xt75hq3rvs54 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75hq3rvs54/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1934-03-20  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March 20, 1934 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 20, 1934 1934 1934-03-20 2013 true xt75hq3rvs54 section xt75hq3rvs54 Best Copy Available















Junior Prom Candidates Must
Turn in Names at Office
of the Dean
FROM 12 TO 3 P.M.
Dance Invitations May Re
Obtained at University
Petition for nomination of candidates for Junior Prom queen must
be in the office of the Dean of Men
by noon Thursday, March 23. In
order to be eligible for election to
queen of the Junior prom a girl must
be a junior, have a standing of one
and must have been nominated by a
petition signed by 20 juniors which
may Include both men and women
The election will be conducted
from 12 until 3 p. m. Monday, March
26, by representatives of the Men's
Student council and the Junior
Prom committee. The winner will
be declared queen and the two receiving the next highest number of
votes will become attendants. Names
of the three winners will not be
announced until the night of the
Junior Prom, April 6, in the Alumni

Invitations to the Prom may be
obtained this week and next week
from the University post office, and
must be presented at the door the
night of the dance. Two date bids
and one stag bid will be given to
each junior, while seniors will be
given one date bid and one stag bid.
A meeting of the committee in
charge of arrangements for the
Prom will be held at 6:30 p. m.
Thursday, March 22, at the Teacup
Inn. Members of the committee are
Harry Walker, James Miller,
Cave Heilbronner, Margaret
Walker, Marjorie Powell, and Mary


Carolyn Terrell.
Names of sorority representatives
and fraternity representatives who
will take part In the coronation
ceremony must be turned In to Marjorie Powell and Herschal Cave
bronner by Saturday, March 24.
Each sorority will be allowed two
and two Independent girls will be selected to take
part in the ceremony. Each fraternity will be represented by one member and the independent men will
have two representatives.
The Prom coronation ceremony
will be conducted early In the eve- follownlng with a special
A broadcast of
ing immediately.
music from the dance and a radio
announcement of the names of the
queen and her attendants probably
will be made between 10 and 11 p.m.
through the University extension
studios of WHAS.
no-bre- ak

PROJECT George Heaton
MADE TO U. OF K. To Have Charge
Of Forum Meet


The following notices have
boon received from the office
of the Dean of Men:
A number of positions are
available for CWA work during the last two months of
the semester. Those who can
qualify for the work report to
the office of the dean of men
Several young men living in
or near Louisville, seniors or
graduates, are wanted for
possible Junior executive positions with a leading firm.
All persons using the No. 7
parking area are requested to
park their cars between the
white lines Instead of across



held tonight in Patterson hall. The

Women Are Now Rev. George D. Heaton, pastor of
the Felix Memorial church and
Employed on Campus
leader of the Pitkin club, wiU lead

Twenty-fiv- e


of Philhar
monic Orchestra Is
by Audience



The University Philharmonic orchestra formally closed its season
Sunday afternoon in Memorial hall
with a vesper program, of which the
outstanding feature was the Bruch

Violin concerto. The violin solo was
played by Prof. Carl A. Lampert,
head of the music department and
formerly a member of the Chicago
orchestra during Its
famous career under Theodore
Professor Lampert gave a brilliant
rendition of the difficult solo and
was so well received by the audience
that an encore was offered. He responded with a special arrangement
for violin, without accompaniment,
of the "Sextette" from Luciandi
Professor Lampert's
success with the "Sextette" was quite
a feat, for It is no easy matter to
make a single violin do the work of
the six voices ordinarily required for
Donizetti's celebrated aria.
During the playing of the concerto
and the overture to Weber's "Der
Frleschutz" the orchestra was conducted by Alexander Capurso,. a
student from Philadelphia, Pa. Mr.
Capurso, who is already known on
the campus for his ability as a composer, proved himself a capable conductor, Wielding the baton with
grace and efficiency.

Ri;ie Team Eners
Annual Hearst Meet
Schedule o f Intercollegiate
Matches Is Closed by
ROTC Squad

Freshmen to Hear


Special Broadcasts
Released by Sulzer

the discussion.

