xt75hq3rvs2c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75hq3rvs2c/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1940-08-20  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, August 20, 1940 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 20, 1940 1940 1940-08-20 2013 true xt75hq3rvs2c section xt75hq3rvs2c The Kentucky ECernel

100 Fct. Studeet
Owned & Operated



Of Editorials




f Personal Opinio
EdiUr, Sanmer Kernel


When the Summer Session started,
the German war machine was getting going in France, the third-terintentions of President Roosevelt
were a mystery, and the British

was still discussing
the relative merits of airplane vs.
battleship as means of warfare.
Today, as the Summer Session
draws to a close, the Maginot line
fe a Nazi promenade, the Roosevelt j
hat's in the ring, conscription's
in the air, and the British generals
and admirals are at last convinced
the airplane is here to stay.
The situation Is grave.
Under ordinary circumstances it
would be a pro pose to sing "Auld Lang
Syne" and express sentimental hopes
that we would meet again next summer.
But today I can only say, "See you
in the trench and may the next
peace be a better one."

high command

Out Every Tuesday


20, 1940

Commencement Billed For Friday Night
Brooker Will Speak A t Dinner
Banquet Slated
Thursday Night
At Hotel
John W. Brooker, state superintendent of public instruction and a
special lecturer at the Summer Ses- sion, will be principal speaker at
the annual Summer commencement
dinner to be held at 6:30 o'clock
Thursday night at the Layfayette


Tea Planned For Seniors And Friends

Party To Be Held
Friday Afternoon


Graduates To Meet
On Thursday
For Instructions

At Union

Doctor Adams Will Confer
Dejn-eeOn 265 Students;
Dr. Harrv Clark To Talk




Dr. Harry Clark .

Educators Plan

Will Be Held
In Amphitheater


To Hold Services
On Jewell Roof

The University of Kentucky. Alpha
Seniors, their families, and friends Gamma chapter of Kappa Delta Pi,
national honorary education frater111 be guests of honor at a tea which
nity, will hold Its initiation for the
Unithe faculty and staff of the
second semester. Summer Session,
versity wil give from 3:30-- 5 p. m., on Wednesday afternoon. August 21.
Friday, in the Union building.
from 6 to 9 p. m. on the roof of Jewell
Among those Invited to receive the hall. In case of inclement weather,
guests are Dr. and Mrs. Jesse E. the meeting will be held in the footAdams, Mrs. Sarah Holmes, Dean ball room of the Union building.
A buffet supper will be held for the
and T. T. Jones, Dean and Mrs. W. 8.
Taylor, Dean A. E. Evans, Dean Geo. Initiates and members, and will be
Roberts, Dean and Mrs. W. D. Funk- - followed by the initiation ceremony.
houser. Dean and Mrs. Lysle Croft, After the initiation, a social hour
Dean and Mrs. P. P. Boyd, Dean and and games will be held.
Students to become members of
Mrs. James H. Graram .Dean and
Kappa Delta Pi at this time are:
Mrs. William Freeman.
Pouring will be Miss Marguerite Ethel Strong Bates. Jackson, Lu-

With approximately 265 students
exepcted to receive degrees, the annual Summer Session commencement will be held at 7 o'clock Friday night in the amphitheater behind Memorial hall. Dr. Harry
Clark, superintendent of Knoxville.
Tenn.. city schools, will speak on
"Two Kinds of Lion Killers."
Dr. Adams will preside, confer the
degrees and lead the pledge of the
senior class. Invocation and benediction will be said by Dr. George
V. Moore, dean if Transylvania col-


Students who will receive
degrees at Friday night's commencement will meet with Dr.
Adams at 3 o'clock Thursday
afternoon in Room 111 of
hall to receive instructhe comtions concerning
mencement Dr. Adams asked

