xt75hq3rwb5g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75hq3rwb5g/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1967 athletic publications  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Football Programs University of Kentucky vs. University of Georgia, October 28, 1967 text University of Kentucky vs. University of Georgia, October 28, 1967 1967 1967 2014 true xt75hq3rwb5g section xt75hq3rwb5g 4
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SINCE 1881 I I Y
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Alwu s Shop Purce|I's for Your Famil . . . Your Home. . . Yourself!

  Game Story .......................................................................... 5
j Governor Breathitt ................................................................ 6
I IO   {  Songs ..............,................. . ................................................... 8 I 1
    President Oswald .................................................................. 9  
    Cheerleaders ........................................................................ l0
WATCH @ Athletics At Kentucky .......................................................... Il t
1¤w¤r1¤*sta1rzra¤¤¤r1zes ® Athletics Director Shively .................................................... l2 l
28 gold medals   1
Varsity Schedule and Scores ................................................ I4 {
L-Ongines Watches are recognized COGCICIIYIQ   . ....................... .............. .............................. I5 I
as OFFICIAL fortiming world Head Couch Bmdshcw 16 ]
ln allfields throughout the world. Kentucky Player Pictures ........................ l8, 22, 26, 30, 34, 38 t
  ~’ _ Georgia Player Pictures .................................................... 20, 33 j
- 1  ~.rr  I Statistically Speaking .......................................................... 24 E
_ ,,,tt       .    Numerical Rosters ................................................................ 28 l
  Q ,  ~. , t
  ‘.··,,,m, 7 \`3g_ .,,l, Q z?  l-l¤€UDS ................................ . ...................,....,...,.. Center Spread t
’ rr »..‘eeMa_'    xi  “~° '  
I   f ,et~ ~ M      Depth Chart ,.,,,,,,............................................ . ..................... 29 (
        Georgia Administration ........................................................ 37 1
   ,_ r,,,;j#V `"`S  My D¤Cldy'S Not a Football Coach ..................................,..... 4O  
    v_ _   '`CI r What Opponents Are Doing .................................................. 42
  i‘‘‘‘°  ` _ / Meet The Kittens ....................................................,............. 43 11
I l   lr  N   ' UK Alphabetical Roster ........................................................ 44
 -    UK-Georgia Series History .................................................... 46 3
t   I. / r Preview of Coming Attractions ............................................ 46 P
L¤¤¤¤¤5¤**1¤»¤¤·¤¤:5205¤¤*¤m¤**¤w****¤¤'·*"¤¤*·We   l—lomecomlng—l 967 .......................................... . .............. 47
Other Ultra~Chr0n Models, $150 tu $595.    
h f _b l   Band .................................................................................... 49
I1€W I
t C ra El ous . Wildcat Coaches——Ath|etics Staff ........................................ 50
      UK Librcry Rcnks rrr TOp 25 54     ____ .
Gumameed Accurate To A Minute A Momh r ................................................  
The ummm personal Cmommmrr   Kentucky Basketball ............................................................ 54 ir` ~
guaranteed accurate to a minute a month- l   ._ - .
a mean average ol 2 seconds per day. t 1
Ultra-Chron tells the date, hour, minute, ··  
second. Never needs batteries. Winds ~ OFFICIAL I 967 SOUVENlR FOOTBALL PROGRAM    
¤¤¤<>n¤¤·¤e·*lvdW*;**¤ v¤¤;~€¤;r**-r**"·"’l¤¤‘t Published by u.1<. Athletics Association _
gggiilurigggcr?S§5I§rIVfO;grn;;_rNrrmau€r r Bernie A. Shively, Director of Athletics
Francnised Jewelers,coast-to»coast. I Edited by Ken Kuhn
l Director of Sports Information   A
., tr t t r t t Represented for National Advertising by  
'·‘lt.ll.1l·P"l‘Tl`ll*‘.‘£El‘ ‘l*‘l.‘;‘l£°· S etece t Advetttettel ·~¤.   ,e.  A
Matter ut wetertes mine Highest Character 27l Madison Avenue, New York, N. Y,  
For Over A Century  
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 W M I § kl ' N  
KENTUCKY ys_ GEQRG|A mage. I·ie has been alternating with senior Terry Beadles
this week.
