xt75hq3rxp2r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75hq3rxp2r/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1914-01-15 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 16, January 15, 1914 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 16, January 15, 1914 1914 1914-01-15 2015 true xt75hq3rxp2r section xt75hq3rxp2r  
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Vol. YI LEXINGTON, KY., JANUARY 15, 1914 No. 16
4  _—`;_""‘_*————— -‘——··—··
• f Llcx ASHLAND Wrglgg Géarwg l§`%1;RLS R. A. Nomus ARE
Great Papularzty Contest: Y- M· C- A· —— MAKM °°°"
t" Co·Ed• Defeat Flve From Catletta-
ems and wma Quintet shoot mgm ,,,,1, High in opening om, M Stanford. Ky-. Where the F¤rmcr
· gon; an Lug Hou gnd Km {hg la School Superlntendent Whllo
• “ . of the Season.
.....1 The Strollers, Wnll Present The College W1dow" at the v,,,,,,,,. H,P,,_ . lh. tm,. pm. rh. pm
t Ben AI1, February 27.—Most Popular Young ——. SCORE .5 to ,_ of nranslpsl.
, Lady in the University Will be Moncm. enzsrou, 1-. zsnross _ ———
it Given 8 B0x_ -—- I The vo-eds won the first same of When, by his own will, superinten-
1 The varsity mo Outshot tho wom the 1914 basket ball season, Friday dent Ireland of the Stanford schools,
  from Ashland (Ky.) Y. M. C. A. ln a nlsht when théy deféutéd the wom was evicted from that posltlon, the
                fast game Saturday night, ln a score l¥‘0¤1 C¤ll€llSblH'8. (Kb) PUB}! S¢h00l» good people of the city called W. C.
——-———- of gg to 15_ The oooomto tossing og 15 to 6. Superior floor work on the Wilson, B, S, ’12, to suooeed Mr, Ire-
• * * • + I'. * * I. * * • I, + * + I. + * • · • * • * * • + * * * * * + * Morgan, Preston and T. Zerfoss ran DRM- of lhé Stew Kl¤‘l¤ told llw ¤l0¤'Y- land and subsequently sent for Robert
* RULES GOVERNI No THE CONTEST` it up a lead ln the last half that the Wllh thi! UFS! l0¤¤·¤D lh€ vlsltlns A. Norris, A. B. 'I4, to punctually sup-
• • vlsltors could not overcome. loom l¤lll¤l¤d 311 GDGFSGUG ¤lYl6 of ply the vacant seat of High School
O 1st. The contest shall begln at 10 a. m. January 19th and close O The rapid passing of the Ashland play that for A time broke up the mam prmcipah Mn h.8hmd_ when he ,.0
. 4, at 6 p' m' F°bm"y 23*** 191* * I tlve, and the postage stamp methods work of the BNIB Mid Wlllw five. ¤·¤d signed, went forthwith to the Ameri-
O 2nd. The young lady must be a bona fide student of Kentucky * of their guards spoiled State’s chances tho l>¤·l8¤¢6 of D0W9l' ¤¤¤¤l8d with l·l1¤ can Book Co., on g salary and Induce-
• State Umversitx . + for an early lead, and after a gruelllng 8¤8¤l·¤ of U10 0V6¤l¤8· Tl16 $@8% ¤¤l¤· ment able to be called nothing but
O 3rd. No member of The IDEA staff ln ellglble to vote or to be O hah, had been played me MON wu tot mon rocovered from the nrst rush, lucmuva
* voted for in this contest + 11 all With the opening of the last and l¤ ¤Dll9 of 016 close 8¤¤¥'l¤·Yl¤8 UW U00? l¤ mld¤°¤¤0¤ in Mr. R. A. Norris. No student here
‘ * • • * I, • • • • I, · • + • • • + nival in progress ln the armory. The form but ilw need of Bum b¤¤k°l ¤l¤°Y¤ commanded loftler courtesy and con-
e : THOSE WHQ CAN VOTE :|SHORT   IN electrical effects ln “Musty’s" old ¤¤d ¤¤ ¤<=¢¤¤‘¤f6 fw! ¢h¤'°W€¤' l¤ 6;; sideration than he. His studies were
° HW throne room are of a dim. pale na- dem- The Blue ¤¤d WNW M9 h ever his close companion. In the
* Au persons who have already +       lture, calculated to flll the bill for tho ¤·dV¤¤t9·89 of 14 f¤¤l¤. 0f which Latin and Greek course, he found not
O subscribed f0l‘ The IDEA. €llCl10|' *     dances and college fairs, but hardly only 5 were thrown. enough to occupy hl; varied Held of
I I, by cash or deposit' and those * ** designed for basket ball games. The 'l`h6 8¤¤16 WM ¤l¤Y€d l¤ the KYm· endeavor, so he found time for literary
O who subscribe during the con- O Very Interestlng Addr•••e• Are De- poor light had 8 disconcerting effect hashlm andalo,-go crowd was prgggntn acuvhy hl Societies and other ol-goo;.
