xt75hq3rvb4c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75hq3rvb4c/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1973-05-may8. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1973-05-may8. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1973-05-may8. 1973 1973-05-may8. 2011 true xt75hq3rvb4c section xt75hq3rvb4c 

       Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of
KIe Itucky, Tuesday, MIay 8, 1973

       The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in regular
statutory session at 2:00 p. m. (Eastern Daylight Timne) on Tuesday, May 8.
197:3 in the Board Room on the 18th floor of the Patterson Office Tower on
the University campus with the following members present: Mr. Jesse M.
Alverson, Mr. Thomnas P. Bell, Mr. William R. Black, Mrs. Rexford S.
Blazer, Mr. Stanley Burlew, Mrs. Robert 0. Clark, Mr. Albert G. Clay,
Mr. Richard E. Cooper, Mr. Eugene Goss, Mr. George W. Griffin, Mr.
Garvice D. Kincaid, Professor Paul Oberst, Mr. Zirl A. Palmer, Professor
Paul G. Sears, Mr. William B. Sturgill, Judge James A. Sutherland, Mr.
Scott Wendelsdorf, and Dr. John R. Woodyard. The only member absent
from the meeting was Mr. Jacob H. Graves. The University administration
was represented by President Otis A. Singletary; Vice Presidents Alvin L.
Moorris, Lewis W. Cochran, A. D. Albright, Glenwood L. Creech, Robert
Zuumwinkle, Stanley Wall, Peter P. Bosomworth, and Lawrence E. Forgy;
Dr. Donald B. Clapp, Director of the Budget; and Mr. John C. Darsie, Legal
Counsel. The various news media were also represented at the meeting.

       A. Meeting Opened

       Mr. Clay, Chairman of the Board, called the meeting to order at
2:00 p. m. Following the invocation, the Secretary reported a quorum present
and Mr. Clay declared the meeting officially open for the conduct of business
at 2:03 p. m.

       B. Minutes Approved

       On motion by Mr. Cooper, seconded by Mrs. Clark, and passed, the
reading of the Minutes of the February 2J, 1973 meeting and the April 3, 1973
meeting was dispensed with and the Minutes were approved as published.

       C. Resolution Adopted

       Mr. William R. Black read a resolution, a copy of which appears at the
end of the Minutes, expressing appreciation to Mr. and Mrs. John Y. Brown,
Jr. for their generous gift of one million dollars to the University of Kentucky
to be used in the construction of a research facility for the study of aging and
moved its adoption. Judge Sutherland seconded the motion and all present voted
"aye". The resolution was adopted, ordered spread upon the Mlinutes and acopy
presented to Mr. and Mrs. Browvn.



       D. President's Report to the Trustees

       Following a brief review of several items in the President's monthly
report to the Trustees, President Singletary recornmended that the report be
accepted. Mr. Clay accepted the report with thanks and ordered it filed.

       E. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

       Noting that the items in PR 2, Recommendations of the President,
were routine, President Singletary expressed his willingness to answer any
questions which the Board members might have relative to any of the recom-
rnendations in the report. There being none, on motion by Judge Sutherland,
seconded by Mrs. Blazer, and passed, PR 2 was approved as a whole and
ordered made an official part of the Minutes of the meeting. (See PR 2 at the
end of the Minutes. )

       F. Supplemental Recommendations of the President (PR 31

       President Singletary explained that the nominating committee of the
University of Kentucky Research Foundation had submitted its report too late
for inclusion in the general mailing of agenda items and, therefore, it had
been necessary to add PR 3 to the agenda. In addition to the nominations for
appointments to the Board of Directors of UKRF, there are several personnel
changes included in PR 3 which the Board had not had an opportunity to see
prior to the meeting. President Singletary indicated his willingness to answer
questions if the Board members so desired. There being no questions, on
motion duly made by MIr. Black, seconded by Professor Sears, and passed,
PR 3 was approved as a whole and ordered made an official part of the Minutes
of the meeting. (See PR 3 at the end of the Minutes.