Dr. Hammonds

Tickets for the dinner will be
fifty cents for graduating students
and one dollar each for others who
wish to attend.
Graduating students who wish to
yesterday that all graduates
Alpha Nu Chapter of Phi Delta
take advantage 'Of the half-pribe present
offer should make reservations for
Kappa will hold its second summer
the dinner. However, Dr. Adams
term initiation at 3:00 p. m. today.
asked yesterday that students proMusic for the occasion will be furnThe initation will be held in the li
cure their tickets by Wednesday if
ished by the University Little Symbrary of the Universitly School.
should be
possible. Reservations
phony orchestra, with Dr. Alexander
Twelve candidates are expected.
made at the Summer Session office.
Capurso directing. Accompanied by
The examination of these candidates McLaughlin. Miss Rebecca Van cille B. Case, Maysville, Rose Llew-ell- y
Faculty members, friends and relathe orchestra, the audience will sing
. superintendent of
Chaney, Barbourville. Amelia
tives of the graduates may attend
the "Alma Mater"
will be in charge of a committee Meter, Mrs. May K. Duncan.
By Patricia Hamilton
Slightly less than half of tho&e
the dinner and may obtain the
Assisting will be Sarah Bishop, Chinn, Georgetown, Rebecca Deu-tscKnoxville city schools will
from Berea College headed by Dr.
receiving degrees Friday night will
Louirville, Melvina Dickerson,
tickets at the dollar price. They
Pat Hamilton. Nancy Noble, Eva
Luther M. Ambrose. The initiation
be principal speaker at the be undergraduates, the registrar's
may procure tickets from the SumNunnelley, Virginia Pettus, Eliza- Camp Dix. S. Clarence Evans,
We wandered into the Union grill
Registration for the week's train- will be conducted by Dr. Carsie beth Cruise, Mary Lou McFarland,
annual Summer commenceMary J. Frederick. Barmer Session office, the dean of
office predicted yesterday Last year
tlie other day and found three Kenwomen's office or from any member ing course for recreational workers Hammonds, assisted by officers and Mary Nelson, Mary Margaret Sul bourville, Chloe Gilford. Lexington.
Friday night in the at the summer commencement 129
tucky Wildcat gridmen. There was
49 at closing time yesterday members of the local chapter.
undergraduates and 102 graduate
Mabel Hill, Miami, Fla.. Orpha
livan, Doxie Dexter, Fern RatlifT,
Captain John Eibner who had come of the special ticket committee. The reached
Memorial hall amphitheaafternoon.
degrees were presented.
is noon Thursday.
Elsie, Hazel Jenkins, Wlllisburg, Amanda
Following the initation there will Jean Potter, Anna Louise
from his home town in Jeannettee, deadline
Hammond Mitchell, BarbourvUlj. H. ter.
Dr. Adams will act as toastmas- The number to receive degrees wiu
Teaching the course is J. R.
Nancy Stevens.
deLexPa, to assist in the football
Del., Mary
not be known definitely until after
C. Mitchell, Delmar,
ter at the dinner. Greetings will be Batchelor of Chicago, field represent be a picnic and fish fry at the
monstrations at the coaching school. given by
a meeting of the University senate
W. Gayle Starnes, adminisEllen Moore, Covington, Margaret
ative of the National recreation as ington Water Works. Q. L. Crutcher
He said he had learned a lot about
E. Nelson, Vine Grove, Harriet Slor.e,
to be held at 1:30 o clock Wednesday
trative assistant to the president. sociation. He has just completed will be in charge of the recreation
new systems during the annual
Lowry Kohler will sing "Clouds" similar courses at St Cloud Teach program.
Pippapass, Ruth Lang Smith. South
afternoon in the assembly room of
coaching session and that his hopes
Lafferty hall.
Charleston, W. Va.
and "I Hear a Forest Praying," ac- ers college, Minneapolis, at Lenoir,
year are high.
Kappa is a professional frat
