xt75hq3rvs4j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75hq3rvs4j/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1934-03-23  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March 23, 1934 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 23, 1934 1934 1934-03-23 2013 true xt75hq3rvs4j section xt75hq3rvs4j Best Copy Available







The Elijah99 to Be Given
As Final Sunday Musicale




U. of K. Men's and Women's
Glee Clubs, Guest Artists



Director of Bureau of



ness Research Addresses
Altrusa Club

"Hit the Deck" to Be PresentGENERAL ASSEMBLY
DEFICIT ed Two Nights During Week
of April 23; Elizabeth
Kentucky Financial Problem
Jones Has Lead
Is Extraordinarily Acute,
Says Speaker
A release of the cast of "Hit the
Deck," the musical show selected for
the Stroller spring revue to be presented two nights during the week
of April 23, was made yesterday
afternoon by Prof. L. O. Robinson,
faculty advisor of the organization
and producer of the show. Elmer
O. Sulzer will bp music director.
The cast Is as follows:
before that group at 12:30 p. m. Looloo
Elizabeth Jones
Ruby Dunn
"The general assembly, at its re' Lavlnia
Lucille Thornton
e3ln. enlarged the annual tToddy
phylUs Caskey
Ming Feng
Dorothy Curtis
half by nearly three and one-ha- lf
Jane Craln
million more by reducing the state Bilge
Carl Harris
real property tax. In addition to Allan
.Morton Potter
this, it made extraordinary appro- Bat
R. C. Fox
priations aggregating around $1,000,-00- 0; Mat
George Farrls
thus the deficit is still further Captain
Basil Gilbert
enlarged to about $6,000,000," Pro- Chief Petty Officer
Joe H. Mills
fessor Martin Indicated.
Charles Stephenson
problem of the
"The financial
Tom Scott
state government of Kentucky is Mandarin
Tommy Atkins
extraordinarily acute by Bunny
E. H. Brown
the decline in support of the common Dlnty
Jay Lucian
school system, so that there is now Donkey
Winthrop Clark
strong sentiment for an enlargement ch) k
rih nivthe
Elizabeth Jones, who will play the
render possible greater financial part of Looloo, the leading role, has
support of the school system by state taken part In former Stroller proaction than has been provided dur- ductions and also in plays produced
ing the current year," he continued. at the GuignoL She is secretary of
"The financial needs of the Com- Strollers, a junior In the College of
monwealth for meeting this problem Commerce, and is a member of
necessarily run Into the millions," Kappa Delta sorority.
he explained.
Carl Harris, who will play the part
"Still one other financial problem of Bilge, is a freshman in the Arts
must be dealt with by the Commonand Sciences college, and has apwealth before the University finances peared in programs at Memorial
can be put on a sound basis under hall, is a member of the Glee club,
u- -,
the new budgetary scheme adopted i ."
uy uie legislature, uic bijcmwc.. wuu, ball team and has earned a musical
to say, some provision must scholarship.
"That is
needs be made for retiring state
direcDancing will
warrants; otherwise, any appropria- tion of Marjoriebe Powell the Fritz
tions made to the University of Ken- deWllde. Try-oufor the girls'
tucky may be subject to discounts chorus will be conducted this af
because of the low price of state
at 5 p. m. at the Women's gymwarrants. This situation can be
All who are interested are
clearly seen by an examination of nasium.to be there.
the report of the state budget commission recommending that the University of Kentucky receive an appropriation nominally equal to the
amount received for current pur- nraM last. VMr Tf . this amount be '
paid, however, m depreciated war- - ( maings concern uonauions
rants, it might well turn out to be
in Twelve Kentucky
10, IS, or even 25 per cent below the
amount received last year. Thus,
University program would be
The United States Department of
very much, more seriously crippled Agriculture, assisted by the extenthan the continuation of last year's sion division of the College of Agriunsatisfactory financial situation culture, has Issued preliminary
would imply." he concluded.
reports for the farm housing survey,
a CWA project, in 12 Kentucky
This survey has been made for the
Dean Edward Wiest, of the Col- purpose of providing the basic into his formation necessary for a program
lege of Commerce, is confined
home by neuralgia and inflamatlon of improvement of farm homes. A
of the larynx.
total of 300 counties in the United
States are being covered by the investigators. The Kentucky counties
in which the survey was made are
Bourbon, Boyle, Calloway, Fayette,
Fleming, Hardin, Hickman, Knott,
Ohio, Oldham, Shelby, and Simpson.
Enumerators, mostly women, were
employed by the CWA to visit farm
homes in order to study their general state of repair, need of additional space, water supply and sewage disposal, light and heat, refrigDean T. T. Jones has called an eration, laundry, and cooking equipImportant meeting of fraternity ment and landscaping. Occupants
presidents, faculty and alumni ad- were asked how they would use $500
visors to be held at 7 p. m. Tuesday, to make improvements.
March 27, in room 4, Administration

