xt75hq3rw98p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75hq3rw98p/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1921 journals kaes_circulars_001_1_095 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 095 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 095 1921 1921 2014 true xt75hq3rw98p section xt75hq3rw98p E
Him. *
___ * 1 ~‘ z .
·e W'. ` `
Extension Division
THOMAS P. COOPER, Dean and Director
____ _ Lexington, Ky.
March, 1921
illill Published in eonne;-{lon with tho {lLZI`iC\1iI\1l`ili vxunsiuxi work carried
 W <‘¤¤1>¤r:1tion of {lp- College uf .·\:ricultm‘¤·, l`niv•2rsity of Kentucky.
______ wmllilb ij. S. Dep:1rlm¢·nL of .»\gricultur¢·, and distributed in fur‘theI‘aI\C€
MW Wwrk provided for in the Act of t,`ollgl`<·¥s of May S, 1914.

I‘ 2
{YI  _``
of zi `

Extension Division
THOMAS P. COOPER, Dean and D2rect0r
i ._ 4 \
“ H`?  ‘“>·  ··~` ·’v· s  »
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e (g ‘ fi.;   jl• ji QZ   rl,
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i I./A { =·¥·—'1 k`  .   * ;
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1 "· A   i ‘      `. }.   5
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 W QF 9  Yi;  ` A
Lexington, Ky.
March, 1921
]’l1*·lis!¤4·n worlc ¢·:u‘1‘iv<`i
("1i*>‘v~···1·»·1·;i1i¤·h nl` nh·· ¤‘»»11··;i· ¤»1` ,\:I‘i1‘\\illll`¢·_ l`nix·¤~1·si1y of Ki-i1tu¤·l<}‘.
Wim Mw I`. S. lh~]»;ii·\n1`·;11 4»|' _\;1·i4·11I\i11·•·_ mm LiiSIl`ii¤lllv$ ··1` May S. 1911.

I1i1pu1·i:i11¤·e of the svimwl lum·h. ,_   , , . .   ..   .... ,. .. 3 I
I liquipuiviu ii¤·w=ss;iry , . , L t_ we
Supplies   ..A,._ .. , .. , . , . . , .. in rgmil
i P1·0p;az·iug ihe lum·li,, ,.   H ....,, M ..,. M . . ... .. . A 12 1 -_’r 111
Serving the Iuiivh, V ,.... .   . . .. .v., H   , . . , 12} Y"*"Y`
1 Keeping; unwmiiits ........ M, .. H, .,.. , ... M .. . _ 11 Lim.
Planning iiiiivhes _,.,.....,.v,,, ,1 .1.. . M, ...., ...   H ,,., .. ...,..v. , 16   kl;)
T)'}>it‘ll] liiiiulivs siiggosiml H ... ,..  V .. _... . ....   ..v...... ., 19 ARI
Rrwiiwesz hill.]
Milk dishes ,,1,,,_ , ,,......,..........,....,...   ,..,,....,v,1.,.....,......... .. ,.... . .. 21 ~!1~1;
<`:·euui soups .1....._........_,, , _,....___ , __,. . .._,_1___,,__.... . ...... . ..1....,   .. ZZ IW I
Chowders .,.............,1,,.` . ...........,_,,_1 _ ......v     ,_,,_.,.v..., H .  . . . E?} ifi HI
(`!91ll11t’(i dishes __,_,,________,______.__,_,_____.111,,_________,__   _____,   ... 23  
\`e`getui»1es ____.._________ , ___,._.._._,,__,, , __,,,11.1,,,1_ A ____,,,._,_______,__,.... A .,,, M . Z5   M
Cheese rr,.......1...,_,..,.........___,__,...,.._______,______11_____1______,,,,.......,........... . ..... Y'} 11;-11.1
  ..,. . .............., . .....   ............. V ,,.. . i_.,______ _ 1,,.._....V.   . ». » 97 Wi 11
` Meats ,,,, . _,_1,_......______1_ _ ____,,__.,,____1...,______.__,,.___,____,, U ..._,,....v,...   ..,... 97 ing Ia
i Desserts ............,.....,._ . .................. , ,_............,,,,11..   .......... . ,....... ~ Yi HMA
J1\* (
Salads .,e,_,,,_1_..,1_____________,,__.,,_.,,,.,...,_,....,___,,,,___________,...................... . ,,»-· 31 mm]
. igwy {
Ti1i< ·

l‘ug·; _—t—
-- 3 lit tht- pi·<·put·uti<»i1 ¤»l` this <·ii·<·ului· the- <·hi<·l` i illltl llll`illl\ |Ii”|l)l·lll ll) llIt' irllt'-l'trirlll $l‘llUUl _lllS:_
1·’» ¤;_1g·tiit;; its •‘l'lll i.<>l‘ it ><·l1¢t¤nl \\·}ll('1l lius [>l'tl{[l‘t’s>t‘tl
  13 {-i>~_‘l‘\'llljI st~v¤·i‘ul tlishvs wr tht- \\`llt>H‘ lttm·h. lt will ht; u simpli-
14 M11-1· In st·lt·t·t t'1··¤111 tht- t·t1·t·t1lu1· th¤·s•· purts wlm·h uri: utluptwl
  _ f--ll1t‘]1<"<,‘tlS nf thu imlivithtul svliiml. Sims- tflllltlllltilli \'ill'_\' st:
" M x;;1tt·]1t`i·<»iii i»m·s··li<»<»l to um»th¤·t‘. uiiy uttviiipt tn 1i1ul<·- u 1it·1·tit·ul st·lit>··l t¢·u<·lit·1· iii l{t‘lllllt'l{_\' hull tit lwgiii h¤~i· 1‘t't'l]ll‘
