xt75hq3rw795 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75hq3rw795/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 2014 minutes  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 2014-01-31 text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 2014-01-31 2014 2014 2014 true xt75hq3rw795 section xt75hq3rw795 Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees
University of Kentucky
Friday, January 31, 2014
The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met on Friday, January 31, 2014 in
the Board Room on the 18th floor of Patterson Office Tower, Lexington, Kentucky.

Meeting Opened

Dr. E. Britt Brockman, chair of the Board of Trustees, called the meeting to order at 1:06
p.m. Chair Brockman asked Trustee Sheila Brothers, secretary of the Board, to call the roll.

Roll Call

The following members of the Board of Trustees answered the call of the roll: C.B.
Akins, Sr., James H. Booth, William C. Britton, E. Britt Brockman, Sheila Brothers, Mark P.
Bryant, Jo Hern Curris, Angela L. Edwards, Oliver Keith Gannon, Carol Martin (Bill) Gatton,
Kelly Sullivan Holland, David V. Hawpe, Terry Mobley, Roshan Palli, C. Frank Shoop, James
W. Stuckert, Irina Voro, John Wilson and Barbara Young. Trustee Bill Farish was not in
attendance. Secretary Brothers announced that a quorum was present.
The University administration was represented by President Eli Capilouto, Provost
Christine Riordan, Executive Vice President for Health Affairs Michael Karpf, Executive Vice
President for Finance and Administration Eric Monday and General Counsel William Thro.
The University faculty was represented by the Chair of the University Senate Council
Lee Blonder, and the University staff was represented by the Chair of the Staff Senate Jeff
Guests, other administrators and members of the news media were also in attendance.

Consent Items

Chair Brockman called attention to the three consent items on the agenda. The items
were the minutes for the Board of Trustees meeting on December 17, 2013; PR 2, Personnel
Actions; and FCR 1, the T. W. Lewis Foundation Scholarship Pledge. Trustee Stuckert moved
approval of the consent items and Trustee Akins seconded the motion. Chair Brockman called
for the vote and it passed without dissent. (See consent items listed below on the Board of
Trustees website, www.uky.edu/Trustees, under agenda.)
Minutes, Board of Trustees Meeting, December 17, 2013
PR 2 Personnel Actions
FCR 1 T. W. Lewis Foundation Scholarship Pledge

� D.

Chairman’s Report

Chair Brockman reported that there had been no petitions to address the Board since the
last Board of Trustees meeting.

President’s Report (PR 1)

President Capilouto began by mentioning that the Tuesday, January 28 edition of the
New York Times carried two front-page stories highlighting the work of members of the UK
family and their impact on the communities. Dr. Subba Palli, an entomologist in the College of
Agriculture, Food and Environment, was quoted and highlighted regarding his work involving
genetic research on insects. Dr. Palli is also the father of Student Government President and
Trustee Roshan Palli. The second story involved the proposed federal “Promise Zone” in
Southeast Kentucky. Professor Alison Davis, also of the College of Agriculture, Food and
Environment, directs UK's Community and Economic Development Initiative of Kentucky
(CEDIK). CEDIK will collaborate with longtime partner, Kentucky Highlands Corporation, on
activities that will empower Southeast Kentucky to improve its economic future.
President Capilouto continued that another UK story that represents an impact on a
community is DanceBlue. The student-led philanthropic effort has raised more than $5.1 million
for the Golden Matrix Fund and the recently renamed DanceBlue Kentucky Children’s Hospital
Pediatric Hematology and Oncology Clinic. President Capilouto was delighted to introduce Ms.
Claci Ayers, Overall Chair of DanceBlue 2014.
Ms. Ayers thanked the Board and President Capilouto for the opportunity to share some
of the meaningful experiences surrounding DanceBlue. She explained that DanceBlue not only
raises money for the clinic, but on average 35 to 40 students per week volunteer their time at the
clinic to work with pediatric patients and their families. Providing students with an opportunity
for “service leadership” has been one of the most fulfilling aspects of DanceBlue. Ms. Ayers
shared a video presentation with the Board about one of the many student volunteers (Alex
Wade) whose life had been impacted by his involvement with DanceBlue. DanceBlue 2014 will
be held on February 22-23, 2014 in Memorial Coliseum.
President Capilouto shared a story from a recent visit with alumnus Tom Lewis. Mr.
Lewis shared that his mother was his best friend and the single greatest influence in his decision
to attend college. She lived in eastern Kentucky for a short time and his gift supports honors
students from that area.
President Capilouto continued with a quote from another famous female in higher
education, Dr. Drew Faust, president of Harvard University. He stated that she recently
announced the goal of a new capital campaign. President Faust said “Harvard is reinventing the
spaces where we learn and live, attracting the best students and faculty." President Capilouto
stated “Harvard's goal is fast becoming a reality at the University of Kentucky. The actions you
[Board of Trustees] will take today, moving forward with the construction of Limestone Park,
approval of the design of a renovated and reimagined Student Center, are another piece in the


