 serial number. Filed alphabetically. (Frequently, official.) 5 x 5
‘ ' ‘ cards, 1 ft., in pasteboard box. R. 7. (15) p v
S ' ' 5. CIRCULARS, Apr. 1956 to date. Copies of Form Letters, E
_ 1 . Bulletins and Circulars from the state offices at Harrisburg relating g
V , . to Administration and procedure. (Frequently, official.) 9 x 12
f folders, l in., in steel filing case. B. 7. (8) u
g j 4. EXPENSE 3001:, Apr. 1956 to date. Book record of amount of ;
; . funds received and disbursed giving description of expenditures.
v . ‘ (Frequently, official.) 8 x 10 bound book, ; in., in wooden desk ‘
{ ' draWer. Basement. (l2)
_ ‘I 5. FINANCE FOLDERS, Apr. 1956 to date. Copies of various forms
I E sent to State Director‘s Office at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania for admin— 3
1 istrative and office expenses. Forms used are ACP 9, statement of
‘ - Administrative expenses, giving employee‘s name, title, actual days
; worked, rate per day, mileage traveled and amount paid; ACP 8, Public ;
, Voucher for payment of monthly allowances to committee; ACP 7: Estimated 3
' administrative expenses showing amount of funds needed for month; ECR— é
: NER 11, monthly certificate of expenses for personal services; ACP 10, i
. ; Receipt schedule showing each employee’s name and amount of wages earned g
i with signature of employee receiving Wages; ACP 9, Budget gives esti— j
V .' 1 mated funds needed for administrative expenses for year, also_cstimated ;
: amounts for salaries, office supplies and office rental. (Frequently, '
f official.) 9 x 12 folders, 2 in., in steel filing oeee. R. 7. (6) '

 1 Agricultural Adjustment Administration, Beaver 5
1 6. NEWS LETTERS, 1957 to date. Borg letters from State Office,
1 at Harrisburg containing items of general interest to participants of
‘ 1 conservation program, to be released to publications in this area for
1 publication. (Occasionally, official.) 9 X 12 folders, l in., in
f steel filing case. R. 7. (19)
‘ f 7. PARTICIPANTS, Apr. 1936 to date. Records of persons partici—
1 pating and also those who have made application but are not participa—
; ting in the Agricultural Conservation Program. File contains form NER
. 1 106A- application for payment, indicating the size of the farm, number
1 of acres under cultivation, in orchard or pasture, amount of payuent and
1 signature of participant and witness. Participating folders also con—
1 tain form NEE 102, Work sheet, showing accomplishments made, utilization
, of land, etc. Form PA 154, Farm Visit Report shows the number of acres
used, crops planted and signature of visiting supervisor. Map of the
» . participants’ farm showing boundary lines and size of farm is included.
3 (Frequently, official.) 9 X 12 folders, 4 ft., in steel filing case-
1 R- 7- (9)
; 8. {mass-1113mm, Apr. 1956 to date. or applications sent to
1 Harrisburg for approval. Transmittals list applicant's name and number. ;
(Frequently, official.) 9 x 12 folders, % in., in steel filing case. 1
1 R. 7. (10) , a 1
1 vouchers for full or partial payments to farmers participating in con—
1 servation work, issued by Department of Agriculture, Washington, giving
. 1 application serial number, name of payee and number of check. (Occa~ g
. sionally, official.) 9 X 12 folders, } in., in steel filing case. i
; y 3- 7- (l6)
1 I
1 10. CORRESPONDENCE, Mar. 1956 to date. With State Office at 1
1 Harrisburg, farm supervisor, farmers and committee, regarding adminis— !
1 tration and operating procedure or conservation prOgram. (Occasionally, 1
official.) 9 x 12 folders, 2% in., in steel filing case. R. 7. (l7)
1 11. COAMUNITY ELECTION REPCRTS, 1957 to date. Reports frOm meet—
} ings held in various communities for election of officers of association.
3‘ . Form NEE 4, Minutes of election shows.names of person elected to office
' and number of votes received. Form PA 191, Membership register gives
1 names and addresses of members and attendance at meeting. (Occasionally,
‘ official.) 9 x 12 folders,-E in., in steel filing case. R. 7. (21)
j ’ 12. MINUTES OF MEETINGS, Mar. 1956 to date- Narrative reports of
1 meetings held by conservation association, giving subjects or business
I of association brought before the members for discussion. (Occasionally,
official.) 9 x 12 folders, N in., in steel filing case. a. 7. (18) 1
l5. POTATO PROGRAJ, 1957. Copies of reports sent to State Director 1
at Harrisburg giving the number of acres planted, in potatoes for pre—
vious years, number of acres allotted for potatoes this year and amount ,
J, of yield per acre. (Occasionally, official.) 9 x 12 folders, I in., 1
. in steel filing case. R. 7. (20) ‘



