xt75dv1cns2k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75dv1cns2k/data/mets.xml South Dakota Historical Records Survey United States. Works Progress Administration. Division of Women's and Professional Projects South Dakota South Dakota Historical Records Survey United States. Works Progress Administration. Division of Women's and Professional Projects 1937 42 l.: chart 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number: Y 3.W 89/2:43/So 8d/no.8 books  English Rapid City, S.D.: the Survey  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. South Dakota Works Progress Administration Publications Archives -- South Dakota -- Buffalo County -- Catalogs Buffalo County (S.D.) -- History -- Sources Buffalo County (S.D.) -- Genealogy Inventory of the County Archives of South Dakota. No. 8. Buffalo County (Gann Valley), 1937 text Inventory of the County Archives of South Dakota. No. 8. Buffalo County (Gann Valley), 1937 1937 1937 2021 true xt75dv1cns2k section xt75dv1cns2k mu“HumWmmum»


NO“ 8

9% /'

























Prepared by

The Historical Records Survey
Division of Women's and Professional Projects
Works Progress Administration


* * * * *
Rapid City, South Dakota
The Historical Records Survey

December 1937








The Historical Records Survey under the Rational Direction of Dr. Luther
K. Evans was initiated as a nation-wide undertaking in January 1936, as a part
of the Federal Uriters' Project of the works Progress Administration. In
South Dakota the Survey opened in March 1986, under the administrative super~
vision of Lisle Reese, State Director of the Writers' Project and Esto Hatfield,
Assistant State Supervisor. In the five district offices of the EPA the project
was organized and operated by the district supervisors of the Writers' Project
until November 1936, when the Survey became an independent part of the Federal
Project No. 1. Since that date supervisors have been appointed from the Survey

The objective of the Survey in South Dakota has been the preparation of
complete inventories of the records of the State and of each county, city and

' other local governmental unit. Although a condensed form of entry is used,

information is given as to the limiting dates of all extant records, the
contents of individual series, and the location of records in statehouse,
county courthouse, or other depository. The records titles are arranged
under office of origin and by subject; in the index they are arranged alpha—
betically but with cross references. Preceding the records entries for each
office is a brief statement as to the history, functions, and records of the

;Tho Inventory of the County Archives of Sofith Dakota will, when completed,
consist of a separate number of each county in the state. The units of the
series are numbered according to the resPective position of the county in an
alphabetical list of the counties. Thus, the inventory herewith presented for
Buffalo County is No. 8. The inventory of the state archives and of municipal
and other local records will constitute separate publications.

In Buffalo County the project was opened July 15, 1936 and closad on
November 1, 1936. The inventory was made by Miss Alma E. Larson, Field Super»
vieor and the historical data were compiled by Miss Audrey Ellyson of the
state office. The final editing was completed in the editorial office under
the direction of Miss Alice Fhsgstead, Assistant State Director.

The county inventories of South Dakota will be issued in mimeograph form
and will be distributed to state and local officials and public libraries.
Inquiries regarding the inventories should be addressed to Miss Esto Hatfield,
State Director, Rapid City, South Dakota.

This office has received the finest cooperation from the works Progress
Administration officials in the state, and it is only fair that they be given
due credit for their loyal support and assistance in carrying out the work in
South Dakota. Also, acknowledgment is made for the curteous help rendered on
the part of Mrs. Gertrude E. Flyte of Mitchell, in verifying the historical
data. Although the Survey became a separate unit in Federal Project No. 1
late in 1936, we still feel that we owe much to the Federal Writers1 Project
and wish at this time to thank Mr. Reese and his staff members for their part
in this books

Luther H. Evans, National Director
Esto Hatfield, State Director

December 1987.










3 XII»





A. Buffalo County and its Records System_


Historical SketCho c a I o o n o o o o 9 o 0., o 0.. p o.-.o‘o 9" o 3

Governmental Organization and Records System. . . . . . . . . . .
Chart of County Government . _

Housing, Care and Accessibility of the Records. . . . . . , , . .