       G. Candidates for Degrees Approved (PR 4)

       Noting that one of the primary purposes of the meeting was the approval
of candidates for degrees at the May commencement exercises, President
Singletary recommended said approval. The Board members having already
had an opportunity to review the list of candidates and there being no questions,
on motion by Professor Sears, duly seconded, and passed, the. President was
autnorized to confer upon each individual whose name appeared oil the list pro-
vided the degree to which he is entitled upon certification by the Dean of
Admissions and Registrar that the individual has satisfactorily completed all
requirements for the degree for which application had been nmade, (See PR 4 at
the end of the Minutes.



       H. Budget Revisions for 1972-73 Authorized (PR 5)

       Noting that Dr. Donald Clapp was present to answer any questions relative
to the proposed budget revisions, President Singletary recommended approval of
PR 5.

       Without question, on motion by Mrs. Blazer, seconded by Professor
Sears, and passed, the budget revisions recommended in PR 5 wvere authorized
and approved. (See PR 5 at the end of the Minutes.

       1. Summer Term Fee Schedules Approved (PR 6)

       President Singletary explained that the establishment of summer session
fees was necessary in order to establish maximum limits on fees for the
individual four, six and eight week sessions. He continued that the maximum
fees for the combined four, six and eight week sessions will remain at the levels
set in the original action as confirmed by this Board. The Acting Executive
Director of the Council on Public Higher Education has indicated that the indi-
vidual fees were acceptable to the Executive Director of the Council on Public
Higher Education and were consistent with the schedules approved by the Council
on April 11, 1972.

       Without discussion, on motion by Mr. Burlew, seconded by Dr. Woodvard,
and passed, the recommended summer term fee schedules proposed in PR 6 were
approved. (See PR 6 at the end of the Minutes. )

       J. Baccalaureate Degree in Nursing (B. N. ) Approved (PR 7)

       President Singletary explained that the University \vished to establish a
baccalaureate degree program in nurse-midwifery. Under present regulations of
the Council on Public Higher Education, all new programs must be approved by
the Council before they can be activated. In order to submit the program to the
Council. Boardapproval is required. He continued that there was a definite need
for such a program and recommended approval by the Board.

       On motion by Judge Sutherland, seconded by Mrs. Blazer, and passed,
approval for submission to the Council on Public Higher Education w-as given to
a newr professional program in nurse-midwifery leading to the Bachelor of
Nursing degree (B. N. ). (See PR 7 at the end of the 'Minutes.

       K. President of Student Government Introduced

       In closing his part of the agenda, President Singletary announced the
election of Mr. James Flegle as the new President of Student Government. As



such he will replace Mr. Wendelsdorf as the student member on the Board of
Trustces. Mr. Flegle being present at the meeting, he was introduced by
President Singletary and welcomed to the meeting by Mr. Clay. Inasmuch as
M r. Flegle had not assunmed office yet, Mr. Clay indicated that he would be
sworn in at the next meeting of the Board of Trustees in September.

       L. Committee Appointed to Draft Resolution on Dr. Albright,
Dr. Creech and Dr. Forth

       Before proceeding to the next item on the agenda, Mr. Clay said he
would like to ask Judge Sutherland and Mr. Bell to prepare a resolution of
appreciation for the services to the University of Dr. Albright, Dr. Creech
and Dr. Forth, all of whom would be leaving the University to assume other
positions before the end of the summer.