"Financing the University of Kentucky is Intimately tied up with the
problems of financing the Commonwealth of Kentucky," Prof. James
W. Martin, director of the Bureau
of Business Research of the University, pointed out to members of the
Lexington Altrusa club in an address





To Present Program



Historical Papers
Are Given to Library

All past and present members of
DeMolay are asked to report to
room 111, McVey hall, at 3 to 7:30
Charles R. Staples, Lexington hisp.m. Friday.
torian, has presented to the Uni
versity library several valuable his
The regular meeting of the exec- torical documents, including one on
utive committee of the Board of State Sovereignty
and the Doc- Trustees of the University will be
a.m. Tuesday, March
held at 10:30
uinio. D.
of Pres. Frank I iPorter and j. K. Paulding,
27. In the office
one- McVey, according to an announce- time secretary of the navy, accord
ment made Thursday morning by lng to Margaret I. King, librarian.
D. H. Peak, secretary.
Another of . the documents is
pamphlet titled "Letter to Hon.
Dr. H. H. Downing has issued a Henry Clay on the Annexation of
call for candidates for the freshman Texas to the United States," writtennis team to meet at 4 p. m. Mon- ten and published by the Rev. Wilday in the gym annex.
liam E. dimming in 1837.
also gave the library
riding for Nos. 1,Staples 3 of Volume 1, "The
There will be horseback
2. and
2 p. m. Saturday.
women at
United States Telegraph," publishfor ed in Washington la 1828 by Duff
Girls who desire to try-ochorus will meet at 9 Green, a Kentuckian. One of the
the Stroller
p. m. today In the Women's gym- papers contains a characteristic arnasium.
to the
ticle called "An Address
People of Kentucky by the Jack
Tumbling practice for women will son Party."
be held at 4 p. m. dally in the
Women's gymnasium.

All golf team candidates will meet
at 8:13 p. m. Monday In Professor
Lampert's office in the Music build-


"Missions on the Inlands of Bali"
the subject of an article written
by Dr. Amry Vandenbosch and ap
Pledges of Theta Sigma Phi will pearing in the April issue of 7 he
hold an important meeting, per- International Review of Missions, a
taining to plana for initiation, at 4 quarterly published in London.
In the article the writer reveals
p. m. Monday
in the Women's
the argument for and against the
existence of Christian missions on
The University Museum is open the islands and concludes by slat- to visitors from 2 to 6 p. m., Tues inn that the advantages of admit'
days and Thursdays, and from 2 to ting properly organised miwuons
far outweigh the objections.
4 pjn. every Sunday.