O test, either with cash or by O llvered by Maura. Marlon D. Rosa, on the eyes of an the players. Gspccmh The Summary: z8_u0us_ H8 was managing editor of
I O signing up their deposit. O W. P. Blalr and Dean W. E. ly me visitors. _K6m_ucky_ Couogtobupg the college phpen The IDEA. and woo
• + * • + + + * * * * + + * * * + Row" The work of the Varsity flve was Ml¤¤ H6ll6¥' ---···-~-·-~·»~ C€¤l°l` ~···----- Miss RUUYOU the president of the Democratic Club,
A ; ; _"_' entirely satisfactory Captain Sooo-,-ogy Misses Hughes MlB9€B G- PNN besides the manager of the Varsity
+ * * + + · + I. it * + • • + + I, * THIRTYEIGHT MEN ENTER` and Scott played the same old go-at-lt Bild l¤¤€S ·--·····- forwards ····-· ¤¤d Flannel? basket ball team. Both these men
+ In order that those who have + __` game; Morgan and Zerfoss had the WSSGS Wood Mid Ml¤¤¢¤ E·P¥'¤tt have taken away honors unbounded
* already subscribed for The * The Short course in Highway Engl- old control when baskets are needed; MCCMSHGY (0) ·--»». 8\1&¥'d€ -·---- ¤¤d J¤¤li¢° and will bring back honors untold to
: IDEA may lpartlcgpate ln this O neerlng began Wednesday morning in and there are two good centers in Subsmut€s_Kootooky_ Misses Fal] their Schooh
contest, eac stu ent who has O which there was enrolled thlrty—elght Park and Preston and McGhh.o_ t`Or“·ardS; Miss Pence, ,__.
O signed up his deposit or paid O men, representing twenty-flve counties The summary guanh      
O cash for The IDEA prior to Jan. O of the State. The regular class work Kentucky Ashland Iéleld g0ulS,.MiSS Hgngr 1_ Misgl       _
O lst. IQI4, ls entitled to 100 O for the short course was arranged and Park and breston C Ogden Hughes 2, Miss Tau 1, Miss \V00d 1_
O votes. All students who sign O the program was openedby a lecture ,` d T   llllll   d Miss Runyvon 1_ Miss G_ prog; 1, Miss
O O up or pay cash for their sub- O on "Constructlon of Macadam Roads," Alzziggsgn · f azalsnage Flannery 1_ Opponggt 1:am 2 IP;°:°;':I:J;`:n°wn’
O scrlption during this contest O by Marlon D. Ross, Assistant State Scott and Martmg and Goals from foulnxuss Hughes Z, u on: koun On
O will be entitled to 100 votes. O Highway Engineer, of Frankfort, in Tame (M g Conwav Miss Innes 3_ a `
: Tlhls gives all students an equal O whlchihe explaineél lthe meghod of cor; Score by periods. K€mucky__u_ ll, scope by periods: K—6, 9.-15. c' ce GAME POSTPONED
c ance. O struct on approve y the tate Boar __,,8 AShlHnd__u 4_15 C_2_ 4_6_
O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O of Public Roads. meld gOals_M0rgan 8, T- zerfoss 4. RBm.%_MoCo,-mo_ CotlonSbm·g_ At the time The IDEA goes to press
A   d b In dns address hr smut: that walerl Pmsmn 4· Park l- Shanklln 2, Vglgn. l'mpire—'l`lgert, kentucky. it ls not known what team the State
re poup ar y contes o eter- oun roa s are tre mos econom ca _____...._..—
UNB 1. 0Kd€¤ 1- Marllng I- tive will play Saturday evening. The
$.32 Y€§.J2L’§I..‘T°°‘2ZI   ZTf.Z‘§.SZ“;E?.Z‘I.‘l.TLT.‘“iT`.";ZLL‘°.;’ZI.§   from   rf¤~¤ L P r¤—·   cmouwnuwcs MED   . ir,l   .~ .ll,   .,.  
