xt75hq3rvd04 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75hq3rvd04/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1929-02-22  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, February 22, 1929 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 22, 1929 1929 1929-02-22 2012 true xt75hq3rvd04 section xt75hq3rvd04 Best Copy Available







Annual Military Ball Will
Be Held in Gym Tonight





Scnbbard and Blade Will Give
Popular Social Event
From 9 to 1


Music Department
To Issue Diplomas
The University music department

band men till" year for the first
time. Senior men who have played
In the bond for four years are the
only ones eligible for the honor.
uiuiumus win uc issuca on inc oasis
of eight semesters membership In
Funeral Takes Place Monday me band, experience In directing,
Afternoon; Rev. Dr. Jesse rlly 'round muslrlnnshln nnrl Infnrr.
of character.
Prof. Elmer O.
Herrmann Officiates







will give diplomas, of proficiency to

Services Are' Held
For Mrs. Sawyer



22, 1029


Feature Section Will Contain
Snapshots of Various
Campus Activities


New Cheer Leaders
Will Be Selected

Southern Champions Meet
Cats in Two Game Series

Tryouts for two new cheer lead
crs for the remainder of this year
ana ine Beginning or next year will
be held between thn hnlvos nf thn
Mississpi-Kcntuck- y
b a s k c t b a 1 1 Kentucky-Centr- e