___) ;`·~x··»iit· tlu_t·`s lt1m·h hy tht- nhl tliiw-i·ti·»1i. "tirst t·ut··h _\`¤»lll' hurt-."
    ilvllt‘ll slit- ftlttml thut tht- piituttws on huml wt·i·t· m»t sttt`ti¤·i··t1t t·»
  A :·`·i‘\'t* tht- \\‘l1¤>lt* svlttntnl, 'l`ht- i\l`IL‘l'llt¤t»ll l>t*i`nt‘t· >ht* \\`il$ tw ll—·t‘
  li Zl.·;p».:ut<»t-s sht- uslwtl it` shim- ttm- tif the l»t»_vs mttltl mit shunt
.A.. Y6 will-l,>it fur tht- m-xt tluy. As u 1·t·st1lt shi- hutl l`<»tti· hi··-ttglit in
  27 util wus uhh- tu ]ll`t‘l>2ll`t‘ at tlt·lit·it»tis uml umplt- >lt·\\' hy t·t>1iihi1i—
  27 lug thc ruhhits with tho p<»tul<¤*s.
ng -\ut¤tli01· ft-utt1i·t· nf tht- st·l1<»<»l ltim·h l`¤»i· whivh mi ttm- tcm
iiii   ¥l\‘¤‘s]il1t*t‘t*. 'l`hu t·liiltli·t-ii iii tht- l'lll`ill st·ltt¤·>ls
  3; ll`llt‘l`¤‘ u simplv ;;·1·ut·t- is ulwuys uslwtl l»t·l`<»t·¤· tht- lttm·h i`<*t·l thv
>[lll'll tif u fuuiily gutlit-i·iitg·. uml ht-liuw with llltll'0 of thut t·t>tt1·-
tow- tt·wui·tl t=ul·h t·tht·t· whit·h is tht- itlcul tif t·ut·h ti·m- l`2llllll`\'.
lltis sumo gwmtl spirit is l`t-lt in tht- h1m·h rtmtit in u t·t>l·>1·t-tl puh-
l1¤·>t·l1¤»·»l wlivrt- u tvuvlit-i· pi·<·sitlt·s ut t·ut·h tuhlt- uml st·t·s thut u
]·lt-usuitt t‘t1]l\'t‘l'Sillltlll is kt-pt tip. ]it-t`t»1·t- louviitg the tuhlt- t-ut·h
··liiltl uslts to hc L‘XL'llSl‘(l uml wullcs tpiit-tly out.

4 UI.)’(‘l(l(II' Nu. .’}:7
By a little judieious diseussinu of the reason fel- sl·l.·.l].,! witle
the fumls and the way they shnuld he served. the ehiltlren   llilllll
he taught the prineiples ul` intelligent ehuiee nl` l`·»¤»·l autl tl,. Nllllll
right attitude toward the serviee. 'l`hese ideals are well qt.