of Council Will Be
Mendelssohn's "The Elijah" will
Held Saturday Night
be presented by members of the
University Men's and Women's Glee
at Lafayette
clubs, assisted by the orchestra, piano
organ, and five prominent solo ATIIETIC DIRECTOR
ists at 4 p. m. Sunday in Memorial
hall. This will be the final musicale
of the season.
Coaches Wynne and Rupp Are
Prof. Carl A. Lam pert, head of the
Still Silent About Possible
music department, will direct the
presentation of the oratorio. Miss
Mildred Lewis, also of the music
The athletic council of the Unidepartment, has assisted Professor
versity will meet at 8 p. m. Satur
Lam pert in training the choruses.
Soloists will be Mrs. Dudley South day at the Lafayette hotel to con
soprano: Ruby Dunn, mezzo-s- o
sider various major" changes in the
prano; Mrs. L. L. Dantzler, contralto;
of the
Ralph Rigby, tenor; Barre Hill, bari- constitution and
tone; Elizabeth Hardin, organist and athletic council. These changes will
be submitted to the University Sen
John Shelby Richardson, pianist.
ate for approval at its next meet
The voices of Mrs. South, Miss ing.
Dunn and Mrs. Dantzler are familiar
For some time there has been a
to audiences attending the Sunday
consensus of student opinion that
Mr. Rlgby,
afternoon muslcales.
head of the Music department at the students should have more re
Berea college, has sung the tenor presentation on the student athletic
According to Dr. W.
role in "The Elijah" numerous times. association.
one of the major
Barre Hill, nationally known concert D. Funkhouser, may be effected at
changes that
and operatic baritone, has been a Saturday's meeting of
the council
member of the Chicago Civic Opera will be to give
for five seasons and during the past right to sit in onthe students counall athletic
season sang with the Philadelphia cil meetings.
All the proposed
and Montreal Grand Opera com- changes are in accordance with the
panies. He has appeared as soloist new deal ' In University
with the leading symphony orchesAnwhich was adopted recently.
tras of the country including Chi- other major change which Doctor
cago, Philadelphia, Minneapolis, Desaid is contemplated by
troit, Cleveland and Rochester. His the council is the removal of "Dadmost notable operatic success was as dy" Boles as athletic director, a poPelleas to Mary Garden's Melisande sition which he has held for the
in Debussy's "Pelleas and Melisande." last 18 years. If the change is
The program is as follows: Recita- made, Mr. Boles may be retained
tive, As God the Lord ; Chorus, Help as manager of ticket sales and
Lord; Recitative and Air, If with All placed in charge of the basketball
Your Hearts; Chorus, Yet Doth the J gymnasium, athletic field and equip
Lord; Chorus. Blessed Are the Men; ment.
Recitative and Chorus, As God the
There is a probability that either
Lord; Chorus, Baal, We Cry to Thee; Coach Rupp or Coach Wynne will
Recitative and Chorus, Hear Our be offered the position of athletic
Cry; Recitative and Chorus, Baal, director. However, yesterday af
Hear and Answer;- - Recitative and ternoon. Coach Rupp denied having
Air, Draw Near All Ye People; made any statement in regard to
Quartette, Cast Thy Burden Upon his accepting or refusing the ofthe Lord; Recitative, Air and Chorus, fice. Both Rupp and Wynne deThou Hast Overthrown Thine Ene- clared that they were not ready to
mies; Chorus, Thanks Be to God.
make a statement concerning the
Part II Air, Hear Ye Israel; Air, matter.
Is, Enough; Recitative, See, Now
He Sleepeth;- Chorus, Lift Thine
Eyes; Recitative, Arise, Elijah; Air,
o. Rest in cne iora; cnorus, men
Shall Your Light.

Listening Center
System Will Be
Increased by UK

Government Issues
Farm Survey Report


and One
Split Debates Comprise Program for Wednesday Argumentative Sessions

debating team,
coached by Prof. W. R. Sutherland,
participated in two
one split debate Wednesday afternoon and night as guests of Berea
The University


college at Berea.
Wednesday afternoon, Marvin S.
Moore and Stanley B. Zuckerman
represented the University in a
debate against the Berea
team, composed of William Baird,
Crab Orchard, and Joseph Losson,
Point Pleasant, W. Va., taking the
affirmative side of the question, "Resolved: That the Powers of the
President Should be Substantially
Increased as a Mater of Settled
Policy." At the same time, in another room, the negative side of the
question was presented by Garvlce
Klnkead and William WUloughby
for the University against Gilbert
Lycan and D. Cecil Culbertson for
Wednesday night, a split debate
was held when Waller T. Brown of
the Berea college team and Miss
Mabel Tyree of the University argued the affirmative against Miss
Clarice Crumley of Berea college
and Willie WUloughby of the University. The subject under debate
was the policies of the NRA and was
given before the Student Forum of
Berea college. After the arguments
were presented, a
discussion was held.
The University's next debate will
be against a team representing Kentucky Wesleyan college at Winchestnon-declsl- on

er Friday night.