       M. Recommendation to Abolish Student Athletics Fee Presented (TR 1)

       The Chairman called on Mr. Wendelsdorf to present the two recom-
mendations which he had submitted for consideration at the May meeting. Mr.
Wendelsdorf stated that he had learned since submitting his recommendation
relative to the abolition of student athletics fees that the Board of Trustees does
not have the power to raise or lower fees and, therefore, wished to amend the
proposal which had been mailed to the Board members in advance of the meeting
so that it would read as follows:

       Recommendation: that the Board of Trustees recomnmend to the Council
on Public Higher Education the following proposal:

       The athletics fee of $6. 25 per full-time student per semester now
assessed as part of the mandatory activities fee be abolished, and the combined
tuition-activities fee be reduced accordingly beginning with the fall 1973
semester. This regulation shall in no way infringe upon the power of the
Athletics Association Board of Directors to develop a student athletics program
based upon voluntary fee payments.

       In support of his recommendation, Mr. Wendelsdorf then read his
Rationale for Abolition of Athletics Fee, copies of which he distributed to
members of the Board and a copy of which is included at the end of the Minutes.
Following the reading of the rationale, Mr. Wendelsdorf moved adoption of his
amended resolution. The motion died for lack of a second. (See TR 1 and the
Rationale for Abolition of Athletics Fee at the end of the Minutes.

       N. Resolution Regarding Public Meetings Withdrawn (TR 2)

Mr. Wendelsdorf indicated that he wished to withdrawv his recommendation



relative to public meetings since he had reached the conclusion that it would
create more problems than it would solve. He then requested permission to
say a few words since this wvs his last meeting. Permission being granted by
the Chairman, Mr. Wendelsdorf noted sorne of the changes in the Board's
approach to student problems during his two years as a student member of the
Board and urged the Board to come to grips with some of the problems still

       In closing he commented that he had been guilty of "snap judgments"
concerning sonme members of the Board and regretted some of the comments
he had made at the May 1972 meeting relative to certain Board members. Since
he has gotten to know these members better, he realizes he was wrong and he
has a great deal of respect, not only for them but for all members of the Board
of Trustees and for the responsible manner in which they are carrying out their

       Mr. Clay thanked Mr. Wendelsdorf for his reassuring remarks and
requested Mr. George Griffin and Mr. Eugene Goss to draft a resolution recog-
nizing Mr. Wendelsdorf's contributions to the Board to be presented at the next
meeting. (See TR 2 at the end of the Minutes. )

       0. Interim Financial Report Accepted (FCR 1)

       Mr. Griffin, Chairman of the Finance Committee, moved that the interim
financial report of the University for the period ending March 31. 1973 which had
been mailed to the members in advance of the meeting be accepted. His motion
wlas seconded by Mr. Alverson, and passed without dissent. (See FCR 1 at the
end of the Minutes. )

       P. Acquisition of Property for Jefferson Community College
Approved (FCR 2)

       At Mr. Griffin's request. Mr. Forgy explained that the property recorn-
mended for acquisition for the Jefferson Community College was necessary for
the development of that campus and that of the Louisville Vocational Technical
Institute, and recommended that the Board request the Executive Department of
Finance and Administration to acquire the property described in FCR 2 and
further requested that the cost of acquiring said properties be paid from funds
appropriated by the Commonwealth for the Louisville Vocational Technical

       There being no questions, Mr. Cooper mnoved approval of the reconmmen-
dation as stated in FCR 2. His motion was seconded by Mrs. Blazer, and
passed without dissent. (See FCR. 2 at the end of the Minutes. )



       Q. Authorization Given for Payment of the Replacement Cost of
Roof Damage to the Administration Building (FCR 3)

       Mr. Forgy explained that under the Resolution creating and establishing
the Consolidated Educational Buildings Project of the University of Kentucky all
insurance monies in excess of $10, 000 must be paid to the Trustee of the Bond
Holders. The purpose of the recommendation in FCR 3, therefore, is to request
the Trustee to make payment from the insurance monies received for the re-
placement cost of roof damage to the Administration Building resulting from

       Mr. Alverson moved approval of the recommendation in FCR 3. His
niotion was seconded by Mrs. Clark, and passed with all members voting "ay".
(See FCR 3 at the end of the Minutes. )

       R. Non-Profit Corporation for Collection of Delinquent Medical
Center Accounts Formed (FCR 4)

       Mr. Griffin called attention to FCR 4 in the folders of the Board members,
noting that this recommendation had been added to the agenda after the tentative
agenda had been mailed out. It was explained that the formation of a non-profit
corporation for the collection of delinquent Medical Center accounts had been
discussed at length in a joint meeting of the Finance Committee and the Medical
Center Committee, and that the consensus of these two committees was that this
wxas perhaps the best manner to handle such collections at this time.