i ' Agricultural Adjustnent Administration, Butler 4

I3 14. LIS'I‘IEIJ Sliders, 13,37 to date. Form NER 104, sheets indicating

1 serial-number of each participating farm, giving names of producers,

. total land in each farm, showing use of land with preliminary soil de—

/ plating bases, adjusted bases, soil conserving bases and tobacco yield.

1 (Frequently, official.) 15 x 21 sheets, i in., on top of filing cabi»

I nets. R. 7. (7)

l 15. SPOT CHECKER REPORT, Apr. 1936 to date. Reports of checker

‘ visiting participants, indicating the serial number of farm, nane of

g supervisor, rating and comments on practices. (Frequently, official.)

i 9 x 12 folders, % in., in steel filing case. 3. 7. (15)

f 16. SUMMARY SHEETS, Jan. 1957 to date. Form NER 108, sheets list~ ‘

. , ing each individual farm serial number, showing summary of soil deplet—

l ing crops and soil conserving crops planted, total of neutral cropland, ‘

j ‘ total of cropland, and soil building practices used. (Occasionally, 1

' official.) 15 X 26 sheets, i in., on top of steel filing cabinet. R. 7. f

i ’ (11) ‘

v I

l v

f l ;

i Butler County National Bank and Trust Bldg. Main and Diamond Sts. ‘

, i The Butler County Agricultural Conservation Association was ' 2
g organized in April 1935. The only changes in administration are those 3 2
3 relating to the personnel. Prior to obtaining quarters in the Butler ‘ i

- f County National Bank and Trust Building the agency Was located in the
3 Post Office Building at the corner of flashington and Jefferson Sts-, . i
5 April 19§6 — May 1, 1937.
p ; No important records have been lost or destroyed. When so-
} called useless papers are no longer of value they are destroyed without
( any special permission being required. Formerly Weekly reports were I
i forWarded to the State Executive Secretary at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.,
3 but at the present time monthly reports are sent and originals of all ;
l special forms. No records are sent directly to the Washington, D. C. v
} headquarters.
‘ 1?. INDEX CARDS, 1957 to date. Form NEH lOla, return postal card
3 used as index indicating farmer‘s name and address giving location of
; farm, name of owner if tenant farmer and number of application. Filed '
; by township—alphabetically. (Frequently, official.) 5 X 5 cards, 5 ft.,>
‘ in steel card cabinets. R. 206. (215)
; 18. APPLICATIONS, APPROVED OR REJECTED, 1957 to date. Folders in— _
; dicating farm serial number containing various forms used in conservation . E
} program. Form NER 102a, Application for payment, non diversion farms, 3
r giving number of acres in farm, amount of acres in use for crops, ve- ‘
. getables or orchards, amount of non crop pasture, number of acres in ‘
_ soil building practices, share of payment applied for, and name and
address of farm OWner or tenant with signature of witness. Form NER 102 - R
; Work sheet and report of performance indicating producer's name and