Professor Sutherland announced
Wednesday that Dr. Lee Klrkpatrick,
superintendent of Paris city schools,
for a team from


Princeton university to meet the
University team in debate at Paris
on April 8. The personnel of both
teams is made up entirely of Paris

U.of K. May Have

Armory on Campus

A resolution was adopted yesterday by the Richmond Exchange club
requesting that Kentucky members
of Congress use their influence to
have the federal government erect
a United States armory on the
campus of the University of Kentucky.
It was pointed out by CoL Henry
Forbes of the Officers' Reserve Corps
that the federal government was
contemplating building 14 armories on the property of land-gracolleges and such a building la needed at tlie University since It could
be used by the University R OT O.,
w" the reserve officers.










Dean Approves
Five Petitions

Tragedy Follows

Gay Party
In News Room

For Prom Queen

"I like ice cream because
has no bones."
If one of The Kernel staff
hadn't been so insistent in
repeating this little bit of
nothing every time he had
the slightest opportunity this
story would not have been
possible; but he did, and so
The Kernel staff, that is, a
Ice cream





Five petitions were approved by
the dean of men's office as nomi- NEW STAFF WILL BE
nations for Junior Prom queen yes- ANNOUNCED NEXT WEEK

few of those who remained
late, had "an Ice cream social" in the news room last

night after the paper had
gone to press.

Everything went along fine
until our would-b- e
softly muttered something
about ice cream and bones,
whereupon he was suddenly
stabbed in the back with a
spoon borrowed from the
Commons. The Kernel requests that no flowers be

Final Arrangements Completed for Annual High School
Music Festival, April
5, 6, and 7

terday afternoon.
Those approved
were Margaret Walker. Mary E.
Chick, Lexington;
Marion Connor
Dawson, Owlngsvllle; Marjorie Pow
ell, Baldwin,
N. Y., and Mildred
Nunn Perry. Marion, N. Y. Election
of the queen by the Junior class will
be held from 12 until 3 p. m. in
White hall Monday, under the dlrec
tlon of the Student council and
Junior Prom committee.
Margaret Walker, Delta Deita
Delta, is a member of W. 8. O. A.
and Y. W. C. A. She was the band
sponsor of last season and also ft
Kentuckian beauty contestant.
Mildred Nunn Perry, Zeta Tau
Alpha, Is a student in the Arts and
Sciences college, a member of W.8.


and the

Y. W. C. A.

Marjorie Powell, Independent, is
a member of Phi Beta. Y. W. C. A.,
W. 8. O. A., Strollers, Ouignol, the
Spanish club, and an R O.. T. C.
Marlon Connor Dawson is a
member of Kappa Kappa Gamma,

Editor of Kentuckian Will Be
selected hy Hoard In


John F. "Sunny" Day, FlemlnRS-burJunior In the Collie of Arts
and Sciences, was elected to succeed Wesley E. Carter as
of the Kernel for 1934-3yesterday,' at a meeting of the Board of
Student Publications.
Ned Turn-bul- l,



Junior, College of Commerce,

present business manager of Thf

Kernel, was
to his office.
Day, who is studying to receive an
is a member of
Alpha Tau Omega fraternity. He
has been a member of the University band for three years, belongs
to Strollers, has been active in
Guignol work. Is assistant manageror tne tennis team, has worked
three years on The Kentuckian, and
was associate editor of The Kernel
this year.
Turnbull is a member of Delta
A. B. in Journalism,


Kentuckian beauty contestant, Tau Delta fraternity,
a transfer student from pledge council, Pershing Rifles, a
of Scabbard and Blade, and
Mary E. Chick, Kappa Kappa has been business manager of Thr- Kernel for the last year.
Gamma, is a member of the French
Other candidates turning In peclub, Ouignol Players, Theta Sigma
Phi. Kentuckian staff, Kernel staff, titions for editor of The Kernel
U. K. Bulletin staff, 8oclal Service were Jack Wild and John 8t. John.
The remainder of the editorial
committee of Y.W.C.A.,
sponsor, and a student in the Arts and news staff will be announced
next week after the newly elected
and Sciences college.
has made his ap
The Prom committee has been
pointments. The new staff will take
orconsidering several
chestras to furnish music for the charge9. of publication of the paper
event. Among them were Jimmy April
After Dean Levi Horlacher and
Dlmmick, Miles Blue Rythm Band,
and Johnny Ham p. Definite deci- other members of the Board had
sion on the music is expected to be been recognized officially, a motion
was placed on the floor, and car
made the first part of next week.
A new feature of the 1934 Junior ried, to the effect that hereafter
Prom will be a "Court of Honor." the editor of The Kentuckian be
elected as is the editor of The Ker
This will be composed of two repre
sentatives from each sorority, one nel. Previous to last year the elec
representative from each fraternity, tion to this position was held at a
and two independent boys and meeting of the Junior class. engravBids on nhotoeranhv and
girls. During a short intermission
the court win lorm ana ouicuuiy ing for the 1935 Kentuckian will be
received by the Board Tuesday,
crown the elected girl the Junior
Inter-fraterni- ty