Questions which will be discussed

superintendent of include: "To what extent does a
buildings and grounds, announced modern student's religion give in to
yesterday that the University re practical situations?" "Does relicently has been granted a permit gion have anything to say on the
fi another CWA project The per subject of national and internamit was given at the request of the tional problems?" "Does it assist
CWA in Louisville through Presi
the student In finding a criteria for
dent McVey, and its purpose is to Judgments In personal and social
give employment to Fayette county issues?"
women. It is the first project of Its
Kitty Cook, chairman of the
kind to be given to Fayette county. Forum committee, will preside and
At present 25 women have been Introduce
employed in making napkins and students are cordially Invited to attable covers for the University cafe- tend.
teria, repairing sheets and slip covDean Edward Wlest was the
ers, and doing general sewing for guest speaker at the last meeting of
the men's and women's dormitories. the forum which was attended by
They also are making drop cloths 75 students. Dean Wiest gave a
for painters; repairing awnings, survey of the emergency legislation
tarpaulins, and curtains, and doing under the "New Deal". Questions
a large amount of special cleaning. of acts were raised. The conclusion
Mr. Crutcher also stated that the was reached that some type of sograding proposition at the north cial government will have to be
side of the training school is almost worked out to continue the plans of
complete. The finishing
touches the present administration. Dr. Eswill be made as soon as the weath ther Cole presided ' over the meetIs suitable.
ing and led the discussion.
The workmen are now grading
the grounds across Scott street from
the Training school. The plan
there Is to make it into a play
ground for the students of the
Training school. There will be a
diamond ball court, six tennis
courts, four volley ball courts, and
ample space for croquet ana otner

poet-laurea- te


outdoor games
According to Mr. Crutcher tne
University has also been given an
extension of time on such projects
as exterior painting, road building,
and road repairing.

Shively's Squad to Open Sea
son April 14 with Vandy at
Nashville; Parrish to Enter
Butler Relay

Honored by Group


University Head Is Appointed
on Advisory

Board of
Relations Body

Model Wedding Will Be Feat-

The schedule for Coach Bernie
Shively's track team has been re
leased for this season and the squad
will see its first competition against
Vanderbilt at Nashville, April 14.
On March 24, Doug Parrish, last
year's "one man track team" and a
looming star of this year's squad,
will run in the 60 yard high and 60
yard low hurdle events at the Butler
Relay by invitation. This meet,
sponsored by Butler college, Indianapolis, will be held in the field house
at Indianapolis.
The regular meets for the squad
will continue through May 19 with
the Southeastern conference tourney
in Birmingham closing the season.
Other meets for this season are:
April 14, Vanderbilt at Nashville;
April 21, Oeorgla Tech, here; April
28, Hanover college, here; April 30,
Berea college, here; May 5, University of Tennessee at Knoxville; and
May 19, Southeastern conference
meet at Birmingham.
Captain Parrish and Gilmer are
slated for action in the 100 and
dashes. Long and Cassady will
dash and Hocker
run the
will represent Kentucky in the mile
and two-miand Parrish probably will run the
120 and 220 hurdles while Kercheval
and Rupert will see action In the
Gilmer and Olney are
contenders for high jump laurels.
220-ya- rd

880-ya- rd





Smoke Nuisance
On U. K. Campus
To Be Eliminated

Student Building


ill Unify


A unified student body is an essential need of the University of Kentucky, and this ideal will fall to be
realized until a student building is
In use. The tendency for students
to wish to be together for purposes
of discussions, games, and other
broadening influence Is a natural
and worthy one. It Is a pity that
opportunities on the campus are so
limited at the present time that
students who wish to enjoy such
social contacts must either congregate In drug stores, restaurants, and
beer parlors, or must limit their
intimate friends to those of their
own fraternities or dormitories.
With the completion of a student
union building, monthly mast meetings of the University men and
women are possibilities during which
an Inspirational talk, a movie, a few





student entertainers, and a social
hour with refreshments, would do
their part in welding the student
body into a coherent whole. This
broadened fellowship resulting would
be argument enough for a student

However, apart from the sociological value is the need of a student
building for purely utilitarian purposes. A place for students to relax
between classes, a
attractive room for campus dances,
rooms for offices and meetsmaller
ing places for student organizations,
all of these would be supplied by
such a structure.