       After a brief discussion, on motion by Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mrs.
Blazer, and passed, the two-part recommendation in FCR 4 was approved as
presented. (See FCR 4 at the end of the Minutes. )

       S. Investment Committee Report Accepted (ICR 1)

       Mr. Clay. Chairman of the Investment Committee. noted that this was
a routine quarterly report of the changes made in the investments for the
University of Kentucky and its affiliated corporations and recommended its

       On motion by Mr. Bell, seconded by Mr. Griffin, and passed, the
quarterly report of the Investment Committee was accepted and ordered made
an official part of the Minutes of the meeting. (See ICR I at the end of the

       T. Meeting Adjourned

There being no further business to come before the meeting, on motion



duly made, seconded, and carried. the meeting was adjourned at 2:35 p. m.

                                           Respectfully submitted,

                                           Lucile T. Blazer, Secretary
                                           Board of Trustees

(The Brown Resolution. PRs 2, 3, 4. S. 6, and 7, TR 1 and its accompanying
Rationale, TR 2, and FCRs 1, 2, 3. and 4 and ICR I which follow are official
parts of the Minutes of the meeting. )


                                                       1 01

                            May 8, 1973


     Dr. Donald F. Diedrich, associate professor of pharmacology,
is the new academic ombudsman.

     The office is a mechanism for handling issues for which no
established procedure exists or for which such procedures have not
yielded a satisfactory solution. The ombudsman must rely on his
ability to communicate and to convince opposing forces to reach a
consensus. A student who has a grievance against any impersonal
facet of the University can appeal through the ombudsman, and re-
ceive a hearing and investigation of his complaint.

     President Singletary said the University and especially the
students are fortunate that Dr. Diedrich was "willing to accept
this challenging appointment."

     The work of the office has increased each year indicating it
more and more is filling a need.  Dr. Diedrich is the fourth ombuds-
man.  The others were Garrett  Flickinger, who teaches law; John
Scarborough, who teaches history, and John L. Madden, who teaches

     Dr. Diedrich was given ihe Golden Apple Award by the Student
American Medical Association for "outstanding contributions to
teaching." The Class of 1968 commended him for his outstanding
teaching and expressed its appreciation "for your interest and de-
votion in our behalf..."

     He was chairman of the Student Affairs Committee for the
College of Medicine.


     Dr. Stanley Wall, vice-president for the Community College
System, said recently he hopes to have 50 per cent of community
college students enrolled in occupationally-oriented programs.

     Dr. Wall told members of the Interim Study Commission on Edu-
cational Organization that UK plans to continue expending these pro-
grams. Currently about 40 per cent of the 11,400 community college
students are enrolled in occupationally-oriented programs. He said
the colleges are offering academic and technical programs as well as
continouing education for adults.  He said 38 per cent of the students
are in two-year techluioal programs.




     Theoretical research on hydrogen production processes will
begin this month in the College of Engineering.  Dean James E.
Funk and Dr. William L. Conger, associate professor of chemical
engineering, have received a $25,692 grant from the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration for a 10-month study.

     They will be dealing with theory and computer computations
rather than with laboratory hardware. They will develop and im-
plement a procedure for evaluating methods for producing hydrogen
other than by electrolysis. Electrolysis is a method of producing
hydrogen by passing an electric current through water, which
"cracks"water molecules, thereby separating hydrogen from oxygen.