List of Abbreviations, Symbols and Explanatory motes. , . . . . .

B. County Offices and their Records,

County Commissioners. . e o o a b o o 9 g 9 J o o o q o o o o 9 0

County Auditors u o n o n u c c u c 6 o o I I 0.! O I O i 6 I 0 O
Taxation. Bonds. Receipts and Disbursements. Loans.
Elections. Miscellaneous.

Rfigistef 0f DOQdSo o t n e n 0.0 o 0.6 C o n I o o o o o o o o o
Deeds. Mortgages. Leases. Bonds. Licenses and
Certificates. Miscellaneous.‘

Clerk Of Courts. 0,! o n c o o e:- o o o o o o :1. o o o o o o o
Circuit Court. Naturalization. Justice Court. Fees. Liens.
Vital Statistics. Cemmissions.

County Court. 0 o o o o 0.0‘0 o_o I o 0,. one 0,. 0‘. 1.. g 9,. o

Sheriff: v 9 o o o . o o q o q 9 . v o 9 1 v o q 9 e 9 o o a o 9

Coroner. o o v -_o a o t o 0.0 o_o a .,. o I,o_q_q.1 0.0‘c o o_q‘

StatO’S Attorney. ot._o a o o o o I o o o u o o o o o a o q o g g

County Assessor. n o ‘-9 I.u I o 0.. o o o o o c o o o a o o I o

COunty Treasurer. o q o o o 1,. o o -,o o o 0.0 o g o o o o.\ q o
Taxation. Delinquent Tax. Bonds. Receipts and Disbursements.
Leone. Election. Licenses. Miscellaneous.

County Superintendent of Schools. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Proceedings and Reports.‘ Funfis. Teachers and Pupilo..

County Board Of abaltho a Q o Q Q 9 9 o o q p g I q o 9 o g . o 9
County Physician. o a a o o q .‘o . g n q q q a Q o e n 9 o o 0 Q
County Nurse. 0 o o a o q g g 9 q g g o g g o q q q o 9 o 9 o g 9

County Board Of Insanity. ‘ Q o 9 o g Q q n q a o a q q o o o o 0

County Child Wélfare Board. 0 o . o o o . o u I o o o c o o o c o










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Buffalo County was among the first counties to rdceiVe a name and place
on the map of the old territory of Dakota (Sec. 8, Ch. 10, Laws of Dakota 1870-
71), and was also at one time the largest county within the limi s of the present
state of South Dakota. The township lines, extfnding about fir L\urswips east
from the Missouri River, were surveyed in 1888. At that time the county included i
a large area of unsurveyed and almost unexplored territory “xtending from the ‘
base line on i parallel with the present southern boundary of Brule and Minnehaha
Counties, north to the second parallel, the present northern boundary of the
county, and from the Missouri hiver on the west to the western boundary of
Minnehaha County. It cemprisefi an area of over 5,000 square miles and included
the present counties of Buffalo, Jerauld, Aurora, Sanbern, Davison, Hanson, Brule,
Miner, McCeok and part of Lake County. Lewis and Clark mention this area, part
of which is now included in Buffalo County, in their celebrated diary.

The early settlement of the county by whites dates back to 1862 when Fort
Thompson was established at the present site of Crow Agency. The fort was a
square, three hundred feet each way, and built of native cedar with gun holes
for defense from hostile Indians. A saw mill was also located on the river at
this place, and the heavy cottonwood timber which covered the Missouri River
bottom at that time was sawed into lumber from.which were erected two school
houses, shops, stores and numerous buildings necessary for a fort and agency.
The bottom thus cleared of its large timber has since grown into dense and
beautiful box-elder groves.

On October 13, 1863, aflredular legal election was held at Fort Thompson by
two companies of Iowa Cavalry stationed there. This was probably the first
election of any kind held within the present borders of the county.