Charlie Bradshaw’s depleted Kentucky forces return to Kgmucky algo did gomg ygglquflling prior to last yeafs
~ l1<>1N€ l€1`Fll<>¥‘>’ t<>¤ir:lit seeking il limi \'i¢U>1'Y of UWC $€¤$<>¤ Georgia game at Athens as Coach Bradshaw sought to
. and there couldn’t he a more worthy foe than Vince Dwi- strengthen an offensive attack which had scored only 27
l cyis nationally—ranked Georgia Bulldogs. points in five games. Involved in the move was Lyons. who
l The i1]VLl(lk‘]*S from Athens, 1`tllll(C(l Sixth and eighth this started his goplmmore season as a defensive lmck,
week in UPI and Al) polls, fcSpeCti\`€l)’, zlfif ffCSli from il The \Vildcats immediately made their new offensive look
j 56-6 trouncing ol- VMI and have only ONG l<1SS (Ole }li5Sl felt as Beadlcs hit Larry Seiple on a f3F3—yartl touchdown pass
at the midseason mark. to the Georgia six and then passed to Sciple on third down
The \\’ildcats, winless in five games against foes who for the game’s first touchdown.
have a combined record of 233-3, suffered another big blow Kirby Moore, who’ll be in action against the \\`ildeats
j Saturday night when tailback Bogcr Gann received a knee again tonight, set up Gcorgials first score with a ~1T—yard
I injury while covering a punt l'Ctt1I`H. punt downed at the UK one by Ilardy King. Steve `\\`ood-
E Gami, who carried IS times for 53 yards in the 30-T ward returned the ensuing punt IO yards to the LK Gl.
j loss to the Tigers, was the \Vildeats` leading ground gainer Xioore scored from the three and Bob Etter tied it, T-T.
i with 245 yards in G6 carries for a 3.7 average. Ile under- The Bulldogs went ahead. l-1-T, on a Iyioore to Bill
  went a knee ligament operation and is lost for the season. Payne pass for a I3-yard touchdown in the second quarter
i Loss of Gunn in a backlield already riddled with in- but Kentucky carrie rolling back as leff Yan Note blocked an
  juries has resulted in sonic reshuifling of personnel. Etter field goal try in the third quarter and lolm Irlarris re—
  Dicky Lyons. who missed all but one play of the \`l’I turned G2 yards to the four, Beadles ran over from thc
l game two weeks ago alter receiving a rib cartilage injury three and passed to Seiple for a two-point conversion to put
  in the first half against Ole Xliss, saw limited action at quar— UK ahead. l5—l~1.
l terback against LSL`. but made his presence felt with a Lynn Hughes came in from safety to replace an injured
l thrilling. $)?'>—yard kickoii return at the opening of the sec» Moore at QB and sparked a GG-yard drive. scoring from thc
j ond half. lt) himself. Hughes then passed to Sandy johnson on a
l Lyons. a tailhack converted to quarterback when sopho- two—pointcr to put Georgia out front. 22-15.
l more signal callcr Stan Forston received a knee injury in Etter later kicked a FH-yard Held goal to make it 2$—l5.
  prc—season practice, is back at his old position and will be and a safety was added wlicn Beadlcs was thrown for a
  sharing duties with sophomore Dick Beard and senior Tom I3-yard loss in the end zone.
Q Fee. The victory gave the Bulldogs a IG-$-2 edge in a series
  Scheduled to see more action at quarterback is sopho— which began in IF)-BF) between the two universities. The
l more David Bair. who has completed IG of li) passes for \\`ildcats last won two years ago. when ltick Norton passed
E l$)(l yards and gained 39 yards in Eve carries from scrim— Bradsliawls forccs to a 2S—l(l victory on Stoll l·`icld.
l THINGS WERE LOOKING ROSY—Kentucky partisans came to life in the Virginia Tech game a couple of weeks ago when a pair of
· sophomores, quarterback Dave Bair and wingback Joe Jacobs (20) teamed up to score a second TD that left UK trailing by just seven
points. ln the action photo, Jacobs gets behind Ron Davidson to make a spectacular, 4l-yard catch.
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  ZVAV » —..·· . .»rr;;   V/  .  it A   i. EDWARD T. BREATHITT
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h  J   V Q '`‘"“     _ 4  ” ._ “ i‘, K? Governor of KENTUCKY
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Alumnus Governor Boosts Wildcat Gridders . . .
Edward T. Breathitt, at 42, is the nation's second youngest Governor. A Hopkinsville attorney,
he continues a family record of distinguished public service that dates back to pre—Civil War days
when an ancestor, John Breathitt, served as the state’s chief executive.
Governor Breathitt, who in his capacity as Governor, also serves as chairman of the University
of Kentucky Board of Trustees, began his career as a lawyer and public servant immediately upon
graduation from the University of Kentucky College of Law in l950. At the age of 27, he was
elected to the State House of Representatives. Later he was State Personnel Commissioner and a
member of the State Public Service Commission before being elected to Kentucky's highest office
in l963. Unable to succeed himself, he is in the final months as the state’s chief executive.