     Many engineers and scientists believe that hydrogen, the
most abundant element in the universe, will become the principal
source of industrial energy within the next 30 to 40 years.


     A number of faculty and staff members will begin leaving next
month for tours abroad to research and lecture under the auspices
of the Fulbright-Hays Fellowship program.

     They include: Dr. Ronald Dillehay, professor of psychology,
who will lecture on behavioral science at the Catholic University
of Lima, Peru; Dr. Robert W. Randall, associate professor of history,
who will lecture on American and Latin American history at the
University of Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina; Dr. Edward T. Ordman,
assistant professor of mathematics, who will conduct research in the
general areas of infinite and large topological mathematical groups
at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.

     Dr. P. K. Kadaba, professor in electrical engineering, who will
conduct research on solid state physics at the University of Ljubl-
jana, Yugoslavia; Dean James Funk of the College of Engineering, who
will spend six' weeks in Guayaquil, Ecuador, with the Escuela Super-
ior Polytecnica del Litoral; Dr. George E. Mitchell Jr., coordinator
of Graduate Studies in the College of Agriculture, who will research
the interaction between calcium and phosphorous status and energy
metabolism in dairy cattle at the Ruakura Center in Hamilton, New

     Vyrle W. Owens, field director of the University Year for Action,
who will do research on comparative education and technological inno-
vation in the Philippines, and James Pettinari, College of Architecture,
who will lecture on architecture and urban planning at the Universidad
Catolica, in Ecuador.

     Dr. Michael Impey, assistant professor in the Department of
Spanish and Italian , will do research in Romania under a grant from
the International Research and Exchanges Board.




     Dr. John Ellis of the agronomy department and Walter Graham
of the Division of Agricultural Regulatory Services, have returned
from the Northeast Agricultural Center in Tha Phra Khon Kaen,
Thailand, providing an opportunity to review the international

     The Thailand Contract is administered through the U.S. Agency
for International Development and the UK Research Foundation. UK
was chosen for the Contract because it is well-known for its College
of Agriculture and because it had successfully completed a similar
project with Indonesia.

     Dr. Howard Beers, director of the Center for Developmental
Change, was instrumental in steering the project to Kentucky, and
Dr. Willis Griffin, director of the Office for International Pro-
grams, took major responsibility in negotiating the Contract, which
now is in its seventh year and is to be extended through June,
1975. Initially administered through CDC, the project was trans-
ferred to the College of Agriculture, under the administration of
Dean Charles Barnhart.

     The major obligation of the University is institution-building:
the development of a sustainable research capability and physical
capacity in agricultural research and certain aspects of extension
work. To meet this obligation, the Contract articulates three major
activities: 1) advice to, and training of, Thai counterparts; 2)
selection and programming of participants for graduate study; and
3) identification and procurement of commodities.

     The University is responsible for selection of participants,
programming and pre-departure training, including instruction in
English, both on-site and in the U.S. To provide breadth of ex-
posure, some participants are sent to universities other than
Kentucky. Of the 46 Thai students currently in the program, 26
are here and 20 are at other universities. Arriving participants
are led in an intensive eight-week English study program by Mrs.
Jean Pival of the English department.

     Throughout the six years of the Contract, it has been co-
ordinated on campus by Dr. S. C. Bohanan with the help of his two
assistants, Mrs. Emily Wright and Mrs. Sue Jeter.

     The UK team currently in Thailand is led by Dr. Russell Bran-
non, and includes Dr. Aly Lasheen, Dr. Eddie Daniel, Dr. Verne
Finkner, Dr. Robert Blevins, Paul Teague, and Donald Slack. They
will be joined in June by Dr. Barry Bobst of the Department of
Agricultural Economics. Charles Alton, graduate assistant with the
Thailand Project, plans to go to Thailand this month. He will join
the Kentucky team while researching his doctoral dissertation in
the field of agricultural economics.