. e re 1
1, Sh mum s. ARE SP b t d {ll I {
IDEA staff has been trylng to devise neglected than drainage. Rei;N_€____K;ith ga? hssmeen 50; $0:; ugst if 1;;
some plan whereby it could interest 'l`he next address was given by Dean d 8l¤¤¢h°'• c°"*P*°d *1**** B°'°"° Gm" Fu? lamen G ggaghsnruniua 8 Bald il;
. - c .
, the entlre student body. When the Rowe, whose discourse was upon   GUM F"'d*Y Nl¤*‘*· U 1 tl wi W with an IDF; mmrmr
H 9 ` 4
Strollers announced the "College "Hlghway Bridges? ln which he gave °' _ ···i _ _ _ an 0 I
Widow" for Februar 27th w l demonstrations of various arts of 1- A Nature of mv gms game {wma) wednesday thathehad several games
medlatel made arranly ements fgr   brld es before the class p For fear y0u,v€ forgot- *"'*‘“l“l·¥ ““$ the "<’ll¤1’S*‘ will S¤b¤¢*· ln view and would surely make ar-
(mth,0 loam, box To gwhom thi bux Aim, Dean Rowe hhd Bx mined t€I\, W€’“ remind y0\,l—th€ quent preclpltatlon of humanity, when mogomooto for o good gomo ln tho
* . s .
shall be iven ls to be decided b tltle brld es to the class Mr R H plleese ch0S€l`l [)l8y IS “Th¢ College Ulf? 0\'¢‘¥`l0¤d9d l>l**l\<‘ll€¤`¤ lll the east Armory, Saturday evening.
student sod durln the next yt ur Ftrs? Assistant St te lll hwal Eu il Wld0W,’—th€ tl'y0\ltS   be wld of thc Gym lolddv lll'· The Blue and White tive seem to
weeks Of Zourw 5 wm be a osu new of Fmhkfortu Okg on ,2.AhE held Tl'\\ll‘Sd8y, Jah. l5lZh, {lt 'l`¤¤¤¤v<>r¤¤‘>‘ ~·*¤i>= llwl l><*¢*¤¤ €¤`¤‘<‘i<‘¢l|lnwe hit their stride and the practices
’ . . . s e - . .
l¤dY and She will have the pleyasurg ments and Grades of léouutry Ronda- 3Z30, lll thi! Chapel. against the east wall of the oym, and this hook huh. h_._,h highly Satlsfue
' l — b ‘ t ted with ·_
of entertaining her friends on that in which he stated that an ldeal road For those . who cann9t {usa emma Bupelsa um mn
m It [ b d d ud h come at   tjmg, there w|“ spectators before the SIUHG BlM`l8d· . .j.;.
alle contest ls t b · ld ·ted llllaades (;>as;’yc:¤TlesS(and' be Zzeslngzill be another chance. Thurs- AH *‘Xl"** '“°l*"~`ul° lll the ¤l¤¤l>€ of li Are you interested ln college activi-
h on I, 1 I 0 I 8 holiuc d g 0 rlble he doe"' for some um (lily lllllht, Jllll. l5th, 8t 7130, lllilll WHS Hdded Bud tho whole ¤¤¤¤¤ ties? Are you a good, all-round col-
ascuuous cen sn as ss . e
Il: favorltlsns or halrtlallty will abe upoln the location of roads and stated at Patterson H8". Be th€l°€! “'¤lS lh"°“'“ d°“'“ to W9 "OOV- it ls lege man'? Prove lt! Thursday. l¤
 .....;....... r- t tl t l * b k . ·l l, 3:3*.
shown ln the least. All that you have that they should be located where they mmm B lu no egg "ew ro eu ( mpg M [
Remember the try·outs! Let’s see and that only ll general ¤=lluk¢‘·¤l> und ———————-————-
" (COIIUDUBG ou Page Six) (Continued OD PI.86 Sl!) what you can do. several crushed tlerbles resulted. Strollers!

2 T H E ID E A
I F|R|T·CLAI| IN IVIRY APPOINTMINT. J. H. OTAMPIH, Jr., Ownor ond Manager. _ QQIN 10 A_ M_ To 11 p_ M_
_ · *""- `  *··
' rpg; Apg MEM); d•=nt¤," and by Mr. Rogers who talked In imitating John ll. Mott he showed REPARTEE • , .