� magical puzzle transforming this remarkable place. With two more pieces in place, the vision of
our future becomes clearer.”
President Capilouto then asked the Board to “imagine in your mind’s eye” what north
campus might look like in the fall of 2017. Acting as a tour guide, the following is what he
hopes a prospective student or a UK alumnus would see. He began:
“We are going to travel down the Avenue of Champions from Rose Street to Limestone
and back. Our present will meet our past when we walk. For generations who came before,
memories will be unleashed. For the next generation, engaging new spaces will grip the
imagination. For all generations, college must be a time when passions soar, values take root,
minds roam the hills of discovery and promise, character grows, and most importantly, we learn
the most about ourselves in the most disproportionate ways. But from generation to generation,
those of us in leadership, to keep this promise, must be willing to evolve the ways and places in
which we learn and create.”
“The first stop on our tour is Memorial Coliseum, designed by the noted architect Ernst
Johnson. For 25 years it was home to our men's basketball team. During that time, they won
89% of their home games, two national championships, and 16 SEC championships. Today the
court of the Fiddlin' Five and Rupp's Runts is now that of the Queens of the Hardwood. Our UK
Women's Hoops team and several other women's programs, including gymnastics and volleyball,
come alive in this arena. Yes, there are prominent banners and trophies to honor athletes of
yesterday and those of today. But let us not forget who Memorial Coliseum was most designed
to honor, those Kentuckians who fought and died in World Wars I and II, the Korean War and
the Vietnam war. Recognition of their duty, courage, honor, service, are values we must cede to
this next generation, and what we do there must be more fitting and more instructive by 2017.
Today if you go there, the print of their names fades in dimly-lit cases, barely noticed by the
thousands of people who walk by. We can do better to honor their memories. We must do so, to
let their past triumphs illuminate our future path.”
President Capilouto continued, “crossing Lexington Avenue, we're going to arrive at
Champions Court I and II that you approved just 15 months ago. Now, they are magnificent
buildings, and space does matter. But the life that you breathe into that space matters more.
Later this afternoon, the Provost will tell you about the most rapid scale-up of imaginative living
learning communities in the nation, all designed with one goal in mind: enhancing and
maximizing student success. Our deepest hopes and most profound dreams are invested in this
space, not just for what they're going to do for retention and graduation rates, but what they will
mean as a house for all peoples, first generation Kentuckians, men and women from east and
west. There will be Pell Grant recipients from hard scrabble hills and farms to under-served
urban corridors. There'll be people from affluent homes and those from all 50 states and well
beyond our country's borders. And there'll be students of different religions, cultures, colors,
family structure, sexual orientation, and points of view. In these new houses, we hope to grow
what the economist Noah Smith has called the ‘equality of respect.’ American journalist Mickey
Kaus wrote this past week that ‘this social equality must lie at the root of our worries about
economic equality.’ He [Kaus] quoted President Reagan, who said:


� ‘Whether we come from poverty or wealth, we are all equal in the eyes of God.
But as Americans, that's not enough. We must be equal in the eyes of each other.’ ”
President Capilouto continued that “with this thought in mind, we continue our journey.
We pause to cross Martin Luther King Boulevard, remembering why his journey was cut short.
It begins in the heart of Lexington's historic east end community, and it ends on our campus.
This path, I believe, is more than mere directional chance. It serves as a compelling, sometimes
searing reminder that equality and justice must be the guidepost of this campus and that our work
in these areas is never, ever done.
Our walk soon takes us to the recently finished Limestone Park. For this progress, we
had to demolish Boyd, Jewell and Holmes Hall; all named for women pioneers whose profound
legacy on this campus must be as irrefutable as it is immovable. Sarah Bennett Holmes, UK's
distinguished Dean of Women from 1942 to 1957, tirelessly championed the rights of women
throughout her career. She was widowed at a young age during the Great Depression. She
carried on, raising four children by herself. She went on to a successful career at UK, inspiring
young women to persevere in the face of hardship to pursue their educational and career goals.
Frances Jewell McVey graduated from Vassar College, earning a master's degree. She married
the future President of the University of Kentucky, Frank McVey, in 1923. She was an advocate
for female students, a social worker at the University, and organized many clubs, events, and
became an English teacher after establishing a well-known and respected reputation. Cleona
Belle Matthews Boyd was the wife of the Arts and Sciences Dean, Paul Boyd, who served from
1917 to 1947. She was a member of the Board of Control for UK women's residence halls for 20
years. Those are just three of the countless stories about women who led and left their marks on
this campus. These past few weeks reminded me that with time their stories have become
invisible to us. Too few students and too few faculty know what these brave women faced and
did in their time. Patterson Hall, UK's oldest remaining residence hall, was completed in 1903.
It was for women, and it remained women only until 1990. It was entirely financed by the State,
but the General Assembly put the condition in that it had to be off-campus to keep the men
separated from the women. In 2017 on our tour, we hope it stands repurposed among new halls.
It is a mirror honoring our past, but at the same time it's a window to a bright future. Like our
fallen soldiers, who we try to remember in Memorial Coliseum, we must do better and we will
do better in bringing the stories of these women to life, in their honor and to forever present
lessons for the students who come this way.”
President Capilouto continued “So before we cross over to the south side of the street, we
can pause at the busy intersection of Limestone and the Avenue of Champions. And you'll be
able to gaze at new retail spaces, perhaps a wellness clinic, new restaurants, that all complement
our new, more urban residential spaces in ways that draw together s tudents, alumni, and
neighbors. A revitalized campus on that corner, that bridge to downtown, links us to this
resurging downtown, quickly becoming a destination spot for our community's artistic,
entertainment, and cultural interests. UK and the city of Lexington do not simply make a college
town. Together we become a university city, and we do that best when we grow together. So
we're going to turn down the Avenue of Champions, back towards Rose Street, and we travel on
the south side of the road. Our new, totally renovated Student Center is anchored by the 1930's