 , — -—~»~-——~e‘——~—. ._l
‘ l
5 Agricultural Adjustuent Administration, Butler 5 ‘
I address, share of payment allowed, giving utilization of land and number }
g of acres planted during 1956 and 1957, location of farm, soil building i
E allowance and work sheet number and application number for 1956. Form 5
PA 154, For; made out by visiting farm supervisor giving crops planted ‘
in specified acres during years 1956 and 1957, number of acres used in 1
soil building practices and signature of supervisor. Farm map, Outline ,
map indicating boundary lines of farm showing location of acres planted
‘ in crops, vegetables and orchards with number of acres used for pasture
1 land. Indexed. (Daily, official.) 9 X 12 folders, 14 ft., in steel
' 1 filing cases. R. 206. (212)
| V 19. BUDGEI, Mar. 1957 — Mar. 1958. Copies of budget sent annually
to State Office at Harrisburg, giving estimated expenses of office for
coming year indicating amounts of money estimated for salaries, office
rental, supplies, equipment, etc. (Ocaasionally, official.) 9 x 12
. folders, 1/8 in., in steel filing case. R. 206. (222)
' , 20. CASE DOCK, 1957 to date. Giving amount allotted for running
‘ expenses of office and amount expended for salaries, supplies and office
‘ equipment. (Frequently, official.) 9 x 12 vol., and bundles, % in., in
"l ' wooden desk drawer. R. 206. (217) ;
. I 21. PAYMENTS TO APPLICANTS, nar. 1957 to date. Form ACP 410a, from f
’ Department of Agriculture, Washington D. C. giving application serial f
. number, name and address of payee, amount of full payment and number of
v check issued. (Occasionally, official.) 9 x 12 folders, l in., in
steel filing case. R. 206. (218)
22. RECEIPT SCHEDULES, mar. 1957 to date. Form ACP 11, copies of f
-’ l form sent to State Office at Harrisburg giving employee's name and §
I amount of wages received with signature of employee receiving same. i
_ . (Occasionally, official.) 9 x 12 folders,-% in., in steel filing case. ‘
g R. 206. (220) J
7‘ ( 25. OFFICE REFERENCE CARDS, 1957 to date. Used for ready reference
‘ ~7 giving name and address of farmer, township and serial number Of farm.
, 7 Filed by township—alphabetically. (Frequently, official.) 5 x 5 cards,
1 5 ft., in steel card cabinet. R. 206. (214) ,
"{ Form ACP 9—10, monthly statements sent to State Office at Harrisburg,
1 - giving name and title of employee, number of days worked, rate of pay, ‘
' lg mileage traveled and total amount paid. (Occasionally, official.) 9 x
,. j 12 folders,-% in., in steel filing case. R. 206. (219) ‘ .
. i . 25. IRANSMITIAL SHEETS, Mar. 1957 to date. Form Pa 162, copies of
, transmittal sheets returned by State Office at Harrisburg used as re— 1 ‘
' ' ceipt for applications forwarded by this office, giving application j
. serial number and name of producer. (Occasionally, official.) 9 x 12 ‘ i
g ' folders, l in., in steel filing case. R. 206. (223) l

Agricultural Adjustment Administration, Brookville 6 '

26. PUBLIC VOUCdEiS, mar. 1957 to date. Form ACP 8a, Public Vou—
cher sent to State Office at iarrisburg for payment, giving itemized
statement of administrative and office expenses. Included in folder is
Form ACP 7, giving estimate of administrative and office expenses for 1
'next month. (Occasionally, official.) 9 x 12 folders, ; in., in steel |
filing case. R. 206. (221)

’ 27. LISTING SHEETS, 1957. Copies sent to State Office at Harris~ A
burg giving work sheet serial number, name of producer, total acres in '
farm showing use of land, preliminary soil depleting bases, adjusted
bases, conserving bases and tobacco yield. (Frequently, official.) 15
x 21 sheets, § in., on top of wooden desk. R. 206. (215)

28. SUMMARY SHEETS, 1957. Form NER 108, Summary sheets sent to
State Office at Harrisburg giving farm serial numbers, acres planted in
- soil depleting crops, number of acres in conserving crops, total acre—
age of cropland, and number of acres used in soil building practices.
These sheets give resume of work performed during the past year by this
office and its cooperating farms. (Frequently, official.) 15 x 26
sheets, 1 in., on top of wooden desk. R. 206. (216)
“ Jefferson County Court House, Main and Pickering Ste. .
The office of the Jefferson County Agricultural Association was 1
established in March 1956. The only changes that have taken place are 3
changes in Committees. Three Cmmnitteemen have comprised the Committee 3
and the number was never changed although different members have been !
E elected to the office. i
: Prior to occupying the headquarters in the Jefferson County A
Court House the agency was located in the Arthurs Building on Main St.,
March 1956 — March 1957. In April 1957, the agency moved to its present I
} location. No records have been lost or destroyed, and there are no so— '
) called useless papers; all the papers and records are considered of per- '
, manent value. No records are sent directly to the flashington head—
} quarters; reports and other data are sent to the office of the Executive
J ' Secretary, Agricultural Conservation Program at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
d 29. INDEX—TOWNSHIP, 1957 to date. Form NER 101a, retur