and is

Final arrangements have been
made for the eleyenth annual music
festival of Kentucky high schools to
be held here April S, 6, and 7.
In order to carry on the program
more efficiently, the state has been
divided Into 18 districts with a local
district committee which has charge
of all district programs. These divisions follow transportation lines
as nearly as possible and may be

changed when necessary.
Three trophies will be awarded for
the best showing In music; one for
schools with enrollments of 350 or
more, one for schools with enrollments of 150 to 349, and one for
schools with enrollments of fewer

than 150.
' Phi Beta, an honorary music and
dramatic sorority, has offered a prize
of $10. This award is made in one
of the glee club events and is changed from year to year.
Prof. R. D. Mclntyre has offered
an annual prize of $20 to be divided
between the boy and the girl who
are awarded first honors in the vocal
solo events at the music festival.
Dr. A. W. Kelley has provided an
annual prize of $10 for the boy who
is awarded first honors In piano at
the contest.



Colleges Having
Union Buildings

Are Enumerated

by It."
These schools saw the need for
union buildings and then proceeded
to procure them.
Their money-raisin- g
methods were no easier than
our own will be. The point is, they
recognized and met a nationally felt
college need. Duke and Purdue have
elaborate union buildings.
We, at Kentucky, see no particular
virtue in "keeping up with the
Joneses" under most circumstances,
but, in this particular case, we do.
Other schogls In our class do. We
realize the need and importance of
such a building as a student study
and social center, and for welding
into a more understanding and harmonious group the diversified elements of university life. Why not
a Student Union building at the
University of Kentucky T


Queen to Be Elected Monday
Ned Turnbull Is Reelected
by Junior Class in
Business Manager of
White Hall
Student Publication

In order to make effective use of
the less powerful battery radio sets
that have been donated to the university the past year in the development of its radio "listening center"
system in the Kentucky mountains,
a system of Class "B" centers will
be established in which the less
powerful sets will be used.
The radio sets to be used in the
Class "B" centers will be good workable sets that will insure good recep- BUILD
tion at night but which can not be
depended on for consistent day-ligreception of the University broadcasts. The placing of these less
powerful sets will bring the recreational, educational, and cultural
University Staff
value of night radio programs to Members of
and Faculty Donate Funds
of people in the Kentucky
mountains that are at present withfor Work of Art to Be
out access to radio services of any
Placed in Library
The first of the Class "B" centers
Pres. Frank L. McVey yesterday
already has been established, and is made his first sitting for a bust
located at the Flat Gap county high being donated by members of the
school. Flat Gap, Johnson county, faculty and staff of the University
under the management of Prof. Ed- to the library, and being executed
win G. Jesse, principal of the school. by Augustus Donfred H. Build.
Mr. Build recently has completed
two busts, both made from Photographs, one of James Lane Allen,
noted Kentucky author, and one of
Samuel J. Roberts, founder of the
Lexington Leader. The Allen bust
Is to be a gift from the school children of Lexington, and probably will
be placed in the Lexington public
library, near the Fountain of Youth
The number of colleges in the which the writer dedicated to the
vicinity of the University of Ken children of Lexington. The bust of
tucky having student union build Mr. Roberts will be placed in the
lngs is surprisingly large. This was lobby of the Leader office.
At the completion of the first sitrevealed in a recent survey made by
an undergraduate student of the ting, which lasted an hour, Mr. Build
remarked that Doctor McVey was an
University. Vanderbilt, Purdue, Alabama, Ohio state, Chicago university, ecellent subject for sculpture, befacial
Michigan, and Duke are Just a few cause of his distinctive
on the impressive list.
The sculptor, who has offered to
All the schools heard from have
the same attitude. They consider give free modeling lessons to any
their union buildings as being very Lexington people who are Interested
essential to the best interests of their in the art. announced that he was
J. A. Bursley, dean of still receiving applications at his
located in a vacant store
students at the University of Michi- studio, next
to the Lexington Leader
gan writes, "It is hard to imagine room
office. Mr. Build makes no charge
how we could get along without the
Union. Of course, I know that If for the lessons but requires each
we did not have it, we should get by pupil to furnish his own modeling
in some way, but certainly we are clay. A schedule of classes probably
doing many things which we could will be released Sunday.
not do without the facilities offered