. pressed iu the sentenee t`1·¤»¤ls whieh are 4;. .: `"lhl
· for ll1C1l1.ii
ln must nt the rural seliunwls tuany ur must t»l` the elnltll·~;; limi"
_ eannut gn hunie fur the n¤»¤>n—day luneh. 'l`he ·lesi1·ahillt_\· ttl. gf ml
least une lint dish tu supplement the euld luneh |»1·¤»n;·lll l»_l- rl,. "ll"ll`
ehildren is nuw gxenerally aeeepted, and the rapitlly iu··t··~;tsZ::g
t nutnher of selumls where une is >t‘l".`t‘tl p1·¤»v··s its |¤·»]·i1l;t1·Pjc. ilwl
The serious need et? the hut luneh. ll¤1\\`<‘\'t‘l'. is tiealixwl hy ·»ztl;.· will
a few, l·`n1· years many nt` Ullt' sehuwl ehil2ll't‘tl and hastily eaten enltl liuzi. A ’
whieli tual; the plaee nf their n¤»nn»¤lay nieal eeuld net he t‘Xl**“'i- Ally.
ed to du the duty at the suhstantial tlinner whieh a el1ll¤l~ll<»ttll»l iii!.
one in sunnuer. when added to the luueh l\l‘t¤ll§1`lll l.l't1lIl lt·»m~. l»··t1;·
will go far in making it a real meal. The selulnl luuelt al~1· i····lu.
utters an npptnrtunity tn teaeh the faets ahnut intelligent ezttiim l.·¤l.ll
in a very real way. \\'hen a whole luneh is served at the s··lt»»··l \\`l1··
the ehild llI1(‘(>llSt'l()llSl}' learns ntueh ahuut the p1·t.pet· e·»tul»i1tz1— with
` tion of foods inte a gwntl nieal, and will learn niueh llltll`t‘ it` tlw tau,
l simple facts of nutrition are presented ln l1i1u. liveu wltea t`·.t·t
the innst nf the luneh is l>1·¤u1;:’l1t l`I`¤¤lll h¤»n1·*. hy e1u··»111·ag·i11g· llltl the ti
ehildren tn take hnnie the list nt' the ftlntls tn he served at selt·~··l l·t1· s
the next week. and hy diseussin;5 witI1 theiu suitahle SZllltl\\'l1‘llt‘* lie tu
and other ftmtls tn gn with thent. utueh eau he dune iu the ile- l11‘ll~
` velr.·]‘»n1enttlfaselnml ehild`s gwmtl lnneh, By- insislenee uu el~*z11i tlvaiit
hands. neat and 2llll'2l('ll\'(‘ 2ll`l`ZlllQ`(‘lllt*lilS nl' lhulls, eare ¤>l` l`·1···l> _ *111 1l
illlil ]1I'<>tL*t!li¤>l1 l'I`()Ill tli1‘l‘ and llies_ sglnitalilln and l1_\‘gl<‘llt‘ 11l?1}' l'1`*>l1
he lllll'f>flll<‘l11&ll1 \\'l1<> 11115 <·11&l1‘;!<* 111 11112 111111511. 'l`l11: use of 11
,H   111111k111. 11111 it ]>2l1ll, illlll 0ll11*1‘ 1Il('1}111f$ 111 \\'1]1(;11
lll W >1,m,111111_1· 11111 l11· 1l<'('1lS1UlIl(’11 ]ll2I_\' w0ll 110 1&lll{{l1t,
All _x> '1‘l11- 1)\'l‘l'\\`0l`l((*<1 lllU1ll(‘l‘ \\‘l111 mus! ]1111·k 11110 111* 111111*0 l11111;l·10s
· lm .1111l_1·11·1ll 211*11 N1l2|l'1‘ 111 1111* 110110111. l';\'l;ll \\'llCI`(i tl11;·s1;1111111 1111%
li'}:   11..1111-111-1111- 1110 11*111111* llIll<'ll l11·1· w111*lc w1ll 110 111111-11 ll}Ill1Cll.(}(1 by
{MIM ‘ 111,1·111g1l11~11111·t 1lI1l1'Sll(‘ lll1lN1 111*011111·1· l`¢‘(11l1'<*(l 111 11111_1· 1110 llg1lt(‘1'
    ,11111l11·11·l1•·s 111111 l·l'l1l1 111- S\\`l'1‘1S,
    111·1·1111s1· (I1, $1111111 011111111110111 111111 1111111011 5])2l(,'(‘. 11111111* s1·l111111s
Mm 111111 {11111111 it 111·st 111 s1·1:v0 1111l_1* 11111* 111sl1 111 1110 N12ll`1. 11111 ]ll21ll}'
UI,   111111111l* l`l'>11ll$ >11 $2l1l$1i1i'1|ll'}' 111111 1ll1‘}’ s111111 l1l1(1(_‘l`1ill{(‘ S<‘l‘\`1]lg
  1111111;*11 1‘1I|l(1 1`11l‘ 1111* \\'1l1111‘ lllf*2ll.
hl iw T1]1‘ 1i1111111·1111 1111s1s 111" il s1·l11111l 11111011 is ]11*11111111ly 11111st 1`1·0-
  11111*·1111_1· ('(ll1$1(11`l··)(1 l1N·{Il`1‘&l11‘S1' 1111111·11l1y. 'llll1' (}l.;€1il1iZ1111()1] 11{‘
l_ mm 11111 1111l('1l lll2l}' 110 1·l11~~1111·1l lllll11'l' 11ll'l‘1‘ l1(x11(1N: 1'1|1ll1)lll1‘1lY_ $111)-
’ \\_;H_§_; 11110s 111111 11111111*.