The first actual settlement within the present organized county was made on
September 16, 1882, by H. B. Farren. In the winter of 1882-85 a bill was passed
in the territorial legislature (Sec. 1, Ch. 25, Laws of Dakota 1885) giving the
southenatier cf townships t“ Erule and the eastern tier to Aurora County. The
three townships on the cast, taken from Buffalo and the northern part of Aurora
County, were made into Jerauld County.

Settlers poured in rapidly and land claims were filed at Mitchell, as the
area was at that time inclufleC in the Mitchell Lane District. In the northern
part of the/county, townshop subdivisions were not surveyed and filings were not
received until the fall of'1883, although squaters had taken possession previous
to that time.

The first pestoffico was established at Elderad, section 9, Township 106,
range, 68, in December 1882, with John Mather as postmaster.

By the spring of 1884 the pioneers had laid claim to most of the land in
Buffalo County and a'nevement for organization began. The first meeting was held
at Duncan on April 1, 1884, and the second one on April 26. Petitions were
circulated inaugurating the general agitation. "The American Home", Buffalo
County's first anSpaper, published by M. B. theil, succeeded in adding to the \
disquiet of the county and the situation, since it gave the frontier news with
only a fair degree of accuracy. It held out until October 28, 1884, the same
year of its origin, wnen its editor became discouraged ever the delay of county
organization and moved to Waterbury, South Dakota. '

‘ a

.l “A. .A or


 Buffalo County Historical Sketch

On October 4, 1884, a meeting was held at Duncan to elect delegates to the
Republican legislative convention at Mitchell, and a resolution was adopted
requesting the governor to appoint county commissioners with the power to appoint
county officers; Stillman Moulton and L. C. Longman were elected delegates and
H. B. Farren and Joseph Donahue, alternates. GoVernor Pierce appointed John
Tumcane, C. A» OSman and E. W; Cleveland as County commissioners. thever, at
the request of E. W; Cleveland, his brother, James P. Cleveland, was appointed
in his place. The latter with Tumcane and Osman qualified on January 5, 1885,
as the first county commissioners of Buffalo County.

The first commissioners' meeting was held at the residence of C. A. Osman
on section 2, township 107, range 70, when the county officers were appointed.
Duncan was designated as the temporary place of meeting for the county officers
until a permanent county seat was located. Several proposals for the county seat
‘were considered at a meeting held January 4, 1885, when a proposition submitted
by A. L. Spencer and Herst Gann was accepted, locating the county seat on section
33, township 107, range 68. Spencer donated thirty acres of land and Gann a
building for a courthouse. Five days later the county commissioners met at the
new location and officially declared it the county seat of Buffalo COuntyg to
be known as Gann valley. The county was divided into three commissioner.
districts and five school and road districts. It was composed of only five
townships, the others still being included in the Crow Creek reservation. On
February 27, 1885, President Arthur issued a proclamation, declaring the Crow
Creek and Winnebago reservation east of the Missouri River open to actual
settlement. Many had been waiting along the border of this reservation for the
opportunity to secure a portion of the much covated domain.

Another rush of immigration followed. Homestead shanties of sod and lumber
dotted the prairies, and the expansion of territory under this act brought hepe
and joy to the county, which had been retarded in its development by the narrow
limits of territory left it on the east, through a series of territorial legisla—
tive enactments, and also by the Indian Reservation on the west. The new hopes
were of short life, however, for shortly afterwards Grover Cleveland became
President and among his early official acts was a preclamatiOn withdrawing this
land from settlement and ordering the new home builders to abandon their homes
at once. The order was enforced. Many of thepsettlers Were afterwards partly
reimbursed by the government for damages sustained by loss of time and money, -
but it poorly compensated them for the loss of their homes from which they had
been driven.

In accordance with an act of Congress, approved March 2, 1889, President
Harrison on February 10, 1890, issued a proclamation opening up a part of the
Sioux reservation. The lands opened to settlement included a small part of
Buffalo County. Settlers'whc had taken land under the proclamation of President
Arthur were given ninety days prior right to secure their old claims.