Miss Games Will End

The candidates will be chosen as
Friday, Saturday
to their ability to lead cheers and
popularity with the crowd. U. of K. Speakers Have Two
The SuKy Circle will be the Judges
Contests Scheduled for
out tne applause or the crowd will
Next Week
PLACE be considered in their decisions. The
Rhythm Kings and Kentucky The funeral services for Mrs.
candidates will be numbered and
The University debating team will Phillips Twins, Who Helped
Wildcats Will Furnish
James Sawyer, 79 years old, of MinDundon Is Editor and their names will not be used.
Defeat 'Cats Last Season,
Music for Affair
vacancy will
neapolis, Minn., was held Monday tion of bands throughout
be fill meet the Centre College debaters
Jess LaURhlin Manager of ed One the beginning beofleft to year. Monday night, February 25, at Stanthe state.
Will Play Tonight
afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at Max
l'JZ'J Annual
ford, Ky. The representatives from,
The annual Military Ball, given well Place, the residence of Dr. and
the University will be Clifford Amyx,
The Rev.
by Scabbard and Blade, honorary Mrs. Frank Ji. McVey.
(By Wayman Thomasson)
negative, and Hugh Jackson, affirmThis year the Kcntucklan, the
military fraternity, and the advan- Dr. Jesse Herrman, pastor of the
Hall the champions I
ative. The question for debate Is
yearbook of the senior class of
ced corps students of the Univer- Second Presbyterian church, offi
Ole Miss, king of all the southern
"Shall we find some substitute for
the University, will have as Its
sity R. O. T. C. unit, will be held ciated.
teams last season, winner of the
the trial by Jury?"
theme the Reconstruction Period in
Mrs. Sawyer was the grandmother
tonight in the Mens gymnasium
On Friday afternoon. March 1. Southern Conference tournament in
the history of Kentucky, the pe- of Miss Virginia McVey, of Lexingfrom 0 to 1. ,Toy Sandefur's RhyAtlanta, plays the Wildcats Friday
immediately following the War
ine university team win meet tne
thm Kings will vie with Preach ton, and Frank L. McVey, Jr., of
Berca College debaters In a contest and Saturday night in the UniverdUILLIIINu
Glvens' Kentucky Wildcats In fur- Detroit.
in tne lecture room of McVey hall, sity gymnasium. The two games end
The pallbearers were Thomas P.
nishing the music for the cadets and
, ing events during the reconstruction
The same question will be debated, the current season for the Wildcats
Cooper, F. Paul Anderson, E. L. Gll-li- s,
and they will not appear on the
George Roberts, C. A. Lampert, Marks Expansion of Univer- period, one of the features being Dance Will Be Held in Men's
Scabbard and Blade, and the adcourt again until they enter the
sity to Block South of the athletic section, which portrays
vanced corps students have been M. J. Crutcher, E. L. Farquhar, and
Gymnasium on Night
Tnat evening J. S. Porter and Sid tournament In Atlanta Thursday,
the running of the first Kentucky
working hard in anticipation of the T. R. Bryant.
New Men's Dorm
tney Schell will go to Danville. Ky.. March 2.
of April 5
Derby In 1875.
event, and from all reports they
It was the month of March, the
and debate the same subject with
have not labored in vain. The
I, Am?n& the,
fc,atured ELECTIONS
year last that a colorful tournathe Centre team there.
this 'year's book is the
Mens gymnasium has been profusement was unfolded under the
NEAR COMPLETION Lection. This is a five-pasection
ly decorated with a color scheme
southern sportlight as sixteen bassVinwIncr various Knanshots of actlvl- of red, white and blue In anticipaketball teams entered the Jousts for
Basement of Administration I ties on the campus, and other events Bids Will Be Distributed to
NON-COMtion of Washington's birthday, which
Kentucky won
the championship.
will have arrived before the ball Is
Interest to the school. The mlll-cle- d
Building to Be Remod- her first game easily,. Then, the
Juniors Through Post
tary department will be repfesented
over. Other decorations for the
Npnr Fnfiiro
Bule and White engaged an old riOffice Boxes
arranged sectlon( every
evening will consist of flags, machine Senor Jose Miguel Bejarano,
ANNOUNCED val, the team Bill King and his
guns, and various other instruments
.Active work has begun on the of- - 'unlt beln& represented.
team mates had defeated for the
Secretary Mexican Cham
of military significance.
For tho first tlnie in the history
quite a
The athletio section has
conference championship in
ber of Commerce Gives Ad- flee and dairy products and directly few unusual features this year. Ac- of the University a Junior co-e- d Captain Herbert W. Schmidt the last time Kentucky won. 1921,
This ball is an annual event and
facturing building, located
is one of the most popular social
dress on "Whither Mexico." in front of the stock pavilion on tion pictures .are numerous in the will be elected by the Junior class
Gives List of Junior Ser- was the Georgia Bulldogs and the
events of the year. The chief atRose street, and the construction of football section, along with unique to reign as queen over the Junior