Bar Exam Passed By
14 U. ofK. Students

Word has been received that the
following students from the University have passed the bar examination given in Frankfort in De
W. H. Counts, Olive Hill: Oma
Alden Durham, Columbia: D. Hoi- lender Hall, Plppapass: Martha
Manning, Maysville; Paul H. Mansfield, Munfordvllle; Kirk B. Mober-leLexington;
Mildred Robards,
Lexington: Afton McHenry 8mith;
H. C. Smith, Ekron; Oliver O. Van
Camp, Delbarton, West Virginia;
Howell Willis Vincent, Brownsville;
James Earl Walker. Paintsville:
Henry Runert Wtlhoit. Grayson;
Paul K. Wilson, Bowling Oreen.




Prom Queen.
All Juniors of the University may
obtain two date and one stag bid
by calling at the University post
office. Seniors will receive one date
and one stag biS by calling at the
post office window.

Former Students

Overcome by Gas

Two Girls Found Unconscious
by Parent at Home
in Paris
Elizabeth Kenney, and Elizabeth
Redd, former University students,
narrowly escaped death by asphyxiation Tuesday morning at the home
of Miss Kenney's parents In Paris,
Their condition is reported as satisfactory today.
Miss Kenney and Miss Redd, members of Chi Omega sorority, were
spending the night with Miss Kenney's parents. On awakening about
5 a. m. Tuesday, Miss Kenney arose,
lighted the gas stove, and returned
to bed. Some time later they both
awakened, and as the room was
warm, uncomfortably, Miss Kenney
got up to turn off the fire. As she
reached the stove, she fainted. Miss
Redd got up to help her, and she
fainted also, falling back upon the
Approximately two hours later,
Doctor Kenney entered the room
and found both girls unconscious.
He immediately called for help and
first aid was administered the girls.

May Day Committee
Appointed by SuKy
Appointment of committees of
SuKy circle to plan for the annual
May Day exercises were made at a
meeting Tuesday afternoon. Committees and members are:
Convocation, Sam Warren; floats,
parade, and Stoll field exercises,
Helen Rich, Tom Cassady, and Dick
Boyd; dance and pledging services,
Martha Lowry, Tom Cassady, and

April 3. A committee was appoint- ed to confer with President McVey
on "The Kentuckian situation, relative to the attitude of the sophomore and Junior classes." This
committee was composed of D. H.
Peak and Wesley E. Carter.
The University Board of Student
Publications is composed of: Prof.
Enoch Grehan, head of Journalism
department, chairman; Dean Levi
Horlacher, College of Agriculture;
D. H. Peak, University
agent; James Shropshire, graduate
manager of student publications:
Wesley E. Carter, president ox Men s
Hazel Nollau,
Student council;
president of W. S. G. A., and Smith
Broadbent, president of senior class.
All students who expect to have
their credentials taken to the Ken-

tucky Education association convention must fill out the temporary
forms provided by the Placement
bureau before April 1, according to
an announcement from the bureau.
Permanent blanks of application
will be ready for filling out by that
time by persons desiring teachers'
positions for next year.