.*-*—.. on his experiences In mining work at a remarkable range of voice which ' 2
Thh. tt-pak; ,qm“· at the Ada Mpgdp (llemnary. Tenn. A dance to be given covered several octaves. Hin mont ,
Mrs. \\ omhat——"Mah hushan' haIn't
wht]? dtm.;-pm from may wpptyg, ht a In the Mining Building was discussed remarkable Impersonation was that of I
, _ been arrested In twenty·flve yearn"
1’HUR8DAY—FRIDAY-BATURDAV good, lng show with plenty of variety. and Mt`. VI m. NOEL B- YOUR! and H. J. Mr. McDonald, of Toronto, (‘ymmln_ Mh FOOMPV qu _ { _ Hf
· · _ * l HP R ~
W'•*'¤•° E"'! D0 The choo chem ono., the nm act, nt ·|uk<>l>¢* twvvlnted to lock after the With m¤J<=¤tI<· mean. atretttttlne Mir, ,00.. Punk up O P I
• • the hendliner. It is tt girl act, but dif- l¤1t\II<‘l'. AI *320 ll. m.. MIP? the tfeas- and a voice resembling the ronr of the I {
EI all BVI ?.....i.
rp,-am fm", mw the Ada lwpndg has nrt-r collected some dues. the meeting mythical monster of (`retv, which wmhun I
Thl     week Pr°.°n`·   p|"Q§9[]IPd_ rI`|\9[‘(I IR ]'|’]()l'P (‘()]1](*dy Rdj0“rllPd· 'rheseus SIRI",   Jackson H(II“h°HbI)` P"' unt': (prpguintfs dlffpr    
co es. tt tev are tn woun 1
I ·. - *·**‘·‘·—··—··— ·· .‘ ‘ ,.fI I I I t ‘ ` *
ottte voonc mo Apmt I":"_ "l;";‘iI‘ I"'   “ “;’i“"‘_;;’"‘;’_‘{_ ,,H,L0,0,,,,,,AN_ QII‘t;‘“‘”___;__l_" ;;“;“°;‘{“‘;*‘:":*l";‘” I;"‘I‘;' arottntl the tt.m.» on pt,.
Soap Bubbles tl. Diabolo Manipulation it ' `I U ( 1 (Omg an an B O0 ‘ ` ' ` C 0 8 ( lp is -q~.—v---...__..- ·
GEORGE ALLEN who gets tnany laughs with his queer audience. Afmrmn I H r I V O
»· , . , , . ,_ ·· r i v.r _ . _
Male Prim. Donna t·(,t“._ I IIN lI1ll0¤0l>llI¤¤ Literary Society the Society being called to Umm., H m I 1 Ir t‘ t" I K "' ‘ l"'°r;";"0'
. . , at s swce es w ,
Lavemu and zelda. abpauuful m“,(_l_ htld Its HPS! IIIPQIIDK of lll? ¤P\\ )*‘a¥' was decided that the IITOZHIIII Mlltlllld of uq “hn I \ I Isn ang?] HT;
· . , . · 1n‘e t ex - ·
TH; ALEXASIILER KIDS ty wm, and ring act, well dressed and Tuesday night, January 13_ l$Il4_ nr. IW Sm (md? mlm me mm, mwmml IHIM an N f tl {I"` DTF PHS? nit
' , . K ,’ a ter n c
mgmg an ancmg staged. opens the show. Il"""‘ f°" U"` ensumg I°"m “""“ *"""" order to allow the members to attend pr tu I rd { "( Su ll 8 mtr me
_ e t ta o sw ow.— in
NEIL MIIKINLEY Harry Crawford, the lanky comedian, Pd' MISS Marie l’°ul“*` MI°h“t· “h" the basket bal game. A short business! 8 \
° ' , .  
Comedy Stngmg comps Second' Hg is very vemamel served as president during the past nlppting followed and much to tm, m_I
muon e0t.L0ct< mo co. doin: comedy, drama, dancing and "`"“· “"““ """"""°‘*· T"" I°"°“'*"” erm of the Society. its tiresidettt, Mr.