geants and Corporals for entire Cracker team averaged over
traction of the ball will be a grand
Senor Jose Miguel Benjarano, this building marks the expansion layouts. A writeup of Captain "Bill" prom dance which will be held In
6 feet in height.
Kentucky doubled
Second Semester.
march, led by the officers of Scab secretary of the Mexican Chamber of the University a block south of Oess, without doubt the most out- the Mens gymnasium on April 5.
the score on the Georgians.
bard and Blade, practice for which of Commerce, addressed "University the men's new dormitory.
standing athlete who has attended Names may be placed In nomination
Fans Flock to Atlanta
ofThe list of
immediately by any Junior who subhas continued through the week. students and members of the faculProgress on the men's new dormi the University for many a year, mits a petition signed
Following the grafid march, new ty at the second convocation of the tory-I- s
Then, as it came to pass, it was
by ten mem- ficers for the second semester was
slow, due to the unfavorable features the track summary.
obtained from Captain Herbert W. Sunday, and the team had a day of
members of Scabbard and Blade semester held Monday morning at
bers of the Junior class.
As to the opening sections, the
will be pledged, according to a long 10 o'clock in the Men's gymnasium. weather conditions. Despite these
The election will take place dur Schmidt of the military science de rest. Kentuckians started to Atlanta
standing custom. R. O. T. C. sponFords,
The noted educator and lecturer difficulties, the foundation of the book will be dedicated to Henry Ing the latter part of March. De partment Monday. The men were on freight trains, in worn-osors who were elected last week will appeared under the auspices of building is completed, the basement Watterson, known to his intimates tails for the lection will be printed hfiJM?-Tand by other means fair and foul.
list of men For It was known and accepted in
student organization drainage lines have been Installed and numerous friends as was un- in subsequent editions of The Ker
be formally Introduced during the
Henry." Mr. Watterson
and their ranking follow:
dancing hours.
ior the furtherance of international and the brick work is started.
the South that Kentucky had the
Company A Platoon sergeants: best coached team in the
The Western Foundation company doubtedly the South's most imporOfficers of Scabbard and Blade good will. Senor Bejaranos subject
The junior prom is an annual sowho have assisted in the prepara- was "Whither Mexico?" Dr. Frank of Chicago has a pile driver in con- tant personage in obtaining the cial feature at the University. Leonard Weakley, .Hayes Owens;
tion for the ball are: "Kenneth L. McVey .presided and introduced stant operation on the Teachers' real reconstruction of treaty Confed- - Music for the occasion will be fur platoon guides (sergeants): R. T.
It was Monday night and the
at Aperate states, after the
Baker, president; James Chapman, the speaker and Rev. Hayes Farlsh, Training building, and the con- pomattax.
partisans had gathered
nished by two colored orchestras, Anderson, P. W. Ordway, R. L. Wildcat
Kirk Boreley, Morris from the far expanses of the Blue
vice president;
James Shropshire, of the. Woodland Christian church, struction of this building is pro
The senior class section is very Jordon and Winstead, of Louisville. Smith, H. M. Hill; section guides
.treasurer; James Pinley, secretary. pronounced the invocation and the gressing very nicely. Weather con
Bids will be issued to members of
Grass to see Kentucky play Ole
Sal-le- e.
ditions do not interfere with this complete, both In arrangement and the Junior class through
Other members are Major .Meredith, "benediction.
But Ole Miss twinned them
the boxes (corporals) : J. S. Wilson, D. C.
Senor Bejarano, In tracing the operation, because concrete piles are in completeness of the material. in the postoffice.
Major Spauldlng, Major Schmidt,
to death. Ary and. Cary Phillips,
Each Junior will
24 to 30 feet long and all are The fraternity and sorority groups receive
Company B Platoon sergeant: Mississippi forwards, unconsciously
Captain Gessford, Lieutenant Keas-le- history of the republic of Mexico, from
one date and two stag bids.
Howell "Davis, Jess M. Lnitghlin, said that from time immemorial underground. By use of heat, the both social and honorary, and the Freshmen and sophomores will ac- Robert O'Dear; platoon guides (ser- polluted the basket with overhead
William Helzer, James R. Hester, W. the population of the country has ice conditions are entirely removed clubs also constitute quite a portion cordingly have to get bids from geants) : J. C. Benson, E. E. Adams, shots from every angle on the court.
R. S. Hardiman, L. J. Alexander, E.
R. Ferguson, J. D. HxmmerslcF,So-me- r been divided into two distinct from the aggregates used in making of the yearbook.
That is the same brace of twins and
