xt75hq3rwb39 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75hq3rwb39/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1987 athletic publications  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Basketball Programs (Women) University of Kentucky vs. University of Cincinnati, December 30, 1987 text University of Kentucky vs. University of Cincinnati, December 30, 1987 1987 1987 2014 true xt75hq3rwb39 section xt75hq3rwb39 $1 .00 . . V V . .
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DEC. 30, 1987  

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  "' H i‘a {S i}~t Cilrrrue/my cgi Sqertuckg
'A'l I ll'] I l'L'
CONTENTS We’re Proud to be
Coach Sharon Fanning .......................... 2 I
I Basketball sian ................................ s S
Dr. David Roselle .............................. 4       I
, Athletics Director Cliff Hagan ..................... 4 f
' Meet the Players ............................ 5-22 ,/5, }
(Croley 6, Pennie 7, Tarantini 8, Shrum 9, Whitaker F _/’=f"/
10, Harrell 11, Miller 12, Spencer 13, Davis! {
Hoskins 14, Ousley/Stevens 15)
Lady Kat Team Picture & Roster ................. 16
Opponents Team Picture & Roster ............... 17
Opp0nents’ Feature ........................... 18 /
Lady Kat Feature .......................,..... 19  
Scorecard ................................. 22-23 »·— , *‘
Memorial Coliseum ............................ 24 5:
Assistant AD’s and UK Head Coaches ............ 25 D   Q
UK Sports information Staff ..................... 26
Cheerleaders and Student Staff .................. 27
Lady Kat Records .......................... 29-30
Former Lady Kats ............................. 31    
Wildcat Team Picture & Schedule ................ 33
UK Campus ............................... 35-36
Your hometown grocery stores
CREDITS: in Central and Eastern Kentucky
Written, Produced and Edited by
RENA VICINI, UK Assistant Sports information Director
Special Thanks to
Ii§>/It/2/§i0F¤¤1 ¢<>mp<=¤t<>r- She —.—-———
Z   ·i‘i t i i .    { statt at Drake Frorn was selected to the 1979
L Err,       *    sa ioso to 1984, he was World University squad, Lee Reedy
g         aaaiataat bays, baakatbaii the 1930 Olympic team, Lee joined the Lady
U aj~·;%irhfa  eeaeh and head gah: the 1983 Pan American Kat staff 1n December,
. J   . I I    coach at Daniel Boone mm Md the 1984 1983- She was ¤f¤V1<>¤S~
(     V·`_ ` , High gohooi in Gray, Olympic squad. She also ly employed by Bartho-
Q . ’ an s ‘     Tenn. He then taught for Played Proressroool bds' romow County Welfare
  V.   je  r one year at Sun Vaiiev ketball for one year in Department and Colum-
2 _ _  i   ~     "  I   » i High Sohooi in Monroe, Italy and for two years bus East High School in
Q   le·t   t N_C_i heicore returning in Japan. Columbus, Indiana. A
P O   i _ to `sss     to his native state to Ciodyi who was rrr native Of Whltcsburg
     si i _   teach and assist in boys’ ducted rdrd the Ndddddr KY·» Lee is married ro
    1   basketball at Unieoi High School Hall of Bob Reedy and has two
j amaa?$,i;’”or;{t Wa,} County High Sohooi in Pame last year, is mar- children.
r   j Erwin. He is married to rred ro Mark House? T1`?
  i     » w . Marsha Barnes. mdrr Lee Youstcr
  =  »  r nro      · —... . . *"-""__ Lee has been assistant
i       _ _"";-_  strength coach at Ken-
        Cmdy N¤*>¤·= Haumman tsery ret three years. A
or »    ~. .   · Cindy’s experience as 1980 graduate of
  a great player at all lev- Sue Stanley Yankton College, he re-
  ooo  se els of competition made Sue joined the UK mained at his alma mater
i oai?  her an exciting addition training staff in 1982 for two years as football
  _   to the Lady Kats staff. A after serving for one and strength coach. He
  F t two-time Olympian, Cin- year as Co-Ordinator of then served as a graduate
I     s    dy joined the University Sports Medicine for the assistant strength coach
i   aa,   of Kentucky for her first Department of lntramu- for two years at South
i   i air"   __,» coaching job in August, ral/Recreational Services Carolina and as an assis-
  I ... __,,   1985. at East Carolina Univer- tant strength coach at
I   s,. ,,i A native of Clarks- sity. Sue graduated from Oklahoma for one year
·_   `   eooer   burg, Ohio, Cindy began Ohio State University, before coming to Ken-
    s   aa rama ` ol'‘ o   an outstanding playing where she earned a de- tucky. Lee is 29 years
  chair {wir ymrzrei (Wfrqr mm career at Frankfort- gree in Physical Educa- old and single.