1-11ls 11 h`1!1llv{}1ll( 111
l1111··E1 '1`l10 011111111111·11t ll(`('(`$$1ll'_\V 1`()I' S1‘l'\'1ll§I 1111} i)lll‘ 11111 1l1sl1 (2111*11
X1··.*·T- 11111·11110s 11111 1l(x(l(1 111 111- 111 1111 1*1&l1l(ll'il1l‘. 111 1l11lll)' 1·11111111·_1* s1·l1011ls
~l1·111l·1 1l11~1·1·111111 is 1101111-11 11_1· il l2ll';I1‘ S11l\'(" wl111·11 ('2lll 110 1lSC(1 1111* 00111:-
1* 1·1·l1l lllf. \\`l101*1· 1ll<*l`1’ 1s 1111 S1ll'lE 1111ss111111ty 1111 (111 S11)\`1‘ 11111)* 110
11111110. 1111110111 w1tl11111t {Il`1‘i11 1‘XlN‘llS(‘. 111111 1110 (1(*21ll‘l' will f1'O<1ll(‘l111}'
l1 111*** 1*0111100 1110 111*100 ('(lllS111l‘l'2l1l1}` 1`111· 1110 s1·l111111. (`11111111111*11s f1)l'
1’il1lEl§ 11111*11llg 1110 111011s1ls 111111 $1111110 s1111p110s will 211SO 110 110011011.
Fl'1l|l'll 111111*11 1110 1·11s1 lllllS1 110 l<0111 111111*11 111 1110 111111111111111. lill‘g0 110x0s
111111111- \\`l1ll `1l1'1\`1‘< 111111 lllll§.l'<‘11 (11l(>l`S 111111011 11)* $111110 of 1110 l111*g01* boys.
i1` lll1‘ 111111 11*1111 lll\` 11111 111` 11111111. 1l()1 1111l_1* ]1l`1l\`l1l<‘ El s11111111l0 111*11100t11111
\\`ll·.‘ll 1111*1110 111sl11·s {11111 lllbllll. 11111 11ls11 11111110 il l‘<‘£l11)' il11l`ilk'1l\`O spot 111
lQ1ll•? 1111\1`1l1ll11. \\`11011 SI)i1(‘l‘ 01111 110 111111 1`111· 1110111. 1211111% 111111 0111111*s
s11l11111l 1111* $1‘l'\`1ll!.l` 1110 l11111·l1 111 1111111l101· 11111111. 11l<0 il 1`illll1l}' 1110111. will
1\`ll‘1lC$ 111- lllllsl 11L‘$l1'&l1l11‘. ]1` 1111s is 11111 1111ss111l0. 1110 s1·l11111l 110sks Illily
110 1111- 1l1ll1<0K1. ll11\'lll{l` 1110 l‘l111(ll`1‘l1 21l\\`Z1}'S 111*sl. s00 111111 11101* 111·0 11*111011
011*1111 1'11“1lll 211111 l‘(l\`Ul`l‘(1 11*1111 11111101* 1111pl;111s 110l`111*0 1110 1`111111 is 111110011
11111111 (lll 1110111. 'l`l10 1·11s1 111 1110 1111101* 111011s1ls is (111011 11101 11y 1111 1111-
011l1l}' 11II"’1ll`11l1l1l1l 1`l'()lll 11111 s1·]111111 1111111*11 111* 111*11\‘l(1011 1111* ll)‘ $01110
10211111* "l`§fill1lX1ll11111 $111*1] 11s 11111 I1;]1‘t‘1]1-1(‘i1l'l11‘1'N` 11ss1>1’1zl1111ll Ul' 1111* Wl)-
111111*} l1l"1l`N1·l1111s, 1·`1·1~11111·1111y 1)]]S1]l(‘F$ ]ll(‘I] lll I1l\\'ll. 1‘s]><‘x'1ill1)` 1111lNQ

l 6 Cl.l'(`l(I(II` N0. 95
f,;__`Q _._» _ Q' _ ' 1 _ '   j N0.