we see

that a student



plant, Saturday,

March 24. This trip was postponed
from March 10 due to the inclement
weather. Students wishing to make
this trip should consult Professor



ing would mean enlarged fellowship
for the students: it would result
eventually In a body of alumni,
emphatic Ideals ot the University of

watched Mr. Build at his work. The
process which he followed, although
really quite simple, Is rather difficult
to understand. With common clay
and water mixed he forms a detailed
likeness of his subject and over this
places a thick layer of a substance
that resembles plaster paris but
which is really a gypsum 20 times
stronger than the plaster. When
this Is perfectly shaped he permits
It to dry and then cracks off the
gypsum layer. This cast is then
fitted back together and the mixture
that is to make a final mold Is
poured into it. This last mixture is
composed of 40 percent marble, 50
percent dental stone plaster, and 10
percent chemicals. The plaster cast
Is again cracked oil and the completed marble bust remains.
Mr. Build has extended an invitation to all University students to
visit him and has expressed the hope
that all students who are interested
In sculpture will take advantage of
his free classes which he intends to
start next week. Mr. Build has made
these classes possible because he
wishes to convey to others that tech
nique which he has acquired from
individual work.

President McVey

Pres. Frank L. McVey has been
appointed to the advistory committee of the Institute of International Relations, Nashville, Tenn.
The Institute, whose purpose It is
to foster international understanding and good will, will sponsor an
program of lectures and
disstudy classes with round-tabl- e
"Animal Kingdom," the Little cussions and public 11. lectures in
July 1 to
Theatre's Next Play, Will Nashville, those who have already
Open for a ; Week's Run agreed to take part In the Institute
are Dr. William Y. Elliott, head of
April 8
the Department of Government at
The cast for the production of Harvard; Dr. Pong Foo See, Shang
Philip Barry's "Animal Kingdom," hai, China, founder the Shanghai
which will open for a week's run at Press; Otto Fischer, 8tuttgart, Ger
the Ouignol theater, April 8, has many, chairman of the advistory
Just been announced by Frank Fow-ler- e, board of the "Deutsche Bank," and
Dr. Herbert Schofleld, distinguishdirector of the theater.
TnfTiwiMi in the rait are numer ed English scientist and engineer
ous favorites of the patrons of the and president of Loughborough col
uama-le- r. lege, England.
little theater," Froi. I,
head of the English departPowell, star of "A
ment Marlorle
Night's Dream": How
ard Smathers, who played tne uue
role in "Oedipus Rex," and Frank
The cast is as follows: Rufus
Collier, L. L. Dantzler; Tom Collier,
Frank Fowler; Cecilia Henry. Mar- Twenty
four of the Twenty-fiv- e
jorie Powell: Daisy Sage, Dunster
Arts and Sciences DeFoster Petit: Jewell Fisk. Robert
Shannon; Franc Schmidt, Evamay
partments Are Open to U.
Owen Arthur, Howard
K. Students
VirSmathers: Grace Macomber,
ginia Boyd; Richard Regan, Ollle
A course of study embracing 24 of
departMic Frances Decker will assist the 25 Arts and Sciences
Including some new and some
Mr. Fowler in the direction of the ments.
modified subjects, has been planned
for the 1934 summer session, according to Dr. Jesse E. Adams, director
of the school.
This year, for the first time. Dr.
W. D. Funkhouser will offer a course
In ethnology. This course concerns
the division of mankind into races,
origins, distribution and relationAccording to M. J. Crutcher, superships, and the peculiarities which
intendent of buildings and grounds. characterize them. No prerequisites
McVey had received word
are required. The course will be
from the presidents of two tobacco Illustrated with lantern slides and
companies that steps will be taken motion pictures collected by Doctor
to eliminate the smoke from the
on his recent trip
plants of the tobacco com- Funkhouser world.
panies near the University campus. aroundHygiene and Public Health
In answer to a letter from Doctor department will offer during the
McVey, the president oT the Ameriterm a course In public health
can Tobacco company sent a tele- firstdoctors and nurses. Well known
gram saying that after the present for
Health dein
redrying season, a device will be physicians will the State the instrucpartment
assist in
installed to do away with the smoke tion of the students.
from its plant.
The Library Science department
The Liggett and Myers Tobacco
University eminent
company sent an engineer to look will bring to the
visiting instructors. A complete
over Its plant, and he said that after
curriculum in library science is
this year they would remodel the offered by the school.
boiler system of their plant and
The Music department will offer a
Install a stoker system.
variety of courses during the sessions
Dl'Bl'R TO ADDRESS LAW MEN by allwill the regular stan members.
plan also a program to
entertain the students with band
Judge W. T. Durur, commissioner concerts, and symphony concerts.
of the Court of Appeals, will be the
principal speaker at the Law
School convocation to be held at
10 a. m.
The journalism class In editing,
copyreadlng, and typography will
make its annual inspection trip to