- 4 -


     A recent $73,000 grant from ACTION, the citizens volunteer
service corps, will provide financial assistance to the University
Year for Action program for the coming year.

     The program allows University undergraduates to work outside
the Lexington campus and earn 30 hours of academic credit.

     President Singletary said, "The University Year for Action provided
multiple benefits for the University, our students and the Commonwealth
in its first year, and we look forward to an even better program."

     Sixty students were enrolled in the program last year. Five were
in agriculture, 10 in architecture, 12 in arts and sciences, 12 in
education, eight -in law, 13 in social professions, and one in medicine.

     The students helped serve approximately 50,000 low-income people
in Kentucky. As a consequence, more than 35 agencies and communities
have requested students to work in their respective programs.

     The University UYA office estimated some 300 students would be
needed to fill current requests.

     Student assignments last year included work in Anderson, Bourbon,
Boyle, Casey, Clark, Clay, Clinton, Cumberland, Estill, Floyd, Frank-
lin, Garrard, Harlan, Harrison, Jessamine, Knox, Leslie, Letcher,
Lincoln, Madison, Mercer, Nicholas, Perry, Powell, Pulaski, Rockcastle,
Scott, Wayne, and Woodford counties. In addition, some 20 students
work with agencies in Lexington and 12 were in Louisville.

     In one case--because of the services of a UYA student--the Back-
woods Community Center in eastern Kentucky became eligible for licens-
ing and state and local assistance programs. Enough local workers now
have been trained to enable the center to operate on a full-time basis.

     A UYA student from the College of Architecture designed and super-
visedconstruction of a clothing store for the Redbird Mission in eastern
Kentucky. He recruited local manpower to complete construction.


     The University again will sponsor a six-weeks program in Mexico
this summer. Classes will begin July 1 and end August 10. Intensive
courses in beginning, intermediate, and advanced Spanish and archae-
ology, art, folklore, anthropology, music, economics, geography, history,
Spanish literature, and sociology will be offered. Students are given
six semester hours of transfer credit.

     Included in the program are tours, mixers, dinners, and special
programs depicting the different cultures of Mexico. The total cost
of the program is as low as $435 plus transportation which is to be
arranged by the student with the help of the program director. The
program fee covers room and board, tuition, tours and various social
and cultural events. The Instituto has a modern, attractive campus
with 12 residence halls, air-conditioned library and dining hall, two
swimming pools, tennis courts, and a well-equipped gymnasium.


- 5 -


     Six community college faculty members have been awarded Summer
Teaching Improvement Fellowships in the amount of $1200.

     James Douglas, Somerset Community College, was awarded a fellow-
ship for the purpose of developing an auto-tutorial course for
History 108, U.S.A. History Before 1865. Ruth Craddock, Jefferson
Community College, will develop additional materials for use in the
second year nursing program at the AT Lab at Jefferson. Jane Fus-
senegger, Jefferson, was awarded a fellowship to develop millimeter
single loop concept films for techniques and procedures in the
Medical Laboratory Technician program and to develop overhead
transparencies for use in these programs.

     Marilyn Foulke, Jefferson, will study materials and develop
the possibility of utilizing computer assisted instruction in math
courses at Jefferson Community College. Bob C. Chiang, Hazard Com-
munity College, was awarded a fellowship which will allow for the
revision of Chemistry 105, Chemical Calculations. A fellowship also
was granted to Sherree Zalampas, Jefferson, to develop instructional
materials for use in the Early Childhood Development curriculum.


     The College of Education, under a University contract with
the Universidad de Oriente-Venezuela (UDO) and the U. S. Agency
for International Development, is providing technical consultant
services and participant training programs to the Universidad de
Oriente-Venezuela. This cooperative project is designed to meet
UDO priority needs for upgrading the quality of specific educational
programs including those of the School of Education.