The beauties, who were selected Juniors.
Carrier, J. "W. Sxatcher, J. D. groups: a powerful minority mo concrete for these piles.
Election of a junior queen is an
..Christef!n' ,stanley Mllward; the same basketball team which
for the first time this year on the
nopolizing wealth, culture and pleas
The finishing touches are toeing basis of both' popularity and beauty, Innovation upon the University
plays the Wildcats Friday and Sat
Z 8r
A fee of
will "be charged :for ure, and an unorganized majority put on thea Memorial building,' and
Thomasson, George
campus, but
an inplan has long been ?ea
p. HUlen, w. N. Griffin. C. M, urday in a double-headesinking deeper and deeper Into the the building will be ready for use will be represented. Mr. Joseph a custom In this
many northern univernovation in Lexington.
Yell, one of the leading artists in
misery of want and superstition.
sometime In April. They are work Chicago, and head of the staff on sities. The officers of the .class hope Christie, Roy C. Revell.
Sunday four conference teanfc-- wi'ir.
Company C Platoon sergeants: be
"The guns and 'the swards of the ing on the marble floors and stair
the practice
"seeded" from the resf of the
Spanish soldiers captured Mexico, ways, and finishing the interior the Jahn and Oilier Engraving Co., nent custom will become a permaJoe Betts,. E. W.
Social Club
on the University Augustus; platoon Johnson, A. S. group and the remaining
selected the winners after a select
but as 'generations succeeded one woodwork.
guides (serg- teams
will draw for positions in the
poplist of photographs of the most
eants): R. G. Willis, E. O. Barklev.
another, it was the missionary who
Members of the dance committee R. W. Sternberg,
Removal of certain classes and of ular girls on the campus had been
tournament. Shourd Kentucky mankept the country under subjection;"
W. J. Brummette,
are: Harry Calloway, chairman:
age to win both games, Coach John
.flees from the Administration build
submitted to him.
H. Brumfteld, J. W. Newman; sec
tsenor .Bejarano said.
.practically the
One of the added attractions in Frank Davidson, Dorothy Moore, tion guides (corporals) : E. H. Evans, Mauer will stand an excellent
In conclusion, the speaker said ing leavesavailable for other entire
pur the makeup of the fraternity sec- Delaney O'Roark, and Mary Brown. L. H. Payton, D. L.
chance of having his team "soeded."
A jiew social organization known that as consciousness isibeing awak- - basement
The officers of the junior class are:
and this
:as "The xhimpus ClUb," was .formed ened
Company E Platoon sergeants: Georgia Tech and Washington ahd
majority of Mexican poses, remodeling.will necessitate cer tions will be the running of
.onune campus last wees with 11 peop3e(in the
pin. This will set off Pete Drury, president; Elsie Derick W. B. Phythian, H. B. Fithlan; Lee are almost certain to be two rtf "
lhe obstacles which , were re partment has been The physics de
given additional each page in good style. The book son, vice president; Maud Van Bus platoon guides
cnarier meniDers.
Tne chid, wiuen tnrriinw tvniv
(sergeants): c. C. the four "seeded" teams. Thus the
is .modeled after many college clubs which were jjreventing their prog' space in the C. and P. building, due will be slightly larger than the '28 kirk, secretary, and John Benson, Colvln, S. N. Perrine,
J. W. Howard, Wildcats would not have to oppose
"Of other universities, elected a secretto the removal of the mathematics Kentucklan, and will be printed on treasurer
ress, are automatically lading away
R. K. Lewis, J. T. Sabel, Robert either of the above teams until the
department from the third floor.
Lorraine Yost, and and disappearing.
on Monday.
old ivory paper. The cover Is done
Porter; section guides (corporals): semi-fina- ls
Provisions are being made In the by Malloy, and is very attractive,
started plans for further developSenor "Bejarano was the guest of
Phillips Twins Play for Ole Miss
J. M. Dewberry, O. A. Whitaker.
Men's gymnasium for a faculty though not ornate.
tne Spanish Club at a tea at 3:30
Company F Platoon sergeants:
But what of Mississippi and the
handball court.
The purpose of the club will be o'clock .Monday
Last year many were disappoint
J. C. Morrow, G. B. FinW Pnni first bridge to be
Ts fJnmnlptpfl
crossed? If the
to promote scholarship and social creation room afternoon in the re
ed because they did not get copies
of Patterson hall,
pjaioon miM.,.
Wildcats play the same brand of
activities among its members, and where he spoke a few words In
of the book. A limited number will
o. Jucuowell, Kern Pat basketball with which thev defeated
U. XV.
their motto is "No Steps Backward." Spanish, telling more of Mexico.
be printed this year and everyone
Washington and Lee. Ole Miss and
'The members will divide the time
Intending to get a copy of the book
A number of
of filling the office of president, ac- been planned byother features hav
Louis Ware, of Somerset, a crad- - T "..r-."31"seJSeants: the Phillips twins will be in for a