In George Ade': Comedy Sketch Singing and pleased watt "II"""“ “"""` **1**0 °l€*`I"d$ Proctor. on account or his many other
II vv · _ v • y ` ) _ ` '
SPEAKING TO FATHER Tho Schumann Quarwmy R {mm UI. Miss Natalie \\ ood, \lte-l resident. m,m.H_ Mi, I·m.(.,,d U, wade,. his ,.(,Sig_
· _ ` · I f
EDDIE BORDEN &. IRENE SHARRON excellent voices, Is of thc kind Lex- M'” l’°"* H“"l°"· Tr°““""”r· HHIIUH. Wltich WHS uvvepted. Mr. John Lcxmglons New Vaudcvlllc
Blts of Vaudeville mgm', pp(,pt,\ Mkt, ~\Il“ Mal`? *I<>“`¤Fd· S°"""“*"Y· Howard Payne, States most brilliant Thutfc
gggpgtq BROTHERS Everett and Harvey. in "Ftytirteen m" Folsom M"G“I"°· ("`m"· orator and the most zealous worker in ————
gmmducmg nL.nky Bobo the Boxing Alinulps in t;ankhu,st_-· wm, 8 Sl,,,(.m] AIISII mlzabelll }"a""8· lyllbllclty the Society, was unanimously elected _
Kang-"°@ drop showing, a suburban h0me_ have Agent' fOl` IDG SUCCGGGIDK {PUD. 3     3 · I
Prlce•—Nlgm, Lower Floor so and 75c an act of complications which is one ‘"‘“° l"““" ***9 “f°°* “'°“*‘ b°"‘ ut"' It was agreed that on next Saturday 2.30 7.30 9:1 5 .
. , , O O t
$¤¤¤¤$| Bl|¤0¤y I0 Cents continuous |3,ugh_ M`} dnd mmnclal “"€“· Ioncemmg afternoon at 2:00 o'clock. that the plc- · ‘
Manne"' mc t° 50c' The (`hoo Choo Girls, in a railway “`hi°h m°r° dennim a““°““°°m€"tS ture of the l'nIon Literary Society
400 GOOD SEATS A·r me station, close the snow with 8 walk “`“l b° “‘“d° lam =·lt0¤Id be taken. livery one is urged. l)l{  t
  through the audience singing and Isuggesuom Watch the MII in the to be promptly on time and every mem- 1 0      
  S T . Swinging mm9ms_ main building for a blt of exciting in- ber is especially urged to be l".8S€m_ ’ ’ ’ I
as     f°"m“u°“· A motlon to adjourn was moved and I
BEST IN THE WORLD Titian Au, ————-—-——-—- the meeting came to a close to meet 5 Afts and Kinemacolof
____ The Horace Mann Literary Society again Saturday night January 17, 1904. See Reading Notice
”•g0s•   T • g · Thursday matinee wm See the mam will meet Thursday night January 17,I I  
Grosvenor Ave. Ph 1685 I `
  surutlon Of what promises to be the in the :’du°8u°nlF;udmg· Mn D°“°' RURAL 1·EAcHEg3 MEET     and  
best vaudeville bill ever presented In van' wwm w° °' "OW as °‘ man °r
° ep on this (.“y_ The bm Opens with Ame great executive ability, will preside in   and  
  (     yvoung and April in R Skit entitled the office of president for the ensuing PI-M Laid to Hold a sewn 0, M“t_   O •
• ··s¤ap Bubbtev and ntaboto ntnnputa. °°"“· The ’°“°“’*“g I"°8"““‘ has ang. an ut. County.   Fnumaln Pans
TOBACCOS PIPES ETC nm. George Allen called the mh., ¤¤¢¤ ¤¤‘¤¤s¤<1 wd ¤lI ¤¤•¤¤¤¤¤r¤ Me oooo  H
° ° ° l>I’Im8 d0¤¤H. IS In the same class exhorted m be present' The teachers of Fayette County held ·
Plpgg Repau·ed_ 8B Julien hltlnge. and his gowns are lgrust L°5::?:i°n'b hill? °$°'"'M their third meeting Saturday morning,     cn! "
said to be dreams. The Alexander ames com ey' I" under the direction of Professor Bo-
czxmcmn, . . KENTUCKY Ki _ Bl , . 309 WEST MAIN STREET
ds Is one ot the greatest hits of the ev ns" hannon, who is Professor of Rural Ed-
  season and consists of three little tots, UTM I"T*°"°° °f uw M°vmg mc` ucatlon in the University.
UNIVERSII Y LUNCH STAND the youngest being only three years me Sh°w’ MISS Mccuh-e` The class was organized T0? the DUT- • D,  
c“°" °*°'“"V°lY *0 UWUWIU old, while the oldest has reached the Rights of Country Children' pm` pose of raising the standard of ef- I ·
and Faculty of State University t f H d I lf Ifewm, Bommmm (l¤¤¤tt>¤t¤¤•·*l .