for the Cats this
Few men in the teaching profes
Dr. J. D. Williams, director of
Gamble, companied at the piano by Donald N. C.
With him was Larry
ernity with membership restricted CHUNGKING, Aug 19 Japanese the University school, and Secretary
W. A II ton. An ensemble, directed by
sion have had as wide and varied
The course offers one credit This
tackle from Erlington. who claims
bombers attacked the Chinese capital
chapter of Kappa
an experience as Superintendent
V'illiam Echols, B. S. '40, will play is the first time such a course has to graduate men students in edu- r,
he has been working hard all sum
this afternoon with a destructive of Alpha Gamma
cation. Alpha Nu, the local crap-teplcns
"On, On U. of K."
Clark. Since his father was a coTege
is to
been offered at the University.
mer "to keep in condition." He has
intensity upparalleled since early Delta Pi,supper charge of the
has approximately 500 mempresident and all of his immediate
and initiation.
for the
Members of the commencement
been to some of the sessions at the
Mr. Batchelor's class listed in the bers. The officers are as follows:
family have beeen In education
He will be assisted by Miss Lucille
are Margaret catalogue as physical education, C123,
was enthus-- 1 dinner
coaching school and
Successive waves of planes un- Ellis, general chairman; Mr. H. W
a college atW. Gayle Starnes, president; VirBaker and J. T. Bragg, education; meets daily through Saturday from
concert oithe Summer work, he grew up in
The final
iastic aboct the pointers he had
gil F. Payne,
Louis loaded high explosives and in- McClintock, food; M ss Margaret
mosphere but has had every variety
Beulah Marsh and Patrick Tanner, 8:30 to 3:30 p. m., on Tuesday, Thurspicked up.
Clifton, secretary; Maurice F. Seay, cendiary bombs at intervals of a Bunch, iniation; Mrs. Sherman E. Session will be presented at 8 o'- of public and private school experDutch lshmael from arts and sciences; Dorothy E. Cot- - day, and Friday, there will be a faculty sponsor; Wellington Pat- few minutes for two hours on about Miller, entertainment; and Misses clock Wednesday at Memorial Hall. ience, from the small town school
Pikeville was there, too. He came trell and William S. Haynie, grad course in WPA Procedures. Austin rick, editor.
a third of the hitherto untouched Mary Evalyn Phillips and Mary
The date has been changed to superintendent up to a city
to summer school the first semester uate school; Vincent Good let t and Welch, state recreation director, and
Following are the candidates for western residential district.
in the public school field,
avoid conflict with the commence- Lucy Lowe, decorations.
James L. Clay, law; Mrs. Nancy Paul Binford, assistant, are in charge
but has been vacationing the second Stevens,
Buildings'were destroyed or damInitation: W. Maurice Baker, asand from teaching in a preparatory
mnt dinner, it was announced.
home economics, and Frank of this course.
term and catching up on his tennis
college presidency in the
sistant professor of education. Uni aged and fires began burning in the
Cox, Agriculture; Louis Nelson and
Featured on the concert will be school to a
and swimming.
A feature of the week's training versity of Kentucky;
Charles A. densely populated downtown area.
denominational field.
Balboa, Canal Zone, comes Joe Farcht, engineering; John Boles is the community center activities Davis, coach, Knox
Mary Knapp Allton. violinist. Dr.
Central high
Streets were blocked with debris.
Dr. Clark's education was with
a student who has been in both and Eugenia Johnson, commerce.
which will be demonstrated daily school, Barbourville; George E. Du- - A heavy bomb narrowly missed The
Alexander Capurso. executive head
The complete program follows:
the M. A. degree in Economics and