The first regular election was held in the fall of 1886 and a county seat
fight was added to the contest of county officers. The site proposed for a
county seat was on section 1, township 107, range 69, and was known as Buffalo
Center. The proposition for a removal was carried, and when the commissioners
met at Gann Valley on November 27, 1886, a motion was made and carried to move
to Buffalo Center, to canvass the vote, and transact the necessary business of
the meeting. 0n the same day, the commissioners convened at the new location
and notices were posted announcing Buffalo Center as the county seat. However,



Buffalo County Historical Sketch

the question of location was not settled until April 1888 after a political
battle between the residents of Gann valley and those of Buffalo Center. On
April 16, the commissioners met at Buffalo Center and awarded the contract
for moving the county seat to E. W. Cleveland, whose bid to do the work was
free of charge, and on April 28, the commissioners resumed business with Gann
Valley as county seat, where it has since remained.

Another paper, "The Buffalo County Sentinel", published by Gann and Kyle
at Genn Valley was established in April 1885, but like its predecessor, the
"American Home", it failed to survive. On December 14, 1888, a newspaper, "The
Dakota Chief". was finally established at Gann Valley, with Morton Alexander
as publisher.

Church and Sunday school work received the early attention of the first
settlers, Ibv. F. W. Cooley, first in charge of the Congregational missionary
work in this field, established the first Sunday School in Buffalo County, in
the month of May, 1883._ In June 1884, a sod church, 16 x 24, was begun on a
site donated by S. Robb, which was intended to be known as the First Congrega-
tional Church of Duncan. The walls were erected but it was never completed.

Fort Randall was established in 1856, and named for Col. Daniel Randall.
It was an important establishment during the Indian wars, 1862-66, but there-
after was quite remote from active operation. It was abandoned on July 22,
1892, and was dismantled, and the buildings were sold chiefly to settlers and
removed. Subsistence for five companies for one year was kept on hand. It was
also here that the first school was held in South Dakota in 1857.

The early Schools conducted classes in sod shanties with dirt floors,
little board shacks, or whatever vacant buildings could be obtained until
school districts were organized and school houses could be built. A day school
was established as early as 1863 at Fort Thompson by John Williamson.

Fort Hale was located on the West bank of the Missouri River, directly
opposite the mouth of Crow Creeks It was a post including only one company,
established in 1873 and abandoned ten years later.

The Trudeau House, built in the autumn of 1884 by Baptiste Trudeau, was
covered by the first roof ever built by white man in South Dakota. It was
located upon the northern bank of the Missouri River in section 22, township
:3, range 65, opposite Fort Randall. It is also referred to as the "Pawnee

use 0

Fort Lookout was on the west side of the Missouri River at a point where
the south line of the Lower Brule reservation touched the river. It was a
post of the Columbia Fur Company and built in 1822. Near by was a small
opposition post Operated by a party of Frenchmen from St. Louis. Gen. Nathaniel
Lyon built a new Fort Lookout, a military post, upon the same location in 1856.
This post however, was soon abandoned in favor of Fort Randall.

Ebrt Thompson was started after the outbreak of the Indians in 1862, when
it was resolved to send the Sioux of Minnesota to live on the Missouri, early
in 1863. They were conveyed by steamboat to Usher’s Landing on the Missouri
River, and established there. June 1, on a reservation which the Santee Sioux
divided with the Winnebago. The fort was named for Col. Clark W. Thompson, a



Buffalo County Historical Sketch

leading citizen of Minnesota, who erected the fort and conducted the Indians
to the Missouri.

In 1857, the Nobles Trail was built by Col. Wk H. Nobles from~ficndota, to
the mouth of the Minnesota River, via Fort Ridgely, to the Missouri River; the
route passing near Gann Valley, then turning southwest through an area near the
mouth of White River. The trail was to be a wagon road from Saint Paul to the
South Pass of the Rocky mountains, with a View of making it ultimately a trans—
continental railroad. '

The present area of Buffalo County is 479 square miles and it has a
population of 1,811. Gann Valley, the county seat, returned as part of Elvira
township has a population of 242.