st;-*~i*“·’   -. ‘ » - HJ " _ •-.1. ’ ’  1
  L   ·,· ‘* il   i  ` 10FZ
g- __   Q     f " · I gr f
“‘ l -.. ’. “ - é 1
.5; _ ——. »_ _   _1-? 1{. 1  l
.     1* ’ ... T ‘ ‘ . W *Z *` 1
 " i ` Q'; \ . .   · .' l
.4 _ 1 _ 1}: . ij,
.. ' ~ ‘ { i ¤ .· ‘l
. —' , ‘*- #1 ·
  B'? .’·- li il 1
_ i .._a .   A
Bell Rose, Oldham County, Ky. i
Method of storing equipment. Box open. 1
i A ;i 2
K  I  
.   i ` $11
1 · . .  *.2 A A 1 - 1  e ee    ’ 1
_ ..  ' -i gy   v, __~v·;i`   `   " 1 1
- lmh ‘” ix .     1
, _‘—_:·- I D V A _ •>i gl: n
Y ·  4, ..;    I  .. V; Q; = jj`- ` s` J U 1 _
· T  _; # _;;_ __ .. 1 __:;Si_ _ 4
- 11 {   , - ` '   I ·<. ' ‘   I ¤
` E'- Z y. 4 . . ‘ gbl ` 1 -·> = ·‘ -
. _‘    g`  ,5 `-1 . , __ :   I _ 2
V Q , » Aki   Tiff'.?     % ’ ‘·  '¤_ 1 1
`   ‘ ~ 1  TZ    · ‘ " ft ~” · ‘ ‘_ _ ·  Z '
Q _  Q,     4- 1
, ‘·Ya;·- » Y :   J  .¤· 1
‘ Bell Rose, Oldham C0unty_ Ky. I
Method of storing equipment. Box closed.
_ _ . , I l
who sell the articles needed. are glad to give smuo 111- 4111 11t lllt 1
equipment or at least to give a good diseount. 1
_ Sometimes the seliool itself gives an (‘llll‘l`l2llllllll‘lll or llili 1
sales to get money needed for the plll`(‘ll2lS(l of the e<111i111111·11t. 1
Tllé following list is l`o1_· the least 1-1111i1>1111-11t with \\‘l11¤‘l! il . 1
fllll llot luneli could well be l)l'(’p2ll‘(}(l for 25 or ]l10I‘(‘ (‘ill'll dill- 1
·_ Additional utensils may be bouglit as ilu- lll‘l‘(l 2ll`lS(‘S and 1‘ll'·
g cumstanees allow.
Q 1

 { _.
The School Lunch 7
  1 N0 Articlo Size
. 1 1 s
1 101.g|g10ye 1 l’1·ci'erably high-frame oil stove 2 2
1     burner stoves
lor 2`Ovcn 'l`o lit stove
Z 1 {Double boiler 6 qts
I 1 lSauce pan with cover   1 pt.
_ " 1 Sauce pan with cover 1 4 qts.
_· 1 `11{eme ti qts., enamel
Ia"- 3 Dish pans ~ Medium (lo or 12 qts.)
1 Biscuit pans To iit oven
  9 Loaf pans   !•x4{1gx—i in,
3 `Pie pans 9 in.
1 Water pail it or 4 gal,
1 Bowl——mixing 1 gal,
T 1 Bowl'- mixing 1 qt.
2 Trays 1 Or 20 lb. lard or crisco can covers
3 Large shallow round pnnr (For escalloped dishes) 18-20 in. or
1 to tit oven
, 312 Custard cups Tin, enamel or earthenware
2 Measuring cups Lg pt.
  l Wooden spoon 1 Large size
1 1 Mixing spoon 1 Long handled
1 2 Vfablespoons 1 Composition metal
M 4 `Teaspoons 1 Composition metal
_ . 2 Paring knives 1
. 2 Case knives 1
  2 Case forks 1
-> 1 `Egg beater (Dover) 1
.., l `Bread knife  
l `Butcher knife A
l `Can opener and cork-
1 screw combined
of 1110 1 (Eater 1
l 1B1SCllit cutter
l l\\'ire strainer 1
‘l` 111* l `Soup ladle 1
cut. l ‘Potato masher 1
1l1l‘1! :1 1 `Food chopper or chop- _
1 11111·_ ` ping bowl and knife  
11 1.11. 1 `Fil`010$S cooker (For directions for home-made cooker
1 1 see F1il`lll0l°S’ Bul. 771.)