semesters of the Summer Session.
through Friday from 3:30 to 5:30 boise, principal of Union Elementary-- Associated Press office and obesrvers
LONDON, Aug. 19 The cen- of the music, will conduct the sym then three years graduate study in
Toastmaster Dr. Adams.
p. m., in the gym annex under the Junior
She is Margaret Fessler, a senior
high school. Russell-vill- saw explosions in the vicinity of the sorship's nine-hohold up of de- phony orchestra. Donald W. Ailton Education In Peabody College. From
Vocal selections Lowry Kohler.
with a major in physical education.
direction of Mr. Batchelor.
Ala.; Herman A. Ellis, assis American Methodtet hospital and a scriptions of Friday's air battles
Greetings W. Gayle Starnes.
Lincoln Memorial University
will give three organ numbers.
in the Canal Zone of Kansas
Evenings for those taking the tant prefssor of Commerce, Univer fire burning near the American
in the London area from transmisholds the LL.D. degree.
had frequently visited Response Margaret Baker and Wil- course will be occupied with social sity of Georgia, Athens; Clayton Seventh Day Advantist mission.
parents, she
The program includes Overture.
sion to the United States and
He has been private tutor and
the States before coming here to liam Gill Nash.
dancing from 7:15 to 8:15 p. m. in Lucas, Catonsville high school. Ca- Authorities were unable to esdrew editorial protests from Calif of Bagdad A. Boieldien: Call commercial translator in New Or"On. On. U. of K Ensemble.
"Pan-- 1
school. Her friends call her
the woman's gym and with activities tonsville, Md.; Frank E. McDade, timate the number of casualties.
The Times and The Daily Telegraph. of the Plains Goldmark: three leans, high school teacher, high
Address John W. Brooker.
una" and she likes to ride bicycles
from 8:30 to 9:30 p. m. in the gym Logan Senior high school, Logan, W.
The papers assert that what dances from Henry VIII 'Morris school principal, town superintendand play tennis.
Va.; Ralph H. Mcintosh, Sherman
they called "lying" German ac- dance. Shepherd's dance, and Torch ent, professor in the State Teachers
In speaking of the training course District high school, Seth, W. Va.;
Summer Seasion Film
College at Murfreesboro. Tenn.. procounts should not be allowed to dance .
and his work in general, Mr. Batche- Neil R. Maxey, Dry Ridge high
.Tuesday night a part of the Sumfessor in the University of Tennes
gain the main attention In the press
lor declared that he felt wonderful Sschool, Dry Ridge; Charles L. Sea-ge- r,
mer Session film was shown at the
Violin number will be violin con see, high school visitor for the s.-- '. .
across the Atlantic for lack of news
strides had been made of lates in the
weekly movie program in the Union.
director of business education,
The following news item appeared from Britain.
certo in E minor, opus 64. i allegro, university for nine years, mea
TURNU SEVERIN, Rumania, Aug. field of receration. His territory Danville, Va.; Erie W. Walton, In the August issue of the Summer
It is an excellent portrayal of Uniof the Southern Commission on . The Daily Telegraph used the molto, appassionato
opportunities in the 19 Rumania told Hungary at a for- covers 10
versity life and
states where Georgetown; Emery H. White, prin- Chapter Guide, a publication of the
years. ..
caption "the lie must not win again" Mussorgsky's gopak from the opera credited Schools for nine
summer from the shots of Dr. Jesse mal conference today that a May-ga- r allotments for recreation range from cipal of May's Lick consolidated American Student Union:
secretary of that body four yr
delay in releasing
and termed the
E. Adams, director of the session,
proposal for return of about nothing to $3,000,000 in Chicago.
school. May's Lick; Carroll Emerron