Peterson, E. Frank, Atlas of South Dakota, published—at Vermillion, South
Dakota, in 1904, pp. 8?, 127 and 184.

South Dakota Historical Collection, p. 34, Vol. 8, Crow Creek;

Robinson, Deane, Encyclopedia, pp. 100, 227, 261, 262, 273, 439, 653 and 930.

> Robinson, Doane, History of South Dakota, Vol. 1, 1904.




South Dakota is part of the territory acquired by the United States
through the Louisiana Purchase. White settlement began in 1859, but because.
of the critical condition of national affairs, the territorial government was
not organized‘ until 18615

South Dakota was admitted to statehood in'1889 and at the first general
election held after its admission to the Union, an act was embodied in the
state constitution creating all the county offices. (Art. 9, Sec. 5, State

A county is one of the civil divisions of a country for judicial and
political purposes. The earliest reference to counties in South Dakota occurs
in 1862, when Yankton CoUnty was created, with the town of Yankton as county '
seat and Seat of justice, by the Territorial Legislature of Dakota (Sec. 1, 2,
5, Ch. 19, T. L. 1862).

In South Dakota, although constitutional stipulations limit the powers of
the legislature in dealing'with counties, and frequently also, limit the powers
of the counties themselves,lthore are many functions of government that are
left to the counties by the laws of the state. The following are some of these
functions: The building and maintenance of county roads, bridges and highways;
the care of the poor and the insane; the levying of taxes to support the
activities of the county government; the equalization of taxes between
individual tatpayers; the collection of taxes; the care and maintenance of the
county jail, the detention of criminals, and the care of prisoners; the inforce-
ment of the laws of the state and orders of the county government; the arrest
and trial of offenders and criminals; the supervision of the common schools;
the care and desposition of bodies of persons accidentally killed and of those
murdered; the promotion of the health and welfare of the people and of the
industries of the county; the recording of a large variety of documents, includ-
ing deeds, mortgages, surveys of land plats, wills and court proceedings.

The board of county commissioners is in a limited sense the legislative
body of the county government as it is either directly or indirectly connected
with every department of the county organization. It levies taXes, appropri-
ates funds and authorizes payment of claims against the county. The board is
more closely connected with the offices of the county auditor and treasurer, as
the auditor, who is the clerk of the board of county commissioners, keeps all
accounts, issues warrants in payment of claims authorized by them, sets
valuations of real estate and prepares the tax list, and the treasurer collects
the taxes, receives and has custody of all county moneys and disburses this
money on receipt of a warrant from the auditor (Sec. 5860-5909, 5925-5955,

RCVQ C. 1919). V ,

Other elective'officers of the county government are: the register of deeds,
the clerk of courts, county judge, sheriff, superintendent ofllschools, state's
attorney, assessor and Coroner.

The clerk of courts and the register of deeds prepares and keeps records
affecting the title of real estate. The register of deeds records deeds,
mortgages, surveys of land plats and all instruments pertaining to land

. titles (Sec. 5010-5924, Rev. C. 1919), and the clerk of courts is the clerk —;%

of the county or probate and circuit courts (Sec. 6016-6025,'Rev. C. 1919).
The county judge is the judge of the county court (2118-2121, Rev. C. 1919).
There are twelve judicial circuits in the state of South Dakota, Buffalo






Governmeneallorganization and Records System

County being in the fourth circuit (Ch. 194, S. L. 1917), and the terms of
court are held annually and the term for Buffalo begins on the first Tuesday
in May (Ch. 194, s. L. 1917). Since 1922 the circuit court judges have been
elected every four years, There is one judge for each circuit, except in the
second judicial circuit where there are two. (651 Rev. Pol. C.) These judges
are paid an annual salary of two thousand five hundred dollars (Sec. 652, Rev.
P01. 0.).

The sheriff is the executive officer of the county. His major duty is to
preserve order, arrest offenders and in general, enforce the laws of the state
(Sec. 5956—5967, Rev. c. 1919).