8 Czrrular N0. .05
N0. Article Size fr
1 U Gurbuge cun or lurge lurd Z U A
" cun, o1· other eun with 1 Il
. . . l`
tight titting cover I (_
‘ , 1 rz
· 1 kerosene cun   3]
1 Sniull brush l·`or rleuiiiin.; voigetulilos nntl [hp ' H
ll o
[ struiiier or gruler ` M_
3 Holders ` `
Q lllis
. ‘ 4 Disl1 towels (Mu! he niuilo ot` llonr surlis i1·-.uE1· 1 (.,1
l heninied.) , MI
_ 2 Dish cloths   W
1 Bread bourd (Any good, rleun, sniooih lioinwil `
Containers for foods (lkukiinq [>1l\\'tll‘l‘ und <~ol`t`<·e <·;ni<, pre .
’ serve jurs unal jolly gli1e done it is inueh better for the sehool to own them. The
l'·"ilS¤'¤ll$ for this are that the dishes are then uniform in size.
_ ii‘l;i·:li is t‘t»litll1t*l\'t‘ to gzreater i`airiiess in serving and are alike in
U iuittern. whieh gives nmeh hetter appearanee when serving.
Tleii. also. reslionsihility for their t-are and replaeiiig is more
wily determined.
'l`hos.· whieh are ahsolutely ]lOt‘(‘SSill`_\` are:
° Cup—large
lt is desiralnle to have also
Satucer for the eup Small howl for soup Sauce dish
Water glass l`l2llC""2`tl)Ulli S in, diameter
Fork Knife
l\ shelf or etiplioard t`or the luiieh hoxes hrought by the
tliiltlreii is very desirahle. lt should he so located as to keep the

10 C'a`rc:ular N0. .95
food us eool us possible without danger ot` freezing. und it` i· it thu
Covered will help to protect eurelessly wrupped liootl t`r·»in »lii_. mil
and tlies. The shelf should he eoveretl with eleun paper ··:·   mtu
eloth uml he kept free i"rom dust uml well uired. h i
. ttl`t
· Supplies Wl]
The food muteriuls present Ill\l('ll the greutest 1-xpenso,. W mi}
neeted with the luueh. l`suully this is met hy selling i|i.· I.;-,.. imp
v pured food ut eost. us ueurly us possible. Wlien there is u {yy; mi,
_ »· protit it should he used to reduee the eost ot` some stuph {..,34 IM
sueh us milk or fruits, or to uid the fnml t`oi· snppI_ving· lim-E.··—
. to children whose fumily eunnot utl`ord lo puy for them. In   M.
eountry sehools, however. it is l`ouml to he eusier l.ot‘ m;m_t· im. Im
ilies to eontrihute muteriuls ruther them puy eush. '|`hi~ otitis iw
t consideruhly tothe work ol` the one who hus st1pei·x·ision ··i`   M
luueh. hut muy he worked out in u sutist`ut·tor_v munn··r it tail
planned. There must ulwuys he some eash us well t`or the pn. mn
chuse of some supplies whieh eunnot he hrought t`rom the h»»iu~~. W,
and in some eases the sehool hus ruised this hy t‘lllt‘I'iilllllll*’lli-
or sales. or by the pupils eurning extru money in sonic   M
The school garden hus heen found very helpful to the st-lim} W
lunch not, only by supplying vegetuhles und t`ruits_ hut ul~»» l·y
adding money to the treasury. my
For the children who eunnot ut`l`ord to hny the luneh. <~»ii2¤ fri
fund should he provided so that it muy he given them. luit if M
should he so arranged thut they ure suved the eml>ui·i·u<~iu~·iit »·f Mt
having it uppurent to others. 'l`he tiekets ot` eredit or eveu!`l>lN>I`ll¢>l1 Ul. l]ll1S('l(‘-ilSS\l(j lmildiiig
I. |_1_U;;_ mim·t·i;1l. tho for tlrittkittgz the eltiltl should be given whole milk.
if lt is wise to ltuve Ull ltuml severul euus of eotideused, evuporuted
i,I·tl]'it*ti iuilk wltielt euu be usetl f`o1·eooki11giueuseofetitergettey.
\\`lieu111ilkH1llNl be bottgltt frout cluirics ut eity prices the euuued
lee ··~·:t~ mill; will be lifilllltl to be il $illl$i·2U'iUl`}' substitute i11 muuy dishes,
tlte iw- tllltl il tleeitletl (‘t‘Ull|rlll_\°. 'l`l1e use of llllll<}I`lIllll{ Zillfl sotlu iu flour
il slfgli ittixtttres is ulso lllll(‘ll elteuper illilll sweet milk uml bukiug
l" ll'*‘·l· ltowtler.
lllll·‘l-·‘— l·`11ts eooketl l.l'l>lll btteou. eltiekeu. ete.. sltould be put i11 :1
l¤1~··¤>· {·tr\'t‘I°t‘ll reeeptetele uutl kept i11 u eool pluee to use i11 the pluce of
HY Ylllllt littttt-1· o1· l2ll`tl \\'ll¢‘ll tuttkiugx suuees for meuts. §!l`2l\`l¥‘$. thicken-
ll` ll‘l‘i` iiig for soups. or us sltorteuiug for quick breuds or spiced euke
1 ot`   ltllkl grittgerltrettd.