radio programs to be
broadcast from the University extension studios of station WHAS
Members of Phi Delta Theta and
have Just been announced by Elmer
O. Sulzer, director of the local of Kappa Alpha will engage In a
round of the bridge tournament,
The music of Freddie Burgin and sponsored by the Toggery Shop, at
combination, Detroit, 8:30 p. m. tonight in the Toggery
A called meeting of the Men's, his
from 11:15 to 11:45 Shop. On Thursday night, the memStudent council will be held at o p.m. will be heard from the gymnasium bers of Phi Kappa Tau will play
Wednesday. March 21, in the office Saturday night be playing
where they will
for the against representatives of Delta Tau
of the Dean of Men. All members Sigma Chi dance.
are requested to be there.
March 28, Hilda Capablanca, Cuba,
All Sigma Delta Chi actives and graduate student at the
special dedicapledget wlU meet at 7 p. m. Thurs- will be featured in a
rumbas and
day in the office of the Department tory program ofnative countryCuban
of Journalism for an important ballads to her p.m.
Students-"Sulzebusiness session. It ' is essential 10:15 to
The fifth anniversary of the exthat every one attend.
commemorattension studios will be

Chi Delta Phi will hold initiation ed from 6 to 6:30 m. Sunday, April
services at 8: 30 p. m. tomorrow in 1, in a special broadcast of musical
numbers. Music for the Junior Prom
Boyd hall.
will be broadcast from 10 to 10:30
Election of officers for the Dutch p. m. April 0.
Lunch club will be held at the regular meeting Friday, March 23 In MUSIC FESTIVAL WILL
Patterson hall. Members who were
not at the last meeting are asked to
The Kentucky High School Music
leave their names at the TWOA
office Thursday. The nominating festival, under the direction of Dr.
Wellington Patrick, extension de.committee will meet Tuesday for
partment, will be held at the Unilunch in the Women's building.
versity April 6, 6, and T.
The purpose of the meet, which
Delta Kappa Alpha will hold its
regular dinner meeting at 7:30 p. m. has been held annually since 1924,
Is to stimulate Interest in music In
today in the University Commons.
the schools of the state. Special
All freshmen basketball players railroad and hotel rates have been
are requested to meet at I p. m, made for the benefit of thou.' who
today in the gymnasium to have a expect to attend the festival. Awards
quad picture taken for the Ken- - J will be made to the winners of the

Lexlngtonlans have had access to
a rare treat during the last few days.
Augustus Donfred H. Build, noted
young sculptor from New York, has
been in the city at tne oia university
book store on Short street working
on several statues, and the public
has had the privilege of being allowed to watch him at work.
Mr. Build has been molding busts
of James Lane Allen, former
of Kentucky and Samuel
Roberts, founder of The Lexington
Leader. He will begin work soon on
a likeness of Dr. Frank L. McVey,
president of the University.
The Interesting young sculptor,
who has studied and practiced his
art for 14 years, works with a style
all his own. Having started his college work at Syracuse university In
New York, he has studied at Johns
Hopkins, the Metropolitan In New
York, and the Louvre In Paris. He
completed his work in Florence,
Italy. His arlstry, as he explained,
tends toward Italian influence and
his style is not like that of other
Large audiences each day have




Student's Religion"


will be the subject for discussion at
TO WOMEN IN COUNTY the fourth Student Forum to be