     For the implementation of this international project, which
began in the Spring semester of 1972, seven faculty members have
participated in providing consultant services on site at the UDO
campus in Cumana, Venezuela. They are Drs. Arsenio Espinoza, who
also is coordinator of the project, George Denemark, John Stephen-
son, Harry Barnard, Collins Burnett, Larry Craft, and Mrs. Mary
Ruth Brown. A number of administrators and faculty have discussed
problems of common interests with UDO officials who visited the

     One of the phases of the cooperative project calls for UDO
faculty to participate in degree and internship programs at
Lexington. At present, five UDO faculty members are enrolled in
master's degree programs and one in an internship program.


- 6 -


     The University cited 18 retiring staffers with 521 years'
service. President Singletary was speaker.

     The retirees (alphabetically) are:

     --Miss Cecil Bull, head cataloger in the Chandler Medical Center
Library, joined UK in 1957, serving 14 years.

     --James H. Cobb joined the English department in 1960 as teacher
of Greek, Hebrew, the Bible and Survey of Western Literature.

     --Mary Hester Cooper was archivist in the King Library since
1956; she first was a clerk in the Registrar's office, 1936.

     --Hubert Davis, agriculture extension specialist, joined in
1945; he was Bell county extension agent and Wilderness Trail horti-
culture agent; was state horticulture specialist.

     --Theodore R. Freeman, professor of animal science, came in 1948.

     --W. Brooks Hamilton, professor of hygiene; 1928.

     --Miss Jane Haselden, associate professor of French.

     --Wilbur A. Heinz, associate professor, Department of Public
Health, Allied Health Professions, came in 1928.

     --William M. Moore, associate professor of journalism. Joined
the faculty in 1947.

     --Earl P. Slone, professor of pharmacy, joined the Louisville
College of Pharmacy in 1925.

     --J. Allan Smith, editor, Agriculture Extension publications,
joined in 1941 and headed Department of Public Information, 1952-67.

     --Dr. Thomas B. Stroup, distinguished professor of English since
1948, was recipient of the Alumni Association Faculty Award (1966) and
Sang Award for contributions to graduate education (1968).

     --James P. Sullivan, chairman of the-Division of Behavioral and
Social Sciences at Jefferson Community College.

     --Rhea Taylor, associate professor of history, joined the faculty
in 1944 as an instructor.

     --Lee H. Townsend, professor of agricultural entomology, joined
the faculty in 1936.

     --Elizabeth Van Horne, Government Publications librarian, King
Library; joined in 1954.

     --Ralph E. Weaver, distinguished professor of microbiology, joined
the faculty as instructor of bacteriology in 1926.

     --Martin M. White, professor of psychology and former dean of the
College of Arts and Sciences, joined the faculty as assistant professor
of psychology in 1930.


- 7


     Three top University administrators will leave this summer for
positions at other institutions.

     Dr. Stuart Forth, head of the library system since 1965, will
leave July 1 to become dean of university libraries at Pennsylvania
State University. He will be in charge of the libraries in the 18-
campus Penn State system. He has been a professor in the College
of Library Science and was acting vice president for student affairs,

     Dr. A. D. Albright, vice president for institutional planning,
has been named executive director of the State Council of Public
Higher Education. He will leave within the next few weeks to assume
the post, a new position, with offices at Frankfort. Dr. Albright
came to the University in 1954 as director of the Bureau of School
Service and chairman of the College of Education Division of Educa-
tional Administration. He has been executive dean of the Extended
Programs Division, University Provost, executive vice president, and
following a year in Belgium (1969-70) vice president for institutional

     Dr. Glenwood Creech, since January 1, 1965, vice president for
University Relations, will leave in June to assume the presidency
of Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton. Prior to joining the
W. K. Kellogg Foundation as director of the Division of Agriculture,
Dr. Creech served as a research specialist and associate editor at
UK and associate professor at the University of Wisconsin. He re-
signed his position at Kellogg to return to the University, and has
been responsible for creating and building the Office of Development.
He also has been professor