ll “"‘il Dried fruits ure mueh less expensive tlliill fresh oues uml
ll" l'“"‘ nitty be used to give vuriety. espeeiully \\`llt’Il tlte fresh fruits are
t ll*¤lllt‘*. very expensive.
l’“"”`"i° lit imuiy pluees euue syrup is less expensive thuu sugur
ll"   ;111·l t'illl well be used i11 its pluee iu sweeteuittg cooked fruits.
` ”H"`i°l sttent sttuees uml utuuy putldittw.
HL" by A little iugeiutity Ellltl cure iu (‘0ll1l)i1l2lii(Vl1 of suitable mu-
terittls mukes it possible to use ull lllli()ll('ll(‘ll food. left over
lt Wil fl'¤>1l1 <>llt' du); i11 the lllll<‘ll il duy or two luter. l)llt it is better
` lm   tts fttr us possible to phut for ouly tlte 2`tll1U`lUlt which is needed.
WHT  .\l`lt‘l` 21 little experiettee this (*2111 be do11e. except \\'ll€‘l1 2111 111}
\w•l_lll f¤ll‘~¢‘t‘ll eiiiergetiey urises.
lillilllm The lll't*2ltl used for seliool lllll(‘ll(‘S should be thoroly buked
MM M illlll wliolest»me. It it is uot buked ut tlte sehool it e;111 S(ll11Qi1111OS
‘ ·1·*l1··11;xlit trom some skilled breud muker lll the COll1ll1llll1i}' when
V in Im tl1el»i1ltei·`s ltreutl is not 11p to Slulttlzthl.
imwl ·ECltll0lll}` muy be seeured by tl1e use of 1t1eut——exte11di11g
_~ “_m_C l`@`@lDOS sueh us stew, iu which potutoes uml other vegetables ure
p wt at Htuletl. the additimi of breud or C‘l`Zl(‘l{(‘l° erumbs to meat. bulls.
* tltc use of twice as much potato us meut i11 browned hash. and
(immod the mekittz ef ment ltliif Willi 2"il1.il1CI`O2lSPtl amount. of bread gr
lutmut Cracker crutuhs. Such u loaf will ulso be more healthful for

' 12 ClI'(‘?(l((I' No. 947
~ mllsl ('llilll]'t‘ll il` Slll·lll‘ll’Ill lllllli zlllll vgxgs 2ll‘v sllllllliwl ill @,,.1:. 1****
dlot. l·'
)1;ltcl·i4lls llllllwl l'lll· >llll[>l_\' Nl‘2\SUl|lll§;' lllll 4*lll_\' ;llI.l ll, ;;_, ll"
CXPUIISO \\'lllllIlllv illl·l·¢·:lsill;;· tlll· l`¤»¤l¤l \'illlll‘. lllll lll:-_v lll··· lm.l,. B
sirallllc for ('llll(ll'l‘ll vxvvlll ill il vl·l·_l· Slllilll illllllllIlI_
. (lil}? ill ]ll·l·l>zll‘allillll lll givv illl ;l]ll»l·lizillg‘ illlll ;l1ll‘zll·lil··   [I.
Sllll, zlllll Ill 11l`l‘\'(‘lll l)lll'lllIl;1' lil' N<'<>l't'lIlll{I llllll llll llllll·ll ll. |.l·l._ mw
. . . , _ <
\'(‘ll[' loss lly wzlstv, illltl llIlN will llv illlll‘ll ll_\' <'1ll'4‘llllM*l‘ll]l1llg.,;` _r_
I 1ll1Xlllg‘ llllwls. pzllls. lltln. lll llI‘t‘\'1‘lll \\`&INl|lIQ` lIlilll'l'lill ill ?ll·1.. lh
" lll’
A. I’l·rplll·lltl`oll
The 1>l`{*I)2ll'illlU11 lll. Illc lllll<'ll lll2|}` lw lllllll‘l'llIl‘lll1‘•*l*Illlil»~f
l tl:0 local lQ2lLl&‘l' of tllc fl)f)(l Ullllli. lllv ll‘il<‘lIl‘l' ll‘ll·l ll;l~ l~~·z;
l1`2llI]CLli\lUl]g'lll(*S(’ lll1<}S. nr il {_§l’Ull[> lll \\`<*ll1k‘ll ill Illw <·[1lllIll<'|l l»l` llIll* l»l· lllul   M
l lllolw lf lll~l;l·sszll‘_\‘ 2lll(l lll2l}' l2ll<<· llll`lI$ lll lN‘lllg;' lll l·llzll‘;‘l·. )l~~i `
of Tlllf girls ill tlll· svllool will lzllcc l\ll'llS ill lll‘l])lll{.{' ill $¤*]1l<}\\';1‘.'. if
` I
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Tlzc School L1111¢~h lfi
lll 1l1,.¢,. llllll \\'lIl‘ll 1h<·1·1· i> il ;;·i1·l>` i`11111l 1·l11l1, it ('QIII h1: (Jl: {;’l'<'}il ussi>ta111¢:1·.