should see one of the editorial staff
unless thev handcuff
BtanPer, busy week-en- d
cording to the .consecutive incum- for the month of .February,
uate of the University, has com- :?
at once. The book is edited by John
a certain guard named McBrayer.
bent plan. Seeral new members Mexico as the subject. Among
Dundon, and Jess C. Laughlin is pleted an extensive piece of mln wergeamsj ueorce
White. Thnmns In the tournament Mississippi planwill be token in this semester, but
ing engineering in Chile. The work
business manager.
tntm js a motion picture on Mex
A picture of Thornton Lewis, of
the total membership cannot exceed ico, and talks at various times by
was the opening and operation of a unristie, M. V. Mills. L. K. Mnrt. ned a special defense for the Kena. c. Conrey.
tucky team and it worked to
New York and Philadelphia, former
large nitrate mine for the Guggen ing,
members cf the English department ly of Versailles, Ky., who was grad
extent. Coach Jahnnv Mauer is too
The organizing members were Lor- racuity.
neim Brothers of New York
uated from the University with the
u V1" . w""umel1 W
raine Yost, Richard Hajes, Lewis
The minp fs rnmlriArH tv, lover. KENTUCKY ItlFT P
1909, appears in the Feb
class of
IMcCubbln, John Pather. Eldred PKOJFESSORUEEVES 1VILL
WINS FIVE ETCHES I ole Miss got away to a
ruary Issue of The Aerologist as the
.Adams, Morton Walker, Otis Whit
bad start
SPEAK AT McVEY HALL new president of
ney, .Edward Velfh, Cuthbert Alexthe American So'
ciety of Heating and Ventilating
ander, James LeiQi, and James
The second of Prof. F. W. Reeves' Engineers.
mer aTso"duate of the Un v. I winner hV fl "Sut of
With the picture is a
ae- ' .'u. "VUV "ixsaissiypi A. ana M
series of lectures on "Problems of story
The Delta Epsllon chapter of the sitv. who uw tn thn snth 4m.i iiiterscholtist In rifi
which gives a history of Mr. Delta Tau Delta
College Teaching," given for the
dei .Neith?r
country with Mr7 Wa e iTVn last week. ' Thev were
L1" J ?ub
fraternity at the can
Lewis' career.
University, has won for the fourth
benefit of faculty members of cen
Georgia Tech. The
tral Kentucky colleges, will be held JVfr. Lewis was elected president consecutive time the scholarship unadeereh.mthe
Dean Paul P. Boyd, of the Col- tonight at 6:30 o'clock in the lec of the engineers' organization as piaque ior tne soutnern division of
CorPs Area match will be
Upon completion of his
lege of Arts and .Sciences, left .Montute room of McVey hall. The sub the result of unflagging interest in that fraternity. The award was the department of mines at course In mae Known some time in March, Little McGlnni nnH
wards; Mllward. center: Bii? Mrnin.
the Unl- day night for the University of Jeet will be "The Measurement of its welfare, having been advanced made by the Arch chapter at the VPrsttv IVTr IVnra
I" WUb learned irOm f thn m hrv lo J t.ti- INorth Carolina, at Chapel Hill, Instruction."
These lectures are through all the offices. He was vice divisional conference held last week BuiccmiB in uus part oi. tne coun- - SPlPlirp rimnrlimmt
"- - Tti
umver- - rniinps twins are the "big guns
:r ." -- "president when elected vto the chief in Nashville.
where he t111 study the extension sponsored by the Kentucky chapter
ior iuississnim
work of that institution. Dean Boyd or tne American Association of Uni office.
The valuable plaque, similar ones mm auuKBciuram uruiuers all liv
a home,
will be gone a wceV.
versity Professors.
The new nresldent of the Ameri or which are given In each of the Ing expenses salary,
and stock In tho comcan Society of Heating and Ventil four fraternity divisions, is annually pany to develop their project
ating Engineers was born at Ver- presented to tne chapter maintain- Chile.
sailles, Ky., May C, 1887, and was ing the highest relative scholastic
Mr. Ware will
return to the
educated In the Frankfort public tandlng. To become the permanent
He was graduated from property of the chapter, tho plaque united States and Lexington about
the College of Engineering at the must be won for three consecutive April 15. He is a member of Delta
cm, social fraternity.
University in 1900, and in 1909 he ears.
received the degree of M. E., with
The trophy was first offered in
honors. He Is a member of Tau 1924 and was won by the chapter at
Beta Pi, honorary engineering
the University of Oklahoma for the
Initial year. The following year the
local chapter won the award and
(By Colonel Martin It. Glenn)
learning on the American continent.
have held it ever since. James
Members of the Graduate Club of
Mexico, tho land of Montezuma, Its enrollment has gradually in(By Edwards M. Templiji)
Shropshire and Walter Vest, delethey may work upon.
the University met Saturday after- - the home of the Aztec, the booty of creased from a smalj group of eager
gates to the convention from tho
There is only one Vice present in
Tho royal family of the Univer
Kentucky chapter, returned Sunday noon in tne science ouiiding, at -- ortez, ruled by Maximilian, raided Mexican youtlis to a student body