Lampert's Solo
Features Vesper
Service Sunday



gion" Will Be Discussed

M. J. Crutcher,






The University rifle team is competing this week in the William
Randolph Hearst Intercollegiate rifle
match. The team has recently completed its regular schedule of inter
collegiate matches and has fired the
annual Fifth Corps Area R.O.T.C.
rifle match.
Selections Members of the team are: J. R.
Allen, J. L. Carter, Capt. C. D. JohnDr. Abner Kelley will present an ston, J. P. Johnson, H. W. Stewart,
organ recital at the freshman engi- L. G. Cox, M. M. Magruder, W. Mad-doA. O. Miller, L. Van Arsdale,
neering collateral at 10 a.m. Wednesday in Memorial hall. All students C. A. Paynter, and J. B. Wells,
are invited to attend.
The Hearst match is held every
The program will be as follows:
Beautiful Blue Danube, Straus; In- year and has been one of the major
termezzo, Leoncarallo; Hymn to the matches on the schedule of the
Sun, Korsakoff; Song of India, Kor- team. The competition is divided
sakoff; In the Hall of the Mountain into four sections in regard to secKing, Grieg; Ave Maria, Schubert; tions of the United States. KenPilgrims tucky is included in the Southern
Evening Star, Wagner;
Chorus, Wagner; Liebestraum, Liszt division, and in 1930 the University
The program also will Include team won the Southern championEstrellita, Dark Eyes, Rosary. Love's ship. The results of the competition
Old Sweet Song, and a medley of for this year will be released in the
first week of May.
current hits.


Granted Through
Efforts of President


Lcxingloniaiis Privileged
To Watch Noted Sculptor




There will be a meeting of
the Board of Student Publications on Thursday, March 22,
1934 at 4 p. m., in the office of
Prof. Enoch Orehan, chair-

Applications for editor of
The Kentucky Kernel, and
business manager of The Kentucky Kernel, will be due on
or before March 22, 1934. Ap-

plications should be turned
In to the Secretary of the



ure of Annual

Sponsored by University Y. W. C. A.




Tomcats Capture Cage Title
for Second Consecutive

Jenkins' Men Were Not Doped
to Get by
This Year


When the final gun of the
game cracked Saturday night in the Alumni gymnasium
it brought to a close the seventeenth
annual state basketball tournament
and gave to Ashland the state championship for the second consecutive
year, after they had defeated Dan
ville in a hard fought battle, 26 to 13.
Ashland, doped not to get by the
came through the entire
tournament in great style, displaying a brand of basketball that was
In the first round game. Ashland
defeated Paris by a score of 27 to 21,
and It was a game that held the
crowd in suspense. At the half, the
score was tied. 10 to 10, but the
Tomcats were the more aggressive
team, and soon rolled over the



Upon entering the second day's
play, Ashland defeated the highly
touted Hazard team by a margin of
three points, 18 to 15, in one of the
most thrilling games of the tourney.
Both teams ran neck and neck dur
ing the first three quarters, but In
the final frame the Tomcats got the
jump on Hazard and
foe in the final minutes of play.
Ashland started the semi-fingame against Hazel Green with
handicapping odds but promptly
showed that the dopesters were
wrong again when the Tomcats won
by 13 to 7, in the lowest scoring game
of the tournament. The close guard
ing displayed by both teams in this
game was a thing of note, and the
players were also spectacular in
their floor work.
The Tomcats entered the finals
Saturday night against the Danville
Admirals, the lucky team of tne
tourney, winning all three of their
games by a margin of two points
out-scor- ed

The annual Spring Style show.
sponsored by the social committee
of the YWCA, will be held at 8 pm.
Friday in the recreation room of
Patterson hall. A model wedding
will be the feature of the evening.
Dancing and refreshments will complete the program.
Costumes will be furnished by
Lexington clothing stores, and decorations of flowers and greens will
be furnished by a local florist.
The bride in the wedding will be
Marion Conner Dawson; maid of
honor will be Ruby Dunn; brides
maids will be Anna Bain Hillen- meyer, Dorothy Curtis, Betty Sew- ell, and Marie Vernon.
The groom wiU be Dossett Reld;
best man, "Bud" Hunt, and groomsmen, Frank Vaughan, Langdon Hay,
Tommy Nichols, and Dave Difford.