The duty of the superintendent of schools is the supervision and direction
of the common schools of the county, keeping records of all his official acts,
teachers employed and money appropriated (Sec. 7415—7425, Rev. C. 1919).

The state's attorney has as his duty the prosecution and defending of all
civil and criminal cases in which the state or county is an interested party
(Sec. 5997-6015, Rev. c. 1919).

The assessor is required to obtain an annual assessment of all real and
personal property in the county (Soc. 5975-9584, Rev. C. 1919).

The coroner holds an inquest upon the bodies of all persons who have or
may have died by unlawful means (Sec. 5968—5974, Rev. C. 1919).

Justices of the peace are primarily city and township officials, they are
required to make a quarterly report of all their proceedings to actions or
matters in which the county or state is a party, to the board of county
commissioners on the first ”onday of January, April, July and October of each
year. (Sec. 1, Ch. 3, Jus. 0.; 6184 C. L. ; Sec. 155, Rev. Jus. C.) These
reports must contain the names of the parties to action or proceedings; a
statement of all orders made by the justice; the judgment; if for imprisonment,
the length of sentence and costs, amount of fine and costs paid and the
disposition of the case; an itemized account of the fees of the justices and
of all officers and witnesses giving the names of each. (Sec. 2, Ch. 5, Jus.
0.; Sec. 6185, C. L.; Sec. 156, Rev. Jus. C.)

Many changes in duties and practices of the officers have been made
during the period of years 1890-1937 at the sessions of the state legislature.
These changes are embodied in the Session Laws and the South Dakota Code — Vol.
1-2 of 1919.

The offices mentioned above are treated more completely with citations
following the duties and powers of the officers, in sections preceding the





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g i
. \ i
a. /v’ y

x’hn‘w ,/" 11‘ ' }
\( ‘1‘ (l 2“ li/ ~\ ' 1,1 \\ . ,
3 {Register Sheriff §f Co. Supt '
‘ f k\ }\ Deeds /)<
\\\E\y:s./// 2 yrs. ’


easurer ‘



. //.-n.._
.1 { Coroner X f State's X ; Assessorxx {SurveYOr
; of g , ' g z 1;
f ‘ Schools \ f \ g' .
\\ Zyrs. \\2yrs./ , \\_2yrs./ Zyrs. ’
\\.‘___// *w- M \ -~.~‘.,/


.‘\ .
m\ _
’Clork\\\ ///,. lfik‘

/// Board of \\\
l .


\K\ 2 yrs.//


\ { Judge

, County \ 1
Commissioners ’

?--~~-/ ~ .



5 members ‘

: xxx 2 yrswf/r m












«n (,/
' 2 yrs. l
's-._____’/ l
g 1
f . l I E ,
Highway : gupefintandefit hild welfare. , Board of County i County Board of A.
Superintendent ! County Farm Board A. Health A. ‘Physician ‘ ‘ Nurse ‘ Insanity***
A. l yr.g A. 1 yn. A members 2 yr‘ :3nwmbers 2 yr A. 1 yfi ‘A 1 yr membersl&2 yrs }
* The Auditor is the Clerk of the Board of ‘
County Commissioners '/ x
** The Clerk of Courts is the Clerk of both K //--Eleetivel offices established
the Probate and Circuit COurts by constitution
*** One member appointed for 1 yr., one for 2 yrs.

A. ——Appointive offices




The Buffalo County courthouse, located at Gann valley, was built in 1915-
16. It is a rectangular, two story, wooden structure. The building is not
fireproof but has two fireproof vaults in which most of the county records are
kept. In general, leather bound volumes are used and are, as a whole, in good
condition. In the following paragraphs the facilities in each office are
described separately.

The auditor, treasurer, assessor, county commissioners and sheriff share
one office located on the first floor of the county courthouse. There is a
vault in connection with this office in which the records of the auditor,
treasurer, assessor, and county commissioners are kept; The records of the
sheriff are kept in his desk. The bound volumes of the first four officers
are kept on steel roller shelves and the unbound material is kept in steel
file cabinets. The office and vault are very crcwdcd and the facilities for
users of the records are poor as all the desk Space is in use. Twice as much
space as is now available is needed for proper housing of the records.