sity is composed of one King, two the University, but to offset this
with the new piaque, a duplicato of which time officers for the year by Villa, and loved bv Obrecon. of 10,000. The entrance reuirements
Knights, and one Duke. This wo there is one Good. The Fishers only
suoiugated by tho Spanish, domi are tho same as those of tlie leadTry-oufor the leading ladv of the ono already the permanent pos- were eieciea.
determined by a survey of the stu- have one Bate for the Hook to catch
R. Smith Park, of Georgetown, nated by the French, and exuloited ing colleges and universities of the
dent directory of tho University one Fish and one Salmon. One the Stroller play. "Square Crooks." session of the chapter.
was elected president: George V. by American capital. Tho land of United States, and its credits and
which has listed within its grayish Temple must suffice for four Bish- by James P. Judge, will bo held to
juoore, or Lexington, secretary, and sunshine and flowers, guitars and degrees are recognized by the forenight at 7:30 in Patterson hall, as
ops, one Pope, and threo Nunns.
covers tho monikers and
auss junny Font, or Georgetown, nestas,
gauchos and toreadors, most institutions of this country
A menagerie
for the two thousand or so stuof names makes the two girls who were awarded the
treasurer. The officers were named black-eye- d
senoritas and chlvnirons Fifty per cent of tho QQl'nrnlnn
dents who attend the aforesaid Uni- Dean Andersons monkey collection leudlng role at tho end of the reguas a committee to make arrange- - caualleros.
board of the university is composed
try-osession, are not eligible.
look like a one-rin- g
circus with the lar
mums ior a uraauate ciuu dinner
rrom tho romantic splendor of of students who have an equal
Any girl' who Is
Wo also found
that Kentucky ring removed. Two Foxes, three and has standing a Stroller ellnible No School on February 22; to be given in April, The definite this
amount of power in tho administrarepublic came
of t may try for
One-Tent- h
had a large group of artisans at tho Birds, three Drakes, ono Chow, two
Ruling Still
date for tho dinner will bo an- - Senor Joso Miguel Bejarano, who tion of its affairs.
royal court. Thero are seven Bakers, Crows, two Kidds, three Lambs, ono tho role of "Kay Ellison." a Bowerv.
was the guest of tho University
nounced later.
To He Unforced
Although tho university is
humorous type.
Lyon, one Plgg. three Robbins. ono
six Butlers, one Gardner, nine
vi. w. u. ruuKiiouser. aean or the nu me sneancr at the eenerai cnn.
tho Mexican co-edo not
Millers, ono Miner, one Potter, ono Salmon, two Sparrows, one Steer,
graduate school, announced dates vocation this week. Senor Bejarano wear knickers galoshes
Friday, February 22, Washingor dunce-Server, one Singer, twelvo Taylors, ono Wolfe, and ono Fish mako up CONFERENCE
ton's birthday, was declared a for thosls, examinations, and other Is the secretary of public education the ' ocean roll." On the contrary '
ono Workman, ono mo I'uuegiaic zoo.
threo Weavers,
events, at the meeting.
holiday for the Unlvorslty by the
in Mexico and is also officially as they are submissive to
Archer, six Carpenters, ono Carrier,
The horseshoeing trado is
soclated with the National Univer tional customs which prescribetradiCouncil at a meeting held In the
More than 100 delegates from edu.
two Farmers, two Hunters, four Ma- care or by 37 Smiths. Twelvo taken
Tay- cauonai institutions
sity of Mexico, which Is located in ladles should be dainty,
President's office last Friday.
attended tho
sons, one Plummer, threo Porters, lors Poolo their resourcefulness in
Moxlco City. In anTntorvlew with timid, and never appear
Students are roquoited to reone Rider, one Roper, ono Seaman, making Vests for tho Suiter. All conference on visual education held
in public
in tho Collego
member the usual ciutom of dethe Mexican
and six Walkers. Tho student coun- Money Is sent to the Minter who day afternoon, of Education, SaturRegistration for the second sem- - esting facts educator somo inter- without a masculine escort.
from tho
were revealed about
February 10. Tho
Cooperative societies,
cil has overlooked oho Brewer on converts it into many Nichols. Just meeting was
standing of those students who osier ciosoa February 18 with n tim iiniirKit nr
conducted by Dr. W
the campus. Tho tonsorlal industry Laws tire enforced by two Squires H. Dudley,
,. clubs, dance clubs, and family remiss their last class before a loiui registration or a.498. Tills ex- Thn iimIvpi-idirector of visual educaunions constitute the chief
is divided between ono Barber and
semester total by 71 llshed by Charles. V, of Spain
holiday and the first class after
tion of the University of Wisconsin
ono Shaver who have two Beards
(Continued on Page Eight)
7. matriculated
tho holiday.
at the Uni- - 1551, holds the distinction ol being organzlatlons of the student life,
and Louis Clifton, of the University'
ine oiuest institution nf u,u
(Continued on Page Eight)