� Ernst Johnson building, with its two-story art deco foyer and ballroom restored to its previous
glory when it housed dinners and dances. You know who's been there? From Louis Armstrong,
Bruce Springsteen and Jimmy Buffett concerts to Roots author Alex Haley, journalist Alistair
Cooke, and Vice President Al Gore. When it first opened in 1938 as the Student Union Building,
the Cincinnati Enquirer described it as "swanky as the most luxurious country club." It reminded
me of something I've read since I've been here in Kentucky, because some people think we build
things that are a little too nice. The quote that I return to was that made by previous EKU and
UK President Donovan. In the '30s at EKU they opened Keen Johnson Building. If you go
inside of that, it has a similar art deco design that you see in the Ernst Johnson building, so
people criticized President Donovan at the time that maybe it was a little too extravagant. Here
was his answer in the '30s: He wanted a building ‘so fine that the sons and daughters of
Kentucky's mountains, having been in it, would not be uncomfortable in any building they
entered for the rest of their lives.’ That's how I look at our space. The eastern anchor of that
new Student Center also includes a totally renovated Alumni Gym; once again, a home of two
national championships, now being used as a recreation center for our students and faculty. And
by 2017, it's not just a student center; it's also a desired destination hub for faculty, students,
staff, alumni, visitors from the community, now at a thriving heart of our campus. Let me share
with you Harvard's dream for its new student center: ‘Creating spaces where people will read
and study, forge and share ideas, host events and performances, make art and mount exhibits as
well as chat over meals and relax together, a place where the exciting
interdisciplinary work connects across boundaries, a place to generate conditions for
serendipitous encounters, the unexpected conversation that becomes a fruitful partnership or the
passing observation that sparks a discovery or innovation.’”
President Capilouto continued “this part of campus used to be outdoor space for
gathering; in fact, it was a lake. The pictures I look at of that time always include a canoe or
two. I imagine you could put your feet in the water on a hot day or see the reflection of t he
moon on a clear night. I imagine also that proposals of marriage were made in those canoes.
The lake was a focal point for a daily rhythm of life at a slower time for fewer people. But our
new center, a front door of our beloved university and the space we are creating in Limestone
Park, envisions a more dynamic and fast pace. Yet it too will have, in the words of the landscape
designer Michael Van Valkenburgh, ‘Democratic, inclusive open spaces promoting ecological,
programmatic, experiential and social diversity.’ That is what we must create. There will be
spaces for people to watch people, play ball games, view movies on a giant inflatable screen, be
entertained by performers, picnics and, yes, propose to a lifelong soul mate. That is what you
can find at Harvard or in the new parts of thriving university cities. Our choice now is: Can we
have it here? And in 2017, we need to have it here. For our students, we can have an even more
meaningful experience for them in their own backyard, just as we said seven or eight years ago
when we built our hospital, the best of care right in your own backyard.”
President Capilouto concluded the tour “by arriving at Wildcat Alumni Plaza, a
monument to and because of our UK family. We look back at what we have accomplished
together with great expediency and high quality. Together -- together -- we blaze this path
forward because of our ingenuity, our willingness to make tough calls, prudent investment,
financial responsibility, and innovative partnerships. We all understand the financial burdens of
our state and the economy of our time, but it is not necessary to sacrifice our future because of

� those. Your leadership and the course we are setting is changing this University for generations
to come. We're building a new foundation, one that honors our past but creates the type of
dynamic space and infrastructure support that will allow our students, scholars and staff the
opportunity to build those new memories, to launch new discoveries, to meaningfully serve the
Commonwealth and the world, and to forge their path forward.”
President Capilouto thanked the Board and concluded his tour by saying “I hope we get
to take it in 2017.”
Chair Brockman offered that it was exciting to hear what has been and wil l be
accomplished. He noted that the hard work reaps dividends in the form of students like
DanceBlue Overall Chair Claci Ayers and the many students like her across campus.
Chair Brockman noted that PR 3 Naming of University Buildings: Residence Halls will
be reviewed at the conclusion of the Finance Committee report.

Report on Results of Alumni Member Election (PR 4)

President Capilouto stated that PR 4 was the recommendation that the report of the
Secretary of the Board of Trustees on the results of the election authorized by the Alumni
Association be received and put to record, and that the Secretary be authorized to certify to the
Governor the names of the three persons receiving the largest number of votes, from which list a
successor to Jo Hern Curris, whose term expires June 30, 2014, will be appointed.
Trustee Curris moved approval of PR 4. It was seconded by Trustee Holland and it
passed without dissent. (See PR 4 on the Board of Trustees website, www.uky.edu/Trustees,
under agenda.)

Candidates for Degrees: December 2013 (ASACR 1)

Trustee Gannon, chair of the Academic and Student Affairs Committee, stated that
ASACR 1 was the recommendation that the President be authorized to confer upon each
individual, the degree to which he or she is entitled, upon certification by the University
Registrar that the individual satisfactorily completed all the requirements for the degree for
which application had been made. Due to an administrative error, the names were not previously
On behalf of the Academic and Student Affairs Committee, Trustee Gannon asked for
approval of ASACR 1 and it passed without dissent. (See ASACR 1 on the Board of Trustees
website, www.uky.edu/Trustees, under agenda.)