of the Associatio
"Peter Gragis of the University of the news for transmission a "grave Fair at Sorchinsk: waltz in A major
and his secretary. Miss Billie WhitWord, Augusta.
of the disputed border
from the Valse Suite Brahms; Colleges and Secondary School
Kentucky chapter is in New York error."
low, busy in the Summer Session province of Transylvania
to Hunwith some interesting stories on how
Elger will the Southern States,
"There should be no such delay Pomp and Circumstance
offices to those of students strolling gary could not even be considered,
and director of the National K
the administration in organizing a counter offensive be tne organ selections.
campus or those authoritative sources reported.
leisurely over the
cation Association of the South
in holding a campus-wid- e
rally . . . to the blitzkrieg of lines," it added.
of some of the nearby
Instead, it was said, Rumanian
Community singing will be led by olina State Teachers Assoc ia..-- .
Pete who looks like a football star The Times said "lies should not
representatives presented a counRECREATION' WORKERS
Jesse E. Adams Jr., sou of the
and movie idol said that one of the have the field to themselves even Miss Adele Gensemer. Songs sched- and president of the East Tennessee
We talked to three recreation ter proposal for a transfer of pop- Summer Session director, will re
All graduating seniors who have best ways of getting the campus to for an hour." It complained that uled are: Love s Old Sweet Song: On. Educational Association, member of
workers who were signing up yes- - ulations and offered to cede suf- turn Sunday from Camp Chimney not had a turberculin test this sea- support the ASU is to get the sup
American correspondents were pre- On. U. of K.; Auld Lang Syne. the Oreenville.
week's ficient frontier territory to facili- Rock, North Carolina,
tniav afternoon for the
County Board of Education, summer
where he has son may do so today between 1 port of campus leaders and good vented from cabling their stories Accompaniment will
be furnished
course. They were all visiting the tate the transfer.
spent an eight-wee- k
school teacher at the Universities of
and 2 p.m., in the Health building. looking
by Donald Allton at the organ.
"until a ridiculously late hour."
University for the first time.
Virginia and North Carolina, inArbie Daniels comes from Ashland
stitute director of a State Institute
and is a senior leader in the play
in Tennessee, professor of Educaround program there. He has at
tion at Furman University, and
tended another training session at
dean of its summer school, presiOtter Creek National Park. With
dent of Judson College, and now
him was another senior leader,
city superintendent at KnoxviUe.
John Walsh. Newport. He is in
charge of the Newport Stadium
In denominational work he has
says that about
playground and
Continued on Page Four
are exBy FRED HILL
every three months they
Says Mr. Kirwan, "There is no talion.
lng sophomores, but there will be a greatest of the Kaintuck fleeters. Oeorge Edwards or Harry Taylor
pected to attend some sort of trainKernel Sports Editor
doubt that our team will be greatly
ing school for recreational workers.
chance that a few may crash the after the Alabama contest has been for a real fight for the flank spots. Extra-Curricul- ar
Tw Teams Alternate
More than once in the past, when improved over last year, but those
line-uMary Ruth Silver, Owensboro, is
Bob Herbert. West Vir- shifted to halfback.
Tackles are super abundant. There
To guard against possible injuries
nxreational supervisor for Davis the University football team looked we will face are, from all advance and to keep their players physically ginia power house and defensive
"Hoot" Combs, the Hazard flash. will be Captain John Eibner. procounties. She too, is especially good on paper. Wildcat notices, going to be lots tougher."