· ma ure age o ve an one- ta years. " ‘ tlclency of rural teachers in the county DOROTHY DQDD SHQES I
A• B•   These precocious children have cre-I -—-¥—-—- and was me largest meeting that has FOR WOMEN
COR. 8. LIMESTONE AND COLFAX ated a furore wherever ther have beenI UNION LITERARY SOCIETY. been held by the class.   to   ·
  seen Neil McKinley is a comedian of -—; Tentative plans were arranged for a RALSTON HEALTH SHOES
YES, the school that produces real fun and The members of the Union Literary series of educational rallies to be held FOR MEN
W. nc stm Prenmg 4 Sun. for ·1‘2° does a comedy singing turn that is Society assembled last Saturday night in various parts of tlte county in the *4 00 t $5 00 I
_ ....ag.. very pleasing. The real headllner is and held their first meeting of the near future. ° 0 ° I
_   Bail¢y°S Pressing   MIIIOIT I’¤1I¤¢k ¤¤<1: tltc tttcctittgs more enjoyable to   Pho'.     Corner Upper and Bolivar I
' arte to be r•·ttt·nt·tl and also with 'l`lte`     &
l·ttorl· *'l"’ '*lllllll***l· lllld
I thc- IIIl‘···¤·ll~l¤···l ~~·ltl¤<>¤t
{ U H _;-Q M w,,,.,, ,,,,. l·,,l,.,,,.,,l,,. ,l,,,,, ,,,,,k,.,, l,. "":`|"""" """"“: ;"‘“T"’ “"“"‘l ":_ n·¤on·¤·-n»··n¤ ot nn- oflloos of the mn. "*** *‘*"l*""'*‘*l ¤·"·l<>¤ of all 'll¤l¤
•. . · · ‘ llN•‘l ·.., ·.·· , .‘* , , . V . . ·. ·.
I nnprtsamnt ns Qt mel to) wr F all Half mmsppmlahlp m HW Iwuplp mm ' llllltlrl lgftll OT tie llllFl.l0*~;] U \,,Nh.\_ mul HH, Mumm haw, come m means you, thv otlwr l•Ilow and mn,
` to \\ hy Alumni . hoult rgnn ze. mxmls Hwir Snmmrt hy Inprpmml up- blllllll 1 y. . ow that a tommon nity {WI Hm" Hwy Should be In 8. better my so rlnny lol any nl llgq no lll,,.,anl um-
l \\ ell, l (llrln t want to, Other things prnprlauml from HW Immslnmnlr it line "lllll•‘ to lhsht. however, a quicken- Muon U, lm"! Hmm, "mmrml asslsmnnp longer than ls absolutely ne(~q·ssary_
lql mlm-; qln_ lll rntlwr do lnotlllnr, l wm ho paw pmmgh to lm`? mp w_nph_ llllii 'lli l'll"l"'**l lillll ellllllllmlslll ls lnwllrql the snlnllnn nr lllnsp, and gllch llllrlng """l'“""""lll""l l""‘l ·llm‘? mel`?
D · pnlllpp pond snmnth nl., mtr; mt y umn the mmmpdmlon or to haw mp sprlmt lll, up which ls a thing ol beauty Umor problems as may Hmm', mm,) or will no doubt he some general reports
sslultllrllretltl, llearn sllmtctlllnz ¢·\ery{llpglSInmr um'. it. Nothing Mm wmlnn a pleasure to behold. mmm "mfmm me msumuom AIS"' ng lu lll,. I,p(,m·,.,.l,l Ol [hl}; wm·k_ [At
’°'(;";*lI‘“" l":l“l( ll 't ““l’ll"’“" Id hp my pmmlm, mlm: to (ml .rh(,h, lll*‘l'c ls rcul gladness displayed, llllll pplmmlly at all tlm,,,,l_ to advance uu ll`Y llllfl lluV*¥ **V**l‘y lloselble
l`*‘*l · *‘¤l`ll*‘* · ll*‘Wl W*‘ ·“"’ll •·sln·clu.ll_y bv those who have had little ll -l * ‘· ·· · · Alllllll'll*‘ "llll"ll"‘l by Ulm time **0
,.hH,|,.,,n ,.8,, lu. ,,,]u(.m,.,l ln l,,,xm¤_ ~ N nterests of the l»n1vcrs1ty,nn the ·
* ¤" · · . , » . . ,
I use the knowledge. ln nlm, cases hm. from “'hvm_(_ (_mm_H R (_mmH‘_I of or nnnppnrlnnll) lo (ll, lm- me llnlygr. lmmung up of a,t9ndam_‘,’ in the ad_ after you arr, prepared to take hold,
ont, of ten, no, nor lmpartiit. Then l ‘_xpm_tH to hom mgm in Hwlr homes. sity, in fccllng, that at last, something ymn·•·lm,“l of pm- ylrtuoo both at hmm, Hlleuk lll lll*` lllll*’l` mall You know und
- I * ·l·ll.l .·lllbeI' .·- -. . _ .