Merger of Educational Units: College of Medicine (ASACR 2)

Trustee Gannon stated that ASACR 2 was the recommendation that the Board of Trustees
approve the merger of the Department of Molecular and Biomedical Pharmacology and the


� Graduate Center for Nutritional Sciences into the Department of Pharmacology and Nutritional
Sciences, also in the College of Medicine, effective immediately.
This merger will positively impact all constituents, including faculty, staff and students.
This proposal has been approved by the faculty of the Department of Molecular and Biomedical
Pharmacology, the Graduate Center for Nutritional Sciences, and the College of Medicine
Faculty Council. It has been reviewed and recommended by the Senate Committee on Academic
Organization and Structure and the Senate Council and endorsed by the University Senate. The
Provost of the University supports this recommendation.
On behalf of the Academic and Student Affairs Committee, Trustee Gannon moved
approval of ASACR 2 and it passed without dissent. (See ASACR 2 on the Board of Trustees
website, www.uky.edu/Trustees, under agenda.)

University Athletics Committee

Trustee C.B. Akins, Sr., chair of the University Athletics Committee, reported that the
Committee had met that morning. Members of the UK national championship cheerleading
squad and Coach Jomo Thompson were introduced and recognized by the Committee. The team
won an unprecedented 20th national title at the UCA/UDA College Cheerleading and Dance
Team National Championship in Orlando, FL on January 19. UK has now won 15
championships since 1995.
As the team members introduced themselves, Trustee Akins
remarked that the members were from cities across the country and Costa Rica, and had a broad
range of majors.
In his department report, Athletics Director Mitch Barnhart was very pleased to report
that UK Athletics posted a cumulative team fall semester GPA of 3.088. This was the third
consecutive semester with a GPA above a 3.0. Sixteen of UK’s 20 teams had GPAs of 3.0 or
better, led by women’s tennis at 3.727. Of the men’s teams, men’s tennis led the way with a
3.443. Additionally, the SEC announced its Fall Academic Honor Roll. UK was second overall
in the SEC with 59 student-athletes achieving this honor.
Director Barnhart continued with a progressive report of the winter sports. He recapped
the latest men’s and women’s basketball achievements. Gymnastics is currently ranked No. 20
and the Rifle Team, ranked No.1, is positioned to compete for a national championship again this
year. Men’s and women’s track team hosted two meets in January. The last home meet was the
McCravy Memorial, which was designated the “National Meet of the Week” due to its strong
field. Men’s and women’s swimming and diving are also having a strong year.
In spring sports, men’s tennis is 5-1 with a No. 13 ranking two weeks into the indoor
portion of its schedule. Women’s tennis is ranked No. 40 with a 3-1 record, the only loss coming
in the regional championship match of the ITA Kick-Off Weekend to No. 10 Duke. Baseball
will open the season on February 14 against No. 1 Virginia. Softball opens 2014 with the
highest preseason rankings in school history: No. 12 in the ESPN poll and No. 14 according to
USA Today. The men’s and women’s golf programs will host a grand opening of the new UK
Golf House on February 15 and both open their spring seasons in mid-February.


� Off the field, football is still positioned for its highest-ranked recruiting class in UK’s
history with the official Signing Day on February 5. Three former Wildcats, Jacob Tamme,
Danny Trevathan and Wesley Woodyard, will play for the Denver Broncos in the Super Bowl on
Sunday. Women’s basketball head coach Matthew Mitchell and his wife Jenna donated $2 for
every fan attending two home games to fight Alzheimer’s Disease as part of “We Back Pat”
(former Women’s Basketball Coach Pat Summit of the University of Tennessee) week. After the
games, they doubled the amount to $40,472.
In closing, Director Barnhart reported that earlier this month, UK Athletics launched its
UKAD Blue campaign to encourage healthy habits among staff and coaches with a twice -a-week
meal program and workout teams.
Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration Eric Monday reviewed with the
Committee the Independent Accountant’s Report on Agreed-Upon Procedures Performed on the
Intercollegiate Athletics Program for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013. The procedures were
performed to assist the University in assessing compliance with NCAA Bylaw No
exceptions were found.
Trustee Akins reported that in business items, the Committee reviewed FCR 3, Construct
Football Training Facilities and Practice Fields. The Committee recommended approval of the
FCR to the Finance Committee.