and Henderson
and mentally awake during the en sensation may move in at fullback; has, according to Kirwan, improved bably the best tackle in the Southat the University for the first time coaches have smiled in approval at Part two of the statement seems tire sixty minutes of play, the Ken- Clark Wood, towering, blonde 200 as much as any member of the squad eastern Conference, and three mates
Following is a list of extrapretty abvious. Tennessee can be ex
per- the suggestion
that the squad
but has attended other classes
Walter Reid, "Sully" Jacobs, and
tucky coaching staff plans to con- pounder should put the pressure on and will quite possibly wipe out the
curricular events scheduled for
tinent to her work. "All forms of might possibly reach the Rose Bowl. pected to come up with another tinue the practice of using two com- more experienced tackles. Bob Bee-le- r, memory of a few
mistakes Larry Spears. Clark Wood. 240-- 1
the last week of the Summer
In every incident those smiles and powerhouse, Georgia Tech, Alabama,
recreation offered by the program
Bardstown't contribution to written on his last year's record.
pound Clyde Johnson. Larry Gain-- J
plete teams, alternating equally durSession:
beneficial," she declared, those thoughts have been routed by and Vanderbilt will be rough, tough ing
have been
Twa Signal Callers
uie, ivicvjraw. ana cniegei irom ine
the fray. So a large majority of State, should be an asset to any
"but programs must be varied to the sudden realization that Kentuc- and hard to handle,' and, according the fifty members of the squad slat- team at the guard hole; and Allen
At quarterback Junie Jones and reserve.
ky Just didn't stack up as well on to Coach Kirwan, Georgia will be,
Phi DWta Kappa initiation
fit the community.
to report for practice, come Labor Parr is developing into a cracker-Jac- k Dave Brown will share the heavy
Number one center will be Jumpon the strength of last year's fresh- ed
and FL--h fry. 2 o'clock ai:d 7:30
And so we came to the last person the field as it did on paper.
duty. Sophomores Bill Kincer and ing Joe Bailey, politician powerhouse,
Day, will see plenty of active service.
ooclock. Education bu.lding
to whom we will be talking for If ever a team looked good on man squad, the dark horse in the
shown promise of great- and most potent of pivot men.
Hurst have
Kentucky lost comparatively little
Black's Knee A Question
and Castlewood park.
awhile for columnar purposes. She paper, the 1940 edition of the Ken- Southeastern conference.
ness, but the Job of calling signals Number two spot should be a Us- by the ravages of the Great God
Billy Black is the question mark Is
Part one, however, would amaze
was Amelia Spielberger from Louis- tucky Wildcats is the team. Howone requiring a load of experience, up between Mel French, who had
Graduation. Eight seniors sailed among the sophpmores. A halfback,
Kappa Dlla Pi initiation
ville, regularly enrolled at the Uni- ever, any mention of the word "bowl" a person unfamiliar with candid, over the horizon, but only four
which Jones and Brown already miseries in the knee last year and
Kappa Delta Pi initiation
he was
and captain durversity of Louisville but attending around the athletic office this year straightforward Ab Kirwan. Seldom participated extensively in
soph Charlie Bill Walker. Corbin's
the 1939 ing his high school days at Paducah have.
does a coach so frankly state that
and dinner, 3 o'clock and I 'M
the Summer Sesesion in order to is strictly taboo. Tall,
flipper-bac- k
Charlie "Dutch" lshmael looks
of several
Albert Dennis Kirwan, starting his his team will be strong. Kirwan play. Captain Joe Shepherd, quarter- and a freshman sensation here two