The register of deeds and the clerk of courts share one office located on
the first floor of the county courthouse. In connection with this office is a
vault in which the records of these two bureaus are kept. All the bound
volumes are kEpt on steel roller shelves and the unbound material of the
register of deeds is kept in steel file cabinets while that of the clerk of
courts is kept on wooden shelves. The facilities for users are poor and there
is but a limited amount of Space for expansiono The records are in good order
but separate offices are needed for proper housing.

The office of the superintendent of schools consists of one room on the
second floor of the county courthouse. All the records are kept in steel
file cases and are in good condition. Nb more space is needed by the super~
intendent for several years.

Although the state's attorney, county judge and coroner maintain but
one office, that of their respective private practice, located outside the
county courthouse, any records that they have in connection with their duties
as county officials will be found in the above offices. The records of the
state‘s attorney and county judge are in the clerk of courts' office and those
of the coroner are in the auditor's office.

No recommendations can be made in regard to the quality of the records
used or the way in which they are kept. However, it might be desirable to
have a more uniform System throughout the state. Each official buys his own
record books and although the records contain about the same information
they are in many cases written in a different form and are labeled differently.
Also, within a county, officers have discontinued certain records from time
to time and combined this information in another volume which makes it rather
difficult for a person using the records.



alph. . . . . .,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . alphabetical, alphabetically
arr. . ._. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .arranged, arrangement

art. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .article

approx. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . approximately

And. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Anditor

chron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .chronological, chronologically
Ch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . chapter

0. C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . County Courthouse
C. . o n I I q u I a g Q I o I I I I I I g c I QCOdG

C. L. I I I O I i O O I C , O I O O I O O C I O C CiVil laws

01- CI I I I OVO I I I I I n a I ._I I I I I I .Clerk Of CUurtS
Const. I o I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .Constitution

COI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I County

C r 1m. . O O Q C I ' . ._ O Q . . I I U . D . C C Cr iminal

dist. I I I I I I I I I I a 1 I I o I C I I I I district

Hdw. pr. f. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Handwritten on printed form

Jus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Justice

no., nos. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number, numbers

num. . . . ._. . . . . . . . . . . .p. . . . . .numerical, numerically
Of. I u n n I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Office

p., pp. . . t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page, pages

per. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... paragraph

Pol. C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Political Code

PrObo I .,I I I I I I I a I I I I I I I.I I I I Probate

PrOCI I I I I I c I I I I I I I I I Q I I I I I Proceedings

Reg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Register

Reg. D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,. Register of Deeds

reVI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I greVised

sec. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .section, sections

SChI o I I I I I I I I 0‘. I I I I I I I I I I ISCh001

S.D.S.L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,. . .South Dakota Session Laws
S. L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Session Laws

St 0 I I O C I 0 I '0 I O I O I I 'C ‘0 O u D D O 0 State

Supt. Sch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Superintendent of Schools
T. B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tuberculosis

TI L. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I,I I I I I I I Territorial Laws
TreaSI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .treasurer

thI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ItOWnShip

va. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'. . . . . . . . vault

V01-. Vols. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,. . volume, volumes

““s n I I I I I I I I I I I I I I a I I I I I I current

&. I I O I O I O O I C O I D C C O C O C . O I . and

If no statement is made regarding the indexing of a record it is to be
assumed that there is no index. However, if an index appears as the first
entry under an office or a subject heading, it is to be assumed that this is
an index to all of the records to follow.

Except in the case of a record consisting of one volume or file box, if
no labeling is indicated, the volumes are not numbered or lettered.

Volumes and file box Sizes are given in inches.

All recards are located in the courthouse, unless otherwise indicated.






The organized counties of South Dakota haVe a beard of Commissioners
consisting of not less than three nor more than five members, each of when is
elected at the general election for a tern of four years (Sec. l~3, Ch. 9