After winning the

was booked to win the
tournament with ease, and that is
During this
Just what happened.
year the Tomcats and the Admirals
met twice before, and Ashland
Jones, had
Models will be Elizabeth
Marjorie Fieber, Esther Brlggs, Ann defeated them on both occasions.
The following
Krafft, Scovell Bryant, Mary Lally, team was
forwards Dor- Susan Johnston; Jean Foxworth, sey. Horse selected:Carson, Danville;
Dorothy Nichols, Scotty Chambers,
Katy Oover, Katherine Callaway, Patton, Ashland, Green; Ross,
Elizabeth Cram, Ruth Hallmark,
Polly Dawson, Phyllis Caskey, Car- Cave;
olyn Stewart, Mary Higgason, Dor- Combs, Hazard, and Craigs, Ashland.
othy Teegarden, Nancy Dyer, Doro- Honorable mention went to Splcer.
thy Barger, Jane Crain. Lillian Lexington; Cotton, Danville; Bell,
Lexington: Luallen, Paris; 8mlth.
Holmes, and Betty Bruce Nunn.
Hazel Green, and Cundiff, Danville.

Chi Delta Phi Lists

Candidates' Rules
Honorary English Society
pirants Must Submit





U. K. Is Invited to

Attend Conference

The dean of men of the University
has received an invitation for the
University to send delegates to attend the amalgamated convention of
the annual meetings of the southern
Preparation for qualifying manu- and southeastern regions of the Nascripts for Chi Delta Phi, honorary tional Student Federation and also
English society, should begin at once the National College Press associa
and must be in by April 4, according tion which will be held Thursday.
to Jane Ann Matthews, secretary of Friday, and Saturday, March 29, 30,
the organization.
and 31 on the Alabama campus,
All manuscripts must be titled but Tuscaloosa.
must not bear the name of the
Headquarters for the convention
writer. A separate envelope must will be the Student Union building
be turned in with the manuscript on the Alabama university campus.
giving its title, the name of the Together with the letter received by
writer, and the courses that he or the Registrar is a questionnaire ot
she has taken in English.
suggested subjects which will be
Candidates for the society must considered at the convention. Subbe at least sophomores with a stand' jects which, were listed are Student
ing of 2, but majors and minors in Government,
Honor System, WoEnglish are preferred.
men's 8tudent Government, AthThe manuscripts may be turned letics. Interfraternity Relations.
In to any of the following members Publications, and others,
or tne society: Virginia Keen Young,
Marjorie Wiest, Jane Ann Matthews,
Susan Jane Turner, Sara DeLong,
Dorothy Clifton, Mary Wharton and


Lois fTazer.

Pershinff Rifles "C"
Initiates 33 Cadets Voting to
Company C of Pershing Rifles
held initiation ceremonies for 33
cadets Sunday morning at sunrise
at Camp Daniel Boone on the Kentucky river. The men left the Armory Saturday afternoon in cars, rode
to Valley Dale on the Tate's Creek
pike, and then marched the remaining distance to the camp.
The men who were initiated are:
J. P. Bell, J. H. Bell, C. Bennett,
W. T. Bryan. R. Butler. H. Bullock.
J. E. Chester, B. Cornell, E. M.
Deats, R. Denny, P. DeWilde. D.
Flandera B. Gilbert, O. B. Goodwin.
R. H. Grace, W. Hanson, L. P.
Jackson, E. B. Jefferles, 8. M. Kelley.
E. R. Martin, S. G. McDonald. L. F.
McKlnney. I. Moore, J. Nlckerson,
J. M. Norvell. W. Riddell, T. Riley,
N. B. Samuel, R. L. Stivers, L. V.
Van Arsdale, H Vice, W. F. Watt,
and D. Whipple.
Approximately 60 persons. Including Major B. E. Brewer, Lieut. P. E.
LeStourgeon, and Mr. O. A. Knight
of the military department, spent

the night at the camp.