M Aula









Hi-- '



Is Organized on

U. of K. Campus


Large Engineering


Kentucky Graduate
Is New President of
Engineering Group


Delta Tau Delta
Fraternity Wins
Scholarship Gift












Senor Bejamuo's Address on
Mexico Described in Glowing

One King, Two Knights, One
Diife Compose Royal Family
Of U. K. Student Directory

Smith Park Heads
Graduate Group

New Leading Lady




Terms by Col Martin Glenn


� .V




Subscribe For



And Help the Association








L. KIRK, '21



Waytand Rhoadcs, '15
W. C. Wilson, '13
Dr. Gcorirc II. Wilson, '04
Walter Hlllcnmcycr, !04

Mrs. E. T. Proctor, '16
Dr. E. C. Elliott, '02

UniWith the coming of March the Alumni association of the
versity of Kentucky enters upon the last quarter of the present
fiscal year of the association. Soon It will be time to return for
homecoming, class reunions, vote for the new officers, and pay
vour dues for still another year. All these things mentioned above
are in prospect for the next three months. They come at a time
alwhen those who carry on the work in the Alumni office are
ready loaded with extra work. Having experienced this in the
past this year we are going to give you all an opportunity to
lessen this load of extra work for us.
Below you will find a blank which, if filled out and rctuurncd
to us with your check for $3.00, will pay your dues for the year
asking for
1929-3- We know that this is mighty early to begin
dues for next year, but if you do it now you will have it over with
and off your mind for more than a year. Each check for dues
that comes in now will make it that much easier for us who have
the work to do here In the Alumni office.
We set ourselves to do several tasks this year and so far we
are moving along right merrily on them. For the most part they
will be fulfilled before the end of the year. In other columns on
this page we announce the new Alumni Directory which will make
its appearance before the end of the present year.. That is but
one of the things that have been accomplished. We will give them
in detail in a later issue of The Kernel.
You can aid us materially if everyone of you will send In his
or her check for dues for next year right now. It will save not
only time, but money and extra labor in sending out letters to
you. Give us a hand.



Each year during the meeting of the Kentucky Educational Association in Louisville, is held the annual University of Kentucky
banquet. To it are invited all graduates, former students, faculty,
students and friends of the University. It is one of the biggest
events of the meeting of the K. E. A. This year it will be held as
usual, the date and place to be announced later. We are taking
this opportunity to call it to your attention early. Make arrangements now to atiend this event. All those who have attended for
the past three years have been more than pleased with the programs that have been offered. This year will be no exception.
Another thing to which we wish to call your attention is the fact
that the Alumni office will have headquarters and a desk at the
It Is manltained for the
University of Kentucky headquarters.
convenience of Alumni of the University who attend the meeting.
Make it your meeting place and be sure to register when you get
in. You can have any communications addressed to our desk and
they will be properly handled. Watch for the announcements that
The University of
will 'appear on this page within a few weeks.
Kentucky banquet is the most enjoyable feature, for Alumni, during the whole meeting.

They Tell Me


Rupert A. Belt, B. S. In Agriculture 1920, is principal of the Tolu
high school at Tolu, Ky. He has
been located at Tolu for the past
six years.


Henry Enrlght Grehan, A. B. 1920,
is teaching in the Massie school
near Versailles, Ky. He still lives in
Lexington where his address Is 313
West Sixth street. He has been
teaching at Massie school for the
past two years.
Neville Moore, LL. B. 1920, Is an
and is practicing
his profession in Madlsonvllle, Ky.,
where he has ben located since being graduatea from the University

Robert Harvey Ford, B. S. in Agriculture 1921. is agecny supervisor
for the Pacific Mutual Life Insur

J. W. Cammack Jr., Named
on State Hoard of Examiners of Kentucky Department of Education.
James William Cammack Jr., who
was graduated from the College of
Law with the class of 1924, recently was appointed member of the
State Board of Examiners of the
Kentucky Department of Education,
according to an announcement
made by W. C. Bell, superintendent of public Instruction for Kentucky.
Mr. Cammack lives in Owcnton,
Ky., and is the son of James W.
Cammack Sr., who is attorney general for Kentucky. He has been engaged in teaching In Kentucky
schools since leaving the University of Kentucky. Last ye