could hatle lol., ta y so d th qtlln Lot The Fnivershyv the mmngime €n_ Null) \\0l`lll llllllh has ¢.0m€ to lllillll to and abroad, and ln the securing ot ap- lmnrl Ht mm'
n() ,9n*       0"(1 \`un H       thp   of             l|r()l)[`iutl()[]5 uvlld        
our DTPS Gu mil 9 fl l`9flll9S- 9 All - I , .l . · wl . . ., Newark, N. J., Jan. lst l9l~l.
[mg ln His world, want, lm Alumnl ol tlc alove new—born teellngs tb such calls to duty in mind, and ’
llmlldnt wmldmzegl He has u right to help lt to meet the moat Obugmlnm, and activities were amply exemplltled the hopes of such useful servlce ln ··;·····———;
Willy €l;0l`t·‘(;0 0 I fni€· H I “,hh_h wm arise in me fum'? No llt a regent lnet-lung or the New York view. a movement is now under way CINCINNATI ALUMNI ORGANIZE.
Sow res ent .ye las lg llutls . , , . .
muttgr holy many or how fp“*‘ (uypn Ong (llullter, Ull lll!} (‘\ Hlllllg of U€C€[Hl)€T lllward the qUl(Tk(‘lllDg of [llB present -;-1-
. ' it ·. bl l .. - . .
and the lnlV€¥‘H y lld*l d S D¤ll'* Alumnus hl acoumyympy Crm, Should ,,lll, wllgll plglltlgoll nl ns enllluslagtlc association and chapters, the forma· Last Saturday nt the Monroe Hotel
hvprl }:umn:1B;]f0:nl9rdStu ent, EI"'; get in [()ll('l\ and keep ln touch with l'l0lll'l as €l`€l` llltfl, wrestled Ulllll {B.? llllll of new and 8·€llV€ Ch8.pt.Bl‘S ln ln Cincinnati, there was organled 3,
4 · , , ev —r so ‘ . , , _ , _ _
• _ l’r°2’°°t V; B ll in uml 1* y WK the llnlvcmlty through the assoclutlon into the night with the problems con- ev ery tlty, wherever possible, through- permanent Alumni ( lub of State Uni-
· n,. e - . . ,, .
n Bn m y SA" lise pa Q 1;] and Cm-ry out me plans of its pmsl. tronting their Alma Mater. lhls was out the l/nlted States, and for the or· versity men who are prosperlng ln
l lucky resident hmm mr; piriina ll dent, of the director of the Experiment lll)! H l'€Sul¤l‘ meeting of the chapter, S8lllZBtl0H of an Alumni Chapter or and gbgut the Quggn Clly_ About 18
lmerpsmd but ul; llolwzs (   um: Station for the farmer, of the dean of but one called on short notice, for dis- Club lu every County throughout the enthusiastic members were enrolled at
2 can Seng Hulse f Sl fn ' AB ci; T pnglnegrs fm- mgclmnlcs, Qt/('_’ gu; cussion of these matters, but from the SUNG- the initial meeting. Meetings will be
l Kllwrpstul On) nor Ov; U Ts il] Tllgrp must be men who know the 0l>9lllllt·5 W0l`dS to the motion to ad- The functlon of the olly plubg wlll held the first Saturday of each month
‘ . · n n v rs y ,
. “""‘"" ""' cr "lm le ° _ lnln-army, keep ln its touch, wan-n lt Jorn, the most evident thing in the be, as at present, to l`orm the nucleus at the Monroe Hotel. Officers were
lo serve him with expert counsel in _ , . _ ,
and how lt ls run and me that lt ls world was that all present were in ot a common social center for resident *’l9"l€(l 3** l<>ll¤“‘¤¤
his homc and his enterprise. his busi- ,
pal-(td for ag   as ()[• bpttpr than £‘£ll`llt‘S[ and ready to put l,ll€lI° S()l1l and |l)(\]]'lb4¤[‘3· [0 gxlpllll it “*(zl(·0n]lng fel. Artllllr J. ‘illI(`\‘, l,l°(‘Sld9lI[.