While a student at the University of Kentucky, where he also obtained a degree in Commerce,
he proved his capacity for leadership. While there, he was president of Lamp and Cross, senior
men's honorary, and ODK, men’s leadership and scholarship honorary fraternity.
His distinguished background also includes three years in the Army Air Force during World
War ll and the state presidency of the Young Democratic Clubs of Kentucky.
A native of Hopkinsville, he is married to the former Frances Holleman of Mayfield. They
have four children—Mary Fran, who is l7, Linda, lo, Susan, lO, and Edward lll, who is 8.
Governor Breathitt continues to be one of the most enthusiastic boosters of his Alma Mater
and its football team.

       , .. _·: ~#" I i
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The most convenient place in town to save! Put your change in a Wildcat bank . . . put
your savings in First Security where it now earns 4% compounded QUARTERLY. No pass
book necessary . . . go to any of 47 tellers at seven locations, including tour with drive-in I
windows. You receive a savings statement quarterly. Save the convenient way! Q
EEFSBQ @@11  {gy

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  My O Kentuc y Home
; 3 S.U_F. STEPHEN C.FusTr;n
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University s President Knows Value of An Athletic Program . . .
When Dr. John WV Oswald became the sixth and later rose through the administrative ranks
  president of the University of Kentucky on Sept. to the position of Vice-President for /\dministra—
*  l, l963, he brought to the position most unique tion. V
  aualifieatiang that have ginee aided immeagar- Dr. Oswald’s athletic experience, tl‘iOl’ HOW
f;  ,.`    ably in his administration of one of the nation's stonds hirn in good steod os president of o uni-
  foremost and fastest-growing educational insti- versity boasting an ambitious athletic program, _
  tation; came as a player in his collegiate days at De V 
·VV   V Pauw as he la ed uard on the football team
  John Oswald's background reflects the highest p Y Q V _ , _
  . . for three years and later at California s Davis
  standard of excellence in educational prepara- _ _ _
  V . . V V campus—where he tried his hand at coaching
V.VV— V   tion and also includes experience in athletics at V _ _ _ i
   V‘ (by avocation) the grid team for a brief period.
 .. both the player and coach levels, V
 QV; ln l962, he was named by Sports Illustrated
  .V.V V The '¤¤¤*¤¤d Ot the 50-vw-Old €r—*¤¤¤t¤rV Ort its Silver Anniversary /tri-/tnterrec team, wm-
  WhO lOOl< G flrm grlp On the présldenllcll mms Of posed of former football players who achieved
  l<€l"lUCl    __       ;’“ A  
, ` / · ‘ ~' 7 w nig U; ,     »  Z  X   f )_         V_.`    
K ’ _   I,. .. ·,e»¢'}’°*T1”’;.='··i?    4 2z*}§”;,:»T».·   ~::>»·f   ef! if   @2.
A - T "   *i`e:·   -<~"·e  *14  ""`i* 1 ‘    
_     _—_._ ·     ·.   "f=r<».e . »‘ F';   .` .   ,»°~ AS fil?  
’ .   A   y Q.? -»#’ =*     `trak J 
·· - · · J an aw c».·¤; » ;-;¢·.     ·,, ».;—:€<=1¢~,  ·‘ ` .“"~ ¢> _~r_;; ,_‘;€}§,   H -ij,  ye; _`_»;tgr;, Q r E
» * ‘·* :.5,;     Li ·i—·  ' ‘ #    
_ “ '   »»;—;  , @4;%.  Q-Yé:i»§=;,,.;i   
· _ -   ·» ,;.;;;;,y_     · —=::>;¤:»‘, _   sz ;!· >4:J·,&~. *2-#i»·*,;;-;.~;   ><.?—?¤‘=:i..,»;.»—;;.4 E—~L.€»;¢&,;§‘,2e ,é&;¤,\s y_4eq >* ·.`, .;
Posing prettily in their new mini—skirt uniforms with the lone male of the contingent are the nine coeds making up the 1967 corps of P
UK cheerleaders who will make it their goal to pep up the Wildcats. Often unappreciated for their efforts, this ye¤r's squad includes G
Steve Wcismuclcr and Misses Suzanne Huffines, Cheryl Hughes, Winnie Jo Perry (team captain), Jennifer Burcham, Gwynn Deal, Suzanne E
Oncy, Marty Boone and Diane Parker. C
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