take physics.
back; Bill McCubbin, end; Tom
like the starter at fullback. lshmael seasons ago.
Little symphony concert in
Her enthusiasm about the Uni- third year as guide of Kentucky's though, is notorious for his candid Spickard, guard, and Luke Linden, years ago. Then the miseries got is a human stick of dynamite when
There are too many good guards
hold of him and he rode the bench
Hemorial hall. 8 o'clock.
versity and the Summer Session football destinies, is taking no manner.
tackle, were valueable assets, but last year, hampered by
it comes to "busting" open a line, for even Kirwan to try to choose
21 Men To Be Back
a hurt knee.
ranged from the comforts of the chances on being disappointed.
N Predictions
Certainly he has factual back their losses will not be too difficult He was back for spring practice, while Herbert and Claude Hammond betwern them this early in the sea- Commencement dinner. 6:30
dorms (she lives in Boydi to the
to offset.
will do the alternating.
son. First stringers should be Will- showed he was the same steller
As a matter of fact, Mr. Kirwan ground for his prophesy. Last year
o'clock, Lafayette hotel. John
friendly personnel with especial bouApproximately 50 men will report player. If
Ends Well Stocked
oughby and Palmer on the basis of
W. Brooker will speak
refuses to predict a single victory the Wildcats, who were picked to
the knee holds out, hell
quets for Dean Sarah Holmes.
After that its
win only two, came through on top for practice in September. Of these be pushing for a place in the sun if
End coach Frank Moseley has past performances.
Instructions for graduating
We talked to a lot of people yes- for his potent looking rquad.
16 are seniors, 11 are Juniors, and the
a toss-u- v
between square little Eddie
By his refusal to predict a win, in six starts, tied Alabama, and lost
knee holds out.
done his Job well. Playing the flanks
students. 3 o'clock. Room 111.
terday afternoon about the Summer
rest are sophomores. Fifteen of the the
Even if Black turns unserviceable. will be wily Jim Hardin, sticky Fritz, Deacon Sam Hulette. and
McVey hall.
Session. Some didn't want their Mr. Kirwan by no means even hints only to Tennessee and Georgia Tech seniors have letters; six Junior are
sophs Bob Beeler and Dick IColiiiV:
Kirwan will have a stockroom full fingered Harry Denham, SoutherFriday
names used, one called himself Ezra at a winless season for his squad the two "bowl" teams. Of that sur service men, a
which indi- of backs.
On the strength of his nlitteriiL,
Ermal Allen will be bring- ner Phil Scott certainly, and posRtvVp.Hon
Hodgenbottomrumple, but the worst Six, seven maybe even 10 would not prise squad, Kirwan can count on cates
for graduating
that experience will never be ing his passing arm and his fighting sibly Ed Gholson. Charlie Martin, Kirwan might
staJenti. 3:30 to 5 o'clock.
complaints we could get were about surprise him. But he has pointed the return of 21 lettermen.
be safe in picking the
a Kentucky alibi!
heart into action, and Dave Zoeller or Pete Young. Young., a sophomore, outcome of at leat a few kC
In addition he will have a group
Uiuyn building.
the weather and even that wasn't out that the caliber of this year's
Lucky Sophomores
opponents is such that it would be of strong, if green, candidates com"..
can be relied on for an armload shows as rrJif h'pWluiJje as any of
;.SuStfiner commencement. 7
in for such a panning yesterday.
The abundance of seasoned vet- - of good performances. Noah Mullins the new crop. itlaocrJtidJr Moseley But he won't. Thf nrhpr
Veloik. MnwiriHl !8l! aniphl.
The most cheers rated by any impossible to put the finger on any ing up from ths freshmen squad" and
fn ftt
one sure victorv.
the club. Knt'icirv's reserve but.
'Continued On Page Four