     Ol %l·l~¤tl l
  H  Executive Committee of the NCAA Division PRESIDENT  
1A Athletics Directors Association.
DiI‘€CI0l‘ of AKIIICIICS A two-time All-American basketball center DAVID P' ROSELLE  
at UK (1952, 54), Hagan helped the Wildcats
 E D ,  _ win 86 of 91 games during his career. Includ-
_  r;Q ~*’ I =  ed in his career is a 1951 national champion- I T
        l ‘‘`· T ship under legendary coach Adolph Rupp.   t ,
  . As a senior, Hagan helped lead UK to a    
_,   f perfect 25-0 record and the Southeastern _    
  Conference title. That season, Hagan aver- T   `  
    aged 29 points per game and led the nation in » I    
    rebounding (13.5 rpg).   _ t ~»=v·L»%
    After graduating from UK in 1954 and lr   .
  serving two years at Andrews Air Force Base I   ··~er$,§’ T
» as a commissioned officer, Hagan began a  
highly successful National Basketball Associ— _
V   ation career with the St. Louis Hawks. In 10 —  it  ,8
  seasons, he posted 12,433 career points in i _ T ’,._
" 672 games (18.5 ppg) and played in five NBA *   ` T
M AIIITSW garllesé S L _ h_ h Dr, David P. Roselle was named the l
Ai cnn Hagan enters his iztli year as its .ag"" Pay`? . ?’“ . °“‘S mms W lc llllltll Plcsldclll Gl the Ulllvelslw <>f Kell- l
_ _ , _ claimed six division titles. In 1958, Hagan k - M h ,987 i
director, the University of Kentucky Athletics helped lead the Hawks ro the World ChampT_ {UC Y lll illc - l U T
Association is undergoing an era of unprece- Orrshrp by defeating the Boston Celtics. HC T Dr. Roselle comes to UK from Virgin-  
dented growth _ _ also set a NBA single game record for most la Tech lll Bl¤°lS$¢l_l¤ has ll<>l           if   r ·- °»   A 7 ?   
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_ One of the most talented players in Lady Y      · I   A`4>    
Kat history, Bebe is expected to be one of the   l   lg  »__V . K- _ Z   
top players in the Southeastern Conference   _l .       »   t
this season and should be a strong contender Z.?   »‘e·    ;l;g€;;, t}; ; lW   _   {A  l
let Allemeriea ll0¤<>rS— She led the Lady   Il;   .l,;,   *55 1   l
Kee la Seeriae lea aeaaea with aa avereee at   ,~~·t           l
in points ti game. which ranked her fourth   _·`’     u t     5
la that eatesery ameae SEC playera She was i  I  a tittt  
also fourth in the SEC in free throw percent- »   , . t *   ‘‘·;”
age (78.6), sixth in steals per game (2.6) and ‘       ,it.» I ·y.. 2 4,.., i t  
ninth in rebounding I7- i>. .   r’n’‘     `‘-·»    ‘..'e'     ’
. Bebe is 14th on the all-time Lady Kats       t l Q . l
scoring list with 937 career points, and if she `   ·           . {
keeps up her current pace. she should easily   t ‘·t   -  ’           t  
searers- . 1 t  t Ai? `·‘e          
A first-team Parade All—America as a sen- , [ [    Y `     - `V’`·       ` I V  
ior at Henry Clay High School in Lexington. *   .»* — l  Y   :4   ‘·*;Q°-        V    
Bebe suffered a stress fracture as a freshman