I 'l`l11· 11‘111·l< $ll()lll(l l1¢· su Illillllllwl, <1l`1·11111·s1-, us lllll 111i11T<·1·f1·1·<·wi1l1
` In M 1]1o s1·l1<1¤1l \\'<>l'l{ ¤11` tl1<· girls,
1· llll·l1‘· ll. N/¤]1.w _\·I1'/.Y.WII`Al] /11 S¥I'l`!'II]] {Ill I.l(Il4']l,
I 1, (>111·11i11;;· ull \\'llI111·1· 11 ;·<1111l SIlll]1i_\'
`ll"`   1.fl`1·1~sl111i1· l1¢·l'·11‘<· Ih~· <·l1il1l1‘1·1`1 slum 1<1 cul 1h<·i1· lllll(‘ll(}S, Thi}
lil IW lll2l}' ho (lHIll' \\'llil(' tha- l'lIll4ll'(‘l1 211*1: wuslning lll(‘il' humls uml
l’lllY**i` $111311;; 1l11· lllll('ll<‘S |11·<111gl1t i·I‘<11ll l1<1111<2 2lI'1‘21l|{I¥‘ll 1111011 l,ll(‘lI`
I lil"-- .l1·>l;s, 'l`h·· 1·¢1¢1111 $llUlll(l 11<1l l1<· 2lllllllll{I uml 1111lii11g1l1¢· (llSll(,‘S2l\\'2l}' i11 1h1· 1‘ll[)l)lli1l'll&i1·l1<1<1l <·l1il·l1·1·11. ll|l_\'S us wvll us girls. uml the svllihg nf
-i» 1l11·1i1·l<··t<. \\"lI¤‘l`¢‘ 1l1•·_1· :11*11 llS1*ll. ·11· 1h·· l<•·1·11i11;; lll llll‘ ;11_·1·1111111s.
vic., will 11ll'1~1· :111 1·x1·1·ll1·11t [l1)ll|}l.lllll.ll}· i`111‘ £lllIllll‘ll u1*ill1111<*1iu
  f111· 1l1<1s1~ \\'lllI 2ll'1* 11l1l Ullllllgjll l`111· il.
Tho1·<1111111i111·¤<1111s1·1·vi11g·111;1yl11—1livi1l1··l us i`41ll ll(‘<‘\‘SS2ll`}' 2l(‘l‘11 11,1111 `
121 l)lill‘1’ lI(‘1‘1*SSEll`_\' 1l11'IIN11$ 1111 111·s1111'. 1110 (l1Sll\\'i1SlI1l1§.!` 111s11 lllil}' 110 1111111l11~11 111*
1110 pupils 111 LQ'1'1)11I)S. 11111 $111111111 ll2l\`1* s111`1i1·11·111 11\'1‘1’>1Qll1 111111*
S1l1`C 11s l)<‘ll1{l' {111110 1°El1`1‘1ll11l}' 111111 w01l. '1`110 1·0s1111s 111 1110 1 1»`· <-
1 smis 11111;]..111 11y s1111i1111*y (‘2l1‘l‘ (11. 1110 111Sll(‘S 111111 l111`11$1lS 111101* 1110
1 1110111 will l12l\`l‘ 21 1111%*1* 11*1111:11 1*2111 111*x*01· 110 1l111l1ll(`l`l 11_1* 111111111;
211111111 s211111111i1111 111 1111*1)}'Q`11‘l11‘11*SS111I, \\v1l1‘Il 1110 Il1lllll)\‘l' >1*1‘\`1‘1l
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O1l(‘ 111* ]11(11`(1 1*11111111001* 111* 1111111 \\'01111‘l1 11*111*110i*s 111 111110 1’1ll`1" 111
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(`. 1»11·0011111‘ ]1'0rp1'11{].
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'1`110s0 {1001111111% s111111l11 1110111111; 11111 1111ly 11113 1·11s1 111 1110 1111l1(`1.11.ll$ ·-

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