Ten University Engineering
Students Will Go to Georgia Tech for Annual Conference
The student branch of the AmerEngiican Society of Mechanical
neers at the University will be the
guests of the Georgia School of
Technology, March 26 and 27. for'
the third annual

Student Branch

The official delegate of the University will be Walter Bteitler who
will present a paper entitled "Air
Conditioning for Relief of Hay
Fever." The runner-u- p
is J. Pirtle
Wilford Graves.
The annual May Day exercises, Stewart who will receive the Brash-ae- r
Award. The subject of his paconducted each year, are sponsored
by SuKy circle and the Physical per is "Power Plant Instruments."
Representatives of the
Education department. The program
will present paper:
for the day will include a convocation, the May Day parade and exer- Clemson college. University of Florida, Georgia Tech, Louisiana State
cises on Stoll field, the dance, with
pledging and avard of cups for the university, University of Louisville,
North Carolina State college. Uni
best floats.
versity of North Carolina,. Univer
sity of Tennessee, Tulane universiNINE TO BE PLEDGED
ty, Vanderbilt university, and the
BY SIGMA DELTA CHI University of Virginia.
Students of the University who
Nine invitations will be extended plan to attend the meeting are: O.
to men Journalism majors today to W. Kaufman, chairman of the lo
become active members of Sigma cal student branch of the society;
Delta Chi, international honorary D. R. Durbin. J. O. Cleveland, WalJournalistic fraternity. Their elec- ter Steltler. J. Pirtle Stewart, Wiltion was based on high scholastic liam Honhorst, Roy Huhn, H. M.
standing and Journalistic activities. Lutes, W. E. Cowley, and T. M.
Formal pledging will be held Mon- Todd.
day at 5 p. m. In Room 54, McVey
They will leave Lexington Satur
hall. Initiation will be held the day morning, going to Atlanta by
latter part of April at the annual way of Nashville, and will return by
Founders Day banquet to which men Knoxvllle and Cumberland
prominent in Lexington Journalistic visiting various Industrial plant.
circles and Sigma Delta Chi alumni mc'uding Muscle Shoals and other
wiU be invited.
points of interest


� Best Co

Tajse Two

Student Journalists Will Meet
In Geneva, Switzerland, July

Society to See

International Student Service an- cal event on the relations between
nounce a conference of student nations, International 8tudent ServJournalists to be chaired by Clarence ice In cooperation with the Open
Strelt, Oeneva correspondent of The Road and N. 8. P. A. la running a
New York Times to be held In tour of students of Journalism to
Oeneva, Switzerland from July It to Europe this summer to visit the
July 21. With the Interest to Mr. capitals of the different continental
Strelt, the League of Nr.tlons, and countries and England to study the
other prominent Journalists and part the presa Is playing In mouldprofessors, the conference will pro- ing public opinion. This tour will
vide a unique opportunity for stuInclude the conference of Journaldents of Journalism to come to un- ists at Oeneva and will leave the
derstand the very important role United States June 27, 1934.
the reporting of national and InterStudents of Journalism who take
national events Is having on mould- part in the tour will spend approxiing public opinion for or against mately six weeks In Europe visiting


Students in the United States are
becoming Interested in national and
International affairs. The vast majority of them, like the rest of the
are dependent upon
newspapers for information on the
events of the world. International
Student Service Is keenly Interested
in the effect of newspaper reporting
on public opinion especially with
relation to national and international affairs. In order to provide
an opportunity for college and university students to get an idea of
the effect of the reporting of polltt- -


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Ash. 3546

Versailles Rd.

Paris. Oeneva, Vienna, Prague, Berlin, Brussels, and London to meet
with the outstanding Journalists In
those cities and study the part the
press Is playing In national and
International affairs. By visiting the
establishments of the papers and

talking with the editors and members of the staff, these young Journalists will be given a unique opportunity to study Journalism as a

The conference will have a double
purpose. First it will give the students who are interested in Journalism as a career an opportunity
to study the great International
problems which face the present
day world. Second, it will give the
young Journalists a chance to meet
with the foreign correspondents in
Oeneva and obtain first hand Information on the life of a Journalist
and his work. The conference will
hear prominent Journalists on such
subjects as: The Press" and the
League of Nations, The Sending of
False News, The Oreat Press Agencies, and The Informatory Press and
the Opinionated Press. The discussion of such subjects under the
correspondents will be an important
guidance and inspiration of leading
part of the program. Informally
the students attending the