To Conduct Services
At Training School


For Week's Class

Here and There






Mad-lsonvi- lle.


Japs Bomb

Chinese Capital

Date Changed
To Avoid Conflict

super-intanden- cy

London Papers Assail
News Blackout




Gragis Tells ASU

Rumanians Balk
At Magyar Proposal

Of UK Rally


two-thir- ds

Director's Son
Will Return


Graduating Seniors


May Take TB Tests


Words 'Rose Bowl' Are Taboo As Kinvan Makes No Claims
For Wildcat Victories Except 'Team Is Greatly Improved'

Are Listed









thi"-game- s.






� V


Page Two

Tuesday, August

20, 104O

Kir wan Believes Grid Team Will Be Stronger

Pigskin Program
Ky. Opp.



mt 1939






Vanderbilt Dglethorpe Georgia
Alabama ..
Oa. Tech
W. Virginia

Shropshire Believes
Blues To Have
Power, Reserves








0 19
21 Baldwin-Wallac- e





Experience, More
Reserves Will Help
Cats' Strength


"M "



Leader Sports Writer
Kautious Kirwan." he should be
Sept. 27 Xavier at Cincinnati
k'.dger known from Koekuk to
as a top knight in the koach-;r.- g
Oct. 5 Washington and Lee at
kompany. also a keen koncocter
of ktlver knavery in the kick and
at NashOct. 12 Vanderbilt
knock oompetition
ville, Tenn.
kook up, and much to kanny to let
Oct. 19 Oeorge Washington at
his know ledge that Kentucky is kom-jii- g
up with a keen and klassy klub
Oct. 26 Georgia at Athens. Oa.
him to klass his kohorts a?
Nov. 2 Alabama at home.
.he konquerors of all komers. ,
Nov. 9 Georgia Tech at Lou
Vep. youj-Mister Albert Dennis
Kentucky gridders around rim a
Nov. 16 West Virginia at Mor- Kirwan. who will be rallying his
gantown, W. Va.
couple of weeks hence, is declining
at Knox
23 Tennessee
predict a single victhese days to
ville, Tenn.
tory for his Wildcats in the coming
gridiron campaign.
upperclassmen to make it look like
But don't get him wrong! He
tough pob for any sopms who
thinks his pigskin prodders actually a
of crashing the linewin a game, or maybe two. or cherish ideas
Yet there are several of the
maybe even half a dozen.
who will be making
193B frosh
What he means is that he simply
strong bids to snatch berths as
ccesn'ta want to be forced to point
regulars, stalwarts like Bob Hera finger at any one game and say
a bruising fullback who can
it will bring a conquest, much bert,
detour; Clark
making some make a locomotive
less to be prodded into
tackle; Charley
kind of prediction as to the numWalker, rated as one of the
ber of triumphs his charges will Bob
greatest center prospects in Wildcat
collect as the collegians club and
history: Bob Beeler. a rugged guard
cleat their way through the coming
built like the cornerstone of the
young coach Empire State building; Allan
end, and Bill
who soon will be molding his third
Kincer, whose blocking is as effective
U. K. team hung over a littered
a bolo.
luncheon table the other day and as
In moving from position to posi
he expected to
calmly admitted
spot which
have a Wildcat team on the some- tion, its hard to find a
what potent side. The listening is giving Kirwan any particular
writers, had they not been old ac- - concern at this early stage of the
cuauitances familiar with his can proceedings.
The loss of McCubbin, who
might have been
did manner,
slightly shocked and certainly be- - proved a real pillar of defense,
on the
w ilaered. Coaches usually are not leave Kentucky a little weaker
flanks, but not necessarily so. Three
hke that.
testsd, are
As a matter of fact, Kirwan senior ends, tried and
persons ol Jim
to be a verry happy, al returning m the
Den-haman. as he talked Hardin, Jim Scott and Harry
There are two juniors and four
ebcut Kentucky's gridiron prospects
sophs listed to battle them for the
fot 1840.
flank assignments.
He's Happy And Optimistic
Fear Senior Tackles On Band
One almost got the impression that
Four seniors, headed by Capt.
no one in the country has a tripple-threcandidate that John Eibner, who has to play seche even slightly covets. Of course. ond fiddle to no tackle in the
he realizes that his .squad doesn't Southeastern Conference, will vie
exactly measure up as the perfect for first call in the tackle spots.
answer to a coach's dream, but just Steamboat Reid, Larry Spears and
the same, he's pleased with what Sully Jacobs are Eibner's senior
he has and is optimistic despite the mates, with Wood, big Clyde Johnson and three other sophs forming
possibility of conscription losses
about the type Of team that will the second rank of tackles.
Three of last year's top ranking
trot out in the blue moleskins.
Last season was a pleasant sur- guard quartet are due back, with
prise to Kentucky rooters, and the Spickard the only loss. Bob PalInjuries of conse- mer. Ike Willoughby and Eddie
coaches, too.
quence on the squad were few and Fritz figure to hold their jobs in
lar between. A good share of the the face of bids by five rivals, but
tame Kentucky's way. Sam Hulette, who performed at
J tie Wildcats compiled ahighly center almost all of last season,
commendable record in the matter has been shifted to guard and. may
of ictories, and progress fade on shove somebody out of the starting
trail was much lineup.
the comeback
In the pivot spot, big, blond Joe
more convincing and rapid than
' fan had a right to expect it Bailey
will be doing
duty again, backed