Finance Committee Report

Trustee James Stuckert, chair of the Finance Committee, reviewed the consent item: FCR
1, T.W. Lewis Foundation Scholarship Pledge. (See FCR 1 on the Board of Trustees website,
www.uky.edu/Trustees, under agenda.)

Patient Care Facility Project: Phase I-E (Fit-Up Clinical Decision Unit) (FCR 2)

Trustee Stuckert stated that FCR 2 was the recommendation that the Board of Trustees
approve the initiation of the fit-up of the Clinical Decision Unit (CDU) capital project and
increase the existing scope of the Patient Care Facility: Phase I-E project from $607,600,000 to
$613,100,000. This $5,500,000 project includes the fit-up of the ground floor shell space for a
new 24 bed CDU to relieve the patient load, improve the quality of patient care, improve the
efficiency of patient flow and increase throughput in the Emergency Department. This project
will be funded with agency funds.
On behalf of the Finance Committee, Trustee Stuckert moved approval of FCR 2.
Trustee Voro asked for a clarification of “agency funds”. Trustee Stuckert replied that the project
would be funded with revenues from UK HealthCare. Chair Brockman called for the vote and it
passed with 18 affirmative votes and 1 abstention from Trustee Voro. (See FCR 2 on the Board
of Trustees website, www.uky.edu/Trustees, under agenda.)

Construct Football Training Facilities and Practice Fields (FCR 3)

Trustee Stuckert stated that FCR 3 was the recommendation that the Board of Trustees
approve the initiation of the Construct Football Training Facilities and Practice Fields capital

� project. The project will include a new two-story structure and two practice fields with an
adjoining drill area. The project will provide a comprehensive complex to support the entire
football operation including Commonwealth Stadium and Nutter Field House. The scope of this
project is $45,000,000 and will be funded with private funds. The University Athletics
Committee recommended approval of FCR 3.
On behalf of the Finance Committee, Trustee Stuckert moved approval of FCR 3 and it
passed without dissent. (See FCR 3 on the Board of Trustees website, www.uky.edu/Trustees,
under agenda.)

Approval of Property Transfer to Related Party (FCR 4)

Trustee Stuckert stated that FCR 4 was the recommendation that the Board of Trustees
authorize the transfer and sale of three fume hoods to Kentucky Technology, Inc. (KTI).
Pursuant to Administrative Regulation 8.1 and KRS 164A.575 (7), property that is
surplus to the needs of the University can be transferred with the approval of the Board of
Trustees. The University purchased three fume hoods with the intent to replace equipment in
laboratories in the ASTeCC building. However, the new fume hoods were not compatible with
the ASTeCC building’s central exhaust system. The hoods are needed by a tenant in the
Coldstream Center and are compatible with the systems in that facility. Pending Board approval,
KTI will reimburse the University for the three fume hoods at the original cost of $29,547.42.
On behalf of the Finance Committee, Trustee Stuckert moved approval of FCR 4 and it
passed without dissent. (See FCR 4 on the Board of Trustees website, www.uky.edu/Trustees,
under agenda.)
(FCR 5)

Repair/Upgrade/Improve Civil/Site Infrastructure (Scott Street Parking Lot)

Trustee Stuckert stated that FCR 5 was the recommendation that the Board of Trustees
approve the initiation of the Repair/Upgrade/Improve Civil/Site Infrastructure (Scott Street
Parking Lot) capital project. The $1,900,000 project includes $1,100,000 for construction and
$800,000 for site preparation. It will provide 265 parking spaces which will offset recent north
campus parking losses.
On behalf of the Finance Committee, Trustee Stuckert moved approval of FCR 5 and it
passed without dissent. (See FCR 5 on the Board of Trustees website, www.uky.edu/Trustees,
under agenda.)
Authorization of Lease for Phase II-C Student Housing and to Submit an Increase
in Scope for the Phase II to the Capital Projects and Bond Oversight Committee (FCR 6)
Trustee Stuckert stated that FCR 6 was the recommendation that the Board of Trustees
authorize the President, or his designee, to:


� 1. Enter into a long-term lease with an affiliate of Education Realty Trust, Inc. (EdR)
guaranteed by Education Realty Operating Partnership, LP for purposes of development
and management of Phase II-C of the student housing project.
2. Submit an increase in scope for Phase II to the Capital Projects and Bond Oversight
Trustee Stuckert stated that FCR 6 was extensively vetted in the Finance Committee
meeting. With a development scope of approximately $84,000,000, Phase II-C includes two
residence halls with a total of 1,141 undergraduate beds at the sites of Boyd, Jewell, Holmes, and
Keeneland halls. On behalf of the Finance Committee, Trustee Stuckert moved approval of
FCR 6. Chair Brockman opened the floor for discussion.
Trustee Hawpe was appreciative of the balance between preservation and reuse versus
redevelopment and rethinking strategically important space. He was pleased with the
University’s overall approach, including its planning and outreach.
Trustee Shoop was grateful for the unique public/private partnership that funded the new
residence halls and living/learning spaces. He believes these new residence halls and spaces will
encourage students to enroll at UK for generations to come.
Trustee Gatton thought the new dorms were “one of the best things we have done,” but
was concerned about the cost of the annual rate increases over time. He stated he would be
abstaining from the vote. Trustee Voro agreed and stated she would also abstain.
Chair Brockman called the vote and it passed with 17 affirmative votes and two
abstentions, one from Trustee Gatton and one from Trustee Voro. (See FCR 6 on the Board of
Trustees website, www.uky.edu/Trustees, under agenda.)

Design Phase of the Renovate/Expand Student Center (FCR 7)

Trustee Stuckert stated that FCR 7 was the recommendation that the Board of Trustees
approve the Design Phase of the Renovate/Expand Student Center capital project and declare
official intent to reimburse the capital expenditures from a future debt obligation.
The cost of the Design Phase is not expected to exceed $17,000,000 and will be initially
financed with agency funds using the current legislative authorization. The University is seeking
a $175,000,000 authorization from the 2014 Kentucky General Assembly including
$160,000,000 in agency bonds and $15,000,000 in agency and private funds. This Design Phase
will be negotiated in full but initiated and contracted in appropriate subcomponents. Initially, it
will provide schematic documents to allow for a more detailed needs assessment, advanced
preliminary concepts and more detailed cost estimates for the project.
On behalf of the Finance Committee, Trustee Stuckert moved approval of FCR 7. Chair
Brockman opened the floor for discussion. Trustee Palli was pleased to take this “first step” in
meeting a vital need for the student body. He felt it was “by far the most important vote of my
- 10 -

� time on this board. I am very proud to place it.” Trustee Hawpe was glad the University was
committed to preserving a real “architectural gem.” Trustee Brothers recognized and thanked
John Herbst, Director of the Student Center for his phenomenal job of organizing programming
in the Student Center for many years. She stated “he is well aware of deficiencies in the building
and I think we would be lucky to have him working in this new Student Center as well.’
Trustee Voro was glad that a renovated Student Center would attract mo re students, but
encouraged the administration to continue to renovate classrooms and teaching spaces, thus
seeking a balance of renovation projects across campus.
Chair Brockman called the vote and it passed without dissent. (See FCR 7 on the Board
of Trustees website, www.uky.edu/Trustees, under agenda.)

Naming of University Buildings: Residence Halls (PR 3)

President Capilouto stated that PR 3 was the recommendation that the Board of Trustees
approve the official naming of the new residence halls currently under construction by Education
Realty Trust. The proposed names are Woodland Glen III, Woodland Glen IV, Woodland Glen
V, Limestone Park I and Lim