p. m.,

Thursday in U. K.
Lexington Merchants Will Award Prises


Voting for the Best Dnwuuvi niri
and the Best Dressed Man on the

campus will be conducted by The
Kernel begUinlng at 1 p. m. Thursday and continuing until noon Saturday in the University post office.
Prizes for winners of the contest
will be presented
by Lexington
merchants from wtuxe stores ballots may be obtained. Each student
Is entitled to one ballot, which may
be obtained by girls from The College Shop. Shipps, and from the
Baynham 8hoe company; and by
men from Graves-Co- x
Kaufman Clothing company, and
from Baynham Shoe company.
Gals will select the best dressed
brill and men will ulwt (h
dressed man Votes will be counted
by the editor and buslneas manager
of The Kernel and results will be
announced In The Kernel, Tuesday.
March 27.


� Best Copy

Publl-tttion- s,




"official newspaper op the students OP 1 HE UNIVERSITY OP


Year. Bntrrrd t
K., Poitofflc A Second
C1u Mall Matter



11 0


meet I"
Mrs. Glfford Plncl ot, wlfs of the
governor of Pennsylvania delivered
one of the first and strongest attacks, and scored on the Oeneral for
falling to protect union labor In her
state. 8he showed rather definitely
that big industrialists had been al
lowed to escape while the codes were
severely enforced In connection with
"beauty parlors and Chinese launcollege days.
dries." This type of criticism Is
Indeed constructive for the day after
Mrs. Plnchot spoke, the National
Labor Board called upon the DeTHE STROLLER REVUE
student partment of Justice to
Frldriy, Strollrf.-s- .
against the Welrton Steel company
dramatic organization, took the first for violation of the National Indus
major step toward actual production trial Act and Presidential orders
of their spring revue In the form of
thereunder. At the same time, Sen
which were held from
ator Robert P. Wagner, chairman of
3 to 4:30 p. m. In the Ouignol theater
the board, Introduced a bill in the
under the supervision of Frank Senate which would strike at com
From the arrangements
pany unions and guarantee comthat already have been made, It pany recognition of
seems quite certain that the show,
which will be presented two nights
Other criticisms ranged all the
during the week of April 23, will be
way from a Communist's "basic dls
the best In the history of the or- agreement
with the NRA" to re
quests for minor adjustments In
There are several reasons for various codes. For the most part,
making this statement, the principal the criticisms of the NRA as a
one being the outstanding ability of whole may be divided into three
the men who have been chosen to groups: first, that the President, the
take charge of the production, Frank man who Is sponsoring the whole
Fowler as director and Prof. L. Cass thing, is no miracle man, and there
Robinson as manager. Another rea
fore should not hope to accomplish
son is the
choice of the ,
tn8 ldeal In answer to this it may
-musical comeay 10 De given, hit, be shown quite clearly that Mr.
the Deck." This is a show which has Roosevelt does not claim to be such.
gained national popularity, has a
Every essential feature of his pro
musical score par excellence, and is gram
is based upon a recognition ot
well within the reach of the availthe fact that nearly every progres
able talent.
Give action involves uncertainties.
However, before the show can be
The second principal criticism has
presented, a minimum of ISO patrons
been, "It simply will not work." To
must be solicited to pay the royalty
this Mr. Roosevelt need but reply.
and other
"Think back a year." The third
This plan consists merely in selling criticism has been
that It Is unconthe above number of reserved seats stitutional. The Supreme Court of
to townspeople and faculty members
the United States recently, In one of
who are interested In aiding the
the most Important decisions of
organization to the extent of serving
recent years, upholding a minimum
as patrons by buying these tickets,
price for milk in New York, answerthus making the production possible, j ed
that question.
Every nroduction must be financed
However, we feel about the policy
in some way. and this plan was
abut any ot lts methods, this we
selected by the organization as being
must admit, that confidence has re- the best.
thln& most needed for
A committee has been appointed turned,
The Blue Eagle poises
to take charge of the advance ticket j recovery.
gner ana a longer nigni.
sales and the entire dramatic group ' Ior a
is assisting. Little trouble should be wltn teamwork the NBA cannot fall!
had in securing the required number
of persons who will be willing and
glad of the