ness. lie dwells within its inlluonce. . _ _ _ _
· Y _ l|ll» best, 0]l]pgt_ most famous and most €’ll€l'g,Y l|ll0 l.ll€ \\0l`l(. A Subslalllltll lnwslllll and guidallcg to ylslltogps and Jllllzlll (lllllll, Vl('(»’ ll`<·‘Sl(l(*lll.
llc is lltted it it progresses, and tails _ _ _ _ _ _ , , _ _
pl·.,opl·Snlyo lnnlltnllqn Ol learning in Nlllll has subscribed as a nucleus tor new arrivals, and to advgrtlsc the l*lll. \\. l`. Johnstone. Jr.. becretury and
to some extent with its failure or slow V V I ri i _ i _ _ _ ,_
Amerloa, not only must the l nlver- we llll llg Htl Oil, dllil l’€S0luIl0llS WGH versity baroad; but lll addition ro hg. ll‘€*8Slll‘<·l‘.
progress. Ile is the best, the most , _ _
sity reach down to the humblest per- ¤ll0lll€¢l» lwlll 88 l0 =lUt·ig€Sl€¢l ¤·¢¥»l0ll. (‘Ulllt‘ the outlying eyes, las it were}, ll #ll`Y*‘ll b1l§'l`*’=·l· (0l'l‘*‘>lD0lld<*ll¥·
available agent to carry lnto effect the- d _ _ _
_ _ _ sons and calllngs ln the State and lift ull l0“3l`¢l ellllsllllg ot (lll? 0lll€l‘ ¤l1¤l>· lrom which to get the proper per- ·-—-—-——i
plans ol the University and President _ _ _
O 4 I I Hy bein: such an extent In them up but it must pull ltsell up i9l‘S lll the Work. lnncouruging let- spectlve ot affairs at home, and with No, its not "tlxed," like some horse-
.v e. ‘ . . . .
‘ higher. The people must push it up WTS. lull Ol Vllll lllllll ll·0tl0ll. ll`0l¤ 0ill+*l` which to judge ns to our standing races. lt`s all start even and may the
makes himself conspicuous in his com- _ V _
higher ln standards, ln science. that kllalllflftl l*•=‘l‘€ Fwd- (/0lllllllll€€¤l W€l‘€ among others. best man win. ln chapel at 3:30 on
munity, gets the prestige in the name r i { d _ _ i _ dm _
of being u representative of R great we may learn wherein and hou and &Dll0 ll 9 to invest gate con ous The county clubs throughout the *llllll·,l(llly_
‘ ·l t (" d l ll wr u l t. ·1 l tl at Ken- which were felt could be battered and
university and brings it in touch with “ lu I0 lu I 0_gl du I _ D Slam will become the ll°m°b°dy t°
A th I I Hmm use it and to mckllms may best lultlll the desire ol l‘€l10l'lS W€l`€ read 0ll 0lll€l`$ wlllch keep the men who remain ln the State Th H b
leo ewiosl · ·v w _ -
E l if h ld b u ef I Now may one who loves his neighbor as him- have been under investigation. interested and always ready to Speak t el Sill a d Olzzll Mil smbact
· w on1 s ou 0 s u. resses. 'lat 0 Y tin a ou
self. Alt th th *l t d d .
, I Suggest Some things? RUFUS I WEAVFR lm oge tier ke me? wl to al. tin e a. good word and to let the local legis it? Thursday night, 7:3,,, Patterson
, A. 4 . • . _
: The University Should be the centre N York NOW Year 1914 kl s me; fng now ( t tiey ia not lators and other men of affairs through Han.
- A ew , , . · · · . ·
{ Of progress in learning, in thought, in ngvlin e ore); rom what w as said out the State heal more ot the work
mechanics, mining, farming, stock rals- ilu Ol? and mm WDM mlb reported `md needs of the lmvcrsitx Fourteen schools have been estab-
· ing, stock breeding, in solving engl-     fom (lt Tr iT1pt€liS' thdt the quikkfml 'l`ll° ellllm °"l“"llZmlO"· besldes the lished by the Russian Ministry of Ag-
neerlng problems and in la